
  • Are you a tall girl struggling to find your style? Are you a tall girl trying to find confidence and comfortability in what you’re wearing? Then, this episode is for you! I have a new guest with me today - certified tall fashionista Tori (also known as 6footabae on the ‘gram) - and she gives her best tips to finding our style as tall women.

    Standing at 6’1” herself, Tori understands firsthand the struggles of finding clothing pieces that not only fit our length but also fit each of our unique bodies. Tune in to the full episode as we discuss tall girl fashion and styling tips, finding confidence, our take on the fashion industry being height inclusive, what it was like growing up tall, and more!

    Here are her deets:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/6footabae/

    Subscribe to A Tall Girl's Newsletter: https://atallgirlspodcast.beehiiv.com/subscribe

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • Today’s episode topic is tall women downplaying their height, leading people to not take them seriously. I want to talk about the #1 reason why tall women feel the need to shrink themselves both figuratively and literally. This particular reason leads to tall women downplaying their height and presence and it can ultimately affect other people’s perceptions towards us.

    There are a number of ways that tall women downplay their height. Hunching over. Speaking in a softer or high-pitched voice. Avoiding heels. Wearing clothes that make them appear shorter. Are you guilty of any of these?

    But why do we feel the need to act a certain way? Tune in to the full episode to find out!

    Subscribe to A Tall Girl's Newsletter: https://atallgirlspodcast.beehiiv.com/subscribe

    Thank you to Korai for sponsoring today's episode!

    Website: https://wearekorai.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearkorai
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearkorai/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wearkorai?_t=8fnCw5YfO4U&_r=1

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

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  • Today we’re talking about something tall people often face: judgment. Yes, judgment interestingly enough. This is part of being judged based on your physical appearance; it’s just not widely spoken about enough. Because when people think about being judged about your physical appearance, they think about skin color, hair, even tattoos and piercings. Not so much height.

    Have you ever been judged based on your height or physical appearance? Chances are the answer is yes. And today I wanna talk about why people do that and what you can do about it. As tall people, especially as tall women, I’m sure that we’ve had our fair share of judgment. The looks and stares. The sly comments. The stupid assumptions. The inappropriate questions. And it feels like it never stops.

    Tune in to the full episode to see how you can deal with height-based judgment!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Sign up for A Tall Girl's Newsletter (monthly newsletter): https://atallgirlspodcast.ck.page/8fd34d0130

  • So, I’m a college graduate??? Well, right now only half of one. I have 2 graduations; one already happened last week and this coming Tuesday is the second and final one. And you’re probably reading this like “2 graduations???? Huh????” YUP TWO GRADUATIONS, and ya know, I deserve both of them too, especially considering the fact that I didn’t even have a proper high school graduation lol.

    So, I figured why not do a little Q&A/life updates episode; I haven’t done one of these since last year and since I’m moving on to the next chapter of my life, it’s kinda like, might as well! I did a little poll on Stories as well as that little notes feature on Instagram asking you guys to give me questions and all that jazz. So I took questions from there as well as my DMs and kind of compiled the repetitive questions into a few topics that I will discuss today!

    Tune in to the full episode for more!

    Thank you to Korai for sponsoring today's episode!

    Website: https://wearekorai.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearkorai
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearkorai/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wearkorai?_t=8fnCw5YfO4U&_r=1

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • Today, we have a very special guest with us on the podcast today. Please welcome Whitney Jennings, the founder and creative director of Whitney Allysyn, a chic tall womenswear brand! As a woman who is 5’9” with a 35” inseam, she found it difficult to find affordable, luxury clothing that also fit her length. So, she decided to start her own sustainable clothing line to solve that problem! In this episode, she discusses her experiences growing up as a tall woman, how she started her business, tips on building the perfect capsule wardrobe as a tall girl, and more. Tune in below!

    Here are her deets:

    Website: https://www.whitneyallysyn.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whitneyallysyn/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@whitneyallysyn
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whitneyallysyn
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/whitneyallysyn/

    Tall Girl Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/nj-ny-tall-women-glamazons-united/

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • Today, we have a very special guest with us! I would like to introduce you to Tabran, the CEO and co-founder of Mesmerized Fashions! Tabran is a business owner and fellow tall girl who understands the struggles of finding clothes that actually fit our length. So, she decided to start Mesmerized Fashions with her mother (who also is tall!) as a way to help tall women feel confident and remind them that their height is mesmerizing. Tune in to the full episode as we discuss Tabran’s experiences with starting her business, modeling, traveling around the world, and more!

    Here are her deets:

    Website: https://mesmerizedfashions.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mesmerizedfashions?igsh=MThpd3VmamwwOHBtdQ==
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MesmerizedFashions/

    Tabran’s Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tabran_model?igsh=bjByMXlleG5wdjcz

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • For today’s episode, we will be talking about confidence. Well, one aspect of it. Summer is right around the corner (literally with the way that the weather is changing) and it’s time to be our best selves. Well, I mean we should be our best selves all year round but tbh it’s pretty hard to do that in the winter when it’s dark most of the day and we’re indoors all the time.

    But the summer is UNACCEPTABLE. And it’s a great time to start getting rid of the toxic traits that we have developed throughout the winter, one of them being negative self-talk. Negative self-talk plays a huge role in our low confidence and low self-esteem.

    “Oh I’m too tall for these heels…”; “Oh I wish I was shorter…”; “Oh I’m intimidating others with my height..” I’m sure that as tall women we’ve had our fair share of negative self-talk. So, today I will be providing tips and tricks on how to combat negative self-talk! Tune in to the full episode for more!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • Today we’re talking about clothing, which is a very popular topic for the tall community, for obvious reasons of course. Many brands, especially for women, make pieces for the average height, meaning that these pieces are often too short for us and end at an awkward length.

    And yes, you can scour the Internet for hacks but what better place to get tips than from the tall fashionistas themselves? Because if you’re tall, you know the struggle of finding clothes that actually fit. So this past week, I asked some tall fashion influencers for their #1 fashion tip and here’s what they had to say…Tune in to the full episode below!

    Thank you to Korai for sponsoring today’s episode! Korai is your go-to destination for stunning bodysuits designed specifically for women with long torsos. Check them out here:

    Website: https://wearekorai.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearkorai
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearkorai/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wearkorai?_t=8fnCw5YfO4U&_r=1

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • I have a question for y’all: Have you ever been in a group of people and felt like you were the outlier? Like you stuck out like a sore thumb? Like the people around you don’t understand you? Like you don’t belong? I can definitely say that some of us tall girls have been there too. It’s definitely a frustrating and nerve wracking experience, especially when you’re young and you’re trying to find yourself and find your group of people.

    So today, I will talk about the importance of finding that tall girl community, my experiences before finding it, and how to find the tall girl group that you can connect with. Tune in for more!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • Today we are talking about negative labels that are given to tall women. Basically the names that people call tall women. Here are just a few labels that tall women are given: Amazon, giant, giraffe, lanky, Mami Long Legs, goofy, skyscraper, shall I go on?? Let me know if you’ve been called any of these lol. And some of them have interesting meanings behind them.

    Tune in to the full episode below to learn more about how these labels affect our self-confidence!

    Thank you to Korai for sponsoring today’s episode! Korai is your go-to destination for stunning bodysuits designed specifically for women with long torsos. Check them out here:

    Website: https://wearekorai.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearkorai
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearkorai/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wearkorai?_t=8fnCw5YfO4U&_r=1

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • Today, we have two very special guests with us! I’d like to introduce to you guys the co-owners of Gowa Shoes, Keji and Bisi! Gowa Shoes is your go-to platform to shop different brands that provide high-quality and fashionable shoes for women with larger feet. From heels to flats to boots, Gowa provides inclusive sizing without sacrificing style. To learn more about Keji and Bisi’s journey and their mission to promote self-love and confidence through their brand, tune in to the episode below!

    Here are their deets:

    Website (relaunching April 16th, 2024): https://gowashoes.com/en-us/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gowashoes/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gowashoes/

    Keji: https://www.instagram.com/kejibelgore?igsh=Mzg3cGJnYzh1a3g1
    Bisi: https://www.instagram.com/bisiemeruwa?igsh=MW41dGRjNm1tYWhmbQ==

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • This episode is not based on one isolated event; it’s based on several years of different experiences. It just so happens that a recent event sparked something within me to talk about this; I’m not going to go into that because it’s irrelevant. But I do wanna say early on: tall ladies, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. People will push your boundaries and buttons to see how far they can go before you react. So, it’s best to let them know early on what we tolerate and what we don’t tolerate.

    Whether it’s conscious or unconscious, people may make little remarks over time that don’t sit right with you. And sometimes you may let it slide. I know I’ve done that several times. But if it builds up, you’re gonna explode.

    So, today, we’re giving ourselves the courage and the grace to stand up for ourselves. Tune in to the episode for more!

    Thank you to Korai for sponsoring today’s episode! Korai is your go-to destination for stunning bodysuits designed specifically for women with long torsos. Check them out here:

    Website: https://wearekorai.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearkorai
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearkorai/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wearkorai?_t=8fnCw5YfO4U&_r=1

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • Alright, today’s topic: height-related health issues. Before I start, I just wanna give a quick disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a health or medical professional. I’m not studying health; in fact, I’m a business major which is the farthest subject from health. I am not attempting to diagnose anyone or give health advice or anything of that sort. I’m simply just having a discussion with y’all about research and what I’ve heard from other people. I just want to bring awareness to this topic so DO NOT come for me in any way shape or form.

    So apparently, your height, like how tall you are, can affect your health. And us tall folks are at a higher risk of getting certain diseases. What are they? And how can we combat them? Tune in to the full episode below for more!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • Today, we are talking about self-sabotaging behaviors. This can show up in many ways; we as humans do this so much throughout our lives whether we’re conscious or unconscious about it. It can show up as procrastination, staying in a situation we know we shouldn’t be in, criticizing yourself, and so forth. They do say that people with a low self-esteem struggle with this, but I think anyone, no matter the confidence level, can partake in self-sabotaging behaviors. I just think that the confidence level can affect how bad the behaviors are/the severity of the behaviors and how often we do it.

    So confidence level relating to height can cause tall women to partake in behaviors that are self-sabotaging. What does this mean? Tune in to the full episode to find out more!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • For the question of the day…is being tall awkward? Riddle me that. Like what about your height/what about being tall makes you feel awkward. I feel like the more I say the word ‘awkward' the more I just don’t understand its meaning lol. By awkward I mean difficult, cumbersome, embarrassing, uncomfortable. Like what about being tall makes you feel all of these things?

    If you asked me this question 5, 6, 7 years ago, I’d probably say that being tall is most definitely awkward. Listen, I was that girl who tripped over air. I was that girl who could never sit in class properly because my desk was too small for me. I was that girl who would feel weird standing around because I didn’t know what to do with my long arms. Can anyone else relate?

    Being tall had its moments. And honestly, it still does. But the older I’m getting, the more I’m realizing that there’s more to it than just the standard tall girl problems. Societal expectations, personal confidence, and even representation in the media and other industries can play a big part in how we perceive our height. Let’s get more into this conversation! Check out my full episode!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • I’ve been planning and planning and planning for what I wanna do for my birthday. I’m one of those people who like to celebrate over multiple days. Kinda like how some people celebrate for like a week or even a month. I think I’m just good with a weekend tho lol. But last year, I waited til two weeks before my birthday to plan and boy was that a bad decision. Well…I mean, if you were here for the last episode, lowkey last year was iconic lol. I just think that I shoulda planned out more.

    And with that, I’ve been trying to figure out what to wear because ya know, I wanna look nice. But with my busy schedule, I needed to do some online shopping. And I have QUITE A FEW THINGS to get off my chest about this topic. As a tall woman, I genuinely forgot how much of a struggle online shopping can actually be.

    What are my experiences with online shopping as a tall girl that make me hate it so much? I give you the rundown in my episode!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • The major question of the day here is: Are tall girls jealous of short girls? I’d love to hear your opinions on this. Is this a controversial topic? Oh 110% Well….is it? Either way I’d love to hear your take on this.

    But there are definitely tall girls who are jealous of short girls. I guess you could say I was one of them but I was only really jealous of the fact that it’s easier for them to find nice clothes that fit them. But many people give a lot of reasons (especially on the Internet) as to why a tall girl would be jealous of a short girl. What are those reasons? And what is the REAL reason why a tall girl would be jealous of short girls? Tune in to the full episode!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • Today we are talking about insecurities YAYYYYYYY. Lol I hope you know that that was sarcasm. Or was it? I feel like insecurities themselves are not yay but talking about them is yay. Because it’s okay to be in your feels, ya know? But this topic came to mind after I recorded an episode with two people who have experience in the modeling industry. Definitely check that episode out to understand what I mean.

    Before I start this episode, I do want to make sure that this is known - I still have my insecurities, whether it be with my body or other aspects of my life. So even though I’m giving tips in this episode and speaking about my experience, I’m still not 100% where I want to be in terms of confidence. It was especially bad when I was younger.

    No, I’m not even joking. It was so bad that I used to say that if Slenderman had a daughter, she’d be me. The girls who get it, get it :/

    So, what are my experiences with insecurities as a tall woman? And how did I overcome them? Tune in to the full episode below for more!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • Y’all we have two VERY SPECIAL guests on today’s podcast episode: Briy and Lucky! Two are very talented models, one who’s just breaking into the industry and the other experienced and currently retired. I decided to invite them on to today’s episode after a very interesting message that I’ve received on Instagram…

    I posted something on my Instagram story (lowkey don’t ask me what it was because I don’t remember LOL), but Lucky responded to it and mentioned that she was told that she was ‘too tall’ to model. I then posted that response on my story asking people what they thought and boy did I get a whole slew of messages from different people sharing their thoughts/experiences, one of them being Briy! So today, I invited these two fabulous women on to the podcast to bring awareness to this topic!

    Tune in to the episode for more!

    Here are their deets:


    Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atalllife?igsh=OHAybzZvczY2a2M2
    Personal TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@atalllife?_t=8jnh5ZXNWSg&_r=1

    Fashion Brand Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skyerose_designs?igsh=MW9ndjFjOHNodXZqbQ==
    Fashion Brand TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@skyerosedesignsllc?_t=8jnh7XmF462&_r=1


    Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briygilgeous?igsh=aG9vN21oN2M1dXA3
    Personal TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briygilgeous?_t=8jnh23BfwcA&_r=1

    75 Hard Style Challenge on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatbriywore?igsh=MTl0aHZ5dG10aW5uag==

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

  • Today, we’re here to talk about fitting it. I have done quite a few episodes on this providing tips on how to feel better about it, but today, I actually wanna discuss why it’s a good thing. Because it is. Here’s my opinion that NOBODY ASKED FOR: tall girls will never fit in. We will always stick out from the crowd. We will always be the odd one out in group photos. And we can’t always wear that dress our friends wear because it’s too short for us lol.

    But NOT fitting in MAY be a good thing. Why? Tune in to the full episode for more!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews