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  • Describe an experience that you taught someone something?

    You should say:

    When it happened and how it was: one weekend

    Who was with you: my grandfather

    What you did in this event: I taught him how to make pizza

    And how you felt about it: I felt glad he enjoyed my company

    Let me tell you about one time I taught, my happy and relaxed grandfather how to make pizza.

    I love spending weekends at my grandparents’ house to make sure that they were both excellent and also to accompany(陪伴) them in their twilight years(晚年).

    When I do, my grandfather is always delighted since I am his favorite grandson.


    spend time (in) doing sth. 做某事花费时间

    spend time on sth. 在某事上花费时间

    accompany 陪伴

    twilight years晚年

    One weekend, I went there and brought some pizza as there are no pizza houses in the countryside.

    Grandpa relished(喜爱)it with gusto(爱好) that I smiled looking at how he devoured(吞食)every slice(薄片,部分)with delight.

    He was like a child who hasn’t eaten his favorite food for a long time, and he asked me to buy some again when I came back the next weekend.

    However, I told him that it was as easy as pie to make pizza so long as he had the ingredients(材料) for it.


    因为as / since / because / due to / because of /result from /caused by

    devour 大口吃 / sip 小口啜

    as easy as pie = a piece of cake 小菜一碟

    He smiled from ear-to-ear and told me to teach him right then and there, so we headed to the kitchen to check for cheese, flour(面粉), yeast(酵母), sausage(香肠), and meat.

    Then, we went to his vegetable garden to check out and take his harvest of pepper, olives(橄榄), onions(洋葱), tomato, and mushroom.

    When all was set, we started making the dough(生面团)by mixing flour, yeast, and water, then we waited for a few minutes for the dough to rise and then we put all the toppings(调味品) we wanted to put.

    Grandpa’s pizza was laden with(装满)a lot of cheese, and he was beaming(喜气洋洋的)with joy with his creation.

    While waiting for the pizza to be cooked, we told antics(滑稽事)and stories to each other, so we were both on cloud nine.

    Finally, when we could smell the rich aroma(芳香), we got the pizza out from the oven than called grandma to eat with us.

    I was glad to teach him how to make pizza.


    smile from ear-to-ear 笑得合不拢嘴

    head to 直奔……

    be laden with装满

    on cloud nine = over the moon 非常高兴

  • Describe a time you went to a crowded place

    You should say:

    When you went there: concert

    Where the place was: concert hall

    What you did there: watched my favorite group perform

    And explain why you went there and how you felt the crowded place: I loved the crown and I was so thrilled.



    The party animal in me would always be remarkable especially in events where there is a vast and wildcrowd(人群). That is why whenever there is a concert, I make sure to find time to attend it. But let me describe to you one special gig(现场演出)that has made me feel so thrilled and excited to be in a large crowd.


    The party animal in me

    A vast and wild crowd = in a large crowd = be packed with people

    A place where…

    Gig(现场演出)= live music

    I am a big fan of the American boy group Maroon Five. I love Adam Levine not only because he is a gorgeoushunk(壮汉)but also because of his exceptional(异常的) musical talent. So, imagine how I went gaga(狂热的)upon discovering that they would be having a concert in Shanghai the next weekend. I tried to call the number to buy some tickets, but they told me that it was sold out(售空)and the only thing I could do was to fall in line early on the concert day to buy one.


    Be a big fan of = be crazy about

    Not only…but also…

    A gorgeous = good looking = charming hunk(壮汉)

    Exceptional(异常的) = outstanding = excellent musical talent

    Go gaga(狂热的)= go crazy = go wild

    Sell out 卖空

    That was what I did; I am not an early bird, but I woke up earlier that day and headed to the concert hall. My jaw dropped to see that there was already a long queue(长龙) of people at the entrance of the building and another longer one at the ticket line. I patiently waited for my turn, and instead of getting upset, I was so elated to see this massive crowd cause I could imagine how exciting it would be to be with them inside the hall. At last, I was able to buy my ticket and entered the building. Similar to my expectation, it was jam-packed(拥挤不堪的), and when the band appeared on the stage, the crowd all cheered, clapped and went wild. I was tickled pink when Adam started to sing, and the group began singing and dancing as well. We were all having a whale of a time together though we didn’t know each other, we had the same goal of enjoying the concert and had the chance to see our beloved(喜爱的)group perform in the country. Even after the time the show was over, the crowd still lingered(徘徊) for a few moments to enjoy the feeling of that event and I also did the same and enjoyed the night till I went home.


    An early bird

    My jaw dropped to see

    A long queue(长龙) = line of people

    Elated = excited = happy = thrilled

    Jam-packed(拥挤不堪的)= crowded

    A whale of a time = have a great time = enjoy ourselves

  • Describe a time you were pleased with your mobile phone.

    You should say:

    when and where it was: last Saturday at home

    who you were with: with my mother

    what you needed your phone for: making calls

    My mother is always as fit as a fiddle(非常健康)that is why she is always energetic in doing housework and in taking care of my father and me.

    She gets sick once-in-a-blue-moon(极为罕见)that’s why we were worried when she was still in bed last Saturday morning.

    She is an early bird(早起的人), and when we wake up, breakfast is steaming(冒热气的)hot and ready, but that Saturday, dad and I were dumbfounded that she was still in bed.

    When I came to check on her, she was down with flu so we told her to stay in bed and we would do just fine.

    Father has a business so as much as he wanted to stay with mom, he couldn’t so I volunteered to skip work(翘班)and just call my colleagues whenever I needed to.


    as fit as a fiddle非常健康


    early bird早起的人

    check on sb. 看望某人

    skip work翘班

    skip class 逃课

    I was pleased with my phone that time as I was able to give my boss a call to inform him about the situation and since he has a heart of gold, he understood it, and he just requested to check my phone often as he would call when he needed my assistance.

    After a few hours, he made a call to ask me where I put his files for the meeting on Monday and I gladly told him where they were.

    After he dropped the call(挂电话), I called my assistant to get the files for the boss so that he would not have a hard time going to my office.


    have a heart of gold 心地善良

    dropped the call挂电话

    make a call 打电话

    My father also called several times to check my mother’s condition, and he was relieved that I was there with her. I was also glad to spend the time taking care of my mom, and it was some kind of payback(回报)time for the times she had cared for me when I was feeling under the weather(身体不适).


    under the weather(身体不适)

    My phone kept ringing that whole day as my relatives called to inquire(询问)how mom was and a friendly neighbor as well called to ask if she could bring some soup to her and she did it in a few minutes. Also, my other colleagues made a call to ask how she was and then asked about work-related(与工作相关的)things. In this situation, I have appreciated the ease and benefit my phone brought me.

  • Describe a helpful person in work or study

    You should say:

    Who the person is: Jiahao

    What kind of person he/she is: generous and smart

    How this person help you: helped us for the exam

    And explain why you think this person is helpful: he is always ready to help


    1.outstanding 优秀的

    Our class is very fortunate to have a outstanding and kind president.

    2.considerate 体贴的

    The husband is considerate for his wife.

    3.supportive 支持(我)的

    I love my father because is always supportive of me.

    4.reliable 可信赖的

    You can count on the person who is reliable.

    5.sensitive 敏感多疑的

    she is sensitive as Lin Daiyu

    6.intelligent 机智的

    as intelligent as I am 机智如我

    Our class is very fortunate to have a brilliant and kind president in the person of Jiahao. He knows that most of us are not so good at math that is why he thought of what he could do to help us for the upcoming test.


    brilliant and kind 杰出又善良 / gentle and kind 绅士又温和

    Our teacher told us once that most of us had flunked(不及格)in her class test, so we had to do something to pass the final exam. When she left the room, we were all frustrated, and some were shaking like a leaf(吓得发抖)as their parents might be upset if they fail the test. We were all busy talking and complaining when Jiahao stood in front of the class and banged his hands on the teacher's table. We all turned to him as we were surprised by his action as he was usually gentle and kind.



    shaking like a leaf(吓得发抖)

    He then told us his plan since he felt as class president, he was somehow responsible not only for our behavior but also for our academic performance(学业表现), especially in math. He asked the class to give suggestions as to what we could do to make everyone pass the test. Of course, most did not take this discussion seriously, so they just gave nasty remarks but he just ignored those guys. With all the suggestions, he chose the part where he would tutor us during lunch break and thirty minutes after dismissal time. One of the classmates reminded him that he has music class after school, but he said he could skip the classes(逃课) for the week to lend us a hand. We were so touched and amazed by his kindness that even the bad guys became serious and agreed to the arrangement.

    I am thankful to him for being a helpful person because he had to adjust his time to help us.


    skip the classes(逃课)

    drop out of school (退学)

  • Describe an interesting person from another country you know or have heard of.

    You should say:

    Who this person is; Princess Diana

    How you got to know this person; news article

    What kind of person he or she is: kind princess

    And explain why you think he or she is interesting. she was a kind princess

    Princess Diana was the most famous and well-loved member of the Royal family of England. She was married to Prince Charles, and their seeming fairy tale story(童话故事) was watched by people from all around the globe(全世界). Though Charles was the one from the royal family, it was Diana who captivated the hearts of both the press and the masses with her golden heart.


    fairy tale story =童话故事

    all around the globe = all around the world = across the world = 全世界

    captivate the hearts of both the press and the masses = 俘获了所有人的心

    captivate = capture

    the press = the newspaper = the media

    the masses = the public = the people = the population

    She would always attend the events and functions that needed her help, like feeding programs, charity balls(慈善舞会), sports events and educational scholarship campaigns that would benefit the people. Because of this, she had been the darling of the crowd not only in her country but also from other countries as well.


    charity balls(慈善舞会)= charity party

    sports events 体育盛会

    educational scholarship campaigns教育学术活动

    However, not all fairy tale stories have happy endings as one sad day; she broke the news that she and the prince were filing for divorce because the prince was having an affair. Many people were mad with fury with the prince as they were upset how a man could be disloyal to an exquisite[ɪk'skwɪzɪt](高雅的), respectable and honorable woman. Still, Diana continued to perform her duties in lending a hand and giving aid to the people who needed her help thus people admired her more for such magnanimity and strength. Even the queen applauded her for continuing her royal duties despite the divorce. What’s more, she raised her sons well to grow in wisdom and gallantry and to be prepared for the throne someday.


    break the news 宣布消息

    fill for divorce 申请离婚

    affair =婚外情

    lend a hand and give aid to = give a hand = give a favor 伸出援手

    Thus, her sudden death caused by a car accident brought tears to all those who loved and esteemed her. Many leaders from around the globe attended her funeral to pay homage to the princess of the masses whose beauty went beyond the outward appearance and she remained faithful to her crown by serving the people until her death.

  • Describe an exciting book you read.

    You should say:

    1、what kind of book it was; adventure book

    2、what it was about; a man who dreamed of traveling around the world

    3、why you read this book; I hope to travel the world

    4、and explain why you found it exciting: he discovered many wonderful sights and met great people

    I like to bury myself in(沉浸于) an excellent book while sipping(小口喝) my favorite cup of tea and when the books I'm reading is a thrilling(毛骨悚然的)and fascinating one, I would prepare more tea so I could finish it in one sitting(一会儿的功夫).


    bury oneself in 沉浸于

    sipping 小口喝= drinking = having

    in one sitting一会儿的功夫

    I recently finished reading an adventure book from an American author, and I must say, the storyline was very exceptional(异常的)and done with much thinking. The story is about a young lad who had always dreamt of traveling around the world' however his parents prevented him from(阻止做....) doing so as they wanted him to focus on (集中精神)his studies. After many years, he had a happy family life, but still, his dream to travel was never erased from(抹除)his bucket list(遗愿清单). His wife noticed his sadness, and as a loving wife, she allowed him to pursue his goals even though that would mean they would be left behind.


    prevent … from 阻止做… = stop … from = keep … from

    focus on = concentrate on 集中精神做

    erase from 抹除

    bucket list 遗愿清单

    Well, he traveled to many parts of the world, met various kinds of(各种各样的) people from different kingdoms and learned many things from them. I did not like the ending though, but I am more interested in the adventures(冒险) he had in his travels. I would also like to explore the world(世界探险) by traveling because I believe that this is one way to learn about other countries' culture and tradition. Though it would surely cost an arm and a leg(昂贵的) to do that as travel costs are pricey(高价的) these days, it would still be a dream come true if I could travel even just half of the globe. For now, I would settle for watching travel documentaries(纪录片) and reading adventure books like this to gratify(使满足)a part of my wish of traveling.


    various kinds of = different kinds of 各种各样的

    explore the world 世界探险

    cost an arm and a leg 很大开销,昂贵的

  • Describe a website you like to visit

    You should say:

    When you found it: last year

    What it is about online shopping and selling site

    How often you visit it: weekly

    Why you like this website: it is convenient for shopping


    I am a shopaholic(购物狂), and one of my promises to myself is to make sure that I buy one item weekly as a reward for my hard work and patience in the company I work in at the moment.

    Since I am busy during the day and when I finish work, most shopping malls and marts are already closed, I decided to find a way to shop even when I am at work.

    Then, my colleague told me to visit Taobao.com, a popular online shopping site in my country.

    It is somewhat similar to international sites(国际网站) like eBay and Amazon, so I decided to check it out.



    1. shopaholic(购物狂)---拓展workaholic 工作狂alcoholic 酒鬼

    2. make promise to oneself 承诺某人

    3. make sure 确保= guarantee

    4.as a reward for my hard work 努力工作的奖励

    5. check it out 尝试一下 try it


    I was like a child who saw her favorite toys at the site.

    I beamed(发射出)with excitement upon seeing the items on sale on the site.

    They almost have anything under the sun(天下万物)from school supplies to home appliances, gadgets, and personal stuff.

    Well, I tried to order one pair of running shoes, and I was amazed at how fast they replied to my inquiries(询问) and in a matter of days, I had already received the item.

    From then on, I have been a regular customer of the site and take pleasure in purchasing some items on a weekly basis.



    1.人物定从 a child who 拓展a child who / a parent who / a person who…

    2. under the sun(全世界)e.g. he is the most friendly person I have ever met under the sun.

    3.order sth. 下单买……

    4.From then on 从那之后拓展from now on 从今往后

    5.on a weekly basis 以周为单位拓展on a monthly / yearly basis


    Aside from buying, one can also venture(风险) into an online business in this site, and I even tried selling some of my old stuff, and I was surprised to see that they sold like hotcakes and I earned some extra money.

    That is why I find this site very convenient for shopping any time of the day.



    Aside from 除此之外= apart from = besides

    Be surprise to do sth

  • Describe a place where you can listen to music

    You should say

    Where you listen to music: backyard garden

    What kind of music you listen to: ballad and R and B

    Why you go there to listen to music: relaxing

    And explain how you feel about it: I feel at ease


    My mother has a tiny yet very homey backyard garden where she grows all sorts of vegetable, and some of her favorite flowers like sunflower, tulips, and roses. There is also a wooden bench(木制长凳)with an umbrella as a shade, and this is the place where I spend my time listening to music.

    After school and before dinner, it has been my routine(例行公事)to lie on the bench there to listen to my favorite ballad(民谣) and R and B music(蓝调音乐). I like these types of music because they both have relaxing beat and melody which calms my tired body and drained(使...耗尽)brain after school. You know, after staying in school and answering mind-boggling(费脑筋的)activities, it is a delight to go home and get a little refuge(庇护)in our comfort zone and do the things that help us relax. When I listen to a ballad, I feel the love the singer has for the person whom he or she addresses(对...发表演说)the song to, and every line enters my mind as a soothing pill(提神药), and the melody enters my eardrum(耳膜)at a relaxing frequency(频率).

    R & B music is a little upbeat(欢快的), so when I listen to it, my trodden(行走)feeling is lifted so when I do my tasks in the evening time, I feel rejuvenated [ri'dʒu:vəneitid](恢复活力的)and energized. As you can see, this music makes my senses feel high, and when I listen, all my aching muscles feel good, my tired brain feels better, and my over-all(所有的)emotions feel the best. I think it is not only the music that gives me these kinds of feelings but the ambiance of the garden itself. Merely(仅仅) looking at my mom's vibrant plants provide a soothing sense to my eyes, or when I look up at the sky and see the dusk and moon starting to form, I enjoy the beauty of it. What could be more relaxing than sitting on the garden bench and inhaling(吸入)the beauty of creation while listening to my favorite music?


    ballad/R and B music/Jazz&Blues/Soft Music / line


    relaxing beat and melody


    feeling is lifted

    rejuvenated [ri'dʒu:vəneitid](恢复活力的)and energized /'enədʒaɪz/

    I feel the love the singer has for the person whom he or she addresses the song to

    a soothing /'su:ðiŋ/ pill

    enters my eardrum at a relaxing frequency