Fritid – Sør-Korea – Anbefalte podcaster

  • Improve your Korean through extensive exposure to natural conversations between native Korean speakers. This podcast is brought to you by Please visit our website for additional learning materials related to the podcast.

  • 온갖 콘텐츠에 대해 입을 털어보는 방송

  • Exploring the geekier perspectives. A freeform podcast where we talk about movies, tv shows, anime, video games, etc. Check us out a wild ride awaits you. Support this podcast:

  • two millennial besties who’ve #gottastartsomewhere! we mostly discuss things such as: pop culture, celebs, conspiracy theories, and lifestyle sprinkled in with our own opinions on the topics! we always end our episodes with gratitude and good vibes.

  • The Sonic Podcast for the classic and modern age, featuring Game Apologist, Channel Pup, SurisTheSkeptic, WayneIsBoss, GillyTheKid, Garrulous64 and many more...

  • A Magic: the Gathering podcast where we discuss casual aspects of both 60 card/kitchen-table and EDH/Commander formats. We’re here for the stories, so come and join us at the Temple of the False Pod, where our decks aren’t optimized but our plays sure as HECK are fun.

  • Welcome to the Brawl Show, a podcast keeping you up to date on all things Brawl Stars, hosted by ProvoBandit and noob army. We will have Brawler breakdowns, Update Reviews, Update speculation and much more. New episodes week. To send a message to the podcast go to this link: and click message.

  • SBS 파워FM 22:00 ~ 23:00 지상파 최초! 오직 남자들을 위한 라디오

  • Raging Bullets is a podcast reviewing everything related to Comics. Each episode we take a look at something past, something current and even touch on some things outside the comic book universes of DC, Marvel and anything independent. We will even have some special episodes highlighting movies, animation, television and any other media relating to comics and pop culture. We welcome emails and audio comments from our listeners. Please send them to [email protected] and check out our website at We hope you enjoy the show as much as we enjoy creating it.

  • 東京にいながら世界の料理を食べたくありませんか? 「東京グルメで世界一周」では、「東京のおいしい・珍しい海外グルメ」を紹介しています。お届けするのは、休日だけで年間365食以上の海外グルメを開拓する海外グルメマニア。毎週5回更新されるエピソードで、海外旅行のようなワクワク感をお届けします!










  • Journal Updated is a monthly game club podcast with a focus on exploring the design of choice within the medium. Join Nora and Molly every month as they dig into a game through a holistic lens, discuss its use of narrative agency, and answer emails from listeners!

  • ‘취미란 무엇인가’고품격 취미 탐구 취재기!취미를 둘러싼 다양한 사람들의 서로 다른 관점과 이야기를 들어봅니다.취미학개론 뉴스레터 구독하기 → (

  • 현우의 시선으로 화제의 문화를 소개합니다.

  • A weekly podcast with your two fit(ish) adventure girls Michele and Deanna. Join us weekly as as we share tips and tricks and talk all things fitness with the goal of getting inspiring, motivating and educating you. So that you can go out and conquer your adventures

  • 어색한 사이

    안녕하세요! 뉴저지에서 함께하는 따뜻한 토크쇼 "어색한 사이"에 여러분을 초대합니다.
    저희는 뉴저지에 거주하는 두 커플이 모여 편안하게 이야기하는 팟캐스트입니다.

    이름처럼 어색하지 않은, 오히려 마치 오래된 친구들처럼 자연스러운 대화를 즐기는 것이 우리의 목표입니다. "어색한 사이"에서는 주로 인터넷에서 발견한 유머 있는 짤들을 주제로 삼아, 우리 각자의 독특한 시각과 생각을 나눕니다.

    팟캐스트의 또 다른 매력은 미국에서의 생활 이야기입니다. 미국에 사는 우리의 일상, 궁금증, 경험 등을 공유하면서 듣는 이들에게는 미국에 대한 색다른 시선을 제공하고, 미국에 관심 있는 분들에게는 유익한 정보와 동경의 미국 이야기를 전해드립니다.

    그리고 가끔은 AI와 함께 하는 재미난 대화도 함께 들려드립니다. "AI야 놀자"코너에서는 인공지능과의 다채로운 소통을 즐기며, 과학과 기술의 세계로 여러분을 안내합니다.

    매 에피소드마다 여러 주제에서 풀어내는 "어색한 사이"는 미소를 머금게 만들어주는 특별한 시간이 될 것입니다. 함께 웃고, 함께 생각하며, 함께 성장하는 여정에 참여해 주세요.
    "어색한 사이"에서 당신을 기다리고 있습니다!

  • Woolie Versus and Eyepatch Wolf force each other to experience different media. Hilarity/Violence ensues.

  • Board game chats, coming soon, new, old, accessories, publishers, retailers, designers, content creators, dice distancing - how far do dice roll and where you need a dice tray, hotness, most played, conventions, awards, table talk, mechanisms, crowdfunding, digital board games and more! Head over to the guild to shape and share the podcast

    More at

    And to discuss

  • 在这个满街都是男神女神的年代,当个完美无瑕的“神”太累了,不如脚踏实地沾沾人间烟火气, 当个搞笑且神经质但却不失细腻情感的“女神经”。 “女神经”龙纹敏将以生活中的大小事为题材,无滤镜真实地分享她对周遭人事物的想法和感悟, 透过日常的点点滴滴,与你一起重新认识自己、感受生活

  • The go to design podcast for interior design, tiny houses, caravans, and mobile living!
    Join host Sarah Bronstein from Sukkha Interior Design, as she shares professional interior design recommendations for small spaces, tiny house airbnbs, RV's, travel trailers, vans, skoolies and more!