
  • Watch the Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello Wonderful!

    Isn’t it interesting how we are sent opportunities to grow and learn more deeply?

    Recently, there was a communication breakdown with someone I care deeply about.

    It was quite an emotional experience for both of us.

    I decided to let go of expectations and send unconditional love their way.

    I did this for weeks. WIth no expectation of return. There was radio silence.

    Then something amazing happened! (find out how it unfolded in the podcast episode…)

    I continue to learn that deep self-love is prosperity. Love and abundance is ever flowing to and through us.

    In this week’s episode:

    1) I share how the circulation of love is prosperity

    2) I channeled how re-membering that we are a part of the greater whole connects us with prosperity - both with love and financial abundance

    3) Find out WHY it can feel draining when we think we give too much

    Understanding who you are can lead to major growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this, and want to share your gifts more widely and deeply, watch the

    FREE Masterclass: The 3 Part Sacred Sales System™ for Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With much love,
    Serenity Iris

    P.S. If you resonate with this episode, please let me know and share a comment!

  • Watch the Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello Wonderful!

    I know that doing new things can be scary and when things don’t work out our confidence can take a hit.

    Deciding to go for your dreams means stepping into the unknown.

    It’s important to understand what TO DO to get to your goal.

    It’s just as important to know what NOT to do.

    I was trying to do it all myself and working as hard as I could and this led to gaining wisdom the hard way, through painful and expensive mistakes!

    This is why I’m sharing the 3 Things I Quit Doing to Turn My Annual Into My Monthly Income in today’s brand new podcast episode so that you don’t have to go through the pain or mistakes.

    In this week’s episode find out:

    1) The 3 things to quite in order to master your mindset

    2) Why binging on the buffet of free advice can lead to confusion

    3) What to do if you catch yourself saying, “I can’t do that because…(time, money, resources)”

    Find out how understanding who you are can lead to major growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this, and want to share your gifts in a bigger way watch the

    FREE Masterclass: 3 Part Sacred Sales System™ for Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,
    Serenity Iris

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  • Hello Wonderful!

    Can we make a deal? Can you start playing even bigger?

    You have gifts that you’re meant to share with the world and I’d love to see you in your full creative expression!

    In this week’s episode find out:

    1) The costs of imposter syndrome and how you can increase your confidence

    2) The 2 types of confidence that will allow you to grow your business

    3) What leads to over 95% of your results and what you can do to master it

    Are you looking to transition into the next level for your career and business?

    Find out how understanding who you are can lead to major growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this, and want to enroll more ideal clients watch the

    FREE Masterclass: 3 Part Sacred Sales System™ for Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,
    Serenity Iris

  • Watch the Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello Wonderful!

    Can you relate to thinking the answer is in books? If knowledge is power, that would make sense wouldn’t it?

    As a life-long learner, if there is something I want to figure out, part of what I do is dive into books.

    There’s a catch though, learning to change your life is totally different from book-learning and simply memorizing material. There’s much more to it.

    If you have been studying and reading lots of books but are still not seeing the changes you are not alone. I’ve been there. This episode is for you.

    In this week’s episode I cover:

    1) The mistake I made when trying to learn about money and business (so that you can avoid it)

    2) Why even if the answers are in books, books alone aren’t enough to change your life

    3) Why analytically collecting information only leads to spinning your wheels in empty action…and what you can do instead to work with over 95% of your power

    Find out how understanding who you are can lead to major growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this, and want to enroll more ideal clients watch the

    FREE Masterclass: The 3 Part Sacred Sales System™ for Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,
    Serenity Iris

  • Watch the Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello Wonderful!

    Giving yourself a raise can mean pivoting and changing how you do things. This can be filled with many unknowns and challenges, but the rewards are huge.

    It can ultimately lead to a greater expression of how you share your gifts

    In this week’s episode find out:

    1) How I transitioned from a 1:1 practice to an online group coaching model

    2) The 3 phases of business growth and how you can transition smoothly from what you’re currently doing to what you want to be doing

    3) When people are most likely to give up on their dreams, and how you can avoid it.

    Are you looking to transition into the next level for your career and business?

    Check out the episode and find out if you are in phase 1, phase 2 or phase 3 of your journey. Share in the comments which phase you’re in!

    Find out how understanding who you are can lead to major growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this, and want to enroll more ideal clients watch the

    FREE Masterclass: 3 Part Sacred Sales System™ to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,
    Serenity Iris

  • Watch the Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello Wonderful!

    I’ve noticed for a long time that if I am feeling off and I invest in healing myself, there is a direct positive impact on my business (and all areas of my life).

    I thought it would be fun to tune in and see what my higher self says about healing and how it relates to prosperity, so I asked!

    In this week’s episode find out:

    1) What healing is

    2) What prosperity means

    3) How healing can lead to prosperity

    This is different from what I have shared before. Let me know if you enjoy the channeled message. I appreciate any feedback you have!

    Find out how understanding who you are can lead to major growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this, and want to enroll more ideal clients watch the

    FREE Masterclass: 3 Part Sacred Sales System™ to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,
    Serenity Iris

  • Watch the Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Join my next LIVE masterclass

    3 Keys to Growing Your Business: https://www.serenityiris.com/kgyb

    Hello Wonderful!

    When you are going through major growth personally and with your business, it’s common for things to come up and trigger you.

    This can be a good thing because it means a quantum leap is imminent when you deal with your “stuff”.

    In this week’s episode find out :

    1) Why there are two major reasons more abundance flows your way when you face your inner stuff

    2) How to not react even when faced with difficult situations

    3) Why things seem to flare up just when you’re going to make a positive breakthrough

    Join my next LIVE masterclass

    3 Keys to Growing Your Business

    Register here: https://www.serenityiris.com/kgyb

    Find out how understanding who you are can lead to major growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this, and want to enroll more ideal clients watch the

    FREE Masterclass: Sacred Sales System™ to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,
    Serenity Iris

  • Watch the Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello Wonderful!

    Have you noticed that there has been a lot going on recently? Some of our members were asking how they can stay in charge and stay calm even when there is chaos in their environment.

    Great question!

    In the spirit of sharing gifts…

    I got out of my comfort zone and have decided to share a channeling session for the podcast!

    After the deep channeled healing session for my members, I felt it would be good to share a channeled message on this topic with you on the podcast.

    In this week’s episode find out:

    1) How you can stay in charge no matter what the circumstance

    2) How to stay calm even when faced with difficult situations

    3) The power of choosing a higher perspective

    This is different from what I have shared before. Let me know if you enjoy the channeled message. I appreciate any feedback you have!

    Join my next LIVE masterclass

    3 Keys to Growing Your Business

    Register here: https://www.serenityiris.com/kgyb

    Find out how understanding who you are can lead to major growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this, and want to enroll more ideal clients watch the

    FREE Masterclass: Sacred Sales System™ to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,
    Serenity Iris

  • Watch the Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello Wonderful!

    Do you ever feel shy about sharing your gifts? You likely have extraordinary talents and wisdom that can positively impact many people.

    Perhaps they are newly discovered gifts… there are many of us who are here on a mission and are re-membering that mission. As we do, gifts are becoming revealed. This might mean you are being called to step into your light.

    If this feels a little scary (or really scary), you’re not alone. I’m personally going through the process and share about some of what can come up in the episode.

    In this week’s episode find out:

    1) What is at the root of fear of judgment and rejection

    2) How mentorship helps you get to the root cause, so that you can get on with the work

    3) How healing that piece that has kept you stuck is so liberating and can lead to growing your business

    Find out how understanding who you are can lead to major growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this, and want to enroll more ideal clients watch the FREE Masterclass: Sacred Sales System™ to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,
    Serenity Iris

  • Link for The Healing https://www.serenityiris.com/offers/74Bg2zRg

    Watch the Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello Wonderful!

    This is an experiential episode.

    There are big shifts happening. The eclipse offers an opportunity to release the old and welcome the new. Transmute, and shift any pieces within you that are ready to be healed.

    In this week’s episode find out:

    How to do the deep inner work

    How to prepare for a healing session (I guide you through it)

    Why making the inner journey into the depths of who you are actually leads to increased income..

    Find out how understanding who you are can lead to major growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this and want to enjoy your own healing, sign up for “The Healing”: https://www.serenityiris.com/offers/74Bg2zRg

    If you resonate with this, and want to enroll more ideal clients watch the FREE Masterclass: Sacred Sales System™ to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,
    Serenity Iris

    All materials are copyright protected, all rights reserved. ©Serenity Iris LLC

  • Watch the Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello Wonderful!

    This is a PSA ( public service announcement)!

    Please do NOT sign up to do a training in another modality thinking it will lead to growing your business.

    This could save you thousands of dollars and hours of time.

    I am a lifelong learner. I love different healing modalities. But another tool in the toolbelt is not going to get you more bookings. If you want to learn another modality, reward yourself with it when you can afford it.

    It’s like a carpenter who gets a new power tool. Yes it might allow him to do a slightly better or faster job, but it still won’t get the phone ringing with more business.

    In this week’s episode find out:

    Why signing up to get trained in another modality likely won’t lead to growing your business?

    What investment actually grows your business?

    Why making the inner journey into the depths of who you are actually leads to increased income..

    Find out how understanding who you are can lead to major growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this, and want to enroll more ideal clients watch the FREE Masterclass: Sacred Sales System™ to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,

    Serenity Iris

  • Watch the Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello Wonderful !

    There is one major key to enrolling more ideal clients (that is not about a marketing hack).

    The discovery of who you are and your mission.

    In this week’s episode I cover:

    Who are you meant to serve?

    What gets you up in the morning?

    What is your mission?

    Be willing to take the inner journey into the depths of who you are.

    When the inner work is done the outer work and results flow so much easier.

    Release the resistance.

    Find out how understanding who you are can lead to major growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this, and want to enroll more ideal clients watch the FREE Masterclass: Sacred Sales System™ to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,

    Serenity Iris

  • Watch the Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello beautiful!

    When it comes to growing your business it’s so important to focus on what really makes the impact.

    In this week’s episode I cover:

    How your mindset is responsible for over 95% of where your results come from. This means if you want different results it’s essential to learn how to shift the mindset so that it works in your favor.

    If you want different results when it comes to money, when you shift the money mindset, your results will shift.

    The 3 pillars for shifting your mindset.

    Find out how shifting money mindsets can lead to growth in your business.

    If you resonate with this, and want to enroll more ideal clients watch the FREE Masterclass: Sacred Sales System™ to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,

    Serenity Iris

    All materials are copyright protected, all rights reserved. ©Serenity Iris LLC

  • Get your Free Masterclass here: https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello beautiful!

    I have been studying Human Design and have had confirmation that doing what you love in a way that is in alignment with your design is super important.

    It’s important for all types to do what they love…. and generators especially have incredible energy so it’s important for us (I’m a manifesting generator) to use this life force energy in a way that we love.

    In this week’s episode I cover:

    When you are aware of who you are and know your design, it can inform so much.

    The vitality you feel when you’re doing what you love.

    The happier and more relaxed you are, the more you love waking up every day

    How you can look and feel more vibrant, improve your digestion and your sleep when you are doing what you love

    Curious about your design? In this chart… Get your free Human Design body graph done here:


    Share in the comments what your Human Design “Type” is!

    Do you want to use your design to enroll more ideal clients? I help members in the Sacred Sales System use their body graph to understand themselves more deeply and who they are meant to speak to. If this interests you, watch my Free masterclass and join us!

    Find out how shifting money mindsets can lead to growth in your business.

    If you resonated with this, go for a deeper dive in my FREE Masterclass: Sacred Sales System™ to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,

    Serenity Iris

    All materials are copyright protected, all rights reserved. ©Serenity Iris LLC

  • Get your Free Masterclass here https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Hello wonderful!

    I am personally going through an intense healing journey to integrate my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies.

    This week I share part of my experiences and what it feels like as things shift within.

    We are multifaceted beings so it’s common for shifts to occur at the physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

    There have been recent business opportunities that have surfaced as I have been doing the deep inner healing work. This is not an accident. It’s based on the law of cause and effect. When you improve things at the root cause (you), then the effect (your business) improves.

    Imagine having a pile of gold treasure that is covered by blocks and limited beliefs. As you start to heal things within yourself you peel back those layers and the gold (your gifts) are revealed to you.

    In this week’s episode I cover:

    What happens as you heal yourself and peel back the layers

    That business is really an expression of you. Business is a great personal development tool.

    How having smooth flowing channels so the energies can flow through will allow you to tap into richness that have always been there.

    Darkness and Light. In the beginning of the healing journey it feels uncomfortable…and why this can be a good thing

    Instead of chasing the external, focussing on the riches within, allows the external to take care of itself.

    I would love to hear what you feel your mission is and what you feel are your gifts. Go ahead and share a comment!

    Find out how shifting money mindsets can lead to growth in your business.

    If you resonated with this, go for a deeper dive in my FREE Masterclass: Sacred Sales™ System to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,

    Serenity Iris

    All materials are copyright protected, all rights reserved. ©Serenity Iris LLC

  • Get your Free Masterclass here https://www.serenityiris.com/masterclass

    Do you ever feel like you’re posting to social media like a maniac but it’s not leading to growing your business?

    In this episode we are looking at 3 mistakes to avoid when posting to social media.

    Mistake #1: Shifting this mistake will help you go from feeling exhausted or frustrated, to effectively reaching more ideal clients when you do post on social media

    Mistake #2: Understand what invisible force is sabotaging your efforts and what you can do instead.

    Mistake #3: Shifting this mistake gets you aligned with sharing your Divine gifts. Once you get into the spirit of doing this, everything shifts.

    Find out how shifting money mindsets can lead to growth in your business.

    If you resonated with this, go for a deeper dive in my FREE Masterclass: Sacred Sales™ System to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,

    Serenity Iris

    All materials are copyright protected, all rights reserved. ©Serenity Iris LLC

  • Get your Free Masterclass here:


    Whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned entrepreneur, avoiding these 3 mistakes can help you get your creative expression out to more people in a joyous way.

    In this podcast episode we are looking at 3 Mistakes I made when trying to grow my business.

    Mistake #1: Why distractions are dangerous and how they can make you feel like you’re doing something, when you’re actually just spinning your wheels.

    Mistake #2: Skipping steps leads to great expense in both time and money. Bring more order to your mind by understanding the Sacred Growth Cycle.

    Mistake #3: Why this mistake is the most expensive one to make and what you can do instead.

    Want to go deeper?

    Check out the FREE Masterclass: Sacred Sales™ System to Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,

    Serenity Iris

    All materials are copyright protected, all rights reserved. ©Serenity Iris LLC

  • Get your FREE “Masterclass” here.

    In this episode we are looking at two “S” words that don’t usually come together.

    Selling and Sacred.

    I believe we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.

    I believe we are also rich within and that we are meant to experience abundance in all forms including at the material level.

    You have incredible gifts within you that could deeply help other people.

    The discovery of your gifts t is sacred. The sharing of the gifts is super sacred.

    What if selling at the highest level is an incredible spiritual experience?

    Did you know that there are blindspots in the form of money mindsets that could be affecting how you are relating to the next level of success and growth in your life and business?

    I’d love to hear if spirituality is part of your business, or if it’s more of a personal experience for you. Share a comment!

    Find out how shifting money mindsets can lead to growth in your business.

    Check out the The 3 Part Sacred Sales™ System for Enrolling Ideal Clients.

    With love,
    Serenity Iris

    All materials are copyright protected, all rights reserved. ©Serenity Iris LLC

  • Get your FREE “Masterclass” here.

    Does God belong in business?

    This episode is a bit of a coming out for me.

    After years of trying to find spiritual language and a community that resonates with me, I have found some pieces coming together in my heart.

    My spiritual awakening did not happen in a church.

    It was during the time that surrounded my mom’s passing. I had an undeniable feeling that there is more to life than just the physical.

    I could feel spirit within and all around me.
    I knew we were all connected.

    I believe that sharing your unique gifts with another is a deeply spiritual act. It’s one of the greatest things you can do.

    There are so many ways to serve and help each other.

    If you’re interested in sharing your amazing gifts, check out the Roadmap here.

    Let me know what resonates with you.

    With love,
    Serenity Iris

    All materials are copyright protected, all rights reserved. ©Serenity Iris LLC

  • Watch this Free Masterclass - Time, Money and Location Freedom Masterclass https://www.serenityiris.com/register

    It’s time to heal the healer!

    This podcast episode is about healing yourself so that you can grow your business.

    In this episode:

    - Find out which dangerous mindset stops growth.

    - How getting into integrity with keeping promises to yourself is a powerful thing you can do for your business.

    - How being mentored keeps you in a state of growth for yourself and your business.

    Understand that when you are being mentored, you are taking 100% responsibility for your results.

    Receiving help to heal or improve an area of your life and business, doesn’t mean that someone else is doing the healing or work for you. They are simply the guides. Just as you are a guide for your clients.

    Results always tell the truth. It can be helpful to feel the sting of results you don’t prefer, IF it inspires you to improve something.

    Create more freedom in your business and register to watch the Time, Money and Location Freedom (Free) Masterclass https://www.serenityiris.com/register

    With love,
    Serenity Iris