
  • Do you repel people? Are you being offensive, pushing too hard, or saying the wrong things? As I interview prospects who have said no, the responses I get are interesting. They told you it was too expensive, and they toldl me I did not trust them. Statistics show that this is happening to you.

    Let’s get into some of these complaints and things you could be doing that repels the people you are contacting. What are those common persuasion mistakes, and sales blunders costing you money?

    Why Some Decisions Feel Right While Others Don’t

    These mistakes are silent influence killers. Most people will never say anything to you that will alert you to the fact they are feeling this way. They are more comfortable lying to you—so they don't hurt your feelings. They walk away and simply never deal with you again. The challenge is you don’t even know you are doing these blunders.

    Join me for this week’s podcast as I discuss all the mistakes you could be making, and how to fix them.

  • Who's the better persuader? Is it the lively Extroverts thriving on social energy? Or maybe the contemplative Introverts harnessing the power of introspection? Could it be the versatile Ambiverts, navigating seamlessly between both worlds? Or perhaps the enigmatic Omniverts, fluctuating between the extremes?

    Rethinking the Extraverted Sales Ideal - The Ambivert Advantage

    Think about it - your vote might align with your personality trait. If you're an introvert, you might swear by the subtle power of quiet persuasion, while extroverts might champion the bold approach of their outgoing nature. We break down all the details all this weeks all-new episode!

    PS don't forget to claim your deal of the week!

    Lifetime membership to Gold Influence University- CLICK HERE

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  • Twenty years ago, a team led by Giacomo Rizzolatti at the University of Parma in Italy made a radical discovery: mirror neurons. These specialized brain cells were found in Macaque Monkeys and would activate when the monkey performed an action and when it observed another monkey performing the same action.

    Mere agreement A similarity-based persuasion mechanism

    You can create more engaging, relatable, and persuasive sales interactions by understanding and using mirror neurons. Want to discover additional ways to get your prospect’s mirror neurons to fire on command? Join me for this week’s podcast on Use Mirror Neurons To Influence Without Detection. I will take a deep dive in the science and application of mirror neurons.

    Click HERE to get your FREE Presentation IQ...see where you rank!

  • Recognizing manipulation can be easy to identify - if you know the signs. Listen to this episode too learn about some indicators that may indicate you are being manipulated.

    More feelings of misinformation more news avoidance fake new

    So, how do you know if you are being manipulated? Why do people manipulate? How do you handle a manipulator? Join me for this week’s podcast on Are You A Master Manipulator?

    What is your Presentaion IQ? Find out HERE for FREE

  • There is a big difference between a genuine question of concern and an “I’m done with you” objection. Is it a sign of interest or resistance? That is the key question. When your prospect presents every objection in the book, such outright resistance should be a red flag to you.

    In other words, you are probably going down the wrong road by not properly reading your prospect. What this person is really saying is: “Go away. I have heard enough. I don’t see where or how this can help me.” Great persuaders will always have fewer objections to handle than old-style persuaders will.

    Dan Ariely - Predictably Irrational

    This is just one false claim of the fake news of persuasion and sales. You are taught the wrong things about accepting and handling objections. There are three other huge components to the incorrect information you are getting about influencing others.

    Join me for this week’s podcast on The Fake News of Persuasion And Sales. Discover the other 3 things you have heard that hurt your ability to sell and persuade.

    When you can understand how your mind really works you can harness its unlimited power.

    With these audios, you will be able to achieve all your goals, dreams and desires.

    CLICK HERE for this week's deal

  • Using meteoropathy (weather sensitivity) as a sales tool involves understanding and leveraging the impact of weather on individuals' moods, behaviors, and purchasing decisions.

    Moods affect our thinking, judgment, and willingness to say yes. When the person you are trying to persuade is in a good mood, they are more likely to accept your offer. The opposite is also true. If they're not in a good mood, chances are much higher they won't bite. This is a huge advantage to you when it comes to persuasion.

    Weather Can Affect Your Mood — but How?

    Why We Remember What We Remember

    Not everyone is affected by the weather, however every influence tool you can implement to get your prospect in a good mood - changes the game. Mood matters. Learn to be aware on how to pivot and adjust your persuasive presentation.

    Join me for this week’s podcast on How Weather Affects Your Prospect’s Mood and Buying Desire - Using Meteoropathy. Discover new tools for adjusting to the weather and mood.

    Claim this week BONUS here

  • Voice plays a critical role in influence.[i] How we say the words we choose is just as important as the words themselves. Our voice is a powerful instrument that can motivate the troops or lull them to sleep. There is a vast difference between presenting and persuading, informing and influencing, and communicating and convincing.

    How the voice persuades

    What are the other areas of vocal variety or paralinguistics? There still is another 3 critical areas of adapting your voice to become more persuasive.

    Join me for this week’s podcast on How To Adjust Your Voice For Maximum Influence. Discover the ways to get your voice to persuade with power.

    Dont forget to claim this weeks free bonus by clicking here

  • Dealing with a manager who won’t give you the time of day and is distant can be challenging, but there are always tools you can use to improve the situation and create a more positive working relationship. On this episdode we will discuss some techniques to consider.

    Rethinking Groupthink

    It's important to remember that you may not be able to change your manager's behavior immediately, but you can control how you respond to it. Sometimes, we can’t control a prospect who is resistant, a resistant manager, or a customer who is being indifferent. How can you melt that frigid, cold ice of resistance from these people you interact with daily?

    Join me for this week’s podcast on Melting the ICE of Resistance. Discover other ways to turn up the heat and melt the ice to enjoy harmony and assistance.


    Can You Captivate and Close with Charisma?

    Do You Ever Wonder How Some People Can Persuade And Motivate On Command?

    Just because you can create a PowerPoint does not mean you know how to communicate, inspire and present. Sure, you can give a presentation, and no one leaves the room; it doesn’t say anything negative, but did you have charisma? Did you influence them to your point of view?

    I know you have seen someone who can captivate their speaking and presentation skills. From the moment they start to the minute they finish, you have been captivated, mesmerized, and in tune to their message. On the flip side, you have been bored out of your mind. The presentation dragged on, you wanted to sleep, and it sucked the life right out of you.

    How would you describe your presentation skills? Charismatic people have excellent communication skills that captivate, inspire, and rivet the audience. They can articulate their vision and make it come alive in the audience’s mind. It is like listening to a movie. They have created a mental picture so strong that it feels natural.

    Take a quick Presentation IQ assessment. Let’s identify how to take your presentation and influence skills to the next level. You will also receive my Perfect Persuasion Presentation template and video training to help out with my research.


  • It is no secret that the easiest person to influence is someone referred or recommended to you or your company. The reality is that most of your business sales should be based on referrals. Here are the 3 best ways to get your prospect to want to give you referrals. Listen to this episode to hear some of the top reasons.

    The Energizing Effect of Humor

    You can create a positive experience for your customers by encouraging them to share information about their networks, and give you more recommendations. Discover 7 other additional ways to increase referrals for your business.

    Join me for this week’s podcast on Proven Ways To Get More Unlimited Referrals - Without Asking. You will discover how to become a referral-based business.


    Lifetime membership to Gold Influence University

    Save 65%

    Why Do 3% Make 97% of The Money?

    Warning: Influence University is the most complete and comprehensive course I have ever released. This system is USUALLY reserved for my advanced coaching students. This online University will reveal cutting-edge influence techniques that will increase your income and enable you to persuade on command.

    Influence University is the difference between knowing what you want– and getting it, anytime, anyplace, from anybody. Create unimaginable wealth, transform your career, and close more sales. Influence University is the first and only website to combine scientific research, persuasion software, training videos, downloadable audios, and proven exercises.

    You will discover these life-changing skills

    Discover the top10 traits of charisma persuaders

    Understand exactly what your audience is thinking and feeling

    How to know what form of charisma to use to get a yes

    Where do your skills rank in the world of persuasion and influence

    Blunders that you are doing that cause persuasion resistance

    Create a psychological edge over your prospect

    Top 10 blunders that are costing you money

    Create instant rapport that causes your prospect to open up

    Everything you need to know before you persuade

    4 proven techniques that cause prospects to convince themselves

    More Info

    Buy Now

  • AI (Artificial Intelligence )has the potential to revolutionize the sales process and provide numerous benefits to salespeople. A new study found the AI can persuade a salesperson by almost 82 percent!

    9 Tips To Improve Your Concentration

    This study conducted by Swiss and Italian academics revealed that OpenAI’s GPT demonstrates higher persuasive capabilities in debates compared to humans.

    Chewing Gum: Cognitive Performance, Mood, Well-Being, and Associated Physiology

    By leveraging AI tools to automate routine tasks, analyze data, and provide personalized messaging, salespeople can increase efficiency, improve customer service, and ultimately close more deals.

    GPT-4 Outperforms Humans in Persuasion by 82% in This New Study

    Discover on this week’s podcast on How AI Is Out Persuading Sales People And How To Maximize For Influence additional details on the future of AI in persuasion and how to leverage this new technology to persuade with power. I will also take a deep dive into the good, the bad, and the ugly of using AI.


    Lifetime membership to Gold Influence University

    Influence University is the difference between knowing what you want– and getting it, anytime, anyplace, from anybody. Create unimaginable wealth, transform your career, and close more sales.

    Save 65% HERE

  • Using metaphors in persuasion can help create vivid mental images, evoke emotions, and make your message more memorable and persuasive. Stories are always the best, but the next best thing is a good metaphor. Facts and figures light up 2 parts of the brain; metaphors can light up 4 parts. That is double the impact of the statistics you are using.

    To Grasp Metaphors, Our Brains Get Touchy-Feely

    Metaphors are influential because they enhance understanding, evoke emotions, and persuade below the radar. Join me for this week’s podcast on Metaphor Magic – The Unknown Persuasion Tool. Discover how to create, use, and persuade using metaphors in your next presentation.


    Lifetime membership to Gold Influence University

    Save 65% for a limited time only

    Why Do 3% Make 97% of The Money?

    Warning: Influence University is the most complete and comprehensive course I have ever released. This system is USUALLY reserved for my advanced coaching students. This online University will reveal cutting-edge influence techniques that will increase your income and enable you to persuade on command.

    Influence University is the difference between knowing what you want– and getting it, anytime, anyplace, from anybody. Create unimaginable wealth, transform your career, and close more sales. Influence University is the first and only website to combine scientific research, persuasion software, training videos, downloadable audios, and proven exercises.

    You will discover these life-changing skills

    -Discover the top10 traits of charisma persuaders

    -Understand exactly what your audience is thinking and feeling

    -How to know what form of charisma to use to get a yes

    -Where do your skills rank in the world of persuasion and influence

    -Blunders that you are doing that cause persuasion resistance

    -Create a psychological edge over your prospect

    -Top 10 blunders that are costing you money

    -Create instant rapport that causes your prospect to open up

    -Everything you need to know before you persuad

    -4 proven techniques that cause prospects to convince themselves

    More Info

    Buy Now

  • The Law of Verbal Packaging states that the more skillful a person is in the use of language, the more persuasive they will be. We persuade people based on the words we use. Words affect our perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, and emotions. The words we use in persuasion make all the difference in the world.

    Lack of focus doesn’t equal lack of intelligence — it’s proof of an intricate brain

    Join me for this week’s podcast on Using Words To Read Your Prospect And Adapt Your Persuasive Presentation. Discover words that repel and words that attract your prospect. I will reveal ways to read people based on the words they use and how to adapt your persuasive presentations.

    Do you know these 4 proven techniques that cause prospects to convince themselves?

    Learn these and MUCH more with a LIFETIME membership to INFLUENCE UNIVERRSITY for the same price as a year. CLAIM your offer HERE.

  • Hopefully, you have seen the Seinfeld episode about the Soup Nazi. Although the character in the show (modeled after a real person) is exaggerated for comedic effect, you could use a few techniques to influence. Here are some potential strategies you could use from the Soup Nazi character on Seinfeld to persuade and influence.

    The Anchoring Effect and How it Can Impact Your Negotiation

    The key is not to offend your prospect, but to adapt these strategies that create value and a positive experience. Want to learn more about how to have more confidence, create a better customer experience and sell like the Soup Nazi? Discover techniques that will increase your influence. Join me for this week’s podcast on Offensive Selling Techniques That Work – Soup Nazi Style.

    CLAIM your deal of the week below!

    Influence University is the first and only website to combine scientific research, persuasion software, training videos, downloadable audios, and proven exercises.


  • When you engage people in your message, objections are bound to arise. But fear not! Your ability to handle objections directly links to how deeply people connect with your words. Mastering the art of handling objections isn't just a skill – it's the key to becoming an unstoppable force of persuasion!

    Selling Kids On Veggies When Rules Like Clean Your Plate Fail vegetable

    As you embark on your journey to becoming a Power Persuader, you'll come to embrace objections as opportunities. Why? Because objections signify interest and attention. They're your audience's way of saying, "I'm listening, and I want to know more!" Now you know the game has begun.

    Want to know what has changed in persuasion and sales? How you solve objections is not different. Join me for this week’s podcast on The New Psychology of Objections. You will discover the key ways to presolve objections and how to adapt to the new prospect.

    Click HERE to claim your OFFER OF THE WEEK

  • Using guilt and shame is fast and easy. They could be doing it both consciously and unconsciously. Sometimes it is the only tool they know how to use. It could backfire on them, but can we use guilt and shame to persuade ethically. The answer may surprise you – YES you can.

    Shame: The Quintessential Emotion

    Guilt vs. Shame: How Are They Different

    It's essential to recognize that the use of guilt and shame as persuasive tactics can have negative consequences, including emotional harm, strained relationships, and erosion of trust. What is the difference between shame and guilt? Why do psychologists consider guilt as positive and shame as negative? How can we ethically use guilt to quickly and effectively persuade others? Join me for this week’s podcast on How Shame And Guilt Can Quickly Persuade.

    Claim my Millionaire Psychology Cyber Deal

  • Prejudging is one of the most devastating mistakes you can make because you really cannot judge a book by its cover. Many, many times, we find that the people who seem to be the least likely candidates are the ones who become a big part of your business.

    Join me for this week’s podcast #500 with Freebies and fun stuff. This podcast will focus on The 10 Hottest Influence Tools For 2024. Get the latest research, studies and statistics on the new secrets of persuasion.

    Power Of Charisma Audios

  • Why Your Last Audience Said You Were Boring. Many factors can contribute to boredom and disinterest during a presentation.

    Avoid the blunders by creating content that is relevant and engaging Deliver the presentation with enthusiasm and incorporating visual aids. Be aware of the audience's needs and encourage interaction with the audience.

    Join me for this week’s podcast on Edutainment, Engagement, and Energy. You will discover that there is no such thing as a boring topic, only a boring presenter. Learn how to be more dynamic, charismatic, and engaging for your next presentation.

    Do you have charisma? Do you have have what it takes to be successful in life?

    Take your free Charisma IQ here.

  • We all negotiate every day. Only 10% of business professionals who negotiate every day have taken negotiation training. The challenge is they estimate this has cost them millions of dollars. Who is paying for these mistakes? Usually, the companies that employ them. Entrepreneurs know this will just cost them income.

    Join me for this week’s podcast interview with John Lowry. We will focus on Negotiation Made Simple. Discover how to structure a negotiation and what questions to ask before the process begins. Learn if you should make the first offer and how to deliver that information.

    For more info about John visit his website here.

    Do you have charisma? Do you have have what it takes to be successful in life?

    Take your free Charisma IQ here.

  • So, is that power of charisma good or bad? I would say is gravity good or bad? Just like gravity, charisma is neutral. It is how you use the power that will define you as good or bad. Some say Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, Mussolini had charisma. Sure they did have many of the tools of charisma.

    6 Questions Reveal How Charismatic You Are

    There are many cases of someone who had some of the skills of charisma and they used them in an unethical way. Let’s think about this. You could probably count more people in history and in your life that had this skill and they used charisma to change your life (in a good way). So what is the difference?

    So how do you master this C-factor? How do you get that RIZZ and empower others to want to do what you want them do do? Join me for this week’s podcast on Do You Have The C Factor - chaRIZZma, Charm and Confidence. Discover the simple things you can do to inspire and motivate others.

  • We live in a world where people are less trusting, more cynical, and full of skepticism. Corporate loyalty is a thing of the past. Belief in government has eroded away. Everyone around us is confused, overwhelmed, and more difficult to influence and lead. Now more than ever, charisma is a vital and critical life skill.

    Can charisma be taught? Tests of two interventions.

    Restaurant Tap Water Test Joke

    The challenge is that some think they have the Rizz (charisma) but don’t. Just because you can get somebody to do something doesn’t mean you are influential or charismatic. We know there is a direct correlation between the manager/leader and the employee that dictates the amount of productivity.

    What is your RIZZ ranking? Do you have it? Can you improve it? Can you deliver a presentation that inspires and influences? Join me for this week’s podcast on What Is Your RIZZ (Charisma) Ranking?. You will discover the secrets of charisma.


    CLICK HERE to find out ( FREE )