
  • James Perkins is a Senior Developer Advocate at Clerk, a drop-in authentication solution for React and the modern web.

    James Perkins



  • Jim Fisk is the creator of Plenti and the founder of Causeworks, a full service creative agency for mission-driven organizations.

    In this episode we discuss using open source technology for social goods, whether you should be bearish or bullish on Jamstack, and the benefits of a Git-based CMS.

    Jim Fisk

    TwitterGitHubLinkedInJantcuPlenticoJamstack Boston


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  • Zach Lloyd is the CEO of Warp, a Rust-based terminal for modern development.

    In this episode we discuss the motivations for starting an entire company dedicated to building a terminal, the inefficiencies introduced by the current default terminals, and the company's future plans for monetization.

    Zach Lloyd





    Oh My ZshStarship

    Show Outline

    00:10 - Zach's background and motivation for creating Warp

    02:13 - What are the Warp features that make developers more productive?

    07:01 - Why is Warp written in Rust?

    10:36 - Does Warp work on multiple platforms?

    12:22 - How does Warp plan on monetizing in the future?

    16:06 - What are the benefits of Warp for beginners learning the terminal?

    22:29 - What shells does Warp support?

    25:17 - How do you prioritize feature development and what is the roadmap for the next sixth months?

    29:31 - Will Warp eventually be integrated with the VS Code terminal?

    31:43 - Final thoughts and where to learn more about Warp

  • Daniel Norman is a Developer Advocate at Protocol Labs.

    In this episode we discuss the philosophy and motivation behind the creation of IPFS, IPFS pinning services and gateways, how Protocol Labs relates to IPFS, and how to moderate content on a distributed, censorship resistant network.

    Daniel Norman


    Protocol Labs





    Aragonweb3.jsPrismaContent AddressingBlueskyAT ProtocolFleekweb3.storageInfuraPinataIPFS - Content Addressed, Versioned, P2P File SystemCloudflare IPFS GatewayFissionState of IPFS in JSA First Look at IPFSSome Antics - Deploy to the Decentralized Web with IPFS

    Show Outline

    00:11 - Daniel’s code journey
    11:19 - What is web3?
    13:36 - What does it mean to “own” something digital?
    22:19 - Bluesky and the At Protocol
    25:35 - Living in a high trust society
    28:01 - What is IPFS?
    36:32 - IPFS pinning services and gateways
    45:23 - Protocol Labs
    48:20 - Is it possible to block or moderate content on IPFS?
    54:58 - Where should someone go to get started with IPFS or get in touch with the IPFS community?
    58:17 - How can listeners get in touch with Daniel?

  • Adam Bradley is the Director of Technology at Builder.io and co-creator of Partytown, a lazy-loaded library to help relocate resource intensive scripts off the main thread and into a web worker.

    In this episode we discuss making sites significantly more performant by offloading third party scripts into a web worker with Partytown, how Partytown fits into the larger suite of tools that Builder.io is working on including Qwik, and cross-compiling any frontend UI library with Mitosis.

    Adam Bradley





    WordPress Partytown SupportAdd Partytown support to run scripts in WordPress Worker ThreadOffloading Scripts To A Web Worker in Next.js (experimental)How to Add Google Analytics gtag to Gatsby Using PartytownHow to Deploy the Qwik JavaScript FrameworkDeploy a Qwik site on Cloudflare PagesBuilding Marko 6 w/ Dylan Piercey, and Michael RawlingsResumability, WTF?

    Show Outline

    00:12 - Introduction
    01:26 - Do you miss mobile?
    04:43 - What is Partytown?
    07:50 - Can you use Partytown with WordPress?
    09:42 - How does Google Tag Manager work with Partytown?
    12:45 - Is there a roadmap for upcoming features or is Partytown feature complete?
    13:50 - What is Partytown's opinion on shipping no JavaScript?
    14:39 - How does Partytown fit into the larger suite of tools that Builder.io is working on?
    16:24 - Qwik as a server-side rendering first framework with QwikCity
    19:35 - Will it be possible in the future to migrate a Next.js project to QwikCity?
    23:07 - Is QwikCity production ready?
    25:00 - How do you deploy a Qwik or QwikCity application?
    30:45 - What is Mitosis?
    34:19 - How does Qwik compare to Solid and Marko?
    40:09 - Will JavaScript ever reach utopia by attaining the nirvana of PHP?

  • A Fuzzy Bear is the Community Manager at Astro.

    In this episode we discuss the origin of the name “Fuzzy Bear,” the benefits of learning Astro over other popular metaframeworks, and how to get involved in the Astro community.

    A Fuzzy Bear



    HomepageCreate a New Astro Project


    Asteroids Fuzzybear ProjectServer-side Rendering in AstroAstro Hackathon Projects

    Show Outline

    01:15 - What is the origin of the name “Fuzzy Bear?”
    03:13 - Why did you learn Astro over other frameworks and when did you join the team?
    06:00 - The pitfalls of Create React App
    08:30 - Fuzzy's life before web development
    09:48 - Learning web development through building the Astroids game
    12:10 - Fuzzy got into web development to make money but tripped into open source
    12:50 - How did you first hear about Astro?
    15:22 - How did you initially get involved in the Astro community?
    19:41 - What is the status of server-side rendering support in Astro?
    22:24 - What happened when Chris tried Astro for the first time?
    33:09 - Can Astro be used for dashboards?

  • Jon Meyers is a Developer Advocate at Supabase, an open source Firebase alternative built with PostgreSQL.

    In this episode we discuss how DevRel is organized at Supabase, why Supabase decided to build their own PostgreSQL extension, and new capabilities enabled by Supabase's Edge Functions.

    Jon Meyers





    Supabase with Paul Copplestone (FSJam33)Open Source Stacks with Ant Wilson (FSJam52)pg_graphql: A GraphQL extension for PostgreSQLGraphQL is now available in Supabasepg_graphql v1.0pg_graphql DocumentationLaunch WeekUpdates for Supabase FunctionsSupabase Edge FunctionsEdge Function ExamplesSupabase IntegrationsSupabase Series BMade with Supabase

    Show Outline

    01:25 - Jon Meyers Introduction

    04:44 - How is the DevRel team at Supabase organized?

    06:41 - What is Supabase?

    07:55 - Building and Using Postgres Extensions

    10:46 - How does the GraphQL Postgres Extension Work?

    12:15 - What is Supabase Launch Week?

    14:19 - Supabase Edge Functions

    22:31 - Supabase Integrations

    24:11 - Supabase Series B

    25:27 - What are people building with Supabase?

    27:24 - Jon's Favorite FSJam Episodes

    30:03 - Closing Thoughts

  • Eduardo Bouças is a software engineer at Netlify and principal engineer building Netlify's newly created Edge Functions.

    In this episode we discuss the past, present, and future of running serverless functions on the edge, why Netlify decided to build their edge functions with Deno, and the need for compatible edge runtimes built on open standards.

    Eduardo Bouças





    Edge Handlers with Mathias Biilmann ChristensenNetlify Edge FunctionsEdge Functions DocumentationNetlify Edge Functions: A new serverless runtime powered by DenoLiving on the edge: A deep dive into Netlify Edge FunctionsUnderstanding Edge Functions: The Edge and BeyondWeb-interoperable Runtimes Community Group
  • David Khourshid is the founder of Stately, the visual software platform for application logic and workflows.

    In this episode we discuss how to visualize state machines, building tools to collaborate around state machines, and using state machines on the server.

    David Khourshid





  • Michael Chan is a DX Community Engineer at Chromatic, a cloud service and platform for automating Storybook workflows.

    In this episode we discuss how to distinguish a design system from a component library, strategies to become a better user of Storybook, and the long-awaited release of React 18.

    Michael Chan

    HomepageTwitterGitHubYouTubeEggheadReact HolidayLunch.dev






    Storybook Play FunctionComponent Story Format 3.0Integrate Storybook in a Next.js ApplicationIntegrate Next.js and Storybook automaticallyStorybook Framework APIMigrate a Client-Side Application to React 18 BetaHow to Upgrade to React 18React v18.0React Labs: What We've Been Working OnReact Server Components with Next 13
  • Khash Sajadi is the CEO of Cloud 66. Cloud 66 gives you everything you need to build, deploy, and maintain your applications on any cloud, without the headache of the “server stuff."

    In this episode we discuss the evolution of platforms-as-a-service over the last decade, how to most effectively leverage a multi-cloud world, and the characteristics of a resilient hosting provider.

    Khash Sajadi


    Cloud 66

  • Tracy Lee (CEO) and Dustin Goodman (Engineering Manager) join us to talk about This Dot Labs, a JavaScript consultancy that helps teams through staff augmentation, consulting, and training.

    In this episode we discuss how to compare open source frameworks, starter projects that help developers quickly begin building, and the potential of a post-React future.

    Tracy Lee


    Dustin Goodman


    This Dot Labs



    This Dot Open Sourcestarter.dev GitHub Showcasesframework.devThe Perfect Egg Recipereact.framework.devstarter.devAbout npmblockchain.educationSmart Contract DatabaseTanStack
  • Matteo Frana is the CEO and Founder of React Bricks, a visually editable CMS for Next.js, Gatsby and Remix.

    In this episode we discuss the origins and motivations of React Bricks, the challenges of creating content with grey forms, and how to build a CMS that balances the needs of both developers and content creators.

    Matteo Frana


    React Bricks



    LogoReact Bricks TutorialReact Bricks Live DemoNeoskop Case StudyEverfund Case StudyWoosmap Case Study
  • Simon Knott is the creator of Quirrel and the newly created Scheduled Functions from Netlify.

    In this episode we discuss the difficulties of running jobs on serverless, use cases for Netlify's Scheduled Functions, the future of Blitz.js, and the trade-offs inherent to remote work.

    Simon Knott


    Netlify's Scheduled Functions

    Scheduled Functions DocumentationNetlify Acquisition FAQQuirrel is Acquired! And I Am Joining NetlifyNetlify Acquires QuirrelQuirrel Joins Netlify and Scheduled Functions Launches in BetaScheduled Functions (Cron Jobs) With Netlify - Learn with JasonHow to Schedule Deploys with Netlify

    Blitz.js 2.0

    Flightcontrol with Brandon Bayer and Mina Abadir (FSJam68)Important Discussion On Possible Blitz.js Pivot - Brandon BayerFuture of Blitz.jsAnnouncing Blitz.js 2.0 - Brandon BayerIntroduction to Blitz.js Toolkit - Simon Knott2.0 Stable Launch - Brandon BayerAnnouncing Blitz.js 2.0 Beta - Aleksandra SikoraUpgrading Your Blitz.js App to Blitz.js 2.0


    Quirrel with Simon Knott (FSJam15)The Self Provisioning RuntimeSchedule Netlify Builds with GitHub Actions - LunchdevSchedule Netlify Builds with GitHub Actions, Cron, and Webhooks - Michael ChantRPCRetool
  • Ben Myers is a frontend developer at Microsoft and an advocate for web accessibility.

    In this episode we discuss the fundamentals of Eleventy, how to approach web development from a conservationist's point of view, and utilizing Eleventy Serverless for deferred, on-demand rendering.

    Ben Myers

    HomepageTwitterGitHubTwitchSome Anticsshowmy.chat




    Fullstack Accessibility with Ben Myers (FSJam31)Slinkity with Ben Holmes (FSJam49)Eleventy Data Cascade DocumentationI Finally Understand Eleventy's Data Cascadeevents.lunch.devEleventy ServerlessA First Look at Eleventy Serverless with Zach Leatherman (Some Antics)Modern CSS with Stephanie Eckles (FSJam63)Incremental Static RegenerationDistributed Persistent RenderingUnderstanding Rendering in the Jamstack by Brian RinaldiEleventy GlossaryLearn Eleventy From Scratch by Andy BellAmit Sheen CodepensTHE Eleventy MeetupFull Time Open Source Development for Eleventy, Sponsored by Netlify


    [Pre-show Clip]


    When I was on Learn with Jason talking about Eleventy Serverless, I actually spent a fair amount of time talking about... "hey, Eleventy doesn't work for every use case." There are certain websites you have in mind that Eleventy would not be a good fit for. That's okay, that just means it's better suited for other kinds of sites. I think there is this instinct in Jamstack communities to try to kludge Jamstack into a fundamentally un-Jamstacky problem space.


    What do you mean? Gatsby is the best for everything and we should have never moved off Gatsby and there's no need for Svelte or Solid or anything like that. Gatsby, it did everything.

    [Opening Theme Song]


    Ben Myers, welcome back.


    Hey! It's good to be back.


    You were on an earlier episode, 30-something, talking about web accessibility. You are a web developer and accessibility advocate at Microsoft. Today, we're going to be talking to you about Eleventy cause Eleventy is a project that I know you're really passionate about. We've had others on the show talk about it a little bit, especially Ben Holmes who is building a meta framework on top of Eleventy called Slinkity. But, today we're going to be talking about Eleventy proper. What it is, why people are excited about it, and what kind of stuff they're building with it.


    I'm thrilled, I absolutely love Eleventy as a tool and it's one of those things that's been an absolute privilege to get to introduce people to. Fair disclosure! I totally have not introduced people to it through a podcast medium, so this is gonna be very interesting. Super excited to chat about it with y'all.


    Why don't we first start with what Eleventy is. I think if anyone has heard about it, they know that it's a static site generator. They may have heard that it's based a bit on Jekyll, so if you can talk a little bit about what it does and what you would build with it.


    Yeah, so I find that simply saying, "Jekyll but JavaScript" is enough for some people to just get it. I will say that the fact that it is powered by JavaScript makes it more approachable than other static site generators for many people because JavaScript is the language of the web. If you're doing front end development, JavaScript is something you're very likely to be very familiar with. A static site generator that leverages JavaScript, specifically the Node.js ecosystem, is a very compelling sell for a lot of people. But, I should definitely back up and explain the bigger picture.

    You described it as a static site generator in the vein of Jekyll. I think that's absolutely, absolutely fair. But personally, I don't have experience with Jekyll. That's not something that really helps me understand what it is. The simplest way to think of Eleventy is, it is a tool that will take content, typically in a format such as markdown. It'll take that content, it'll just convert it to some pure, raw, boring, fantastic HTML (or other assets). That is, I think, the simplest way to think of it. You've got some content, maybe it's blog posts, maybe it's documentation pages. Maybe it's a landing page for some product. Some content that is mostly static and you want some output, typically HTML.

    That is what Eleventy is and what it's really, really good at. What Eleventy isn't, is a tool for building highly dynamic interactive experiences. For those, you might still consider a client side web application framework such as React or Vue. Eleventy simply isn't as interested in addressing those kinds of websites and I think that's totally fair. But if you've got something that could be expressed in static HTML, Eleventy is possibly a very good project for you.


    I actually first started learning about Eleventy for a big reason cause of you, Ben. We were building out the lunch.dev calendar with it. That was a really interesting project because we were trying to create like an events calendar. What we did is we had a Git repo that was building the static site and then we had markdown files for the individual events. Then the individual events would be transformed into litt...

  • Our hosts discuss widgets, documentation, and the future of FSJam.

    Anthony Campolo


    Christopher Burns



    uidotdev - JavaScript ModulesEverfund GitHub
  • Matt Biilmann is the CEO and founder of Netlify, a Jamstack deployment platform.

    In this episode we discuss the Jamstack Innovation Fund, open source sustainability, deciding whether to use Cloudflare Workers or Deno for Netlify's Edge Handlers, and the future of the Jamstack.

    Matt Biilmann



    Home PageTwitter


    Jamstack Innovation Fund Home PageNetlify Launches $10 Million Jamstack Innovation FundJamstack Innovation Fund Launches with the 10 Most Promising Jamstack Startups

    The Fund

    ChiselStrike - prototype-to-production data platformClerk - authentication service purpose-built for JamstackClutch - visual editor for Jamstack solutionsConvex - global state management platformDeno - modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScriptEverfund - developer-first nonprofit tool to build custom fundraising systemsNuxtLabs - making web development intuitive with NuxtJSSnaplet - tool for copying Postgres databasesTakeShape - GraphQL API meshTigris Data - zero-ops backend for web and mobile apps
  • Miško Hevery is the creator of Qwik, a resumable framework that serializes application and framework state into HTML upon rendering the application.

    In this episode we discuss what is a resumable framework and how resumability relates to partial hydration.

    Miško Hevery



    Home PageTwitterGitHub


  • Ishan Anand (VP Product, AppOps) and Scott Steinlage (Technical Community Manager) join us to talk about Edgio (formerly Layer0 by Limelight), a developer tools platform for deploying edge-enabled solutions via a low-latency, global caching network.

    In this episode we discuss strategies for navigating remote work, whether it's useful or counterproductive to push all computing to the edge, and how to build composable websites and applications.

    Ishan Anand


    Scott Steinlage



    Home PageTwitter


    Composability Summit
  • Austin Crim is a Technical Support Engineer at Prisma, an ORM and data platform that makes databases easy.

    In this episode we discuss the history and mission of Prisma, the boundary between Prisma Client and Prisma Migrate, and whether developers need to know the difference between SQL and NoSQL.

    Austin Crim

    Home PageTwitterGitHubLinkedIn


    Home PageTwitterGitHub


    Prisma Data PlatformDeploying Prisma to Cloudflare WorkersRemix with Kent C. Dodds