
  • We love to hear from you!

    This week's episode will continue with part 2 of "The Importance of Automation and Orchestration in Cyber Security."
    As I said in the episode one, the need for efficient and effective security measures has never been more critical.

    I suggest you listen to E1, before you dive into this one.

    Without further ado, lets first get what is trending this week in term of news and updates.

    Hundreds of personal computer as well as Server Models could be Affected by a serious UEFI Vulnerability

    - https://eclypsium.com: UEFICanHazBufferOverflow Widespread Impact From Vulnerability In Popular PC And Server Firmware
    - https://eclypsium.com: How Eclypsium Automates Binary Analysis At Scale
    - https://en.wikipedia.org: Orchestration (computing)

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

  • We love to hear from you!

    In this week's episode of the podcast we dissect "The Importance of Automation and Orchestration in Cyber Security."
    As you are well aware cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and frequent.
    The need for efficient and effective security measures has never been more critical. Equally, automation and orchestration have never more important for organizations to defend themselves and to streamlining processes, reducing response times, and enhancing overall security posture.
    In my view this is an important way of tipping the balance in favor of the defenders.

    Having said that and before we get into the main topic, lets touch a trending piece of news this week. And that is:

    Phishing Email Abuses Windows Search Protocol

    - https://www.trustwave.com: Search Spoof Abuse O Windows Search T Redirect To Malware
    - https://learn.microsoft.com: Using the search Protocol
    - https://benjamin-altpeter.de: An Analysis of the State of Electron Security in the Wild
    - https://en.wikipedia.org: Orchestration (computing)

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    In this week's episode, we're tackling a topic that has become increasingly relevant in our post-pandemic world: the hidden dangers posed by remote work.
    As more companies embrace flexible work arrangements, the convenience and efficiency of working from home bring new set of challenges.

    From cybersecurity threats to data privacy concerns, remote work introduces vulnerabilities that many organizations are not fully prepared to handle.

    In this episode, we'll explore the risks associated with remote work, share real-world examples of security breaches, and discuss practical steps that businesses and employees can take to safeguard sensitive information.

    Before we get into the main topic, lets touch a trending piece of news this week. And that is:

    More backlash about Microsoft's Recall technology.

    - https://www.computing.co.uk: Microsoft overhauls Recall, makes it opt-in
    - https://www.ciscolive.com: Protecting Remote Workers,
    the Right Way

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    In this week's episode we're exploring an exciting and transformative innovation: Digital Twins technology and its groundbreaking application in cybersecurity.

    Imagine having a virtual replica of your entire digital infrastructure—a detailed, dynamic model that mirrors every aspect of your environment.
    In particular, we will look at how this cutting-edge technology enhances our ability to test, patch and update our environment and therefore anticipate, detect, and respond to cyber threats with unmatched precision and agility.

    Before we get into the main topic, lets touch a top trending piece of news this week. And that is:

    Kaspersky releases free tool that scans Linux for known threats

    - https://www.bleepingcomputer.com: Kaspersky Releases Free Tool That Scans Linux For Known Threats
    - https://en.wikipedia.org: Digital-Twin
    - https://blogs.cisco.com/securit: Cisco HyperShield Reimagining Security

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    In this episode we continue with part 2 on comparing SSL VPN and IPsec VPN, two popular technologies used for secure remote access.
    As I said last week, understanding the nuances of these technologies is therefore crucial. We'll explore how each VPN works, their security features, performance differences, and the scenarios where each excels. Please listen to episode 172 before you listen to this episode.

    With that said, lets turn to a top trending news this week:

    - Microsoft's "Recall" feature raises privacy concern.

    - https://www.wired.com: Microsoft Recall AI May Be A Privacy Nightmare
    - https://en.wikipedia.org: Virtual_private_network
    - https://en.wikipedia.org: Transport Layer Security
    https://www.bleepingcomputer.com: Norway Recommends Replacing SSL VPN To Prevent Breaches

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

  • We love to hear from you!

    In this week's episode we're diving into the world of VPNs, Specifically we will compare SSL VPN and IPsec VPN, two popular technologies used for secure remote access. In the post pandemic area, remote work become part of the new normal post. Understanding the nuances of these technologies is therefore crucial. We'll explore how each VPN works, their security features, performance differences, and the scenarios where each excels.

    Having said that and before we get into VPN, lets turn to a top trending news this week and they are:

    Recap of RSA Conference. The biggest security conference in the US.

    - https://en.wikipedia.org: Virtual_private_network
    - https://en.wikipedia.org: Transport Layer Security
    https://www.bleepingcomputer.com: Norway Recommends Replacing SSL VPN To Prevent Breaches

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    In this week's episode, we will be exploring the fascinating world of remote browser isolation technology or RBI as it appreciated. We will delve into what remote browser isolation is, how it works, and the limitations it faces. Join us as we uncover the complexities of this innovative cybersecurity approach, shedding light on its benefits and challenges. Whether you are new to the concept or a seasoned professional, there is something here for everyone.

    Having said that and before we get into RBI, lets turn to a couple of top trending news this week and they are:

    Dell data breach, 49 million customer records stolen

    - https://techcrunch.com: Threat Actor Scraped- 49M Dell customer Addresses Before The Company Found Out
    - https://www.w3.org: Introduction to DOM
    - https://en.wikipedia.org: Browser Isolation

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    In part 2 on eBPF we continue demystifying this promising new technology that is strengthening the cyber space. Please listen to the previous episode i.e. Episode 169 before you to listen to this one.

    Having said that, lets recap a top trending security news, shall we?

    New UK Law: No Default Passwords on Smart Devices from April 2024

    - https://www.ncsc.gov.uk: Smart Devices Law
    - https://www.ncsc.gov.uk: Leaflet To Consumer On Security Law Smart Devices
    - https://ebpf.foundation: eBPF
    - https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com: Making eBPF work on Windows
    - https://en.wikipedia.org: Protection ring
    - https://cilium.io: Cilium
    - https://blogs.cisco.com: Cisco HyperShield Reimagining Security
    - https://www.linkedin.com: Skyfall eBPF Agent For Infrastructure Observability

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

  • We love to hear from you!

    In this episode, we're diving deep to demystif a groundbreaking technology that's gathering pace on the security front. It is not something most people are aware of. This technology is bringing enhanced visibility, increased performance to enabling powerful security measures.

    Hang around as we unravel the potential of eBPF in bolstering cybersecurity defenses, from real-time threat detection to proactive mitigation strategies, and explore how this revolutionary tool is reshaping the landscape of security.

    Before we get into that, lets recap a top trending security news: and that is

    Threat Actors Were Exploiting an Antivirus Update Mechanism to Spread Malware

    - https://decoded.avast.io: Hijacking Antivirus Updates for Distributing Backdoors and Casual Mining
    - https://ebpf.foundation: eBPF
    - https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com: Making eBPF work on Windows
    - https://en.wikipedia.org: Protection ring
    - https://cilium.io: Cilium
    - https://blogs.cisco.com: Cisco HyperShield Reimagining Security
    - https://www.linkedin.com: Skyfall eBPF Agent For Infrastructure Observability

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    In this week's episode, we will continue with part 2 on "Preparing for and responding to ransomeware attack"
    As I said last week, ransomware is a threat that will be around us for the foreseeable future.
    Do listen to part 1 before you listen to this episode.

    With that out of the way, lets have a look a top trending piece of update for you.

    There is large-scale brute-force activity targeting VPNs, SSH services with commonly used login credentials

    https://blog.talosintelligence.com: Large-scale brute-force activity targeting VPNs, SSH services with commonly used login credentials
    - https://attack.mitre.org: Turla
    - https://www.chainalysis.com: ransomware 2024
    - https://www.cohesity.com: Ransomware Recovery

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    Ransomware is a threat that will be around us for the foreseeable future.
    In this week's episode we will look at the history of ransomware, the common TTPs in use by threat actors such as Turla, how to align our incident response to that threat and others, and finally how to contain, eradicate, and recover from it.
    In addition we will answer the following pertinent question that are top of minds for the SOC team. Questions such as:
    - What are the best methods to inhibiter Threat actor's lateral movement?
    - What are the critical components that drive ransomware?
    But before we dig into these gems, lets touch one important top trending piece of news. And that is:

    - CISA makes its malware analysis system publicly available

    - https://www.cisa.gov: CISA Announces Malware Next-Gen Analysis
    - https://attack.mitre.org: Turla
    - https://www.chainalysis.com: ransomware 2024
    - https://www.cohesity.com: Ransomware Recovery

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    This week we will dive into a collection of powerful system utilities and tools designed to help users diagnose, troubleshoot, and monitor Windows operating system.
    These utilities provide advanced functionality beyond what is typically available in Windows, as they offer insights into system internals, processes, file systems, networking, and more.

    But before we dig into these gems, lets touch one important top trending piece of news. And that is:

    There is a Post Authentication Stack Overflow on a NetGear Router.

    - https://blog.talosintelligence.com: Netgear wireless router open to code execution after buffer overflow vulnerability
    Netgear RAX30 JSON Parsing getblockschedule() stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability
    - https://kb.netgear.com: Security Advisory for Post Authentication Stack-Overflow on the RAX30
    - https://learn.microsoft.com: PSTools
    - https://learn.microsoft.com: SysInternals
    - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki: Mark Russinovich

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    AI is getting into all sorts of places but no less than in cybersecurity in both a good way and bad ways. In a good way with bolstering Incident response live cycle but unfortunately in a bad way with generating convincing phishing email or assisting with script and coding etc.

    In this week's episode we will focus on how AI is helping IR in getting to the bottom of what might have happened.

    Before we get into the main topic, lets touch one important top trending piece of news. And that is:

    RedHat warns of a backdoor in a tool used in most of Linux distributions.

    - https://www.redhat.com: Urgent security alert Fedora 41 and rawhide users
    - https://www.cisa.gov: Reported supply chain compromise affecting XZ Utils data compression library CVE-2024-3094
    - https://www.ciscolive.com: AI Assistance (page 52)

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    In our second episode, we continue exploring the concept of adopting a platform security.
    In this second part we will continue where we left off from last week and will encourage you to listed to the first episode if you have not done so.

    Before we get into the main topic, lets touch one important top trending piece of news this week. And that is:

    - Github added AI powered vulnerability auto-fix feature

    - https://www.cisco.com: XDR- Platform approach to security
    - https://github.blog: Introducing Code Ccanning Auto-Fix Powered By Ggithub Copilot And CodeQL

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

  • We love to hear from you!

    Welcome and thank you for tuning in to YusufOnSecurity, the cyber-security podcast for everyday defender from analyst to the C-Suites, in plain english.

    In this episode, we explore the recently much talked about concept of adopting a platform security. As technology advances, cyber criminals continually adapt their tactics. Engaged in a constant cat-and-mouse game, staying ahead is crucial. It begins with a deep understanding of which strategies best align with your objectives, safeguarding not only your digital assets but also your bottom line.

    Before we get into the main topic, lets touch a top trending piece of news this week. And that is:

    The United States lost record $12.5 billion to online crime in 2023

    - https://www.ic3.gov:2023 IC3 Report
    - https://www.cisco.com: XDR- Platform approach to security

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    It was the LEAP event this past week. LEAP is a technology event in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh and it attracts every technology company imaginable especially in the cyber security domain. This is year was no different.

    At LEAP, I met with Port53, a firm that helps from SMB to enterprise businesses with their cyber security mission by delivering enterprise-grade solutions to deploy and management effortlessly.

    Before we get into that lets turn to a top trending news this week which

    New email scam that targets NTLM hashes

    - https://port53.com: Port53
    - https://www.bleepingcomputer.com: Hackers steal Windows NTLM authentication hashes in phishing attacks
    - https://learn.microsoft.com: NTLM Overview

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    This week I attended Qatar Web Summit. This is a technology and start-up summit held yearly in Doha, Qatar. There were a lot going on and I am lucky to have spent time with the Ken Fee, the CEO of Business Technology Architect shorten as BTA where we talked about security, network optimisation and automation.

    The return of LockBit Ransomware-as-a-Service attacks increase in Middle East & Africa region

    - https://techcrunch.com: Feds hack LockBit, LockBit springs back. Now what?
    - https://www.group-ib.com: Hi-Tech crime trends 2023 MEA
    - https://qatar.websummit.com: Qatar Web Summit

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    In this episode, we are continuing with part 2 of the risks paused by default configuration. As I said last week, while default config is convenient for initial setup, these settings are may introduce significant security risks that can leave systems vulnerable to exploitation by malicious actors. Please listen to the first episode before you listen to this episode. That way you will get the background and full context of the topic.

    Well intended Network Traversal Tool is Being Abused for malicious gain. Where have we seen that beoforeLaw enforcement from the UK and others disrupt Lockbit Ransomware group infrastructure

    Having said that, lets turn to a couple of top trending news this week and they are:

    - https://joshua.hu: SSH-Snake SSH network traversal discover SSH private keys network graph
    - https://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/ NCA leads international investigation targeting worlds most harmful ransomware group
    - https://www.chainalysis.com: LockBit takedown sanctions

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

  • We love to hear from you!

    In today's interconnected world, default configurations are ubiquitous across various systems and devices, from routers to software applications. While convenient for initial setup, these default settings often harbor significant security risks that can leave systems vulnerable to exploitation by malicious actors. In this episode, we delve into the hidden dangers posed by default configurations, exploring real-world examples and discussing strategies to mitigate these risks effectively. Join us as we uncover the critical importance of securing systems against the perils of default settings.

    Before that, lets recap on what is top of mind on the news front.

    The toothbrush DDOS that never wasYour favorite browser might have a feature that defends your home network

    - https://www.forbes.com: Surprising 3 million hacked toothbrushes story goes viral is it true?
    - https://chromestatus.com: Private Network Access
    - https://owasp.org: Security Misconfiguration/

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.

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    This is the second episode of our two part episode on whether quantum computing is a threat to cryptography really. Make sure you listen to episode 1 first as we laid the foundation on what is coming up in this episode.

    As always lets review this week's top trending security news first.

    CISA and the FBI release Living of the land technique guidancesGoogle's AI assisted with detection

    - https://www.computer.org: Quantum Computing
    - https://thequantuminsider.com: Quantum Research
    - https://cqn-erc.org/about: The Center for Quantum Networks
    - https://www.cisa.gov: Joint Guidance Identifying and Mitigating LOTL
    - http://security.googleblog.com: Scaling security with AI from detection
    - https://safety.google: Cybersecurity Advancements

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    If you like the content. Follow me @iayusuf or read my blog at https://yusufonsecurity.com
    You will find a list of all previous episodes in there too.