
  • In this clip from the CAFE Insider podcast, "'Spying' & Lying," co-hosts Preet Bharara and Anne Milgram discuss Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's indictment. 

    To hear the full episode, join the CAFE Insider community


    Julian Assange’s indictment filed by the Eastern District of Virginia
    “Assange: A Self-Proclaimed Foe of Secrecy Who Inspires Both Admiration and Fury,” NYT, 4/11/19
    “Julian Assange has been charged, prosecutors reveal inadvertently in court filing,” Washington Post, 11/15/18
    “Press Freedoms and the Case Against Julian Assange, Explained,” NYT, 4/11/19
    “Q: Could U.S. Prosecute Reporters For Classified Scoops? A: Maybe,” NPR, 3/22/17
    “How Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning became intertwined,” ABCNews, 4/12/19
    “Everything You Need to Know About Wikileaks,” MIT Technology Review, 12/9/10
    “Julian Assange, A Man Without A Country,” New Yorker, 8/14/17
    “Julian Assange’s arrest could end as a test for press freedom,” CNN, 4/11/19
    “Trump on WikiLeaks after Assange arrest: ‘It’s not my thing,’” The Hill, 4/11/19
    Christina Wilkie’s tweet documenting Trump’s inconsistent love of Wikileaks
    “Behind the Race to Publish the Top-Secret Pentagon Papers,” NYT, 12/20/17
    “What Would Daniel Ellsberg Do With the Pentagon Papers Today?,” NYT, 4/18/10

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  • In this clip from the CAFE Insider podcast, "Hide & Seek: Trump's Taxes, Mueller's Report," co-hosts Preet Bharara and Anne Milgram discuss the political and legal questions raised by House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal's letter to the IRS requesting six years of President Trump's tax returns. 

    To hear the full episode, join the CAFE Insider community

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  • On this episode of Stay Tuned, "Contempt & The Court," host Preet Bharara answers your questions about:

    -- Why he didn’t sign on to the statement by former federal prosecutors asserting that if Trump were not the president, he would be charged with obstruction of justice.

    -- What Attorney General Bill Barr would do had Special Counsel Bob Mueller recommended indicting the president

    -- Whether lying to the media is a crime, and

    -- The extent to which federal investigators share evidence with their state counterparts

    Joan Biskupic, Supreme Court biographer and a veteran journalist, joins Preet for a discussion of her most recent book, The Chief: The Life and Turbulent Times of Chief Justice John Roberts. Currently a full-time analyst for CNN, Biskupic has covered the Court for over three decades starting as a reporter at The Washington Post in the early 1990s.

    Bonus clips from the interview are available for members of the CAFE Insider community

    Sign up to receive free references and supplemental materials for Stay Tuned episodes, a weekly newsletter, and updates from Preet.

    As always, tweet your questions to @PreetBharara with hashtag #askpreet, email us at [email protected], or call 699-247-7338 to leave a voicemail. 

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  • In this clip from the CAFE Insider podcast, "Bill Barr: The Politics of 'Snitty,'" co-hosts Preet Bharara and Anne Milgram evaluate allegations that Attorney General Bill Barr committed perjury during congressional testimony.

    To hear the full episode, join the CAFE Insider community


    Bill Barr’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, including exchanges with Senator Mazie Hirono, Senator Kamala Harris, and Senator Cory Booker
    Special Counsel Bob Mueller’s letter to Attorney General Bill Barr
    Video: “Mueller’s ‘letter is a bit snitty,’” PBS Newshour, 5/1/19
    “The Catastrophic Performance of Bill Barr,” The Atlantic, 5/2/19
    “Attorney General Barr Skips Thursday's House Hearing,” NPR, 5/2/19
    “‘I don’t know’: Barr’s professed ignorance prompts calls for his resignation after Mueller letter,” Washington Post, 5/1/19
    “Here’s How William Barr Can Be Impeached But Why It’s Unlikely to Happen, According to Experts,” Newsweek, 5/1/19
    “Is There a Perjury Case Against Barr?,” Lawfare, 5/2/19
    Barr’s exchange with Senator Chris Van Hollen on 4/10/19
    Barr’s exchange with Rep. Charlie Crist on 4/9/19
    Attorney General Bill Barr’s 3/24/19 letter summarizing Mueller’s principal conclusions

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  • In this clip from the CAFE Insider podcast, "Fight Club: Congress v. Trump," co-hosts Preet Bharara and Anne Milgram discuss Attorney General Bill Barr's upcoming congressional testimony and propose effective lines of questioning.

    To hear the full episode, join the CAFE Insider community


    Video of Bill Barr Press Conference on Mueller’s report, plus the transcript of his opening remarks, 04/18/2019
    Transcript: Bill Barr’s answers questions at the Mueller report press conference, 04/18/2019
    “Barr's appearance at House hearing now in doubt because of dispute with Democrats,” CNN, 04/28/2019
    “Who Is Christine Blasey Ford, The Woman Accusing Brett Kavanaugh Of Sexual Assault?” NPR, 09/17/2018
    “Meet Rachel Mitchell, the woman questioning Ford about her Kavanaugh allegations at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing,” Business Insider, 09/27/2018
    1973 and 2000 OLC memos on indicting a sitting president

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  • Host Preet Bharara and his guest, Anne Milgram, the former New Jersey Attorney General and co-host of the CAFE Insider podcast, analyze the newly released Mueller report.

    Bonus analysis from today’s episode is available for CAFE Insider members. To join the Insider community and hear the rest of this conversation—plus receive access to Insider podcasts, a newsletter, and more—head to cafe.com/insider

    The (redacted) Mueller report
    Bill Barr’s press conference, plus the transcript of his remarks
    The 1973 and 2000 Office of Legal Counsel memos regarding DOJ policy on indicting a sitting President

    Do you have a question for Preet? Tweet it to @PreetBharara with the hashtag #askpreet, email [email protected], or call 669-247-7338 and leave a voicemail.

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  • On this episode of Stay Tuned, "Mueller Medley & What's Life Worth?," host Preet Bharara answers your questions about:

    -- The friendship between Bob Mueller and Bill Barr

    -- President Trump’s command to Don McGahn to have Mueller fired

    -- What Rod Rosenstein was thinking at the podium during Bill Barr’s press conference

    -- Why lawyers need lawyers, and

    -- Challenges to subpoenas

    Ken Feinberg, perhaps America’s most renowned mediator, joins Preet for a wide-ranging discussion about his unique role in the American legal system: the Special Master of victim compensation funds set up in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the Virginia Tech shooting, the BP oil spill, and many other disasters that pose particular challenges for the courts. Plus, Feinberg shares stories from his early career working in the Senate for the late Senator Ted Kennedy.

    Bonus clips from the interview are available for members of the CAFE Insider community

    Sign up to receive free references and supplemental materials for Stay Tuned episodes, a weekly newsletter, and updates from Preet.

    As always, tweet your questions to @PreetBharara with hashtag #askpreet, email us at [email protected], or call 699-247-7338 to leave a voicemail.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
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