
  • On this special milestone 100th episode of Marketing Your Private Practice, I'm excited to share with you a lesson that I know has been critical to the success of so many of my clients, and myself.

    This lesson focuses on ONE action that is not hard to do, and which can bring insights and inspiration and help you grow your business.

    My goal when I started this podcast almost 2 years ago was to keep sharing the lessons that came out in my weekly newsletter that I started in 2009 but to add a dimension to it, so that folks who are interested in listening into more details, can do just that

    I thank you for your listenership and hope you enjoy today’s lesson along with a highlight of the top 5 downloaded lessons from the podcast from the previous 99 episodes.

    These episodes cover practical marketing tactics, including boosting your email list, improving email subject lines, optimizing lead generation, offline marketing strategies, and effective time management for marketing activities.

    Plus, I have a way you can win my Interactive Pricing Calculator to help you price your services and programs at a profit or a Quick Coaching Session…

    Be sure to listen in to learn, and find out how you can enter your name in that draw to win!

    Enjoy and I will as always, have links to access everything in the shownotes at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/100

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  • Are ready for some quick, easy advice that you can do immediately when it comes to your own marketing and content?

    Today’s lesson focuses on a marketing strategy that is one of the best ways to make your marketing easier. Easier to do. Easier to write.

    The advice… involves 4 simple words that will transform how you do your marketing and how you create your marketing content.

    It's all about making your message resonate with your audience in such a way that they feel you, and feel they know you. Two key factors when clients make a decision to work with someone whose expertise is the service they offer.

    Here's what you'll learn by tuning in:

    The four magical words that will simplify your marketing efforts and make your content creation so much easier!Why you MUST infuse your personality into your online marketing content, especially for practice owners and service providersTips for avoiding common pitfalls that can make your content feel impersonal.

    So, if you're ready to make your marketing easy and improve the results from it. Then hit that play button now.

    I shared a few resources in this episode and you can access them at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/99

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  • Are you struggling to connect with your ideal client through your website content and convert those visitors into sales? That’s what Colleen Sloan, a Registered Dietitian and Pediatric Physician Assistant wanted to know when she booked a free marketing review with me.

    Colleen has a business and podcast called Exam Room Nutrition where she offers resources that simplify nutrition for the busy medical professional, and with this, she also has a podcast. She was looking to attract more sponsors for her newsletter for her Exam Room Nutrition business.

    She knew her message needed a bit of fine-tuning to resonate better with people and that’s why she booked the marketing review.

    By listening in, you'll learn how to do the same for your business or practice with the key marketing advice I shared with her. We covered 3 main areas:

    Refine and Clarify your Marketing MessageCraft a Compelling Story on your Website Strategic Positioning of Website Content and CTAs

    Whether your marketing messages have a goal of acquiring new sponsors or those messages are to gain clients… the underlying foundations are the same for each.

    All your website visitors need to clearly ’get’ your message in order to take action on it.

    Be sure to check out this episode and learn how to increase your own sales (aka new clients) by improving your messaging, and how you can get a free marketing review too.

    All the details and how to connect with Collen Sloan are on our show notes page at - http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/98

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  • Are you struggling to get the word out about your services? To get more clients? People you can help with your skills and expertise?

    Many business owners face the same challenge - how to attract more clients?

    One tactic is ensuring you have a presence online where people are looking for help. And it’s not always on social media. Think about it. Where do you look for help? Most people click a search engine and type in a question.

    This is where people are looking and your social media posts are not what gets shown to them as a result, not nearly as much as website content.

    This is why focusing on some foundational marketing strategies is critical as part of your overall plans.

    This episode shares strategies you can use to get more traffic on your website and blog posts in particular. Even if you do not blog on a regular basis!!

    Website Traffic = Visitors = Leads = Clients.

    Listen to this episode to learn ways you can drive more traffic to your website and how cornerstone blogs play a part in this.

    The goal is to get you more traffic and visitors to your website, so you can turn them into clients.

    Listen in to learn more and you can access the resources mentioned on the show notes page at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/97

    Here is a direct link to the free stats tracking template as well: https://www.pepperitmarketing.com/freestats

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  • Are you ready to finally get some traction and traffic to your website?

    Especially traffic on those important blog posts you spend time writing. And specifically to those cornerstone blogs that you created to boost your visibility with search engines to get more traffic. Blogs that help showcase your expertise and how your services can be life-changing for clients.

    That is a primary role blogs play in your marketing plans… bringing traffic, leads and clients to your online door - your website - and they also help search engines understand what services you offer so they can send people to your online door too!

    In this episode, we look at the first 5 of 10 proven marketing strategies that will help you boost traffic on cornerstone blogs and even regular blogs.

    These strategies are designed specifically for private practice and service-based businesses to increase the visibility and traction of these blog posts and ultimately drive more traffic to your website.

    They are not complicated to do and fit easily into your regular marketing plans.

    The bonus??? They don't require hours of work or mean promoting your blogs in places your clients never ever visit!

    Be sure to listen to this episode to learn 5 of the 10 Marketing Strategies to get more traffic to your cornerstone blog posts. Traffic you can then convert into leads and clients!

    Next week part 2 will be out with the final list of 5 strategies.

    Click that play button now. You can access the resources mentioned in this episode on the show notes page at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/96

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  • Blogs help search engines find you and your business via your website. They also help people searching online for help… find you too.

    Cornerstone blog posts - ones designed to provide in-depth and valuable information that tend to get more traffic than even regular ones - well these are ones you must make time to enhance and optimize them so they can do even more for you!

    The last thing you want happening is using cornerstone blogs as part of your marketing plans, and having them become just articles to read versus an article that could turn that reader into a client.

    When you take the time to optimize and format your blog posts, especially a cornerstone blog post, that’s when the blogs start working for you 24-7, bringing in even more traffic and converting those readers and visitors into leads and clients.

    Be sure to listen to this episode to learn 5 Easy Steps to Optimize a Blog Post to Increase Traffic & Leads.

    You can access the resources mentioned on the show notes page at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/95

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  • Hosting an event or a Virtual Summit is a lot of work, the goal is always to get as many registrations as possible.

    But that won’t happen without marketing the event effectively so that you achieve your sales goal for registrations.

    Dr. Joyce Faraj-Ardrua was wondering this very thing… what could she do with the sales page for her EmpoweRD Summit to boost registrations?

    Joyce is a nutrition counseling coach who is hosting her second annual summit, called EmpoweRD, to help Dietitians and Health professionals improve their nutrition counseling skills.

    She booked a Free Marketing Review, and we focused on her sales page for the summit. I gave her some strategies and action steps to optimize the page to boost signups.

    The principles behind these strategies apply to any sales page, whether for an event like this or for services or a program.

    Be sure to listen to learn:

    Tactics to use on your main website to help promote your special event How the placement of the content on your page can attract more potential clients instead of having them make a quick exit from the website. When and where to highlight special offers like early bird specials. Why you MUST share the unique aspect of your offer so people clearly understand what makes it different from the competition. Ways to use videos on a sales page and YouTube to help you sell your events or services.

    Don’t skip this episode, you will learn 5 ways you can optimize your own sales pages to increase signups too.

    You can check out Joyce’s EmpoweRD Summit website and use that coupon code MAYDAY if you want to register and save $50 https://nutritioncounselingacademy.com/empowerd2024

    Find all the other resources mentioned at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/94

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  • Marketing can be a royal pain in the you-know-what. And Blogs? I know a lot of you simply do not blog and do not want to. You’re in the “Don’t even think about a blog with me!” group.

    But what if I told you that if you could take the time to put just ONE type of blog post on your website, even if you put it on a webpage rather than a blog post, it could do more to boost your marketing than you realize? And yes, it works even for non-bloggers!

    Interested? Well, this episode shares a marketing tactic related to content on your website in the form of a blog. The ONE type of blog post that you can use on your website that will help boost traffic, improve your search engine visibility and even help bring in more leads. The trifecta of things that often leads to more clients!

    And you can use this tactic even if you don’t normally do “blogs or blogging.”

    Listen to this episode and learn:

    The role and importance of this ONE type of blog post in your marketing strategy and plans. How using this type of blog content can help you boost traffic, SEO and leads - even from total strangers. What the topic of focus should be for your blog post, and why it’s so easy for most business owners to write it!

    Creating this type of blog post - even just one post - can bring you more traffic, more leads, and more clients for your practice or business.

    Best of all… it helps attract organic traffic from people who have no clue who you are. New leads!

    If you're ready to learn what this ONE type of blog post is… be sure to tune in to this episode.

    You can access the resources mentioned on the show notes page at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/93

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  • What do you do when your services have two types of ideal clients?

    Many practices and business owners struggle with effectively marketing the same offer to people who have different problems. Mackenzie Costron came to me for a free Marketing review with this very roadblock in her coaching business.

    She wanted to know, “How do I focus my marketing to offer the workshops to both individuals and organizations?” Her confusion comes from how she creates a PDF or marketing content about the workshops to share with people or market to these two different client types.

    To help Mackenzie get more results from marketing her two workshops to two different ideal clients, we focused on 3 main areas:

    Tailor the Marketing Messages to the client type and their specific problems. Simplify the Process to get started by booking a discovery call. Strategic Outreach & Networking to have multiple touchpoints online and offline.

    Listen in to learn the specific advice I offered Mackenzie to help her clarify her messaging so that the marketing she is doing; on her website, through marketing assets she creates and even networking online or in person is reaching the right people to build interest in the workshops and get people signing up.

    The strategies shared with her are very applicable to any business that offers some variation in the services it offers, especially when your offer helps different types of clients.

    You can access the resources mentioned on the show notes page at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/92

    Connect with Mackenzie online via her website - https://www.costronco.com/

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  • Getting testimonials from clients is great. It makes you feel good that you made a difference and an impact on your clients. But many practitioners and service providers overlook actually using those testimonials - the most powerful type of marketing content there is - in their marketing.

    This happens because their business plans lack a system for collecting and using testimonials in marketing - critical content that builds trust and encourages potential clients to take the next step. Testimonials are the voices of happy clients, and in their own words, you’ve got to be doing more than putting them on a page on your website.

    Here's what you'll learn by tuning in to this episode:

    The value of spontaneous and “in-the-moment” testimonials and ideas for using them in your marketing. Ways to be more consistent with gathering and using testimonials in your marketing and keeping it fresh and relevant.5 Tedsp to create your own system to request, collect, and use testimonials in your marketing; content that converts to clients!

    Remember, your clients' experiences and words are like a secret sales team, working tirelessly to tell others how great you are to work with! Don't let this valuable content slip through the cracks. Get ready to create a system that puts testimonials to work for your practice or business.

    You can also access the resources mentioned on the show notes page at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/91

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  • If you’re tired of marketing strategies that don't seem to bring in a steady stream of new clients … then let’s try something new. Something that is sitting right in front of you, but that is not always obvious in the many ways to use it in your marketing.

    Client Testimonials.

    These are a treasure trove of marketing gold many practice and business owners overlook in two ways:

    How valuable this is as marketing content All the various ways to use them beyond …. putting them on your website.

    These personal endorsements from clients are more than just kind words; they're powerful tools for marketing your private practice and can sway potential clients to choose your services.

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to make the most of the testimonials you've already collected and how to showcase them in ways that resonate with your audience and encourage them to take the next step.

    You’ll also understand why it is so important to be gathering these on a regular basis.

    Listen in to discover how you can develop a plan for using testimonials to transform those kind words into a stronger client base for your business.

    You can also access the resources mentioned on the show notes page at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/90

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  • Many private practice and service-based businesses struggle with the common problem of not enough people booking consults, leading to an unpredictable flow of new clients.

    It's a frustrating situation, but if you can ensure that you have a system for booking those consults that is fast and easy and gets people in your calendar to talk with you, that problem can disappear!

    In this episode of the podcast, we continue on with steps 4 and 5 on how to optimize your online booking system.

    It’s all about ways to streamline your booking process for consults and discovery calls so that you get more booked and have more potential leads for new clients.

    Here's what you'll learn by tuning in:

    Manage Your Time & Your Availability to prevent last-minute Calendar Chaos. Take Control of Your Calendar with appointment caps and time blocks, so you're always ready and at your best for potential clients.The Secret of the Shadow Calendar that keeps your availability clear and your stress levels low.

    By implementing these steps along with steps 1 to 3 in part one of this lesson (episode 88), you'll make it easier for people to book with you and for you to manage your appointments without the headache.

    Get ready to say Goodbye to the endless back-and-forth games of email tag and Hello to a more organized, client-friendly approach to booking discovery calls. And MORE of them too!

    Be sure to check out this episode and get started on optimizing your online booking process and get more people booking calls with you - and even more critical - showing up for them!

    You can also access the resources mentioned on the show notes page at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/89

    If you want to book your own Free Marketing Review - click here and sign up - https://www.pepperitmarketing.com/review

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  • Many private practices and service-based businesses struggle with a common issue: not enough folks booking those all-important consults and discovery calls.

    These calls are often the first step to bringing in new clients, but if the booking process is a hassle and clunky for those prospects, you could be missing out on paying clients!

    Too often, I see booking processes that are literally blocking people from getting on your calendar—no one wants that!

    In this episode, you’ll learn how you can make simple changes that lead to more people booking discovery calls, which will lead to more clients, too!

    Listen in to learn:

    How to avoid the #1 mistake blocking people from booking consults. Why a manual booking process for consults can be the worst thing to do for your business.Steps to Optimize your Online Booking System so that more people are booking discovery calls and consults.

    Be sure to check out this episode and get started on optimizing your online booking process and get more people booking calls with you - and even more critical - showing up for them!

    We’ve got a few resources you can download on the show notes page at marketingyourprivatepractice.com/88

    If you want to book your own Free Marketing Review - click here and sign up - https://www.pepperitmarketing.com/review

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  • Websites are an essential tool for private practice owners and service-based businesses, but many cannot get past the fear and tech challenges in getting their website up and running.

    In this episode, Kathy C talks with long-time friend and mentor Tawnya Sutherland about the many mistakes people make when starting a website and how the best path is simplicity. And how getting a website up can be done a lot easier than most realize.

    Your website doesn’t need to be complicated or 1000% perfect, but it does need to be live and working! There are options to get them up and running that won’t break the bank—or your sanity—when you struggle to set it up yourself.

    Your website is always a work in progress, and it's more important to have a functional online presence than to wait for a perfect site. Tawnya offers many tips to do and not do, along with a solution she has with template website designs specifically for service providers. Designs that can be customized with the business's branding, allowing for a quick and efficient setup.

    They also talk about some of the technical aspects of website management, such as the importance of keeping plugins and themes updated to prevent security breaches.

    Your website is the foundation of all online marketing efforts. Without it, marketing strategies may fall short, but the main plan is to get that website up and running so it starts working now and can grow with you as you grow too!

    Be sure to check out all the links and resources mentioned by Kathy & Tawnya check out the show notes page at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/87

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  • There are 3 very common problems Private Practice and Business owners face when marketing their businesses.

    Spending too much time on marketing.Not knowing where to focus when it comes to the content topic and publishing it online The content creation itself. What do you even use as marketing content???

    These roadblocks can stall the growth of your business and hold you back from getting clients - heck, it can hold you back from just getting the small things done every day. They often lead to so much frustration and a sense of waste that people give up on it all.

    Giving up is not the answer… The fear of not having anything worthwhile to say, mixed with a lack of strategic planning, can easily leave you feeling stuck and overwhelmed.

    So what can you do?

    Well, the best piece of advice I have is to use a tool that can help you overcome those roadblocks so you turn into one of those biz owners who just get their marketing done, who make it seem effortless and get more traffic, leads and clients from it - what the marketing is supposed to do.

    It all starts with…. The topic of this episode today, using a tool that helps with your marketing planning and helps you overcome these 3 blocks! A Content Planner.

    STOP! Don’t quit here… Please do NOT dismiss this as something that will not help you. Have an open mind and check out how a planner with some specific elements in it (12 in fact) can help you, It’s something I’ve helped people use for the past 15 years, and it does change everything!

    I’m sharing all sorts of resources on this episode. So be sure to check out the show notes page at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/86

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  • In this episode of "Marketing Your Private Practice with Kathy C we are talking with Leah Carey, a Sex and Intimacy coach and host of the Good Girls Talk About Sex podcast

    Leah booked a marketing review to discuss her lead magnet which is a quiz. She wanted to be sure it was set up as effectively as possible.

    To help Leah improve and optimize the lead magnet funnel and get more signups, we focused on 3 main areas:

    Quiz design - to ensure it is what your ideal client wantsTechnical setup of Leah's lead generation funnelUsing direct calls to action for her coaching services to convert leads into clients

    Listen in to learn what advice Kathy has to help Leah get the most results possible from her lead magnet quiz and bring in more coaching clients by optimizing her lead generation funnel and all the messaging in it.

    You can get the resources on our show notes page at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/85

    Be sure to check out Leah’s podcast Good Girls Talk About Sex podcast on her website https://www.leahcarey.com and if you want to know who your sex and relationship alter ego is definitely go to her quiz page!

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  • Promise me … you will not create one more piece of marketing content with AI until you’ve listened to this episode.

    So many practice and business owners are turning to AI to streamline their marketing efforts, aiming to save time and increase efficiency.

    What most don’t realize is that this solution is creating a new problem: the loss of uniqueness in your marketing and worse, the loss of YOU! The expert people want to hire.

    They don‘t want to hire a perfect BOT, they want YOU. A real person who helps them with their real problems and brings about real solutions.

    The overuse of terms like "Unlock your potential" and "Maximize your results" has become the norm, causing many businesses to look like and feel like everyone else, as opposed to showcasing their uniqueness!

    Do not go there! Promise me … you will not create one more piece of content with AI until you’ve listened to this episode. I want you to know how to keep your content from being just another face in the online crowd.

    Listen in to discover:

    Why you MUST Avoid Overused Phrases that AI will give youHow to Incorporate the Real 'You' in Your Marketing ContentWhy Google doesn’t want you using AI in your Marketing Content

    If you want your marketing to help you stand out and connect with clients, and even have Google loving what they find on your website, then be sure to listen in for all the details.

    Make sure that your Marketing Content Stays True to YOU - even if you are using AI to help create it!

    You can get all the resources mentioned - including the special “Don’t You Dare” prompt phrase on our show notes page at - http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/84

    Remember to send me a quick voice message online about your thoughts on the phrase Private Practice Heroes at https://www.speakpipe.com/kathyc

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  • Are you struggling to attract enough clients and generate leads through your website? You're not alone in this - many practice and business owners feel the same.

    Yet what Kathy C often finds is that these businesses are overlooking what 3 particular website pages can do to help them get more leads and clients - the two things you need to grow your practice or business.

    They are actually powerhouse pages when it comes to converting more website visitors into clients, but folks underestimate the role they play.

    When you don’t have these 3 pages on your website, you are missing out on key opportunities to convert website visitors into clients.

    Listen in to learn what these 3 critical yet often underestimated website pages are and how they can help you grow your business!

    You can also check out the show notes for links to all the resources mentioned at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/83

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  • Is your quest for a perfect website holding you back?

    One of the biggest pitfalls I see practice and business owners do that holds them back from getting clients is waiting for that perfect website or sales page before they make it live!

    The next biggest pitfall is folks thinking that because they get most clients from referrals, they don’t need to worry about their website. Also a pitfall!

    Because even people referred to you will expect to see a website and will want to check you out.

    All you need are the 5 core website pages and messages to help attract clients and spark the growth of your business.

    Those website pages need content and a message that works right now so people know who you are, how you help, and what solution you can offer them. That’s it. You can perfect them over time - and will! We all make changes on our website over time because it’s a natural progression as you grow that business.

    Stop waiting for the day your website is perfect and get it out there! Because even people referred to you will expect to see a website and will want to check you out.

    Tune in to this episode of the podcast for actionable advice on the 5 Core Website pages you need to attract new clients so you can grow your business.

    Remember, your website is your silent ambassador; make it effective, not perfect.

    Check out the show notes for links to all the resources mentioned at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/82, including where you can book a Free Website Review with Kathy C

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  • Are you struggling to convert website visitors into clients? You could be missing the ONE element 95% of folks I do website reviews for are missing too!

    Something that means potential leads and clients are slipping through the cracks, which results in missed opportunities and lost revenue for your practice or business.

    I will say, if this is you, you're not alone. Many private practice and service-based business owners face the challenge of effectively guiding website visitors toward the next steps and ensuring they can convert those website visitors into leads and clients.

    In this episode, Kathy C shares the details of this critical element that is often overlooked when practice and business owners create their websites.

    Listen in as she shares a real-world example of how this element affects sales in real life and how to translate that into the online world.

    She emphasizes the pivotal role this ONE thing plays in guiding your website visitors through a journey that helps them make the decision to reach out to you for help!

    Learn how you can prompt them to take action, whether it's scheduling a consultation, learning more about services, or engaging further with your website and how this affects whether or not someone will reach out to you.

    Turn in to gain valuable strategies and actionable steps to enhance your website's effectiveness in converting potential leads into clients. You can ensure that no potential lead is left behind.

    To access the full episode transcript and additional resources mentioned, visit the show notes page at http://marketingyourprivatepractice.com/81

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