Exciting, in-depth, and sometimes humorous conversations with experts in sports performance and human optimization across the globe. Including athletes, coaches, elite scientists, and self-experimenters, this show has it all. Hear directly from the source about all of the behind-the-scenes happenings in our sport and the ways they go about impacting it on a daily basis.
Official Podcast of Garage Strength! Talking all things sports, strength, and fitness from Olympic Strength and Conditioning Coach Dane Miller and Earl Kunkel
Styrktarþjálfararnir Guðjón og Villi eru stjórnendur þáttarins. Þeir miðla þekkingu sinni og reynslu til hlustanda varðandi styrktarþjálfun íþróttamanna. Í hverjum þætti verður farið í hvernig skal auka afkastagetu hjá íþróttamönnum.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podcast by Sterakastið
Our names are Kellie and Mel and when you mix up two weight loss surgery patients, besties for over 20 years, side stories, and a whole lot of information, you have Our Sleeved life Podcast and the best resource for all topics of bariatric surgery!
If you're enjoying Our Sleeved Life Podcast consider supporting the podcast on Patreon! -
Varmt välkommen till Vintersportspodden, jag som driver podden heter Ville Bylin och har varit alpin skidåkare på elitnivå samt varit ledare på föreningsnivå, alpin ledare på landslagsnivå samt haft ledande befattning inom svenska skidförbundet. Jag har 15 års erfarenhet av ledarskap inom både idrott och näringslivet. Jag har ett stort intresse och utövar idrott av alla dess slag, åker gärna skidor både uppför och utför.
Vintersportpodden tittar närmare på en rad olika vinteridrotter och vad som påverkar dem utifrån olika perspektiv. Jag kommer prata med inbjudna gäster om deras bakgrund, erfarenheter och kompetenser.
Jag vill genom podden skapa en bild av Vintersporten i Sverige och hur den utvecklas och påverkas av en rad olika faktorer. Podden vill ge dig som lyssnar oavsett om du är förälder, aktiv, ledare i en förening eller en för idrotten så viktig supporter inblick i hur de olika idrotterna jobbar med allt ifrån barn och ungdomar till världselit och hur de jobbar för att fortsätta vara den folkkära rörelse som vinteridrott faktiskt är i Sverige!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Í klefanum þá skoðum við hvernig við náum árangri og komumst nær markmiðunum okkar.
Í Klefanum þá talar allt íþróttafólk sama tungumálið! -
Hlaðvarpsþáttur í stjórn Birnu Maríu Másdóttur þar sem hún fær til sín góða gesti til að tala um íþróttir, heilsuna, mataræði eða bara eitthvað aðeins meira en bara GYM. Hoppaðu á GYM-vagninn!
Join us as we dive deep on sports science, fitness, training, injury rehabilitation, sporting performance, nutrition, sports psychology and of course strength and conditioning coaching. Proudly brought to you by Ironedge.
Off Course is the podcast about what happens when the racing is over and life begins. Endurance athletes have lives outside of their sport. Maintaining a healthy work, life, sport balance requires intention, discipline and a strong appetite for new experiences.
"Part of what I love about all of the sports I coach and participate in, is the community of fun, interesting people that I get to do it all with. In this show I’m bringing you with me to all of the races I go to, and inviting you into all of the cool conversations I have with athletes, other coaches, and pros in endurance sports that I’m a part of. You’ll get to hear about who these people are off the racecourse, what makes them great athletes, what other hobbies they have, and how they maintain excellence in sport and life."
-Grant Holicky, Host of Off Course -
Welcome to "The Selfish Mom Podcast," the ultimate destination for wellness and empowerment tailored specifically for moms!
Are you a mom who's constantly juggling the demands of family, work, and life? Are you in search of a balanced, thriving, and fulfilling lifestyle? Look no further. Hosted by Ali Kay, this podcast is your go-to source for holistic wellness, self-care, and self-empowerment.
Join us on a transformative journey where we celebrate the beauty of self-care, self-discovery, and self-love. Discover how embracing "selfishness" can lead to a life of vitality, resilience, and happiness. Ali Kay, your guide and fellow Selfish Mom, shares actionable insights, inspiring stories, and expert advice to help you prioritize your mental and physical health.
Here's what you can expect:
Wellness tips and practices tailored for every type of woman m.
Empowering interviews with experts and inspiring moms.
Strategies to redefine "selfishness" as an act of selflessness.
A supportive community of like-minded moms on the journey to wellness.
It's time to put yourself first without guilt, embrace self-care, and rewrite the narrative of motherhood. Subscribe to "The Selfish Mom Podcast" now and embark on a path to become the healthiest, happiest, and most empowered version of yourself. Join Ali Kay and our community of Selfish Moms, because taking care of you is the first step to taking care of your family.
Keely Henninger, Corrine Malcolm, and Hillary Allen are three professional trail runners looking to utilize their experience as athletes and scientists to foster community and discussion around new and challenging topics in the world of trail running, training and racing, and equality
Certified coaches, successful triathletes and other top-notch guests addressing common questions and concerns for triathletes and those seeking to complete their first triathlon. This show is aimed at men and women who are training for triathlon in addition to having a job and a family (not professional endurance athletes). The host is a 20-year veteran of age-group triathlon competition, a journalist, and owner of BeginnerTriathlete.
Will Johnson of Barbell Stories chats it up with athletes, artists, friends, and tells the stories of weightlifting.
Welcome to The Progress Theory.
Our purpose is to teach and discuss scientific principles to show how we can enhance and optimise human performance.
We will deliver you interviews with world-class experts (or legends as we prefer to call them), exciting real-world application of Sport Science and will explore some of the common myths and misconceptions in Health & Wellbeing.
We want all of our listeners to develop the skills to implement the knowledge they obtain from the show into their everyday lives.
These skills can be applied towards improving sporting performance and conquering physical challenges, or it can be in developing a better quality of life. -
Sit back, pour a glass of wine and enjoy the company of our experts who will wow you with a few things you should probably know but didn’t as your body enters menopause.
Our expert speakers will teach you how to embrace the changes, optimize your health and minimize the hormone hell many of us experience as we enter perimenopause and beyond. But don't fear. We're here to show you that menopause doesn't have to suck - and we have the experts to prove it!
*Come back on Thursdays for new episodes! -
Welcome to Keeping Up with Kelsey! This is a show where we will talk about running, fitness, health, finding balance, and keeping up with all that life has to offer. Nothing excites me more than talking about running and fitness with others. On this show we will have special guests who will share their experiences and discuss a variety of topics while inspiring us and making us laugh. Come along as we laugh, cry, think, and become our best and strongest selves together!
WIN: Championship Traits for Life dives deep into how sports and athletics act as a vehicle for our growth as human beings and are the ultimate teacher for dealing with adversity and building mental fitness. The show is hosted by Lee M.J. Elias and JB Spisso, who have a combined 40+ years of experience in team development, leadership, and coaching and will include interviews from top athletes, coaches, executives and trailblazers from professional, collegiate and youth sports. Together, we will make the world trust in teamwork again.
Naturally Inspired Podcast is a weekly podcast where we interview health practitioners, authors, filmmakers, scientists and leading experts in the fields of health and wellness. Guests are on the cutting edge and our conversations aim to inspire listeners to think critically about health choices for better life results. Learn More At
Listen to the Vantage Fit Corporate Wellness Podcast and stay updated on-the-go with all the latest insights on corporate wellness from global wellness experts and leaders.