
  • I had the pleasure of being a guest on the "Stronger in the Difficult Places" Podcast with Dr Zoe Shaw.

    It was a powerful conversation about our relationship with food, our emotions, and our bodies.

    Listen in too this conversation to understand yourself better.

    In order to lose weight permanently and get into your best health, the first step is understanding why you eat the way you do.

    Find Dr Zoe Shaw's Podcast HERE

    I would love to offer you a consultation so you and I can talk about what working together would look like. Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...



  • You can lose weight permanently without going on a diet...but that means you will need to learn how to determine if a cookie is just a cookie, OR if you are eating a cookie because you are trying to escape anxiety.

    That is what I am talking about on the podcast today, how to know what is going on in the moment, let's go!

    If you are loving the podcast, I am so glad.....and now I want to invite you to get this DONE.

    You've heard the saying "nothing changes if nothing changes"?

    I encourage you to take the first step to change by talking with me.

    I would love to offer you a consultation so you and I can talk about what working together would look like. Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...



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    Click here to refresh the feed.

  • So often I hear women saying when they lose a few pounds they go off track.

    They are excited to see the scale going down, so they feel like they can release the reigns a bit.

    It makes NO sense, logically, but it make a lot of sense to your primitive brain.

    I am going to teach you how to stay on track, keep going, and understand what is going on....because you are so normal.

    If you are loving the podcast, I am so glad.....and now I want to invite you to get this DONE.

    You've heard the saying "nothing changes if nothing changes"?

    I encourage you to take the first step to change by talking with me.

    I would love to offer you a consultation so you and I can talk about what working together would look like. Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...



  • Evening snacking (or over eating) is a BIG problem for a lot of people.

    If you can fix the way you eat in the evenings, I know you can lose weight permanently.

    What I will teach you in this podcast can be applied to your eating throughout the day as well, but I find so many women doing well during the day, only to have the evenings go sideways.

    Interested in scheduling a consultation with me? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...



  • I know you WANT to lose weight permanently....but do you BELIEVE you can do it?

    Even though it has been a struggle in the past?

    Creating a vision of you at your dream weight is a powerful exercise that will help you start to believe that it is possible for you to get there.

    Let's dive in!

    Interested in scheduling a consultation with me? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...



  • If the thought of prepping food sounds daunting and overwhelming.....this podcast is going to sell you on how it doesn't have to be that hard.

    In fact, it really can make your life & body so much EASIER.

    It can take the impulsive decision making out of the equation and help you eat better.

    Interested in scheduling a consultation with me? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...



  • When talking about weight, health, and bodies.....one of the comments I hear over and over from women in midlife and beyond is "Maybe this is just my body now that I'm older.

    I also hear..." this is what happens at my age"

    and "Once I hit menopause it didn't matter what I did"

    These thoughts are problematic.

    And as a society, it is the narrative that is told about women in midlife and beyond.

    It is keeping women stuck, and I want to help.

    To sign up for my next training "Stop Evening Snacking & Lose Weight Forever" click here: https://mailchi.mp/41965b213891/stopeveningsnacking

    Interested in scheduling a consultation with me? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...



  • This podcast teaches you the foundation of my program.

    The way you eat has become a habit....but it can be changed if you are willing to do the mindset work I teach.

    The way you eat ultimately starts in your mind....with your thoughts and beliefs.

    And the good news is that these can be changed.

    To sign up for my next training "Stop Evening Snacking & Lose Weight Forever" click here: https://mailchi.mp/41965b213891/stopeveningsnacking

    Interested in scheduling a consultation with me? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...



  • If you have ever wondered what to expect by working with me, this podcast is for you.

    My client Christine Seager and I are currently working together and she is giving you a sneak peek into how she has lost 10 pounds for good.

    Hearing other women talk about their struggles with food and weight makes you feel SEEN.

    Hearing Christine's journey to feeling in control around food is powerful and I know you will be inspired by her story.

    Find Christine Seager's website here: https://christineseager.com

    Find Christine on IG HERE

    Interested in scheduling a consultation with me? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...



  • This powerful and fun conversation is between we and one of my most favorite women on the planet....Heather Hansen.

    Heather teaches women how to advocate to get what they want.

    And for you....since you are listening to my podcast....I assume you want to lose weight....without gaining it back.

    I assume you also want to stop the war in your head about food, your body, and your goals.

    Learning to advocate to yourself is a powerful skill to have in order to reach your goals.

    Heather had me on her podcast a few weeks ago and we talked about advocating to yourself, for what you want.

    Here is that conversation

    Find Heather's podcast "How to Advocate" here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-advocate-with-heather-hansen/id1438007738

    Get more information on Heather here: Website: https://advocatetowin.com/

    Schedule a consultation with me here: https://calendly.com/courtneygraycoaching/60-min-consultation

    Follow me on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/modernbodymodernlife/
    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...


  • We all get off track, it is part of life. But are you skilled at getting BACK on track quickly in order to maintain your weight, and health and fitness?

    I have an exercise that will help you get back on track, in any area of your life!

    Because we are talking about more than just weight loss, we are talking about being the woman who can create whatever she wants for her life.

    Click HERE for my next Free Modern Weight Loss Training!

    Interested in scheduling a consultation? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...


  • SO often, the stories you tell yourself are hurting your attempts at weight loss.

    The stories you tell, show you what you believe is possible for you.

    Why does it matter what you believe? It directly effects what you eat, what you don't eat, how MUCH you eat, and if you stick to your plan.

    On the podcast today I am going to teach you the importance of uncovering your stories and show you how some stories might be getting in the way of you living in the body you truly want.

    Click HERE for my next Free Modern Weight Loss Training!

    Interested in scheduling a consultation? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...


  • Are you eating good during the week, only to mess it all up on the weekends?

    Then you tell yourself you will start again Monday. SO frustrating!

    I believe there are 3 reasons people self sabotage on the weekend, and when you understand why you are doing what you are doing, it is so much easier to stop.

    This is a good one friend!

    Click HERE for my free Modern Weight Loss Training!

    Interested in scheduling a consultation? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...


  • I am teaching you how to create a food protocol....this will not only help you lose weight, but it will teach you how to eat differently forever.

    But Most importantly, you will learn to trust yourself, and THIS is what makes weight loss permanent.

    Imagine if you could decide what you were going to eat ahead of time, and KNOW that you will eat that food. It would be a game changer.

    Self trust=permanent weight loss

    Interested in scheduling a consultation? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...


  • Stress eating, or emotional eating might make sense to you....but if you are doing well, life is good, you are happy.....why are you STILL not eating the way you want too?

    I am breaking it down for you. And when you understand the mindset behind why you eat (EVEN when you are happy) you can change.


    Interested in scheduling a consultation? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...


  • A common opinion about tracking food is it is annoying, and time consuming.

    I am going to sell you on the power of tracking....but not JUST your food.

    And I am going to teach you how to not be a half assed tracker!

    Interested in scheduling a consultation? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...


  • I hosted a Ladies Night last week and it was pretty epic! I am giving you all the details and sharing what I taught the 100+ women that joined me.

    Interested in scheduling a consultation? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...


  • I said "Food doesn't have to be a party in your mouth" on a podcast last year and so many women reached out to me to let me know it made a big impact on them.

    Listen in to understand what I am talking about here, and how it can help you lose weight permanently.

    It can be a game changer for you too!

    Interested in scheduling a consultation? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...


  • We make a plan to eat better, move more, drink less..... and then we don't.

    And then we get pissed at ourselves for once again, not following through.

    But what is really going on?

    It turns out, the way your body was designed is part of the problem.

    The good news? Once you understand, you will be able to do better.

    This is a good one....

    Happy Listening!

    Interested in scheduling a consultation? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...


  • Emotionally Eating is probably sabotaging your weight loss results.

    You are eating to make yourself feel good, it is how we humans were designed.

    How our brains are wired.

    Once you understand how to NOT emotionally eat, you will feel so much more in control over yourself.

    Over food, and your body, and your LIFE!

    Get immediate access to my workshop " Get Your Body Back in 2024" HERE to learn the 3 common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight permanently. *This will also put you on my VIP email list.

    Interested in scheduling a consultation? Find my calendar HERE

    I work privately with women 1:1 to stop the dieting and lose weight permanently. But it is more than just weight loss, it is about how you talk to yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel in control around food.

    This work is life changing.

    I can't wait for you to get to know me and my work better. I invite you to find my website and social below...


    Click HERE to find me on IG

    Click HERE to find me on Linkedin