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    The new moon marks the beginning of a brand new lunation – new moon to new moon – this cycle is also the container of the summer solstice - if you are in the northern hemisphere this is a time where we celebrate light, abundance and the radiant energy of the sun – seasonally we are in a time of high energy , fertility, growth and joy of course for those in the southern hemisphere this will be the winter solstice although regardless of location this new moon is an invitation to release what no longer serves and to embrace the positive charge of our life giving sun and Earths abundance – no matter where in the world you are this new moon is also inviting us to celebrate nature and remembering also that we too are a part of it – and that each and every one of us has our own cycles too.

    We are in a time where solar activity is extreme and this is inevitably going to effect not only the vibrations of the planet we inhabit but also our human bodies every layer on every level.

    This new moon also happens to be a new Venus – as the bodies of Venus , Sun and Moon all are at around 22 degrees at the time of the new moon –

    So Venus is on the far side of the sun at the time of the new moon - This makes Venus combust in astrology terms – which happens every 225 Earth days –

    The energy behind this new moons nakshatra is certainly about rising – the shakti or the special power of the stars behind this new moon and also the new Venus is the power of GROWTH. This is a time of progress and possibility , a time to advance and to reach levels never visited or experienced before.

    Venus gets a buzz from breaking tradition

    Right now she is hidden but remember that the most significant and creative moments emerge from the unseen ..

    If you don’t feel like you are getting any where remember the circles are really spirals and whilst it’s a difficult pill to swallow - sometimes Growth hurts.

    So if you are new to Vedic astrology as well as the 12 signs of the zodiac the moon and actually the planets too – travel through 27 lunar mansions – each associated to one or more stars.. these are the nakshatras - this new moon and new Venus happen to be in the nakshatra of Rohini – the birthstar of Lord Krishna himself.

    This has to be a special placement – this month has so much latent potential!

    Rohini is comprised of a bright star known in astronomy as Alpha Tauri or Aldeberan. Rohini is located in the constellation Taurus and in fact we do have a stellium – a grand line up of planets here in this sign at around the time of this new moon

    we can see six grahas – six bodies in space on the chart I have generated for the time of the new moon - all jammed into the sign of Sidereal Taurus – the bull – the prized bull – this is a sign of plenty – a sign of being on target – hitting the bulls eye - and reaping rewards for being on point – for celebrating our efforts– and enjoying and revelling in the process because its not all just about the prize but also to do with the experience

    At the time of the new moon we have Venus or Shukra, Moon - Chandra, Sun - Surya and Mercury Buddhi – all together in a magical rendezvous in the heart of the nakshatra Rohini

    The heart, the emotions, the soul and the intellect all coming together to form a creative expression in the favourite seat of the moon

    Rohini is to do with richness, the land – the sensual and the senses – when in his masculine form the moon, Chandra delights in Rohini as his favourite bride – this is a favourable fortunate placement and a good time to set intentions , good intentions for starting almost anything – especially if built on a foundation that is all for the love of it…

    #Rohininakshatra #Newmoon #Amavasya #June2024 #Taurus #Gemini #Growth #Siderealastrology #Vedicastrology #Venus #Venuscombust #moonmagic #Jyotish #moonastrology #Juneastrology #cosmicweather

  • http://www.bekibliss.com for your FREE sidereal birth chart

    Magic moon FULL musings and astrology for the MAY Full moon 2024.

    Lets talk about this full moons nakshatra .


    For those more familiar with the tropical western Zodiac the location of this nakshatra begins right at the tail end of scorpio at 27°06' and finishes at 10°26' of Tropical Sagittarius

    According to the Vedic calculations the zodiac is moving backwards along with the stars and therefore the Nakshatra Anuradha is located entirely in Scorpio : 3°20' - 16°40' Vrishchika

    Regardless of system when we talk about the nakshatras we are pointing at the same portion of skies and its just the coordinates that change

    For any astronmers out there Anuradha is composed of 3 stars in the Scorpius constellation : -Alpha, Delta and Pi. Scorpii. These form a straight line above the red giant Antares

    often referred to as the stars of success it is thought this asterism can bestow fame a recognition that develops through collaboration and joining together.. one simple translation of Anuradha - is Another Radha


    Is the Goddess of love, compassion and devotion

    it is no coincidence that Anuradha nakshatra is located Directly opposite Rohini the birthstar of Krishna – Radha Krishnas love is beyond convention

    These heavenly counterparts are really one

    Anuradha or Another love is an asterism that is to do with Waking up to what love really is

    Anuradha can also mean EVERYTHING is Radha

    And if Everything is Radha

    Everything is love

    This full moon is divinely connected to a group of stars that are to do with devotion, dedication and friendship although when the moon is enthroned in Sidereal Scorpio she is debilitated and so I feel this placement has the potential to bring up quite a lot of intensity and perhaps even dirt as difficult emotions are drawn to the surface – this is a cleansing and an opportunity to release whatever has been stuck for a long time

    This full moon will likely feel especially extreme for those with strong Scorpio or Taurus placements in their birth charts – have look in your sidereal chart if you have any planetary placements in these signs and also pay attention to the houses that contain Scorpio and Taurus in your natal chart because these placements will highlight a part of your life that is undergoing a profound and deep transformation… emotions heightened this can become a catalyst for deep healing as our attention is drawn towards unhealthy patterns and destructive attachments that may have once been mistaken for love… this is a potent full moon for transmuting negative forces and healing deep wounds

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  • http://www.bekibliss.com for your FREE sidereal birth chart
    If you’re new to Sidereal or Vedic astrology as well as the 12 zodiac signs the sky is further broken down into 27 smaller divisions   these are the lunar mansions – each is associated with one or more stars –  these are the Nakshatras… 
    In Sidereal or Vedic astrology  the zodiac itself is more or less aligned to the astronomical placement of the stars because the calculations account for the precession of the equinoxes .. meaning the signs  are moving backwards by a degree every 72 years
    All new moons mark the start of a new lunation-  new moon to new moon setting a precedence, a flavour really for the MOONTH… This May 2024 new moon takes place in the UK on Wed 8th at 04:22 in the morning. According to Indian tradition the new moon day is known as Amavasya. So on these days the moon doesn’t appear in the sky because the sun and moon are positioned on the same side of Earth -  there is nothing to illuminate the face of the moon at this time… the physical bodies of the sun and the moon are millions of miles apart however metaphysically the two energies merge as moon gives herself up and disappears into the sun - 
    when the two merge at the exact same degree this  technically becomes a dark moon –  this is not an eclipse because the orbit of the path of the moon is on an incline and so will be slightly too high or too low to block out the light of sun from our earthly point of view 
    this new moon merger will happen in the nakshatra Bharani. 
    In Sidereal Astrology Bharani is located at 13° 20′ – 26°40′ of Aries or Mesha - The RAM
    If you are more familiar with Western astrology then Bharani is situated : 9° 20′ – 22° 40′ of Tropical Taurus or Vrishabha – The BULL
    Regardless of zodiac system we are pointing at the same portion of skies when we speak of the nakhatras – astronomically speaking the associated stars are 35, 39, and 41Arietis which form a small triangle just in the Aries constellation 
    Bharani meaning the Bearer famously carries the iconography of the Yoni – this is the sexual and the reproductive anatomy of a woman  – embodying the cosmic womb of creation… this symbolism uncannily corresponds very well to the imagagry of the Rams head with the spiral horns which I spoke of probably a year or so ago in an older video. 
    The force of Bharani is feminine, fiery,primal,  untamable and arresting
    This force is the potency of the GODDESS
    The ancient deity behind this nakshatra is Yama –  for anyone who practices yoga you may well recognise this word from The yoga sutras of Patanjali – the yamas, in this context are the restraints, the areas in life that according to patanjalis yoga sutras require self discipline…and control… yama is the force of death itself – an energy so powerful it has the last say, a power that is beyond our limits – beyond human boundaries - the energy of Bharani is as weighty as the force that bears life and as serious as death 
    This is also a reminder, Life and death are two sides of the same coin existing  because of each other, each giving rise to the other
    There’s a maternal strength behind the power of this new moon’s nakshatra, this is a feminine force that is PURE and unfiltered and RAW. 
    This new moon and the energies and days surrounjng it are powerful for the conception of new ideas and electrifying for new beginnings as the old is released and a fresh exhilarating energy is stirred in to the collective cauldron.
    Yama – the restrainer reminds us that wishing on stars alone is never enough to realise our dreams and that it requires discipline and dedication on our part – whatever our desires may be we have to be serious enough to do whatever it takes. You never know you may even be met half way with a little bit of divine grace. 

  • http://www.bekibliss.com for your FREE Sidereal birth chart
    Vedic INSPIRED Astrology and MOON FULL insights

    This April full moon is a marker really that indicates the end of eclipse season – ripples of which I think will be heightened around the full moon – 🌝 eclipse energy is dripping with magic…and often brings about change as well as  remarkable surprises and the  unexpected…

    This full moon will be positioned in a portion of heavens that is to do with independence , intelligence and breaking away from the status quo  and is reflecting an energy of freedom, release and bursting through into something fresh and authentic…

    This full moon is encouraging us to feel into our own inner compass and be brave enough to follow the direction that it takes us in – even if that means deviating away from the familiar and moving and acting in a different way to what we are used to. 🪸

    One of the symbols behind Swati nakshatra is Coral – jewel of the seas created bit by bit as layer upon layer over centuries takes a new form.

    Just because radical changes don’t appear over night it doesn’t mean that a magical transformation isn’t happening – coral takes time to grow into its true magnificence 🤍

    The full April moon in Swati is a signpost, a reminder that we are about to be swept up in the winds of change. If things haven’t been moving for you - they soon will be. 😉✨

    This full moon in Swati is offering a full circle of Protection against any personal threats and battles  inside and out… sometimes symbolized by the sword - this Nakshatra is not about waging war. The mind is mightier than any weapon. This is a sword of truth that has the penetrating power of a divine intelligence ✨✨✨
    Moon-full insights based on the ancient Sidereal system and the Nakshatras! This system is remarkably ALIGNED to modern astronomy a gift from ANCIENT INDIA... mystical messages decoded from our real life star map!🌝✨🌞 #moonastrology #astrology #lunarmansions #wanderingstar
    #Swati #Fullmoon #Nakshatra #Conjunction #Siderealastrology #Individuation #Moonmagic #Vedicastrology #Astro #Magicofthemoon #fullmoon #uranus #JupiterUranus #Conjunction #Fullmoonastrology #Krittika #Initiation #yogaismorethanasana #Libra #Scorpio #Pisces #Jyotish #Prajapati #starwishes #Arcturus #Starpower #Fuelledbythemoon #Starjourney #Transformation

  • http://www.bekibliss.com For your FREE Sidereal birthchartEclipses are harbingers of change. It is undeniable that we are in slippery times… and both natural and man made forces are tipping us into precarious situations…This is a dynamic shake up A cosmic wake up callThis solar eclipse super new moon alongside Venus and outer planet Neptune in SIDEREAL Pisces is calling us to dive deep and invoke that divine protective goddess energy, she is like a divine ocean that will cocoon the world in a bubble of safety and security as we journey together across our little portion of the universe… The lunar mansion, of this new moon solar eclipse is Revati which is the final Nakshatra before the cycle begins again… THIS NAKSHATRA IS POSITIONED Sidereal: 16° 40′ – 30° Pisces or MeenaTropical: 12° 40′ – 26° Aries or Mesha Can you break the net of illusion that has been cast or are you too caught up in the details of it all?This new moon solar eclipse is an invitation to Acknowledge and process whatever comes up Allow whatever emerges to surface And then set it freeLets change channelAs we Ebb and flow on life’s journey Regardless of place, time belief or culture there is an underlying thread and a universal spirit rushing through us all.. all of us are connected by the very blood coursing our veins like rivers , by our very humanity.. by our own mortality AND divinity all at once… same essence .. different legends.The high spiritual frequency of Revati the nakshatra of this new moon and eclipse is empowering us The Shakti the power of Revati is nourishing and protective. The perfect environment for growthMoon-full insights based on the ancient Sidereal system and the Nakshatras! This system is remarkably aligned to modern astronomy... mystical messages decoded from our real life star map!

    #Newmoon #Jyotish #Ninenightsofthegoddess #Chaitra #Navratri #Astrology #Eclipse #Solareclipse #Aprilastrology #Pisces #Aries #Mercury #Saturn #Mars #Eclipse #Newcycle #Newyear #Durga #Cosmicweather #Cosmicupdate #Newmoonastrology #yogaismorethanasana #Siderealastrology #Revati #Vedicastrology #solareclipse #Newmoon #Revati #Navratri #Vedicastrology #Moonastrology #Cosmicweather

  • http://www.bekibliss.com for your FREE sidereal birth chart
    Mercury - karmic knots and the eclipse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBwEW...

    There are Secrets in the shadows. Eclipses are THE portal for change.
    What frequency are you holding ?

    This full moon will happen in the U.K. on Monday morning and so will appear just about full in the Sky on both the Sunday 24 and Monday 25 March

    This full moon and lunar eclipse also falls at the same day as the Indian celebrations of HOLI which is known as the festival of colours.. This is a jubilant celebration in honour of the light that is sure to expel darkness as well as the love of the divine masculine and feminine Radha and Krishna the ultimate pairing.

    It’s time to shed negativity and let go , to be free to embrace the love that surrounds us all.. for those in the northern hemisphere this is the initiation of springtime, the festivities welcoming in new life

    Whilst celebrated differently

    Echos of similar observances can be seen cross culturally around the time of the Equinox or just after .. these holy festivals, rituals and celebrations of course reflect the seasons too … if you are in the Southern hemisphere then traditions attached to the seasons will be in reverse

    Whilst legends , stories, practices and customs may be different in content
    There is an essence and a truth that stays the same . A universal theme that bubbles through all of us no matter where on earth we stand.

    This full moon when at 100 percent illumination will fall into the arms of Hasta Nakshatra. This lunar mansion corresponds to a group of stars which in astronomy are referred to as Alpha, Beta , Delta, Gamma and Epsilon Corvi

    Situated just below SPICA

    Completely in the constellation Virgo these FIVE stars represent the five digits on a hand..

    Regardless of your preference of zodiac system the nakshatras remain as they are it is just the coordinates that change but we are still talking about the same portion of space

    According to western zodiac calculations This asterism spans 6° – 19° 20′ of the Tropical sign of Libra
    The Vedic calculations which are more or less aligned with the stars themselves have Hastha entirely in the constellation of Virgo that is 10° – 23°20′ also known as Kanya in Sanskrit

    This full moon enthroned in sidereal Virgo is placed in a mercury ruled sign which signifies The mind
    Hastha represents the hand

    The hand is an extension of the heart
    Are you bowing your mind to yours?

    What are you holding??
    What are you giving?
    What are you receiving?
    What are you letting go of?

    What are you carrying in your hands and your heart?
    Whose hands are they really??

    Moon-full insights and reflections based on the ancient Sidereal system and the Nakshatras! This system is remarkably alighned to modern astronomy... mystical messages decoded from our real life star map!

    #Fullmoon #eclipse #Phalgunapurnima #penumbraleclipse #Virgo #Libra #Siderealastrology #Hastha #Uttaraphalguni #Lunarmansions #Nakshatra #Magicmoon #Siderealastrology #Vedicastrology #Yogaismorethanasana #Writtenbystars #Earthmagic #Eclipseportal #Eclipseenergy #Holi #Festivalofcolours #Lakshmi #Goddess #Scienceoflight #Jyotish #Lunarreflections #Mysteriesofthemoon

  • http://www.bekibliss.com for your FREE Sidereal Birthchart
    New moons  notoriously are a perfect time to rest…so if you do feel tired and heavy don’t fight it - allow yourself some space and quiet to recouperate. 
    This dark or new moon  especially is not a time for beginning anything –  this new moon is supercharged for finishing things off, for closure… and drawing a line in the sand – seasonally speaking in the northern hemisphere this is a final farewell, a last goodbye to winter before we cross into the light half of the year just after the equinox on the 20th  – there is always an alternative vista and for those in the Southern hemisphere the reverse is true… regardless of location, this new moon is to do with saying goodbye to what we know, to let go of all of it
    Theres an usual, enigmatic feel to this new moon – enthroned in one of 27 lunar mansions… this new moons portion of the heavens is connected to the constellation  known in astronomy as Pegasus – named after the winged horse from Ancient Greek myth
    Rising  unbeaten unbridled out of starry depths … 
    In Sanskrit this asterism is known as Purva Bhadrapada and is a part of a pair… 

    The Degree Range of this nakshatra is - 20° Aquarius - 3°20’ Pisces according to the sidereal zodiac 
    For those more familiar with the tropical signs…  this nakshatra begins at 14°07’ Pisces 27°27’ Pisces 
    Just as a side note both sets of coordinates point to the same portions of space – it is the signs of each system that no longer marry up as over the past 2000 years the two have separated by about 24 degrees as the Sidereal zodiac is slowly precessing backwards along with the stars themselves

    The literal meaning of Purva Bhadrapada mysteriously  means the former one with the lucky feet –
    One of the icons of this nakshatra is the front two legs of a funeral cot – (its counterpart uttara Bhadrapada of course represents the rear two legs)

    This strange iconography is signifying the start of a transition from one world to the next – whilst this may seem far from lucky and perhaps a little sad or macabre this image  is symbolic of those first baby steps taken towards freedom

    True freedom is not about sugar coating what we don’t like the look of… sometimes we need to face the reality and deal with what is truly going on

    The energies surrounding this new moon may feel a a little sorrowful, there may be some murky weighty feelings that come up possibly even triggering a sense of regret, Remorse or injustice . Some will experrince a strong sense of finality and endings. 
    The sign of Aquarius, the seat of this new moon is symbolized by a man pouring out a pitcher of water 
    Sacrifice your sadness to this new moon… give it up to a higher power– and allow it to all pour out if it needs to...
    This is the Detoxification
    The forces behind this March new moon suggests that this lunation is partly to do with rehabilitation and Cutting away from damaging thoughts, habits, toxic environments and poisonous people

    Remember the rule of ahimsa, non harm and Feel the gratification in Saying goodbye and good riddance if you need to, sometimes it’s ourselves that become or own worst enemies…
    Let go of what is no longer working
    Release what is hurting you 

    Thanks so much for listening
    Music by BluBonRelaXon from Pixabay

    #newmoon #Shivratri #Mahashivratri #Axismundi #Cosmictales #Vedicastrology #Siderealastrology #Energyupdate #Cosmicweather #Astrologyforecast #March #Nakshatra #Lunarmansions #Purvabhadrapada #Writteninthestars #Yogaismorethanasana #Twosidestoeverystory #Aquariusmoon #Heavenkissesearth #Aquarius #Pisces #OMNAMAHSHIVAYA

  • http://www.bekibliss.com for your FREE Sidereal birthchartJust as Surya the sun is the Lord of the zodiac Chandra, the moon reigns over the 27 lunar mansions – these are known as the nakshatras in Sanskrit. The moon spends around 24 hours divinely connected to each Nakshatra before moving on to the next…This magical moon will be held in a warm embrace with the Nakshatra Magha – the royal throne room - which correlates to the heart of lion – in astronomy this star is known as Regulus.This really is a regal, powerful placement – a wake up call - a royal assembly For those who are more familiar with the Tropical zodiac, you will find Magha at 26° Leo – 9°20 of the sign of Virgo According to the Sidereal Zodiac Magha nakstra completely lands in the constellation Leo the Lion or Simha in Sanskrit and is situated between 0°– 13°20' सिंह, “lion”Moon in Leo – this is conscious power This full moon day is revered and honoured in India and across the world and is known as Magha Purnima – this is a sacred observance where devotees partake in spiritual and ritualistic practices – this is a very special observance for Buddhists and is deemed to be an auspicious day to gather inner strength.The influence of Magha nakshatra is good for;Celebration, coronations. Weddings Ceremonies of any sort For honouring Ancestors and religious rites Delving into Genealogy Exploring Ancient wisdom and deep diving into history and research projects This is also an excellent time for upgrading equipment, gifting and donating, as well as making Settlements agreements and granting favoursBy some quirk of fate this mystical moon will be at 11 degrees and 11 arc minutes of Sidereal Leo when she is at her most illuminated…11:11If anyone else ever notices repeating numbers this is the big one!Do you believe in Synchronicities or mere coincidences?What if life itself is one great big meaningful coincidenceWhat does 11:11 mean to you?The Number of making wishes The number of spiritual awakening The number of angelic guidanceAnd connecting to our very deepest desires The number of becoming our very bestMoon in the heart of the Lion , at 11 degrees and 11 arc minutes is a Heart and mind and soul opening Moon-full insights INSPIRED by the ancient Sidereal system and the Nakshatras! This system is remarkably aligned to modern astronomy... mystical messages decoded from our real life star map!

  • http://www.bekibliss.com to download your free Sidereal birth chart

    This is a supercharged super new moon… pregnant with potential.
    February is a busy month cross culturally. We are at that in between point where just about anything could happen... energies are weighty but something fresh and exciting is about to be birthed!

    It's not necessarily going to be a picnic and there is still a sense of going over old ground however this new moon and the turn of the lunar new year of the WOOD DRAGON really is supercharged so set those intentions and weave those wishes wisely - then be prepared to get practical.

    This February new moon will be held in a magical hug in an asterism that forms the head of the dolphin in astronomy... these stars are known as Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta Delphini - in Sanskrit this asterism is known as Dhanistha nakshatra.

    Dhanistha is the bridge between Capricorn and Aquarius –the connective channel between Earth and Sky.

    The coordinates of Dhanistha are 23°20′ Sidereal Capricorn through 6°40′ Sidereal aquarius…

    If you observe or practice tropical astrology Dansihta is Situated at 17°27′ of Aquarius just over into Pisces at 0°47′

    Dhanistha is to do with generating wealth, success and beauty through effort, talent and practicality… this nakshatra is concerned with prosperity.
    Recognising and refining what we already have will help us to shine brilliantly like the stars we already are…

    The meaning of Dhanistha is many and can be translated to.. The most heard , the most famous or the wealthy .. although its literal translation means “steady sound… “
    Therefore this naksatra often is Symbolised by the flute or the drum

    Whilst the flute plays the melody
    The drum echoes the heart beat and the rhythm of the cosmos
    Are you in tune??? Meditative Magical Mantra 108 times 🦚 Om Sharavana Bhavaya Namaha 🌙 Strength, protection & abundance https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=euDMwkHbsPU&pp=ygUPbW9vbiBiZWtpIGJsaXNz

    Musings, reflections and new moon astrology inspired by the Sidereal system of Astrology and the Nakshatras the lunar mansions! This system is remarkably aligned to modern astronomy.. and a gift from ancient India! Mystical messages decoded from our real life star map!

    #yearofthedragon #Siderealastrology #newmoon #Newmoonastrology #Zodiac #Februaryforecast #astrology #moonmadness #moonmagic #astrology #lunarforecast #cosmicweather #Yogaismorethanasana #intentions #stars #Dhanista #healing #supernewmoon #Capricorn #Aquarius #planetaryalignments

  • www.bekibliss.com for your FREE sidereal birth chartIf you are in the UK the moon will reach her fullest at 5:55pm on Thursday 25th January … this full moon – also sometimes known as the WOLF moon coincides this year with the Scottish celebrations of Burns night marking the anniversary of the birth of internationally celebrated Scottish poet Robert Burns. In India this full moon marks the day of Paush Poornima - devotees will take part in rituals that involve fasting and bathing in lakes and rivers – a tradition that symbolises the cleansing of the spirit. Whilst practices, celebrations and observances will differ cross culturally this full moon is a time to reflect, to seek protection and to set magical intentions for the future as the light wins outThis January moon will be captivated in a divine embrace with a group of stars in the constellation of Cancer – known as Theta, Eta and Gamma Cancri – this asterism is known as Pushya nakshatra is Sanskrit This lunar mansion spans 3 degrees 20 to 16 degrees and 40 arc minutes of Sidereal Cancer or in Western astrology you will find this nakshatra at 27 degrees 27 arc minutes Cancer through to 10 degrees and 47 arc minutes of LeoThe ancient deity behind Pushya is Brihaspati –originator , master of sacred wisdom - divine teacher pouring out blessings of nourishment to help us to grow… the iconography of Pushya sometimes is portrayed as a blossoming flower a nod to the cycles of life and the healing restorative nectar available to all of us.. This is an auspicious moon for laying the foundations of fresh beginnings, for gatherings, for spiritual observances or for celebrations and for revelry, for activities that are creative and imaginative for dance, music and travel.. for financial planning, for seeking advice and guidance – for any activities at all that are nourishing and nurturing, taking care of pets, children, healing caring, cooking.. gardening… Moon-full insights based on the ancient Sidereal system and the Nakshatras! This system is remarkably alighned to modern astronomy... mystical messages decoded from our real life star map!#fullmoonastrology #pushya #burnsnight

  • http://www.bekibliss.com for a copy of your FREE sidereal birthchartThe new moon will occur on Thursday 11th January 2024 at 11:53 GMT.. This is time of potential and the energies surrounding us are filled with incentive The potentiality for Growth is written in the stars. Planting seeds of intention – the start of this year is to do with ideals and what we are aiming for…If you are in the northern hemisphere this is the first lunation of the lighter half of the year… The first new moon after the solstice marking a turning point as gradually the light wins out…New moons mark a moment to turn inward, for introspection and tranquil activities For some sacred Self care .. for nurturing.. Make some space to rest finding Tranquility and calm in the emptiness .. Take a moment to appreciate the void, the empty cauldron will soon become a sizzle pot filled with fresh ingredients… what new delicious creation is about to emerge ??The energies at play are gifting courage and love to keep moving forwards even when outcomes and destinations are not fully known. Moon-full insights based on the ancient Sidereal system and the Nakshatras! This new moon will be captured in a magical embrace with PURVA ASHADHA nakshatra, the undefeated! This MOONth trust that you will be granted the courage to keep moving forwards...things are about to snowball...This system is remarkably aligned to modern astronomy... mystical messages decoded from our real life star map!#newmoon #siderealastrology #vedicastrology #yogaismorethanasana #astrology #goddesspower #siderealastrology #moonmagic #energyupdate #2024 #moonmagic #sagittarius #capricorn #purvashada

  • http://www.bekibliss.com

    This year’s full cold moon on the 26th/ 27th December 2023 will be held in a magical embrace with a group of stars that correlate to the shoulder of Orion – if you look up to the moon when she is at her fullest with a telescope or an astronomy app you will find that her physical placement is just on the edges of Orion into the constellation Gemini… the main star of this asterism is red supergiant Betelgeuse – which …according to NASA is around 700 times the size of our life giving star the sun and 15 times bigger… often thought of as the heart of the celestial hunter this is the celestial Beacon of the Ancients occupying a chief role in several creation myths cross culturally… harbinger of change and transformation it is deeply significant that the first full moon following the solstice is connected with an asterism whose main star happens to be Betelgeuse. We are right in the middle of a swirling storm that is the becoming a fresh new creation

    In Sanskrit this asterism is known as Ardra Nakshatra spanning 6 degrees 40 arc minutes through to 20 degrees of Sidereal Gemini
    OR zero degrees and 26 arc minutes through to 13 degrees and 46 arc minutes of Tropical cancer…

    Ardra might be perceived as a shortened name of Arudra – (with the U missing) meaning the place of Rudra – Rudra being the ancient and androgenous god of storms and the original Shiva… deity of destruction Lord of the dance of creation and patron god of yoga

    The word ardra refers to becoming drenched – to moisture, to greenery and to fertility…

    Sometimes symbolised by a tear drop

    don’t be surprised if you are feeling moved, sad, overwhelmed , crushed.. broken even – quite possibly a deluge of conflicting and powerful emotions will flood your being around the time of the full moon… if you find yourelf shedding a few tears allow them to flow… know you are never alone and the storm will pass… this is the cleanisng and the refreshment that is needed for the creation of pastures new.

    This time of year we are reminded of the cycles of nature –beautiful and brutal creative and cruel

    The celebration of the solstice just past a reminder of the growth that happens in the darkness. Who ever said the Birthing process would be easy? Who ever sanitized this idea?

    New life requires blood… it is not always rainbows and roses…. The sweet mother births tender life through love and through sweat in agony and tears

    Its rough and turbulent
    It’s wild, ecstatic and untamed

    It’s stormy

    This is the pushing through

    The Darkest of the night is the place where the birthing process happens.. if you are experiencing a dark night of your own.. and it is my belief that we all face several of these throughout our own life times … remember that the darkest of moments occur just before we catch a glimpse of the light

    The dark is the very place where seeds of creation burst into explosions of life

    Rudra – the stormy destroyer is asking
    What needs to be demoloshed so you can finally make that breakthrough?? What ideas are you clinging to – what parts of yourself are you grasping onto that are preventing you from making the desired progress??
    What needs destroying forever? This is the tempest of transformation, the dark before the dawn

    My Moon-full insights are based on the ancient Sidereal system and the Nakshatras (and shares the same roots as Yoga and Ayurveda)! This system is remarkably aligned to modern astronomy... a timeless gift from Ancient India. Mystical messages decoded from our real life star map!

    #Fullmoon #moonastrology #Ardranakshatra #transformation #Jyotish #Vedicastrology #Siderealastrology #Venus #Mars #222 #Goddess #Kali #divinefeminine
    #galacticcentre #mythology #astrology #Inthestars #aligned #yogaismorethanasana #moonastrology #betelgeuse #Ancientknowledge #moonmagic #harmonise
    #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo

    JYESTHA means eldest, the highest… The captain, the boss…the very best even.

    This new moon can help you to plant some seeds of self reliance
    It might be that you are needed in a very practical way … Taking charge of the family or issues surrounding the family - taking on an important role .. This lunation is to do with respectability
    taking the lead and doing what needs to be done
    This could also be to do with self respect - taking the reigns of your own life and looking out for yourself by being your own number one

    The next few weeks may prove to be a testy time for some.. maybe this is in the form of family frictions . As communications of all kinds may feel somewhat amiss. Be mindful of this and perhaps seek clarity before responding…

    This lunation may be a time for some serious talks..
    This month amidst the celebrations we may well hit some turbulance… handling tempers…navigating charged emotions and situations where perhaps real feelings have been kept hidden and bubbling beneath the surface for a bit too long

    Beware too of jealousness and of anyone trying to steal your sparkle (and dont let your own perception of others take away any of your own joy either… things are never really quite as they seem)

    This month might also have you Working hard to settle legalities or disputes - Mercury retrograde might be the opportunity to try a new approach tackling issues with deeper wisdom and maturity and insight

    This lunation may be testy but it it is also very supportive of deep healing and also spiritual transformations

    Slow down during this new moon - clear some space for your self and go within.

    One of the symbols behind the nakshatra Jyestha is a protective talisman or Vishnus disc known as Sudarsan Chakra - offering protection, shelter from harm and divine intervention if it is needed.

    #vedicastrology #Newmoon #jyestha #winterastrology #jyotish #siderealastrology #Sidereal #astrology #nakshatra #darkmoon #magicalstars #Starmap #lunarmansions #Yogamoon #scienceoflight #moon #newmoon #darkmoon #beneaththestars #magic #realastrology #divinemoon #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #astrologyforecast #

  • http://www.bekibliss.comGalactic centre/ Sidereal astrology and musings inspired by the Nakshatras (the lunar mansions) this system of calculation is a gift from ancient IndiaThis moons placement in Rohini nakshatra is perfect for starting again, self improvement and personal and spiritual development, being in nature, travel and trade, romance, enjoying beautiful clothes and jewels and dealing with financial matters This is a comforting and loving inspiring full moonSoak up her radiance and revel in her glowIts time to trust in an inner guidance That is deep within. This is a mature wisdom – this full moon may light up the truth of a situation …Keep looking forwardIt may be the end of the chapter So allow some room for a new one to beginThis moon helps us to see in the darkLighting up the way even in the bleakest, stormiest of moments#fullmoonastrology #Rohini #Magicmoon #Yogaismorethanasana #Nakshatras #Aldeberan #Jyotish #Vedicastrology #Galacticcentre #Magicmoon #eyeofthebull #astrology #lunarmansions #Novemberfullmoon2023 #Darkmoon #Stormmoon

  • http://www.bekibliss.com
    If you take a look through an astronomy app you will find that the sun isn’t physically yet in the constellation of Scorpio and is indeed still in Libra constellation… this is because the sun centric calculations of western astrology don't account for the precession of the equinoxes - the constellations all are in fact moving back wards by 1 degree every 72 years…
    my reflections are inspired by Galactic centre or Sidereal astrology which is fixed to the stars .. 2000 years ago the two systems aligned but are gradually drifting apart . Sidereal astrology shares the same roots as Yoga and Ayurveda (A GIFT FROM ANCIENT INDIA! THANK YOU) this can get very deep, intricate and exact and can take several life times to learn … I am a forever student and I am barely scratching the surface

    Its been exhausting… we are in dark times on every levels in fact in the northern hemisphere we are in the literal darkest time of the year as we spiral towards the winter solstice..

    there is a lot going on and so in sync with the dark or new moon which takes place this Monday 13thNovember 2023 at 09:27 GMT it is a good time to rest and slow down… to take a breather

    I am recording this on the the day of Diwali the festival of light
    This is a Celebration of New life cycles and Abundance of the harvest … the traditional lighting of candles and lamps is symbolic of the victory of light over darkness… and the triumph of knowledge over ignorance

    This "moonth" its “Transformation time”, and you may well find a hidden strength and a burning flame within that you didn’t know you had…
    New moons are perfect for inner work… For Clearing up, for cleansing and intention setting

    As we just take a pause we recognise that as the dark nights close in on us we can mirror these cycles and explore our own inner space… the hidden realms
    Every month just by witnessing our cosmic counterpart
    The moon
    We are reminded of our own nature
    And of lifes infinite cycles…

    waxing and waning through her 8 phases the moon grows from new (Amavasya in sanskrit) to full (Poornima) and then back again full to new ...
    Listen up for some short and sweet sign by sign messages FOR THE ENTIRE ZODIAC this is for your VEDIC or SIDEREAL rising and/or moon signs and NOT your Western sun sign - Down load your free birth chart via my website http://www.bekibliss.com

    Thanks for listening!!

     #newmoon #Vishakha #astrology forecast #Diwali #teacherwithin #Starsofpurpose #sharethelight #jyotish #vedicastrology #findyourgalacticcentre #siderealastrology #yogaismorethanasana #jupiter #guru #brihaspati #signbysignastrology

  • http://www.bekibliss.com

    Maybe we are mesmerised by the moon because deep down we have a knowing that life would be not as we know it … if it were not for the moon

    Interwoven into many beliefs faiths and traditions across land sea and time ...The magic of the moonlight is not exclusive

    Maybe this Fascination is due to an instinctive recognition of her life serving potential…her many cycles a divine instrument, ancient yet cutting edge goddess-given technology for planting, for growing… Once-upon-a-time… as our ancestors began to settle to a life supported by agriculture rather than relying solely on hunting and gathering it was she – it was the moon that contained the wisdom and secrets of an abundant yield.

    Her intoxicating tonic her divine elixir is for everyone, spilling into every corner of every nation

    On the 28 October 2023

    A Partial lunar eclipse – the final eclipse of the year and full blood moon will grace the skies

    This Autumn full moon is said to hold incalculable amounts of healing and life giving power and nourishment… pouring out overwhelming amounts of the nectar of immortality – the divine tipple known in sanskrit as Amrita. It is said that on this night, when the moon is radiant and overflowing that the Goddess of abundance and wealth - Lakshmi pours out blessings of wealth and prosperity , it is also on this night that the eternal love of Krishna and Radha – sacred expressions of the masculine and feminine is celebrated… the unrivalled expression of divine union…this a soul connection – the ultimate pairing

    But this full moon is an eclipse…

    Can such an outpouring of abundance, healing, and restoration really be found in the shadows?


    Yoga is so much more than asana! Vedic astrology inspired reflections for the FULL BLOOD MOON AND PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE

    Thanks so much for listening - I hope you enjoy these recordings
    Please show me some love and support and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE.

    Om shanti - I wish you peace
    #Samhain #Bloodmooneclipse #Sharadpurnima

  • For a bit more about the energies behind this new moon eclipse have a listen to part ONE
    Download your FREE Vedic birth chart http://www.bekibliss.com
    The world may seem unpredictable and we are undoubtedly in for a few surprises however rest assured … a bit like the number 13, eclipses have received a bad rap and yes whilst we are in the midst of a massive shake up rest assured that a greater force is at play and a grander design is just beyond the horizon…

    The following forecast contains messages for all signs of the zodiac for the October to November lunation new moon to new moon 2023… although note that this transitional phase will not necessarily happen overnight … ripples of significant change that might well bring up a few challenges and unexpected plot twists continue as shadow planet Rahu the north node of the moon transits through gandanta, the karmic knot end of Aries and into the first few degrees of Pisces…right through to January 2024 when things will thankfully begin to settle and the dreams you are so hungry for begin to take on a new form.

    Remember this is based on Sidereal astrology which is different to western Tropical calculations – you are listening to a forecast for Vedic rising and moon signs and not Tropical sun signs.

    As the saying goes take whatever resonates and simply leave the rest .. there are always different perspectves and new levels in which to see, feel and experience the world…

    #astrologyforecast #newmoon #Chitra #Nakshatras
    #eclipse #Signbysign #Vedicastrology #Zodiac #OctoberForecast
    #eclipseportal #Ancientknowledge #moonmagic #harmonise
    #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo

  • http://www.bekibliss.com for a copy of your free birth chart

    Not sure if anyone has noticed.. it’s Friday 13th... and then the eclipse and new moon and then after this is a celebration known as “navratri” the 9 nights of the goddess according to Vedic tradition! Venus also has quite the royal position in Magha Nakshatra this lunation… I know this probably seems all a bit superstitious but I do love these “coincidences!” The number 13 is a goddess number and also… every 8 years the pattern of Venus and earth creates the shape of a five pointed star known as the rose of Venus… 8 PLUS 5 equals 13! Tada! 🪄
    There’s so much horror going on in the world and yet when I come across these things it gives me a kind of comfort ❤️✨ that we are only seeing a fraction and a tiny portion of something much much bigger ✨
    Friday 13th some-how became distorted into an unlucky date that we have been somehow been conditioned to fear, especially in the west… however its interesting as to why this might have happened when Friday is the day of Venus – a powerful day , a day of the divine feminine .Venus at the time of the eclipse will be enthroned in the royal seat of magha nakshatra an asterism that is sometimes symbolized by a royal thrown room… and corresponds to the heart of the lion, the star REGULUS further supporting the immensely powerful feminine forces at the heart of this entire lunationEvery 8 years the pattern created by the dance of Earth and Venus creates a five pointed star and as if by magic when we add 8 and 5 together we get the number 13. Coincidently - The number 13 is the approximate number of annual lunar cycles as well as the average number of menstrual cycles that a woman has per year. 13 multiplied by 28 equals 364 days… The number 13 signifies growth through difficult times, empowerment and magical transformation, with its strong vibration this is without a doubt the number of feminity of life, death and rebirth…The celebration of the 9 nights of the goddess reveres the feminine force in all her forms and guises… ‘Navratri’ is also a spiritual holiday to gift the mind the body and soul a much needed rest… this is a time of inner reflection and rejuvenation to bring everything in to a more balanced state as we head into the winter – the energies of the eclipse portal that coincide with this celebration are immensely supportive of any spiritual practices, rituals or ceremonies in a supercharged sort of a way. So back to the The eclipse itself.. this wont be seen everywhere although will be visible across most of America which is likely pre curser to some earth shattering and revolutionary shifts Whilst it is not considered to be auspicious to catch a glimpse of an eclipse it is not something we need to fear either… we can never predict outcomes when it comes to an eclipse and there is always a greater wider vision just a little bit beyond our current sightline…The eclipse is naturally a dark or new moon – usually a time where we go inward and rest for a while as we set fresh intentions for the next cycle… but this new moon also being an eclipse is casting shadows across areas of life we hadn’t noticed before…This is Deep stuff and a potent time for the exploration of our spiritual sides and deeper naturesThe Soul becomes covered Encircled in a Ring of fire 🔥 consumed in spirtual flames 🔥 What will arise From the ashes?#eclipse #newmoon #Chitra

    #ringoffire #transformation #Jyotish #Vedicastrology #Siderealastrology #Venus #Friday13th #Goddess #Navratri #divinefeminine #witchyways

    #Superstition #astrology #Inthestars #aligned #yogaismorethanasana #moonastrology #solareclipse #eclipseportal #Ancientknowledge #moonmagic #harmonise

    #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo

  • http://www.bekibliss.com for a FREE copy of your VEDIC or GALACTIC CENTRE birth chartMOON-FULLY meditative reflections inspired by VEDIC astrology... a gift from ancient India, plus ideas and simple suggestions for practices, crystals and how to work with the energies of the September full moon (or Harvest moon). This is the first full moon after the equinox which is also the final full moon before we head into eclipse season..This full moon marks the end of the Ganesha festival and the start of Pitru Paksha in India… this is a 16 day long stretch of time for honouring and remembering ancestors, this year falling on the 28 September through to 13th October taking us very close to the western Halloween , Samhain and All Saints’ Day celebrations There are in fact many similar traditions across the globe where different cultures celebrate and revere souls that once lived on Earth. We are on the edges of worlds… where winter kisses goodbye to summer… Beneath the full circle of the light of the moonIt’s time to let goTo trust in the flowLet the thoughts goEnter into the unknownI will later describe to you the practice of Ksepana mudra to let go of any stresses, release any unwanted negative energy and to free up some space for divine flow. By taking part in any practices suggested you agree you are responsible for your own health. (It is advisable to work with a qualified teacher if you are new to yoga. Always consult a medical professional if you have any health worries or concerns)Moon-full insights based on the ancient Sidereal system and the Nakshatras! This system is remarkably aligned to modern astronomy... mystical messages decoded from our real life star map!

    #yogamagic #Vedicastrology #Ksepanamudra #Pitrupaksha #Moonastrology #Harvestmoon #Uttarabhadrapada #Uttarabhadra #Lunarmansions #Nakshatras #lunarlove #Lunarlife #Mindfulmoon #Siderealastrology #Vedicastrology #Cinderellamoon #Pisces #Aries #Cosmicsnake #Ahibudhnya #Kundalini #changeofseasons #Moonmagic #yogaismorethanasana

  • http://www.bekibliss.com for your free birthchart

    This lunation begins with the Sun and moon enthroned on the fringes of Sidereal Leo at the Virgo end of the constellation together at 27 degrees 47 arc minutes, in an asterism that is known in Sanskrit as Uttara phalguni. This Nakshatra is sometimes symbolised as the back legs of a bed… and belongs to a pair… the other part of the pairing being Purva phalguni, depicted accordingly as the front legs of the bed… These two compliments together hold up a structure… a place of mutual support and a place to rest and revitalise… The final full moon before the March equinox earlier in the year happened to be held in Purva Phalguni (the front legs) and it is interesting that This new moon the last one before the Septemeber Equinox, is held in Uttara Phalguni (denoting the back legs) These two counterparts bookend this past 6 months... whatever has been going on this is the perfect closure as we… in the northern hemisphere transition in to the darker half of the year… take time beneath the energies of this new moon to heal, recuperate, to safeguard and protect yourself by gathering your strength.

    This Septemeber to October lunation is container for the equinox… where the light touches the dark…

    This is Of Equal portions, of balance – of fairness – of the laws of cosmos… and the unbreakable laws of life. The new moon might have melted into darkness and yet she travels light… it’s a good time to release and let go… What do you choose to take with you as you Cross into the unknown? This new moons lunar mansion – the nakshatra known as Uttara Phalguni correlates to a faint star known as 93 Leonis and a brighter star refered to as Beta Leonis.. or Denebola marking the tail end of the lion in the Leo constellation

    The lions tail.. the end of a tale

    The end of a story

    This lunation is carrying us over into new realms and territories

    This is where the page is turned. Perhaps you are about to write an entire new book…Or maybe you are returning back to what it was you set out to do in the first place.Harness the ferociousness and courage of the lion to finish what you started… release what has been holding you stuck and be spacious enough to realise that now might not be the time to go it alone…

    This moon phase is precursor not only to the Change of the seasons but also to changes of entire life phases… this new moon marks the ending of old structures…it is up to us to communicate what it is that we want… our sovereignty can be reclaimed if we collaborate and coordinate new arrangements of our own… it is up to us to communicate in an honorable way respecting that we might be standing in different positions, embracing that therefore our viewpoints won’t always look the same…

    #Endofanera #Vedicastrology #Uttaraphalguni #Nakshatra #Vedicastrology #Yogamoonastrology #Siderealastrology #Moonastrology #Leo #Virgo #Denebola #Writteninthestars #September2023 #Astrology