
  • Pope Francis has just announced that Blessed Carlo Acutis is going to be the first millenial saint. Carlo Acutis was an ordinary teenager who died suddenly at the age of 15. He was known for his love of God, and in particular for his love for Jesus Christ, truly present in the Eucharist. Carlo loved soccer, animals, nutella, gaming, and coding. His exhibition on Eucharistic miracles is still touring the world, and his website is still available today.

    In this episode, we discuss the life of Carlo Acutis, as part of our two-part series on Eucharistic miracles.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:
    Carlo's website on Eucharistic Miracles
    Official website for Carlo Acutis
    Will Conquer, A Millenial in Paradise: Carlo Acutis
    Aleteia, Interview with Antonia Salzano - Blessed Carlo Acutis's Mother
    Antonia Salzano Acutis , My Son Carlo: Carlo Acutis Through the Eyes of His Mother
    EWTN Documentary on Carlo Acutis

  • If the point of my faith is to set me free, why are there so many things I *have* to do as a Catholic? What should I do when I feel like I'm doing things because I have to and not because I want to? What's the difference between being free and doing whatever I want?

    In this episode, we discuss interior freedom.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Galatians 5:1
    The Catechism of the Catholic Church pt.1731-42
    Pope John Paul II, USA Homily, 1995
    Pope Leo XIII, Libertas
    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Free Will
    The Catechism in a Year, Eps. 234 and 235
    Ascenscion, "What True Freedom Looks Like"
    The Thomistic Institute, "Freedom (Aquinas 101)"
    St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae: II.i Q.13
    Fr Mike Schmitz, "Freedom and its Consequences"
    Bishop Robert Barron "What is the True Nature of Freedom?"
    Fulton Sheen, "Freedom"
    Jacques Philippe, Interior Freedom
    Julio Dieguez, He Knows Not How

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  • Does everyone have a vocation? How do I know what my vocation is? Can I say no to God's call? What if I make the wrong choice?

    In this episode, we discuss what it means to live out our call to holiness and apostolate in a unique, personal way.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    1 Thessalonians 4:3Mark 16:15Pope Francis Gaudete et Exsultate. "Message of his Holiness Pope Francis for the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations"Opus Dei, "What is vocation? Does everyone have a vocation?"Ascenscion Presents"Discern Your Vocation with One Simple Hack""Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood and Religious Life""I Will Follow—Two Catholic Priests' Vocation Stories""5 Common Discernment Traps and How to Avoid Them (feat. Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.)""Reasons NOT to Discern Religious Life (feat. Stacey Sumereau)""How to Discern Pretty Much Anything"Fr. Columba Jordan CFR, "3 Steps to Discern Your Vocation"Fr. Mike Schmitz "What's My Vocation?""How Do I Know if I Made the Wrong Choice?""Discernment 101""The Key to Discernment""4 Helpful Rules for Discernment"Thomas Keating, Crisis of Faith, Crisis of LoveGeorge Boronat, Going on VocationUSCCB, "Forms of Consecrated Life"Catholic Answers, "Do You Have a Vocation?""Celibacy is a Gift"Pints With Aquinas, "Discerning your Vocation?"Pray Like a Girl, "5 Reasons You Should NOT Discern Religious Life"
  • St. Gianna Beretta Molla was born in 1922. As a young woman, she wanted to be a missionary but eventually saw that God was calling her to marriage and family life. She became a pediatrician, and she and her husband Pietro had three children. They lived a full and joyful life. When she was pregnant with her fourth child, she was diagnosed with a benign tumour in her uterus. After refusing any treatment that would take the life of her child, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, before dying of complications from the birth eight days later, at the age of 39.

    St Gianna is the patron saint of mothers, doctors, and unborn children.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    St Gianna Beretta Molla's website
    Gianna Beretta and Pietro Molla, The journey of our love: the letters of Saint
    Pietro Molla, Saint Gianna Molla: wife, mother, doctor
    National Catholic Register, "5 Things St. Gianna and Her Husband Teach Us About Dating, Marriage and Love"
    Hallow, "St. Gianna Beretta Molla"
    Salt + Light Media, "Pierluigi Molla, on his mother, St. Gianna"
    Aleteia, "St. Gianna’s son: 'She is not only a saint because of her heroic deed'"

  • What's an indulgence? How do I obtain one? Is it true that the Catholic church sold indulgences in the past?

    In this episode, we wrap up our discussion on penance and contrition in the lead-up to Holy Week.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Catechism of the Catholic Church, pts. 1471-79.Pope Paul VI, Indulgentiarum DoctrinaUSCCB, "Indulgences and our Spiritual Life"Catholic Encyclopedia, "Indulgences"Catholic Answers, "Myths about Indulgences""Understanding Indulgences in the Catholic Faith""How to Explain the Doctrine of Indulgences""What is Attachment to Sin?""Primer on Indulgences""What is the sin of Simony?"Ascenscion Presents, "Did the Church Ever Sell Indulgences?""Do Catholics Still Do Indulgences? (feat. Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.)""Absolution and Indulgences: Two Distinct Gifts from God""Giving the Gift of the Plenary Indulgence"The Catechism in a Year "Day 202: How Confession Heals""Day 203: The Purpose of Indulgences"The Catholic Weekly, "Q and A with Fr Flader: Conditions for indulgences"Catholic News Agency, "How to obtain a plenary indulgence during Holy Week 2024"
  • What should I say in the confessional? What happens if I forget one of my sins, or forget to say my penance? Can non-Catholics go to confession?

    This episode is a practical guide for going to confession.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    The Catechism of the Catholic Church, pts. 1480-1484Rite of PenanceA Guide for ConfessionArchdiocese of Washington, "A Guide to Confession"St. Josemaria Institute, "A Short Guide for Confession"Hallow, How to Go to Confession: The Sacrament of Penance/ReconciliationCongregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Rediscovering the Rite of PenanceUSCCB, "Act of Contrition"International Theological Commission, Penance and Reconciliation. Fr Gregory Pine, "How To Have A Great Confession"Fr Columba Jordan CFR, "How to Examine Your Conscience (& Know Your Main Fault)"Fr Mike Schmitz, "Making a Good Confession""Do I need to go to Confession?""Going to Confession for the First Time in a Long Time"Ascension, "Do this one thing before every Confession""A Guided Examination of Conscience"Catholic Answers, "What if I Forgot to Confess a Sin and Remembered it Later?""Confession for non-Catholics""Can non-Catholics go to Confession?"Aleteia, "I went to confession and forgot my penance. What should I do?""Can a non-Catholic go to confession to a priest?"EWTN, "Confession for RCIA Candidate"

  • What are the origins of Lent? Do I have to give something up? Why is there no mass on Good Friday? How long does the Easter season last? (Hint: ages)

    In this episode, we discuss the Lenten and Easter Seasons.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Catholic Encyclopedia, "Lent""Easter""Altar of Repose""Abstinence"St. Alphonsus Ligouri, "Stations of the Cross"St. Faustina, "Stations of the Cross"St. Josemaria, "The Way of the Cross"Ascension, "Fr. Mike's Easter Special""How to Celebrate Easter Well""4 Reasons Catholics Must Give Alms This Lent"Catholic Answers,"What You Need to Know About Lent""Why is Christmas Day Fixed but Easter Moveable?""Does God See You?""When Does Lent Really End?""Do We Fast on Sundays in Lent?"Hallow, "What to Give Up For Lent in 2024: Practical Fasting Ideas for Lent""Easter Vigil 2024: Guide to Catholic Easter Vigil Mass, Readings and More""Easter 2024: The Complete Guide to the Catholic Season of Easter"Aleteia, "Can you stay one hour with me? The “Night Watch” of Holy Thursday""When should Catholics genuflect in a church?"

  • “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19)

    How does the Catholic church dialogue with other faiths and denominations without compromising on the truth? Why is it important to have friends who don't share my beliefs? How can I be genuinely open to others' opinions without becoming relativistic?

    In this episode, we wrap up our discussion of unity and diversity by discussing evangelisation, ecumenism, interfaith dialogue, and apostolate.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Matthew 28
    John Paul II, Ut Unum Sint
    Redemptoris Missio
    Address to the Representatives of the Christian Churches and Ecclesial Communities Gathered in Assisi for the World Day of Prayer
    Catholic Answers, "What is the Doctrine of Ecumenism?"
    "Is Ecumenism a Heresy?"
    Peter Kreeft, "The Importance of Ecumenism"
    "What Catholics and Protestants Can Learn from Each Other"
    Ascension, "Aren't All Churches The Same?"
    Vatican II, Unitatis Redintegratio
    Nostra Aetate
    Dignitatis Humanae
    Apostolicam Actuositatem
    Catholic Encyclopedia, "Union of Christendom"
    "What Is the Lay Apostolate?"
    "That We May Be One"
    Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue, Reflection And Orientations On Interreligious Dialogue And The Proclamation Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ

  • How do we balance unity and diversity within the Catholic church? Do Catholics have to accept every single one of the official teachings of the church? Does union with the pope mean accepting and believing every single thing he says?

    In this episode, we discuss unity and diversity within the Catholic church.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    John 17
    Matthew 18
    Matthew 16
    Vatican Documents
    Meditations for the Octave of Christian of Christian Unity
    John Paul II, Ut Unum Sint
    Catholic Answers, "Magisterium"
    "What is the difference between doctrine and dogma?"
    "Does doctrine change?"
    "What's the Deal with Limbo?"
    "Papal Infallibility"
    "Can Dogma Develop?"
    Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Doctrinal note on some questions regarding The Participation of Catholics in Political Life
    On the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian
    Aleteia, "What is the Magisterium of the Catholic Church?"
    Pope John XXIII, Ad Petri Cathedram, On Truth, Unity and Peace in a Spirit of Charity\
    The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Unity"
    "Tradition and Living Magisterium"
    "Christian Doctrine"
    Pints with Aquinas, "What is the difference between doctrine and dogma?"
    Relevant Radio, "Freedom in Temporal Affairs"

  • What are charisms? Do Catholics believe that people can speak in tongues? How do I know what my unique gifts are?

    Happy New Year! Welcome to our first episode of 2024!

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    1 Corinthians 12Matthew 25Romans 12Ephesians 4The Catechism of the Catholic Church, pts. 799, 800, 801, 2003.Pope Francis' prayer intention for January 2024The Catholic Encyclopedia, "The Gift of Tongues""Charismata""Prophecy"Catholic Answers, "What Does the Church Teach About the Charismatic Gifts of the Holy Spirit?""The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit"Godsplaining, "Episode 152: The Holy Spirit and Charismatic Graces"Ascenscion Presents "Natural Talents vs. Supernatural Charism""What Are My Charisms?"Kevin Vost, Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Every Spiritual Warrior's Guide to God's Invincible GiftsAleteia, "How knowing your charism can radically change your life"Restore the Glory Podcast

  • What should we do during Advent? Have we always celebrated Christmas on the 25th December? What are the origins of the Christmas tree and the nativity scene?

    In this episode, we discuss one of the most beautiful and important times in the Catholic calendar.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:
    The Catechism of the Catholic Church, pt. 524-526.
    The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Christmas", "Advent", "Gaudete Sunday"
    Catholic Answers, "Why is Christmas on December 25?"; "Advent: What Are We Preparing For?"; "How to Make Advent Useful"
    Catholic Straight Answers, "What is the origin of the Christmas Tree?"
    Aleteia, "The profound symbolism of violet and rose in Advent"; "Why does Advent have 4 Sundays?"
    Fr Michael de Stoop, "Why you should prepare for Christmas by making a good confession"
    Hallow, "Christmas 2023"; "Advent Candles and Advent Wreaths"

    Guides for confession:
    Fr John A. Kane. How to Make a Good Confession.
    St Josemaria Institute. A Short Guide to Confession.
    Fr Mark-Mary, Ascenscion Presents. A Guided Examination of Conscience.
    Examination of Conscience for Adults
    Examination of Conscience for Teens
    Examination of Conscience for Children

    Guides for prayer:
    Meditations in Manhattan: "Live Advent Well"
    Fr Mark Toups, Rejoice!
    Sr. Miriam James Heidland, Behold
    Word on Fire, The Word Became Flesh

  • The appearance of Our Lady at Fátima in 1917 was one of the most incredible and significant events of the twentieth century. In these apparitions, Mary encouraged the world to pray the rosary, and to pray for peace, poor sinners, and the pope. She also performed one of the most mind-blowing miracles you'll ever hear about.

    In this episode, we finish our discussion of the apparitions at Fátima.

    The Fátima prayer:
    Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Bring all souls to heaven, especially those who most need your mercy.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    William Thomas Walsh, Our Lady of FatimaEWTN, "Our Lady of Fatima"Hallow, "Our Lady of Fátima: History, the Five Prayers Given to the Children at Fátima, and Their Sainthood"Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, "WYD destinations: the incredible story of Fatima"Catholic Answers, "Getting Fatima Right""What Some Might Miss in Our Lady of Fatima’s Message""The Message of Fatima""Do Catholics Have to Believe in Approved Apparitions?"Parousia Media, The Mysteries of Fatima - Jimmy Akin - Catholic Answers (3 CD Set)
  • The appearance of Our Lady at Fátima in 1917 was one of the most incredible and significant events of the twentieth century. In these apparitions, Mary encouraged the world to pray the rosary, and to pray for peace, poor sinners, and the pope. She also performed one of the most mind-blowing miracles you'll ever hear about.

    In this episode, we begin our discussion of the apparitions at Fátima.

    The Fátima prayer:
    Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Bring all souls to heaven, especially those who most need your mercy.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    William Thomas Walsh, Our Lady of FatimaEWTN, "Our Lady of Fatima"Hallow, "Our Lady of Fátima: History, the Five Prayers Given to the Children at Fátima, and Their Sainthood"Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, "WYD destinations: the incredible story of Fatima"Catholic Answers, "Getting Fatima Right""What Some Might Miss in Our Lady of Fatima’s Message""The Message of Fatima""Do Catholics Have to Believe in Approved Apparitions?"Parousia Media, The Mysteries of Fatima - Jimmy Akin - Catholic Answers (3 CD Set)
  • Where did the rosary come from? How do you pray it? Is praying to Mary a form of idolatry?

    In this episode, we discuss one of the most beautiful and powerful prayers of the Catholic church.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    How to pray the rosary:

    How to Pray the Rosary v1How to Pray the Rosary v2

    Rosary commentaries:

    Praying the Holy Rosary with St Josemaria EscrivaAscension Press, "Quick Meditations on Every Mystery of the Rosary"University of Dayton, "Rosary: Mystery Reflections"

    Recordings of the rosary:

    The Rosary with Bishop Robert BarronAscension Press, "Pray the Rosary With Us"

    More on the rosary:

    Catholic Answers, "The Rosary""Encountering Jesus Through the Rosary""One Mediator Between God and Men""Why do Catholics Pray the Rosary?""Giving Sacramentals a Proper Farewell"The Catholic Encyclopedia, "The Rosary""Hail Mary""Use of Beads at Prayers"Image: ancient sculpture of women holding prayer beadsPope Leo XIII, Augustissimae Virginis Mariae Ascension Press, "The Power of Praying the Rosary""How to Pray a Better Rosary""Should I Pray a Daily Rosary?"Bishop Barron, "Why Pray the Rosary?"Fr John Flader, "The Rosary"

  • What are the roots of Halloween? Can Catholics celebrate it? Do Catholics believe in GHOSTS?! (Spooooky)

    In this episode, we discuss Halloween, and how we might celebrate it as Catholics.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    John 17:15Drew the Catholic, "Former Mormon Bishop is Becoming Catholic"Catholic Answers, "It's OK to Celebrate Halloween""What's the Point of Halloween?""Can Catholics Celebrate Halloween?""Halloween and the Triduum of Death""The (Fake) Pagan History of Halloween""Weird Halloween Questions""FFAF: Scary Stories to Give Kids 'Goosebumps'""What are Ghosts?"Adam Blai, "Do Catholics Believe in Ghosts?: Church Teaching on Purgatory"Word on Fire, "It's Time for Catholics to Start Embracing Halloween"Fr John Flader, "Should Catholics Celebrate Halloween?" The Catholic WeeklyFr John Flader, "When Did We Start Celebrating All Saints Day?" The Catholic WeeklyAleteia, "The Church asks us to focus on '4 Last Things': What are they?""How should a Catholic react to an encounter with a ghost?"Peter Kreeft, Doors in the Walls of the World: Signs of Transcendence in the Human StoryMy Favourite Jack-o-Lantern :)

  • St. Mark Ji Tianxiang was a doctor who lived in the late 1800s, who was martyred for his faith during the Boxer Rebellion. He was also an opium addict who struggled with his addiction for 30 years, and was a drug addict at the time of his death.

    St. Mark Ji is an example to anyone struggling with addiction, disorders, or mental illness.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    An image of the statue of St. Mark Ji Tianxiang can be found hereBrian Fraga, "The life of St. Mark Ji Tianxiang: Persevering in faith despite addiction"Meg Hunter-Kilmer, "St. Mark Ji Tianxiang (1834-1900)"Aleteia, "He was an opium addict who couldn’t receive the sacraments. But he’s a martyr and a saint"Catholic Answers, "Addict, Martyr, and Saint"the Catholic Encyclopedia, "Martyr"the Vatican, "Pope John Paul II's teaching on the Martyrs of our Century"Catholic Answers, "Grace: What it Is and What it Does"Fr. Richard Conlin, "St. Mark Ji Tianxiang"Pints with Aquinas, "The Opium-Addicted Saint"

  • How do the devil's tactics change as we progress in the spiritual life? How do we fight against temptation? What are the signs that I am progressing in the spiritual life?

    In this episode, we wrap up our discussion of spiritual warfare, and the ways that we can fight it.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape LettersSt. Teresa of Avila, The Interior CastleSt John of the Cross, Dark Night of the SoulThomas Merton, The Seven Storey MountainHenri Nouwen, Out of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian LifeDan Burke, The Devil in the Castle: St. Teresa of Avila, Spiritual Warfare, and the Progress of the SoulThe Catholic Encyclopedia, "State or Way (Purgative, Illuminative, Unitive)""Ecstasy""Recollection""Christian Perfection"Fr. William Peckman, A Young Catholic's Guide to Spiritual WarfareBishop Robert Barron, The Spiritual Life is a BattleBishop Barron on the DevilRevisiting the Spiritual WarfareSt John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul (Book)St John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul (Poem)Ascenscion Press, "The Dark Night of the Soul"St Josemaria Escriva, The Way, Point 307Fr Thomas Dubay, Fire WithinBishop Fulton Sheen, "The Devil and the Diabolic"The Litany of HumilitySt Faustina, The Diary of St Faustina
  • The term 'spiritual warfare' can sound a bit dramatic, but it's actually something pretty normal that we all face. The devil is real, and he does NAHT want us to get to heaven.

    In this episode, we begin our discussion of spiritual warfare, and the ways that we can fight it.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape LettersSt. Teresa of Avila, The Interior CastleSt John of the Cross, Dark Night of the SoulThomas Merton, The Seven Storey MountainBrant Pitre, Introduction to the Spiritual LifeHenri Nouwen, Out of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian LifeDan Burke, Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of SpiritsDan Burke, The Devil in the Castle: St. Teresa of Avila, Spiritual Warfare, and the Progress of the SoulThe Catholic Encyclopedia, "State or Way (Purgative, Illuminative, Unitive)"Matthew Leohennard, A Powerful Introduction to the Spiritual Life with Dr. Brant PitreFr. William Peckman, A Young Catholic's Guide to Spiritual WarfareBishop Robert Barron, The Spiritual Life is a BattleBishop Barron on the DevilRevisiting the Spiritual Warfare
  • What is a saint? How does the Catholic church decide if someone is a saint?

    In this episode we discuss the formal process of canonisation in the Catholic church.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Congregation for the Causes of Saints, New Laws for the Causes of SaintsThe Catholic Encyclopedia, "Beatification and Canonization""Heroic Virtue"EWTN: The Process of Beatification and CanonizationJohn Paul II, Apostolic Constitution: Divinus Perfectionis MagisterBusted Halo, "How Does the Catholic Church Declare Official Saints?", YouTube.Canon Law Centre, "Glossary of Canonical Terms"Official Decree of the Heroic Virtues of Padre Pio"The process of canonization for Josemaría Escrivá""The Venerable Servant of God, Josemaria Escriva""Mother Teresa's Miracles: How She Was Declared a Saint""Mother Teresa: A Saint for Our Time"St. Therese of Liseux, Story of a Soul
  • What is Feminism? What does the Catholic Church teach about women, and their role in society? Are Catholicism and Feminism compatible?

    In this "Catholicism and..." series, we look at contemporary cultural, social, and political topics alongside Catholicism and consider how we might engage with them through the lens of Catholic teaching.

    Support us on Patreon!
    Contact the podcast: [email protected].
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the collaboration of men and women in the church and in the world.Catechism of the Catholic Church, pts. 369-373Pope St. John Paul II: Letter to WomenMulieris DignitatemMan and Woman He Created ThemPope John XXIII, Pacem in TerrisSt Edith Stein, The Collected Works of Edith SteinChristopher West, "Male and Female he Created Them""The Beauty of Woman Reveals God""Why Gender Differences Matter"The Theology of the Body for BeginnersThe Theology of the Body InstituteThe Catholic FeministAlice von Hildebrand, The Privilege of Being a WomanDr. Pia de Solenni, "A New Feminism Which Rejects the Temptation of Imitating Male Domination"Kathleen Stock, Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism.