
  • “Music is the universal language of mankind.”

    Hotel California 
    Country Roads 
    Summer of 69 
    Tequila Sunrise 
    Riders on the Storm 
    All day summer long. 
    One love 
    7 years 
    The Nights 
    Wake me up when September ends
    Boulevard of broken dreams 
    Gone gone gone 
    Hey brother 
    Master the blaster 
    So high 
    Freaky Friday 
    I took a pill in Ibiza 
    American Teen 
    Buffalo Soldier 
    Rebel Way. 
    Sun is coming 
    Jumpa Lumpa 
    Kandha Sasti 
    Free Tibet (vini vici remix) 
    For Hawwa and Aimina 
    The Tribe.


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  • Once again we catch up with Doctor cum Stand up comedian, Kaushik.
    This will be my third scene with a Co-Host, who is a professional comic and a specialist. This resembles a discussion between two companions, with the theme including, parents/guardians, football, searching for houses (bachelor), stand up, film, pandemic, Diego Maradona and 2020. This is a 15 min, lethargic Sunday morning scene. Have a decent end of the week.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message
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  • Getting out of our society and going to a new place is gonna teach us so much. We’ll start realising how different people live around the world. A few people in our ‘society’ judge us for everything ! They wouldn’t know the whole story and they’ll call us with names. They have a certain way that they think is the right way to live. There’s no correct or wrong way to live in this world. You live to make yourself happy because no one is ever gonna actually ask you if you are even happy. The world wants to ask us ‘what are you studying’ , ‘when are you going to have a child’, ‘why are you in the house always’, ‘why aren’t you there in the house at all’, ‘how many marks did you score’… For God’s sake, would any gentleman or lady ask , ‘are you happy in life, beta?’. They won’t because they don’t give a shit about it. If you are 25, you got to be in a job and be ready to get married or else you are a useless boy. If you are 25 and you are going behind a dream that someone hasn’t gone behind they tend to think you are a hopeless person. First thing they ask is ‘ how are you going to be that’ they don’t ask ‘ how can I help you be that’ !

    If someone else feels your dream is something too much, it means it’s ‘too much’ for them! Not for you. They are normal people who want to do normal safe things in life. Don’t let people who are scared to even dream tell you that your dream is too much.

    My friend, if you dream to be it , go behind it no matter what! If you believe in yourself that’s more than enough to take you above all others. Don’t let people who feel they are right just because they are accepted by the society, make you feel like you aren’t right. You know your way , believe me ! You know what you are capable of. Others don’t need to believe in it. Once you have hit your dream, the people who put you down will tell the world how they met you. That’s people.

    Cherish the moments , look around , smile!

    Shriman Adhith

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  • சந்தோஷமா இருங்க. நிறைய சிரிங்க.பிடிச்ச ட்ரெஸ்ஸ வாங்கிக்கங்க. உங்க ஃப்ரெண்ட்ஸ் கிட்ட போய் உங்களுக்கு அவங்களை எவ்ளோ பிடிக்கும்னு சொல்லுங்க‌.

    கடைசியா உங்க அப்பா அம்மாவைப் பார்த்து எப்ப' ஐ லவ்யூ'ன்னு சொன்னீங்க. போய் சொல்லுங்க‌ அவங்களும் சிரிப்பாங்க. சந்தோஷப்

    அன்புங்கற விஷயம் உலகத்துல எவ்வளவோ மாயங்களை செஞ்சிருக்கு. ஒருசிலபேர் அன்பை கோபமா காண்பிக்கலாம். ஒருசிலபேர் அன்பை சோகமா காண்பிக்கலாம். ஆனா அன்புங்கற விஷயம் இல்லாட்டி உலகம் ஓடவே ஓடாது.

    உலகத்தில நீ எவ்வளவு பெரிய ஆளாக இருந்தாலும் கடைசியா தூங்கறக்கு முன்னாடி 'எப்படி இருந்துச்சு இன்றைய நாள்'னு கேக்க ஒருத்தர் தேவை.

    ஒண்ணு ஞாபகம் வச்சுக்க நண்பா! நீ பொறந்தது பாதியில மூழ்கறக்கில்லை. கெட்டியா புடிச்சிக்க.

    உன்னோட வாழ்க்கைக் கதையும் ஒருநாள் சரித்திரமாகும்!

    - *ஸ்ரீமன் ஆதித்*


    Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message

  • எங்கள் சிறப்பு நினைவுகள் அனைத்தும் முழுமையற்றவை, ஏனென்றால் நம்மில் ஒரு பகுதி இன்னும் அங்கே வாழ்கிறது! நாம் தொடர்ந்து செல்ல வேண்டும். அதுவே வாழ்க்கையின் சூத்திரம். ஒருபோதும் வருத்தப்பட வேண்டாம், எதுவும் சரியாக இல்லை, எதுவும் முழுமையடையவில்லை, முழுமையடையாமல் இருப்பது மிகவும் அழகாக இருக்கலாம். வாழ்க்கை!  •

    ஸ்ரீமன் ஆதித்

    A translation of my 'Incomeplte" episode in Tamil.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message
  • Sometimes horrible things happen to good people. Life isn't fair and it can be heart wrenching, and if you're having one of those dark days, it's OK. It's OK. It's OK to feel that darkness when challenges and issues come back to back to back to back, and it seems like something is after me, something is attacking me, something is attacking my journey, look for the lesson. And at all you will grow through what you go through. The question is, are you willing to go through it? When those bad things happen. what are you going to do?  Are you going to let this horrible situation dictate the way you feel and the way you handle it? Are you going to fall over, fall down, fall apart? or Are you going to face this issue with courage and with resolution. You know, Darkness. Embrace. Embrace that darkness. don't look away from it. own it. Step up to the challenge no matter what you face. Start walking. Take that step. Every day, no matter what you are facing get up and start walking. And never surrender. And remember that even in the most wretched times when you faced darkness yourself, no matter how bad things get. Remember not to stop. Remember not to pause. Remember not to hesitate. Remember to put one foot in front of the other. Take that first step. And start walking and we will fight. And in fighting, we will win. And if not the battle and if not the war, we will win because our spirit, they will never surrender. and that Is the ultimate victory to hold your head high and even in the face of inescapable defeat. To stare and fight, that's to win. Don't allow yourself to switch off, but I know there's always an answer, no matter how dark that place, maybe it's always a way out just to keep going. Hold on to that fundamental quality of faith. Have faith and on the other side of your pain is something good.

    Instagram Of the Speaker : https://www.instagram.com/huckle.berryfinn_/?hl=en
    Instagram of the Podcast : https://www.instagram.com/disjointedpodcast_/?hl=en
    Blogs of the Podcast : https://diaryofahippy.wordpress.com/2020/11/20/180-seconds-of-hope/

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message
  • 'When you create yourself to make it, you are going to have to either let that creation go, and take a chance on being loved or hated for who you really are or you are going to have to kill who you really are and fall into your grave grasping on to a character that you never were.'  - Jim Carrey

    I believe everyone can be great, its themselves who stop them, who create obstacles for themselves, its time you break that, go out, be the one you are meant to be. Inspired from people who I consider as my mentors. Ideas and definitions from the people who have hit the bullseye. Get the right motivation you need for the week.

    Speaker's Instagram Profile : https://www.instagram.com/huckle.berryfinn_/?hl=en
    Podcast's Instagram Profile : https://www.instagram.com/disjointedpodcast_/?hl=en
    Wordpress. (Blog) : https://diaryofahippy.wordpress.com/ 


    Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message

  • Season 2 Episode 1 : 7 Minute throwback to time of our lives. The time when Appa used to tie our shoe laces and Amma used to pack the lunch boxes while we watched the last bit of news running on the TV while getting ready for school. Golden period, each fresh experience stands out in our memories now. How we have started getting numb, less excited about everything around. Is it just the way its meant to be ? Join me on my rant about what I mean is the lost innocence here.

    Share & Subscribe :')


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  • How could it be that showing up for a common exam gives you an admittance to a huge number of various positions over various fields/ventures? 

    In a world with 7 billion individuals, 7 billion spirits, every one with a unique arrangement of hereditary qualities which is entirely unexpected from the other, every one advancing in their own exceptional way sharpening their own extraordinary capacities but here we remain, with one basic test that will demonstrate our fitness to decide whether we are sufficiently competent to have further admittance to our field of decision.

    Instagram Page : https://www.instagram.com/huckle.berryfinn_/?hl=en
    Wordpress :diaryofahippy.wordpress.com

    Share it with 'one' person. Huge support :")
    Happy Sunday.


    Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message

  • Indeed, turning 21 and beginning to fill in as assistant director, I had the chance to see the world in a manner which others wouldn't have seen! We shoot in places where the vast majority could never acknowledge to step their foot at. It was same with me! Yet, when you step your foot on the spot you will truly see how honored we are in this reviled world.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message
  • At the point when you are distant from everyone else there is somewhat profound sensation inside you. You begin holding with significance. I understood how we are largely moving quick what not. Yet, at that point we have been overlooking the little things throughout everyday life. We prepare to stun the world, overlooking little satisfaction. The almost no time I went through with Foxie has left me countless recollections and empathy. This isn't only for creatures, it is the equivalent on account of people as well. There are individuals who give us so much love and care but then we don't understand that they are so essential to us. Esteeming it when it's there, is superior to feeling lost when it's not there.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message
  • Monotony is the best word to use here! As indicated by google, Monotony is characterized as 'exhausting equivalence or an absence of assortment and intrigue. At the point when you do precisely the same exhausting errands in your occupation ordinary, is a case of dreariness' . In more straightforward words tedium implies ' individuals doing things not implied for them will in general have absence of enthusiasm for it and it's slaughtering them from the inside! This is the genuine explanation we are exhausted! We don't wind up doing the things we really need to do! It prompts fatigue when you do something very similar ordinary. It is very essential to break dullness since you won't have the option to adore yourself in center of the tumultuous way of life you are driving. It is imperative to cherish yourself! It's more essential to do stuffs that cause you to feel alive than things that causes you to feel like a regrettable washout who simply has a bogus decent uprightness in the general public.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message
  • Every one of our recollections are inadequate in light of the fact that a piece of us actually lives there! We got the opportunity to continue to move on, that is the equation of life. Never lament, nothings perfect. life (birth & death). Start the day with a Tamil Classic song. :’)

    Instagram Link : https://www.instagram.com/huckle.berryfinn_/?hl=en


    Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message

  • The present scene has another visitor! He's Co-founder of Ape rolling paper organization, Pranav.

    In this scene we talk about how the epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata show us so much, an arbitrary discussion about how 'Nostradamus' would have anticipated the future, how to respond the general public's reaction to our lives. How little things matter in daily routine? What's the view on relativity?

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message
  • I began the scene with the melody 'Hotel California' by Eagles, just to ensure your vibe is right at beginning of the week. 

    This current scene's about how COVID-19 has affected me watching sports, two individual encounters and a little statement I found lately. 

    The People's Podcast, Disjointed!

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  • Sunday morning, so I didnt need to take a ton of time, this is a little portion from my first blog 'Tough Love'. A short sound on how your 'tale of survival will be beautiful!

    Subscribe for support! 


    Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message

  • This will be my first scene with a Co-Host, who is a professional comic and a specialist. This resembles a discussion between two companions, with the theme including, parents/guardians, football, cartoon, stand up, film, pandemic, Kobe Bryant and 2020. This is a 30 moment, lethargic Saturday morning scene. Have a decent end of the week.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message
  • This scene will be about how I feel an individual develops as a human, how their character and propensities change with time. A brief morning portion of calmness.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shrimanadhith06/message
  • This is my first scene of full length podcast. In this I talk about how I got into blog websites and how it has changed to digital broadcasts.


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