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    Once lost in the depths of darkness and manipulation, Fred Grissom's harrowing journey from devil worshiper to seeker of redemption unfolds in our latest episode. His story, marked by an early descent into occult practices and chilling expertise in twisting scripture, serves as a sobering tale of the dangers lurking when spirituality is misused. As Fred opens up about the pivotal moments that led him to question his path, he also offers a candid warning: parents must be vigilant for the signs of their children's potential occult involvement.

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    Feeling alone in a bustling world is a paradox many of us know all too well. My journey through the deserts of despair and the search for a connection that transcends human imperfection is laid bare in a conversation with the insightful Kandi Anderson Ferris. We unravel the raw emotions of loneliness, a silent battle for a staggering number of individuals, particularly young adults. Together, we consider the need to prepare our children for life's inevitable isolation, challenging the glossy Hollywood portrayal of flawless relationships, and offer a perspective of companionship that promises unconditional love and support—especially when the road gets rocky.

    The narrative then shifts to a place of hope and solace in God's love, where I share my experiences of finding true connection in what felt like an endless sea of faces. With Kandi's wisdom, we illuminate the lives of biblical figures like David, whose heartfelt relationship with God demonstrates that we are all welcome in the realm of divine grace—flaws and all. This episode is not just about understanding loneliness but also about discovering the profound companionship available to us through faith, a relationship that patiently fills the void with a love that knows no bounds. Join us as we explore the promise that even in our loneliest moments, we are never truly alone.

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    When my friend Mark McCraw and I reflect on our lives, it's clear that the most transformative moments often spring from the deepest trials. This episode is a testament to that truth as we share the powerful shifts from secular existence to a life embraced by faith in Jesus Christ. Together, we navigate the memories of our previous worldly endeavors, discussing how adversity and a sense of purpose in our professional lives led us down a path to spiritual enlightenment. Mark's leap of faith into the world of Christian radio with me, a mission that resonated hope throughout the Gulf Coast, is a cornerstone of our fellowship that continues to thrive.

    Mark's story takes an even more touching turn when he recounts the emotional odyssey with his late wife Patrice – from their love's beginning, through the hardships of infertility, to her valiant battle with cancer. The grace found in their son Grayson, the comfort drawn from the phrase "Thy Will Be Done," and Savannah’s unwavering support highlight an episode that is as much about healing as it is about loss. And as we conclude, I share advice for parents fostering their children's passions and the significance of imparting spiritual wisdom, trusting in God's timing. It's a conversation that promises to move hearts and strengthen beliefs, shining a light on the enduring message that through it all, Jesus is the constant answer.

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    The power of music plays a pivotal role in Benny's life, and in our conversation, he pulls back the curtain on how he used his music career as an avenue to express his newfound faith. Listen in as Benny serves up some soul-stirring insights about his transformation, his challenges in sharing his faith, and how giving one's life to Jesus can usher in an entirely different heart and destiny. Benny's story is a testament to the transformative power of faith and music, inspiring those facing their own crucible. It is not a tale of who he was but a narrative of who he is. Tune in for this compelling conversation about faith, music, and life-transforming experiences.

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    Have you ever felt like life has knocked you down with no hope of getting back up? Our latest episode features Blaine, a man whose narrative exemplifies the sheer resilience of the human spirit. His candid recollection of falling from a stable middle-class life into the clutches of addiction and homelessness brings to light the grim realities that many face in silence. Blaine's story isn't just a cautionary tale; it's a beacon of hope, illuminating the potential for redemption that lies within each of us, no matter how far we've strayed.

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    Brad's Story: I was born in a Bad neighborhood in Gulfport without a father, he committed suicide when I was a baby. My mother died when I was 12 years old. I got affiliated with a Gang at a youthful age and started using drugs. I ended up in prison for the third time and the gangs wanted to kill me. I gave my life to Christ of November 12th, 2020, in SMCI Prison in Mississippi. Today, I am a new person, with a new life, and promoting God’s mercy and forgiveness.

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    Do you ever wonder about the signs that God sends us or what they truly mean? Our guest, spiritual leader, and minister Gary Lane, unravels this mystery as we journey through the enigmatic world of divine signs and messages. We reflect on our personal experiences, particularly the powerful unity we witnessed within churches worldwide during Hurricane Katrina, which led to an impressive expansion of God's church, and delve into the human need for love and acceptance that God willingly fulfills.

    Our candid conversation unveils the fragility of life and the importance of preparing for its end. We explore God's unconditional love and the pitfalls of imposing conditions on it, focusing on how life's happenings are divine interventions designed to redirect our focus. We dissect the message of the prosperity gospel, contrasting it with the biblical truth about contentment, and delve into how corporate America's influence on our beliefs and the vain pursuit of joy in material things.

    As we wrap up, we underscore the serenity that prioritizing God can infuse into our lives. Gary shares a heartening prayer, inspiring listeners to find the courage to let go of the past and move forward. We also remind everyone of the importance of seeking God's guidance in every step we take and expressing gratitude for the daily blessings we receive. Seek, trust, and thank God - that's our message, and we hope it resonates with you as it has with us.

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    Jenna's debut book, "I Love Me More: How To Find Happiness and Success Through Self-Love," was released on March 8, 2022, on International Women's Day, quickly becoming an Amazon best-seller. In it, Jenna shares her journey from facing inordinate childhood adversity to becoming a self-made entrepreneur, emphasizing the power of self-love and resilience.

    Jenna Banks is a former Director of Business Development turned public speaker, emcee, moderator, host of The Jenna Banks Show, and best-selling author and entrepreneur. Her work has been featured in a wide variety of media outlets, including Forbes, ABC, NBC, and Authority Magazine. Most recently, she's brought her messages of inspiration and empowerment to events and stages, including cyber security, C-suite executives, women's leadership, software development, and the paytech industry.

    When she's not working, Jenna enjoys collecting art, playing tennis, traveling, reading, hiking, personal growth and development, and staying curious.

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    During a time when the world seems overwhelmed with uncertainty, Easter emerges as a beacon of enduring hope. Ron Myers here, joined by insightful guests Andrew and Paul, to offer a heartfelt discussion on how the message of Easter and the teachings of Jesus can illuminate a path to truth and personal connection with the divine for those feeling adrift. We tackle the prevailing notion that spiritual fulfillment can be achieved through actions alone, and invite you to consider the deeper awakening that comes with embracing the transformative sacrifice of Jesus.

    I'll never forget the moment a simple prayer reshaped my entire existence, leading to an unexpected journey of liberation and forgiveness. This episode delves into the powerful sense of renewal found in becoming a new creation in Christ. Andrew, Paul, and I get candid about the hesitations that accompany lifestyle shifts post-conversion, stressing that the true adventure with Jesus lies in the internal metamorphosis and the gradual discovery of self-acceptance. We share why giving Jesus a chance could be your stepping stone to breaking free from destructive cycles.

    Finally, we explore the profound freedom that can be found in Jesus, even amidst the chaos of our lives and the world at large. Our conversation echoes with stories of how faith can infuse life with peace and contentment, offering a fresh lens through which to view persistent challenges. We warmly extend an invitation to you, our listeners, to contemplate a personal relationship with Jesus as more than religious duty—it's a gateway to a more fulfilling existence, rich with joy and promise. Embark with us on this uplifting journey towards a newfound hope and freedom.

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    When the darkness of struggle seems unyielding, it's the beacon of hope that guides us through. Captured in the heartfelt narrative of Bo, an entrepreneur whose faith and tenacity carved the path from trial to triumph, this episode is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. His journey from battling alcoholism to establishing Bojack's Mississippi Made Mixes unfurls as a true inspiration, illustrating the potent blend of perseverance and divine intervention. Bo's story isn't just one of transforming family recipes into a thriving business—it's about the incredible power of hope and the steadfast support found in a marriage fortified by shared faith and love.

    Imagine a partnership where the trials of entrepreneurship and life's uncertainties are met with unwavering support and shared conviction. Bo and his wife Pat's 35-year union exemplifies this, as they've navigated the creation of a unique deer stand that revolutionized the hunting industry, and the subsequent birth of a food mix venture that honors cherished family traditions. This episode offers a heartfelt exploration of the give-and-take that sustains a marriage and the inventive spirit that can bring an idea to life. Listeners are invited to witness the strength of marital unity and the catalytic moments that prompt us to reach for innovation and transformation.

    As we close our conversation, we're reminded that each shared story is a spark of God's grace, illuminating the path to overcoming life's hurdles. Whether it's the simple yet profound transformation of a family hush puppy recipe into a growing legacy or my own journey of impacting millions, the episode is an invitation to recognize the divine breakthroughs awaiting our grasp. Embrace the passion that fuels your dreams, and allow the hope within to illuminate even the darkest of paths. Join us, and let the power of these real-life stories embolden you to chase after the purpose set ablaze in your soul.

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    Embark on a soul-stirring journey with me, Ron Myers, as we traverse the landscapes of faith and entrepreneurship, guided by the experiences of our remarkable guest, Jesse McBride. After Hurricane Katrina uprooted his life, Jesse didn't just rebuild—he answered a higher call to become a missionary, supporting pastors worldwide. Through his narrative and our conversations, we unearth the joy and challenges of aligning vocation with divine purpose. Together, we dissect the fabric of everyday faith, contrasting the American perspective on illness with that of countries where spiritual sustenance often prevails over medical intervention.

    As spring heralds a time of renewal, we reflect on the enduring lessons of service and spirituality post-Hurricane Katrina, where the embrace of human kindness shone brightest amid devastation. The episode is replete with powerful anecdotes, including my own mission work in Belize, that illuminate the transformative impact of literacy and education in experiencing God's word. We delve into Para Ministries' vital role in Latin America, offering guidance and hope to those in spiritual need. Join us in this celebration of faith, where the partnership with Jesus promises not only eternal solace but also fulfillment in the here and now.

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    Capturing the essence of hope and the tenacity of the human spirit isn't always easy, but when you witness the soaring flight of an eagle, something profound stirs within. That stirring is at the heart of our latest episode, where we're joined by hospice chaplain John Wenderline, who shares real-life stories from his book on end-of-life experiences. As we unravel the threads of spiritual care, the profound bonds between patient and chaplain, and the diverse tapestry of beliefs held by those in their final moments, we offer a poignant reflection on the impact of empathy, comfort, and the unwavering beacon of hope.

    The journey through the last chapters of life is often a road paved with complex emotions and lessons of love. This episode carefully navigates the tumultuous feelings of caregivers, the bittersweet farewells of passing, and the Christian perspective on the afterlife's promise of immediacy with the Lord. We extend a hand to those grappling with guilt, seeking solace, or simply needing a reminder of the power of continuous prayer and the practice of love as an action, as exemplified by Jesus. Our contemplative discourse aims to uplift and bring solace, recognizing the strength we derive from faith and each other in the most challenging of times.

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    When darkness seems to swallow all light, where do we turn for a glimmer of hope? Janet Perez Eckles, author of "Now I See," joins me, Ron Myers, to recount her extraordinary journey—from the depths of betrayal and the challenge of blindness to a life of joy and purpose through unwavering faith in Jesus Christ. Her story, a beacon of hope for many, interweaves with my own experiences of finding solace and strength in Jesus during the most heart-wrenching moments, such as the loss of my beloved son, Joe.

    The power of a transformed life takes center stage as we traverse Janet's path to spiritual awakening. From her hesitant steps into a Christian church to the restoration of her marriage and success as an interpreter, author, and speaker, her narrative highlights the life-altering impact of faith and grace. Together, we unpack the incredible strength found in daily communion with Jesus, encouraging listeners who may feel adrift or skeptical about their faith to discover the comfort and companionship of our ultimate confidant.

    As the episode unfolds, we extend a heartfelt invitation to embrace the freedom and confidence that comes from understanding our identity in Christ—a theme that resonates with me personally. It's a clarion call to awaken to the power vested in us by God and to live confidently in the divine purpose charted for each of us. Join us on this mission to share real stories of resilience and hope, and remember to cherish the simple, everyday joys that weave the fabric of a life anchored in faith and community.

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    Have you ever witnessed the sheer strength of the human spirit, capable of triumphing over the darkest depths of despair? That's the essence of Jennifer Emerson's harrowing yet uplifting narrative, which we unpack throughout our latest episode. Her raw testimony is not just about battling heroin and fentanyl addiction; it's about the resilience found in faith, the kind that brings a person back from the brink to a place of hope and purpose. As you listen to Jennifer's heart-rending journey, you'll be moved by her courage and the transformative power of her unwavering connection with Jesus.

    This conversation is more than just a story of overcoming addiction; it's a guide to recognizing the small, still voice of God in the midst of life's storms. Jennifer's lifelong relationship with Jesus shaped her path to recovery, demonstrating how imperfect beings are loved by God and are capable of profound change through His grace. Join us and find inspiration in Jennifer's testament to the belief that freedom is found in a personal plea for Jesus's help, not just external solutions.

    As you're enveloped by Jennifer's remarkable transformation, consider this an invitation to reflect on your own experiences with divine impact. We're calling on you, our listeners, to share your own testimonies of spiritual growth, change, and the love of Jesus. By doing so, you'll join a community of listeners who've found liberation and redemption in dedicating their hearts to Him. Our episode wraps up with resources for deepening your own faith journey and connecting with others who've walked similar paths. Let Jennifer's story of redemption be the beacon that guides you through your own struggles toward a brighter, hope-filled tomorrow.

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    Have you ever felt like a misfit on a quest to discover your true identity? Join me, Ron Meyers, and my guest Paul, a man whose life has been radically transformed, as we share tales of redemption and finding purpose through a powerful relationship with Jesus Christ. Our latest podcast episode is a testament to the incredible shifts that can occur when one embraces a daily commitment to God, not just within the walls of a church, but in the conversations and actions of our everyday lives. From my own journey out of substance abuse to Paul's escape from a chaotic past, we unfold the stories that showcase the might of faith in motion.

    This episode isn't merely a narrative; it's a celebration of acceptance and a recognition of the unique role each 'Misfit for Jesus' plays in the grand design. We explore the profound impact of small behavioral changes, the importance of a community that nurtures spiritual growth, and the act of repentance in maintaining a vital connection with the divine. It's an extension of hope and an invitation to join a family of believers who find solace in their shared experiences. As we sign off, remember, it's your stories of faith and redemption that continue to fuel our mission, so we eagerly await to hear how God has worked wonders in your life too.

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    Growing up in the Bible Belt taught me the stark difference between wearing Christianity on Sundays and truly walking with Jesus every single day. My guest and I peel back the layers of what it means to foster an intimate, ongoing relationship with our Savior, one that stretches far beyond the church doors and into the very fabric of our lives. We navigate through the idea of ecclesia, redefining church as a dynamic, purpose-driven community where believers uplift each other, even through the toughest times.

    This episode isn't just for those who sit in the pews; it's a call to anyone seeking hope, change, or a moment of comfort. Together with my guest, we reveal how humility and accessibility can revolutionize your faith, no matter where you stand in the church hierarchy. Join us as we extend a heartfelt prayer and discuss the vitality of a supportive community that champions spiritual growth, reminding each one of us of God's infinite love and the transformative power of a true relationship with Jesus.

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    When Ken first met Lorinda, little did he know that their shared devotion to music and faith would forge a bond powerful enough to illuminate their community. Our latest episode unveils Ken's emotional recount of their love story, deeply intertwined with worship music, and how together they nurtured a ministry that sang its way into the hearts of churchgoers and soldiers alike. As we listen to Ken's poignant memories, we honor Lorinda’s legacy—an anointed voice that became a symbol of hope and healing, an echo of her vibrant spirit that lives on.

    Faced with the profound loss of his wife to cancer, Ken opens up about the trial of their faith, a journey that led him to find solace and strength in the scripture, much like the Apostle Paul. This episode tenderly celebrates Lorenda's life, her passion for Jesus, and the joy she spread so generously. Through music-filled tributes and stories shared by those she touched, we're invited to witness the power of community and faith in the face of grief. Our hearts reach out to anyone navigating the loss of a soulmate, offering a prayer and a shared space of remembrance and hope.

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    When Bill Downs from Saucier, Mississippi, opens up about the shattering loss from a drunk driving accident, the weight of his words carries a raw, transformative power. His compelling journey, marked by profound grief, anger at God, and eventual reconciliation with faith, is a testament to the human spirit's capacity to seek light amidst the darkest times. Joined by Dr. Andrew Farley, we explore the steadfastness of God's love and the path to healing that can begin with one pivotal moment of forgiveness.

    My own narrative intertwines with Bill's as we consider what it means to look at life through 'grace eyes' rather than 'religious eyes.' The transition from living in fear of condemnation to embracing the freedom and love offered by Jesus Christ is not just personal; it's a universal shift that can redefine your existence. Through my story, I invite you to reflect on the joy and liberation that come from laying down your burdens and opening your heart to the transformative power of grace.

    This episode isn't simply a collection of stories; it's a mosaic of hope, love, and the enduring presence of Jesus in our lives. Whether you're searching for meaning in the midst of loss, yearning to shed the shackles of religious expectations, or seeking a deeper, more authentic connection with your faith, our candid conversations aim to support and inspire. We encourage you to share your experiences, drawing strength from the resilience and love that bind us in our collective journey toward a life filled with purpose and divine guidance.

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    Join us as we sit side by side with Barry Lyons, a man whose story of triumph, downfall, and redemption is nothing short of a grand slam. Barry takes us through his journey from the diamond lights of major league baseball with the New York Mets to the dark nights of addiction. His candid recount of the high life that spiraled into substance abuse following his retirement and the wake of Hurricane Katrina is as humbling as it is powerful. His is a tale of a Christmas morning that marked rock bottom and the subsequent climb to recovery, fueled by renewed faith and a second chance at life.

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    "In my first episode of 2024, I will be sharing with you the significant experiences that have shaped my world. I will be highlighting the importance of faith in guiding one's pursuits. This episode is a testimony that it is never too late to follow your dreams and let Jesus lead you towards a life you never thought was possible."

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