Vitenskap – Populære podcaster

  • The Huberman Lab podcast is hosted by Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. The podcast discusses neuroscience and science-based tools, including how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health, as well as existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Huberman has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function, and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills, and cognitive functioning. He is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. 
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals, including Nature, Science, and Cell, and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover, and other top media outlets.
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 10 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • Gabriel Rolón llega a Infobae Podcast con doce episodios imperdibles

  • Věda a současná civilizace. Interaktivní rozhovory se světovými odborníky, ve kterých je prostor pro vaše otázky a komentáře. Moderuje Daniel Stach.

  • Tag med rundt i historiens finurlige afkroge, når Simon Jul og Direktør for Nationalmuseet, Rane Willerslev, udforsker, hvordan vores fortid har formet vores nutid. I "Historien om alt" dykker vi ned i de mest vilde og fascinerende emner, der alle fortæller os noget om, hvorfor vi mennesker er som vi er. Hver episode udfolder et nyt emne fra kannibalisme til rusmidler, og så har Simon og Rane altid en god anekdote i ærmet fra deres egne rejser og ekspeditioner.

    Podcasten er produceret i samarbejde med Nationalmuseet og med støtte fra Carslbergfondet.

    Værter: Simon Jul og Rane Willerslev

    Producer: Mads Petter Kühnel, MonoMono

    Musik: Jakob Ranum

    Redaktør: Mette Søndergaard

  • There are a lot of opinions on how to master your mind, but then there’s PSYCHOLOGY.
    We’re all stuck with the brain we’re born with, but we aren’t stuck with how we use it.

    Learn science-backed answers to make the most of your mind and your life.

    Growth Mindset Psychology is the "self-help sceptic" podcast for the curious.
    Whether you want to improve performance, navigate setbacks, or know who you are.
    We find answers to the true science of self-improvement.
    So put down the astrology chart and start working with your mind, instead of against it.
    With over 8 million downloads and 60,000 monthly listeners, you’re invited to join.

    Instead of telling you what to think, we discuss how thinking works.
    Armed with a stack of science journals, textbooks and a boatload of curiosity, we uncover the mechanics of the mind.
    Why? >>> Success is personal!
    You might want to make the most of your neurodiverse strengths, start a business, or simply find more reasons to smile.
    Hone your ability for independent thinking and growth with mental models to pursue your definition of success.

    I’m Sam Webster Harris, a lifelong learner with ADHD, a raging curiosity, and an obsession with finding answers to hard questions.
    After launching several businesses, travelling the world and nearly dying a few times I concluded that science and Psychology are where it’s at.
    What actually makes people happy? What’s the best way to treat a brain? How can I get more done?
    Studying the answers we find that changing behaviours requires building mindsets, mental models, and a healthy relationship with failure.
    I run the show to help listeners enjoy nutritious content that feeds their minds (and I needed a legitimate excuse to cover for my reading addiction).

    Go Ad-Free and listen to exclusive content.
    Support the show and access the AMA features and community Discord.
    Growth Mindset Premium

    Previous guests include Olympians, Scientists, Billionaires, and Sam's Mum.
    Past series:
    — Psychology vs Stoicism
    — Time Management for busy mortals
    — Independence and knowing yourself
    — Cognitive biases and rational thinking
    — Psychology of connection
    — Carol Dweck and the Multiverse of Mindsets

  • 本节目是由意大利奢侈品牌GIADA与圈层媒体Tatler联合为成熟高知女性推出的一档播客节目。见识过世界也体味过生活的成熟女性聚集在这里进行自由表达,交流人生思考,讨论专属于这个人生阶段的女性议题,传递出坚韧与温柔并存的女性力量。本节目由GIADA X Tatler出品,JustPod制作。

  • In a world that often dismisses the extraordinary as mere fantasy, The Telepathy Tapes dares to explore the profound abilities of non-speakers with autism—individuals who have long been misunderstood and underestimated. These silent communicators possess gifts that defy conventional understanding, from telepathy to otherworldly perceptions, challenging the limits of what we believe to be real. For years, their parents and teachers have quietly witnessed these remarkable abilities, knowing that the time to share their truth would eventually come. But now, as the evidence mounts, the time has come to reveal what has been hidden in plain sight.

    This groundbreaking series challenges everything we think we know about communication and the human mind, inviting viewers to step into a reality where the impossible is not only possible but happening every day. Through emotional stories and undeniable evidence, The Telepathy Tapes offers a fresh perspective on the profound connections that exist beyond words. Traveling with Neuroscientist Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, witnessing mind-boggling telepathy tests and forging deeply intimate relationships with families around the globe - Host Ky Dickens invites you to contemplate the world through the eyes of those who speak without words. Prepare to be captivated, challenged, and ultimately transformed as the series shines a light on the untold capabilities of those who have been underestimated for far too long.

  • Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.

  • Seguro que a lo largo del día tienes 20 minutos. Elige el momento y nosotros te prometemos ayudarte a entenderTE y entenderLES mejor.

    | Nuevas temporadas, gratis, solo en Spotify. |

    Entiende Tu Mente es un podcast de psicología que, de una manera amena, te cuenta cómo funciona nuestra mente.

    Cada semana encuentras uno de estos contenidos:

    “20 minutos para entenderte mejor”. Una conversación a cuatro bandas entre Molo Cebrián, Luis Muiño, Mónica González y tú.

    “Apuntes de psicología”. Molo comparte algunos de los apuntes que más le llaman la atención mientras estudia la carrera de Psicología.

    “Así Somos”. Luis y Molo comparten historias curiosas -de esas que luego te apetece contar a tus amistades- de las que extraen pequeños psicoaprendizajes.

  • The world’s top scientists explain the latest health, nutrition, and gut health research and translate it into practical advice to improve your health & weight. Join ZOE Science & Nutrition, on a journey of scientific discovery. Hosted by Jonathan Wolf.

  • Пью согревающий чай и общаюсь с интересными людьми на разные психологические темы. Говорю о страхах, панических атаках, навязчивостях, разных пищевых расстройствах и многом другом.

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    Подкаст — резидент лейбла Толк:

    По вопросам рекламы: [email protected]

    * Instagram (соцсеть принадлежит компании Meta, признанной экстремистской и запрещенной на территории России, заблокирована РКН);

  • Pogátsa Zoltán közgazdász-szociológus politikai gazdaságtani podcastja a globális gazdaságról a klímaválság, az automatizáció, a digitális gazdaság, az egyenlőtlenségek és a poszt-demokrácia korszakában.

  • Биолог и журналист Илья Колмановский рассказывает о научных открытиях, говорит с людьми, которые их совершают, и отвечает на вопросы слушателей всех возрастов. Подкаст выходит по средам, раз в две недели.

    Послушать бонусные эпизоды подкаста «Голый землекоп» можно по подписке ЛибоЛибо+ в Apple Podcasts или в закрытом телеграм-канале Подписка — лучший способ поддержать нашу студию.

    Подписаться на Патреон или Бусти Ильи Колмановского: и

    Телеграм-канал «Голый землекоп»:

    Редактор: Андрей Борзенко

    Продюсер: Данил Астапов

    Звукорежиссёр: Алексей Воробьев

    Композитор: Кира Вайнштейн

  • 'Le Scienze nella vita di tutti i giorni’ è il podcast di divulgazione scientifica di Geopop, curato da Andrea Moccia.
    Ogni settimana, attraverso episodi della durata media tra i 5 e i 10 minuti, parleremo di energia, geopolitica, ambiente, tecnologia, fenomeni naturali, curiosità, ricostruzione di disastri e approfondimenti sull’attualità. Tutti temi legati, in un modo o nell'altro, alla nostra quotidianità - perché sì, le scienze sono nella vita di tutti i giorni!
    Geopop è un progetto già presente sui social con circa 7 milioni di followers, il cui obiettivo principale è stimolare la curiosità e la passione per la conoscenza.
    Benvenuti a bordo!

  • Подкаст про сучасну психологію та психотерапію, про серйозні психологічні дослідження й поширені псевдонаукові міфи.

  • Why do I feel stuck? How can I become more creative? What can I do to improve my relationships? If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, you’re not alone. On Hidden Brain, we help you understand your own mind — and the minds of the people around you. (We're routinely rated the #1 science podcast in the United States.) Hosted by veteran science journalist Shankar Vedantam.

  • Kuba, David a jejich nevšední pohledy na témata v kontextu.
    Podpořit nás můžete na . Všechny díly najdete na webu , s bonusy a s předstihem nás najdete také na:

  • Подкаст о медицинских открытиях, которые изменили мир.

    Как врачи учились лечить болезни, которые раньше считались приговором, решались на новые операции и открывали — иногда случайно — лекарства, без которых мы не представляем себе современную жизнь.

    Новые эпизоды — по средам раз в две недели.

    Это подкаст студии «Либо/Либо».

    Instagram студии: @libolibostudio
    Telegram студии: @libolibostudio
    YouTube канал студии: ЛибоЛибо

  • Science, pop culture, and comedy collide on StarTalk Radio! Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and Director of New York's Hayden Planetarium, and his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities, and scientific experts explore astronomy, physics, and everything else there is to know about life in the universe. New episodes premiere Tuesdays. Keep Looking Up!

    Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.

  • Kann Wasser schlecht werden? Wie verändern TikTok und Co unser Gehirn? Und warum fällt uns das Nichtstun eigentlich so schwer?
    Mit "Aha! Zehn Minuten Alltags-Wissen", dem Wissenspodcast von WELT, gehen wir genau solchen Fragen auf den Grund. Dafür sprechen wir mit Expertinnen und Experten, die uns helfen, die Welt noch besser zu verstehen.
    Außerdem erklären wir Mythen aus der Gesundheit, spannende psychologische Phänomene oder Alltagsfragen, die ihr euch schon immer gestellt habt. Und das alles in nur 10 Minuten.
    "Aha! Zehn Minuten Alltags-Wissen", der Wissenschaftspodcast von WELT erscheint jede Woche dienstags, mittwochs und donnerstags ab 2 Uhr – bei WELT und überall, wo es Podcast gibt.
    Wir freuen uns über Feedback an [email protected].