
  • It is a truth universally acknowledged that Eric Saward’s books are a bit…much. So what is a band of jaded reviewers to do when Saward takes a turd like THE TWIN DILEMMA and polishes it until it’s…well, less of a turd? Come join Tony Whitt, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, Dalton Hughes, and our special guest Larry VanMersbergen of the DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST as they ask that question and many more about the novelization of Colin Baker’s first story!

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctorwhotargetbc/

    Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/dwtargetbc.bsky.social

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?see-all=reviews

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Fantasy--Science-Fiction-Podc/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: https://directionpoint.org/

  • It’s considered not only one of the best but THE best story of the classic series. But can even Terrance Dicks translate the greatness that is THE CAVES OF ANDROZANI to the printed page? Come join Tony Whitt, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, and Dalton Hughes as they ask that very question and many more about the novelization of Peter Davison’s final story!

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctorwhotargetbc/

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?see-all=reviews

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Fantasy--Science-Fiction-Podc/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: https://directionpoint.org/

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  • What do you think happened to Turlough and his brother Malcon went they went back to Trion after the events of PLANET OF FIRE? Well, whatever you guessed, you’re likely to be wrong – especially if you said anything at all about Malcon. Come join Tony Whitt, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, and Dalton Hughes as they discuss Tony Attwood’s sometimes fascinating, often frustrating, and endlessly LONG original novel TURLOUGH AND THE EARTHLINK DILEMMA.

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctorwhotargetbc/

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?see-all=reviews

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Fantasy--Science-Fiction-Podc/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: https://directionpoint.org/

  • While we could have done an entire episode full of jokes about how the producer, the writer, and two stars in this story were “flamers,” we didn’t. (Besides, our host has no room to talk.) Instead, we came to have a short discussion and ended up having one of our longest discussions to date, about a book that is surprisingly good. Come join Tony Whitt, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, and Dalton Hughes as they discuss Peter Grimwade’s novelization of PLANET OF FIRE.

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctorwhotargetbc/

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?see-all=reviews

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Fantasy--Science-Fiction-Podc/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: https://directionpoint.org/

  • Eric Saward’s novelization of his 1984 was almost 40 years in the making. Was it worth the wait? …Seriously, we’re asking. Oh, and we read a much better version by Paul Scoones, too. Come join Tony Whitt, Dalton Hughes, and Danny Celedon for a special 150th episode as they discuss both the fan and official novelizations of RESURRECTION OF THE DALEKS.
    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!
    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!
    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!
    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    THE NEW ZEALAND DOCTOR WHO FAN CLUB: https://doctorwho.org.nz/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctorwhotargetbc/

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?see-all=reviews

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Fantasy--Science-Fiction-Podc/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: https://directionpoint.org/

  • Why are there two novelizations of RESURRECTION OF THE DALEKS – and why is only one of them any good? This time we discuss the fan version of the novelization with its author, Paul Scoones, to find out what led to the creation of this version, why it took so long for an official version to come out, and why the Daleks are doing what they’re doing in this story. (We only answer two of those questions in a satisfactory way, just so you know.)

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctorwhotargetbc/

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?see-all=reviews

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Fantasy--Science-Fiction-Podc/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: https://directionpoint.org/

  • What could be worse than being sucked through the earth? Having our panelists make dirty jokes about it. (Heh. “Dirty” jokes.) Come join Tony Whitt, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, Dalton Hughes, and special guest J.G. McQuarrie as they discuss Christopher H. Bidmead’s novelization of FRONTIOS.

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctorwhotargetbc/

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?see-all=reviews

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Fantasy--Science-Fiction-Podc/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: https://directionpoint.org/

  • What does Kate Chopin’s 1899 novel about a woman cheating on her husband before drowning herself have to do with a two-part DOCTOR WHO story from 1984? Absolutely f*ck all. Come join Tony Whitt, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, Dalton Hughes, and special guest Jim Sangster as they discuss why, with certain types of Pringles, you CAN eat just one.

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctorwhotargetbc/

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org

  • Come on in, the water’s fine! Mind you, it’s infested with Sea Bases, Silurians, and Sea Devils, with the occasional foreign saboteur thrown in, but it’s still warmer than being on dry land in Chicago right now! Come join Tony Whitt, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, Dalton Hughes, and special guest Jim Sangster as they take a deep dive into the first story of Peter Davison’s last season. Will they all end up with the bends? Stay tuned!

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctorwhotargetbc/

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org

  • It’s (still, barely) the 60th anniversary of DOCTOR WHO, and to celebrate, we’ve decided to take a little trip back in time ourselves, to discuss the novelization of the very first story of the series, AN UNEARTHLY CHILD! Come join Tony Whitt, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, and Dalton Hughes as they revisit a novel that two of them have never read before. (Well, one has, but they forgot it.) Anyway, come help us stick it to Stef Coburn already!

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!
    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast/

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DWTARGETBC

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org

  • It’s the 60th anniversary of DOCTOR WHO, and the moment has been prepared for! Well, mostly, if you consider a PowerPoint presented at Chicago TARDIS “preparing for” anything. Come join Tony Whitt and special guest Larry VanMersbergen as they look at a few of the most notable times an author has gone off target (get it?) to tell a different story on the printed page than what appeared onscreen. Warning: the sound quality on this one is variable, so headphones are encouraged!

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast/

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DWTARGETBC

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org

  • We’re back from hiatus, and it’s about time! Actually, this time it isn’t about time, for once. It’s about James Bond pastiches, mid-life crises, and both Freudian and Jungian interpretations of a plot that really makes no damn sense. Join Tony Whitt, Dalton Hughes, and Alyson Fitch-Safreed to discuss Ian Marter’s last, and definitely strangest, book, the original novel HARRY SULLIVAN’S WAR.

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!
    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast/

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DWTARGETBC

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org

  • One day we shall come back. Yes, we shall come back. But we’re going on hiatus until November, so you’ll just have to wait. Till then, there must be no tears, no regrets. Just join Tony Whitt, Dalton Hughes, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, and special guests J.G. McQuarrie and Jim Sangster as the Five Critics discuss that sweet confectionery, Terrance Dicks’ novelization of the 20th anniversary story THE FIVE DOCTORS.

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast/

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DWTARGETBC

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org

  • How did the Master seduce a young fan to the Dark Side using only a cricket ball? And why are the Doctor and Tegan suddenly so bitchy with each other? Come join Tony Whitt, Dalton Hughes, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, and special guest Trey Korte as we discuss Terence Dudley’s latest attempt to make a sprawling historical novel out of a two-part story, THE KING’S DEMONS.

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast/

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DWTARGETBC

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org

  • Ahoy there, landlubbers! Come join Tony Whitt, Dalton Hughes, and Alyson Fitch-Safreed as we discuss Barbara Clegg’s novelization of ENLIGHTENMENT, leading to questions about what Eternals actually do when they’re not existing, whether Turlough is really a developed character or not, and why the White and Black Guardians are wasting their time hosting a race for Enlightenment (maybe they’ve got nothing better to do, either?).

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast/
    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DWTARGETBC

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org

  • Space pirates who look like gay 80s glam rockers! Shambling walking undead zombies! Exposition Patient Zero! Oh, and Nyssa leaves, too. Sounds like a hot mess, and on TV, it is. On the printed page…it’s something entirely different. Join Tony Whitt, Dalton Hughes, and Alyson Fitch-Safreed as we discuss John Lydecker’s novelization of TERMINUS!

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast/

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DWTARGETBC

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org

  • When is a Time Lord not a Time Lord? When is an English schoolboy not an English schoolboy? And for the love of all that’s holy, when, oh when, were the UNIT stories actually set?! Come join Tony Whitt, Dalton Hughes, and Alyson Fitch-Safreed as we discuss Peter Grimwade’s novelization of MAWDRYN UNDEAD and try to figure these oh so important questions out!

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast/

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DWTARGETBC

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org

  • We can dance, we can dance, everybody’s taking the chance, it’s the Snakeydance! Come join Tony Whitt, Dalton Hughes, and Alyson Fitch-Safreed as we discuss the sequel no one was really asking for and how, just sometimes, the first movie really IS better.

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast/

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DWTARGETBC

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org

  • Omega’s back, and it’s about…something or other in Amsterdam, apparently. What is the Arc, and why is it infinite? Does it have f**k all to do with the plot? And who thought that giant pile of chicken bones was a good idea? Come join Tony Whitt, Dalton Hughes, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, and special guest J.G. McQuarrie as we discuss these and other absorbing questions, and manage to answer none of them.

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast/

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DWTARGETBC

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org

  • It’s often been said that the main reason that TIME-FLIGHT is considered such a poor story is its utter lack of budget. But the wonderful thing about novelizations is that budget is no longer a consideration, and when a writer adapts his own script for the page, it’s generally going to be much better than it ever was onscreen. Isn’t it? Come join Tony Whitt, Dalton Hughes, and special guest J.G. McQuarrie as we discuss if this is true. (Spoiler alert: It’s not.)

    We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at http://www.directionpoint.org!

    If you like what you hear, please come visit our Patreon page! It's at https://www.patreon.com/DWTargetBC. If you decide to support us in our ongoing effort to discuss all of the DOCTOR WHO novelizations, you'll be able to choose a gift! Contributing at any level gets you our extras! Visit the site for more details!

    We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

    If you really like us or feel the exact opposite, feel free to comment on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (we’re @DWTARGETBC), or subscribe to us via the podcast provider of your choice (we can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, amongst many others)! You can also email us at the email address given at the end of the episode with the phrase “Target Book Club” in the subject line!

    Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTargetBookClubPodcast/

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast/id1195364046?mt=2

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/doctorwhotargetbc

    TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Doctor-Who-Target-Book-Club-Podcast-p957128/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DWTARGETBC

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/710804-doctor-who-target-book-club-podcast

    The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network: http://www.directionpoint.org