OFF THE STRENGTH is a dynamic podcast that explores the intersection of wellness, art, movement, mental health, and spiritual health from the perspective of passionate wellness professionals. Each week, hosts Tony Vidal and KR Jones share insights, tips, and transformative stories, uncovering the best that life has to offer in the pursuit of a better self. From highlighting top practitioners and artists to celebrating the cultural heartbeat of the modern fitness and wellness landscape, the show goes beyond the surface to explore not just what drives them, but why they do what moves them—sharing these discoveries with the people they care about the most. Follow us: @OFFTHESTRENGTH_ @ATrainerCalledTony @KRJones_.
氛围音乐(Ambient Music)混音带。
混音带曲目均收录于网易云音乐《冥想正念 | 静谧安然(播客曲目收录)歌单中。
Ambient Music Mixtape, with natural environmental sounds added as background sounds to create a peaceful and calm atmosphere.
During an hour of peaceful and tranquil music journey, you can focus on learning, reading books, relieve stress, meditate or fall asleep peacefully. It can also be used as ASMR.
The tracks of the mixtape are included in the song list of Netease Cloud Music "Meditation and Mindfulness | Tranquil and Calm (included in the podcast track)".
喚醒你的靈魂,冥想綠洲Awaken your soul with a meditation oasis
踏入一個寧靜的冥想綠洲,在這裡,963Hz 的振動頻率將喚醒你的靈魂,釋放你的壓力,並帶你找到內心的平靜。#冥想音樂#正念#放鬆#減壓#963Hz#振動頻率#靈魂喚醒#內心平靜#冥想綠洲#壓力釋放#增強創造力#連結心靈和身體#
Step into a peaceful meditation oasis where 963Hz vibrations will awaken your soul, release your stress, and lead you to find inner peace.
#Meditation Music # Mindfulness # Relaxation # Stress Reduction # 963Hz # Vibration Frequency # Soul Awakening # Inner Peace # Meditation Oasis # Stress Release # Enhance Creativity # Connect Mind and Body
• 釋放壓力和焦慮
• 提升正念與專注力
• 促進放鬆和睡眠
• 增強直覺和創造力
• 連結你的心靈和身體
• Release stress and anxiety
• Improve mindfulness and concentration
• Promotes relaxation and sleep
• Enhance intuition and creativity
• Connect your mind and body
• 找個安靜舒適的地方坐下或躺下。
• 戴上耳機,閉上眼睛。
• 讓 963Hz 的振動頻率包圍你,專注於你的呼吸。
• 隨著音樂的流動,釋放任何緊張或壓力。
• 讓自己沉浸在寧靜與和平之中。
how to use:
• Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down.
• Put on your headphones and close your eyes.
• Let the vibration frequency of 963Hz surround you and focus on your breathing.
• Release any tension or pressure as the music flows.
• Immerse yourself in tranquility and peace.
欢迎大家收听我的新专辑:深夜里的声音|置身户外 5分钟入睡
来自欧洲,最惊人的发现“大自然潜意识音乐疗法”二年临床实验证明,80% 的人在聆听一小时内,皆可以感受它的惊人效果。欢迎关注本专辑,内容陆续更新中。
Welcome to the Less Stressed Life. If you’re here, I bet we have a few things in common. We’re both in pursuit of a Less Stressed Life. But we don’t have it all figured out quite yet. We’re moms that want the best for our families, health practitioners that want the best for our clients and women that just want to feel better with every birthday. We’re health savvy, but we want to learn something new each day. The Less Stressed Life isn’t a destination, it’s a pursuit, a journey if you will. On this show, we talk about health from the physical, emotional and nutritional angles and want you to know that you always have options. We’re here to help you heal yourself. Learn more at
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