
  • The links mentioned in this episode https://withkoji.com/@bizinpoland/qz3r and https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessinpolandmastermind https://bizinpoland.com/

    Welcome to the latest episode on the Biz in Poland podcast. With the recent formation of a new government under Premier Minister Donald Tusk from PO, the business landscape in Poland is buzzing with both high expectations and a certain degree of uncertainty. This new coalition government, comprising three different political parties, brings an element of unpredictability regarding policy changes in 2024 and beyond.

    In a recent announcement, Premier Minister Tusk unveiled some key reforms impacting the business environment in Poland. Hear what they are in this episode and Merry Christmas/Happy holidays!

  • Limited Liability Company in Poland - pros and cons is this episodes topic. Need more help? Then become for free a member of Business in Poland Mastermind community and/or write me Søren Christensen at [email protected]. More info at Biz in Poland.

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  • What is the advantages and disadvantages regarding sole proprietorship company form in Poland? That will be answered in this episode of Biz in Poland.

    Remember to subscribe to the podcast so you will not miss important and free info and if you need any business consulting service then reach out via [email protected] also more info on Biz in Poland.

  • Gert Pedersen from Denmark who owns and is the founder of ctiparty.dk has a very fascinating and inspiring business story that he talks about in this interview with Biz in Poland podcast.

    He and his business has been down but Gert has managed to get back up and has today a very successful webshop selling party items in Denmark but operated from Poland where he also lives.

    Today he has 5 people employed in his Polish firm and it is in other words a Danish business success story made from Poland.!

    Besides business we are also talking about the culture differences also when it comes to business but not “just” in business life. That and much more in this almost 2 hours episode of Biz in Poland podcast.

    Please remember to subscribe to the podcast and visit Gerts party item webshop here and join for free Business in Poland Mastermind group here.

    Gert Pedersen recommends in the podcast interview the Prestashop developer in Krakow who has helped him a lot. You can find that company here: https://www.waynet.io/

    We also talks a bit about AI and Gert recommends: https://www.deepl.com/translator

    Enjoy the interview and stay tuned for more business in Poland content!

  • Business news in Poland prouly presents the 13 episode of Business in Poland podcast. Get update regaring business life in Poland at news.bizinpoland.com.

    Business in Poland Mastermind community

    In this episode you will get the 10 top reasons to be a member of Business in Poland Mastermind community. It is for free and you can join here on Facebook.

  • The 12 episode of Business in Poland podcast is here and you will get the overview of the new E-invoicing system that will be mandatory in Poland from 1 of July next year. You will find the website with more info here. https://www.podatki.gov.pl/

    It is not in English so I recommend that you use Chrome so you can use Google translate in the browser.

    Problems are expected also for non-Polish companies

    Polish law firms already expect it will give a lot of problems for mainly Polish companies of course but it can also be a problem for non-Polish firms for example if they have a branch in Poland.

    You can hear in the episode about what kind of problems that can be with the new E-invoicing system.

    Much can still change

    It is important to notice that much can still change before it will be mandatory but it is as mentioned already launched.

    I therefore recommend you to contact your accountant regarding the new changes so you are prepared because it can become very expensive not to follow the new law.

    Join Business in Poland Mastermind

    If you don't have an accountant, Biz in Poland can recommend you one and you can also get more help and information by joining the Biz in Poland business community on Facebook that is called Business in Poland Mastermind group.

    There will also be business network meetings exclusive for Business in Poland Mastermind. So you can expand your business network and it is also for free. The next business network meetup will be next month.

    It is for free to join the community but you have to accept the group rules otherwise your membership request will be rejected. Join now here.

    Need professional business consulting?

    I (Søren Christensen) have over 15 years of business experience regarding the Polish market so if you need professional IT and business consulting you are welcome to contact me at [email protected] and you can read more at bizinpoland.com

  • This episode is dedicated to Ukraine and it´s lovely people! This episode is about How to start an IT project in Poland - big or small and if you are patroen (silver level and up) of Biz in Poland podcast you will get some golden links.

    Business news from Poland

    As mentioned Business news from Poland that is a online magasine about Business news from Poland, is now af part of Biz in Poland. As good as every day you will find different and interesting news from the Polish business life. The url is news.bizinpoland.com remember to bookmark it.

    You can also advertise there and 25% goes right now to help Ukraine.

  • When you do business in a country it is important to know the bacis of it´s business culture and in this episode of Biz in Poland podcast I will give you my take on the business culture in Poland.

    Support dog shelters in Poland - become a patron

    You will learn how to save money and much more as a Biz in Poland patron plus 10% of the patron income each month will go to a dog shelter decided by the patrons. From 1 Euro!

    There are many different benefits as well. Sign up at https://www.patreon.com/bizpl Help the dogs, your business and the podcast by signing up and remember to subscribe to the podcast, thanks!

  • When you start up a business you at one point need to hire qualified employees. How do you find them in Poland and learn also law demands and a bit about salaries etc. in this episode of Biz in Poland podcast.

    There are also exclusive content for patrons regarding this subject, incl. how legally to save some money as a business in Poland.

    Support dog shelters in Poland - become a patron

    You will learn how to save money and much more as a Biz in Poland patron plus 10% of the patron income each month will go to a dog shelter decided by the patrons. From 1 Euro!

    There are many different benefits as well. Sign up at https://www.patreon.com/bizpl Help the dogs, your business and the podcast by signing up and remember to subscribe to the podcast, thanks!

    Job boards in Poland

    As mentioned there are many job boards in Poland the most popular is Pracuj and another one is fx. infopraca

    Info applicants in Poland should add when applying

    As mentioned in the podcast it is important that applicants for jobs in Poland should add something like the following:

    “Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 10 maja 2018 roku o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. Ustaw z 2018, poz. 1000) oraz zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (RODO)).”

    If you need more help regarding finding the right employees then fx write me at [email protected]

    Have a nice day and good luck with the search for employees in Poland.

  • The Polish language is without a doubt one of the main reasons why so many are not going into the Polish market.

    Almost 38 mio customers in Poland

    It is a shame because first of all it is not that difficult to deal with the language barrier if you do it the right way and secondly Poland is a huge market with its almost 38 mio. people.

    But how do you handle it?

    In this episode I will explain to handle the Polish language barrier from a business perspective and I give more valuble links and information inkl. recommendation of sworn translators in a premium pdf file that you can find here.

    Support dog shelters in Poland - become a patron

    You will learn how to save money and much more. As a Biz in Poland patron plus 10% of the patron income each month will go to a dog shelter decided by the patrons.

    There are many different benefits as well. Sign up at https://www.patreon.com/bizpl Help the dogs, your business and the podcast by signing up and remember to subscribe to the podcast, thanks!

  • I was happy that Brian Allan, founder and owner of Rock Your Business was the first guest in Biz in Poland podcast.

    One of the main reasons is that he has a very interesting business story to tell and about his life.

    Music in many countries

    Brian Allans life is full of music and in this interview he will take us from Germany to Scotland, Canada, USA and to Poland and tell us about how he got record deals, radio hits and ended up working with Skylar Grey even as her manager!

    More over he also a X factor contestant some years back. See the video and other videos here.

    Music event company in Poland

    Today Brian Allan has his music event company in Poland called Rock Your Business but he and his team travels all over the world with the workshops.

    Moreover he is also a keynote speaker where the subjects are Freddie Mercury and Abba from a business point of view.

    Brian Allan talks about this and much more in this extra interesting episode of Biz in Poland podcast.

    If you also are doing business in Poland and want to be a interviewed by me then write me at [email protected] also if you want to know more about my consulting services.

    Support dog shelters in Poland - become a patron

    You will learn how to save money and much more. As a Biz in Poland patron plus 10% of the patron income each month will go to a dog shelter decided by the patrons.

    There are many different benefits as well. Sign up at https://www.patreon.com/bizpl Help the dogs, your business and the podcast by signing up and remember to subscribe to the podcast, thanks!

  • When you will register a company in Poland you will first need to decide which one of the 8 company forms you will use. There are different rules applying to each one.

    The sole trade company form is the most simple also to register. You can read more about that company form here.

    Compare the Polish company forms

    If you need another form type you can compare the 7 other ones in this official document from the Polish authorities.

    If you want the sole trade option you can register it online on this website. I am in this episode talking about how you do it.

    When you register your firm you need to register your type of business activity. For that purpose you need to choose a PKD code. You can browse them here. You can have more than one business activity registered under the same company.

    Special rules for non EU citizens

    If you are not a EU citizen then special rules applies and you can hear more about it in this episode of Biz in Poland podcast as well. Also regarding work and stay permits.

    More information and help with registering a firm in Poland?

    On the official government websites that I link to above, you can get more information. But you might need a lawyer etc. for further help as I mention in this podcast episode. Biz in Poland can help you with that and I also offer other consultant services regarding the Polish market.

    Support dog shelters in Poland - become a patron

    You will learn how to save money and much more. As a Biz in Poland patron plus 10% of the patron income each month will go to a dog shelter decided by the patrons.

    There are many different benefits as well. Sign up at https://www.patreon.com/bizpl Help the dogs, your business and the podcast by signing up and remember to subscribe to the podcast, thanks!

  • Happy New year! What can we expect from 2022 when it comes to Poland and business in Poland?

    In this New year episode I am telling you shortly what I expect is going to happen with business life in 2022.

    The Polish economy in 2022

    The new Polish Deal tax reform will of course have an influence on business in Poland. But how will it go with other parts of the Polish economy such as the GDP and the inflation that have been very high in 2021? I will give my perspective on that matter.

    Outsourcing to Poand still a hit?

    In many years it has become very popular to outsource to Poland especially when it comes to the IT sector. Will that still be the case this year as well or will it change and if yes, how? Another area that I will talk about in this episode of Biz in Poland podcast.

    Poland and it´s relationship with EU

    The Polish government and EU have not had the best relationship in recent years, to put it mildly. Will it escalated so Poland will leave EU or will EU kick Poland out? I am also discussion that matter because it will of course also have a big effect on the way to do business in Poland and in the rest of EU.

    These are some of the subjects that I will talk about in this 5 episode of Biz in Poland podcast. Do you agree or not? Once again a Happy New Year, I hope 2022 will be a great year for you and your busniess!

    Maybe this year will be the year that you will expand to Poland and/or want to find Polish suppliers. I can help you succeed with that. Just book an appoinment even a free session and I will tell you how!

    Support dog shelters in Poland - become a patron

    You will learn how to save money and much more. As a Biz in Poland patron plus 10% of the patron income each month will go to a dog shelter decided by the patrons.

    There are many different benefits as well. Sign up at https://www.patreon.com/bizpl Help the dogs, your business and the podcast by signing up and remember to subscribe to the podcast, thanks!

  • There are many aspects to take into consideration, when you want to start up a business in Poland.

    In this episode I will discuss the 10 most important steps before starting a business in Poland. This is of course strictly my view of it after been living and done business here since 2008.

    Before you start up a business in Poland

    Where in Poland should you start up your company? What type of company form should you choose? Should you move to Poland or start it from where you live now? Are my products or services already in Poland and if yes how can my services or products stand out? Should you hire someone right away? What about getting an office for the beginning?

    Those are just some of the decisions you should make before starting up at the Polish market. I am shortly discussing it in this episode of Biz in Poland podcast.

    Support dog shelters in Poland - become a patron

    You will learn how to save money and much more. As a Biz in Poland patron plus 10% of the patron income each month will go to a dog shelter decided by the patrons.

    There are many different benefits as well. Sign up at https://www.patreon.com/bizpl Help the dogs, your business and the podcast by signing up and remember to subscribe to the podcast, thanks!

    Need help with those steps and decisions?

    Some of those steps can be quite difficult to decide especially if you don´t know Poland or the polish market that well as I do after my many years of living and do business here.

    It can also be a expensive way of doing it without consulting it with people who has a lot of experince regarding it. So I recommend you to book an appointment with me. I offer a 15 min free consulting session, so I can tell you how I exactly can help YOUR business on the Polish market.

    Then you and I can also better decide what kind of consultant service you need to succeed on the Polish market.

    Happy New Year for you and your business!

  • From New year the tax reform called the Polish Deal will be implemented. There are many big changes and in this episode I will give you a short overview of the taxreform.

    Contact your accountant regarding the Polish Deal tax reform

    As I say in this episode I am not an accountant and if you have a business in Poland or you are in the process of establishing one you should contact him/her now. If you need help to find an accountant then I can help. Read more at bizinpoland.com.

    There you will also find show notes. Happy holidays!

    Support dog shelters in Poland - become a patron

    You will learn how to save money and much more as a Biz in Poland patron plus 10% of the patron income each month will go to a dog shelter decided by the patrons.

    There are many different benefits as well. Sign up at https://www.patreon.com/bizpl Help the dogs, your business and the podcast by signing up and remember to subscribe to the podcast, thanks!

  • There are many postive aspects (pros) of doing business in Poland and of course also few cons. In this second episode of Biz in Poland podcast you can hear the best and worst according to me.

    You can get to know more about this subject via my consultant services and you can book an appointment even for free!

    Are there other places to learn about these pros and cons?

    Not all can be covered in this podcast episode. Therefore I recommend you also to follow Biz in Poland on Facebook because here I often share business news articles regarding business life in Poland.

    In most podcast episodes I will also indirectly talk about pros and cons regarding doing business in Poland because ofthe business news scale segment called Fortune and broke scale.

    Support dog shelters in Poland - become a patron

    You will learn how to save money and much more. As a Biz in Poland patron plus 10% of the patron income each month will go to a dog shelter decided by the patrons.

    There are many different benefits as well. Sign up at https://www.patreon.com/bizpl Help the dogs, your business and the podcast by signing up and remember to subscribe to the podcast, thanks!

  • Welcome to Biz in Poland podcast and the first episode. It is a welcome and introduction episode.

    You will get to know who I am besides being your host. My name is Søren Christensen and the owner of bizinpoland.com that is a part of my company that is named after me, in oter words Søren Christensen.

    Besides learning a bit about me, you will also hear what you can expect and what to gain from listening to Biz in Poland podcast. You can by the way also book an online consulting appointment here and even a free one as well!

    Episode two is also available now

    You can already now listen to the second episode of Biz in Poland. The subject is the pros and cons regarding doing business in Poland. You can also there read a bit more about the podcast.

    If you have any suggestions to subjects and/or guest for future episodes, then you are more than welcome to contact me.

    Want to learn more about Biz in Poland?

    If you would like to know more about Biz in Poland and the owner (Søren Christensen), you can read more on the About Biz in Poland page. If you would like to know more about my consulting services then you can also do that.

    I also have a version of the website in Danish then you can visit it if you prefer to read the information in that language. I also have many blog posts on that website that might will interest you.

    Support dog shelters in Poland - become a patron

    You will learn how to save money and much more. As a Biz in Poland patron plus 10% of the patron income each month will go to a dog shelter decided by the patrons.

    There are many different benefits as well. Sign up at https://www.patreon.com/bizpl Help the dogs, your business and the podcast by signing up and remember to subscribe to the podcast, thanks!