
  • NatureScot woodland champion Kate Holl and I head for an extraordinary lost world on an island, off an island, off the west coast of Scotland. A little extra for the faithful followers of the podcast... and great fun to make. Windy though!

    We took this trip a while back but Kate is still at it with NatureScot flying the flag for woodland restoration.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This week I have had the pleasure of a half an hour or so in the company of Nick Kempe. He's a blogger, campaigner - and one of the nicest obsessives you could hope to meet! He helped create our access laws, was on the board of SNH and now holds our national parks to account.

    Fine out if he believes:

    The access laws need revision"King" Charles should change his behaviourSocial work helps your campaigningWe need to invest in tourismRogue landowners should be taken to taskHis large dossier on the Loch Lomond park needs attention...!

    Can you guess which answer is no!? I'll almost certainly come back to Nick in the next podcast series. Meanwhile sign up, follow, subscribe and give me feedback - it is a pleasure to do this work and to know that it's valued by so many people. Find me on Facebook, Linkedin, X (@ScotNatureCorr), Instagram...

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Mangler du episoder?

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  • We're taking a different tack this week with a senior representative of an organisation that has its roots in the world of hunting, shooting and fishing. Rory Kennedy was a lad with a fly rod and a ferret, and now he's the head of the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust in Scotland. His views on some issues might surprise you... he tells me:

    How lynx might be a gateway to restoring the wolfWhy recovering pine marten might have to be culled to save another speciesWhy nature recovery needs to be on a landscape scale, not just nature reserves

    And he tells me that grouse moors, so hated by conventional conservationists, are actually bastions of biodiversity. Is he right?

    I'd love to hear your views, get me on Twitter/X where I'm @ScotNatureCorr, and on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Give it a follow, subscribe... give it a share... Even if you don't agree with Rory, his are views that have been given a lot of thought.

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • With Chris Packham declaring Glen Coe to be an ecological desert, many people will be interested in how National Trust for Scotland manages the glen. Last year I made this programme for BBC Radio Four about the battle over deer management, which is at the heart of the problem of tree cover that Chris wants to see.

    Hear about:

    The NTS side of thingsWhat deer managers thinkWhat has been done to revive the landscape in another area which was similarly treeless landscape.

    Note - this programme is almost a year old, so some of the situations and views may have changed - but it's a good view of the debate from Scottish stakeholders

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • How do you go from wannabe truck magnate to campaigner for rewilding in Scotland, with a brief to bring back the lynx? That's what Peter Cairns has done, and for this episode he talks about the evolution that has made Scotland: The Big Picture a major part of the conservation landscape in Scotland.

    Find out what he thinks about:

    Whether rewilding is a useful termWhat gang small landowners with a conservation bent can joinHis neighbours in the giant Cairngorms Connect nature restoration projectWhy this small organisation is going big on bringing back the lynxHow you monetise nature recovery - is it just vulgar?!

    ... and get some clues about a major new interconnected landscape-scale renaturing project in the west Highlands after Peter lets slip a wee secret.

    If you like what you hear give us a follow or subscribe, and tell your friends that it's good. There is a decent archive built up of nine other episodes and they're all a good listen. Get me on Facebook, Twitter/X - @ScotNatureCorr - Linked and Instagram, I'd love any feedback.

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It's common sense, but is anyone listening? Nick Underdown of the Open Seas marine charity is the straightest-talking man in conservation, and his sense of disbelief at the way our seas are being managed is palpable in this interview. Listen to his inimitable, resonant tones as he explains:

    Why Scotland's much-vaunted marine protected areas are just paper parksWhy proposals for much greater protections were fundamentially flawedHow the fishermen who make their livings from the sea can't be ignoredJust why he has to skim stones!

    Nick is ready with the facts and figures and is a master of fine detail but he's got the broad brushstroke to give us a clear picture of why marine conservation matters.

    If you like this podcast, give it a like, a follow, a subscribe or whatever, and please share... the more hits we get, the better we can do it next time, and the more you can here about our conservation and outdoors champs. You can get me on Twitter/X as @ScotNatureCorr and find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram (where there's a neat video clip of Nick in action). All feedback gratefully received.

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Polly Pullar is well-known as a writer and conservationist, but her remarkable collection of rescued animals, and her views on how farmers should be helped to live with rewilding, need more attention. She's a farmer herself and has robust opinions. She also has a crazy squirrel named Alistair, a fecund one-eyed hedgehog named Reggie, and some very funny stories - including one about a kid with a head full of dolphins.

    So this week we learn about:

    Animal rescue and why it's worthwhileSaving a paralysed, tick-infested red deer hindHow gardeners can help rewildJust how frightened I am of getting a squirrel down my trousersWhy kids might be the answer to nature's decline

    Join in, contact me - @ScotNatureCorr - on X/Twitter with ideas/crits, if you're liking this, sign up and spread the word. And if you're new here there are seven other fun-packed episodes, all putting the Great into Outdoors, that you can take a listen to.

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We all use footpaths but do we think for a moment about who builds and maintains them? In this episode we talk to footpaths ace and outdoorswoman Shona Irvine, who organises volunteering and more for mountain paths charity the Outdoor Access Trust for Scotland.

    We're finding out about:

    How paths get worn and batteredWhat you can do to help put things rightSandwich fillings, pink trousers and the patriarchy!

    Warning: Shona is one of the brightest and keenest people working in the outdoors, and just listening to her will make you want to get out and devote your time to fixing paths! But don't let that put you off too much - the more listeners the better and if you can subscribe, share, stick it on X/Twitter that's great too.

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It's not set in stone, but I reckon Dr Eileen Tisdall is the most enthusiastic scientist you're ever going to meet. She's been mad about rocks from an early age, and now preaches the importance of geology - how it shapes our lives as well as the landscape around us. In this episode she tells me

    How the glaciers helped build the second Forth road bridgeWhat a real rock festival is aboutHow Scotland could get a whole lot colder thanks to global warmingWhy geology is the perfect career for a womanHow we need to look after our rocks better

    On the way we have a few laughs and learn exactly why there's a magnificent piece of geology behind a row of council houses in Callander. If you're enjoying this podcast, give it a follow or subscribe, and share it with anyone you can think of. The more listens we get the better we're able to keep it going!

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This time we're talking to Steve Micklewright, the chief executive of up-and-coming nature charity Trees for Life. In his time in the job he has doubled the charity's staff, established the UK's first rewilding centre, and tackled the Scottish Government in court over beaver shootings. That's despite working WITH the government on many issues....


    Do too many NGOs back off from such confrontation when they should have nothing to fear?

    Should lynx, absent from Scotland for more than a millennium, come back in the next decade - and what will sheep farmers make of that?

    Just how scary is it working for a bird charity in Malta?

    Listen in, subscribe, share - Steve is an important figure in conservation in Scotland, and his views should be heard.

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It's 48 years since white-tailed eagles were brought back to Scotland. Since then they have delighted conservationists and twitching tourists, who flock to see them on Scotland's west coast. but horrified sheep farmers, who blame them for lamb losses. So what does John Love, one of the people responsible for their reintroduction in 1975, think about them now?

    Has the environment changed too much to sustain them?Is the successful reintroduction of this apex predator a blueprint for bringing the lynx and wolf back to Scotland?And - should farmers be grateful to the sea-eagle reintroduction programme?

    John is a legend in the conservation world and his reflections on these topics may not be quite what you would expect.

    This is the fourth of the first W&I series, and we're building some momentum but I could do with more help to sustain this podcast, so if you're interested in this stuff, please follow, subscribe or whatever your chosen podcast source allows, to give us a boost. A share would help too!

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It’s windswept Wednesday again, and this week I’m finding out how the estate at the heart of Scotland’s rewilding journey is still forging ahead with restoring nature.

    I’m talking to Sophie Ramsay, daughter of arch beaver enthusiasts Paul and Louise, at their transformed estate at Bamff in Perthshire.

    She has picked up the rewilding baton from her parents and is now leading on much of the project. So

            What did a snake that hands out superpowers have to do with the Bamff story?        Which beavers are the biggest show-offs?        Did the Bamff beavers start the population which now lives on the Tay?        And how do you tempt ospreys to move into your neighbourhood?

    Listen in to find out…

    And remember, we're giving out a slice of Scotland's outdoors folk every first and third Wednesday, so sign up and make sure you know we're coming!

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Here’s a bonus for loyal listeners, one from my archives, previously unpublished, revealing something of how Scotland’s Green environment minister Lorna Slater thinks about a lot of issues close to the hearts of those who care about the Scottish environment. The deer management stuff and the green finance plans may worry some in the conservation world…

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This week we're at Mar Lodge, arguably Britain's most important conservation estate, covering 70,000-plus acres.

    David Frew is the man in charge - we're finding out:

    why a conservationist has had thousands of deer shotwhether no fences make good neighbourswhy the National Trust estate still has commercial stalkingand whether David would like to organise a cull of hillwalkers.

    We're getting listened to in the USA, Canada, Singapore and Sweden - rather amazingly - and it all helps build momentum - so subscribe if you can, or buzz me @ScotNatureCorr on Twitter with suggestions etc.

    Lots more eps to come, and we're aiming to hit at least two Wednesdays a month...

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It's the first Windswept and Interesting podcast, on what I'm hoping will be Windswept Wednesdays. This show features the ever-youthful Andy Meldrum, the man who took on the Glen Coe Ski Centre and won, turning it into Glencoe Mountain resort, complete with fabulous cafe, mountain biking, accommodation pods and more. So - is it true he didn't tell his wife the full story when he remortgaged their house to buy the place? How confident is he that skiing will go on at Glen Coe when snow is a fast disappearing commodity in the Highlands? And what's the worst possible Christmas present you could have if you own a ski resort (and no, there was plenty of snow...)? Listen in to find out, and subscribe if you can - it will help ensure we keep going! Find me @ScotNatureCorr on Twitter

    You can find out more about the Glencoe Mountain Resort here:


    Lots more eps to come, and we'll be aiming to hit at least two Wednesdays a month...

    Music created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/ - hit him up if you want your own specially created music!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Do you want to hear more from the folk in the know about Scotland's countryside? If so, this is the place to come!

    In my work as a broadcast and print journalist specialising in Scotland's outdoors and environment, I meet lots of really interesting folk, but a four-line quote or a couple of 30-second radio clips rarely does them justice. This podcast aims to set that right, giving the people at the heart of Scotland's countryside, and the debates about it, a chance to tell us who they are, where they're coming from, and what they believe the future holds.

    It'll be around once a fortnight, and you can subscribe, or give me feedback and suggestions on Twitter @ScotNatureCorr. It's all about you getting more from my work - so don't hold back. The first ep proper is coming in a couple of weeks...

    Music specially created for this podcast by Nottingham's own Rob Baynes https://www.facebook.com/Beeeaaanz/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.