Shane “The Ruiner” Sedore joined me for a 2025 Q1 State of the Apocalypse report. Shane was my very first Word Up podcast guest, and so I thought it was time to have him back on to look back on some of the predictions he made back in 2022, and give us some feedback as to how we’re navigating clown world, the sham show and global apocalypse.
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, coaching + consulting:
Law of Mankind course:
Geopolitical Turnings Conference:
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Show notes:
Technofascist transhumanist agenda‘Awake’ community & TrumpFauxvid opNPC’s & New Earth Nature’s course correctionSMART cities & NWO5D New Age communityJehovah’s Witness Blavatsky- good or evil?Illuminati & offshoot cults Who are ’they’?Natural cycles of time & weatherWhat is the long game?How does AI fit in?Q as a Psyop AI & universal dualityWhat is God?Inside a Simulation loop Time dilation tech & astral travelMagical innate techManaging our energy fieldPolarity & EquilibriumWhat’s up with Israel?The Matrix & it’s makersDEWs and 5G frequency manipulation Transmutation via humorLA fires- complexity, cause, & consensusAccelerationism- Futurist ManifestoDEI- ideology & slippery slope Destabilization of gov’s- WWIIIShane’s children- Gen Z and geneticsMKUltra mind control & TI’sGen X’ers keepin it real! Depedastalling musical idols & heroes -
A solo pod romp through the deleterious effects of linguistic bigotry tics and the demonization of the high road.
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, coaching + consulting:
Law of Mankind course:
Show notes:
Definition of ‘pretentious’Color therapy glassesPrimitive skills camp- a story about gender identity Law for Mankind & languageObama & identity politics Female victim consciousness Book Reading from BetterarchyBigotry and segregationAgency to create the futureBook Reading: identification Responsibility of teachers to empower through languageFragmentation vs maintaining momentumBook reading: fragmentationDisagreeing and unsubscribing Sabby Sabs: Chappelle on SNLWrong use of will: ‘should’Seinfeld & PalestineTribalism and character assassination “Everyone is racist”- Jason Alexander & Michael RichardsDemonization of taking the high road Woke oppression olympics- disempowering & divisive -
Mangler du episoder?
Feature film director, Rene Perez, and visionary voluntaryist, David Rodriguez, joined me for a rollicking and illuminating conversation about the propaganda machine that has become (or always was?) the film industry, and their new project – a modern take on Romeo & Juliet called “Sacred Life”.
Part 2:
All things Dani:
Register for Confluence (with Promo code KATZ10):
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Find David:
Movie trailer:
Show notes:
Origin of collaboration between Rene and DavidRene’s background as a film-makerTurning off the TV- Rene’s awakeningEngineering via emotions and story-telling1990’s- demoralization/propaganda in moviesTop-down edicts in Hollywood- villains & heroesHow does Rene push back against edicts?We are a 'McDonald’s culture’1970’s & meritocracyRace in movies- Star Wars, George Lucas, and Obama Jews in Hollywood Taking his kids to see movies90’s- elevating villains to hero statusMadonna- model for “feminism"J-Lo & Hollywood- agingCultural impact of Star Wars- hero’s journeyDeath of art & beauty- demoralizationCreating solutions w intentional story-tellingEvil in movies = “We need more government”Catastrophic imprinting supplanting possibilities “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”Movies- most powerful messaging medium Rene's & David’s film project narrative- exit & buildNew storytelling with new heroes- voluntaryism, lawful, freedom David’s favorite movies- hero journeyDivide & conquer- fake anti-woke moviesTop Gun/ Sound of FreedomTax cattle and covert slavery Bravery and speaking truth -
Cartoonist and author, Mark Siermaczeski, hopped on the podcast to talk about his new book, Field Guide of the Mind at the End of the World Volume 1.
Note: This conversation was recorded BEFORE the US presidential election, so there was some talk as to how that was all going to shake out. Thank goddess time isn’t linear ‘n all…
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
Register for Confluence (with Promo code KATZ10):
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Show notes:
Political climate in Vegas per-electionNew book- ‘Field Guide of the Mind At the End of the World’Mark’s Kundalini awakening & dark night of the soulRevelations while in relationshipDavid Icke and bitter red pills Tantric teachers, training, and testsEquanimity and remaining unhookedFreeing himself from the Black Magic WomanMark’s ayahuasca experiencesOrigins of his new bookAll is mind and perceptionDrop all stories and embrace the unknownMark’s transformation from writing the bookWhat is ‘mind tunneling’?- a personal recounting Mainstream music and programmingBeing vs Narrating voice of mindFeminine enhancement after kundaliniMark describes his Field GuideTranscending the instinct to fightGuide as antidote to mind controlObserving the effects of his workDopamine dip after project completionChoosing how and where we focus‘May all beings be free”- activating agency -
Word Up podcast favorite and psychedelic scholar, Robert Forte, returned to the podcast to talk about the Kennedy family legacy, JFK’s history with psychedelics and the impending possibly, maybe confirmation of one RFK into the Department of Health and Human Services.
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
Register for Confluence (with Promo code KATZ10):
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Show notes:
Forte’s new book pending Is Trump a ‘new administration’? JFK, Zapruder, and official narrative2024 Election & propaganda Assassination attempt- real or fake?Plato’s cave allegoryConfronting cognitive dissonance with dialogueBuddhism- 4 noble truths & last mealWhat is our role in other’s lives and suffering?Psychedelic community movements & psy-opsNature of non-conformistsAssassination of JFKForte and The Kennedy’s- hope & RFK RFK- good or bad faith actorAntonio Gracias & Rick Doblin- follow the moneyThe need for and naïveté of ‘hope’Political climate in GreeceTo write or not to write and make olive oilThe JFK files and suppressionThe alien & UFO psyopTrump, FDA, and psychedelicsTrump as CEO of America Corp -
In this solo podcast, we touch in on the violation of the social construct by way of whimsical masking, the erasing of history by way of socialist protests, the problem that is AirBnB, and the propaganda-fest that is Irresistible (at least, the 4 minutes I could stomach).
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
Register for Confluence (with Promo code KATZ10):
Show notes:
• The attempted takeover of New Mexico by Californians
• Cultural respect when visiting/moving to a new locale
• Inconsistent masking breaks the social contract
• Deferring to native culture is respectful and compassionate
• Cell phones ARE recording devices. Let’s honor other humans accordingly
• Dani attends her local city council meeting
• On banning AirBnB and Vrbo from Santa Fe and everywhere
• AirBnB is destroying all the rental markets and community safety
• DEI advocates are the ones profiting off of rental hikes
• We CAN roll back our mistakes
• Culture plays victim to AI and unchecked technological innovation and it’s a lie
• The Feminine is sorely missing from the technological conversation/push
• The Santa Fe obelisk drama
• Yay for Leftist mobs taking it upon themselves to erase history
• The way you do one thing is the way you do everything
• Censoring the obelisk situation
• Propaganda deconstruction of Irresistible
• The mockery of single-use plastic product placement
Powerhouse, babealicious badass extraordinaire, Polla Pratt joined me on the podcast for a rollicking conversation about somatics, semantics, ozone, awakening and all the things.
Full disclosure: Polla and I recorded this conversation back in October. So grateful for her and your patience while we waited for the just-right moment (aka: now!) to release it.
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
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Show notes:
Somatics- language of the bodyWhole Systems DesignAtomic science vs holistic healing 'Global high intensity activation traumatic pattern’Self-regulation and AttunementSomatic sequence “sit & slack” exerciseConscious contracting & response-ability Centralized cluster vs parallel economicsDivine Feminine- intuition, somatics, flowMovement- for growth, integration, and balanceSelf-leadership vs top-down status quoGymnosophists- mystics, mind-body wisdomSemantics & psycho-somatic safety- expanded languageAffect of words on emotional/somatic stateBifurcation of old and new worldGerm vs terrain theory- polarization & ozone therapyMadrid Declaration- co-opting of ozone Dis-ease & innate body wisdomUsing ozone for detox and nourishing Sacred singularity & unity consciousness "Trailblazing the transition”- visions for the future -
Mitch the Orgone Donor joined me on the podcast for an impromptu conversation about weather manipulation, frequency warfare, and the hijacking of our skies, ether and freedom in the face of the Los Angeles “wild”fires.
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
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Show notes:
Twilight Zone Earth- frequency & psyopsLA fires narrativesHAARP, EMF’s, worldwide ‘web' and ‘gateways’Orgone & ether- energy, chi, prank Reich & Ether damming and harnessingWhat are chemtrails?Big weather events- ionization of atmosphereWhat is this realm?- 'in the world but not of it'Who is The Adversary?Energy harvesting- Theory of "deductive NPC’ing”Sky condition- clear, cloudy, everything in betweenEMF’s vs germ theory as cause of sicknessGov’t’s & ’truthers' poisoning/spraying dialecticWeather modification & cloud-seedingParticle accelerators, sun dogs, & rainbowsWhat are chemtrails REALLY?Alchemy & WATERPhysical distractions away from frequency & spiritLA exodus- Hive-mind data collectionDEWS are everywhere all the time- cell towersZuckerberg & fact-checking narrativeMitch’s experiments & Borg encountersEMF Solutions- gifting orgonite, earth pipes, & electro-culture -
My latest solo podcast takes us into the importance of the Smith Mundt Modernization Act, especially in light of the propaganda-parroting seeping from the faceholes of the confused/mind controlled.
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
Show notes:
The Baseline podcast- 2 takeawaysActivist movements as social engineering Politics as trendy fashionable sport‘Health' and ‘freedom’- unquestionable rightsMaoist Marxist indoctrination Cultural/aesthetic trends replaced by politics“Anti” conversation/ Judaism vs ZionismScapegoating- a reading from Pop PropagandaBigotry is stupid Facebook exchange with journalistChallenging TDS and gaslighting Red Herring- reading from Pop PropagandaPartisan “talking points” easily dismissibleSmith-Mundt Act- legalizing propagandizing of citizensDegradation of journalismSeeking to understand vs needing to be rightUnity and harmony combats divide & conquerCrime rate “decline" in New Mexico Polls and statistics- Tavistock InstitutePCR test and Kerry MullisLoss of integrity in journalismFixity- a reading from Betterarchy -
Educator and Apocatastasis Institute founder, John Coleman, joined me (back in October!) to discuss the Rockefeller “education” system, and alternatives like his Apocatastasis Institute. Since recording this conversation, I have joined forces with the Institute, and will be teaching a Quantum Languaging course there this Spring. Be sure to sign up for my/his newsletter to stay abreast of our collaboratings…
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
Pop Propaganda digital homeschool course:
Find John/Apocatastasis Institute:
Show notes:
Apocatastasis Institute- John’ s origin story as an educatorInstitute vs conventional schools re: freedomTesting culture of public schoolsBreaking bonds/ Indoctrinating youth 2007 Common Core curriculumUn/Homeschooling community- lack of rigor Imbalanced & informal- lack of masculine leadership Kowtowing to children’s whims Reclaiming classrooms with discipline Planning for a post-apocalyptic futureWestern culture/education as unifying ritualMechanization of labour Medieval vs modern mindset & valuesInevitability of crisis of meaningReclaiming philosophy and LifeFrances Bacon, Shakespeare, & ScientismBirth certificate, genetics, state legislation Teaching Law at the instituteDemographic of studentsTeaching parents to teach Societal treatment of teachersCreating & preserving common groundWhat to do about Gen Y?Deconstructing of American identityPiety and heritage takes workVictory-tapping into archetypes Educational offerings of the InstituteSynoptical learning A haven in the coming storm -
Because it seems that the whole of society is thoroughly in the dark as to what the word “futurist” actually means, I unpack it in this solo podcast (after walking us through the abusive, black magic that American dentists so consistently spew, and a few communication don’ts, courtesy of your favorite word nerd).
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
Language of Healing webinar:
Futurist Manifesto:
Show notes:
Tech and communicatingPodcast pitchesSending links without contextRandom “read” requests Inappropriate innuendo in professional communicationLevels of editing Clients and ‘coachability'“Little” as a hierarchical denigration Learning to not not speak from egoJudgement- wrong use of will Betterarchy- a book readingFalse humility serves hierarchyLanguage for upgrading judgement Communication patterns indicate stuff to healDentists who grift, fear-monger, & up-sellStories with which we program ourselvesCo-creating with body for healing Litigious culture of allopathy Taking responsibility for our own healthCustomer support & data collectionSMART tech is stupidFuturist Movement & ManifestoSpeed as a weapon of enslavement Proponents of techno-fascism -
David “Avocado” Wolfe is the rock star and Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity multiverse. His social media websites and in particular, his Telegram page (t.me/DavidAvocadoWolfe) reach tens of thousands of people each week around the world with succinct powerful inspirational quotes, news, health information, videos, and education.
I met David from a saner, more innocent era, and was thrilled to connect with him in this rollicking, high energy podcast conversation I know you will enjoy.
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
Find David Wolfe:
Show notes:
Plandemic Scamdemic “IQ test”Trump and Operation Warp SpeedRadioactive Democrat partyParasitic media psy-opsPointlessness of votingMissing kids and human traffickingControl-freak globalist gatekeepers California- closed system politicsOperating in the privateRed-pilled at 5 in 1975Kali Yuga & ScientismUS govt and incomprehensible evilZombies and cognitive dissonanceSteiner and inversionDavid’s role as anti-Big Pharma Parasite cleansing for transformation "Health beyond danger"Aramanic Scientism deception/religious cultJustice through civil lawsuitsCBD restoring health after vaccine injuryWolfe’s experience with censorship and shadow-banningZucker-borg & his rebranding of Facebook Starmer or Stalin? JFK justice & arrest warrant Taxation is slavery 'Pompous entitled abusers’ run the parasitic systemAI will bifurcate society Techno-fascism, biometric interests- Trump’s cabinetWhat’s up with Israel?- Jerusalem portal What’s up with Antarctica?- Cabal baseFlat earth and cognitive dissonance Being vegetarian living in GreeceWar on organic foodDealing with being an outcastBringing back the mangosteen -
An off-the-cuff solo romp through the gatekeeper problem, plus an examination of the pointless tail-chasing that has an otherwise well-intended man of the cloth un-gendering his sermons
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
Show notes:
Gatekeeping- Santa Fe community forum Joe Rogan/ Mike Benz podcastThe “Trump” conversationAssumed consensus2011-relocation to Santa FeBreastfeeding & circumcisionHierarchical grift/bias in journalism/publishingSubjectivity/blindness of gatekeepersWriting for LA Weekly & Radiohead concertPrince’s lyrics “Another Lonely Christmas”2016 LA Weekly article- “brilliant lyricist”LA Weekly Editor- Obama “conspiracy theories” A conversation with a DeaconVirtue signalling non-gendered languageFixing the foundation vs touching up aesthetics 9th Gene Key- The taming of the smallDani Katz Gene Key Reading offering Language of Betterarchy- a book reading Hierarchy perpetuates imbalance of Masc/FemOracle Girl- 'The new yes' meditation -
Psychedelic scholar and Word Up favorite, Robert Forte, returned to the podcast to talk about the early days of microdosing and how “the secret that everybody knew” became a tech bro fad/multi-illion dollar psyop.
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
Show notes:
Micro-dosing: "the secret everybody knew"“Acid Hype: American News Media and the Psychedelic Experience” by Steven Siff'Father of Microdosing'- James Fadiman & LSDInsertion of micro-dosing into social arena via mediaPlacebo to clinical effectsCIA & the Psychedelic Renaissance1960’s Anti-war movement- Weathermen Underground Psychedelic psy-op as gov’t mind control‘Severity of initiation’ studiesMysticism and formation of cultsPodcasters- agents for control or seekers of truthCurrent micro-dosing trend- helpful or harmful?Zuckerberg- modelling “only happy/no shadow-work"Psychedelics aren’t for everybody- “the rich get richer"The Upanishads- micro-dosing is a personal exploration Ayahuasca- perversion of a sacred shamanistic practiceImpermanence of life“Christianization” of psychedelics -
In my latest adventure in solo podcasting, I take us on a linguistic deep dive into the deleterious frequencies encoded in the infamous “false dichotomy”. And talk about other stuff, too.
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
Show notes:
· False dichotomies
· Trump, tribalism, and family
· Tulsi Gabbard vs LGBT
· Narcissism & group identity
· Betterarchy- A book reading, “Language of conflict”
· Absence of reflection/curiosity post-election
· Wetiko and trauma
· False sense of self
· “If you’re not with us, you’re against us”
· From ’neutral’ to ‘anti’- divide & conquer tactic
· Hierarchy and polarization
· "What’s right with me?” Perspective reframe
· Language upgrades are linchpins for trauma healing
· Betterarchical upgrade- witness-mode
· Language used at COP 29
· “Shouldn’t have to”- victim-languaging is dehumanizing
· Pronouns/ trans- demoralization of 'it'
Author Joseph Atwill returned to the podcast to unpack the Masonic Zionism situation that seems to be escalating…
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
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Show notes:
Myth of Christianity & Politics of The GospelsWho killed Jesus? Roman rebellions, propaganda and anti-semitism Movements & MKUltra- psychedelic psy-opsRobert Forte- natural/spiritual benefit to psychedelicsMalevolence at root of therapy/drug culture Rome & anti-semitism- Christianity squashed Jewish rebellionAbrahamic literature & Book of Deuteronomy- divisive and racist scriptureGiger- transcended outdated scripture/created ethical monotheismBritish Royalty and Masonic zionists vs authentic JudaismHerzel- modern Jewish zionistBalfour Declaration- Arabs vs TurksZionism and endless war relies on deceit and lyingWhat is the end goal?- Judas Macabeo & fundamentalismReligion- tool for control used by those at the topElders of Zion, Theosophical Society, Blavatsky- cultural engineering of anti-semitismCreation of Hitler and Aryan race narrative Knights Templar and the Temple of Solomon- what did they find?Blavatsky, Garibaldi- financing of Nazi GermanyBush Family, Skull & BonesWWI, WWII- all social engineering Brave New World- setting the stage through ShakespeareQuestioning the Holocaust- nuanced and multiple assertionsADL & Tavistock- exploitation of Jews via victimhood mindsetDismantling propaganda with facts and reasoning Selection of /mind control of political class Toxicity & destruction of population- eat healthy!Leonard Cohen- free mason, talks on zionismJoe Rogan- co-opted podcast Information Revolution- an aware populace can change global landscape -
In the wake of the United States election, I thought to share my perspectives on the backlash, and to encourage us to summon a great big bunch of self-responsibility, while turning inwards for solutions, strength and surrender.
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
FREE Trinity Law webinar:
Law of Mankind Knowledge Share Program (HIGHLY RECOMMEND!):
Show notes:
YouTube and big tech censorshipPeaceful disagreements with friendsIsrael & Palestine polarization“Silence = violence”Victimization narrative as projection of disappointment Gymnastics competition as training for self-reflectionStaying curious and open to different perspectives Reading from Language of Betterarchy- value in victimhoodTalking Trump with TDS afflicted familyFeminine/Masculine frequenciesBlame vs taking responsibilityChoosing celibacy as punishment Divide & conquer through spread of fear Embodying highest ideals Abortion debate- feminine shadow/Daddy government Dani’s personal story Vision quests- internal exploration/locus of controlHysteria/drama reaction vs sovereignty/ raising consequences Reconnecting with Divine Feminine -
Steven Ravnstag is offering some super very special sauce when it comes to the personal development/mastery conversation, and it was my great, grand (if slightly awkward) pleasure to grill the living shit out of him on my latest episode.
Part 2:
Find Steven:
Steven’s history- the path that led him to Music & SkyReleasing resistance by observing & choosing Home-life fostered Steven's EQ and curiosityHolosync meditation- Bill Harris and Centerpointe InstituteChiropractic to Personal Development field NLP influence- Richard Bandler and John GrinderExisting in a comfortable state of “not knowing” Humiliation and embarrassment-invite willingnessThe Structure of Magic- Language and awarenessThe Life Loop- 7 step process“Sameness”- made-up mechanism of self-sabotage/resistanceConversing with the inclination to repeat a behaviourCultural distinctions- content vs the pattern Futility of complaining- turning patterns into choices with awarenessQualities of Steven’s “exceptional” clients What motivates Steven?Being in relationship with StevenAwareness expansion- Ask genuine, unusual questions Distinctions between teaching, sharing, and applying skillsCommon ways we get in our own wayKey to change- "responding differently to having done the same thing”Are we addicted to self sabotage? Familiarity?Breaking patterns vs being creatures of habitTim Ferris- staying in “not knowing”Practicing not having an opinion/non-judgement Respect- phenomenological/world events vs interpersonal Plans to write a book?Awareness School- 10 module courseUnplugging the “problem machine”- bliss of knowing all is OK -
A Language of Betterarchy deep dive into the Linguistic Gunas and the utility of neutral languaging, especially during times of growth, change and evolution.
Part 2:
Show notes:
· Transitional Languaging
· Betterarchy and Time
· Present-tense affirmative languaging & morphogenetic field
· Speaking what we want into Being, over and over
· Studying Law- Law for Mankind, Brandon Joe Williams courses
· Homeschooling- practical curriculum
· Upgrading jury selection- a Betterarchical solution
· Expressions of Expansion, Contraction, Neutrality
· Exercise for “no” and “yes” body resonance
· Book Reading- Ayurvedic Gunas & coding of language
· The toll of contractive language on the body
· Marketing language and fear
· Expansive Languaging- balancing polarities
· Masculine and Feminine balance is a dance
· Focusing on the Wonderful
· Neutral Languaging
· Co-creating reality-program field
· Working with healers- sweet spot of neutrality
· Book Reading: Transitional Languaging
· Betterarchical Upgrades for ’need’ and ‘want'
· “I can’t afford it”- self-sabotage
· Betterarchical upgrade to call in abundance
· Using Transitional languaging as a vehicle for transformation
Legendary physician, kinesiologist, functional movement specialist + master gardener, Dr. Barre Lando, stopped by the podcast for a rollicking conversation about health, healing and freedoming in 21st century upside down, ass-backwards world.
Part 2:
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Show notes:
Living in color - Barre’s academic & medical training historyMind and martial arts - connecting the dotsDefining a ‘license’ - criminality of modern medicineUnderstanding natural body healing/aging processesParadigm shifts & working with beliefs to guide self-healingAlchemy - science of vibration/resonance, electromagnetic heartAccessing planes of dis-easeGoodheart - kinesiology, neurologyPH balance- electrical resistance and flowReading individual lab-tests through “all windows” of individual electric fieldAre most doctors well-intentioned? Despite violating Hippocratic oath?Royal Society of Europe - elitism of medical ruling classParasite class - disconnected from spirit & creative life forceTerrain theory - consider other causes of ’sickness’ outside of contagion theoryCure jet lag - synchronizing meridians & restoring homeostasisPlasma fields of the sky and starsSteiner - synthetic overlay interfering with our healthDr. Andy KauffmanAIDS- re-examining other causes via commonalities/debunking germ theoryCollaborating with colleagues who are causing harm'Invisible terrorist’- fighting cognitive dissonance in ’no virus’ debateFear of being sued overrides good service to patientsPsychopaths vs sociopathsDNA- a theoretical construct/not determinantLiving in the private- practice medicine his way without permissionHawaiian sovereignty movement - Quantum EnglishLegal - procedural, not factualAlignment with Source & Being well in your body = autonomyPain is a signal asking for self-healing Gymnosophist/athleticism - connection between body and mental acuityClown show ushering in new epoch Mechanism of the Realm, levels of etheric creative potential Following the breadcrumbs through the amnesia Farming, community, podcast - alfavedic.com - Se mer