
  • How do you lead through rapid technological change?

    As we focus on the topic of leading through change this month, we’re diving into how to lead during these exciting — yet challenging — times as technological advancements reshape our workplaces.

    So how can you as a leader adapt to rapidly changing technology in the workplace? This calls for leaders to be not only open-minded, but also comfortable with uncertainty. As Amy says, “Novelty is the new normal.” And it’s up to us as leaders to help our teams navigate novelty.

    To find out more about my work, please visit Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    Get your copy of The Strengths Journal™ is the only Gallup-certified planner that guides you to live in your strengths every day. No more leaving your Strengths Assessment in your desk drawer. Now you can use The Strengths Journal™ to channel your unique strengths and dominate your every day!

  • On today's show, I welcome Steve Tang, a distinguished figure who emerged from humble beginnings as the son of Chinese immigrants to become a CEO, chairman, Author and civic leader.

    Steve shares his inspiring journey, emphasizing the importance of education, resilience, and seizing opportunities in high-growth environments. He talks about leading through various crises, including 9/11, the 2008 financial crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the lessons learned about trust, leadership, and the need for vulnerability and humility in effective crisis management.

    Steve discusses OraSure Technologies' development of a home test for COVID-19 under his leadership, illustrating the power of trust and teamwork in overcoming unprecedented challenges. He advocates for wholehearted leadership of whole people, the significance of intergenerational relationships in addressing global issues, and shares insights on managing in a hybrid work environment.

    Episode Minutes:

    Minute 4: Overcoming obstacles and embracing resilience

    Minute 16: The Trust Formula: A New Leadership Paradigm

    Minute 34: Empowering Generations: The Role Of Modern Elders

    To find out more about my work, please visit Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    Get your copy of The Strengths Journal™ is the only Gallup-certified planner that guides you to live in your strengths every day. No more leaving your Strengths Assessment in your desk drawer. Now you can use The Strengths Journal™ to channel your unique strengths and dominate your every day!

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  • A recent Gallup study shows a concerning trend: workplace engagement has plummeted to an 11-year low. As leaders, it is crucial to cultivate a culture of engagement among our teams. Yet, this goal is far from easy.

    To address this challenge, we can look to companies like Spotify, who have pioneered innovative approaches to keep their employees motivated.

    Remember, change begins with engagement. By cultivating an environment where every individual feels valued and empowered, you can pave the way for meaningful impact and sustained success.

    To find out more about the work I do, please visit Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    Get your copy of The Strengths Journal™ the only Gallup-Certified planner that guides you to live in your strengths every day. No more leaving your Strengths Assessment in your desk drawer. Now you can use The Strengths Journal™ to channel your unique strengths and dominate your every day!

  • My guest today is The General manager of Daimler Truck North America and a board member and treasurer for Women in Manufacturing Joanna Cooper.

    Joanna shares her unexpected path from aspiring real estate mogul to influential leader in the manufacturing industry. Despite a finance background, her career took a pivotal turn when she ventured into purchasing at Detroit Diesel, leading to a series of roles that fueled her growth and passion for manufacturing.

    Opening up about personal and professional transitions, including an expatriate assignment in Germany, Joanna emphasizes the significance of saying yes to opportunities, the importance of networking, and commitment to personal growth and self-care.

    Reflecting on leadership, she discusses setting clear expectations, empowering teams, and the value of understanding one's strengths and weaknesses. Joanna stresses the importance of continuous learning and self-reflection for leaders at all levels.

    Episode Minutes:

    Minute 5: The Power of Saying Yes: Joanna's Career Evolution

    Minute 21: Leadership: Setting Expectations and Empowering Teams

    Minute 33: Self-Care and Continuous Growth

    To find out more about my work, please visit Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    Get your copy of The Strengths Journal™ to channel your unique strengths and dominate your every day!

  • Have you started building your personal brand? Personal branding and the art of crafting a unique identity through your communication style is crucial to your role as a leader.

    Your communication style serves as the foundation of your leadership brand. It's the signature that defines how you're perceived and remembered by others. As I always say, personal branding is a journey of self-discovery—it's about unearthing the brilliance within and empowering yourself to shine brightly with purpose.

    As you begin to think about your personal brand and effective communication, remember that every interaction is an opportunity to shape perceptions and inspire action.

    Find out more about my work at Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    Another way to start working on your personal branding is to start living in your core strengths. You can do this by utilizing The Strengths Journal™, the only daily Gallup licensed companion guide for CliftonStrengths®

  • Libby Wagner, a multifaceted professional who seamlessly blends her backgrounds as a poet, author, speaker, and business consultant is who I have the pleasure of having on today.

    Libby shares the transformative journey from teaching English and experiencing personal loss to creating a new path in the business world. She discusses the importance of art, specifically poetry, in fostering courage, paying attention to language, and remembering humanity in business consulting.

    Libby talks about meaningful and courageous conversations in leadership, touching on concepts like coaching with kindness, balancing communication between respect and accountability, and the impact of having a purposeful work life. She also highlights her role as a founding faculty member of the Institute for Conversational Leadership and offers insights into the future of multi-generational, diverse, and performance-based workplaces.

    We conclude the episode with Libby reciting her poignant poem 'Diving In,' encapsulating the essence of courage and the beauty of taking bold steps.

    Episode Minutes:

    Minute 03: The Art of Courageous Conversations in Leadership

    Minute 14: Building Trust and Engagement in the Workplace

    Minute 35: The Importance of Meaningful Conversations

    Find out more about Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram

    Get your copy of The Strengths Journal™ to channel your unique strengths and dominate your every day!

  • Throughout this month, we've been exploring the critical role of communication, and today, we shine a spotlight on how intentional dialogue can elevate leadership and foster well-being within our teams.

    Simon Sinek once said, "Leadership is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in your charge."

    By embracing the power of meaningful conversations, we can elevate our leadership impact, cultivate thriving team cultures, and drive collective success. There's nothing more energizing than being part of a team where transformation is underway, fueled by connection, purpose, and empathetic leadership.

    Find out more about my work at Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    Get your copy of The Strengths Journal™, the only daily Gallup licensed companion guide for CliftonStrengths®

  • My guest today Dr. Priya Nalkur, an accomplished executive and leadership coach, psychologist, and author with an inspiring background that spans Harvard to Yale.

    orn and raised in Canada, Priya shares her journey from facing racism and discrimination as a child to embracing her heritage and leveraging her experiences to foster inclusive leadership. We discuss her book, 'Stumbling Towards Inclusion,' emphasizing the importance of storytelling, empathy, and vulnerability in leadership.

    Priya explains how her own experiences with exclusion and microaggressions fueled her mission to teach leaders about inclusion and equity. Priya also delves into the founding of her company, the Roundtable Institute, and its aim to create spaces for meaningful conversations around inclusion. We also talk the importance of good friendships and the influence of supportive communities in personal and professional growth.

    Episode Minutes:

    Minute 03: Building an Inclusive Leadership Career

    Minute 21: JEDI: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

    Minute 26: Future of Workplaces

    Find out more about my work at Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram

    Get your copy of The Strengths Journal™ to channel your unique strengths and dominate your every day!

  • Are you leading as a coach, guiding your team towards success, or are you primarily directing, dictating tasks without fostering growth and empowerment?

    As a coach and leader, I want to challenge you to consider your approach to team dynamics. Think of yourself as the passenger in the driver's seat, guiding and encouraging, rather than the driver on the field. A true leader doesn't play the game; they coach from the sidelines, offering guidance, support, and personalized insights.

    Remember the words of John Quincy Adams: "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are a leader." Let's inspire greatness in ourselves and our teams as we navigate this week together.

    Find out more about my work at Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    Explore The Strengths Journal™, a powerful tool designed to help you live in your strengths and manage your well-being effectively.

  • Michelle Merritt , Chief Strategy Officer of D&S Executive Career Management and executive career management expert joins me today to discuss strategies for managing career transitions, salary negotiations, and the importance of networking.

    Michelle shares insights on guiding executives through career changes, the significance of preparing for interviews, and crafting effective resumes and LinkedIn profiles.

    Our chat also covers the value of understanding one's strengths, particularly using the Gallup StrengthsFinder, and how introverts can excel in networking, the role of personal branding and provides practical tips for those undergoing voluntary or involuntary career changes post-COVID-19, showcasing the evolving landscape of executive job searches in 2024.

    Episode Overview:

    Minute 3: Strategies for Executives Facing Involuntary Changes

    Minute 14: Salary Negotiation Insights for Executives

    Minute 25: Utilizing Strengths in Executive Coaching and Leadership

    Find out more about my work at Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    Be Energized. Be Productive. Be Empowered. Get your copy of The Strengths Journal™

  • As we embark on a new week filled with possibilities, I wanted to kick things off by diving into a topic that holds immense importance for leaders like yourself: the art of active listening.

    True mastery lies not in the words we speak, but in our ability to truly listen. This week, let's focus on effective engagement through active listening. Remember, impactful communication begins with an open ear, not an open mouth.

    Thank you for your dedication to leading with empathy and intention. Together, we can create workplaces where every voice is heard and valued

    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead filled with growth, connection, and meaningful conversations.

    Find out more about my work at Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    You can explore The Strengths Journal™ to further support your leadership journey.

  • In this episode of Dominate Your Day, I explore the crucial theme of organizational culture with my guest Dan Bredesen, author of 'The Seeds of Culture.'

    Dan talks about his unique journey from a Wisconsin farm to leading sales teams at a Fortune 500 company and how his diverse experiences shaped his understanding of culture in the corporate world.

    We discuss Dan's concept of 'culture farming,' where, akin to nurturing crops, a culture should be grown organically within an organization rather than forcibly built. He introduces the 'seven seeds of culture,' including effective communication, ethics, psychological safety, diversity, equity, inclusion, generosity, autonomy, and mutual accountability.

    Dan argues that these elements are essential for creating an environment where culture thrives, driving organizational performance and commitment. The episode also highlights the importance of patience, understanding culture as an ongoing process, and how leaders can foster a supportive, inclusive, and high-performing workplace.

    Episode Minutes:

    Minute 1: From Farm to Fortune 500

    Minute 10: Practical Takeaways: Implementing Culture as an Organic Process

    Minute 33: The Seven Seeds of Culture: Building a Strong Foundation

    To find out more about my work, please visit Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    Get your copy of The Strengths Journal™. Be Energized. Be Productive. Be Empowered.

  • I want to discuss a topic that holds immense significance. Boundaries.

    Boundaries signify freedom. Whether you're a corporate leader or a coach, setting boundaries ignites a powerful sense of liberation and control over your life.

    Remember, boundaries aren't about restricting ourselves; they're about creating space for growth and well-being. As Maya Angelou wisely said, "You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won't accept."

    Find out more about Dana Williams. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    If you're ready to take your strengths development to the next level, check out The Strengths Journal™ the only daily Gallup licensed companion guide for CliftonStrengths®

    Episeode Links:

    Boundaries Updated and Expanded Edition: Henry Cloud & John Townsend

  • Today I am joined by a very special guest Erin Duncan, a strategic advisor with a captivating journey of personal and professional transformation.

    Erin discusses her career background, starting as an engineer and progressing through various strategic roles across multiple industries after pursuing an MBA. She delves into the challenges she faced balancing a high-demand job, personal well-being, and family life, which led her to reevaluate her priorities.

    Erin shares the pivotal moment of deciding to make a significant career shift to focus more on well-being and personal fulfillment, instead of strictly career advancement and financial success. She talks about the importance of setting boundaries, personal branding, and making purposeful decisions that align with one's values and well-being.

    Our conversation also touches on the themes of comparison, the impact of recognizing one's own strengths, and the significance of designing one's life around what truly matters.

    Episode Minutes:

    Minute 5: The Wake-Up Call: Realizing the Need for Change

    Minute 9: Setting Boundaries and Seeking Help: Steps Towards Well-being

    Minute 16: Navigating Career Shifts: From Engineering to Strategic Advising

    Minute 32: Maintaining Boundaries and Personal Branding

    Find out more about Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    Get your copy of The Strengths Journal™

  • Today, I want us to take a look at the connection between well-being and purpose—a topic close to my heart.

    Purpose is the light that guides our path, enriching our work with meaning and vitality. When team members find purpose in their roles, their well-being flourishes, and the impact is palpable. Here's how you can bring purpose to the forefront of your team's well-being journey.

    Reflect on the timeless wisdom of Julia Child: "Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it." Embrace your passions and dive deep into them, nurturing a sense of purpose that fuels your well-being and inspires others.

    Let's strive to cultivate a workplace where purpose thrives, and well-being flourishes.

    Find out more about my work at Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn, Instagram.

    If you're ready to take your strengths development to the next level, check out The Strengths Journal™ the companion guide for CliftonStrengths®

  • My guest today is Shelley Loving, a nutrition health coach and author of What's on Your Fork?!.

    We discuss Shelley's personal journey of becoming a nutritionist following her husband's heart health scare and how she helped him reverse heart damage with dietary changes.

    Shelley emphasizes the importance of reducing chronic inflammation through diet and shares practical tips for healthier eating, including understanding food labels and avoiding inflammatory foods.

    She also dispels myths around healthy eating and encourages starting with small, manageable changes for long-term health benefits. Additionally, Shelley provides simple recipe ideas for busy weeknights and highlights the emotional aspect of food and how to cultivate a healthier relationship with eating.

    Episode Minutes:

    Minute 8: The Emotional Relationship with Food: A Deeper Dive

    Minute 14: Key Takeaways for a Healthier Life

    Minute 30: Busting Myths and Embracing Simplicity in Healthy Eating

    Find out more about my work at Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram

    Grab your copy of The Strengths Journal™

  • As we head into the third week, I want to discuss the transformative power of mindset.

    Your mindset is the compass that guides your actions, steering you toward paths of self-discipline and growth. This week, I invite you to explore new perspectives and inspire your team to unlock the potential of their mindset, fostering collective well-being along the way.

    As we continue our journey of well-being and growth, I encourage you to reflect on today's insights and identify one actionable step you can take to cultivate a growth mindset within yourself and your team.

    Episode Resources:

    "Dominant Thoughts" by Chris Heller and Greg Reid

    "No Excuses: The Power of Self-Discipline" by Brian Tracy

    "Mindset" by Carol Dweck

    Find out more about my work at Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    If you're ready to take your strengths development to the next level, check out The Strengths Journal™ the companion guide for CliftonStrengths®

  • My guest today is Valerie Delforge. A seasoned enterpreneur and author.

    Valerie's career evolved from sales and area management to head of spa operations for Steiner UK and Europe. Facing the challenges of maintaining work-life balance and keeping a healthy mindset in a high-pressure environment, she discovered her passion for coaching.

    Ten years ago, Valerie founded her consultancy firm, focusing on supporting entrepreneurs, business owners, and other coaches through personalized coaching, emphasizing the importance of work-life balance, mindset, and leadership skills. With the additional challenge of the pandemic, Valerie adapted her business to online platforms, expanding her reach and refining her approach to leadership coaching, underscoring the necessity of structure, system, and personal growth for effective leadership.

    Recently, she authored a book titled 'I'd Rather Do It Myself: From Micromanagement to Leadership', aimed at addressing micromanagement issues by promoting effective leadership strategies.

    Episode Minutes:

    Minute 6: Adapting to Change: Valerie's Business Evolution Over 10 Years

    Minute 9: Mindset and Self-Care: Keys to Success in Business and Life

    Minute 15: Launching a Book: From Micromanagement to Leadership

    Find out more about Dana Williams. LinkedIn. Instagram.

    Be Energized, Be Productive, Be Empowered. Get your copy of The Strengths Journal™

  • As corporate leaders, it's crucial to recognize how closely intertwined well-being and productivity truly are. When we feel energized and aligned with our strengths, our productivity skyrockets.

    Today, I want to focus in on the dynamic relationship between productivity and personal wellness.

    When our teams are thriving in well-being, they're not just clocking in hours—they're unleashing their full potential. So, let's make it our mission this week to infuse our productivity strategies with robust well-being practices that nurture both output and team health.

    Episode Resources:

    "The Power of Full Engagement" by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

    Find out more about the work I do at Dana Williams Consulting. LinkedIn, Instagram.

    If you're ready to take your strengths development to the next level, check out The Strengths Journal™ the companion guide for CliftonStrengths®

  • On today's Episode, I am joined by Jon Kidwell, founder of Leadwell, to discuss the principles of servant leadership and Jon's journey from working in education and nonprofit sectors to starting his own business.

    Jon shares his belief in servant leadership as a means to make a significant impact, emphasizing the importance of combining purpose, people, and performance to create a sustainable model of success. He recounts his personal story of being laid off and how it propelled him to redefine his career around helping leaders excel.

    Jon introduces the concept of being 'mission driven, servant hearted, and business minded' as the pillars of effective leadership. He also highlights the significance of character, relationships, and skills in cultivating a servant leadership environment.

    Episode Minutes:

    Minute 4: Defining Servant Leadership: Purpose, People, and Performance

    Minute 19: The Three Pillars of Redefined Servant Leadership

    Minute 23: Character, Relationships, and Skills: The Essentials for Servant Leaders

    Minute 33: The Call to Action for Aspiring Servant Leaders

    Find out more Dana Williams. LinkedIn. Instagram

    Be Empowered, Be Productive, Be Energized. Get your copy of The Strengths Journal™