Связанные с
At the CatholicPsych Institute, we're doing something new when it comes to therapy. In the Being Human podcast, Dr. Greg Bottaro, Founder and Director of the CatholicPsych Institute, shares with you his vision for Catholic therapy and a revolutionary approach that is focused, finally, on what it means to be human.
How can you build a healthy, thriving church without sacrificing your marital, familial, and personal health? Is it even possible to be a pastor and not live on the edge of burnout? How do you protect your passion and integrity so you can run your race well all the way through the finish line? The Healthy Pastor podcast brings together some of the most respected voices in ministry to lend a helping hand. Tune in for wisdom and insights learned over decades of real-world leadership experience to help you be a healthy pastor who leads a healthy church.
What does it take to really create change–the kind that helps us work together as human beings for one another and for the planet? We believe the change we all wish to see in the world first needs to happen within. In this podcast, Kristen Vandivier and Isabel Keoseyan – co-founders of Meditation Without Borders – and their guests share laughs, stories and insights into the movement of meditation for social change.
Read more about us and sign up our newsletter here: https://www.meditationwithoutborders.net/being-the-change-podcast -
Geleide mindfulness meditaties met Edel Maex
levenindemaalstroom.substack.com -
Weekly inspiration to go further in this ever-changing world. Founders of a successful medical practice, Drs. Mark and Michele Sherwood bring clear, scientifically-informed ways for you to live a richer life: physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and financially. They help people from around the world find the hope and health they were created to enjoy, with simple, actionable insights to help you see results.
https://sherwood.tv -
(Ik) Zie me graag is een podcast voor straffe madammen die zichzelf liever willen leren zien. Sinds mijn burn-out in 2010 heb ik (Lies Deboiserie) er mijn levensmissie van gemaakt om zoveel mogelijk straffe madammen zichzelf opnieuw graag te leren zien. Dat doe ik als Zelfliefde expert op verschillende manieren waaronder deze Podcast. Geniet van alles wat ik met je deel en laat me gerust weten wat je eruit meeneemt
Je vindt alles over samenwerken met mij via mijn website: https://www.licht-coaching.be -
Sober sisters talk is a warm, smart conversation between M.G. and Elizabeth Pudwill about taking sobriety out in the world. These two are not Big Book Thumping, black and white, singleness-of-purpose thinkers. These two savvy sober women have long term sobriety in multiple programs and bring their life experiences out in the open, dealing with tough topics such as “Is there a gray area?” “What’s a dating plan?” “Sex and sobriety” “Working multiple 12 step programs” “What is emotional sobriety?” and more. They are fun and direct, speaking straight to the point. And although they mostly agree they will tell you right off they do not agree on everything. Hear Elizabeth and M.G. share their opinions and experiences on Sober Sisters Talk.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
IFS Sacred Healing Podcast – Experiencing Joy On The Journey Home focuses on the sacred energy of the Self. An expansive and creative practice that can support healing and provide energetic medicine to human suffering through the magic of Internal Family Systems. Embodying all of who we are through the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and energetic bodies and allowing integration of our many parts, bringing them back into a relationship with the Self.
Speakeasy c'est 3 créateurs de contenus, représentés par /influx qui échangent ensemble une fois par semaine sur des sujets de philosophie de vie, méthodes de travail et adoption des nouvelles technologies.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Dr. Carlos is an adjunct Professor in Forensic Psychology and Criminal psychopathology. He discusses concepts in the world of forensic psychology. He discusses legal issues pertaining to forensic psychology, psychology disorders, the criminal justice system and more
Podcast door en voor mensen met autisme, ADHD en trauma (TrauDHD)
Coral is an award winning author, creator of @glutenfreewithcoral, and host of the #1 gluten free podcast, Gluten Free You and Me. She provides hope, inspiration, and resources, and through her advocacy, she has created a safe and uplifting community for all gluten free warriors.
God + Mental Health Podcast is a show for all things mental health and Christ. We discuss how therapy can aid in helping us healing from our past and how God can assist us in that effort. We will discuss different topics, interviews, and reflection sessions from the host, Roslyn Rene, own therapy sessions.
Een podcast over verlies en rouw. Want het is een weg die je moet afleggen. Want we gaan het vaak uit de weg. Want als er iets of iemand weg is, valt er vaak nog veel meer weg. Wat je verliest, is weg. In deze podcast praat Sofie Verschueren met mensen die het hebben meegemaakt en het taboe mee willen doorbreken.
Bienvenue sur Vert ma Vie, votre émission bien-être en podcast ! Avec ces épisodes, je souhaite vous apporter les clés pour (re)trouver une relation apaisée avec assiette, votre corps, votre tête. Si votre relation à la nourriture et à vous-même est compliquée, j’ai des outils et des réflexions à vous apporter. Bienvenue, vous êtes au bon endroit ! Je m'appelle Alice, je suis coach de vie certifiée et je peux vous aider.
Former Buddhist and yoga teacher Monica chats with Matt, ex-Mormon, about how they came to yoga, how it compares to their religious experiences and what yoga has taught them and continues to teach them. Their lighter style is easy for beginners who want to see what else there is to yoga apart from asana practice. As well as sharing their own continuing yoga story, Matt and Monica interview people with yoga stories that have something to teach us all. The guests range across cultures, religions and philosophies in an attempt to find the unity in yoga and with people of all faiths and none. The podcast is currently on an extended break - everything changes!
Dans ce podcast, je pratique une astrologie engagée et inclusive tout en démystifiant cette pratique millénaire. J'espère te donner de nouvelles perspectives sur cet art et t'inspirer : la créativité est un style de vie et l'astrologie est mon outil de prédilection pour t'aider à gagner en clarté et imaginer un nouveau champ des possibles.
Abonne-toi pour ne manquer aucun épisode et n'hésite pas à laisser un commentaire et 5 ✨
Si tu veux en savoir plus sur mon univers :
Newsletter : https://lartdelastrologie.myflodesk.com/nl-podcast
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lartdelastrologie/
Site : https://www.lartdelastrologie.com
Mon autre podcast Sphères & Symboles : https://spheresetsymboles-lepodcast.carrd.co/
Crédit photo : Claire Bergès https://clairebstudio.com
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Espacio para toda la familia con un profundo sabor catequético en el que estudiar la fe que profesamos en el Credo, celebramos en los sacramentos y vivimos a través de los mandamientos y la oración. Todo ello a la luz del Compendio del Catecismo. Escucha todos los podcasts de Radio María España en https://radiomaria.es/podcasts
Wachten op antwoorden, daar geloven wij niet in. In Waar wacht je op? zoekt Amy uit wat je vandaag kan doen als het even niet zo lekker gaat. Want hoe kom je uit een burn-out? Werkt relatietherapie eigenlijk echt? En hoe ga je om met een trauma of PTSS? In elke aflevering vertelt een Psyned psycholoog wat je vandaag kan doen om je weer iets beter te voelen. Een podcast voor iedereen die niet in de wacht (of op de wachtlijst bij de GGZ) wil staan. Je vindt onze psychologen ook op Instagram (@psyned_) en LinkedIn.
Don't be afraid to be you
http://www.Proud2Bme.nl - Het grootste online hulpplatform en community van NL en BE op gebied van eetstoornissen.
Op deze site kun je alles vinden over eetproblemen, anorexia, boulimia, eetbuienstoornis, gezond eten, lifestyle en vooral over jezelf accepteren zoals je bent.