
  • Welcome to another episode of "The Art of Consulting Podcast" with your hosts, Andy Fry and Cat Lam. As seasoned IT consultants, CPAs, and professional development connoisseurs, we aim to bring you inspiring messages to help you discover the X factor in your professional field, leading to the success you truly deserve in your career and life.

    Welcome back, the one and only Edmund Metera. Edmund Metera is a senior project manager at CWB Financial Group in Canada. He firmly believes that the keys to delivering successful projects are not only founded upon expert project management and business analysis competencies but on recognizing, tailoring and applying the best-suited methodologies and techniques to suit the unique technologies, constraints and opportunities at hand.

    Topic Overview:

    Focus on what a trusted advisor needs when embarking on a consulting engagement.

    Insights derived from Ed Matera’s book and his work at processmodellingadvisor.com.

    Types of Consultants:

    External Consultants: Advise client organizations.

    Internal Consultants: Advise different business areas within the same organization.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Importance of Deliverable Schedule and Effort Budget:

    Deliverable Schedule: Highly important.

    Effort Budget: Less important for the advisor; focus is on meeting the schedule rather than the budget.

    Project Stakeholders and Relationships:

    Critical for understanding stakeholder perspectives and pain points.

    The advisor acts as an advocate for the business within the project.

    Relationships vary from one engagement to another but are always crucial.

    Organizational Assets:

    Includes specialized tools, prior work, and training (e.g., SAP tools).

    External consultants bring their own assets and tools, which are essential.

    Organizational assets are important but secondary to interpersonal relationships and stakeholder understanding.

    Episode Highlights:

    Why Discuss Simple Concepts?

    Importance of asking the right questions early in a project or consultation.

    Being mindful and diligent upfront acts like insurance, preventing future issues.

    Preparation and Diligence:

    Taking initial steps to understand the project helps tailor the approach.

    This preparation keeps consultants out of potential pitfalls and allows them to leverage their knowledge effectively.

    Using a Checklist:

    Ed discusses a checklist available on his website, processmodellingadvisor.com.

    The checklist helps in tailoring your approach from one engagement to the next.


    The checklist can be found on the homepage of processmodellingadvisor.com.

    It is also published in BA Times, Modern Analyst, and IRM Connects.


    The episode delves into the balance between internal and external resources, the critical nature of stakeholder relationships, and the varying importance of schedules and budgets in consulting engagements.

    Ed Metera believes that philosophy is loud and clear in Ed's book: Universal Process Modeling Procedure: The Practical Guide to High-Quality Business Process Models.

    He has taught and mentored project managers and business analysts in best practices for professional organizations such as PMI, IIBA, and CMMI.

    He teaches IIBA-registered business analysis courses and serves as an advisor to the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology's Corporate and International Training department’s Business Analysis Certificate Program.

    He is also the founder of www.ProcessModelingAdvisor.com and a regular BATimes, Modern Analyst and IRM Connects contributor.

  • Episode Description:

    In this episode of Blue Sky Consulting, Cat continues her insightful conversation with Trevor Blake, a visionary serial entrepreneur and New York Times best-selling author. Trevor shares the innovative strategies behind his success, particularly his unique "hub model" for building companies without traditional employees. Tune in to discover how Trevor has managed to create and sell multiple companies with a combined value nearing a billion dollars, all while maintaining a balanced and fulfilling personal life.

    Key Takeaways:

    Introduction to Trevor Blake:

    Trevor Blake is a successful entrepreneur who has founded and sold three companies since 2003, with a combined value close to a billion dollars.

    He is known for his unique business model that does not involve traditional employees.

    The Hub Model:

    Trevor's "hub model" involves outsourcing all company functions to professional vendors rather than hiring full-time employees.

    This approach stemmed from necessity, as Trevor didn't have the funds to hire employees when he started his first company.

    Benefits of the Hub Model:

    Allows flexibility and cost savings, especially in the early stages of a company.

    Vendors work on a fee-for-service basis, motivated by profit-sharing arrangements and a sense of ownership in the company’s success.

    Eliminates the need for extensive supervision and internal meetings, enabling a focus on core business goals.

    Real-World Application:

    Trevor provides examples from his own experience, including a story about successfully running a company while being out of the country for three weeks.

    Highlights the balance this model offers, allowing Trevor to spend significant time on personal activities while his businesses continue to thrive.

    Maintaining Relationships and Trust:

    Trevor emphasizes the importance of trust and peer-to-peer relationships with vendors.

    He shares the success of long-term partnerships, such as his finance team in Texas, whom he has never met in person but maintains a strong working relationship with.

    Challenges and Solutions:

    Addresses concerns about vendor reliability and turnover, noting that the hub model’s structure and profit-sharing incentives foster loyalty and long-term collaboration.

    Discusses the ease of replacing vendors compared to employees, as contracts are more flexible.

    Work-Life Balance:

    Trevor contrasts his approach with more traditional, high-stress entrepreneurial paths, advocating for a lifestyle that combines business success with personal fulfillment.

    Shares his daily routine, which includes spending several hours walking and enjoying nature.

    Listener Questions:

    Kat and Trevor discuss the sustainability of the hub model and its application across various business functions.

    Trevor addresses potential pitfalls and how he mitigates them, providing insights into maintaining vendor relationships and ensuring consistent performance.

    Personal Vendor Experience

    Trevor shares a personal story about a long-term vendor relationship.

    Despite a strong personal bond, Trevor had to part ways with the vendor due to professional reasons, highlighting the different dynamics in vendor relationships.

    Employee Relationships and Company Dynamics

    Trevor explains the difficulty of ending employee relationships and contrasts it with the maturity and flexibility of vendor relationships.

    He discusses his approach to business growth and his preference for exiting companies once they've reached a certain level.

    Trevor's Personal Development Programs

    Trevor introduces his transformational personal development programs, emphasizing the need for self-transformation to achieve life goals.

    He talks about the "transformation experience" which helps individuals rediscover their potential and power.

    Transformation Experience Details

    The transformation experience is described as a journey back to one's true self, using principles of quantum physics.

    Trevor shares the success and impact of his programs, with thousands of people experiencing positive change.

    Start, Survive, Thrive Course

    Trevor introduces his course based on his book "Secrets to a Successful Start-Up," which provides a step-by-step guide to creating and sustaining a successful business.

    The course is aimed at helping individuals survive long enough in business to eventually hit a home run.

    Target Audience for Courses

    Trevor discusses the demographics of his course participants, including those looking for self-confidence and those who sacrificed their dreams for their families.

    He emphasizes the program's ability to help individuals adapt to new technological landscapes and regain confidence.

    Transforming Artists

    Trevor explains how his courses also support artists in finding sustainable income models, such as licensing and NFTs.

    He talks about the challenges artists face and how his programs provide practical solutions for success.

    Trevor's Screenwriting Journey

    Trevor shares his journey as a screenwriter, from his early days writing plays to winning awards for his screenplays.

    He discusses the transition from selling his screenplays to creating his own media company to produce films.

    Final Thoughts and Takeaways

    Trevor emphasizes the importance of having fun and making a positive difference in people's lives.

    He encourages listeners to embrace their creativity and pursue their passions with confidence.

    Key Takeaways:

    The complexities of managing employees versus vendors and the benefits of the hub model.

    The necessity of personal transformation for achieving professional success.

    The value of storytelling in business and personal development.

    Practical advice for artists and entrepreneurs on building sustainable income streams.

    Connect with Trevor G. Blake:

    Additional Resources:

    Books by Trevor G. Blake:

    "Three Simple Steps"

    "Secrets to a Successful Start-Up"

    Closing Remarks:

    Trevor leaves listeners with his mantra: "Make a positive difference in someone's life, have fun doing it, and share all the rewards that come naturally as a result."


    The episode wraps up with Trevor’s vision of a balanced, successful life, achieved through innovative business practices and a commitment to personal well-being.

    Encourages listeners to consider the hub model for their ventures, highlighting its potential for creating a profitable and balanced business.

    Trevor discusses the challenges of employee management, including tribunals and extra training.

    He compares this with the simplicity of ending vendor contracts and finding new vendors as needed.

    About Our Guest Today:
    Using a unique business structure based on a model of alliances, Trevor G. Blake has founded, managed and sold three companies since 2003 for a combined value of over $300 million. He is currently founder and CEO of three more companies in varied industries which he runs simultaneously. His unique business approach is based on a higher profitability, non-employee model, which also frees him to enjoy his other interests as a writer, coach, and animal welfare activist. Success with a balanced life is Trevor’s mantra and described in his free course The Practical Magic of the 5-hour workday which is available at www.trevorgblake.com.

    Trevor is also a New York Times best-selling author of Three Simple Steps, A Map to Success in Business and Life (2012) and Secrets to a Successful Startup, A Recession Proof Guide to Starting, Surviving, and Thriving in Your Own Venture. (2020)

    Trevor has been featured in: Business Insider, CNN, Forbes, PBS (Between the Lines), KOMO news, Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, Investors Business Daily, The Guardian, Inc. and is a regular radio and TV guest on both business and metaphysics shows.

    Trevor’s mission is to empower people just like you to transform yourself from the inside out, experience more confidence, deeper joy and greater prosperity in every area of your life.

    He has also created two unique experiential courses in which he coaches in real-time for personal growth and business success which can be found at www.trevorgblake.com.

    He has graciously given Art of Consulting podcast listeners a generous scholarship on any of his transformational programs. And I can personally attest that this is probably one of the most valuable investments that you can make to the greatest asset you have: Yourself.

    $500 discount code for Art of Consulting podcast listeners.
    Use code AOC at www.trevorgblake.com/begin

    Where to find our guest:
    https://www.trevorgblake.com/ https://www.facebook.com/trevorgblaketgb https://www.facebook.com/TrevorGBlake https://www.facebook.com/groups/successwithbalance https://www.instagram.com/trevorgblaketgb/ https://twitter.com/@TrevorGBlake


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  • 0:05 - Introduction by Cat

    Overview of Trevor Blake's remarkable career.

    Mention of his achievements: founding, managing, and successfully selling three companies valued at over $300 million since 2003.

    0:37 - Trevor's Business Model

    Description of Trevor's innovative business structure based on alliances, promoting higher profitability and flexibility.

    Trevor's philosophy of integrating work with personal passions for a balanced life.

    1:18 - Trevor's Contributions and Recognition

    Author of best-selling books: "3 Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life" and "Secrets to a Successful Startup: A Recession-Proof Guide to Starting, Surviving, and Thriving in Your Own Venture."

    Featured in Business Insider, CNN, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal.

    Trevor's mantra: Making a positive difference, having fun, and sharing rewards both materially and spiritually.

    2:02 - Interview Begins

    Trevor thanks Kat for the introduction and shares a light-hearted moment about how impressive his achievements sound.

    2:20 - Trevor's Personal Story

    Trevor shares his background and personal perception versus public perception.

    Emphasizes staying true to his playful and curious nature from childhood.

    3:23 - Trevor's Journey to Entrepreneurship

    Discusses the importance of creativity and curiosity in his ventures.

    Highlights his method of solving problems through fixing gaps he noticed, leading to his entrepreneurial success.

    4:56 - Work-Life Balance and Success

    Trevor talks about achieving success without overworking.

    The importance of balancing productive work time with moments of relaxation and inspiration.

    6:09 - Integrating Life and Work

    Trevor's approach to integrating work, family, and personal passions for a harmonious life.

    Story from "3 Simple Steps" about resolving conflicts among scientists by taking them out into nature.

    10:09 - Nature and Problem-Solving

    Trevor recounts an experience where taking a team of scientists outside led to a breakthrough.

    Emphasizes the role of nature in fostering creativity and problem-solving.

    12:22 - Changing Meeting Dynamics

    Trevor discusses the impact of unconventional meeting settings on team dynamics and productivity.

    Reflections on how stepping out of traditional environments can lead to innovative solutions.

    14:49 - Connecting Through Nature

    Importance of connecting with nature for mental clarity and creativity.

    Trevor shares a personal story about learning more effectively outdoors.

    16:09 - Practical Advice for Remote Work

    Trevor offers resources on his website, including "The Practical Magic of the Five-Hour Workday."

    Aimed at helping people find balance and productivity while working from home, especially during challenging times like COVID-19.

    [16:53] Changing Perspectives on Work Titles: Trevor reflects on the title of his book and the deeper message about structuring your day for optimal performance and well-being.

    [17:13] The Importance of Scheduling Breaks: Discussion on the benefits of scheduled walks and naps, with insights from NASA's research on performance improvement.

    [17:35] The Magic of Twilight Naps: Trevor shares his personal experience with 20-30 minute naps and their impact on creativity and productivity.

    [17:47] Practical Magic of the Five-Hour Workday: Emphasizing the importance of scheduling downtime and "aha" moments for a balanced and effective work life.

    [18:33] Insights from Nature and Ego Reduction: Exploring how being in nature can dissolve ego and foster collaborative and innovative thinking.

    [18:53] Lessons from "A Course in Miracles": Only love is real; understanding perception problems and how nature helps us reconnect with this truth.

    [19:11] The Power of Humility in Nature: How nature humbles us and creates a space where all voices are equal, encouraging idea sharing and innovation.

    [21:33] Living Close to Nature: Trevor's personal lifestyle of staying connected to nature, including walking barefoot and its impact on his work and life.

    [23:05] Discovering "Three Simple Steps": Trevor's journey to writing his book, and the transformative power it holds, as shared by a fan of Ryan Daniel Moran's podcast.

    [24:51] Starting a Company Later in Life: Debunking the myth that entrepreneurship is only for the young; discussing the average age of first-time entrepreneurs and billionaires.

    [27:12] Inspiration from a 97-Year-Old Entrepreneur: A touching story about a course participant who started a business at 97, proving it's never too late to follow your dreams.

    [29:00] Transformative Stories from Around the World: How "Three Simple Steps" reached a young girl in Sri Lanka and changed her life, leading her to become a professional dancer.

    [31:06] Setting Intentions for Success: Trevor's personal example of setting an intention for his company's success and achieving it.

    [33:15] The Importance of Formulas in Achieving Goals: Trevor discusses the importance of following a proven formula to achieve success, regardless of belief or confidence levels.

    [34:22] Energy and Equations in the Universe: Understanding that everything is energy and learning to manipulate it using specific formulas can lead to success.

    [36:07] Tools and Techniques for Success: Introduction to the various tools and techniques Trevor has developed and used personally, shared in his transformation experience course.

    [37:42] The Role of Joy in Success: How having fun and creating joy can connect you with the universe's energy and enhance your life and work.

    Key Takeaways

    Success is about balance and integration of work and personal life.

    Creativity often stems from moments of relaxation and connection with nature.

    Non-traditional approaches to problem-solving can lead to significant breakthroughs.

    Resources and practical advice are available to help navigate work-life balance, especially in remote working conditions.

    Balance Work and Breaks: Integrating downtime and creative moments into your day is crucial for productivity and well-being.

    Nature's Influence: Spending time in nature can dissolve ego, foster humility, and create a conducive environment for innovation and collaboration.

    Lifelong Learning and Growth: It's never too late to start a new venture or pursue a passion, as shown by inspiring stories of individuals who transformed their lives later in life.

    Formula for Success: Following a proven formula can lead to success, regardless of personal doubts or societal norms.

    Joy and Fun: Ensuring that you enjoy the process and have fun is essential for maintaining energy and motivation.


    Final Thoughts

    Cat and Trevor discuss the integrated nature of life and work, and how small changes in approach can lead to significant improvements in productivity and well-being.

    Call to Action

    Visit Trevor's website trevorgblake.com for more insights and resources on achieving a balanced and successful life.

    Resources Mentioned:

    "Three Simple Steps" by Trevor Blake: A book offering practical advice and tools for achieving success.

    NASA Research on Napping: Insights on how naps can improve performance by 34%.

    "A Course in Miracles": A spiritual text focusing on the idea that only love is real.

    Connect with Trevor Blake:

    Website: Trevor Blake's Official Site Transformation Experience Course: An in-depth course offering tools and techniques for personal and professional transformation.

    About Our Guest Today:
    Using a unique business structure based on a model of alliances, Trevor G. Blake has founded, managed and sold three companies since 2003 for a combined value of over $300 million. He is currently founder and CEO of three more companies in varied industries which he runs simultaneously. His unique business approach is based on a higher profitability, non-employee model, which also frees him to enjoy his other interests as a writer, coach, and animal welfare activist. Success with a balanced life is Trevor’s mantra and described in his free course The Practical Magic of the 5-hour workday which is available at www.trevorgblake.com.

    Trevor is also a New York Times best-selling author of Three Simple Steps, A Map to Success in Business and Life (2012) and Secrets to a Successful Startup, A Recession Proof Guide to Starting, Surviving, and Thriving in Your Own Venture. (2020)

    Trevor has been featured in: Business Insider, CNN, Forbes, PBS (Between the Lines), KOMO news, Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, Investors Business Daily, The Guardian, Inc. and is a regular radio and TV guest on both business and metaphysics shows.

    Trevor’s mission is to empower people just like you to transform yourself from the inside out, experience more confidence, deeper joy and greater prosperity in every area of your life.

    He has also created two unique experiential courses in which he coaches in real-time for personal growth and business success which can be found at www.trevorgblake.com.

    He has graciously given Art of Consulting podcast listeners a generous scholarship on any of his transformational programs. And I can personally attest that this is probably one of the most valuable investments that you can make to the greatest asset you have: Yourself.

    $500 discount code for Art of Consulting podcast listeners.
    Use code AOC at www.trevorgblake.com/begin

    Where to find our guest:
    https://www.trevorgblake.com/ https://www.facebook.com/trevorgblaketgb https://www.facebook.com/TrevorGBlake https://www.facebook.com/groups/successwithbalance https://www.instagram.com/trevorgblaketgb/ https://twitter.com/@TrevorGBlake


  • Introduction:

    Andy and Kat introduce the podcast episode, highlighting their focus on valuable banter and dialogue between the hosts.

    Exploring Specialization and Diversification:

    Andy and Kat reflect on their backgrounds in ERP consulting, particularly within Oracle implementations, spanning several decades.

    They discuss the importance of branching out from a niche specialization to explore transferable skills applicable to new niches and areas.

    Kat emphasizes the significance of understanding both functional and technical aspects of consulting, underscoring the value of bridging the gap between business processes and technology.

    Andy shares anecdotes illustrating the necessity of consultants to clarify client needs and outcomes, even when clients present partially baked solutions.

    The hosts stress the importance of humility in consulting, advocating for asking questions to ensure clarity and alignment between consultants and clients.


    Andy and Kat wrap up the episode by encouraging consultants, especially those early in their careers or transitioning to new areas, to embrace curiosity and ask questions to better serve clients.

    Key Points:

    Identifying Transferable Skills: The conversation delves into the significance of recognizing transferable skills, regardless of one's specialization. Drawing from personal experiences, they highlight how skills acquired in one domain can be applied effectively in diverse contexts.

    Tailoring Resumes for Impact: Rather than listing transferable skills generically, the hosts stress the importance of tailoring resumes to specific clients or projects. They advocate for a targeted approach that highlights relevant skills and experiences tailored to the client's needs.

    Continuous Learning: Lifelong learning is emphasized as a crucial aspect of career development. They encourage listeners to observe and analyze business processes in various settings, fostering a mindset of curiosity and adaptability.

    The Power of Networking: Building meaningful relationships with clients and colleagues is discussed as a valuable strategy for professional growth. They share insights on the benefits of informal networking, whether through coffee meetings or casual conversations, in gaining diverse perspectives and insights.

    Actionable Takeaways: The episode concludes with actionable advice for listeners, including the importance of observing business processes, diligent note-taking, and cultivating genuine interest in people.

    Final Thoughts:

    By leveraging transferable skills, embracing continuous learning, and fostering meaningful connections, consultants can enhance their effectiveness and versatility in addressing client needs across various industries. The hosts underscore the importance of practical insights and actionable strategies for professional success in the consulting field.


    Host welcomes listeners back to another episode of Art of Consulting.

    Introduces Jason Hofley as a guest who understands the transformative power of technology in the business world.

    Highlights Jason's 20-year career in telco and technology, emphasizing his expertise in enhancing business operations through digital technology.

    Mentions Jason's role in aiding small startups, large organizations, and public sectors to scale businesses, increase efficiencies, and boost profitability.

    Guest Introduction:

    Jason began his career at Bell before moving into business development, particularly at Punch Card Systems.

    Jason's expertise includes workflow and process automation, digital workspace solutions, and custom app development, among others.

    Acknowledges Jason's numerous accolades, including recognition as a top performer at Bell and Chapter Member of the Year at BNI Alberta North.


    Host expresses excitement about the conversation with Jason.

    Jason discusses his current focus on preparing for multiple races in the summer, highlighting his passion for amateur athletics and personal challenges.

    Provides insights into his training regimen, including running, cycling, and strength training, dedicating approximately 9 to 12 hours per week.

    Emphasizes the importance of balancing hard work with recovery and planning for optimal performance.

    Host and guest explore the mental aspects of training, including the significance of recovery, prioritizing sleep, and managing social activities.

    Jason elaborates on the concept of building a base in training, explaining its relevance in achieving long-term goals and avoiding burnout.

    Guest draws parallels between fitness and career development, discussing the importance of reverse engineering goals and establishing quantifiable targets.

    Jason shares his experience transitioning industries and applying strategies from sales to navigate new roles and responsibilities.

    Host and guest reflect on the significance of setting clear objectives and leveraging expertise from networks to drive success in personal and professional endeavors.


    Host expresses appreciation for Jason's insights and contributions to the discussion.

    Encourages listeners to apply the principles discussed in the episode to their own pursuits.

    Thanks Jason for joining the Art of Consulting podcast.

    This episode delves into Jason Hofley's journey in leveraging technology to drive business growth and personal development, offering practical insights and strategies for achieving success in various domains. Through discussions on training methodologies, goal setting, and industry transitions, listeners gain valuable perspectives on harnessing the transformative power of technology and strategic planning in both fitness and professional endeavors.

    In this episode, the hosts delve into the importance of defining success in various aspects of life and how tracking progress can lead to personal growth and fulfillment. They discuss how success is not limited to traditional metrics like money and status, but encompasses different areas such as physical fitness, mental health, and spiritual well-being. Through anecdotes and insights from their own experiences, they explore strategies for setting goals, measuring success, and staying motivated.

    Key Points:

    Defining Success: Success is multifaceted and varies for each individual. It involves setting clear goals and benchmarks for personal fulfillment in different areas of life, including career, family, fitness, and personal growth.

    Metrics for Success: To gauge success, it's essential to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and scorecards that encompass both qualitative and quantitative measures. Whether in business or personal life, having clarity on what success looks like helps in evaluating progress and making necessary adjustments.

    Holistic Approach: Success extends beyond material wealth and external achievements. It encompasses aspects like physical health, mental well-being, emotional balance, and spiritual fulfillment. Achieving balance and harmony across these dimensions contributes to overall success and fulfillment.

    Tracking Progress: Tracking progress is crucial for identifying growth opportunities and celebrating achievements. Whether in strength training, running, or other activities, maintaining records of performance allows individuals to monitor improvements over time and stay motivated.

    Finding Motivation: Understanding the underlying motivation or "why" behind pursuing goals is essential for sustaining long-term commitment and resilience. Connecting with personal values, passions, and intrinsic desires provides the drive needed to overcome challenges and pursue excellence.

    Key Takeaways:

    Success is subjective and encompasses various dimensions of life, including physical fitness, mental well-being, and spiritual fulfillment.

    Defining clear goals and tracking progress using metrics helps in evaluating success and making necessary adjustments.

    Embracing a holistic approach to success involves achieving balance and harmony across different areas of life, not just focusing on external achievements.

    Understanding personal motivations and values is essential for maintaining long-term commitment and resilience in pursuing goals.

    Closing Thoughts:

    As the episode concludes, the hosts emphasize the importance of defining success on one's own terms and embracing a holistic approach to personal growth and fulfillment. By setting clear goals, tracking progress, and staying connected to one's motivations, individuals can navigate challenges and pursue success in all aspects of life.

  • Introduction:

    Andy and Kat introduce the podcast episode, highlighting their focus on valuable banter and dialogue between the hosts.

    Exploring Specialization and Diversification:

    Andy and Kat reflect on their backgrounds in ERP consulting, particularly within Oracle implementations, spanning several decades.

    They discuss the importance of branching out from a niche specialization to explore transferable skills applicable to new niches and areas.

    Kat emphasizes the significance of understanding both functional and technical aspects of consulting, underscoring the value of bridging the gap between business processes and technology.

    Andy shares anecdotes illustrating the necessity of consultants to clarify client needs and outcomes, even when clients present partially baked solutions.

    The hosts stress the importance of humility in consulting, advocating for asking questions to ensure clarity and alignment between consultants and clients.

    By combining anecdotes, reflections, and practical insights, Andy and cat provide listeners with valuable guidance on navigating specialization and transferable skills in the consulting industry.

    In this episode, Andy and the guest explore the concept of transferable skills in the consulting field. They discuss how seemingly unrelated experiences can inform and enrich one's ability to tackle diverse projects and industries. Through anecdotes and insights, they emphasize the importance of continuous learning, note-taking, and building meaningful relationships with clients and colleagues.

    Key Points:

    Identifying Transferable Skills: The conversation delves into the significance of recognizing transferable skills, regardless of one's specialization. Drawing from personal experiences, they highlight how skills acquired in one domain can be applied effectively in diverse contexts.

    Tailoring Resumes for Impact: Rather than listing transferable skills generically, the hosts stress the importance of tailoring resumes to specific clients or projects. They advocate for a targeted approach that highlights relevant skills and experiences tailored to the client's needs.

    Continuous Learning: Lifelong learning is emphasized as a crucial aspect of career development. They encourage listeners to observe and analyze business processes in various settings, fostering a mindset of curiosity and adaptability.

    The Power of Networking: Building meaningful relationships with clients and colleagues is discussed as a valuable strategy for professional growth. They share insights on the benefits of informal networking, whether through coffee meetings or casual conversations, in gaining diverse perspectives and insights.

    Actionable Takeaways: The episode concludes with actionable advice for listeners, including the importance of observing business processes, diligent note-taking, and cultivating genuine interest in people.


    Andy and Cat wrap up the episode by encouraging consultants, especially those early in their careers or transitioning to new areas, to embrace curiosity and ask questions to better serve clients. By leveraging transferable skills, embracing continuous learning, and fostering meaningful connections, consultants can enhance their effectiveness and versatility in addressing client needs across various industries. The hosts underscore the importance of practical insights and actionable strategies for professional success in the consulting field.

  • Introduction:

    Kat introduces Pam August, founder and president of Connecting Potentials, as a visionary leader in the realm of organizational development and consulting.

    Pillars of Pam's Work:

    Pam's approach revolves around three fundamental pillars: organizational development, team effectiveness, and relationship systems.

    She emphasizes strategy and culture alignment within organizations, highlighting the importance of coaching and embodied development practices like yoga and mindfulness.

    Insights into Human Systems:

    Human systems are complex and adaptive, unlike technical systems, making them unpredictable and emergent.

    Pam discusses the challenges of change management, citing examples of how humans resist change due to the metabolic cost of active thought and action.

    Compliance vs. Commitment:

    Pam distinguishes between compliance, complacency, and commitment, illustrating how different approaches yield different results.

    She shares anecdotes about compliance, complacency, and commitment in various contexts, emphasizing the importance of engaging individuals to build commitment.

    Navigating Organizational Culture:

    Pam delves into the unconscious, implicit, and invisible aspects of organizational culture, stressing the need to make unconscious biases and assumptions conscious.

    She advocates for intentional team dynamics, where roles and contributions are made explicit and visible to foster collaboration and alignment.

    Unveiling Potential: Pam introduces her forthcoming book, emphasizing the inherent capacity for exponential impact within individuals, teams, and cultures. She highlights the interconnectedness of personal and collective potential, setting the stage for a deeper exploration.

    The Three Pillars of Action: Pam unveils three foundational actions—intend, notice, and move—as catalysts for navigating dynamic environments. Through intentionality and acute awareness, individuals and teams can drive meaningful progress towards desired outcomes.

    Intention vs. Outcome: Drawing a clear distinction between intention and outcome, Pam underscores the importance of aligning personal intentions with collective objectives. By setting intentions grounded in purpose and embodying desired states of being, individuals can foster authentic connection and collaboration.

    Meta Skills and Collective Intentions: Pam introduces the concept of meta skills as amplified intentions, transcending individual agendas to shape collective experiences. By fostering shared intentions and meta skills, teams can cultivate a cohesive culture of engagement and alignment.

    The Power of Noticing: Through a compelling anecdote, Pam illustrates the transformative impact of acute awareness in team dynamics. By actively noticing underlying patterns and implicit barriers, individuals can initiate meaningful dialogue and catalyze positive change.

    Purpose-driven Vision: Addressing challenges in articulating mission and vision, Pam emphasizes the importance of grounding organizational goals in purpose. Rather than fixating on semantics, individuals and startups can align their actions with core values, fostering organic growth and evolution.

    Unpacking Potential: A Deep Dive

    Pam elaborates on the narrative journey within her upcoming book, "Potential: How to Connect What's Already There for Exponential Impact." Through storytelling, she guides readers in shifting their mindset from focusing on problems to recognizing and harnessing potential. Pam emphasizes understanding the human operating systems and capacity to act, feel, and think, supported by insights from neuroscience.

    Dimensions of Connection:

    She outlines experiences of disconnection characterized by strain, swirl, or being stuck, contrasting with the state of connection marked by energy, ease, and effectiveness. Pam introduces the practice of "intend, notice, and move" as a transformative tool, backed by behavioral and neuroscience principles, and shares practical applications through storytelling in all three dimensions.

    Building Tools for Exploration:

    Pam discusses the inclusion of various tools in the book to empower readers in their exploration journey further. These tools aim to facilitate deeper understanding and application of the concepts discussed.

    Where to Find More:

    Listeners are directed to Pam's website, connectingpotential.ca, where they can access additional resources and information about the book. "Potential" by Pam August is available on Amazon, and Pam welcomes inquiries and engagement on LinkedIn.


    Kat and Pam reflect on the challenges of integrating these practices into organizational culture, underscoring the long-term benefits of investing in alignment and commitment upfront to avoid rework and misalignment later on. As the conversation unfolds, Pam and Kat illuminate the transformative potential of intentionality and action, inviting listeners to embrace a journey of self-discovery and collective empowerment. By navigating the interplay between intention and manifestation, individuals can unlock their inherent capacity for exponential impact and cultivate thriving cultures of collaboration and innovation. The host expresses gratitude for the insightful discussion and looks forward to further exploration. Pam acknowledges the synergistic nature of their conversation, highlighting the unique insights generated through collaboration.

    About Our Guest Today:

    Pam August guides organizations, teams, and leaders to unlock the potential that is already there for transformational results. She was the director of culture activation at WestJet, one of Canada’s most admired corporate cultures, where for fourteen years she was a fierce champion and developer of people and culture as a key enabler of strategic success. Today, she is a trusted partner for high-performance organizations around the world through her firm, Connecting Potential. With deep and diverse experience, she knows what it takes to uncover, align, and activate the best of what organizations already offer and what they can develop into. Pam is a sought-after speaker, facilitator, coach, and co creator with a strong foundation of lifelong learning. She has a Bachelor of Adult Education, a Master of Arts in Leadership, and is certified as an Organization and Relationships Systems (ORSC) and brain-based coach. Pam takes pleasure in solving tricky problems, listening deeply, learning always, and laughing—a lot.

  • Welcome to another episode of "The Art of Consulting Podcast" with your hosts, Andy Fry and Cat Lam. As seasoned IT consultants, CPAs, and professional development connoisseurs, we aim to bring you inspiring messages to help you discover the X factor in your professional field, leading to the success you truly deserve in your career and life.

    About Our Guest Today:

    Edmund Metera is a senior project manager at CWB Financial Group in Canada.

    He firmly believes that the keys to delivering successful projects are not only founded upon expert project management and business analysis competencies but on recognizing, tailoring and applying the best-suited methodologies and techniques to suit the unique technologies, constraints and opportunities at hand.

    That philosophy is loud and clear in Ed's book: Universal Process Modeling Procedure: The Practical Guide to High-Quality Business Process Models. He has taught and mentored project managers and business analysts in best practices for professional organizations such as PMI, IIBA, and CMMI. He teaches IIBA-registered business analysis courses and serves as an advisor to the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology's Corporate and International Training department’s Business Analysis Certificate Program. He is also the founder of www.ProcessModelingAdvisor.com and a regular BATimes, Modern Analyst and IRM Connects contributor.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Our host Cat Lam and our special guest for today, Ed Metera delve into the world of project management, specifically focusing on the PRINCE2 methodology. They explore the significance of shifting the focus from activities to products, and how this approach enhances project effectiveness and delivery.

    Key Points Covered:

    Introduction of Guest: Ed Matera

    Highlighting Ed's extensive experience in project management, including his roles as a book author, conference speaker, tutor, and senior project manager at Canadian Western Bank.

    Emphasizing Ed's dedication to advancing the practice of process modeling through ProcessModelingAdvisor.com.

    Understanding PRINCE2 Methodology

    Comparison with the Project Management Institute's Body of Knowledge (PMI BOK).

    Exploring the seven philosophies of PRINCE2, particularly the principle of "Focus on Products."

    Ed's personal experience as a certified PRINCE2 practitioner and its impact on his project management approach.

    Product-Focused Project Management

    Defining products within a project lifecycle, emphasizing tangible deliverables over activities.

    Illustrating the product-oriented approach through the example of implementing a mobile application.

    Assigning clear responsibilities to specialists based on product delivery, enhancing accountability and efficiency.

    Integrating the product-focused mindset into project planning, scheduling, and communication strategies.

    Addressing challenges and dependencies within the project by prioritizing critical path products.

    Managing risks and issues by aligning discussions with product delivery milestones.

    Overcoming Resource Overlap

    Mitigating resource overlap by assigning single individuals responsible for specific products.

    Ensuring clarity in roles and responsibilities to minimize disruptions and prioritize product completion.

    Product-driven Approach:

    Instead of focusing solely on activities, Prince2 emphasizes being product-driven.

    Each project team member is clear on their responsibility for a specific product or activity within the project.

    Collaboration is encouraged, but accountability remains paramount.


    Prince2 advocates for appointing one spokesperson or accountable individual for each micro-product or aspect of the project.

    This ensures clarity and efficiency in decision-making and progress tracking.

    The question of "Is it done yet?" becomes pivotal in assessing progress and meeting objectives.

    Defining Success Criteria:

    Success criteria vary based on the type of product being delivered.

    For software products, success may entail functionality without defects.

    Paper-based or consulting products may require acceptance by stakeholders or consumers.

    Understanding the consumer's needs and expectations drives product quality and acceptance.

    Early Definition of Products:

    Prince2 emphasizes defining products and specifications early in the planning phase.

    A clear understanding of each product's attributes and requirements facilitates effective project management.

    Consensus among team members regarding product definitions is crucial for project success.

    Decision-Making Criteria:

    A simple decision-making framework in Prince2 assesses whether an issue is on the critical path and its impact on project timelines.

    Not all issues require immediate attention; those on the critical path demand urgency.

    This approach allows project managers to prioritize resources and efforts efficiently.

    Shift in Focus:

    Traditional process modeling often follows a sequential flow, but Ed emphasizes a shift towards a product-driven approach.

    Processes are seen as collaborative networks of services, initiating in response to events and leading to expected outcomes.

    Universal Process Modeling Procedure:

    Ed introduces the Universal Process Modeling Procedure, offering a modern framework for business process modeling.

    The procedure emphasizes understanding initiating events, expected outcomes, and consumers of those outcomes.

    Benefits of the Approach:

    By focusing on outcomes, organizations can optimize processes more effectively.

    This approach saves time and resources by aligning efforts with desired results, rather than merely automating activities.

    Practical Application:

    Ed encourages listeners to apply the principles of universal process modeling in various domains, from project management to personal interactions.

    Catherine highlights the importance of starting with the end in mind and understanding the cause-effect relationships in all activities.


    Catherine concludes the episode by inviting listeners to explore more about Ed Matera's work and the Universal Process Modeling Procedure. The conversation leaves a lasting impression on the significance of reimagining process modeling for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in today's dynamic environments. The episode concludes with a reaffirmation of the transformative power of product-focused project management in enhancing project outcomes and stakeholder satisfaction. The Prince2 methodology offers a structured framework for project management, focusing on product delivery, accountability, and decision-making. Integrating Prince2 principles with existing methodologies enhances project outcomes and fosters a culture of clarity and efficiency.

  • Introduction:

    Welcome to another episode of "Art of Consulting" with Andy Fry and Cat Lam. Today, we're diving deep into the transformative magic of active exploration and the incredible ways it can spark creativity and open your mind.

    The host, Cat Lam, kicked off another insightful episode in their ERP series. She welcomed Arlene Poon, a seasoned professional with over 15 years of experience in the ERP industry, particularly in large-scale implementations within the construction and utilities sectors.

    Exploring HCM:

    Arlene's expertise lies in human capital management (HCM), emphasizing its critical role within ERP systems. HCM encompasses both human resources management and talent management, serving as a foundational layer for various modules.

    HR's Human Touch:

    Arlene sheds light on the unique aspects of working as a business analyst in HCM, emphasizing HR's focus on employee well-being and celebrations.

    The human-centric approach of HR adds warmth and inclusivity to project environments, fostering a sense of community.

    Understanding HCM Modules:

    Arlene delves into the core components of HCM, highlighting employee management as its cornerstone. Core HR information serves as a springboard for other modules such as benefits, performance management, compensation, and recruitment.

    Building on Core HR:

    The conversation touches upon the iterative nature of ERP implementations, starting with core HR and expanding to encompass additional functionalities. Cat and Arlene discuss the foundational layer of HRMS (Human Resources Management System) within Oracle and its evolution over time.

    HCM forms the bedrock of ERP systems, encompassing HR and talent management.

    HR's people-centric approach fosters a supportive and celebratory project environment.

    Core HR information serves as a basis for various HCM modules, facilitating streamlined operations and decision-making. ERP implementations typically begin with core HR before expanding to incorporate additional functionalities.

    Evolution of HR Systems:

    The conversation starts with an overview of the evolution of HR systems, from HRMS to HRIS to HCS, highlighting the integration of core HR and talent management modules.

    Integration and Third-Party Solutions

    The hosts discuss the integration of HR systems with third-party solutions like payroll and the considerations involved in choosing between a single system or best-of-breed solutions.

    Business Needs and Customization

    They explore how specific business needs, such as complex recruitment processes, may necessitate the adoption of standalone applications tailored to those needs.

    Position Management and Budgeting

    The conversation delves into the significance of position management in structuring organizations and aligning budgets with staffing requirements.

    Successful HR Implementations

    The hosts outline the key outcomes of successful HR system implementations, emphasizing improved reporting, analysis, and efficiency in managing HR processes.

    Preparation for Implementations

    They conclude by discussing the essential legwork organizations should undertake before engaging in an HR system implementation, focusing on documenting current processes and assessing data cleanliness.

    Data Cleanup:
    Arlene emphasizes the importance of starting with clean data to simplify conversion and migration processes. Tat agrees, highlighting how consistent data capture leads to smoother transitions.

    Engaging Business Analysts:

    They discuss the value of involving business analysts to ensure accurate understanding of business processes and requirements.

    Common Pitfalls:

    Arlene and Tat share experiences of data conversion challenges and delayed implementations due to inadequate planning. They stress the need for a solid data conversion strategy and thorough understanding of business needs.

    Role of System Integrators:

    Cat explains how system integrators, while proficient in technology, may lack deep knowledge of organizational data and processes. Arlene emphasizes the role of intermediaries like themselves in bridging the gap between HR expertise and technical implementation.

    Listening to Business Requirements:

    They highlight the importance of prioritizing business requirements over technical capabilities and caution against overcommitting to system functionalities that may not align with immediate needs.

    Patience in Implementation:

    Arlene advises patience in HR system implementations, as organizations often phase implementations due to budget constraints. Building valuable data and functionalities takes time.


    In this episode, Arlene and Tat delve into the complexities of HR system implementations, discussing both valuable insights and potential pitfalls. They explore the importance of data cleanliness, business process understanding, and effective collaboration between HR experts and system integrators. This episode provides valuable insights into the complexities of HR system implementations and offers practical advice for organizations navigating this critical aspect of HR technology.

    Arlene and Cat express gratitude for the insightful discussion and look forward to future episodes. They emphasize the importance of understanding business needs and maintaining realistic expectations during system implementations.

  • Welcome to another episode of "Art of Consulting" with Andy Fry and Cat Lam. Today, we're diving deep into the transformative magic of active exploration and the incredible ways it can spark creativity and open your mind.

    Our host Cat Lam introduces Ken McKnight, Vice President of Information Technology at Peace Hills Insurance. Ken's extensive background in IT, digital transformation, and consulting is highlighted, emphasizing his role in driving organizational change and technological advancements.

    Motivation for Career in Technology (2:10 - 4:10)

    Ken discusses his upbringing in a family of small business owners and his passion for merging technology with business, leading to a career in healthcare informatics.

    The importance of bridging the gap between technology and business is emphasized.

    Challenges and Rewards of Digital Transformation (6:11 - 9:23)

    Ken delves into the challenges organizations face in justifying the costs of digital transformation initiatives, focusing on efficiencies, customer experience, and market against return on investment. Metrics for evaluating the success of digital competitiveness.

    Key Initiatives in Digital Transformation (12:10 - 15:55)

    Ken outlines key projects at Peace Hills Insurance, including staff upskilling, migration to cloud-based systems, and core system upgrades. The importance of organizational change management in ensuring successful transformation is emphasized.

    Transformation of Job Roles (17:02 - 21:54)

    The evolution of job roles due to technological advancements is explored, referencing tools like Microsoft's Copilot for AI-generated coding and their impact on traditional tasks.

    The significance of upskilling employees to effectively utilize new tools and technologies is highlighted.

    Navigating Challenges in Digital Transformation (22:25 - 27:14)

    Challenges encountered during digital transformation, such as balancing operational maintenance with innovation, managing third-party dependencies, and staying compliant with evolving regulations, are discussed. Strategies for effective release management and change management are considered essential for successful transformation initiatives.


    Host Cat Lam expresses gratitude to Ken McKnight for his valuable insights and contributions to the discussion. Closing remarks emphasize the ongoing evolution of technology and the importance of adaptation for future success in digital transformation.

  • Welcome back to the Art of Consulting Podcast, where we explore and having to share an opinion without being argumentative.

    Inspiring messages to help professionals discover their X Factor and achieve success in their careers. Our guest for this episode is Gopal Singh, an ex-military who jump started his career journey to consulting.Conversation Highlights:

    Military Transition Challenges:

    Joined at 26 during wartime, Gopal was mentally prepared for uncertainties.

    Leaving family behind during deployments, a significant challenge. In this episode, he reflects on personal growth, learning, and challenges faced in the military.

    Learning the Question "Why":
    For Gopal, Military experience emphasized the importance of asking why. Just like in consulting, asking why is crucial for understanding, problem-solving, and creating buy-in. Recognizing the right time and place for asking why, avoiding negative connotations.

    Skills Transition from Military to Consulting:

    Joined a large company in a consulting role. Gopal emphasizes the need for flexibility, juggling multiple roles. They also brought in the idea of acknowledging the challenge of working with process-driven individuals. Consulting is linked to all aspects of the role, from meeting clients to problem-solving.

    Navigating Corporate Environment:

    Corporate world involves constant reorganization and change.

    Gopal highlights the keys to being flexible and adaptable and what is the importance of asking clients/executives if they already have a solution in mind.

    Being a Trusted Advisor:

    Establishing trust by understanding the client's goals and challenges. Andy and Gopal start differentiating between supporting an existing plan and trying to propose an alternative. They also discussed the positioning as a valuable, trusted advisor and expert in problem-solving.

    Discussion on Asking Upfront:

    Drawing parallels to a project management class where the speaker missed out on asking crucial questions. Straightforward questioning in avoiding unnecessary efforts and uncovering existing solutions. Developing the courage to ask questions in various aspects of life is an essential in the Consulting world.

    Transition to Consulting and Preparation:

    Gopal shared a personal story to Andy, the host, of him transitioning to consulting and a project involving building a vehicle. Emphasizing the lesson learned about the importance of asking questions and avoiding assumptions. They discussed the shift from traditional career thinking to viewing careers as projects and always looking for the next step.

    Starting a Consulting Firm:

    Discussing the process of preparation, including website development, business documentation, and product testing.

    The Philosophy of Curiosity:

    The duo is encouraging a mindset of constant movement, exploration, and looking for new opportunities.

    Team Dynamics and Self-Promotion:

    Discussing the importance of being a good team player and sharing success within a team. Acknowledging the emotional drain of projects and the role of teammate encouragement in maintaining motivation. Reflecting on the challenge of self-promotion and the necessity of communicating individual contributions to project success.

    Advice for Aspiring Consultants:
    Gopal highlighted the significance of being oneself, asking questions tactfully, and being open to learning from others. He encouraged individuals to take time to listen and absorb information, avoiding the urge to rush into showcasing one's own knowledge.

    Clifton Strengths and Team Dynamics: Gopal shared information about his services at careerjourneyco.com, specifically around Clifton strengths. He discussed how understanding individual and team strengths can lead to more efficient and effective collaboration, emphasizing the impact of communication based on individuals' top five strengths.

    The conversation highlights the importance of understanding challenges, avoiding getting caught up in industry jargon, and maintaining authenticity. Both Gopal and Andy emphasized the value of having a clear mission, drawing parallels with military mission focus. To be yourself and ask questions when needed, to be tactful and open to learning from others, and to actively listen and absorb information rather than rushing to showcase your own knowledge.Taking time to understand the language and culture of the new environment while staying true to your authentic self. These are valuable insights for anyone considering or currently navigating a transition into consulting or a new industry. The episode concluded with gratitude for Gopal sharing his insights, and listeners were encouraged to connect with him for further information on his services.

  • Welcome to another episode of "The Art of Consulting Podcast" with your hosts, Andy Fry and Cat Lam. As seasoned IT consultants, CPAs, and professional development connoisseurs, we aim to bring you inspiring messages to help you discover the X factor in your professional field, leading to the success you truly deserve in your career and life.


    Welcome back to another episode of Blue Sky Consulting.

    Today, we delve deeper into part three of our insightful conversation with Sir Kaya Redford. We're excited to uncover some powerful tools that can expedite your journey towards your aspirations.


    Unveiling Powerful Tools for Accelerated Growth:

    In this episode, we explore tools that can fast-track your path to success.

    With the right mindset, effective communication tools, and an understanding of programming, you can achieve your goals in record time.

    Gone are the days of spending decades chasing your dreams; it's time to collapse timeframes and realize your ambitions swiftly.

    Overcoming Frustrations and Limitations:

    Many individuals feel trapped in their current circumstances, lacking financial freedom and chained to their jobs. The frustration of not attaining wealth or time freedom can be overwhelming. Learning these transformative tools empowers you to break free from limitations and reach your goals more rapidly.

    The Importance of Programming:

    Sir Kaya emphasizes the significance of programming in our lives.

    From birth, we are programmed by various influences, shaping our beliefs and behaviors. Often, we learn about success from individuals who may not exemplify it fully, inheriting their struggles and limitations.

    Just as we upgrade our devices, it's essential to update the software of our minds for personal growth and success.

    Prioritizing Self-Care and Health:

    Amidst striving for success, many neglect self-care, leading to burnout and health issues.Balancing career, family, and personal well-being is crucial for sustainable success. Self-care is not selfish; it's essential for maintaining productivity and overall happiness.

    Acknowledging Imperfections and Contributions:

    It's vital to recognize that even revered figures in history were flawed human beings.

    Separating the person from their contributions allows us to appreciate their achievements while acknowledging their imperfections. Embracing discernment and understanding enables us to learn from both successes and mistakes.

    Taking Action for Transformation:

    While mindset and communication skills are valuable, taking action is imperative for progress. Many individuals understand what they need to do but struggle to initiate action. Transformation occurs when knowledge is applied, and action is taken towards desired outcomes.

    Recognizing the Knowing-Doing Gap:

    Sir Kaya highlights the commonality of knowing what needs to be done for personal growth and success. From waking up early to maintaining healthy habits, most individuals are aware of the actions required for positive change. However, the challenge lies in translating this knowledge into consistent action.

    Addressing Behavioral Misalignments:

    Despite knowing the importance of certain habits, many individuals struggle to implement them consistently. Sir Kaya emphasizes the significance of aligning behavior with intentions, stressing that talk alone is insufficient. Developing new habits and behaviors is essential, especially for individuals transitioning from employee to entrepreneur roles.

    Embracing Personal Transformation:

    True transformation involves embodying new habits and behaviors.

    Sir Kaya shares personal insights into his journey of overcoming past struggles and transforming his life. Through personal growth and resilience, he exemplifies the power of turning pain into a higher calling of helping others.

    Empowering Support and Encouragement:

    Sir Kaya extends a heartfelt message of support to listeners, emphasizing that help is available for those in need. He acknowledges the podcast hosts, Catherine and Lawrence, for their dedication to empowering individuals and transforming lives.

    The conversation concludes with a reminder that embracing personal growth leads to a fulfilling life worth living.


    Thank you for joining us in this enlightening conversation with Sir Kaya Redford.

    Remember, by embracing the right tools and taking decisive action, you can expedite your journey towards success and fulfillment. Bridging the gap between knowing and doing is essential for personal transformation and success.

    Stay tuned for more inspiring discussions on Blue Sky Consulting, where we empower you to unlock your full potential and achieve your goals.

  • Welcome to another episode of "Art of Consulting" with Andy Fry and Cat Lam. Today, we're diving deep into the transformative magic of active exploration and the incredible ways it can spark creativity and open your mind. The last episode with SIr Kaya Redford, we touched the topic of Mastering the Entrepreneurial Mindset: From Employee to Self-Employed Success. On today’s episode, we continue our conversation with Sir Kaya as we explore the intricacies of communication and the role of neuro linguistic programming (NLP) in enhancing our interactions.


    In our last episode, we highlighted the importance of effective communication, emphasizing that it's not just about what you say, but how you say it and the impact it has on others. Now, let's dive deeper into NLP and its significance in communication.

    Exploring Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP):

    Sir Kayla introduces NLP as the study of human excellence, emphasizing its role in understanding what makes successful individuals excel. Drawing examples from renowned personalities like Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, and Richard Branson, he elucidates how NLP is ingrained in their communication and success strategies.

    Understanding the Components of NLP:


    Sir Kaya underscores the paramount importance of mindset in achieving success, highlighting that with the right mindset, individuals can overcome any obstacle and acquire necessary skills.


    Effective communication is pivotal in all aspects of life, be it in business or personal relationships. Sir Kaya and the host emphasizes the significance of linguistic language in influencing others and driving results.


    Delving deeper into NLP, Sir Kaya explains the concept of programming, which involves understanding and leveraging language patterns to shape behavior and outcomes.

    Unpacking Communication:

    Sir Kaya addresses common misconceptions about communication, stressing that it's more than just conveying messages but entails understanding the response elicited. He introduces the concept that "my communication is the response I get back," urging listeners to take ownership of their communication outcomes.

    Flexibility in Communication:

    Highlighting the importance of flexibility in communication, Sir Kaya emphasizes the need to adapt communication styles to resonate with diverse audiences. He discusses various communication modalities and how understanding them can enhance rapport and effectiveness.

    Practical Applications:

    Sir Kaya shares actionable insights for enhancing communication effectiveness, including the Format System:

    Why: Start with explaining why the message is important, ensuring audience buy-in.

    What: Clearly articulate what needs to be done or understood.

    How: Provide step-by-step guidance on implementation.

    Questions: Encourage open dialogue and address any queries or concerns.

    Leadership and Organizational Change:

    Drawing parallels between effective communication and organizational change management, Sir Kaya emphasizes the importance of leadership in inspiring and aligning teams with the vision. He recommends resources like "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" by John Maxwell and "Extreme Ownership" by Jocko Willink for further insights.

    Deep Dive into Communication:

    Conversation delves into the multifaceted nature of communication, touching on the complexities of understanding and conveying messages effectively. Sir Kaya Redford offers practical advice and resources for mastering communication skills, emphasizing its transformative impact on various aspects of life.

    Practical Application and Free Resources:

    The host and guest touched the discussion on the applicability of communication skills in organizational settings, particularly during digital transformations.

    Offer of free gifts and resources to listeners, including a one-page PDF guide on selling and influencing, access to a private Facebook group, and opportunities for private consultations. Sir Kaya promoted live events and training programs aimed at enhancing communication and leadership skills. He then gave instructions for accessing the free gifts and signing up for the training program provided.

    Sir Kaya Redford emphasizes that effective communication is often described as a cornerstone of success, both in personal and professional spheres. Prioritizing communication skills involves recognizing their pivotal role in various aspects of life and dedicating time and effort to improving them. prioritizing communication skills is not just about becoming a better speaker or presenter; it's about nurturing meaningful connections, resolving conflicts constructively, advancing professionally, leading with influence, and ultimately, empowering oneself to thrive in both personal and professional realms. As such, investing in communication skills development is a foundational step towards achieving personal and professional growth.

    Connect with Sir Kaya Redford







  • Welcome to another episode of "The Art of Consulting Podcast" with your hosts, Andy Fry and Cat Lam. As seasoned IT consultants, CPAs, and professional development connoisseurs, we aim to bring you inspiring messages to help you discover the X factor in your professional field, leading to the success you truly deserve in your career and life.

    For today’s episode, we have a special guest Sir Kaya Redford is a globally renowned Success Coach, empowering Fortune 500 Companies with his unparalleled expertise. As the visionary behind the groundbreaking program, Top Producing Faster to Your Wealth & Freedom, he has transformed the lives of countless entrepreneurs, leaders, salespeople, realtors, mortgage professionals, financial service agents, and network marketers. Beyond coaching and television, Kaya has received the Humanitarian Award from the United Nations and holds the prestigious title of a Knight.

    As an award-winning producer and director, he has contributed to societal change through the powerful documentary "Homeless in America."

    The hosts highlight Kaya's remarkable career as a success coach and inquire about strategies for IT leaders transitioning from employee to entrepreneur. Kaya shares a poignant story about a client who faced challenges moving from a successful attorney in a law firm to an independent entrepreneur.

    The importance of understanding the shift in values from an employee mindset to an entrepreneur mindset is emphasized


    Kaya recommends a values elicitation exercise to identify and align personal values with those necessary for success as an entrepreneur.

    He stresses the significance of prospecting, marketing, and embracing a different set of values when transitioning to entrepreneurship.

    The hosts and Kaya discuss the daily habits and behaviors of successful entrepreneurs, emphasizing the need to model one's actions after those achieving desired results.

    Kaya encourages the audience to reach out to successful entrepreneurs, have lunch with them, and learn about their values, habits, and motivations.

    Key Takeaways:

    Transitioning from employee to entrepreneur requires a shift in values and mindset.

    Entrepreneurs should focus on prospecting, marketing, and embracing the values necessary for success.

    A values elicitation exercise helps align personal values with those essential for entrepreneurial success. Learn from successful entrepreneurs by understanding their daily habits and behaviors.

    Model your actions after successful individuals to accelerate your own path to success.

    Mindset Shifts:

    The hosts share personal experiences and observations about the crucial mindset shift needed when making the leap from employee to entrepreneur.

    The conversation reflects on the challenges faced by individuals accustomed to taking directions and following rules, now tasked with creating their own rules and determining their hours.

    Entrepreneurial Realities:

    Kaya emphasizes the significant difference between employees and entrepreneurs, highlighting the absence of a safety net for the latter.

    The conversation explores the concept of burning ships, referencing historical examples and encouraging listeners to set big goals that outweigh the risks.

    Comfort with Discomfort:

    The hosts discuss the importance of becoming comfortable with discomfort as an entrepreneur, citing Richard Branson's advice.

    Kaya shares insights on the necessity of putting oneself in uncomfortable positions and how habitual life for entrepreneurs often involves embracing discomfort.

    Life Begins at the Edge:

    The hosts introduce the concept that life begins at the edge of one's comfort zone, encouraging listeners to question their own comfort zones.

    Kaya poses reflective questions to the audience, urging them to identify their breakthroughs and take action based on newfound insights.

    Action and Attraction:

    The interview concludes with a powerful reminder that the last six letters of "attraction" spell "action."

    Kaya emphasizes the importance of taking action to attract positive outcomes, reinforcing the idea that progress and support come from stepping out in courage and faith.

  • Welcome to the Art of Consulting, your go-to source for expert insights on mastering ERP success. Today we have a special guest with us! Together with Andy Fry, special guest Gabriella Cray, Principal and Founder of the Boss Blueprint Agency is introduced to the show. Gabby's shares her background as an event planner and her journey into brand consulting.

    Knowing Your Niche:

    The duo discussed the importance of understanding your niche and target audience. Gabby's focus on brand strategy and management for nonprofits and government projects and what are the advantages of clearly articulating what you do and who you do it for.

    Building Relationships and Business Development:

    Gabby shared Insights into effective business development for consultants.

    They talked about the analogy of dating and finding the right clients and the significance of investing in conferences and networking to build relationships.

    Timeline of Client Relationships:

    Gabby then shared her experience with clients taking three to six months to close deals.

    Transition and Evolution of the Agency:

    Our guest’s initial interest in event planning and business events and they also talked about Gabby's role as a revenue manager at a manufacturing company and the pivotal shift into consulting. Recognizing her proficiency in social media and transitioning into brand consulting.

    Lessons Learned:

    The value of learning from different experiences, even when facing challenges.

    Leveraging day-to-day job knowledge to support and advise businesses.

    Transition from Employment to Entrepreneurship:

    Gabby recounts her decision to leave her corporate job in 2020 and pursue entrepreneurship.

    She highlights the excitement and challenges of leading a team of three, along with occasional partnerships. Being the youngest, often the only woman and black person in the room.

    Cultural challenges in the manufacturing industry pushed her to excel, and she shares her motivation to prove herself and find champions in the workplace.

    Lessons Learned in the Corporate World:

    Emphasizing the importance of identifying mentors and champions in a challenging work culture. Our guest shares her mindset of focusing on excellence every day, emphasizing that consistency and dedication are irreplaceable in professional growth.

    Balancing Drive and Seeking Help:

    The discussion coming from the duo touches upon the mistake of not seeking help and the significance of asking questions, especially for driven individuals looking to enter consulting.

    Managing up and documenting agreements were critical in Gabby's career development.

    Adapting to Market Changes:

    Recognizing signs of economic changes in 2022, Gabriella shifted her focus to recession strategies and began working with nonprofits. She shares to the audience the importance of monitoring data and making quick decisions to stay ahead in the market.

    Blue Sky Consulting's Niche and Programs:

    Gabriella delves into Blue Sky Consulting's current focus on supporting nonprofits that, in turn, serve entrepreneurs. The agency Blue Sky Consulting is launching programs for entrepreneurs in December and May, aiming to help them achieve work-life balance and facilitate a rapid rebranding process.

    Involvement in the Community:

    Gabriella discusses her involvement in various communities and the importance of community service. However, she strongly highlights the need to prioritize business stability before extensive community outreach.

    Accountability and Responsibility:

    Gabby encourages entrepreneurs to make decisions that ensure the success and stability of their businesses.

    From navigating challenges in the corporate world to building a thriving consulting agency, Gabby emphasizes the importance of adaptability, quick decision-making, and staying attuned to market changes. Her commitment to excellence, discipline, and community engagement highlights the key elements that contribute to sustained business success. Remember, success in consulting comes from understanding your niche, building meaningful relationships, and continuously evolving with the industry.

  • Episode 219: Practicing Gratitude Beyond the Good

    Andy reflects on the deeper significance of gratitude beyond just appreciating the positive aspects of life. While it's easy to be thankful for the good things like job security, health, and possessions, Andy emphasizes the importance of extending gratitude to challenging experiences and individuals who have shaped our journeys.

    Key Points:

    Expanding the Scope of Gratitude: Andy encourages listeners to broaden their perspective on gratitude beyond conventional blessings. He shares a personal anecdote about reconciling with a past negative experience with a baseball coach, realizing the lessons learned and the growth it facilitated.

    Forgiveness and Self-Reflection: Through introspection, Andy recognized the need to forgive both the coach and himself, understanding that everyone is doing their best with the resources and knowledge they have. This act of forgiveness not only released bitterness but also fostered personal growth.

    Seeking Professional Help: While practicing gratitude can be transformative, Andy acknowledges that some experiences may require professional guidance to process and overcome. Just as we seek specialists for physical ailments, seeking therapy or counseling for emotional healing is crucial for deeper traumas.

    The Law of Gratitude: Andy draws parallels between gratitude and the universal law of reciprocity, emphasizing that being grateful for what we have is essential to attracting more abundance into our lives. He cautions against entitlement and encourages cultivating a mindset of appreciation.

    Filtering Negative Inputs: In today's world inundated with negativity, Andy advises listeners to filter out toxic information and focus on positivity. Just as we wouldn't consume poison knowingly, we shouldn't expose ourselves to harmful thoughts or media.


    Andy reminds us to reflect on the lessons learned from both positive and challenging experiences. By practicing gratitude in all aspects of life, we can cultivate resilience, foster personal growth, and attract abundance. Remember, even in tough times, keeping one foot in front of the other and staying awesome is key to success.

    Thank you for tuning in to another episode of the Art of Consulting Podcast. Keep striving, stay awesome, and have a fantastic week ahead!

    Note: If you have any questions or insights to share, don't hesitate to reach out to Andy. Your feedback and engagement are greatly appreciated.

  • Welcome to another episode of "The Art of Consulting Podcast" with your hosts, Andy Fry and Cat Lam. As seasoned IT consultants, CPAs, and professional development connoisseurs, we aim to bring you inspiring messages to help you discover the X factor in your professional field, leading to the success you truly deserve in your career and life.

    In this third and final episode, Cat and Stephanie continue their insightful conversation about supply chain management, focusing on the critical aspect of data.

    Key Points from Previous Episodes:

    Cat and Stephanie covered important considerations for supply chain implementation in the first two episodes. They explored perspectives from board members, C-suite executives, project teams, and individuals within the organization in the second episode.

    Focus on Data:

    Stephanie introduces the topic of data, emphasizing the importance of understanding and managing data effectively in the context of supply chain implementation.

    Quality, Cost, and Schedule. She highlights the need to prioritize data quality for successful outcomes.

    Source, Format, Language, and Content:

    Breaks down the elements of data quality, including source, format, language, and content.

    Illustrates challenges with examples like phone numbers having different formats across systems.

    Sensitivity and Regulatory Compliance:

    Emphasizes the significance of sensitivity in data, especially when dealing with personally identifiable information and regulated data. Both Cat and Stephanie advise on the importance of complying with privacy regulations to avoid reputation damage.


    Legal and Consultants:

    Recommends involving data teams and consultants early on, rather than starting with legal teams. Stresses the need for mapping out audit criteria, sensitivity components, and regulatory requirements.

    Protecting Sensitive Data:

    Discusses the practical aspects of protecting sensitive data during migration, testing, and implementation. Stephanie highlights the importance of carving out specific teams or instances to handle sensitive information securely.

    Privacy Training and Data Sensitivity:

    Suggests conducting privacy training for project teams to create awareness about data sensitivity. Addresses the gap in understanding within project teams regarding the sensitivity of certain data.

    For the third and Final Episode Introduction:

    In this episode of "The Art of Consulting," our host Cat Lam and special guest for this episode Stephanie Forbes dive into the intricacies of data cleanup during ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) implementations. They stress the critical importance of understanding the end vision and ensuring a realistic alignment between existing data and desired outcomes.

    Key Points:

    Start with a Clear Vision

    Emphasize the need for a clear vision before starting the implementation process. Stephanie outlined specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and desired dashboards for a well-defined endpoint.

    Iterative Process

    Stress the iterative nature of the data cleanup process. Cat and Stephanie discuss how project teams evaluate capabilities, costs, and schedules during the implementation journey.

    Agile Methodology Consideration

    Debunk the applicability of Agile methodology in large projects like ERP implementations.

    They highlight the challenges of interconnected processes and the need for a systematic approach.

    Stage-Gate Approach

    Advocate for a stage-gate approach in ERP implementations. Discourage bridging work and emphasize completing each stage thoroughly before progressing.

    Data Cleanup Challenges

    Examine how data cleanup challenges contribute to change orders in contracts. Cat and Stephanie stress the importance of anticipating unknown work and its impact on costs and timelines.

    In-House vs. External Cleanup

    Discuss the "it depends" scenario regarding whether data cleanup should be handled in-house or externally. The host and guest weigh the considerations for simple formatting tasks versus complex data challenges.

    Business Buy-In and Expertise

    Highlight the necessity of business buy-in during data cleanup.

    Illustrate the importance of domain expertise, especially when dealing with industry-specific data.

    Duration of Data Cleanup

    Acknowledge the variability in the duration of data cleanup.

    Discuss factors influencing the timeframe, such as the scale of data, complexity, and organizational priorities.

    Duration of ERP Implementation:

    Discussion about the realistic timeframe for ERP implementation. And what are the considerations for different organization sizes and complexities. The duo gave emphasis on the importance of understanding the unique challenges of each organization.

    Complexity in ERP Implementations:

    Detailed analysis based on organization size and system complexity.

    Challenges faced by organizations with multiple mergers and acquisitions.

    The impact of disparate data sets and different coding languages on the implementation process.

    Data Standards and Compliance:

    Importance of setting data standards in ERP implementation.

    The role of the CIO and data teams in determining compliance requirements.

    Addressing jurisdictional updates and regulatory requirements for global organizations.

    Corporate Vision and Future Planning:

    Linking corporate vision with ERP data standards.

    Considering future expansions, regulatory changes, and market entry in the ERP design.

    Anticipating scalability and ensuring the ERP system can adapt to future organizational needs.

    Timeline for Data Standards and Vision:

    The role of data standards in the Request for Proposal (RFP) process.

    Incorporating data standards in the development of the ERP document.

    Considering a realistic time horizon for corporate vision and future expansion plans.

    Scalability and Design Implications:

    Emphasizing the importance of designing ERP systems for scalability.

    Discussing potential future needs, geographic expansion, and industry-specific requirements.

    The ease of considering design implications upfront compared to post-implementation adjustments.

    Webinar Announcement:

    Stephanie's upcoming webinars on the greenhouse gas scope three protocol and risk management in the supply chain.


    Navigating data cleanup in ERP implementations is a multifaceted process that demands careful planning, iterative strategies, and a commitment to thoroughness. Cat and Stephanie underscores the pivotal role of data accuracy in the success of ERP projects and encourages organizations to approach data cleanup with a strategic mindset.

  • Welcome to another episode of "The Art of Consulting Podcast" with your hosts, Andy Fry and Cat Lam. As seasoned IT consultants, CPAs, and professional development connoisseurs, we aim to bring you inspiring messages to help you discover the X factor in your professional field, leading to the success you truly deserve in your career and life.

    In this episode, your host Cat engages in an insightful conversation with Stephanie Forbes, an expert in the SEM space, focusing on ERP implementation. Stephanie, a seasoned speaker and senior leader in large-scale organizations, shares valuable insights to guide you through the ERP roadmap.

    They recap the last episode, delving into compensation structures for systems integrators and stakeholders involved in ERP implementations. This episode takes a people-centric approach, acknowledging the critical role individuals play at various organizational levels during ERP implementations.

    Episode Highlights:

    Three Levels of People: Stephanie breaks down the discussion into three levels - Board/Executive, Project Leadership/ERP Team, and Operational Users/Front Lines - ensuring relevance for a diverse audience.

    Starting with "Why": Drawing inspiration from Simon Sinek, the conversation kicks off by emphasizing the importance of understanding the "why" behind ERP implementation. Aligning goals and clarifying timelines for all stakeholders is crucial.

    Addressing Threats and Opportunities: Stephanie provides reassurance, encouraging individuals who might feel threatened by the technological changes to see it as an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

    AI and Job Security: The discussion touches on the prevalent fear of job loss due to AI advancements, highlighting the need for a positive perspective and the potential for skill expansion.

    Aligning Goals: Clear communication and alignment of goals are crucial. The board and executive level should ensure that everyone, from C-suite to operational teams, shares the same goal and metrics.

    Balancing Priorities: Stephanie discusses the delicate balance between profitability metrics and focusing on ERP implementation. She compares it to building a house, emphasizing the need for a strong foundation before concentrating on other aspects.

    Project Leadership: The ERP project team needs clear goals and activities, ensuring each member understands their role. Stephanie advises against scope creep, emphasizing the importance of defining what's in and out of the project scope.

    Managing Relationships: Building strong relationships between the ERP implementation team, executive leadership, and operational leaders is essential for success. Communication, clarity, and collaboration are key.

    Navigating Challenges: Stephanie addresses the challenges of AI expectations and the importance of humans in critical thinking. She encourages a realistic view of AI's current capabilities and stresses the ongoing need for human intervention.

    Looking Ahead: The discussion touches on the evolving role of AI, emphasizing that while routine tasks may be automated, creative thinking and critical problem-solving will always require human involvement.

    Team Dynamics and Workshops: Consultants play a vital role in ERP teams. Importance of team building and workshops for consultants to work together effectively. The change management team facilitates discussions around tasks and activities.

    Center of Excellence and Continuous Improvement: Scope creep as a launch pad for creating a Center of Excellence. Continuous improvement necessary for ongoing ERP maintenance. When to start thinking about a Center of Excellence and who should be involved.

    Master Data Team: The role and function of a master data team and its vital role before starting an ERP implementation. How the master data team helps navigate and refine data structures.

    Mechanisms for Feedback: Three key concepts: Alignment, Execution, and Roadblocks. Encouraging individuals to assess their alignment, empowerment, and role in project execution. Addressing feelings-based roadblocks and promoting open communication.

    Involving External Consultants: Establishing a military-style hierarchy for effective project management. Decentralized leadership empowers leaders at different levels. Allowing for autonomy, accountability, and problem-solving among team members.

    Upcoming Webinar on Greenhouse Gas Scope 3 Protocol: Stephanie's webinar in March hosted by Eco Canada. The relevance and applicability of the Greenhouse Gas Scope 3 Protocol for global organizations.

    Conclusions: Successful ERP implementation has covered vital dimensions, including the role of conflict in fostering a robust ERP environment, the imperative of cohesive team dynamics, and the pivotal contribution of a master data team in shaping optimal data structures. The insights extended to engaging operational users, implementing effective feedback mechanisms, and managing external consultants through a structured hierarchical approach.

  • In this episode, Cat introduces Stephanie Forbes on the show. Stephanie is a seasoned executive with over two decades of industry experience in business risk management and supply chain. Stephanie's extensive experience includes successful leadership in teams, projects, and programs. Committed to advancing the supply chain profession. Stephanie shares insights through speaking engagements, mentoring, and leveraging her extensive network.

    The episode explores the importance of crafting a Request for Proposal (RFP) for ERP implementation, focusing on contract considerations.

    Episode highlights:

    Contract Considerations
    - Stephanie outlines a four-step approach: start with the end date commitment, define the best scope, balance cost, quality, and schedule, and identify business systems and processes.

    - Discussion on potential pitfalls, unexpected change orders, and the significance of well-defined scope and balance.

    Data Ownership and Privacy
    - Stephanie emphasizes the importance of intellectual property and confidentiality in ERP contracts.

    - Detailed exploration of data ownership, potential breaches, and confidentiality considerations, especially when data resides in a SaaS provider's cloud.

    Time Management in Contracts

    - The impact of aggressive schedules, concrete milestones, and the ability to enforce time-related clauses.

    - Discussion on the significance of time in ERP contracts, introducing the concept of "time is of the essence."

    Compensation and Metrics

    - Stephanie provides insights into compensation structures in ERP contracts, including time and materials, deliverable-driven models, and bundled payments.

    - The importance of tying compensation to specific outcomes, such as successful User Acceptance Testing (UAT), and defining metrics for success in various ERP project phases.

    Contract/RFP Considerations
    - Exploration of key factors in crafting contracts/RFPs, including dates, cost, and balancing quality with cost and time frame. Discussion on the challenges of setting a fixed date regardless of cost and the importance of realistic expectations.

    - Recommendations on understanding and defining scope to ensure more accurate pricing.

    People Processes and Systems
    - Emphasis on analyzing organizational metrics, such as cost of goods sold, to determine ERP requirements.

    - Consideration of strategic growth and alignment of ERP implementation with future organizational goals.

    - Insight into the importance of integrating people, processes, and systems in a strategic roadmap for successful ERP implementations.

    Environmental Impact and ESG:

    - Brief mention of the upcoming webinar on Scope 3 and its impact on small and medium businesses in the environmental space.

    Connection between ESG reporting, supply chain, and ERP systems for comprehensive organizational management.

    Stephanie emphasizes the need for foresight and strategic planning to navigate the complexities of ERP implementations. Tune in to the next episode as the conversation continues, shifting focus to the critical role of people and data in the ERP landscape.

    Get more of Stephanie’s insights in her upcoming webinars:
    Webinar #1 GHG Accounting & Management for SMEs


    Date: February 21, from 1:15 PM – 2:30 PM MT Description: In-depth explanation of GHG management along with challenges/trends in data collection and a walk-through of the customized GHG Excel tool. Topics Covered:

    Brief on Climate Change

    Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3 emissions

    Data Collection Methodology

    Calculation Methodology – Activity data, Emission factors, Global Warming Potential

    Absolutes Emissions and emissions intensity

    Target Setting – Emission reduction & Net Zero targets

    Webinar #2 Implementation strategies for emission reduction for SMEs


    Date: March 6, from 1:15 PM – 2:30 PM MT Description: Focus on Scope 3 emission reduction along with the implantation strategies to reduce emissions. Topics Covered:

    Scope 3 emissions

    Working with Suppliers along the supply chain

    Collaboration with Suppliers

    Implementation strategies for emission reduction by SMEs

    Energy Efficiency

    Renewable Energy

    Low carbon/ Upcoming technologies

    Guest Bio:

    Stephanie, a seasoned executive with over two decades of industry experience, excels in business, risk management, and supply chain. Her leadership has driven successful transformations in teams, projects, and programs within the energy and construction sectors. Committed to advancing the supply chain profession, Stephanie creates value for stakeholders through speaking engagements, mentoring, and leveraging her extensive network. Noteworthy achievements include implementing best-in-class programs like full life cycle governance and supplier life cycle management. Eager for new opportunities, Stephanie is motivated to make significant contributions to the energy and construction industries, and the field of supply chain management.

    Visit Stephanie’s profile on Lilnkedin:


  • Welcome to another episode of "The Art of Consulting Podcast" with your hosts, Andy Fry and Cat Lam. As seasoned IT consultants, CPAs, and professional development connoisseurs, we aim to bring you inspiring messages to help you discover the X factor in your professional field, leading to the success you truly deserve in your career and life.

    In today's episode, Andy shares an insightful experience he had while reviewing a book. When asked for feedback, he took a moment to clarify the author's expectations. This simple step made him realize the importance of understanding what type of feedback someone is seeking. As professionals, we often find ourselves in situations where others ask for our opinions or reviews, whether it's on a document, a presentation, or even a piece of code.

    Andy emphasizes the crucial need to inquire about the specific feedback the person is looking for. Is it content-related, structural, or just a quick once-over for errors? Without this clarity, one may end up investing time in providing feedback that the recipient doesn't want or need.

    Drawing parallels to his experience in sports, Andy notes that constant feedback is integral to improvement, especially in activities like sports, acting, or music. However, not every adult seeks or appreciates feedback in the same way. Andy learned that not everyone wants his opinion, and if they do, they prefer it in a particular manner.

    He identifies two common approaches people tend to take when giving feedback: the critic and the cheerleader. The critic tends to be harsh, focusing on pointing out flaws, while the cheerleader tends to be overly positive, often avoiding constructive criticism. Andy advises finding a balance by incorporating two positive aspects and one constructive suggestion when providing feedback.

    Moreover, Andy stresses the importance of ensuring that the recommended changes are feasible and can be implemented in the given context. It's vital to consider time constraints and practicality, avoiding suggestions that cannot be realistically executed.

    In conclusion, Andy encourages listeners to be mindful of the feedback they give, understanding that people may fall into either the critic or cheerleader categories. By providing constructive feedback in a positive manner, one can contribute to others' growth and success. Remember, three positives and one or two areas for improvement can strike the right balance.

    As always, keep staying awesome, keep doing your thing, and keep working hard. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider giving it five stars to help others discover it. Thank you for listening, and until next time, stay committed to your professional journey.

  • Welcome back to another episode of "The Art of Consulting Podcast" with your hosts, Andy Fry and Cat Lam. As seasoned IT consultants, CPAs, and enthusiasts of professional development, we are here to provide you with inspiring messages to help unlock your professional X factor and achieve the success you truly deserve in your career and life.

    In today's episode, Andy draws inspiration from Tim Grover, the renowned trainer of basketball legends Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. Tim Grover's wisdom is centered around a powerful concept: instead of just worrying about things within your control, focus on actually controlling them. The idea is to tackle the things you can manage efficiently so that you are better equipped to handle the inevitable challenges that are beyond your control.

    This approach goes against the traditional advice of not worrying about the things you can't control. Andy resonates with this perspective, emphasizing that our responsibility is not just to passively accept the uncontrollable but actively prepare and deal with them.

    He uses the example of the COVID-19 pandemic, a situation no one could control. However, Andy points out that individuals could control their health-related habits – washing hands, getting enough sleep, exercising, and maintaining overall well-being. By managing what is within our control, we are better positioned to confront unforeseen challenges.

    Applying this philosophy to the consulting world, Andy highlights the role of project managers. Their primary responsibility is to control and manage the aspects of a project within their reach, creating a strong foundation to navigate the uncertainties that may arise.

    The key takeaway is clear: in consulting and life, focus on taking charge of the things you can control. Whether you're a project manager meticulously overseeing every detail or an individual contributor handling a specific project aspect, proactively managing your responsibilities sets the stage for success.

    Andy concludes by encouraging listeners to stay awesome, keep pushing forward, and remain dedicated to their hard work. Success is an ongoing journey, and by focusing on the controllable elements, we empower ourselves to tackle the unexpected with resilience and determination.

    If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe, and consider giving us a five-star rating. Your support helps others discover valuable insights from "The Art of Consulting Podcast." Until next time, keep working hard and stay unstoppable!