
  • In today' episode I'm talking about the value of letting your vision go, and letting your vision grow.

    Too many people are caught up in the dreams they set years ago. In this episode I'm giving you a behind the scenes of changes happening inside our own company, Time Hackers, as the example that when you let your vision evolve with you, everybody wins. Your dreams will evolve as you evolve, as long as you let them. And if you want best-in-class private support to let your vision grow, then get coached using the Time Hacker tools:

    Yes! I want private coaching sessions: https://www.timehackers.xyz/1-1coaching

    I'm curious about becoming a Time Hacker Coach: https://www.timehackers.xyz/bathc

    I want to become a Time Hacker: https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers

    P.S. Love our podcast? Be sure to leave a review. Each review really helps!

  • Listen and learn about some very Time Hacker-esque changes to the podcast.

    Sharing this behind the scenes decision to inspire you to do things your way, even if that means changing something you've done for a long time. You get to do it however you like.

    Thought it would be fun to share with you a downloadable permission slip you can use for whatever you like!

    Use it, and send us a picture at [email protected] or tag us in socials @vikkiyaffe https://www.instagram.com/vikkiyaffe/ or @timehackers.xyz https://instagram.com/timehackers.xyz

    Click here to access the permission slip https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IXaWqrh4_lvjm4LImevUmrfWhUqn050R/view?usp=sharing

    And click here to read more about the most accessible impactful coaching program on the planet https://www.timehackers.xyz/1-1coaching

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  • Ever needed a vacation from your vacation? I get it. I've lived it. Many times. In today's episode I'm talking you through how to create more relaxing vacations... Use the simple questions before your vacation to set yourself up for success. Because you deserve to feel rested and nourished.

    In this episode I also share more information about the upcoming event - Time Hackers Live - the TREAT - an immersive 3 day retreat experience centered around rest and resting for success. This is an once in a lifetime opportunity.

    Click here to read more and to register to join us: https://forms.gle/RkK7D6juu7Lf3H6M6

    We have people coming from Europe, US and UK - spaces are very limited. If you want it, we strongly encourage you to register today.

  • We are replaying this Podcast, in case you missed this amazing opportunity!

    How often do you treat yourself?

    We are inviting you to a special in person opportunity to meet with Vikki and an intimate group of like minded people for a once in a lifetime experience - Time Hackers, The Treat. It's a 4 day experience that will leave you rested, connected and inspired.

    Listen and learn why this won't be your typical retreat event and what you can expect. We can't wait to hang out with you in person.

    Click here to make sure you are on our list to receive the details coming SOON: https://www.timehackers.xyz/guide

  • Your brain drives your use of time more than anything else. In today's episode you will learn about the connection between your brain and your result. This means you'll never again wonder why something isn't getting done. Using this super simple 3 step model, based on cognitive science, you will quickly understand your use (or mis-use) of time and be able to be more productive, effective and happy.

    If you want to go deeper with this work and get the help of our expert coaches, schedule a 1:1 coaching session here: https://www.timehackers.xyz/1-1coaching

    Are you ready to become a Time Hacker and access the best Time & Productivity tools in the industry to transform your experience of time, and achieve more, faster, with more space? Click here to become a Time Hacker: https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers

    Want to support your people around their time and effectiveness?

    Email [email protected] to request a brochureClick here to schedule a call https://timehackers.ck.page/callVisit our website: https://www.timehackers.xyz/teams
  • In today's episode you'll discover your most powerful time tool. It already influences how you use and experience time today, and yet it is something that we're not taught or told about and that the entire time management industry ignores.

    Listen to this episode to understand why things don't get done, even if you want them to, and why you might let other things take longer than they need to. Time Hacking is built around this time tool, as is every episode on this podcast. So congratulations if you're listening. You're already ahead of most people.

    Keep tuning in to get time hacks to support you in achieving more, faster, without longer hours or burnout.

    Love this episode? We love hearing from you. Please go ahead and leave a review here - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hack-your-time/id1455953384?ign-mpt=uo%3D4

    And of course, if this episode helped you, it will help others. Be sure to share it with someone you love.

    Would you love further support around this? Click here to read about ways you can work with us - https://www.timehackers.xyz/about

  • Today I'm sharing one big fail as well as a few smaller fails, walking you through the lessons I learned and what each of those failures taught me. Learning from other people's failures is a total time hack. This episode is going to inspire you to fail more, fail often and may even add some FUN to it.

    P.S. Want to enjoy failing and fail forward more often, supported by others doing the same work to love failure so they can achieve faster success?

    Join Time Hackers, click here > https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers

    If you're interested in becoming a Time Hacker and want to talk with someone about it you can schedule a consult call here > https://hackyourtime.as.me/consult

  • In today's episode you'll learn about what is required to pave your own path, what you have to let go of, and how to pave your path in a sustainable way.

    I'll be sharing my own life as an example and asking you questions so that you can apply the learning to yourself.

    Want to pave your own path as a Time Hacker? Click here to read more: https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers

    Want to bring Vikki or the Time Hacker team in to train, support and coach your people? Click here to learn more: https://www.timehackers.xyz/teams

  • A busy, demanding job, being a mum, managing a household AND a joyful life full of hobbies... Is that really possible?!

    Valerie shares how she created space for more fun in her life through Time Hacking. She shares about her TIme Hacker journey from 1:1 coaching through to becoming a Time Hacker, and talks about the biggest changes she made that allows her to work more effectively and free up space for her life outside of work.

    If you want to support your people so they can work smarter and get more done, faster, then click here to read about Time Hackers for Teams - https://www.timehackers.xyz/teams

    If you'd love to get the 1 on 1 support of a Time Hacker Coach, then you can sign up right now and book your first session in today, get ahead of your week and create an immediate ROI > https://hackyourtime.as.me/schedule.php

    And if you want to Become A Time Hacker, you can do so here > https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers

  • Curious what happens when an entire team Hacks their Time together? Today I'm joined by some of the team at Bundlee as they share their experience in a fast paced startup using Time Hackers, what it created for them individually, and as a team. You'll be amazed to hear what's possible in a short amount of time and what changed for them through the program. You'll also hear a little bit about the important work they do and how it came to be that we worked together.

    Want to create a more cohesive, effective team? Find out more about how we work with teams by clicking here https://www.timehackers.xyz/teams or email [email protected] and we'd love to talk with you.

    And, if you want to find out more about Bundlee, click here https://bundlee.co.uk/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bundleebaby/

    This code will give people 50% off their first 2 months of Bundlee Code: TIMEHACKER50

    Link: https://bundlee.co.uk/pages/plan-picker

  • Do you find yourself rushing, doing, swept up in the busyness of life?

    In today's episode Mary shares her personal experience in slowing down, building intention and creating spaciousness as she experienced the loss of her partner, Max. This episode is highly recommended for anyone experiencing grief, as Mary generously shares how she navigated being confronted with limited time to create time abundance.

    Time impacts all areas of our lives, it's our most precious resource. We would love to support you to create more abundance and spaciousness around your time.

    Click here to become a Time Hacker: https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers

    or if you'd prefer 1:1 coaching support, join the Time Hacker 1:1 coaching program here: https://hackyourtime.as.me/schedule.php

    Connect with Mary here:

    Website: https://marytalbot.com/

    Instagram: @marytalbotcoaching


  • Today we're sharing a Time Hacker value - Time Accessibility.

    Have you ever considered the role that time accessibility plays in your decisions and experience of life? The norms, rules and structures we've built around time have caused many to miss promotion opportunities, goals, hobbies and enjoyment in life. In today's episode we're sharing with you one of our core values at Time Hackers: Time Accessibility, and sharing how it has driven our decision around our programming and the ways we work with clients.

    AND special announcement, the Time Hackers Partial Scholarship is open right now, click here to apply: https://forms.gle/WtFe7bYjZ1wwLjmL9

    The application will take just a few minutes, waiting and missing the window to apply will cost you days, weeks or even months in wasted time.

  • So many of us put off our big projects, dreams, the books we would write, the homes we would build, the trips we will take, simply because we don't have enough time for them. In today's episode you'll hear about how to get things done that you may have been putting off for months, or years, as Kara comes on to talk about her new book "Take Back Your Brain".

    If you're wasting time not going after what you want, be sure to download the "Stop Wasting Time" Stop Wasting Time guide at https://www.timehackers.xyz/guide - 4 simple steps to get things done in less time.

    And you can get early access to Kara's book "Take Back Your Brain" by clicking here:


    And you'll want to stay connected with Kara, you can do so here:

    Website: https://unfuckyourbrain.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karaloewentheil/

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unf-ck-your-brain/id1229434818

  • Have you ever considered how our different circumstances impact our interaction with time, work, lifestyle and productivity?

    Here's what we know for sure, no two people are the same. And this is the issue with the mass marketization of time. It has put Time Equality at the forefront of everything we do, with a 40 hour work week, Monday through Friday, where we are all expected to be able to work the same, consistently, throughout the days. This simply isn't how it works.

    In today's episode I'm teaching you about Time Equity and offering actionable steps you can take to bring Time Equity into your work life, whether you are a solopreneur, or oversee tens of thousands of staff. This is an episode to listen to on repeat, get out the notebook for and share with someone you care about, who you know cares about others. And, of course, if you're committed to helping those around you succeed with ease, then we can support you in bringing Time Equity into your work life, simply email [email protected] with the email subject "Time Equity" and we'll send you more information.

    Email us now at [email protected]

  • Get insight into what a project manager with a HR background really thinks about Time Hacking.

    Today I'm joined by Christie, a friend I met on LinkedIn, who shares her first hand experience of 1:1 Time Hacker Coaching (https://www.timehackers.xyz/1-1-coaching). In this episode you'll learn why companies should care, what HR should consider, how to bring this to your HR team or manager, what's different about Time Hacker Coaching, and the impact of having a truly flexible coaching program.

    You can sign up to 1:1 coaching today, here (https://hackyourtime.as.me/schedule.php)

    Or email [email protected] if you have any questions or we can support you in any way. We're building out a pack for you to present to your company, feel free to email us to get access.

    P.S. Time Hackers Live 2024: Treat Yourself is a 4 day in-person experience with Vikki and like-minded people that will leave you rested, connected, and inspired. Early bird pricing ends midnight UK on Wednesday, 21 February. Click here https://forms.gle/Hor3aN7tkiNo4Tg86 to learn more, register, and secure early pricing.

  • How often do you treat yourself?

    We are inviting you to a special in person opportunity to meet with Vikki and an intimate group of like minded people for a once in a lifetime experience - Time Hackers, The Treat. It's a 4 day experience that will leave you rested, connected and inspired.

    Listen and learn why this won't be your typical retreat event and what you can expect and then spend five minutes completing your application to secure your spot (it is first come, first serve and once the places are gone, they're gone). We can't wait to hang out with you in person.

    Click here to apply: https://forms.gle/syzxrM7Goed6vnrV7

  • In today's episode we're sharing how Time Hacking applies to corporate life as we host engineer Time Hacker, Kal, who shares her decision for joining, what she has gained through the program and how she uses the program to benefit herself.

    This episode offers a unique insight into the Time Hacker tools, application and how to approach the program for the most support. It bring up powerful questions around learning, application and what truly slows us down and the importance of seeing tools as for you, instead of moulding ourselves to fit into what we think the tools require of us.

    Do you want to hack time? Click here and join the movement: https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers

    Do you want to bring Time Hacking to your teams or organisation? Click here to submit an enquiry: https://www.timehackers.xyz/teams

  • In today's episode we're joined by Junaid as he shares his experience in Time Hackers, discusses burnout and hustle culture, as well as revenge productivity and the importance of slowing down.

    You'll learn the importance of not arguing with your brain, the power of 1% belief and why morning hacks and routines may not be the productivity solution you think they are.

    Are you ready to become a Time Hacker and achieve more, faster, with less hustle?

    Click here to become a Time Hacker today:

    Become a Time Hacker: https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers1 easy payment: https://www.timehackers.xyz/offers/n76T2G2T/checkout10 monthly payments: https://www.timehackers.xyz/offers/7zdTUAM6/checkout

    Interested in getting 1:1 coaching support from our TIme Hacker coaches?

    Click here to sign up: https://www.timehackers.xyz/1-1-coaching

    Want to connect with Dr Junaid and find out more about his work?

    Website: https://prosperouslifemd.com/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/prosperouslifemd/

  • Jonny joins today's episode to share about what is possible through Time Hacking and help us spread the word that Time Hacking is for men, too.

    Listen and learn how he overcame his "fixer" mindset to get help that helped him accelerate, how he sets boundaries and manages his time at work, with his full time job and his coaching business, and what's possible when we really embrace our vulnerability. Jonny shares some of what's changed for him since becoming a Time Hacker and you hear the story of how we connected. This is a powerful episode for anyone struggling to let others in, ask for help, or if you feel like fear is stopping you.

    If you listen to this and feel inspired to become a Time Hacker, we'd love to have you join us and maybe be our future podcast success story.

    Click here and join us: https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers

    1 easy payment: https://www.timehackers.xyz/offers/n76T2G2T/checkout

    10 monthly payments: https://www.timehackers.xyz/offers/7zdTUAM6/checkout

    Want to get the personalized support of 1:1 coaching with a TH Coach? Click here and sign up: https://www.timehackers.xyz/1-1-coaching

    Click here to connect with Jonny and find out more about his work:

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonny-bevan-348155297/

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jonnybevancoaching

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jonnybevan/

  • Today Time Hacker Experts Zil, Madeline, Başak, Mary, Jo and Sarah join me and share their experiences applying Time Hacker concepts to their businesses and lives. You’ll want to take notes as they share their most valuable lessons and aha moments.The Date Your Goal Experience kicked off last week and you can still join us. You’ll get immediate access to the Date Your Goal Materials when you join Time Hackers: https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers

    And if you want to join the Dating Your Goal Experience happening this January inside Time Hackers, click here :

    Become a Time Hacker: https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers

    1 easy payment: https://www.timehackers.xyz/offers/n76T2G2T/checkout

    10 monthly payments: https://www.timehackers.xyz/offers/7zdTUAM6/checkout