
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure delves into the crucial strategies for reclaiming your time and investing it wisely. Drawing from her personal journey as a musician, entrepreneur, mother, and wife, Fabiana shares her struggles and triumphs in learning to manage time effectively in her music business.

    She explores the key mindset shifts needed to distinguish between tasks you should personally handle and those you can delegate. Fabiana also highlights the importance of building a successful online business while avoiding burnout by strategically outsourcing tasks. She shares her initial excitement in acquiring new skills for her business, followed by the realization that not all tasks require her direct involvement. By learning to let go and delegate, Fabiana transformed her approach to both her professional and personal life, ultimately achieving greater efficiency and well-being.

    Also in this episode:

    Understanding the balance between learning new skills and delegating them. The significance of a mindset shift towards outsourcing and investing in help. Practical steps to audit your daily activities and identify tasks that can be delegated. Real-life examples of how Fabiana improved her household management and business growth through effective delegation.

    The Musician's Profit Masterclass

    Is your music business income able to grow without taking more of your time?

    If not, this masterclass is for you.

    Discover the 5 steps to win back your time, increase your income, and make your music business self-sustaining - so you can live your life on your terms!

    JOIN HERE: www.musiciansprofitmasterclass.com

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist turned successful entrepreneur, co-founded Superior Academy of Music® in 2011 and managed it remotely with her husband from 2016, driving increased efficiency and profitability. Simultaneously, as Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she pioneered initiatives aiding musicians in business launches and program recognition. In 2020, she launched the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. Transitioning from academia in 2021, she now focuses assisting musicians in expanding their online music businesses for both financial growth and meaningful life design.

    LET IT GO! How To Double Your Productivity Overnight For Your Music Business - Starting Today Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure dives into the empowering concept of raising your rates when reinventing your music business.

    Discover why it’s not just acceptable but essential to adjust your pricing to reflect the true value of your services. Fabiana discusses common struggles musicians face when increasing their prices and shifts the focus from a traditional time-for-money model to a value-based pricing strategy. Explore the idea of creating high-ticket programs that offer significant results and save your clients valuable time. Fabiana emphasizes the importance of self-leadership and alignment in all areas of life, ensuring you can confidently communicate the worth of your services.

    Also in this episode:

    Understanding the importance of raising your rates and the value behind it. Transitioning from hourly-based pricing to high-ticket offers focused on results. Real-life example of Kevin Uri’s success with value-based pricing. The significance of self-leadership and alignment in all aspects of life. Attracting clients who value time and invest in personal growth. The Musician's Profit Masterclass

    Is your music business income able to grow without taking more of your time?

    If not, this masterclass is for you.

    Discover the 5 steps to win back your time, increase your income, and make your music business self-sustaining - so you can live your life on your terms!

    JOIN HERE: www.musiciansprofitmasterclass.com

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist turned successful entrepreneur, co-founded Superior Academy of Music® in 2011 and managed it remotely with her husband from 2016, driving increased efficiency and profitability. Simultaneously, as Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she pioneered initiatives aiding musicians in business launches and program recognition. In 2020, she launched the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. Transitioning from academia in 2021, she now focuses assisting musicians in expanding their online music businesses for both financial growth and meaningful life design.

    How I’m RAISING The Rates In My Music Business (And How You Can Do It Too; A Value Based Strategy) Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
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  • Dr. Fabiana Claure explores the transformative potential of fear. Drawing from personal experiences, Fabiana challenges listeners to reinterpret fear as a sign of growth in the music business rather than an obstacle.

    Fabiana shares practical strategies for harnessing fear as a catalyst for personal and professional development, encouraging listeners to embrace discomfort and step out of their comfort zones. Through candid anecdotes and empowering advice, Fabiana inspires listeners to reframe their relationship with fear and unlock new levels of creativity, entrepreneurship, and success. Tune in for actionable insights on embracing fear and thriving in the face of uncertainty.

    Also in this episode:

    Interpreting Fear: Fear is often interpreted as a sign to retreat or stop, but it can actually be a catalyst for growth if interpreted differently. Comfort Zone: Fear typically arises when stretching beyond the comfort zone, but embracing it as a natural part of growth can lead to transformative outcomes. Adapting as Musicians: Musicians regularly face fear, whether performing on stage or adapting to new challenges, but they learn to navigate it as part of their journey. Applying Stage Experience to Business: Just as musicians face fear on stage but perform anyway, they can apply the same courage and adaptability to their business endeavors. Overcoming Fear in Business: Fear can hinder decisions in business, leading to missed opportunities and regrets, but reframing fear as a sign of growth can empower bold actions. Changing the Fear Narrative: Instead of letting fear paralyze progress, it's crucial to change the narrative and see fear as a motivator for change and progress in business and life. The Musician's Profit Masterclass

    Is your music business income able to grow without taking more of your time?

    If not, this masterclass is for you.

    Discover the 5 steps to win back your time, increase your income, and make your music business self-sustaining - so you can live your life on your terms!

    JOIN HERE: www.musiciansprofitmasterclass.com

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist turned successful entrepreneur, co-founded Superior Academy of Music® in 2011 and managed it remotely with her husband from 2016, driving increased efficiency and profitability. Simultaneously, as Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she pioneered initiatives aiding musicians in business launches and program recognition. In 2020, she launched the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. Transitioning from academia in 2021, she now focuses assisting musicians in expanding their online music businesses for both financial growth and meaningful life design.

    The Truth About Being Afraid Of Fear In The Music Business Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure shares how to scale your music business without sacrificing more time.

    Through inspiring case studies, learn how musicians like Renee, Denise, and Kara transformed their income by consolidating skills and building online programs. Discover the shift from trading time for money to strategic communication and diverse offerings, as well as how to monetize your expertise and connect with ideal clients.

    Also, don't miss her upcoming masterclass for step-by-step guidance on positioning and scaling your music business online.

    Also in this episode:

    Identify Your Informal Skills: You likely possess valuable skills that others seek, such as finding gigs or overcoming performance-related injuries. They could form the basis of your business growth. Reframe Growth Mindset: Consider consolidating your skills under an umbrella brand. By showcasing specific results and packaging your expertise, you can scale your business without sacrificing more time. Diversify Offerings: Look beyond traditional models by incorporating diverse skill sets into your offerings. Selective Clientele: Building an online program gives you autonomy to choose your clients, ensuring you work with those who appreciate your expertise and are willing to pay premium rates. Leverage Collective Experience: Recognize that what comes easy to you can make a significant difference to others, forming the basis of your business model. Strategic Positioning and Pricing: Convey your value effectively and set prices that reflect the worth of your offerings, potentially leading to substantial growth in your business. The Musician's Profit Masterclass

    Is your music business income able to grow without taking more of your time?

    If not, this masterclass is for you.

    Discover the 5 steps to win back your time, increase your income, and make your music business self-sustaining - so you can live your life on your terms!

    JOIN HERE: www.musiciansprofitmasterclass.com

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist turned successful entrepreneur, co-founded Superior Academy of Music® in 2011 and managed it remotely with her husband from 2016, driving increased efficiency and profitability. Simultaneously, as Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she pioneered initiatives aiding musicians in business launches and program recognition. In 2020, she launched the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. Transitioning from academia in 2021, she now focuses assisting musicians in expanding their online music businesses for both financial growth and meaningful life design.

    Why Your Music Business Isn’t Growing The Way It Should Be Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure delves into the power of refining the questions we ask ourselves to propel music business growth.

    Fabiana dissects common questioning pitfalls and offers strategic solutions, advocates for a mindset shift, and urges listeners to reframe questions around challenges, positioning, and fear of failure. Whether a seasoned professional or a budding entrepreneur, this episode equips listeners with the tools to revolutionize their mindset and thrive in the competitive music industry.

    Also in this episode:

    Quality of Questions Determines Outcome: It's crucial to ask strategic questions to overcome challenges and achieve growth in your music business. Reframe How You Ask Questions: Instead of focusing solely on delivery logistics, prioritize communicating the value of your program to attract ideal clients. Focus on Problem Solving, Not Self-Consciousness: Shift the focus from self-consciousness to addressing the needs of your audience, which fosters conviction and commitment to your mission. Create Perception of Value: Emulate brands like Disney in building anticipation and raising the value perception of your offerings. Focus on communicating value rather than getting caught up in delivery logistics, especially before acquiring clients. Doubt the Doubts, Assume Success: Instead of fearing failure, anticipate success and plan for it. Mindful Questioning for Business Growth: Quality questions lead to quality actions and outcomes, ultimately shaping your business's success and fulfillment. Subscribe To The Musician’s Creating Prosperity Podcast

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    Triple Your Success By Asking These Three Questions About Your Music Business Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure explores the transformative concept of "the one thing" for musicians and their music business.

    She shares insights from her journey, guiding listeners to streamline their messaging and attract ideal clients. Learn how to identify your unique strengths and experiences, crafting a clear and compelling brand identity. Discover the importance of intentionality, passion in communicating your message effectively, and realizing the potential of your "one thing" to stand out in the competitive music industry.

    Also in this episode:

    Identify Your "One Thing": Streamline your messaging by pinpointing the main aspect of your identity or expertise that sets you apart in the music industry. Simplify Your Brand: Avoid confusion by focusing on a singular aspect of your career or skillset, rather than spreading yourself too thin across multiple interests. Craft a Compelling Message: Create a clear and concise narrative around your "one thing" to resonate with your audience and attract ideal clients. Evolve Your Focus: Recognize that your "one thing" may evolve over time, adapting to changes in the industry and your own journey as a musician. Embrace Your Unique Identity: Celebrate the collection of experiences and skills that make you who you are, leveraging them to define your brand and value proposition. Drive Meaningful Connections: Communicate your passion and purpose authentically to pave the way for lasting relationships and prosperity. Subscribe To The Musician’s Creating Prosperity Podcast

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    Finding ‘The One Thing’ For Your Music Business To Be Truly Successful Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure delves into the emotional cycle of change, a concept from the 1970s by psychologists Don Kelley and Daryl Conner, shedding light on how we navigate change in music and business. She brings insights from decades of experience in music education and entrepreneurship, illustrating the cycle's impact on personal and professional growth.

    Dr. Claure unfolds the five stages of the cycle: Uninformed Optimism, Informed Pessimism, the Valley of Despair, Informed Optimism, and Success and Fulfillment. This framework offers listeners a lens to understand their journey through change, highlighting the importance of support and resilience.

    Listeners gain strategies for navigating the cycle's challenges, emphasizing the value of community, and leveraging support networks. Dr. Claure's stories from teaching and business illustrate the cycle's practical relevance, making it a pivotal tool for overcoming adversity and achieving mastery.

    Also in this episode:

    Navigating Change: Understanding the emotional cycle of change to manage transitions in music, business, and personal growth. The Role of Support: Leveraging community and support networks to overcome the Valley of Despair and embrace change. Practical Strategies: Tips for each cycle stage, including embracing new behaviors and seeking guidance. Listener Engagement: An invitation to share experiences with the cycle of change and its impact on personal and professional development. Subscribe To The Musician’s Creating Prosperity Podcast

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    Harmonizing Change: Navigating the Emotional Cycle in Music and Business Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana explores the paradigm shift from time scarcity to abundance in the realm of music and business. She challenges listeners to reevaluate their relationship with time.

    Dr. Claure shares strategies rooted in the Pareto principle and Parkinson's law to optimize productivity. She emphasizes setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks, and fostering a culture of time mastery. Listeners are encouraged to conduct self-audits and distinguish between reactive and deep work modes. By the episode's end, listeners emerge empowered to take control of their schedules, embrace abundance, and catalyze positive change in their lives. Let's prosper together.

    Also in this episode:

    Shift from Scarcity to Abundance: Recognize that you have more time than you think when managed effectively. Prioritize Strategically: Identify the 20% of activities that yield 80% of results and focus on those. Delegate and Outsource: Focus on profit-producing activities and let others handle the rest. Parkinson's Law: People tend to use up all the time allocated for a task. Create Systems and Boundaries: Establish systems to streamline your workflow and set boundaries to protect your time. This includes disabling notifications, time blocking, and distinguishing between deep work and reactive modes. Take Ownership of Your Time: Make conscious decisions, have uncomfortable conversations, and hold yourself accountable for how you spend your time. Subscribe To The Musician’s Creating Prosperity Podcast

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    Harnessing Time for Efficiency In Your Music Business Using “Parkinson's Law” Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana advocates for selling musical programs before fully creating them, fostering a co-creative process with clients of your music business.

    Through personal experiences and anecdotes, Fabiana highlights the effectiveness of this approach in tailoring offerings to audience needs. Listeners gain insights into overcoming perfectionism and fear, learning to confidently position and price their services. Her wisdom empowers musicians to embrace entrepreneurship with simplicity and strategy, fostering prosperity in the music industry.

    Also in this episode:

    Sell Before Create: Focus on selling your services or programs before fully building them. This ensures you're meeting the immediate needs of your clients and creating something relevant. Co-creative Process: Building with input from clients leads to more relevant and effective solutions. Avoid creating in isolation; involve your target audience in the process. Start with Positioning: Before diving into building your offer, focus on positioning it in the market. Understand your value proposition and how to communicate it effectively. Overcome Perfectionism: Don't wait for everything to be perfect before launching. Sell your offer and refine it based on real-time feedback and client needs. Incremental Creation: Build your programs incrementally based on feedback and demand. This approach allows for flexibility and ensures you're delivering what your clients truly need. Simplicity and Strategy: Streamline your content and offer to accelerate success. Focus on simplicity and strategy rather than overwhelming yourself with unnecessary details. Subscribe To The Musician’s Creating Prosperity Podcast

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    Selling Before Creating: The Counterintuitive Strategy For Your Music Business Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure shares practical strategies for packaging expertise into scalable online programs, enabling musicians to monetize their knowledge effectively for their music business.

    Fabiana explores the shift from in-person to online teaching, urging listeners to embrace new possibilities. She emphasizes the importance of adopting a growth mindset and encourages listeners to let go of limiting beliefs. Discover how to accelerate your teaching impact and thrive in today's dynamic music landscape. Don't miss this insightful episode—it's time to unlock your musical potential and prosper!

    Also in this episode:

    Challenge Familiarity: Don't be afraid to challenge the notion that what worked in the past must continue to work in the future. Monetize Your Knowledge: Your expertise and knowledge are valuable assets that can be monetized beyond traditional methods like one-on-one teaching or performances. Overcome Resistance: Open your mind to the potential of digital platforms to enhance your impact. Leverage Technology: Explore hybrid models that combine in-person interactions with online components for enhanced learning experiences. Shift Mindset: Adopt a growth mindset and let go of preconceived notions about what it means to succeed as a musician. Create Lifestyle Balance: Build a business model that offers scalability and freedom, allowing you to pursue creative projects and maintain a balanced lifestyle while still monetizing your expertise effectively. Subscribe To The Musician’s Creating Prosperity Podcast

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    Monetize Your Mind, Not Just Your Time: Letting Go Of The Past To Build A Prosperous Music Business Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure is joined by Dr. Heidi Kay Begay, a visionary flutist and entrepreneur to discuss managing music ventures and practical tips for aligning creative projects with audience needs.

    Discover Dr. Begay's unconventional journey founding Flute 360, JNK Productions, and Red House Productions. The episode also covers Dr. Begay's transformative pandemic experience and the mindset shift crucial for entrepreneurial success. Tailored for musicians, creatives, and aspiring entrepreneurs, the episode offers inspiration and guidance on navigating the dynamic intersection of music and entrepreneurship.

    Also in this episode:

    Diverse Entrepreneurship: Potential for musicians to engage in diverse entrepreneurship, and run successful ventures beyond traditional performances. The Highs And Lows Of Managing Music Companies: A realistic view of the entrepreneurial landscape. Pandemic Pivot: The importance of adaptability and mindset shifts for entrepreneurial success. Aligning Creative Projects With Audience Needs: A key aspect of sustainable entrepreneurship. Mindset Shift: Aspiring creatives need to embrace a business-oriented perspective. Inspiration for Creatives: For those navigating the dynamic intersection of music and entrepreneurship.

    Connect With Dr. Heidi Kay Begay

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    About Dr. Heidi Kay Begay

    Dr. Heidi Kay Begay is a passionate serial entrepreneur who guides the modern-day musician to find and amplify their unique voice on and off the stage.

    Heidi owns and co-owns four thriving companies, which include The Pivoting Musician, Red House Productions, Flute 360, J&K Productions. Through her entrepreneurial portfolio, she wears many hats, including being an educator, flutist, coach, podcaster, and podcasting consultant.

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    Aligning Creative Projects With Audience Needs And Managing Music Entrepreneurship | feat. Dr. Heidi Kay Begay Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure discusses the transformative role of mentorship in achieving success in the music business.

    Drawing from personal experiences, Fabiana emphasizes that mentorship is not just about shortcuts but a valuable investment in reclaiming time. She challenges the stigma around seeking help, urging musicians to embrace mentorship as a smart strategy. Through anecdotes from her own journey, Fabiana illustrates how mentorship transforms perspectives and accelerates success. The episode concludes with an invitation for feedback and engagement from the audience, fostering a community of musicians creating prosperity together.

    Also in this episode:

    Mentorship is Crucial: The role of mentors is vital at every stage of a musician's life. Time-Saving Catalyst: By seeking guidance from mentors, musicians can benefit from shortcuts, knowledge, and perspectives that expedite their path to success. Change in Perspective: The idea is to step outside one's own perspective, gaining insights that can transform how musicians approach challenges and opportunities. Embrace Mentorship in Business: Mentorship can be a gateway to success, providing valuable insights and shortcuts in various areas of life. Value of Time: By learning from those who have already achieved similar goals, individuals can avoid trial and error, making the journey to success more efficient. Changing the Narrative around Shortcuts: Successful people prioritize their time and value mentorship as a means of achieving their goals more effectively. Subscribe To The Musician’s Creating Prosperity Podcast

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    The Transformative Power of Mentorship In Your Music Business Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure explores the synergy between a premium online music business and social impact.

    She addresses the concern of leaving some behind due to affordability, offering strategies like free content creation, brand building, and value addition. Fabiana also emphasizes content creation as an act of giving, showcasing how musicians are natural contributors to beauty and emotional expression. She guides musicians in reconciling the tension between premium offerings and accessibility, urging them to view online content as a storefront for building awareness.

    Also in this episode:

    Focus on Premium Clients: Attracting fewer but committed clients who resonate with your vision and values. Address Concerns of Affordability: The valid concern of leaving behind individuals who cannot afford premium programs and aims to provide strategies to reconcile this tension. Use Free Content for Brand Building: Create free content like live shows, webinars, and other resources to build brand awareness, educate the audience, to establish your name in the community. Content Creation as Social Impact: The act of regularly producing free content is an act of giving back to the community, creating social impact by raising awareness and educating the audience about possible solutions. Balancing Artistic Expression and Business: Musicians to see themselves are both artists and content creators, and can pursue artistic expression and build a sustainable business model. One-on-One Conversations Add Value: Understanding the audience's needs and providing a space for them to be heard contributes to the overall impact of the musician in their community. Subscribe To The Musician’s Creating Prosperity Podcast

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    Balancing The Premium Rates Of Music Entrepreneurship With Your Social Impact In The Community Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure is joined by renowned pianist Jeffrey Biegel, to discuss the secrets of successful fundraising, project coordination, and financing artistic ventures.

    Jeffrey Biegel shares his pioneering story, exploring the intersection of tradition and innovation through projects like the Peanuts Concerto and the Rhapsody National Initiative. Mr. Biegel also delves into networking and project creation, sharing his unconventional approach to connecting with conductors and orchestras. Discover the evolving landscape of classical music and the impact of technology while preserving the irreplaceable human element.

    Also in this episode:

    Evolution in Music and Entrepreneurship: The impact of technology on the classical music industry and how it has influenced the goals and approaches of musicians. Innovation in Concerts: Pioneering efforts in live-streamed concerts and audio-video cybercasts, starting in 1997, Biegel reflects on the challenges and successes of these early attempts to use technology to connect with audiences around the world. Purposeful Commissioning of Music: The importance of connecting compositions to relevant themes and the need for music to reflect and resonate with contemporary society, addressing topics such as patriotism, diversity, and social issues. Legacy and Transcending Time: Projects that transcend time, reaching people across generations, can contribute to this legacy. Funding Challenges and Strategies: Finding the right composer, estimating costs, securing down payments, and navigating contracts with non-profits can be crucial. Entrepreneurship in Music: Being entrepreneurial, thinking outside the box, and leveraging technology for networking and publicity can help musicians build successful and sustainable careers. About Jeffrey Biegel

    The life and legacy of Jeffrey Biegel reflects an unprecedented journey as a pianist having created the most diverse commissioning projects, premieres and recordings of his generation, building bridges to break divides through music. His life takes its roots from age three, barely able to hear nor speak, until corrected by surgery. The 'reverse Beethoven' phenomenon explains his lifelong commitment to music, having heard only vibrations in his formative years.

    Considered the most prolific artist of his generation, Moravian College in Bethlehem, PA, conferred the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters upon Mr. Biegel in 2015, for his achievements in performance, recordings, chamber music, champion of new music, composer, arranger and educator.

    He studied at The Juilliard School with Adele Marcus, herself a pupil of Josef Lhevinne and Artur Schnabel, and is currently on faculty at the Conservatory of Music at Brooklyn College.

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    Financing Artistic Ventures, Project Management, And Funding The Future Of Classical Innovation | feat. Jeffrey Biegel Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure shares personal insights on overcoming challenges and building resilience in the music industry.

    Emphasizing that setbacks are temporary, Dr. Claure guides musicians to anchor their vision, embody the emotional frequency of success, and embrace disruptions as opportunities for growth. With anecdotes from her entrepreneurial journey, Dr. Claure inspires listeners to view challenges as stepping stones toward prosperity.

    Also in this episode:

    Interpretation of Challenges: Don't interpret current challenges as a permanent state in your life. Understand that everything is transient, and your circumstances will shift. Vision and Emotional Embodiment: Focus on a clear vision of what you want and emotionally embody the feeling of already having achieved it. Law of Advancement: Just as in nature, things must go down before they can go up, and disruptions often precede significant advancements. Persistence and Adaptation: Be adaptable and willing to make changes, as temporary setbacks may lead to valuable lessons and new perspectives. Faith and Faithfulness: Temporary setbacks don't define your journey; they are stepping stones to growth. Seeking Support: Connect with mentors, coaches, or communities that can provide guidance and help you define a clear path forward in your business.
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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    A Musician's Guide to Building Resilience And Overcoming Setbacks Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure challenges conventional notions and encourages you to start redefining your success in the music industry.

    In this episode, Dr. Claure shares her personal journey transitioning from a musician to a business owner while emphasizing the limitations of external definitions. Dr. Clare encourages musicians to break free from narrow perspectives and envision success beyond traditional norms. She advocates for a holistic approach, balancing professional goals with family, health, and artistic fulfillment. Listeners gain insights into crafting their own pathways to success and embodying it as a model for others.

    Also in this episode:

    Broaden Your Definition of Success: Move beyond traditional definitions tied to institutional recognition and embrace a holistic view that includes personal fulfillment, family, and health. Evolve with Personal Growth: Allow your definition to evolve as you grow personally and professionally. What mattered five years ago may differ from your current priorities. Be Your Own Model: Keep promises to yourself, create a balanced life, and showcase the values you want others to adopt. Expand Your Impact: Success isn't just about personal achievements; it's about positively influencing others. Build connections, inspire change, and create a ripple effect in the lives of those around you. Customize Your Path to Success: This allows you to define success on your terms, integrating it seamlessly with various aspects of your life. Embrace a Multi-Dimensional Perspective: Consider success in your business, health, artistry, and relationships, and create a well-rounded picture of success that aligns with your values.
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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    Redefining Success: A Musician's Holistic Journey Beyond Money Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure is joined by Christopher Still, the Los Angeles Philharmonic's celebrated trumpeter, to discuss his journey as a musician and music entrepreneur.

    Christopher shares invaluable insights on goal-setting, self-improvement, and the intersection of technology and coaching. Uncover the secrets to overcoming perfectionism and embracing self-worth in entrepreneurial pursuits. Christopher's diverse interests, including running and beer brewing, add flavor to the discussion. Explore his current projects like Audition Accelerator and Online Business Accelerator, along with a focus on habit coaching. Learn about his time management strategies, emphasizing calendar blocking and prioritization.

    Also in this episode:

    Diversity of Skills: Christopher emphasizes the importance of diversifying skills for musicians, highlighting his journey as both a renowned trumpet player in the Los Angeles Philharmonic and an entrepreneur with the Honesty Pill brand. Proactive Time Management: Chris advocates for proactive time management, emphasizing the need to align actions with goals and avoid reactive states, especially for musicians who often operate in response to external cues. Entrepreneurial Journey: His journey involves helping other musicians through online coaching, courses, and building businesses beyond traditional music performance. Overcoming Perfectionism: Musicians should not to wait until everything is perfect before starting a project. Chris advocates for taking action, learning from mistakes, and embracing imperfection on the path to growth and success. Embrace Your Unique Voice and Believe in Its Relevance: There may be many individuals with similar skills, but everyone has a unique voice or perspective. Success is Attainable with Strategic Delivery: Success is achievable by figuring out how to deliver one's talents effectively, especially when it matters. This involves strategic planning, breaking down myths about limited opportunities, and understanding the importance of delivering your skills in a way that connects with others, whether in auditions, business pitches, or other endeavors. Subscribe To The Musician’s Creating Prosperity Podcast

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    Book A Call With Dr. Fabiana Claure

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    A Music Entrepreneur Needs Time Management, Skill Diversification, and To Embrace Imperfection | feat. Christopher Still Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure shares the framework she learned for a balancing of artistic passion with entrepreneurship on her music business.

    From struggling to integrate her piano artistry with business ownership and motherhood, she discussed the framework of the "Musician's Profit Umbrella®." Drawing inspiration from historical women musicians like Clara Schumann, Dr. Claure guides listeners on creating a business model that seamlessly combines artistry and profitability. Learn how to consolidate diverse skills, monetize creativity, and build a unique brand.

    Also in this episode:

    Struggle with Integration: This struggle included balancing time spent on artistic pursuits with the demands of running a business and being a parent. Monetization Dilemma: Struggling with the idea of not making money directly from artistic endeavors unless it was a well-compensated performance. Role Model Influence: As a professor, Fabiana felt the responsibility to be a role model for music students, showcasing how it's possible to integrate creativity and artistry with building a successful career, especially for those pursuing degrees in music. Research and Inspiration: Fabiana conducted research on successful women musicians from the 19th and early 20th centuries who were also entrepreneurs. This research served as inspiration and provided insights into how these women managed to thrive both as musicians and business owners. Umbrella Framework: The development of the "Musician's Profit Umbrella" framework involved the idea of building a business behind artistic pursuits. This framework encourages musicians to see themselves as the sum of all their skills, integrating their creative side with profit-producing avenues. Harmony between Artistry and Business: Instead of solely relying on direct income from artistic endeavors, building a broader online business allows musicians to monetize creativity while also creating brand visibility, credibility, and a harmonious connection between artistry and profitability. Subscribe To The Musician’s Creating Prosperity Podcast

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    "The Musician's Profit Umbrella®": Balance In Artistry And Entrepreneurship To Build A Unique Brand For Your Music Business Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure delves into applying autopilot to streamline the back-end procedures and systems for your music business.

    She emphasizes the significance of documenting procedures through standard operating procedures (SOPs) and encourages listeners to envision their business as a well-organized entity with clear roles and expectations. Whether you're a solo musician or have a team, the path to a freedom-based business starts with a CEO mindset.

    Also in this episode:

    Sales Mastery: Sales is a skill that demands discipline and understanding of your clients' psychology. Operations Efficiency: Delegating back-end procedures, administrative tasks, and non-core activities to free up your time and avoid compromising business growth. Strategic Marketing: The Three S Formula is introduced to help you articulate specific problems, target clients, and unique solutions. Financial Management: The urgency of offloading administrative financial tasks like bookkeeping to professionals, allowing you to focus on core business aspects. Subscribe To The Musician’s Creating Prosperity Podcast

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    “Autopilot” Systems For Crafting Your Freedom-Based Music Business Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom
  • Dr. Fabiana Claure delves into the specifics of the game-changing concept for putting your music business on “autopilot.”

    Learn how to break free from traditional teaching models and create archives of trainings, transforming your knowledge into an asynchronous mode of instruction. Fabiana invites musicians to envision group settings, drawing from historical teaching models, and shares real-life case studies of successful transitions to an autopilot-based model. Whether you're a pianist, vocalist, or creative entrepreneur, this episode guides you in reinventing your music business for financial, artistic, and lifestyle freedom.

    Also in this episode:

    Shift from Time-Bound to Time-Independent: The podcast encourages musicians to rethink their traditional business models, which often tie them to specific times and locations. Asynchronous Instruction: Musicians explore creative ways to deliver results without being bound by real-time interactions. Productizing Experiences: It's essential to avoid creating extensive content beforehand but rather start with a clear outline and refine it based on client feedback and interest. Group Learning and Masterclass Setting: Group learning not only fosters a healthy, competitive environment but also reduces monotony for both teachers and students. Building Community: This community-driven approach encourages students to support each other, fosters inspiration, and enhances the overall learning experience. Mindset Shift: Musicians need to believe in and embrace the change because the autopilot model not only transforms the way music is taught but also opens up opportunities for increased value, elevated positioning, and potentially higher rates. Subscribe To The Musician’s Creating Prosperity Podcast

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    About Dr. Fabiana Claure

    Fabiana, a concert pianist and former University professor turned 7-figure entrepreneur, has empowered thousands of musicians to scale their businesses and reclaim their time. Co-founding Superior Academy of Music® in 2011, she and her husband remotely managed the academy since 2016, achieving increased efficiency and profitability.

    As the Founder and Director of the University of North Texas Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program (2016-2021), she spearheaded initiatives that assisted musicians in launching businesses and gaining recognition as a top-ranked program.

    While in Academia, she launched her online mentorship program in 2020, using the Musician’s Profit Umbrella® method to help musicians globally scale their businesses. In 2021, she left her full-time University job to focus on her coaching business, performing/speaking career, family, and overall well-being, assisting musicians in unifying their skills and scaling their online music businesses for rapid financial expansion and purposeful life design.

    How To Use The “Autopilot” Model To Revolutionize Your Music Business Musicians Creating Prosperity: A Music Business Guide To Freedom