
  • Ever wondered why the rich don't just solve world hunger or make the change all of us are so desperate to see? We get into this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels.

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following:

    The Elite Charade of Changing the World by Anand GiridharadasHow the rich and powerful fight for equality and justice in ways that don’t threaten their positionAnalysis of how elites rebrand themselves as benevolent saviours while maintaining the status quoExamination of how elites lavishly reward "thought leaders" who redefine "change" in ways that are friendly to winners.Thoughts about the wealthy populations' philanthropic effortsSteps that everyday citizens can take to incite meaningful changeRemoving the individualistic narratives that pit us against each other

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • Are you tired of your parents telling you to just 'buy a house' or just 'be loyal to your job?' We get it. And we get into this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels.

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following?

    Pull up your bootstraps The oversimplification of finances, forgetting:Income inequality Cost of living variationsStarting points and privilegesStaying loyal to jobsUsing financial advisors to invest you in mutual fundsTheir obsessions with cottagesBuying a home and interest rate blindnessWhat to invest in (gold)

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

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  • We called in Barry Choi to help explain what Canadians need to know to get the best return on the credit cards they use in this week's episode of Money Feels.

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following?

    What credit cards are best for travel points?How many credit cards is too many?Should you close a credit card?Does your credit score matter?The best ways Canadian can redeem pointsHow to get the best point return

    Follow @barry_choi for more tips!

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • Do the wealthy really try to be discrete with their displays of luxury, or is that just something we've made up? In this week's episode of Money Feels, we look into this and more!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following?

    What is stealth wealth, conspicuous consumption and old money?Talking about the 'moral middle'How do people display their wealth?What do rich people spend their money on?Status culture: Sophia Richie vs. Hayley BayleyThe stratification of the 1%

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • How do we prevent falling for scams when AI is getting to be so complex? What even is AI, and what the heck is the dead internet theory? We dive into this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following?

    The realization that AI is a part of most businessesThe reason people feel the need to use AIStaying relevant and co-intelligence AI is *very* bad for the environmentRegulating AI — is it even possible?Types of AI-powered scamsWhat is the dead internet theory?

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • Have you ever wondered why cities are designed the way they are? Or what is the impact of buying a home in a suburban neighbourhood? We dive into this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following?

    What is urban sprawl? How does urban sprawl impact our economy and our personal finances?The socioeconomic impact of community fragmentationTransportation is at the core of everythingGentrification and economic disparities How to invest in communities and neighbourhoods that already existIs this all the result of the capitalist economy? As always?

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • A lot of people want to know how to invest in their kids. So, we're diving into the account you need to use, and what to be aware of before you open an RESP in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following?

    What is the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)?What is the purpose of the account, the guidelines and need-to-knows?What grants are available and how do you optimize them?What happens if your child doesn't pursue post-secondary?What type of RESP should you open?The dangers of the group RESPRed flags to watch for when opening an RESPHow much do you need for your childs' future education?


    Toronto Star piece on the Group RESPPredatory Group RESPs

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • Is drinking what's holding you back financially and otherwise? In a society where alcohol is normalized and heavily marketed, we talk about sobriety. In this week's episode of Money Feels, we'll discuss this and more!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following?

    Our relationship with alcoholHow to manage relationships, questions and pushback when you stop drinkingThe financial cost of drinking and how sobriety changes thisHow drinking impacts you personally and professionally Tracking your habits to understand your mood better


    Alyssa's Habit TrackerOur guest: Mallory Rowan on Instagram

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • How do you recover (or prepare) for the most catastrophic financial event in your life? In this week's episode of Money Feels, we'll discuss this and more!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following?

    Bridget and Annie's divorce storyDo you need a prenup?How does divorce work? What does a divorce cost?Discussing child support and the legal systemSpousal supportProtecting yourself in your relationship


    Our guest: Annie from Unbroke on Instagram and TikTok

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • Why are women attempting to go back in time and become 50s housewives? The tradwife corner of the internet is alarming. Let's discuss this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following?

    What is a tradwife?The differences between SAHM's and homemakers versus tradwivesHow does this social media trend impact women?The covert political implications of this nicheThe financial dangers of this lifestyleFinancial abuse and vulnerability


    The insidious rise of "tradwives"

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • Having a kid is a massive decision. But does it need to be? We bring on Chelsea Fagan of The Financial Diet to break down the realities of being child-free by choice. Let's discuss this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following?

    Chelsea's story and how she chose to be childfreeThe reality of being a primary caregiverParenting as a single personThe idea of 'fulfilment' and having kidsWhat dominates your identity?The downsides of being childfree: friendships and the rich aunty tropeYou can still be involved with children without having themInfertility and the for-profit industry rallying for biological kidsThe idea of 'selfishness' in not having children


    Chelsea's InstagramChelsea's Book

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • Do you have people to talk with about your money? Do you know what FIRE communities exist? Let's discuss this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following?

    What even is a subreddit?Fat FIRE, Chubby FIRE, HENRYWhat are some common strategies people on these forums use?What are the positives and negatives of these worlds?Are the people in these subreddits legit?What is the value of having communities like these?Alyssa's community


    Fat FIREChubby FIREHENRYThe Neighbourhood Waitlist

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • Is motherhood the biggest financial risk you'll ever take? There are many invisible costs that come with being a mom, but the motherhood penalty is one you shouldn't ignore. Let's discuss this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following?

    What is the motherhood tax/motherhood penalty?How does it impact women?Your career progression, salary and long-term wealthHiring biases in mothers versus fathers or child-free folksWhat is the comparison to fathers?What policies, like equal paid parental leave, have shown to be effective in reducing the impact of the motherhood tax? How can governments and organizations implement these policies?Our society needs mothers


    The Feminine MystiquePaying the Motherhood TaxThe Gender Pay Gap is not on MomsUBC 'Daddy Bonus'Women and Poverty in CanadaThe Baby Decision: How to Make The Most Important Choice of Your Life

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • Thinking about death isn't exactly a cheery topic. For most, it feels best to avoid and worry about it later. But, what happens if later never comes? Let's discuss this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following:

    Why should we talk about death?Dealing with the discomfortDeath dinnersEstate planning - what do you need?Digital assetsWho is involved in your death?Taxes you pay when you dieFuneral/burial costsDiscussing MAID


    We’re Making a Terrible Mistake on MAID and Mental IllnessMedical assistance in dying: OverviewLife insurance and estate planning resources

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • What would life look like if you wanted to change careers and return to school? Alyssa talks about the cost, her experience in this pursuit, and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following:

    The financial commitment and time managementBalancing financial goals with career aspirationsPersonal and family considerations'Starting over' and personal growthOvercoming the fear of failure and outside opinionsThe concept of being 'too late'Investing in yourself

    Alyssa's Income Poll Results
    Lifelong Learning Plan

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • Bridget adopted a new dog! Between this and her two cats, we wanted to chat about how much pet ownership actually costs. Let's discuss this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following:

    Categorizing expensesThe value of pets in our life How much do pets cost?How much do you need to get a new dog?Pet insurance — is it worth it?Do you need an emergency fund for your pet?The cost of pet care and pet classesIs having a pet a luxury?Should you plan for how much you can afford?


    Zak George - Dog TrainerDog Enrichment TikTok

    Thanks for listening to today's episode! If you want to keep listening, we've now launched our Patreon! You can subscribe for bonus episodes and extra content from your hosts. Thank you for listening to today's episode! Join us next week for a new one. Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • What is money like for those of us who aren't neurotypical? We bring in Ellyce Fulmore, author of Keeping Finance Personal, to discuss this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following:

    Ellyce's storyOur personal experiences with being neurotypical or neurodivergentGetting diagnosed — is it worthwhile?How money trauma manifests differently in people from diverse backgroundsDopamine and THE Dopamenu!How intersecting identities like gender, sexuality, and neurodiversity impact one's financial experiences and decision-makingStrategies to help manage or mitigate impulse spending if you have ADHD

    Keeping Finance Personal by Ellyce Fulmore
    Ellyce's Instagram

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • How do you manage to financially support your parents in adulthood? Are there boundaries you can set, and where do you even start? Let's discuss this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following:

    Being a millennial with boomer parents and role reversalHow do you talk to your parents about their money?Prompts to open the conversationThe inability to prepare when you are your parents' retirement planStatistics about giving to parentsCultural differencesThe shame and guilt parents face in asking for helpFeelings of frustration and resentmentHow to decide what to giveSetting boundaries and deciding what you give and howSeparating your finances from theirsSplitting costs with siblingsFeeling grateful for the time we have left


    Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk by Cameron HuddlestonFinancial First Aid by Alyssa DaviesU.S. Adults Provided $17.5 Billion in Support to Parents in 2020Canada’s Caregiver Credit

    Thanks for listening to today's episode! If you want to keep listening, we've now launched our Patreon! You can subscribe for bonus episodes and extra content from your hosts. Thank you for listening to today's episode! Join us next week for a new one. Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • Welcome back to a new season, a new year, and a new approach to your finances! Let's discuss this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following:

    Life updatesOur personal financial goalsThe value in slow: decisions, spending, growthStaying hopeful during a difficult financial period

    Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!

  • When it comes to investing, being in the market is key. But once you're in, how do you decide who gets to manage your money? Are roboadvisors enough? Let's discuss this and more in this week's episode of Money Feels!

    We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

    In today's episode, we discuss the following:

    Why you need to investThe cost between self-directed vs having someone else invest for youStock market crashes and recoveriesBonds vs equitiesThe reality of the roboadvisor portfolioPersonalization of investingRisk tolerance and understanding why risk is relevant to ageThe benefits of self-directed investing

    Bridget's Six-Figure Stock Portfolio

    Thanks for listening to our final episode in season 4! If you want bonus episodes while we're off until January, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!