Viðtöl um ýmis málefni sem tengjast heilbrigðismálum, starfsemi og mannauði Landspítala
Online Radio and TV for EMT's, Paramedics and EMS Providers
An award-winning podcast from the University of Pittsburgh exploring matters of life, death, and well-being.
Ýmis ráð og upplýsingar um sykursýki sett fram í myndskeiðum sem fjalla efnislega um helstu atriði sem hafa ber í huga.
Anaesthesia on Air is the Podcast from the Royal College of Anaesthetists. The Royal College of Anaesthetists is the professional body responsible for the speciality throughout the UK.
We are the third largest Medical Royal College in the UK by membership. With a combined membership of 23,000 fellows and members, we ensure the quality of patient care by safeguarding standards in the three specialities of anaesthesia, intensive care and pain medicine.
We are always looking for new content, so if you have any ideas, or would like to get involved, please contact us at: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) . -
Wellness conversations designed for people who want to live a healthy lifestyle. The successes and struggles of a healthier path, and discussions of traditional methods blended with current thinking to help you thrive!
A podcast for people living with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) ... MS stories, MS news, and coming to know you’re not the only one.
Whether you're newly diagnosed with MS, a fully-fledged person with disabilities or want to find out more about this chronic, neurological illness, this show's for you.
Hear from experts, influencers and patients (mainly UK-based). -
A Mayo Clinic curated podcast sharing Mayo Clinic knowledge and advancements on the state of testing, science, and people who are making it happen behind the scenes.
Atheists in Recovery podcast will address the spiritual and scientific belief systems of people in long term recovery in order to deconstruct limiting thought patterns, and introduce new behaviors and routines you can use.
Featuring one-on-one interviews conducted by Dr Neil Love, this series bridges the gap between research and patient care by providing medical oncologists, hematologists and hematology/oncology fellows ongoing access to the perspectives and opinions of national and international research leaders with an expertise in renal cell carcinoma.
This is the Positive Recovery MD podcast, hosted by Dr. Jason Powers, Addiction Medicine Specialist and creator of Positive Recovery. This podcast will not only inspire and motivate its listeners, it will provide the tools and foundation needed to thrive and flourish on their addiction recovery journey. Each week the Positive Recovery MD podcast community will come together to have authentic conversations around addiction, recovery and what matters – growth & progress, not perfection, all while developing positive habits for your life. To join the community, visit to sign up to receive the daily Positive Intervention that we’ll review, as well as gain access to EXCLUSIVE Positive Recovery content available only to Positive Recovery MD listeners.
If you our someone you know needs help, visit or call 877-476-2743 to schedule a free assessment. We are here to help. -
Mind Medicine Australia Podcast 'Season 2' aims to connect, listen and share the power of lived experience stories of mental health challenges and altered states that cultivate wellbeing and utilise the collective voices to inform research directions, policy and system change. This podcast will explore modalities including but not limited to altered states from the use of psychedelics, breath work, yoga, mindfulness, meditation, nutrition, sleep and exercise.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join the digital soundwaves of intuitive visionaries, ADHD creators, and spiritual changemakers who wish to lead boldly, and burn brightly - without burning outTune in to this Spirit-led conversation to gain divine wisdom, wake you, shake you, break you where needed (!!) and ultimately bring you into alignment with the path of destiny that you came here to walk.Illuminating the ode to "Know Thyself," welcome to dive deep into the perennial questions aimed at supporting change agents, healers and high achieving spiritual entrepreneurs on the continuation of our awakening journey and providing channeled insights, next era AI and business insights and immersive intuitive readings for our truly liberated and fulfilling life. -
Í matvælinu er fjallað um nýsköpun og rannsóknir í matvælaframleiðslu. Matvísindafólk Matís fær hér tækifæri til að tala tæpitungulaust um spennandi og mikilvægar matvælarannsóknir sem stuðla að auknu matvælaöryggi og bættri lýðheilsu.
MedEdTalks Psychiatry is a continuing medical education podcast for physicians to allow them to learn while on the go and obtain CME credits.
From Sleep Review Magazine comes "The Sleep Disorders Toolkit", a podcast meticulously crafted for sleep apnea and sleep medicine professionals. Distinguished for its depth and precision, each episode offers rigorous analyses, driven by the leading voices in the industry. Practitioners will find themselves immersed in both foundational knowledge and the very latest advances in sleep disorder management. This isn’t just content; it's a deep dive into the intricacies and nuances of sleep medicine. For those dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in sleep health, The Sleep Disorders Toolkit emerges as the paramount resource, elevating standards and shaping the future of sleep medicine.
Foodies - podcasten for deg som elsker mat og vil lære mer om den!Jeg er Emilie Nereng, jeg har en bachelorgrad i ernæring, er kokebokforfatter av boka Sunt og digg, og jeg ELSKER mat. I sesong 1 snakket jeg med matglade kjendiser, mens jeg i sesong 2 utforsker hva maten vi spiser og hvordan vi lever påvirker kroppen vår. Ny episode hver tirsdag. Trykk abonner/follow for å få med deg alt!
Instagram: @emilienutrition
For annonsering: [email protected] -
Eva Matta og Sylvía Briem Friðjóns, þjálfarar og athafnakonur, taka hrátt plebbaspjall um mannlegheit og skoða leiðir til þess að gera lífið skemmtilegra.
Hér finnur þú allt sem snýr að bættri heilsu, bættum árangri og betri líðan. Hlustaðu á viðtöl við allskyns sérfræðinga á sviði líkamsræktar og heilsu til að fá nýjustu upplýsingar og vísindi beint í æð.
Kass & Emily are two sisters that want to let everyone be a part of their life. This podcast is stories and lessons they have learned along the way to get here.