
  • We light the candle to open the door, then we blow it out to close it.

    This week Sarah and I are tackling a movie that's become something of a indie darling - Talk To Me (2022)

    Life has been tough for Mia since her Mother died a few years ago. She's been semi-adopted by her best friend's family and luckily this has somewhat kept the emptiness at bay. But there's a new sensation about town that's all the rage. Teenagers are gathering for parties of a supernatural kind and at the center of these is a mysterious ceramic hand that can provide a link between this world and the next.

    So start the timer, get your phones ready to record and don't let the spirits stay as I ask my guest to Talk To Me (2022)

    Let us know what's something stupid you did as a teenager - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We're all just part of the machine.

    Rory has returned this week to help me take a look at a movie 30 years in the making...Mad God (2021)

    Stumble through the insanity of this world. Descend deeper into the depths of depravity, where flesh, blood and bone make good the machines that run your lives. A stunning Claymation work from the creator of some of the most famous Star Wars creatures. A disturbing look into how society functions, how we as a species function - a movie with no dialogue that simply leaves it's story and meaning up to your imagination and interpretation.

    So rummage through your innards for a handful of pennies, remember that size is a matter of perspective and hold tight to your suitcase as we fall to our knees and pray to the Mad God (2021)

    Let us know what's a project you've worked on for a long time - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • All the woman are just beautiful.

    We have a brand new voice to the show this week as Lu joins us for - A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night (2014)

    Arash lives in Bad City, a place where the wealthy stay wealthy and the poor turn to crime and drugs to manage the days. Oil rigs churn in the backdrop as he walks the street but there's someone else prowling as the nights pass. Saeed is a local pimp and has Arash under his thumb due to his Father's drug addiction.

    The Girl walks the roads of Bad City; she's frail, meek and doe-eyed and it isn't long until she catches the lustful eye of Saeed. There's many strangers in the Bad City and we witness but a handful in this black and white, Persian, vibe dream.

    So put on your favourite record, cut yourself a costume and let your burqa billow in the wind while we avoid glancing eyes as A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night (2014)

    Let us know what's your vibe music - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "I'm your biggest fan." - No movie, I'm YOUR biggest fan.

    Kat has returned and as promised in our last episode together we're going back to Stephen King's Misery (1990)

    Paul Sheldon is the very successful author of the acclaimed period romance novels - the 'Misery' series. He's grown tired and dejected with the series and so in his latest book (which is about to publish) kills off the titular Misery Chastain to write a brand new book, something that means more to him. He finishes the manuscript but as he drives back to New York he has an accident on the road. He's saved by his biggest fan Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates) who's elated to have her favourite author staying with her...but what's sweet Annie's reaction when she reads his latest book?

    So grab a pencil to write in all the 'n's, take a trip down memory lane and make sure the penguin is facing south as we wait eagerly for the latest installment of Misery (1990)

    Let us know what's a franchise that you're a huge fan of - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • All life begins with a single cell.

    Aboard an International Space Station the crew eagerly awaits the return of a pod which was sent to Mars. Among the soil samples they find a single cell, dormant but with the proper atmosphere they coax it back and thus life is born. David (Jake Gyllenhaal) can't imagine going back to Earth after being in space for over 1000 days. Rory (Ryan Reynolds) and the rest of the crew get comfortable in their success as Kalvin (the previously single-celled organism) continues to grow. But an accident at the lab puts them, the ship and the whole planet at risk when Kalvin grows beyond the bounds of its pen.

    So layer up on Firewalls, breath deep as the oxygen gets thinner and say 'Goodnight moon' as we marvel at the wonders of Life (2017)

    Let us know what you'd name a newly discovered creature - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "They're under the ground Burt...they're under the God-damn ground!!"

    We did it! At long last we get to one of my all time favourite Creature-Features and I get to share it with Dylan as we watch - Tremors (1990)

    Valentine (Kevin Bacon) and Earl are the 'do-it-all' handymen of the middle-of-nowhere town, Perfection. Times have been tough and it all comes to a head when they realise they've hit rock bottom. In a spur of the minute decision they pack up and get ready to make it big in the city. Only problem is they've made the decision just one day too late as something is coming for the town. An accident blocks the only road out and before long it becomes evidently clear that they've got a real puzzler of a problem coming their way.

    So be as quiet as you can, go check on the generator and thank the lord they don't fly as we shake, rattle and roll to a series of unstable Tremors (1990)

    Let us know what would make you move out to the middle of nowhere - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


    Bronwyn is back this week to help me re-live a movie I've not watched in over a decade - Eight Legged Freaks (2002)

    Chris (David Arquette) is returning to his hometown, his Father having tragically passed away and leaving him the owner of the town's mine. Sam the town's Sheriff, and as a single mother, is working hard at keeping her neighbours and her kids in order - her son of which has made friends with the town outcast. Joshua runs a spider-farm on the outskirts of Prosperity and has made fast friends with the eager Mike (Sam's son) and shares with him the drastic growth of his spiders thanks to some unusually sized crickets from the local lake. Little do they know that toxic waste has spilled into said lake and the spiders are only going to continue to grow until the town itself become the deadly arachnids' hunting grounds.

    So get ready....no seriously - Get Ready!, hop on your dirt bikes and keep the taser handy as we peel back the webbed cocoon of Eight Legged Freaks (2002)

    Let us know what's a creature that makes you feel icky - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We all need a friend.

    We're back in the 80's this week as I get to show JP a movie they've had on their list for a while - Pin (1988)

    Leon and Ursula grew up in quite a strict home. Their Mother was obsessed with keeping things clean and their Father, well, they had to earn his love. As such Leon became increasingly lonely, right up until the moment he made friends with his Father's anatomy doll - Pin. Years passed, tragedy ensued and soon Leon had set Pin up with his own room and a place at the dining table. Ursula knows there's something wrong with her brother...but is there? Or is there something more to the Pin doll?

    So bring a box of chocolates, ask Pin for help with your calculus and read aloud from your poetry as we learn our anatomy with Pin (1988)

    Let us know what snacks you sneak into the movies - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It's all fun and games until the glowsticks are covered in blood.

    Anje joins me again and this time they wanted to show me Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)

    Sophie and her girlfriend Bee are in the beginnings of their relationship when they decide to attend a 'hurricane party' at Sophie's oldest friend's house. Tensions are high right from the get-go as several of her friends never expected Sophie to show never mind to bring a date. Drinks are had, glowsticks are snapped and champagne is opened as the storm rolls in...that's when they decide to play Bodies Bodies Bodies - only it isn't too long before the bodies start hitting the floor.

    So let's giggle and slap, rummage through the boardgame cupboard for our hidden stash and cut a slice of zucchini bread as we play Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)

    Let us know what's your favourite party game - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What we wouldn't do to bring back those we've lost

    This week a brand new voice joins the Cherry Pop Horror family as Shane tackles a Lovecraftian nightmare with The Void (2016)

    The town is going bust, empty streets, abandoned buildings and a hospital that's close to fully burnt down. Sheriff Daniel and his ex-wife Alison broken up after a dire situation turned fatal but now they must work together as Daniel brings in a man covered in blood - but this stranger's ravings are only just the beginning of the madness as people begin the lose their minds and the dead begin to walk again, transformed to horrors most unspeakable.

    So try not to go into early labour, read up on your medical procedures and watch out for The Mound Of Beverly as we stare into The Void (2016)

    Let us know what's something you've lost that you wish you could get back - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • There's just something about the way the walkway wiggles that makes me uncomfortable.

    Sam has come back and despite the fact we couldn't do their first choice we came to a fun and exciting alternative with Underwater (2020)

    Nora (Kristen Stewart) is an engineer aboard the drilling rig Kepler, at the base of the Mariana Trench. There's a sudden shake that rattles the station, flooding and destroying most of the facility but she, as well as a few other stranglers she finds along the way, have survived. The only problem now is walking the ocean floor in search of the drill site itself, where escape pods lay in wait...but this is a journey not everyone is going to make.

    So cuddle your bunny plush close, go bobbing for Moonpies and check the pressure in your suit as we fully submerge ourselves Underwater (2020)

    Let us know what's a token you'd what brought back for your family - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Sit down to a plate of barbeque as the Texan heat rolls on in.

    Pip returns this week to help me tackle one of the legacy slashers - that's right it's time for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

    After several instances of graverobbing Sally & Franklin decide to return to their family home, bringing with them a group of friends to make something of a road-trip out of it. The old beat up house has seen better days, they cross paths with a manic Hitchhiker and the local gas station has even run out of gas. It seems however the neighbours have patrol, at least enough to run some generators, so one by one they make their way over to ask for some assistance - not realizing they're walking into the slaughterhouse until it's too late.

    So rev your chainsaws, go for a swim in the dried-up lake and reach 'round back for the meat hook as we duck, weave and dive our way through the brambly woods in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

    Let us know if you were turned into a piece of furniture what piece of furniture would you hope to be - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We're bundling up with many layers this week as there's a chill on the wind.

    Jess D returns this week to take a look at a naughty's low-budget road trip with Wind Chill (2007)

    There once was a Guy and a Girl (Emily Blunt) but sadly they didn't have names. Through happenstance they ended up driving together both, supposedly, on their ways to meet up with family for the holidays. But after they're run off the road by a mysterious car they're left in the bitter cold of a snow bank as they try to figure out a way to reach out for help.

    So listen out for your favourite song on the radio, think about all those delicious snacks we left behind and rummage the boot for a landline as we plug up the windows for Wind Chill (2007)

    Let us know what's something you enjoy about the cold weather - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It had such potential.

    Kat D returns again and as per the usual we've found a weird and wacky movie to take a look at - Slotherhouse (2023)

    Emily wants desperately to be the President of her sorority just like her Mum was. So in a bid to get more Instagram followers and thus surpass the previous President, the very bitchy Briana, Emily buys a sloth from a poacher and convinces the girls to let it stay as their new mascot. Little do they know that this is a sloth with murderous vengeance on its mind.

    So its time to hit the showers for a trust exercise, kick back another dozen dirty martinis and take the sports car for a spin as we three-toe tip-toe our way into the Slotherhouse (2023)

    Let us know an animal you think is deceptively dangerous - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "Are they dead?" "Does it really matter?"

    This week we welcome a brand new member to the Cherry Pop Horror family, Alice and this week it was their first time watching - The Addams Family (1991)

    The Addams' are a strange bunch - they're 'monsters', 'fiends', 'creatures' but more than anything they're family. Gomez, the father of the house, laments at the falling out he had with his brother a good twenty-five years ago. But as if the Gods themselves heard his prayers Uncle Fester returns home - only he's Gordon now and has a devious plan to steal the Addams' wealth with his loan-shark Mother.

    As time passes Gordon gets to know the family - Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsly, Thing and Lurch and soon begins to feel that this may in fact be where he belongs.

    So gather the family for this PG comedy gold, remind us how Chinese finger-traps work and dance The Mamushka as we set up our Lemonade Stands for The Addams Family (1991)

    Let us know which member of the Addams Family you think you'd be - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Fisherman don't dive cause it's better to go fast.

    Eve has joined me again to check out an Irish horror movie - Sea Fever (2019)

    Siobhan is a marine biologist and much prefers her studies to the laborious chore of people but when it's made clear that she'll not pass her course unless she goes on a practical expedition she laments. Agreeing she boards a down-on-its-luck fishing vessel. Due to the hard times one of the crew makes the decision to enter an exclusion zone and it's there the crew is met by a strange and awesome creature. Now it's a battle of survival but strangely it's not against the leviathan that's holding them captive.

    So don't drink the water have a Guinness instead, cover up those glorious flaming locks and take your allotted two-hour sleep as we investigate bioluminescence with Sea Fever (2019)

    Let us know if you get sea sick and what's a remedy that's worked for you - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "Subway - Eat Fresh, am I right ladies."

    As per request Dylan joins me this week for our 69th Episode (nice) with their first time watching - X (2022).

    We're at the tail end of the 70's and there's a change in the industry, the sex industry to be exact as the invention of the Home-Video meaning that people can enjoy erotic movies in the comfort of their own home. With big ideas Director Wayne sets out to make the hottest porn that has ever been made. His girlfriend Maxine and other talent Bobby-Lynne and Jackson are gonna be stars when the world sees what they can do.

    They've booked a boarding house on the farm of an elderly to use as the backdrop to the upcoming sensation of The Farmer's Daughters but soon they realize their elderly hosts have quite the appetite for their line of work.

    So lift the camera a little higher, seduce your husband with a sexy little dance and take a dip in the lake as we moan (in pleasure) our way through X (2022)

    Let us know what's your favourite movie where an actor plays multiple roles - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • So it turns out mouthwash has multiple uses...who knew.

    This week we're joined by a brand new guest MacKenzie and we decided to tackle Cabin Fever (2002)

    A group of College graduates decide that to celebrate they'll head to a cabin the woods for a short holiday ('cause that's only ever turned out well). Some raunchy sex, a bet on who can last the week drinking only beer and roasting marshmallows over the campfire seems all well and good until they stumble into the local Hermit.

    It soon becomes very clear that what's going to ruin their break isn't so much this stranger but rather festering infectious blisters that are covering his body and as he then begins to vomit blood over all their belongings the group realizes that it's only a matter of time until they too come down with a fever.

    So let's go 'gay' squirrel hunting, take a long relaxing soak in the tub and become the local 'party dude' as we cough our way through Cabin Fever (2002)

    Let us know what flu symptom is the worst for you - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold on to."

    Despite joining at the beginning of Cherry Pop Horror's inception this week was Kat's first CHERRY-PIE episode as it was both their and my first time watching Dolores Claiborne (1995)

    Dolores (Kathy Bates) is caught red-handed, standing above her employer, the frail and decrepit Vera Donovan, with a marble rolling pin - ready to strike. This boils over as an old rival returns. Detective Mackey has a grudge to bear against Dolores and is determined to get her locked away, even going so far as to contact Dolores' estranged daughter and get her involved in the budding murder case, convinced that this time he'll get her for this murder and the murder of her long-since passed husband - the previous case from eighteen years before.

    So hang the laundry with six pegs not five, swig at a bottle of whiskey and be careful where you step as we bask at the solar eclipse in Dolores Claiborne (1995)

    Let us know what's a bad work experience you've had - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "The unholy trinity - Satan, the Anti-Christ and the False Profit."

    Kaleb has returned this week to tackle another classic - The Omen (1976)

    Robert and Katherine are just 'beautiful people'. And bad things don't happen to beautiful people. Sadly the happy couple looses their son in childbirth but a friendly priest offers them the chance to adopt a boy born in the same hospital, a boy whose mother died in childbirth. Robert takes the opportunity, though neglecting to tell Katherine that Damian isn't her child by birth.

    It isn't until Damian's 5th birthday that they begin to suspect there may be something wrong with their bouncing baby boy.

    So give the best boy rottweilers a pet, snap a selfie for prosperity and avoid the zoo if you can as we say our prayers to The Omen (1976)

    Let us know what are your lucky/unlucky numbers - [email protected] / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.