
  • In this episode (recorded on the Taurus New Moon) Nerissa speaks about the shifting collective conscious state and the realignment to what balance truely represents. Bringing awareness to the collective wounds that are being exposed - and bringing light to the fact that pain cannot exist without love. That pain is here - because of love.
    We are all being supported to experience renewal, in the completions of karmic cycles - and this requires us to acknowledge and trust in death, so that we can welcome in a collective birth. Trust in the process. It’s all happening.

    Four Of Wands
    Ten Of Cups
    The Hierophant
    Knight Of Pentacles

    Technologies Of Love

  • In this episode we tap into our collective experiences with stagnant maiden energy
    and acknowledging and encouraging more than what is expected of us, as women, within a social structure that continues to rely on divine feminine suppression. ⚔️

    Tarot Cards Pulled:
    1. The Tower
    2. Three Of Pentacles
    3. Six Of Swords
    4. Queen Of Swords

    Angel Guidance Card:
    Finding What Was Lost

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with me through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

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  • In this episode we dive into the divine truth of what mess and chaos actually represent; And what it is to truely exist within the equilibrium, that is this earthly existence.
    In a time of collective re-membering, re-discovery and re-alignment, let’s sit together and unpack the subconscious, conditioned belief, that good and bad are seperate. Let’s encourage the re-awakened conscious state, that identifies our reality as our medicine. That everything, whether it be “good” (being a representation of comfort) or “bad” (being a representation of our wounds, our discomforts) — is purposeful and supportive in our unique and personal journey through healing, to liberation.
    It’s all happening. It’s all flowing.
    You’re already doing it. Keep going. 🤍

    1. Nine Of Pentacles
    2. Knight Of Wands
    3. Temperance
    4. Three Of Pentacles
    5. Ten Of Swords
    6. Six Of Swords
    7. Knight Of Cups
    8. Four Of Cups
    9. King Of Wands

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • A 30 minute intuitively led meditation and shamanic medicine drum journey, guided and held by Nerissa, to support you in your current state of reality.

    The energy right now is fast and it’s chaotic.
    Let this meditation ground you
    and allow the beat of the drum to move within you, to move whatever is needing to be moved.
    Allow space for the flow to open a river to grow.

    I now offer personalised shamanic medicine drum journeys, created with intuitive intention, to specifically support you, within your current state of being.
    All sessions are held virtually to support, nurture and nourish you, wherever you are in the world, in whatever reality you are currently exisiting within.

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to book your personalised shamanic medicine drum journey and to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • Diving deep into the 2nd Wombankind Retreat, held over the weekend of the Scorpio Full Moon eclipse.

    Womben simply holding space together, for one another, is the medicine needed to create the safe space for subconscious shifts to take place, for healing to happen. Healing on a personal DNA level, an ancestral level, collective healing, as well as earth healing.

    Reigniting the importance of The Cycle.
    That trust is the key to fall into death.
    The deep reminder, that death is just the other side of the door, to Birth. And to open the door to death, we open ourselves to birth.

    In this episode, I take you through the experience, that was the second Wombankind Retreat. Where time stood still, and sisterhood carved the way for Mother Earth to activate within our wombs and wake the ancestors sleeping within our bones.

    From birthing our own medicine frame drums, to dancing with grandmother Cacao, through deep physical release, to rethreading through sacred sharing circles, with completely open hearts...
    This IS Wombankind.

    Watch this space, as Wombankind continues to evolve and grow as a community, sisterhood and space for healing and extraordinary self discovery, earth activation, magick and growth.

    I love you.

    1. Queen of Swords
    2. Page Of Wands
    3. Six Of Wands
    4. Page Of Swords
    5. Seven Of Pentacles
    6. Six Of Swords
    7. Knight Of Swords
    8. Ace Of Wands
    9. King Of Wands

    28. Embrace Your Divine Right To Heal

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • Join me in a great discussion on Astrological New Year, as we connect with the powerful energy that is the first planet, Aries.

    Learn about my favourite witch-crafting tool, to reprogram our subconscious mind (keeper of conditioning and ancestral/DNA wounding) and re-member (by strengthening the subconscious muscle) how to attract our higher self, in way of: Manifesting our desired reality.

    I speak also of my astral projection journeying, and a personally significant experience, within time travel.

    Tarot cards pulled:
    1. Five Of Cups
    2. King Of Wands
    3. Queen Of Pentacles
    4. Six Of Pentacles
    5. The Hermit
    6. The Magician
    7. Death

    Angel Guidance card:
    Past life, Present power.

    Affirmation card:
    “In stillness, I receive.”

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • In this episode we focus on realignment - in way of; How do we get back to our root connection with Earth, when we are living within such a stagnant body and existence?

    When we are living amongst so many layers of ancestral conditioning and societal boundaries and expectations, how do we redefine what it is to truly be a human?

    Let’s talk about the truthful perspective, of where we are as humankind.

    1. Ace Of Wands
    2. Ace Of Pentacles
    3. Queen Of Cups
    4. Ten Of Swords
    5. The Hanged Man
    6. Three Of Swords
    7. Queen Of Wands

    Endings For Beginnings

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • In this episode we talk about the stagnicity in which we are all currently existing within. The stagnicity is a reflection of the wounded masculine, which is represented by the patriarchy – in which controls and rules our current societal experience.

    As promised, here I talk about Aries season representing the true ”new year” - Aries being the first sign in the zodiac, and the sign to energetically support transformation, with the fire needed to birth into new!
    I also Speak here of the great confusion and illusion cast by the Patriarchy, (and the control driven power source that currently runs this society) in way of TIME and the Gregorian calendar (in which most of society runs from).
    The fact that there are actually 13 astrological constellations in which the sun travels through, and so there are actually 13 MONTHS associated to this earth - one we are led to believe, does not exist.
    Let me expand on this and in doing so; Expand your mind.

    This year is the year of ACTION.
    If you’ve harnessed the incredibly powerful energy, in which you have been given access to over the past 3 years, then you should be at the place now, of shedding your (what you thought was your only) skin.

    *As always, this is all my interpretation and intuitive belief. You will find a mountain of information on the Gregorian calendar and the Julian calander, (both of which I reference here in this episode)

    My knowledge comes from me. So a lot of it, doesn’t have “science” or “reasoning” to back it up, as such; It just is!

    1. The Fool
    2. Six Of Wands
    3. The Moon
    4. The Chariot
    5. Three Of Pentacles

    Rising Inner Strength

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • Choices.
    It’s hard to swallow the parts of your reality,
    your life, that feel hard and jagged.

    It feels difficult to acknowledge the simple things we should be grateful for,
    because we have been conditioned to stay tunnel focused on the LACK, which pulls us away from the gifts in present.

    We have been conditioned to disassociate from the parts of our reality that create the resistance, in way of blame and lack - because deep down, in our intuitive knowing, we understand that this “hardness”, this avoidance that hides the “difficult” aspects within your life, is/are related to the choices that YOU MAKE, that ultimately FEEDS your conditioning.
    (Read that again.)

    And the truthful reflection that you are not healing this body, by liberating this conditioning, this trauma; You are in fact, falling into the same toxic cycles and familiar patterns in which your ancestors did.

    Your reality represents your consequences,
    your lessons - being the UN-HEALED in your ancestral lineage.

    It’s the truth. and truth is always hard to swallow.

    But do not forget that YOU ARE MORE THAN THIS BODY!
    Do not forget, that YOU ARE LITERAL MAGIC!

    So when are you going to make a show of this existence? When are you going to choose to LIGHT UP

    1)Ten Of Pentacles
    2)The Tower
    3)Ace Of Cups
    4)5 Of Wands
    5)The Magician

    Healing Through Challenge

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • The 1st Wombankind Retreat — Diary Entry

    Here, I give you all a diary entry of what was the Wombankind retreat.

    The connection, the healing, love,
    the epiphanies, the self-awareness, the self resurrection, the collective trusted release… Held in healed, activated sisterhood.

    I feel as though I am still coming down from the energetic liberation that was experienced at the Wombankind Retreat…
    As though my spirit is still levitating above my body; Not fully able to integrate just yet.

    But I also felt that it was very important that I share with you, my collective community, what I feel was shifted for Wombankind, as a whole, through the experience that was, the very first, Wombankind Retreat.

    In this episode, I walk you through the entire Wombankind Retreat - from releasing ceremonies, women’s connection circles, plant medicine self journeying - to our love filled cocao ceremony, manifestation workshopping, witch crafting and wildly celebrating the collective Divine Feminine.

    1. Death
    2. 6 Of Cups
    3. 4 Of Swords

    Vow Release

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • The power of PRESENT AWARENESS.

    Let’s talk about the subconscious mind
    (keeper to conditioning) and how ego constantly manipulates our present experiences,
    by pulling on the power of lack and blame (downloaded conditioning) to distract us from self responsibility and self accountably
    aka the initiation of GROWTH.

    In this episode, I use my own personal experience to give focus and understanding of the absolute power of our conditioned mind (our subconscious mind) and how we can reawaken our self awareness (through intuitive guidance), to activate GRATITUDE and TRUST
    in new directions and new beginning.

    And beginning to recognise, honestly,
    that our reflection is purely a representation of what we have put our energy
    (our time, actions, thoughts) into.
    Let’s reclaim our power by bringing reflection to WHO we are, WHAT controls us, and HOW we got to where we are, from a truthful, unemotional, PRESENT perspective.

    1. Six Of Swords
    2. Strength
    3. 4 Of Swords
    4. King Of Wands
    5. The Fool

    Blessing The Journey

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • Nerissa’s opinion on modern spirituality
    and a divine reminder, that our current experience is a direct reflection of our current state of healing... And depending on that reality, it will serve you with either consequences in way of lessons, or liberation in way of connection.

    In this episode, we talk about why everything here is a reflection of the great imbalance -
    and how that is represented within modern spirituality.
    A divine reminder of the simplistic nature of Earth healing, and how we, as humankind,
    are simply an extension of this Earth.
    That everything we need is literally
    right in front of our eyes!
    So why then, do we over complicate healing?
    Let’s talk about it!
    All the keys we are searching for, can be found in our direct reflection...
    So if we knew how to take away all of the unnecessary distraction, what would we see?

    1) 9 Of Pentacles
    2) The Fool
    3) 3 Of Swords
    4) 6 Of Cups
    5) 9 Of Cups
    6) The Chariot
    7) The Sun

    Earth Warrior

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • What does a healed and balanced relationship look like, between the masculine and the feminine?
    And how has the great energetic imbalance (ego), affected the Divine Feminine from truthfully, liberating here.
    What is the Divine Masculines role and how do we create balance and a place of growth and holding, within a relationship, with a man.
    Let’s get deep into it
    and talk about how we got here,
    and how we can support one another’s
    personal growth.

    1) 8 Of Wands
    2) 3 Of Wands
    3) Queen Of Swords
    4) Ace Of Pentacles
    5) King Of Wands
    6) 10 Of Swords
    7) 4 Of Cups

    Unique Wellbeing (picture of card as episode cover)

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • The cycling nature that is healing.
    That healing is a representation of energy,
    and energy is not linear,
    it is a reflection of this realm in which is holding it,
    being Earth.
    Earth is a circular structure, a representation
    of cycling - and it is constantly promoting renewal.
    Yes it will include experiencing pain,
    but pain is a consequence and necessary in creating balance, here.
    Releasing old to make space for new requires radical self trust.

    Are you willing to work for all of the new? 🦋

    1) Knight Of Pentacles
    2) The Hanged Man
    3) The Emperor
    4) The Star

    Space Clearing

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • In this episode, Nerissa takes you on a deep dive into how Death is represented within our conditioned society versus how death presents itself daily, as we transition through the natural cycle that is life.

    She talks of stagnicity and how it has held us in a place of distraction, where we place our focus on past and/or future, all of which we feel is in our ability to control.

    We associate Death with fear because it requires our attention and respect to the present moment;
    All of which we have been conditioned to avoid... And yet, there is no birth without death,
    just as there is no death without birth. 🦋

    1. 4 Of Swords
    2. The Star
    3. 6 Of Wands
    4. The Hanged Man

    When You Don’t Know What To Pray For

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • In this episode, Nerissa speaks of birth in its multifaceted truth, the natural state of transition that IS the healed Divine Feminine, the important symbology of circles and the danger of spirals.

    Speaking of Motherhood - and how the patriarchy has sabotaged a woman’s ability to transition, supportively, through this sacred role.
    Touching on honouring of self worth and gifting tools of awareness for your energetic wellbeing and a healthy does of “kick up the ass” - in true Nerissa form. ⚔️

    1. High Priestess
    2. The Lovers
    3. King Of Pentacles
    4. 7 Of Swords

    Pattern Breaker

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • Come join Nerissa and her oldest friend, Kennedy, on a wild and expansive journey of thought full conversation, insight and embodied awareness - as they flow through current energy transitions, our own lived-in guidance and flowing together, through a familiar dance,
    like only old friends can.

    1. The World
    2. Strength
    3. Ace Of Swords
    4. King Of Pentacles
    5. High Priestess

    Manifestation Blessings For Progress

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • In this episode, Nerissa speaks of Positive & Negative, Masculine & Feminine, Light & Dark - being all a representation of BALANCEand balance is truely our collective purpose, here in the great equilibrium, that is Earth.YOU ARE HERE TO HEAL -and to heal is to restore balance.Let’s dive deeper into what energy isand how you dance with it daily.ANGEL GUIDANCE CARD: Beautiful HumanSo; Take up space knowing that you are worthy of space. Take time knowing that you are worthy of OWNING your energy as you are, in this very moment - FEELING INTO your body and HEALING energy by HONOURING all angles of it. Head to my website: wombankind.com.auto connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹

  • This first episode gives an introduction to your host Nerissa, mama to Wombankind
    as well as a feel into what Wombankind, as a womb space to hold women, truely represents.

    Welcome to your great Goddess awakening!
    Stay tuned for new podcast episodes.

    1. 10 of pentacles
    2. The Moon
    3. Knight of wands
    4. Knight of pentacles

    Awakening Third Eye

    Head to my website: wombankind.com.au
    to connect with Nerissa through personal psychic tarot readings, 1:1 mentorship and future physical events 🌹