
  • Do your parents want you to succeed, but only in a profession of their liking? Do they feel your passion can be a hobby, but not your career? Why are they against your dream, and what can you do to bring them over to your side? The tips in this episode might turn your life around! A word of caution, though... Don't let your parents listen to this!

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • One of the worst things a man can be called, is a disappointment. We live in abject fear of disappointing people around us all our lives. We don’t want to disappoint our parents when we’re young, so we feel pressure to take the courses & careers that they decide for us. As we grow up. we’re afraid of disappointing our friends. That’s called peer pressure. And we end up trying stupid shit like smoking and drinking games & dares & stuff. We get into a lot of trouble. And then it’s the turn our girlfriends. We want to be good boyfriends. We want to fulfil their wishes. We don’t want to disappoint them because we fear we’ll lose them, or lose our value to them, or for our own male ego. But we don’t realise that by doing this, we’re actually sabotaging ourselves and our relationship. I might not know the secret of success, but I do know the secret of failure. It is to try and please everybody. So in this episode, I’m going to teach you the skill of being a disappointment.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

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  • With this episode, I wade into unnecessarily controversial waters by opening a dialogue on Feminism. Why is it so demonised by some men? And how can an understanding of Feminism make us better as men? Litsen in and let's chat. A big shout out to Rohan Arora of IRL - In Real Love (Netfilx) fame, for creating the lovely new musical bed for Mencyclopedia.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • A guy being described as being a 'Nice guy' is like a girl being described as having a 'Good Personality'. Perfectly genuine & acceptable compliments… but they sting.
    That's because men who are described as nice guys are generally considered timid & non-assertive. They tend to avoid confrontation.
    That's because most of us don't know the art of having tough conversations. Everything need not become an emotional confrontation for you to impose your will on your circumstance.
    In this episode, we talk about the art of having tough conversations. How to approach it… how to prepare for it… and the tricks to use to mentally gain control the outcome . Take out your pad & pen, coz you'll want to write these down.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • The first time I had a crush on a girl, I got rejected. Brutally! And that has shaped my life in ways that I didn't even realise for decades! Our aversion to rejection shapes us, gents, as much as our fear of failure does. What's more, this male attitude towards rejection is actually very dangerous for women. So what can we do about it? I'm not sure. I have some thoughts. Pls listen to this episode. And maybe you can come up with some solutions.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • Getting into a profession is the MOST important decision your child & you will ever make. But in today's times, kids resent their fathers pushing that decision on them; and with good reason. Fathers evaluate professions on the scale of how lucrative or "safe" they are in their own generation. And have a terrible aversion to risk. But this attitude will not set your child on the course of happiness and greatness. Teens, on the other hand, also don't make decisions based on information & aptitude. So often, their aspirations are limited to Model, Actor or influencer. How can we come together to choose the right profession? In this episode, Rajiv speaks candidly about his experience with his father, as well as his son. and lays out a roadmap to navigate this high-stakes maze, and at the same time, build a stronger bond of trust with each other.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • Crush ANY project you want!:

    I know you feel overwhelmed whenever you have a big project to do - could be preparing for exams, starting your journey to fitness, starting an office project, anything. You don't know where to start. I felt like that too. We all do, and always will. But we can now bypass that helplessness by using a few simple brain hacks. These have worked wonders for me. Try them!

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • Men draw a lot of their self-esteem from their work. In fact, what a man DOES is often used to describe who he IS. Our success at work dictates our quality of life, how our friends relate to us, even relationships & dating life. The stakes are high. No wonder we draw our sense of self-worth from our work-place; and that comes when we feel respected at office.
    In this episode, I demystify & simplify this high-stakes concept, and give young office goers 2 things to do & 1 thing to NOT do… that'll make all the difference.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • I said I would be honest and vulnerable with you here, and I meant it. There is a fear I have always struggled with, and still do. The fear of Failure. And I’ve decided to face it head on now in an all out battle! I’d love it if you partnered with me in this fight, commented on my strategies, and helped me with some of yours too. I love reading and replying to your mails on every episode.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • There are some problems that affect both genders in varying degrees. But there’s ONE problem that is exclusively male. And worst of all, we have ZERO control over whether we have it or not. It’s being short. Girls can happily prance through life even if they’re short. But for men, it’s the difference between easy street & mental torture. And it kicks in when we’re teenagers. when all our friends suddenly shoot up, and we keep waiting for our growth spurt; in vain. It is then that our problems begin. The teasing & taunting. The bullying. and our dating hopes going up in smoke.

    We are too young & under-developed to identify & cope with the mental health issues that take root in our psyche because of this. And have very few outlets where we can discuss this without ridicule.

    So here we are. The warm & welcoming Man-cave called Mencyclopedia, where we can be vulnerable without fear of judgement.

    In this episode, rajiv responds to an email from an 18 year old boy who is going through this phase. This is close to Raghu Rajiv’s hearts; as they themselves struggled with short stature & all associated traumas while growing up. They disclose their secrets of how they turned their disadvantage into their advantage, which resulted in tall classmates asking for dating advice from Rajiv in school.

    Teenagers have a peculiar need… They need practical advise that they can apply for immediate results. So this episode does exactly that. You don’t need to be a teenager to apply these hacks in your life.

    Please share this episode with someone who can benefit from raghu Rajiv’s story.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • The title of this episode might seem controversial and clickbait-y, but hear me out. Be it your professional life, personal life or your health, a culture of unquestioning obedience might be a bigger obstacle to your happiness than you imagine. But do listen till the end. The opposite of obedience is NOT disobedience.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • Where did we go after ROADIES?
    In this episode, we finally talk about our big plans after walking away from our reality show, and candidly tell you what went wrong with it. Our plan was bold & ahead of its time; and would have made us multi-millionaires. This is the story of how we missed our shot; and what lessons YOU can learn from it so that you don't repeat our mistakes.
    Sharing success stories is really easy. But having the courage to be vulnerable enough to share your mistakes is much harder. But that is exactly our commitment to you. Here we are always real with you. No filters.
    Recording this episode threw up feelings of vulnerability & made me think about how tricky it is for men to openly discuss their failures. But I'm confident that you will support me without judgement and encourage me to keep trying; and share my learning from every failure.
    If you appreciate my attempt, please consider giving this episode a like & review. Also share it with friends who might enjoy it.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • Quitting smoking is not easy in the best of times. And I decided to quit when I was just coming out of the lowest point of my life! After so many failed attempts at quitting, things had come to a climax. I had to either quit smoking, or risk losing the most amazing girl ever! This is the story of how I finally kicked ass kicking the butt!

    I employed 7 strategies that you too can use to finally overcome your smoking habit.

    Even if cigarettes are not your particular problem, you can adapt these 7 hacks and hopefully get the results you want.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • "Sir, I want to be confident like you!" Whenever I hear this, I inwardly chuckle. That's because I spent most of my life being under confident & meek. I was frustrated that I wasn't born with this 'king of qualities', and envied the people who were.
    Only later in life did I realised that confidence is not inborn, but an acquired skill. I discovered & developed some hacks to supercharge my confidence whenever I needed it. In this episode, I share the story of my confidence. And my personal hacks for generating it whenever I need it.

    You can use them too. I'm really excited for the journey you're about to embark on.
    Share this with friends you think need to hear my story.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • This episode introduces Raghu Rajiv, and explores the 3 fundamental questions of this podcast:
    1. WHY?: Why did we decide to do this Podcast? what unique value does this bring to OUR lives? To put it simply, we started this podcast to connect back with YOU. The people who brought meaning to our lives. We've been a part of each other's lives for over a decade, and many of you have grown up with us. This podcast is our attempt to renew this relationship.
    2. WHAT?: What is this podcast about? What unique value can we bring to YOUR life?
    We genuinely believe that Men have grown up on a schizophrenic duality of the concept of manhood. The first is the traditional view of men as strong, wild, power-hungry & uncaring about people around them; especially women. The second is the 'Woke' view of men as stoic 'providers' who should be apologetic about every male urge & define their value as the value they bring to the lives of their loved ones and community. Both definitions lay emphasis on men not talking about their feelings. the traditional view celebrates toxicity & sees no need to explain or understand ourselves. The woke view pressures us to be strong & silent, since the point of our existence is support… not self-gratification or introspection. This podcast aims to break these stereotypes & encourage men to talk candidly in a supportive community without fear of judgement. The self-help industry gives impractical advice or promotes a toxic view (like Andrew Tate). and this is causing further harm to the male psyche. raghu & Rajiv share their lives & experiences candidly & aim to impart their wisdom to help your life. They talk about what they know & give practical advice. And avoid 'Mansplaining' to women.
    3. If you've grown up watching & admiring us on MTV Roadies, this is for you. If you are a man who wants to improve yourself in all aspects of manhood; be it career, love-life, marriage, parenthood, and social skills… this podcast is for you. And finally, If you have a teenage son who is developing his understanding of the male experience & looking to develop himself into a well-rounded, successful & happy individual, then this podcast is for you & him.
    Please like & share this podcast with people who you think will enjoy & benefit from this community. There are many more features in the works, which we'll announce shortly, that aims to further enrich your life as a man.
    Looking forward to connecting with you every week. Would greatly appreciate your subscription.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman

  • Introducing the Mencyclopedia Podcast with Raghu & Rajiv, the ultimate guide for men who are ready to break free from societal stereotypes and unlock their full potential. Join us in this exclusive podcast made BY men, FOR men... and let's dive into a world of uncensored and candid discussions.

    Are you tired of conforming to society's expectations of manhood? We were too. That's why we're here to share our personal journey of transformation from under-confident and timid individuals to confident, successful, and happy men. We've developed practical hacks and insights along the way that will help you navigate the male experience like never before.

    Forget everything you've been told about being a man. It's time to rewrite the rules and discover a new path to confidence, respect, success, and happiness. In each episode, we'll break down the Matrix of manhood, drawing from our own experiences, including our failures, to provide you with tangible tips and strategies that you can apply in your life starting today.

    Unlike those impractical self-help books filled with vague advice, we're all about delivering real solutions. Say goodbye to affirmations and cosmic interventions. We're here to give you down-to-earth advice that actually works. Mencyclopedia is your go-to resource for navigating life's challenges with confidence, while challenging traditional biases that hold men back.

    Join our fast-paced 8-12 minute episodes, released weekly, where we'll delve into various aspects of the male experience. From career and family to relationships, dating, marriage, fatherhood, and mindset, we've got you covered. Plus, we'll have candid conversations with male celebrities, sharing their own experiences and struggles, and providing valuable insights that you can apply in your own life.

    But Mencyclopedia is more than just a podcast. It's a community—a safe space where men can be vulnerable and supportive of each other. Step into our warm and nurturing man-cave, where being a man is celebrated, not a struggle. Join us and interact with the community. Share your thoughts and problems, because here, we openly discuss new, counter-intuitive, and practical ways to get more out of the male experience.

    Just remember, this is our little secret. Let's keep it exclusive to the male fraternity. Spread the word among your buddies, but let's not share it with our spouses. Together, we'll empower each other and transform lives. Subscribe, rate, review, and recommend the Mencyclopedia Podcast to all your male friends. Join the movement and let's redefine what it means to be a man.

    email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or queries for sponsorship or collaborations. All genuine emails will be read and personally responded.


    Instagram: @instaraghu, @RajivLakshman
    Thread: Same as Instagram
    Twitter: @TweetFromRaghu, @RajivLakshman
    LinkedIn: Raghu Ram, Rajiv Lakshman