
  • In this introduction we talk about the value of meditation as described by ancient and modern prophets. We talk about the practice of meditation and provide a few insights into getting started if you have never used meditation as part of your worship. Let the spirit be your guide, the best thing you can do is just learn to quiet and still your mind so you can more easily hear the whisperings of the Holy Spirit.


    Music Credit:

    Song: Look

    Artist: Jhonny K

    Album: Break Free

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: ©2007 Jhonny K, All Rights Reserved


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  • Guided meditation for Lesson 14, putting on the armor of God. In a very real way we are in a battle every day of our lives for our souls. In this meditation we walk through putting on the Armor that God has provided so we can be victorious. Christ has already won the victory.

    D&C 88:67

    Eph. 6:11-18

    D&C 76:22

    1 Corinthians 15:57


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    https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditate To (B3VV7RB)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


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  • Guided meditation for Worth of Souls lesson 13, what can we sacrifice on the altar before the Lord. We are told we must sacrifice a broken heart and contrite spirit, but what does that look like? Let the spirit guide you during this meditation to identify what the Lord needs you to sacrifice so that the powers of heaven can come upon you.

    Proverbs 3:5-6

    2 Nephi 4:34


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    https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditation Soundscape (3X7W9PG)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • Guided meditation for Lesson 12, Go to the Garden of Gethsemane. In this meditation we walk into the garden and witness the great and lasting sacrifice performed by our Savior. As we bear witness to it, our love for him grows and our commitment to accept anything He sees fit to inflict upon us and willing go through it for Him. This is the way to create Godly Sorrow, by repentance we get back on the path, through Godly Sorrow we stay on the path.

    I Stand All Amazed

    Mosiah 4:11


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    https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditate To (B3VV7RB)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • Guided meditation for Worth of Souls lesson 11, bask in the light that only repentance and staying on the path can bring. In this meditation we go through an exercise of looking at the darkness we are all familiar with, that comes with sin. We then look at the glorious light that comes when we choose to repent and bask in the light of the path.

    D&C 50:24

    D&C 88:67


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    https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditation Soundscape (3X7W9PG)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • Guided meditation for Lesson 10, Giving others in our life over to Christ. In this meditation we discuss the idea that we have no power over what others in our lives Think, Feel and Do. We must not accept responsibility for what is going on in other's lives, even if they are in our stewardship and we have immense love for them. Christ is the only Savior.

    D&C 88:67

    John 14:6


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    https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditate To (B3VV7RB)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • Guided meditation for Worth of Souls lesson 9, You are a temple president over your own temple. In this meditation we look at safely guarding what comes into our temple (thoughts & feelings) and that when we do maintain only spiritual feelings and enlightened thoughts in our temples we can Do as Christ would do. What goes out of our temple will match the Savior.

    D&C 88:67

    2Ne. 9:41


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    https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditation Soundscape (3X7W9PG)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • Guided meditation for Lesson 8, My Burdens Made Light. In this meditation we go through an exercise of giving the burden of our major adversities over to the Lord. In doing so, the promise we have been given, that our burdens may be light, becomes a reality.

    Proverbs 3:5-6

    2 Nephi 31:19-20

    Matt: 11:29-30


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    https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditate To (B3VV7RB)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • Guided meditation for Worth of Souls lesson 7, God's Curriculum. In this meditation we look at God's curriculum for our everyday lives to help us become more like Christ, Enticements and Adversities. We look at how Christ handles our enticements so we have a roadmap to do like He does.

    Mosiah 3:19

    2 Nephi 28:30

    3 Nephi 17:21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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    https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditation Soundscape (3X7W9PG)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • Guided meditation for Lesson 5, Master of the Vineyard. In this meditation you are guided through a stewardship interview with the Lord where you come to understand completely what He would have you do with each of your stewardship responsibilities today. Consecrate all of your activities to Him today.


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    https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditate To (B3VV7RB)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • Guided meditation for Worth of Souls lesson 5, Let Your Light So Shine. In this meditation we talk about the Light of God shining through us and blessing the people in our life through our service and love. Feel the gratitude of being an instrument in God's hands for good.


    Connect with us: https://www.facebook.com/Worth-Of-Souls-Podcast-105170965442235 https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditation Soundscape (3X7W9PG)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • Guided meditation for Worth of Souls lesson 3, key to having a Perfect Brightness of Hope. In this meditation we look at what it feels like to feel welcome in God's kingdom. We examine how we feel there and how to have a perfect brightness of hope to arrive in that place in the eternities.


    Connect with us: https://www.facebook.com/Worth-Of-Souls-Podcast-105170965442235 https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Peaceful Meditation (6BWLNRD)

    Artist: Tunestogo

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • Guided meditation for Lesson 4, Born & Reared In The Courts Of Glory. You are guided through "remembering" what it was like being in the presence of Heavenly Father & Heavenly Mother and "remembering" that your value was established in Eternal Courts on high, long before coming to this earth.


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    https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditate To (B3VV7RB)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • Guided meditation for Lesson 2, See-Think-Feel-Do as Christ. In this meditation you will invite your Savior to come and be with you so He can show you how to see people in your life as He does, how to think throughout your day as He does and how to feel as He does.


    Connect with us: https://www.facebook.com/Worth-Of-Souls-Podcast-105170965442235 https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditation Soundscape (3X7W9PG)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • Guided meditation for Lesson 1, The Three Worlds. You are guided through your daily activities first in the temporal world and then in the spiritual world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Connect with us: https://www.facebook.com/Worth-Of-Souls-Podcast-105170965442235 https://www.instagram.com/worthofsoulspodcast/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music Credit:

    Song: Meditate To (B3VV7RB)

    Artist: TastyAudio

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: Envato Elements


  • In this lesson we discuss Thought Habit #12, the importance of forgiving (ourselves and others) and how to judge righteously. We are commanded to forgive all men, that includes ourselves. We look at the evolution of forgiveness, understanding, empathy, love and look at the dangers of not forgiving (we make other people our masters). We talk about the need to forgive, even major injury or abuse, we can give all that pain to the Lord. We must forgive our past mistakes and realize that we did the best we could with the light and knowledge we had at the time. When we try to practice righteous judgement we must do so by judging situations, not people and always remember that the Lord is the final judge, not us. We give a reminder to look at our children through the light they currently have instead of the light we have.


    View on Youtube - https://youtu.be/n-o79za9_Ew

    View on Rumble - https://rumble.com/v1cw2yl-lesson-14-thought-habit-12-forgiving-and-judging-righteously-help-me-progre.html


    Guided Meditation - https://youtu.be/xoQzwHnoxkE

    Scriptures & Sample Prayer - https://worthofsoulspodcast.com/?page_id=481


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    Music Credit:

    Song: Look

    Artist: Jhonny K

    Album: Break Free

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: ©2007 Jhonny K, All Rights Reserved


    Audio Credits:

    © The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - churchofjesuschrist.org, All Rights Reserved

  • In this lesson we discuss Thought Habit #11, following the commandment to love God with our ALL. We talk about the power of the words the Lord uses in the scriptures and how important it is that He calls this the first "great" commandment. We discuss what things we have to "put on the altar" before the Lord in sacrifice and how important it is to trust God in all things. We also look at the 2nd commandment, to love our neighbors and how natural it is to carry this out when the love of God is dominant in our hearts. Love everyone, trust carefully. We look at the positive consequences for carrying out our stewardship assignments out of our love for God and what it takes to ready ourselves for Zion.


    View on Youtube - https://youtu.be/DFyT35D2pRw

    View on Rumble - https://rumble.com/v1ct81j-lesson-13-though-habit-11-love-god-with-all-my-heart-mind-and-soul.html


    Guided Meditation - https://youtu.be/pVRD4XdigA4

    Scriptures & Sample Prayer - https://worthofsoulspodcast.com/?page_id=462


    Connect with us: https://www.facebook.com/Worth-Of-Souls-Podcast-105170965442235



    Music Credit:

    Song: Look

    Artist: Jhonny K

    Album: Break Free

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: ©2007 Jhonny K, All Rights Reserved


    Audio Credits:

    © The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - churchofjesuschrist.org, All Rights Reserved

  • In this lesson we discuss Thought Habit #10, a study of Godly Sorrow. Through repentance we get back into the light but it is because of Godly Sorrow that we stay in the light. We talk about bringing forth fruit meet for repentance and that Godly Sorrow is synonyms with 'Being Born Again', 'Having a Mighty Change of Heart', and 'Having a Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit.' Godly sorrow is not sadness, it is an awareness of what Christ went through for me. Christ is the entire bridge between my natural man state and an eternity with God. An important spiritual practice that helps produce Godly Sorrow is "going to the garden of Gethsemane" and witnessing the price paid for each one of us there. After witnessing that sacrifice we are then ready to endure anything for Him. We talk about the different levels of being sorry, self-focused, others-focused, christ focused. We also discuss the the great stumbling block to Godly Sorrow being our participating in vain regrets. We must forgive All Men, which includes MYSELF. Jhonny K sings "I Stand All Amazed"


    View on Youtube - https://youtu.be/EtJl8urDiyQ

    View on Rumble - https://rumble.com/v1crk2f-lesson-12-thought-habit-10-choosing-godly-sorrow-keeps-me-spiritually-focus.html


    Guided Meditation - https://youtu.be/LvBvr9jQUCw

    Scriptures & Sample Prayer - https://worthofsoulspodcast.com/?page_id=403


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    Music Credit:

    Song: Look

    Artist: Jhonny K

    Album: Break Free

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: ©2007 Jhonny K, All Rights Reserved

    Song: I Stand All Amazed

    Artist: Jhonny K

    Album: (none)

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: ©2007 Jhonny K, All Rights Reserved


    Audio Credits:

    © The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - churchofjesuschrist.org, All Rights Reserved

  • In this lesson we discuss Thought Habit #9, practicing daily repentance and doing what the scriptures invite us to do, which is to turn back to God and live. We remember that the Lord invites us to "repent and become as a little child," and then look at the real definition of repentance according to the Greek & Hebrew texts. We talk about the mistakes that were made in the translation of the bible into Latin when repentance became about punishment. We talk about the consequences of sin and then the consequences of returning to the light through repentance. We look at the need for daily repentance and that we don't have to "sin" to have a repentant heart. We look at how to create Worldly Sorrow and how Satan uses that to keep us in a self-condemnation cycle. We go over the 5 steps of repentance and how important it is to not review past mistakes and participate in vain regrets.


    View on Youtube - https://youtu.be/Fd5Be6P4vzU

    View on Rumble - https://rumble.com/v1cnszn-lesson-11-thought-habit-9-daily-repentance-turn-back-to-god-and-live.html


    Guided Meditation - https://youtu.be/DLlhH8mkwjk

    Scriptures & Sample Prayer - https://worthofsoulspodcast.com/?page_id=385


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    Music Credit:

    Song: Look

    Artist: Jhonny K

    Album: Break Free

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: ©2007 Jhonny K, All Rights Reserved ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Audio Credits:

    © The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - churchofjesuschrist.org, All Rights Reserved

  • In this lesson we discuss Thought Habit #8, that we have no power over what others Think, Feel or Do. That includes everyone in our lives, especially those closest to us, spouse, parents, kids, etc. In our culture it is common that other people try to make you responsible for what they are creating inside their temple, they disown. Ultimately we have no power to help someone else overcome their problems, only their Savior can save them. We look at our parenting responsibilities as they relate to this concept and examine the Family Proclamation, that it tells us we are to "raise our children in righteousness" not raise righteous children. We look at the many examples of 'less than perfect' parents in the scriptures and that even Heavenly Mother/Father lost 1/3 part of their children. We are not here to be perfect parents, but there is great power in righteous parents staying true to their covenants. We look at "parent programs" and how important it is to maintain the relationship above all else.


    View on Youtube - https://youtu.be/56XfGChbYV4

    View on Rumble - https://rumble.com/v1cegj9-lesson-10-thought-habit-8-i-have-no-power-over-what-others-think-feel-do.html


    Guided Meditation - https://youtu.be/HS-1RuAHC3o

    Scriptures & Sample Prayer - https://worthofsoulspodcast.com/?page_id=369


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    Music Credit:

    Song: Look

    Artist: Jhonny K

    Album: Break Free

    Licensed to WorthofSoulsPodcast by: ©2007 Jhonny K, All Rights Reserved ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Audio Credits:

    © The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - churchofjesuschrist.org, All Rights Reserved