
  • Common questions I am asked are “what if I never had a honeymoon phase?” and “is it bad if I’ve had relationship anxiety/ROCD from the beginning of my relationship?” 


    My two cents is how long we’ve had RA/ROCD is less relevant than what is contributing to the RA/ROCD…and that’s exactly what I explore in this episode! What factors may have contributed to RA/ROCD being there from the beginning, and how to move forward if this is your experience.


    If you’re loving the podcast…


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • Have you ever felt bored in your relationship and worried that something is wrong? Maybe you’ve wondered “is this normal, shouldn’t things feel more exciting than this?” I’ve been there, and this has been a trigger I have struggled with myself, so I wanted to explore it more. 

    In this episode, I explore:

    3 reasons why healthy love can feel boringWhat inner work you can do if you feel disappointed by boredomWhat actions you can take in your relationship if you feel bored 

    If you’re loving the podcast…


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram


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  • It can be so hard to trust ourselves when there is so much relationship information and advice out there. Even well-meaning friends and family can add their two cents when sometimes, we really didn’t need it!


    In this episode, I sat down with a client of mine who shares her journey of trusting her intuition in her first serious relationship. We also explore the fear of being attracted to other people and how to discern if you should listen to other people’s advice.


    To get access to the “Is it Anxiety, or Intuition?” webinar that’s mentioned in the episode…


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram


  • Today we’re diving into something that has a big impact on our overall mental health and wellbeing; our vagus nerve. Amanda Armstrong, neuroscience and trauma-informed anxiety & depression coach (and now AUTHOR!) is back on the podcast to help walk us through how to improve our mental health by working with our vagus nerve - the nerve that connects our brain and body, and regulates our nervous system.


    Amanda has so much wisdom to share (check out episode 50 in case you have not heard that one yet) and I was very excited to bring her back for another conversation.


    To order Healing the Vagus Nerve book and dive more into Amanda’s world:

    Order Healing the Vagus Nerve on Amazon (here)

    Website: https://www.riseaswe.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amandaontherise/?hl=en

    If you’re enjoying the podcast…


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • In this episode, I address advice like “a relationship should feel mostly positive / easy / joyful in order to be worth it”, and “if the balance swings negative or if the association is that the relationship is difficult or complex then it’s a red flag.”


    If you’ve ever wondered “shouldn’t this be easier?” – this episode is for you!


    The article I mentioned in the podcast is here: https://www.lionsroar.com/intimate-relationship-as-a-spiritual-crucible/

    If you’re enjoying the podcast…


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram


  • There is so much to learn from the Gottman Method of therapy, which is based on 40+ years of relationship research thanks to the work of John and Julie Gottman. I wanted to discuss how we can apply some of these key lessons to build better relationship habits, and was grateful to have a conversation with Anna Aslanian, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who’s a certified Gottman Method therapist. 

    For more about Anna, check out:




    If you’re enjoying the podcast…


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • ‘Healing’ and growth are usually looked at as good things. But what happens when it becomes something we’re doing to try and be perfect and fix all the ‘bad stuff’?


    If you feel like you ‘should’ be on a healing journey and growing, or else you’re doing something wrong and not going to live up to your ‘potential’ – this episode is for you. It’s a set of reminders that I come back to often, especially when my inner perfectionist tells me I’m not ‘healed’ enough.

    If you’re enjoying the podcast…


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram


  • Perfectionism has been a big theme on the podcast, but it’s sooooo needed! I truly think perfectionism is one of the biggest impacts on how we show up in our life and relationship, so this episode is for all my high achievers who put the bar so high for themselves and others around them.

    I sit down with Kayla Licari, a physician associate turned coach that helps perfectionists conquer overwhelm in love and life. After realizing she was burning out from overachieving, perfectionist loops that were ruining her marriage, she knew she had to find a way through and now helps others do the same.

    We talk about 5 signs of perfectionism in your relationships and life; control, fear, judgment, resentment, and prioritizing your needs last.

    For more of Kayla’s work, check out her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themedicalperfectionist/


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • Does it ever feel like your mind just won’t stop throwing thoughts at you? In this episode, I sit down with relationship coach Rebecca Ore to talk about how to ‘master your mind drama’ and take your power back from anxious thoughts and feelings. 

    She shares her own journey of going from feeling insecure in relationships to valuing herself and feeling worthy through simple, tangible tools and reframes that you can use right away!

    Resources Rebecca mentioned in the episode:

    Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers

    Loving What Is Byron Katie

    For more of Rebecca’s work:

    Website: www.rebeccaorecoaching.com

    Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2028082

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rebeccaorecoaching/


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • Our partners and relationships are constantly reflecting things back to us, and if we’re willing to ‘look in the mirror’ we can learn so much. One way we can learn from our relationship is to notice when we’re projecting; “when we see the self in the other.”

    In this episode, I normalize projecting (you’re not doing something ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’), give examples of projections in my relationship so you can notice them more in your own, and share steps to shift out of projection into more self-awareness (including 6 journal prompts to help you reflect).

    If you’re enjoying the podcast…


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • Do you feel like you’re constantly comparing your relationship to others around you? Maybe you see a couple break up then worry you’re doomed to break up too. Or you see another couple doing something “better” than you and feel like your relationship isn’t good enough.

    In this episode, I chat with relationship anxiety coach McKell Kristen about how to shift from being triggered about other people’s relationships to building a deeper trust in yourself and your relationship.

    She shares the 3 R’s of self-trust and how to shift your perspective around relationship comparisons.

    For more of McKell’s work, check out her Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mckellkristen/ and her free guide that she mentioned in the episode: https://relationshipanxiety.com/guidetolove/


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • I’ll be happy when…

    I find The One

    my anxiety goes away

    my partner acts this way

    my partner looks just right

    my feelings are what I expect them to be

    these thoughts go away

    We place so many rules on ourselves and our partners, and sometimes expect the perfect conditions to be in place in order for us to be happy or be content. In this episode, I break down why this “I’ll be happy when” trap isn’t helping ourselves and our relationships, and give you 5 practices to shift out of this.


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • In this episode I got to sit down with Kristin Neff, a pioneer in self-compassion research who has been recognized as one of the most influential researchers in psychology worldwide. We talked all about her findings about self-compassion and how creating a more compassionate relationship with ourselves influences how we show up for others.

    This episode covers:

    the 3 pillars of self-compassionhow to implement the pillars of self-compassion in your lifehow to feel your feelings without getting lost in themKristin’s findings on self-compassion within relationshipstools to help you practice self-compassion

    …and more.

    Check out Kristin’s website here: self-compassion.org

    Check out Kristin’s Ted Talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvtZBUSplr4

    Check out the self-compassion test here: https://self-compassion.org/self-compassion-test/


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram


  • A lot of times in our relationships, it’s easy to look at our partner and notice all the things they could be doing better. “It’s you, not me.”

    What’s not-so-easy is taking the time to understand how our own beliefs, patterns, and past experiences contribute to the dynamic. “It’s not you, it’s me.”

    In this episode, I sat down with a past private coaching client of mine who used to hyper-focus on all the ways her partner could be better.

    She’s not 100% “fixed” (and that no longer is her goal), but she’s made big shifts in how she relates to her partner (and herself). I can’t wait for you to hear her story, and know you will learn a lot!


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • If our sex life doesn’t match the steamy scenes from the movies, it can bring up a lot of anxiety: “am I with the right partner sexually?” “are we having enough sex?” “is our sex passionate enough?” etc.

    And the ironic part is that all the pressure we place on ourselves and our sex life to be amazing can create the opposite outcome—feeling distracted and disconnected.

    In this episode what I wish I learned about sex earlier (so I’d have lower sex-pectations) and how to show up intentionally when it comes to sex so it causes less anxiety.

    If you’re looking for a group of like-minded people alongside you as you build a more secure, loving relationship with your partner (and yourself), join the You Love and You Learn Patreon community! For just $7/month you get access to a live Q&A coaching call, exclusive content only on Patreon, instant access to my webinar library (normally $108), and weekly community posts and discussions. Click this link to join.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Emily Nagoski Ted Talk - How Couples Can Sustain a Strong Sexual Connection for a Lifetime: https://www.ted.com/talks/emily_nagoski_how_couples_can_sustain_a_strong_sexual_connection_for_a_lifetimeEsther Perel Ted Talk - The Secret to Desire in a Long Term Relationship: https://www.ted.com/talks/esther_perel_the_secret_to_desire_in_a_long_term_relationship?language=enCome As You Are book - Emily NagoskiMating in Captivity book - Esther Perel 

    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • In this episode, I talk with Kimberley Quinlan, LMFT, about 5 relationship rules that changed her life. She’s been married for 20 years and has so much wisdom to share.


    Here’s a sneak peek at the 5 life-changing relationship rules:

    1. It is not your job or my job to manage our family’s emotions.

    2. It is not your job to please the people you are in a relationship with.

    3. They are allowed to have their feelings about our choices.

    4. It is okay if they struggle to understand us.

    5. You get to (and they get to) change their mind or change, period.


    This conversation is jam-packed with helpful reminders about how to navigate the challenges that can come from relationships.


    For more information about Kimberley and her offerings, check out her website: https://kimberleyquinlan-lmft.com/ 

    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • “Do I stay or go?” “How do I know if a relationship is worth saving?” These are not-so-simple questions to answer, and can cause a lot of discomfort because of the uncertainty they drum up. 


    In this episode, I explore three ways to reflect on these questions (not to get 100% certainty, but to get curious about how you think and feel); Are you looking for permission to stay or go? Are you willing to accept the consequences that come from the decision? What parts of you are looking to stay, and what parts of you are looking to go? (And what is the motivation of these parts?)

    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • Have you ever wondered if you and your partner are too different? Too many personality clashes? “How will this ever work?”


    In today’s episode I explore why personality differences can feel so threatening and challenging, some reframes about personality differences to help you see them in a new light, and give strategies to navigate personality differences with more acceptance. 


    In the episode I mention my “is it anxiety or incompatibility?” webinar, which you can get here: https://www.youloveandyoulearn.com/ra-or-incompatibility-webinar

    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram
  • Long distance relationships can be very challenging, especially if you’re getting pressure from external sources. “When are you going to be living together?” “Are you sure you’re not wasting your time?” “You should only do long distance if you have an end-date in sight”


    In this conversation I talk to Hannah Frewin of @healingwithhan__ about the ups and downs of long distance and how she went from being anxious and doubtful about her relationship and partner to feeling fulfilled within herself and then her relationship.


    Hannah shares how her own healing journey completely transformed the way she thinks about long distance, and has so much wisdom to share!


    For more about Hannah, check out…

    Her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healingwithhan__/?hl=en


    Her free training: https://healingwithhan.mykajabi.com/opt-in

  • Have you ever been jealous (or extremely jealous) of your partner’s past? Perhaps you’ve ruminated on their ex’s, asked them questions about their past, or felt like you can’t compare to people they’ve dated or been with intimately.

    This experience is a little something called retroactive jealousy (RJ), and I’m excited to bring on Eva Thompson who helps people overcome retroactive jealousy and get rid of intrusive thoughts and mental movies about their partners past.

    In this episode we talk about:

    Eva’s personal experience with ROCD and retroactive jealouslywhat retroactive jealousy looks and sounds like in a relationshipthe reasons why someone experiences RJwhy ROCD and RJ feel so realwhat to do about RJ, how to turn it around

    …and more.

    To dive deeper into Eva’s work, check out the below:



    One on one sessions:


    Additional resources:

    Join Deconstruct the Doubts digital course here (instant + lifetime access)Click here to join the waitlist for the next cohort of Beyond the Doubts group coachingDownload the free video training: The Single Most Important Lesson in Healing Relationship AnxietyVisit my websiteConnect with me on Instagram