
  • 法醫的工作究竟是怎樣?是否如電視劇描述般,時常要身陷險境、出生入死去查案?非也,就讓梁榮忠和法醫人類學家李衍蒨告訴你,屍骨如何呈現餘音。

    主持: 梁榮忠、李衍蒨
    監製: 羅曼穎

  • It’s not just a school subject.
    It’s not just a tool of trade.
    No. It’s the language of Shakespeare, of Charles Darwin, of Andrew Lloyd Webber, of Steve Jobs, of Winston Churchill. It is the tongue shared by some of the most brilliant minds in the world. Learn it well, and your world will be a lot bigger. And you don’t even have to be born or raised in an English speaking country. With the right training, and a superhuman determination to excel, you too can speak English as expressively and eloquently as an educated native speaker. 蕭叔叔,逢星期一至五,香港電台第一台,同大家一齊學好英文。


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