En podcast om hverdagen på NTG.
You can change your life. Period.
My mission in this episode is to remind you of who you are and help you tap into the power inside of you. I want you to see something bigger for your life this year. I want to empower you with 3 simple steps you can take to make that vision a reality.
In this episode, you will learn the 3 steps I used to reinvent every aspect of my life over the past two years. I strengthened my relationships, changed my business, improved my mental health, and heck, I even changed where I lived (after 26 years)! I will walk you, step by step, through the story and the process.
I will share how I went from feeling stuck, lost, and overwhelmed two years ago to where I am today: happier than I’ve been in a long time, making big things happen, and having a ball.
If I can do it, you can do it.
I’ll walk you through what I did and how I did it. By the end of the episode, you’ll not only feel motivated to improve your life, but you’ll also know the steps to take and HOW to make it happen. And I will make sure you know that you, in fact, deserve to be happy and fulfilled. Yes, YOU.
You’ll also hear an amazing and inspiring story from one woman who used these 3 steps to save her life and then, over the past year, take the actions to improve her life and become happier, more confident, and empowered.
All of this is here to inspire and empower you to use these same simple steps to create profound change in your life, too.
You’ll also learn interesting research about tapping into intrinsic motivation, temporal landmarks, and thinking bigger about your life and the future, using “The Fresh Start Effect” to unlock the confidence to kick your rear end when you need to.
This episode is packed with stories, science, tools, and the motivational fire power you deserve. I am on a mission to remind you of who you are and the power you have inside yourself to change your life.
Change is possible. And you can’t convince me otherwise. YOU have the power to change your life through the actions you take every single day. YOU deserve to be happy.
And in case no one tells you today, I love you and I believe in your ability to change your life. Now go get ‘em. ❤️
Tenker du noen gang på at det er et skille mellom muntlig og skriftlig norsk? Tenker du noen gang på at de frasene du har lært deg for å kunne argumentere på skriftlig norskprøve ikke nødvendigvis fungerer så bra på muntlig prøve?
Keen på å lære deg noen veldig naturlige og ikke formelle uttrykksmåter som kan få deg til å høres ut som om du er norsk?
Sett bort de formelle frasene et øyeblikk, senk skuldrene, spenn på deg hodetelefonene og lytt til Ingrid og Camilla snakke om fraser som uttrykker enighet eller uenighet. Kan hende du lærer mye nytt og nyttig!
Du finner transkripsjonen her 👇🏻
I denne sesongens aller første episode, er det snakk om viktige grep du kan gjøre i timene før norskprøven (nivå A2-B1) som kan hjelpe deg til å holde fokus og yte enda bedre. 🥇
Spenn på deg hodetelefonene og lytt!
Husk å vurdér Norskpodden der du laster ned dine podkaster ❤️
Du finner en transkripsjon av episoden her 👇🏻
I denne episoden har vi besøk i studio av forfatter, advokat, tennistrener og menneskerettighetsforkjemper Erlend Efskind.
Erlend forteller her om hvordan han åpnet opp for den spirituelle verden, og nå kjemper for en bevissthetsendring tuftet på et holistisk syn på universet og mennesket.
I episoden snakker vi om bevissthet, frykt og andre temaer.
... Har du sjekket ut vår nye tjeneste Medlemsportalen for spirituelt interesserte mennesker? - https://andogvitenskap.no/medlemsportal/
Mer informasjon om denne podkasten samt Medlemsportalen, Lysspråket, informasjon om Universets Lover og mer finner du på vår nettside Ånd & Vitenskap - https://andogvitenskap.noHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Kādi mīti ir saistīti ar ebrejiem un ebreju valodām? Kāpēc cieņpilna valoda nav tas pats, kas cenzūra? Kāpēc nevajadzētu lietot vārdu “politkorektums”, runājot par iekļaujošo valodu?
Raidījumā ar vēsturnieku Iļju Ļenski runājam par iekļaujošo jeb cieņpilno valodu, cenzūru, vārda “ebrejs” izcelsmi, ebreju kopienu un valodu vēsturi, attīstību un pētniecību Latvijā un citur, tulkojumiem no ebreju valodām, kā arī daudz ko citu.
Iļja Ļenskis ir vēsturnieks, muzeja “Ebreji Latvijā” direktors.
Raidījuma vadītāja Aiga Veckalne ir valodniece, aizrautīga tulkotāja un filoloģe, uzņēmēja un lektore
Raidījuma piezīmes:
[01:25] Kāpēc Iļjam ir svarīgi runāt par iekļaujošo valodu?
[06:07] Kāpēc nevajadzētu lietot vārdu “politkorektums”, runājot par cieņpilnu valodu?
[09:27] Vai iekļaujošā valoda ir cenzūra?
[11:45] Mīti, kas saistīti ar vārdu “ebrejs”.
[23:00] Vai ivritu var dēvēt par ebreju valodu?
[24:40] Ebreju valodas pasaulē.
[30:37] Kurās ebreju valodās visbiežāk runā Latvijā?
[33:15] Kur var apgūt jidišu un ivritu?
[35:20] Tulkojumi no ebreju valodām latviešu valodā mūsdienās.
[37:00] Jidiša un ivrita pētniecība Latvijā un citās valstīs.
[38:30] Iļjas pētījumi.
[40:22] Kā Latvijas ebreji dzīvoja agrāk – 19. un 20. gadsimtā?
[46:48] Iļjas dzimtas stāsts.
[49:04] Latvijas ebreju kopienas tradīcijas.
[55:00] Jidiša aizguvumi no latviešu valodas.
[57:45] Mīti par aizguvumiem no jidiša cietumnieku žargonā.
Noderīgas saites:
https://www.ebrejumuzejs.lv/ – muzeja “Ebreji Latvijā” tīmekļvietne
https://bit.ly/3lgtOsF – Festivāla “Lampa” saruna par iekļaujošo valodu mākslā un dzīvē
https://bit.ly/3re59J2 – Giršas Etkina Latvijas ebreju folkloras materiāli
https://bit.ly/3lglAAJ – Kaspara Zeļļa raksts par etnonīmiem latviešu valodā krājumā “Valoda: prakse un vērojumi” (107.–122. lpp)
https://buff.ly/3yzZDBH – “Pieturzīmju” saruna ar Lingitu Linu Bopulu
https://buff.ly/3wwJcnT – “Pieturzīmju” saruna ar Agnesi Lāci un Madaru Mazjāni
https://buff.ly/3uk0qUa – “Pieturzīmju” saruna ar Līgu Ignati
https://bit.ly/2FvAMI9 – “Pieturzīmju” Instagram profils
https://bit.ly/2BYS672 – atbalsti “Pieturzīmes” vietnē “Patreon”
https://bit.ly/2DFLTxa – atbalsti “Pieturzīmes” vietnē “Buy me coffee”
https://discord.gg/aAkqp7pmu3 – pievienojies mūsu “Discord” kopienai
Seko līdzi jaunumiem “Pieturzīmju” Instagram profilā, uzdod jautājumu nākamajam raidieraksta viesim un saņem atbildi raidījumā!
“Pieturzīmes” piedāvā ne tikai aizraujošu raidierakstu par valodu, bet arī praktiskas un noderīgas lekcijas un konsultācijas.
Cik svarīga ir valoda advokāta darbā? Kādas ir latvietes pamanītās starpkultūru atšķirības, dzīvojot Parīzē? Kuri ASV seriālu radītie stereotipi par juristu darbu ir patiesi, kuri – nē?
Raidījumā ar advokāti Aiju Lejnieci runājam par jurisprudenci un valodas nozīmi tajā, vienkāršās valodas svarīgumu, starpkultūru atšķirībām, dzīvi daudzvalodu vidē, iekļaujošo valodu, kā arī daudz ko citu.
Aija Lejniece ir advokāte, kura dzīvo un strādā Parīzē un specializējas starptautiskajās publiskajās tiesībās un starptautiskajā arbitrāžā.
Raidījuma vadītāja Aiga Veckalne ir valodniece, aizrautīga tulkotāja un filoloģe, uzņēmēja un lektore.
Raidījuma piezīmes:
[01:10] Iepazīšanās stāsts.
[03:25] Ceļš līdz advokātes darbam Parīzē. Valodas, kurās Aija runā ikdienā.
[07:56] Valodas nozīme jurisprudencē. Ko par valodu māca topošajiem juristiem?
[10:20] Vienkāršā valoda jurista darbā.
[13:42] Valodas stila izvēle, ciešamās kārtas bezpersoniskums.
[17:52] Aijas specializācija starptautiskajās publiskajās tiesībās un starptautiskajā arbitrāžā.
[20:46] Kā Aija nokļuva Francijā.
[24:34] Latvijas un Francijas starpkultūru atšķirības.
[28:17] Aijas vārda izrunas kuriozi.
[32:10] Kādās valodās Aija lasa un kā viņa apguva krievu valodu?
[34:14] Kurā valodā Aija domā, sapņo un kā spēj pārslēgties starp valodām?
[39:52] Vai franču valodu ir viegli iemācīties?
[41:55] Juridiskās valodas specifika.
[43:04] ASV seriālu radītie stereotipi par juristu darbu un realitāte.
[49:13] Iekļaujošā valoda darbā un ikdienā.
[54:19] Aijas brīvais laiks un spēka vietas.
[58:00] Latvijas Radio dokumentālais raidieraksts “Dokumentārijs” un Aijas dalība tajā, runājot par krūts vēzi.
[1:01:58] Kā latviešu valoda palīdz mācīties citas valodas?Grāmatas:
Diego Marani. Las adventures des inspector Cabillot. Mazarina, 1999.193 lpp. Pieejama: https://bit.ly/3Exw1HQ (“Inspektora Kabijo piedzīvojumi” europanto valodā)
Guy de Maupassant. Bel-Ami. Penguin Classics, 1975. 416 lpp. Pieejama: https://bit.ly/3dobwS2Noderīgas saites:
https://bit.ly/3EtV9z1 – Vieglās valodas aģentūras tīmekļvietne
https://bit.ly/3EvVRvK – vienkāršā valoda ASV
https://bit.ly/3Iu7dmk – vienkāršā valoda Apvienotajā Karalistē
https://spoti.fi/3DxxoFd – Latvijas Radio dokumentālaiās raidieraksts “Dokumentārijs”
https://bit.ly/3iSF3DW – “Pieturzīmju” Facebook lapa
https://bit.ly/2FvAMI9 – “Pieturzīmju” Instagram profils
https://bit.ly/2FaEWWl – “Pieturzīmju” tvitera profils
https://bit.ly/2BYS672 – atbalsti “Pieturzīmes” vietnē “Patreon”
https://bit.ly/2DFLTxa – atbalsti “Pieturzīmes” vietnē “Buy me coffee”
https://discord.gg/aAkqp7pmu3 – pievienojies mūsu “Discord” kopienaiSeko līdzi jaunumiem “Pieturzīmju” Instagram profilā, uzdod jautājumu nākamajam raidieraksta viesim un saņem atbildi raidījumā!
“Pieturzīmes” piedāvā ne tikai aizraujošu raidierakstu par valodu, bet arī praktiskas un noderīgas lekcijas un konsultācijas.
I dagens episode har Iselin besøk av Marius - mannen som ærlig forteller om hvordan han bevisst gikk bak ryggen på sin kjære og var utro med flere kvinner.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I dagens episode har Iselin besøk av artist og stjerneskudd Sebastian Zalo . Han forklarer hvordan machokultur og seksuell frustrasjon og avvisninger fra kvinner dyrker frem en mannlig internett-subkultur som vi kaller for incels. Hva er seksuell energi og hvorfor skal han unngå å få orgasme på flere månedene ?
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Welcome to the Moon Matters Podcast! In this intro episode you'll get to know the disembodied voice in your head teaching you about astrology.
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Endelig er det fredag og Iselin har en oppdatering på hva som vil skje med G-punktet fremover.
Les mer på Podimo.no/iselin
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Welcome to the Dr. Joe audio experience. We will be bringing you weekly content from Dr. Joe. This will range from interviews, lectures, Q&A and more!
"Change Your Mind, Change Your Life" - 5 Simple steps that anyone can follow.
Dr. Joe Dispenza, is an international lecturer, researcher, corporate consultant, author, and educator who has been invited to speak in more than 32 countries on five continents. As a lecturer and educator, he is driven by the conviction that each of us has the potential for greatness and unlimited abilities. In his easy-to-understand, encouraging, and compassionate style, he has educated thousands of people, detailing how they can rewire their brains and recondition their bodies to make lasting changes.
Eckhart talks with a live audience about letting go of our false sense of self. He says when we base our identity on externals: our looks, what we do and where we live - that’s the ego. In that state, we’re either inferior or superior; never equal. True relationships become impossible. But when we’re grounded in essential being, the need to compare disappears and we discover we are infinitely precious.
I denne episoden vil vi, etter beste evne, svare på ulike spørsmål som har blitt sendt inn av lytterne.
Episoden tar for seg følgende spørsmål:
1. Hva er grunnen til at noen få med nær-døden opplevelser (NDE) har negative opplevelser mens de aller fleste har fantastiske opplevelser av lys og kjærlighet?
2. Nå man først starter å utforske det spirituelle er det så mye forskjellig å sette seg inn i. Hvordan bør man begynne for å komme seg inn i denne «verdenen»? Hva kan man stole på av informasjon man f.eks. finner på Google/Youtube? Og vil healing alltid fungerer dersom man er åpen for det?
3. Hvordan har det seg at folk som vet de skal dø og som inngår et løfte om at de skal "gi lyd" ifra seg fra "den andre siden" bare blir stille og borte når de dør?
4. Vi ser jo på Åndenes Makt at ting flytter på seg, blir borte og kommer tilbake. Lys blir slått av og på, dører åpnes og lukkes osv. Kan dere prøve å forklare dette.
Mer informasjon om denne podkasten samt tilgang til Lysspråket, informasjon om Universets Lover og mer finner du på nettsiden Ånd & Vitenskap - https://andogvitenskap.noHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I ukas episode av bak fasaden har jeg en åpen og ærlig prat med transkvinnen Torill som bor i en liten by midt i Norge.
Hun levde som Egil i 61 år, før hun kom ut som kvinne.
Hør hennes historie med gleder og sorger, oppturer og nedturerBli medlem på: https://plus.acast.com/s/bakfasaden.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Over the past few decades, science is undergoing a major paradigm shift from a materialistic way of seeing the world to a Quantum world view.
Material perspective, rooted in Material Consciousness, sometimes referred to as Newtonian Consciousness is rooted in concepts such as:
The idea of Finite amounts and solution Fixed laws with probable, possible and predictable results Formulas Reasoning Logic Nature and Natural Law A drive for “certainty”In material consciousness we are trapped in assessing the world from a material point of view which we tend to quantify using money, predictability and material worth as the gold standard of value.
With the emergence of Quantum Physics in the 1920’s, we saw the manifestation through scientific understanding of a new consciousness, sometimes called Quantum Consciousness.
Quantum Consciousness brought us:
The “New Thought” movement
Thought leaders such as Ernest Holmes, Edgar Cayce, Madame Blavatsky, Rudolph Steiner, Maria Montessori
We saw the emergence of the idea, “Thoughts create your reality”
We discovered that We are all connected by virtue of the Quantum Field
We create non-locally and instantly
That we are Fundamentally creative and our consciousness can deliberately harness the power miracles and transcend the limitation of logical beliefs.
Quantum Consciousness is rooted in the drive for Well-being
and teaches us to embrace change, uncertainty and the fulfillment of potentialQuantum science has given scientific validity not only to our potential oneness but also to our subtle experiences of feeling, meaning, archetypes, and spiritual wholeness. According to the quantum worldview, the creative exploration of these experiences propels us toward a transformational mindset.
Join me for a powerful Quantum Conversation with Quantum physicist Amit Goswami, PhD, a retired full professor from the University of Oregon's Department of Physics. He is a pioneer of the quantum worldview. His insights and teachings, available in the form of several books and documentaries, are in line with the world's wisdom traditions, especially the Indian Vedanta/Yoga/Buddhism tradition.
Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Originally featured on the Graham Hancock youtube channel.
The Jesus Mysteries: https://amzn.to/34S1RAa | Soul Story: https://amzn.to/3bbyXvZ Interview by Luke Hancock.
International bestselling author Tim Freke joins us to discuss the historical Christ myth, Gnosticism, and what we can take from the Jesus story to help us in our evolution as individuals, and as The Totality, towards a state where we recognise our oneness and fall in love with creation so that we may create a heaven on earth.
Tim's website: https://timfreke.com/ -------- Interview by Luke Hancock for Kakuichi Institute, a holistic research center based in Japan that seeks to assist in the creation of a healthier society: https://kakuichi-institute.org/ -------- More episodes at https://hancockhour.com/
Velkommen til en ny episode av Housewives på norsk. I dag får du en recap av den nye episoden av RHONY «Eat, Drink, and Be Scary».
Kaptein Cahill er fremdeles i verbuniverset på søken etter svar. Denne gangen på planeten Presens. Megahjernen av en datamaskin, Pia 3000, forbereder henne på det hun kan komme til å møte av snublehull på denne planeten, og at Presens slettes ikke er så enkelt som man skulle tro ved første øyekast. Ta på deg romdrakten på nytt og bli med!
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Du kan også lese en transkripsjon av episoden på: www.norskbloggen.no
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