
  • In our fourth bitpod we discuss the topic of Artificial Intelligence with Profs. Matthew Montebello. Profs Montebello is a full professor at the Department ofArtificial Intelligence at the Faculty of ICT, University of Malta. He heads the Agent Technology Research Group at the departmental level, as well as coordinates a number of Interest Groups within the same faculty. During this bitpod, we discuss the status quo, current challenges, misconceptions, and future opportunities created by AI, on a local and global level.

    Prof Matthew Montebello is a full professor at the Department of Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of ICT, University of Malta. He heads the Agent Technology Research Group at the departmental level, as well as coordinates a number of Interest Groups within the same faculty.

    Before joining the University in 1999 with a Ph.D. in Computer Science he was already heavily involved in Education in secondary schools after graduating in 1990 at the University of Malta B.Ed.(Hons) degree. Having obtained extensive teaching experience and having been involved with the introduction of computer labs through the Ministry of Education, he proceeded to follow the Computer Science domain when he pursued his post-graduate studies obtaining a Master's and a Doctorate at the Cardiff University in Wales in 1996 and 1998 respectively.

    Furthermore, in 2009 and 2016 he also completed an M.A. and an Ed.D. (Higher Education) specialising in the application of artificial intelligence to e-learning. In 2017 he published a Springer monograph entitled 'AI-injected e-Learning' and was offered a visiting academic status at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign where he collaborated with the Computer Science department and College of Education on numerous projects and research initiatives.

    In May 2018 he was appointed Adjunct Professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and published his second Springer monograph entitled 'Ambient Intelligent Classrooms'. In 2019 he was re-appointed head of the department and edited an IGI-Global handbook of research on Digital Learning while also in the process of authoring his third Springer monograph on Digital Learners.

    #AI #artificialIntelligence #research #technology #learning #universityofMalta #future #bitpod #malta #podcast #pkfmalta

  • Maria Formosa, born on the 1st October 1987, raised in Dingli with my parents and older sister.

    For the past 7 years, since the first day it was founded, I have been part in building a foundation for motor neuron disease patients by the name of ALS Malta. My husband who is the founder of ALS Malta and an ALS patient himself has come with the idea to help other people on the island affected by this disease, together with a lot of awareness, campaigning and fundraising activities, we have built a home where patients can live and have the necessary care. The first home welcomes 13 residents and has been open for the past 5 years. Throughout these last years the need has unfortunately continued rising and we have therefore continued campaigning and fundraising to build another home. In the coming months the newer and bigger home will be open in which 30 other patients can reside and find adequate care together with other services which offer quality of living.

    Currently I take care of my husband needs as his permanent care giver along with others who can fill my time when I am absent. I also campaign, organise events, deliver the adequate equipment to patients, manage accounting and secretarial daily jobs and HR. Being a foundation we have started off as my husband and I covering all roles needed to run the foundation, whilst in the past year we have passed on certain roles to other employees who joined us on board to be able to run smoothly our foundation and the various tasks it entails.

    My overall goals are to offer the most adequate quality of life to our patients as well as their relatives, by our full respect and full understanding as we are also going through this journey first-hand. Our aim is to help every person that asks for our help and find solutions to offer them quality of life, all necessary equipment, as well as all the information needed to face this debilitating disease in the most serene way.

    My biggest accomplishment has obviously been in delivering these services to our patients and gaining the respect and support of people from all around Malta who has come together and raised enough funds to ultimately open these two homes. In terms of personal accomplishments, I strongly believe that I have learnt a lot on how to be disciplined and

    focused in order to arrive to accomplish goals, and also that love, respect and sacrifice can push all boundaries in terms of being there for one another in all circumstances.

    On a personal note, last year I have achieved my masters degree in Management, something I have always put aside and almost feared but with dedication I have managed to achieve. In my free time I enjoy the countryside, being able to feel free and close to nature together with my family, grandma, nephews and nieces. I also enjoy a lot training sports as it gives me the energy and positive attitude to face my days.

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  • In our third episode we focus on the work of the Foundation for the Wellbeing of society which is chaired by Her Excellency Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, the Former President of Malta. The Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society aims to create and safe space for dialogue on social wellbeing with a special focus on the importance of children’s participation in our society. The Foundation is backed up by academic research and operates through a consultation process with the children themselves in order to instill the idea of an inclusive, just, equitable and eco-friendly society.

    Our speaker, her Excellency Marie Louise Coleiro Preca served in politics for 45 years and was a member of Parliament for 16 years. She is a graduate Bachelor in Legal and Humanistic Studies and is a notary public from the University of Malta. Ms Coleiro Preca is also Honorary Professor of the University of Warwick, Honorary Doctor of Laws from University of Leicester (UK), and Honorary Doctor of Literature from the University of Malta.

    #bitpod #malta #society #wellbeing  #MarieLouiseColeiroPreca #children #podcast #pkfmalta

  • In this episode, Krystle Penza, a mother, an avid activist for women's empowerment, and co-founder and Managing Director of the Maltese jewelry brand Mvintage, takes us on the journey towards becoming a Successful Female Entrepreneur.

    Discover how she's built her company from scratch, while simultaneously raising her daughter... making her jewelry brand one of the most sought-after jewelry designer brands in Malta. Krystle brings along 15 years experience of entrepreneurial flair in fashion brand management, distribution, wholesale, retail, and franchising. She's a force to be reckoned with.

  • In our seventh bitpod session, we discuss mental health and how to achieve a work-life balance. More specifically, we discuss mental health awareness, stress management, and work-life balance. Our guest speaker is Mr. Matthew Paris, who is a learning and development officer at Richmond Foundation. Richmond Foundation’s mission is to support people experiencing mental health problems and those around them, throughout various aspects of life.

  • In this episode together with Dr. Claire Azzopardi, who is the deputy dean of the Faculty for Social Wellbeing, we discuss the major ongoing topic ofmenstrual leave. Currently, in Malta, this topic is being debated on whether such a policy should be implemented. The episode entails a short discussion onthe pros and cons of menstrual leave, its impact on the workplace, its different effects depending on how it is implemented if there are any actions that could be taken to reduce the stigma on menstruation, and whether we can learn from any successful countries that implemented such policy of menstrual leave.

    Dr. Azzopardi Lane is currently the Head of the Department of Disability Studies, within the University of Malta’s Faculty for Social Wellbeing, of which she is also Deputy Dean. She spent years working as a front-liner in the disability sector, in Malta and abroad, in both the educational and social support fields.

    Having read for a Master’s degree focusing on persons with intellectual disabilities with higher support needs, particularly sensory needs, at the University of Manchester, she worked in this field for 16 years putting her education into practice.
    Dr. Azzopradi lane then read for her Ph.D. at the University of Kent’s Tizard Centre, looking more closely at the lived experiences of young persons with intellectual disabilities in Malta, focusing on their sexual well-being and family lives, in terms of what are now Articles 23 and 25 of the UNCRPD.
    Dr. Azzopardi Lane’s research and follow-up work has since been presented not only in Malta, but also elsewhere, from Europe to Asia, the United States, and Canada, and including at the last Conference of States Parties (CoSP) to the UNCRPD. She also authored a number of book chapters, and publishes regularly in key international journals, acting as a peer reviewer for such journals too.

  • In today’s bitpod we discuss Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), which has been making rounds in the global business environment. For this bitpod podcast we are joined by Jannico Cabanero, an Economist, who discusses ESG and its importance to businesses and investors, current trends, and regulations, and finally, what can enterprises and the government do to promote ESG integration in the Maltese market environment.

    #bitpod #podcast #malta #ESG #CSR #environment #social #corporategovernance #pkfmalta

  • Our upcoming conference entitled Exploring links between ESG and Renewable Energy – 12.04 @ Hilton Malta where numerous local and international speakers representing topics related to sustainability and energy generation in Malta’s EEZ.

    Speaker Line up: https://bit.ly/Res-Brochure
    The conference will discuss the practicalities and implications of future projects for the Maltese with a special focus on offshore renewable energy projects and also focus on the environmental component on a micro level by individual businesses.
    Date: 12th April 2023
    Time: 8:30 am - 16:00
    Venue: Hilton, Malta
    Early bird fee: €65 Incl Vat (Incl Coffee break, Conference delegate bag, Networking Lunch, and Networking Drinks)
    We hope you welcome our invitation & be part of the change!
    Register here: https://bit.ly/Res-Registration

    #bitpod #malta greenhydrogen⁠, ⁠#sustainableenergy⁠ ⁠#renature⁠ ⁠#innovation⁠ ⁠#Climatechange⁠ ⁠#Electricity⁠ ⁠#Hyrdogen⁠ ⁠#OffshoreRenewable⁠

    ⁠#RenewableEnergy⁠ ⁠#ESG⁠ ⁠#ESGDirective⁠ ⁠#EnviornmentalSustainability⁠ ⁠#Carbonfootprint⁠ ⁠#EU⁠ ⁠#EURenewableEnergy⁠ ⁠#GHGemissions⁠

    ⁠#gozo⁠ ⁠#malta⁠ ⁠#podcast #pkfmalta

  • PKF Malta’s advisory team is proud to present you with the first of a series of bitpod podcasts concerning Malta’s social and economic realities. In this episode we provide you with the basic definitions, moving on to an analysis of the current status quo of Malta’s public finances. In addition, we take a look at how our public finances are fairing in terms of projections and challenges that lie ahead, particularly in the context of post-Covid-19 and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

  • Hello大家好,我是马耳他PKF公司的亚洲商务代表,借此机会代表马耳他PKF 公司祝大家在新的一年身体健康,万事如意,也谢谢大家这些年来一如既往的支持和信任。


    1. 设立新的办理审核机构(Community Malta Agency) | 负责管理和处理所有马耳他公民身份相关事宜。新机构将会对申请人进行严格的尽职调查,授予其公民身份以及在得到公民身份后的5年中对其行进监察。

    2. 放宽子女年龄上的限制,经济上依赖于主申请人呢或者配偶的未婚子女,年龄上限调整为29岁,旧政策下年龄限制为27岁。

    3. 增加居住要求,并提供2种选择方案,标准申请通道和快速申请通道

    1): 标准申请通道要求在马耳他居住满3年并向政府捐资60万欧,即可申请入籍

    2): 快速申请通道要求在马耳他居住满1年并向政府捐资75万欧,即可申请入籍

    4. 提高购买或租赁房产的金额

    新政策下还是要求在马耳他租赁或者购买房产, 只是在金额上有所变化

    1): 购买房产——要求在马耳他当地购买一套价值最低70万欧的房产(是旧政策下购买房产金额的2倍)

    2): 租赁房产——要求在马耳他当地租赁一套年租金最低1.6万欧并持租5年(与旧政策相同)

    5. 增加公益捐款:


    6. 取消国债投资要求:

    旧政策下要求投资15万欧元并持有5年。 新政策中取消了对于国债投资上的要求。





  • What does it take to rise to the top? Find out how a Maltese visionary & entrepreneur Anthony Micallef, 40 years ago,  defied all odds and managed to build his empire from scratch, the Office Group was born. Now, a journey of corporate success continues with his legacy.

    Anthony Micallef is the Chairman and Founder of Office Group. Through his extensive academic background in Malta, Switzerland, the UK and Germany, Anthony acquired an in-depth knowledge of Mechanical Engineering. Anthony went on to establish Office Electronics Ltd. in 1980 and the export-oriented Office Technology Ltd. in 1986. Subsequently, all operations were consolidated under Office Group Ltd. in 2006.

    During his distinguished entrepreneurial career, Anthony was able to garner extensive expertise in key areas such as marketing, project management, business development and contractual services.

    In 2002, Anthony became an honorary member of Who’s Who of Professionals in the USA. He is also the former president of the Libyan Malta Chamber of Commerce and currently occupies the position of president of the Malta Japan Chamber of Commerce.

    #legacy #officegroup #officeeletronics #marketing #projectmanagement #businessdevelopment #contractualservices #typewriters #pkfmalta #bitpod

  • Compliance Expert Osvaldo Miguel Sosa, takes us on a journey to discover the new software ComplyRadar, were together with Computime Software, they set out to build a Real-Time transaction monitoring solution. This was purposely built to address all Anti Money Laundering, Fraud and Responsible Gambling requirements in real-time, using different complex technics, such as behavioural analytics, machine learning and threshold rules. Computime Software is probably the oldest IT company on the island boasting a vast wealth of experience in technology and integration projects.

    Osvaldo is passionate about everything regarding AML and fraud investigations, with 12 years’ experience in the gaming industry; having worked with some of the biggest organisations, such as PokerStars, PaddyPower Betfair and Betsson Group, where he acquired a vast amount of experience and knowledge in process and procedures, as well as different technics in data mining, case investigations and reporting.

    #compliance #complyradar #computime #realtime #aml #fraudinvestigations #gambling #IT #malta #datamining #pkfmalta #bitpod

  • Just as our country had eased into the so-called “new normal”, the second wave of covid19 infections spread across the island following a single case reported in late July. In our latest Bitpod episode, our economist Miriam Sultana provides a snapshot of recent events concerning the pandemic in Malta, including the latest health mitigation measures.

    This is followed by an economic round up of the latest economic developments in terms of GDP, inflation, unemployment and the country’s credit rating, and the extent of success of Governments’ fiscal injections. In this episode, we also discuss the Government’s plans to restore the economy following the partial lockdown.

    Moderated and lead by Collette Mangion, Creative Director at PKF Malta.

    #recovery #fiscalinjections #GDP #inflation #unemployment #creditRating #malta #secondwave #economy #covid #pandemic #pkfmalta #bitpod

  • Covid-19 has proven to be detrimental to the hotel industry in Malta. Our Special Guest Speaker, Economist Claudia Dalli discusses the latest findings from PKF Malta’s study on the hotel industry & the impact caused by the pandemic. 

    Claudia is an Economist, who throughout her career has been involved in various projects of different nature. Some of the assignments that Claudia was involved in include a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) for the establishment of a permanent connection between the Marsamxett Ferry Landing site and the Valletta City Centre and a CBA for the establishment of a park and ride in Gozo. Furthermore, she was also involved in the compilation of an Action Plan for tourism SMEs in Gozo, in the compilation of the Maltese Property market report and the Female participation report.

    Claudia holds a Bachelor of Commerce with Honours degree in Economics, after having studied Economics and Banking & Finance at an undergraduate level for three consecutive years. She then attained her Masters of Science in Economics from the University of Malta.

    As with most advanced economies, Malta is highly dependent on tourism so the implications brought by Covid-19 were quite substantial. Despite the efforts made by the government, more needs to be done especially to overcome the uncertainty as to how the situation will materialise once the furlough scheme and vouchers cease. The past few months have highlighted the importance of focusing more on quality over quantity when it comes to tourism as this can help generate a stronger economy in the face of such occurrences. 

    PKF Malta, as a company is committed to giving back to society by carrying out research on various topics to educate society on a vast spectrum of topics as part of its corporate social responsibility. 

    Presented by our very own Head of Advisory Miriam Sultana at PKF Malta.
    #pkfStudy #economist #tourism #vouchers #furlough #hotel #malta #economy #hotels #pandemic #covid19 #csr #pkfmalta #bitpod

  • Experience Turkey through the eyes and knowledge of our Expert Speaker, Ms ŞİLAN ÖZ. Turkish Citizenship by Investment program offers an attractive package to those looking to acquire a second passport. Turkey is centrally positioned between Eastern Europe and Western Asia, making it a convenient location for many.

    The Eurasian country is well-known for its hospitable and welcoming manner to foreigners. Offering spectacular landscapes, sandy beaches, ancient ruins, and abundantly rich culture, Turkey offers a wealth of attractions and opportunities for whatever your personal preference may be.

    She is an International Marketing Manager in Dev Project Marketing company in Turkey. She also studied real estate management and finance at Istanbul Aydin University. She has 10 years experience in the real estate sector, she is working with overseas real estate agents and she provides property consultancy to foreign investors for the last 10 years.

    Presented by Dr Marilyn Formosa - bitpod co-founder

    #immigration #citizenship #goldenvisa #eb5visa #eu #turkishcitizenshipByInvestment #citizenshipByInvestment #EUcitizenshipByInvestment #InvestmentImmigration #pkfmalta #bitpod

  • The coronavirus has grabbed the attention of the world by inciting fear and uncertainty into people’s lives and bringing into question the operational stability of a business should employees be unable to leave their homes. It is crucial that during these taxing times, we do not let fear and hope affect our judgement, hence, it is fundamental that now more than ever, employees and the public at large are aware of cyber-attacks and how to prevent them for acquiring unauthorized data.

    PKF Principal Mr. Thomas DeMayo from the New York office will be giving us an overview of how to stay safe in the wake of cybercrime and potential phishing attempts. Thomas is a forensic specialist and has extensive experience within security and managing information risks across a wide range of industries including commercial companies, NGOs, government, and schools.

  • UGlobal organised a virtual conference which was held last week of April. Find out what our team had to say about this virtual conference. The advantages & disadvantages of the virtual conference. Lead by our Presenter Dr Elysia Rezki - Legal Assistant at PKF Malta, and our attendees on this session, Ms Miranda Ma - Asian Business Executive at PKF Malta & Dr Michela Mifsud - Legal Associate at PKF Malta. 

  • OHSA CEO Dr Mark Gauci gives us a bird's eye view of current health and safety standards & statistics, he enlightens us on the current covid 19 situation and how employers are duty bound to take necessary action to ensure safety of their employees, not only from a physical aspect but also a mental well- being approach.

    Dr Mark Gauci graduated as a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Malta and later continued with his postgraduate studies in Occupational Health at the University of London. He played a key role in setting up the Occupational Health and Safety Authority, of which he has been the CEO since it was established. He initiated the full-time Diploma course in occupational health and safety at the University of Malta and was the main lecturer and coordinator of the first two courses. He is currently a Visiting Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.

    Dr Gauci is also very active abroad, being a member of the European Union’s Senior Labour Inspectors Committee and the Advisory Committee for Safety and Health. He has been chairing or participating as a member in various subcommittees, including the Working Groups Enforcement and Strategic Management, and various Technical Progress Committees; he was also chosen to be an evaluator of the health and safety inspectorates in a number of Member States.

    Recently he was invited by the International Labour Organisation to form part of an Expert Group tasked to review the ILO Recommendation on Labour Inspection.

    #OccupationalHealthandSafety #OHS #OHSA #covid #statistics #wellbeing #bitpod

  • Join us as we take a bird's eye view of the Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment Program, honing in on the relevant detail and bringing to the fore all the advantages that the offering is adorned with. Bulgaria, the new kid on the block but one that promises to be a formidable competitor.

    Introducing this session's Expert Guest Speaker, Ms Nevena Bekyarova, Senior Associate at New Balkans Law Office, Sofia. This session was led by our co-founder host Dr. Marilyn Formosa, Head of Legal at PKF Malta.

    Nevena has participated in a number of international events in the area of immigration and nationality law (such as a Speaker to the Biennial International Bar Association Immigration Law conference in 2019) and is a member of the Investment Migration Council, the worldwide association for investor immigration and citizenship by investment. Among her main practice areas are Immigration and Private Clients. As head of NBLO’s Private Client department, Nevena is involved in advising clients, public policy issues, and in the context of immigration and nationality is versed in the investor application process in Bulgaria. She is fluent in Bulgarian and English and is a frequent writer and contributor on the topic of investment migration.

    #immigration #citizenship #goldenvisa #eb5visa #eu #turkishcitizenshipByInvestment #citizenshipByInvestment #EUcitizenshipByInvestment #InvestmentImmigration #pkfmalta #bitpod

  • Join us as our latest guest, the cosmopolitan savvy Immigration Expert, Ms. Nadia Themis, takes us on a global tour to discover the Super-Rich & their families, as they seek second citizenship, not only as a gateway to Europe but also as a peace of mind, to find more safety from new emerging markets such as South Africa & Asia.

    Nadia Themis has 20+ years of experience as a Wealth Planner where she advised many global companies to set their tax planning & corporate structure. In the last few years, she is working closely more with HNW planning their wealth and immigration matters. She is trusted by global businesses, governments to design & deliver business growth, the most efficient corporate planning, interactive keynotes to inspire change, accelerate personal&professional growth under her expertise as a performance coach, and a wealth planner.

    Nadia Themis is a graduate holder of a BSc in Business Management (U.K), MBA in Corporate Law, Corporate Finance, member since 2012 of STEP (Society & Estate Practitioners U.K.), a journalist, Certified Performance/Communication Coach, nominated as best coach by EMCC in 2015 and an approved Trainer.

    #immigration #citizenship #goldenvisa #eb5 #eu #eb5visa #turkishcitizenshipByInvestment #citizenshipByInvestment #EUcitizenshipByInvestment #InvestmentImmigration #pkfmalta #bitpod