
  • For eight months now, neoslife has been birthing itself into form in the energetic realm, existing through my sharing of the vision, my passion and commitment to the land that found its way to me and by sharing stories and experiences with its growing community - you.

    The other part was its physical manifestation by working on it tirelessly and putting my financial assets into neoslife’s creation. This has not been easy as the fear of losing my shirt by ‘betting’ so big on this vision has been ever present throughout this journey.

    So much has happened since the land found me in October last year. Negotiations, due diligence, architectural, urban and masterplanning, relationship building with the municipality, brand development, land regeneration, website, community building online, in-person and on the land, investor discussions…

    As we are approaching its ninth month, neoslife both needs and invites you to help birth this vision. We are looking for up to eight founding investors that are passionate to bring this vision to life. You will be at the forefront of its development, with the option to be one of the first to build a house on the land and benefit from neoslife’s experiences and services for the rest of your life.

    We are looking for investors for €111,111 or more. Below you find a few slides about neoslife’s journey ahead. If this resonates with you, please respond to this email and I will be in touch with more information.

    I am eternally grateful to every one of you, for being with us on this journey and your support in whatever form it comes. I am fully committed to see this vision through with all I have got as I expressed in my previous article

    With much love and gratitude,Vincent

    a message from karen

    Wouldn’t it be a beautiful thing for neoslife to exist? Can you imagine it for a moment? This beautiful village of light in Portugal, bringing healing, restoring hope, uniting people in their yearning for balance and unity, offering solutions and trainings, joy and connection. Can you feel and see yourself there, having contributed to its unfoldment, or perhaps even being in the heart of it?

    I have explored many healing/eco-communities over the years, and each of them offer light into the world. They may have an approach or philosophy that I or you would contend with, but the resounding truth above all else is that the world benefits from such places. People need places to go, where they can be held by a healing infrastructure of compassion and inspiration, where the question of who’s right and who’s wrong is overshadowed by ‘What brings peace? What brings healing?’

    Many argue that we are collectively on a precipice, and the earth cannot hold us much longer. It has always been clear to me and others who are tapped into the same transmission/data — that our best real hope lies in the power of village, of ‘joining the dots.’ There is an African proverb that says it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it certainly takes a village to raise a new earth.

    In the case of neoslife, the vision is alive, and great plans and actions have already been fulfilled. And now the final village need is apparent — investment. Who will be the ones that bring this dream to fruition?

    If you are reading this and feel a resonance to neoslife, and desire from your heart to contribute some of your financial good fortune towards leaving a legacy (in a way that is still financially smart, and comes with the joy of sharing this lifelong journey with us), then this is your call to get in touch with us right away.

    In love and community spirit,Karen

    Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • Meet Karen Aiyana Birch.

    Three weeks ago, Karen and I met over a Zoom call.

    There was something distinctly different about this call.

    The conversation was easy, felt safe, open and vulnerable.

    It was not about what was said but what didn't need to be said.

    There was an instant recognition of each other, who we are being.

    It’s hard to capture in words. It has to be experienced, that way of being.

    a new way of being

    I believe that this very experience captures what neoslife is about.

    Yes, neoslife is a village project.

    Yes, there will be a healing and well-being center.

    Yes, it is about land regeneration, organic farming and autonomy.

    Yes, there will be lots of personal development modalities, retreats and workshops.

    But really what will differentiate neoslife from any other project that I am aware of is our way of being.

    For neoslife to have the impact we are aspiring to, Karen’s and my responsibility is to embody this way of being.

    This is the reason why until now I have not had a co-founder for this massive project, because it needed to be someone who truly understands what we are creating - not because I am explaining it or there’s a mental resonance, but because she has been embodying this same truth.

    We share the recognition of what we believe is the next step in human evolution.

    When I read her New Culture Eco-Village narrative ‘Experience Paradise’ I thought to myself, she is describing neoslife. You can read it here.

    upholding the highest principle

    I was about to be spending time on the land with a potential partner and investor.

    I spontaneously invited Karen to join and she agreed.

    Our time together further sharpened my understanding of the mission of neoslife and that for us to succeed, we cannot compromise on this very essence of ‘a new way of being’ which is at the core of neoslife’s vision.

    Experiencing for the first time true alignment with another human being, in juxtaposition with experiencing friction and incomplete alignment with the investor-partner, brought clarity to me.

    The New Earth that many of us are working towards and that I believe many more are yearning for needs ‘a new way of being’.

    It is not enough to create an eco-village.

    It is not enough to build an independent settlement.

    It is not enough to regenerate the soil and grow our own food.

    The change we need to bring forward is a fundamentally different way of being with each other because

    unless we shift our state of being, everything we do will perpetuate the imbalances, conflicts and polarisation of the current paradigm.

    This is what neoslife is meant to empower in us, through experiencing it.

    All the other pieces are part of the vehicle to make it happen, but they are not the essence of it.

    crystal clarity

    Over the past months, I had a number of investors approaching me to bring neoslife to form.

    None of them was a fit and I had to reject them in order to stay true to the mission.

    This was not easy because without money this project will not see the light of day and all the work, sweat, and money that has been put into it over the last eight months will be lost.

    Worse, it means the impact that neoslife is meant to have will not materialise.

    However, I have full faith because just the way the land found me without looking for it, and Karen came to neoslife without me looking for someone, so will the right investor appear at the perfect moment.

    divine perfect timing

    Karen and I first connected on May 23rd at 2pm.

    I met Marie who brought the land to me at the airport on October 23, 2023 at 2pm.

    That’s exactly seven months apart to the hour.

    Coincidence? I’ll let you be the judge of it.

    Seven is a special number in spirituality.

    Our week has seven days, we have seven chakras and our lives move in seven year cycles.

    The ‘random’ encounter with Marie at an airport marked the kick-off of neoslife.

    I will share this incredible story another time.

    so who is karen?

    Karen’s bio reads:

    My work is about reuniting heaven and earth and thus creating paradise, within and without. This is not creating anything but what is inherently natural to us. It is a returning to our natural divine blueprint. It is our natural state to be a Master. It is our natural way of being to use consciousness, intention, energy, sound, voice, song, movement, dance, and sacred space to maintain balance, to heal, to create – to live this way. …

    You can read her full bio here.

    Karen has been on a profound spiritual journey, including a period of twelve years of daily meditation practice in devotion to awakening which lead to letting go of her marriage, home, work and social life in order to surrender completely.

    At the same time, she’s a serial entrepreneur and founder of the The New Earth School, an educational community platform to facilitate the shifts we need to make in order to create a more beautiful world.

    She also

    * founded the Unified Coherence Coaching Academy

    * was regional director of a European branch within the Global Ecovillage Network

    * coordinated the holistic services at a London addiction clinic for four years

    * co-produced the award-wining eco-village feature film, ‘The Blueprint’

    * published Celestial Earth, the story of her awakening

    Both The New Earth School and the Unified Coherence Coaching Academy will be merged into neoslife, as the starting point for our online offering and part of a wider family of ecosystem services.

    With much loveVincent(and Karen says hi)

    Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

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  • A message to the neoslife community — in response to conversations in our WhatsApp group.

    Thanks to all of you for being a part of and contributing to this community by sharing your insights, reflections and ideas. I am in awe of and grateful to the nearly 300 souls that have found their way here. I am reading and taking in every comment even when I cannot reply to every single one.


    I’d like to add some specific clarity around fundraising: I used to be an investment banker and a tech startup founder. I am very aware of the fund raising processes available and currently, I spend most of my time on all the aspects that are required to make funding happen. I have personally invested more than €300,000 and continue to invest into this project. I am all-in with no back-doors and have committed everything I have to this project.

    I am living in the stretch of any new startup and yet this is different in one major way. It is not just a beautiful idea, it is being created from a new way of being. I am really in my inner work and practicing walking the talk. I am not a guru or a messiah. I am someone who is answering a deep call. I am a listener and a student in many ways. In others, I have a foundation which the calling knows and draws upon.

    Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife. Subscribe for free to receive new posts.


    The neoslife retreat last month has beautifully and painfully shown me that it is crucial that the people involved at the very beginning are fully aligned with the vision and mission of neoslife. There can be no shortcuts. The same applies to investors. neoslife needs investor(s) that want this project to succeed because they fully grasp the opportunity and necessity we have to lead a much needed shift in humanity and are competent to do so abundantly.

    neoslife is still a very fragile flower but it has the potential and purpose to empower the journey of transformation by hosting and cultivating the current scientific best practices and the corresponding ancient wisdom that will support a quantum in moving up from the lower vibrations into the higher vibrations using all the chakras optimally and into full awakening.

    Doing from being in the heart

    There is no point in just creating another village. The vision is to become a model to the world and it can only do so if who we are “being” informs the right doing. The primary core pillar is centred in being and acting from the heart. I have spent a 1,000 hours with one of my hermetic teachers to understand the underlying principles. I am deeply committed and invested into embodying this alignment.

    As it says in the Gene Keys:

    “Before you begin anything new in your life you need to ask yourself ‘What is the true essence of this beginning?’ The majority of people don’t realise that most beginnings contain subtle traces of fear. If these grains of fear are present at the very source of your endeavour, you will have unwittingly planted the seeds of its eventual demise.”

    Truly living a new paradigm

    I am very intentional that neoslife needs to be grounded not in fear but in the aspiration of something higher. I am calling in supporters and investors that understand this so we can start building the new earth operating system for life (neoslife) rather than just something that looks like it.

    Sadly, I have witnessed plenty of pseudo-spirituality: Using spiritual language, dressing ‘spiritually’, etc. and all the while unconsciously remaining grounded in the old paradigm. I did not spend 10 years full-time preparing for this project to then take a shortcut and thereby planting the project’s ultimate demise.

    From Drama to Empowerment Triangle

    I love all of the challengers "in here" and out there. The role of the Challenger is to help the Creator become a crystal clear visionary capable of strategy in this way: The most lovingly connected and authentic way of being present to the vision will generate a logical and obvious next step or "doing".

    I really encourage everyone who is interested in participating to look at the information around the Drama Triangle and the Empowerment Triangle (here’s a short video). It is life changing. 99.99% of the world lives in and is therefore stuck in the Drama Triangle. This is the reason why we still have all the wars and conflicts whether on a global level or within our very families. Make no mistake, it’s all the same. The universe is fractal.

    neoslife village principles

    The transformation of the roles of Victim/Rescuer/Persecutor to Creator/Coach/Challenger would be fantastic practical next steps in support of your own lives and for sure would be in support of one of the practical processes I am committed to modelling in the village culture being created. I am here to create the village before the village. All villagers-in-the-making will be able to confidently step into village life and play full-out.

    I see us as Stewards and Thought Leaders. We are connected and have many interconnections. We have shared values and concepts that can be innovated and leading edge. I invite everyone to lean in and be all-in. I read that Findhorn is divesting from the foundation model. I am committed to understanding the limits they came into.

    There are many other communities that have reached their upper limits and I am curious as to what needs to shift so that neoslife has blue sky success. I read the concerns of those worried about the luxury aspects as pricing out those who are here. I am keenly aware and neoslife’s mission is to to become a place that welcomes and can host a broad spectrum of people and income classes.

    Funding stage one

    However, there is a voice within me guiding me in these initial stages around patient capital and funding a foundation. I remain open to nearly all possibilities as we explore developing the property, however, due to the rapid nature of this first stage unfolding, time is a limit that is going to dictate capital.

    I know in my heart of hearts that just like the land found me through a then stranger, Marie, that stood behind me in the line to board a plane only to present me with this property days later. The only land I ever looked at — and it is the perfect land. What were the chances of this happening?

    Such is the nature of higher unfolding. Magical. Miraculous. Just like that, I suspect that there is a specific investor out there looking to fund this very project and land.

    Everything is unfolding

    The Vision and the Land are working through me and all of you. I see it as you light up in your discussions. I am looking to meet that investor(s) who light(s) up in the same way. It will be a recognition rather than me selling or promoting the land. And of course, I am out there so that this opportunity is visible as widely as possible calling in the resonant and relevant people.

    If you have not watched the 4 mins neoslife vision video yet, please do. See the end of this post.

    I know this is long, however, I hope it inspires and gives us all permission to step up. I have no doubt that this group has embodied within it already the genius to take this vision to where it and we need to go.

    Thank youI love youVincent

    PS. If this resonates, please join us for today’s 7pm GMT Zoom call to connect, have a profound experience and discuss neoslife. You can register here or read about it in my previous newsletter.

    PPS. If you’d also like to participate in the conversations around neoslife, I invite you to join our global WhatsApp community here.

    Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife. Subscribe for free to receive new posts.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • neos·life’s vision is to create Heaven on Earth.

    Yet Heaven is first and foremost an inner state. It is a place where we feel in harmony, satiated with joy, peace and love. This place is available to any of us anytime.

    While we are not yet on the physical neos·life land, this

    Tuesday, May 7 at 19h GMT / 20 CET / 11am PST / 2pm EST

    I have the pleasure of partnering with my dear friend SKAI, a quantum healer from France, bringing you a unique Heaven on Earth live experience.

    Skai spent 3 years in silence to master his energy. After helping many clients quickly reverse chronic diseases like Crohn’s, Sjogren, Cancer, Neuropathy, etc., he wants people to learn to heal themselves.

    He has created a powerful energy work to Master Your Immune Force. You can try it for free here.

    Skai will guide us through a 40-minute inner journey into Heaven using a blend of guided meditation, lucid dreaming and ZeroPoint energy work. We’ll see, smell, hear and feel Heaven on our very skin, remove obstructions to access this space within and discover a clear pathway to return to it at will.

    Then we’ll explore what Heaven on Earth means for us and how neos·life is creating a blueprint to build villages, pockets of Heaven on Earth on this planet.

    To join us on our Zoom on Tuesday, register here — it’s free:

    And here’s neos·life’s new vision video featuring the land, our community day and reflections from participants and myself about our future village.

    You can also see Skai in it at 2:05.

    We are looking forward to experiencing a higher state with many of you.

    With loveSkai & Vincent

    To stay up-to-date with the latest at neos·life, join our active WhatsApp community here.

    Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife. Subscribe for free to receive new posts.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • Love is the only answer to all our problems.

    It transcends gender, race, politics, opinions, beliefs.

    It transcends everything.

    Thanks to some recent challenging experiences around the emerging community of neoslife, I have realised that neoslife at its core is really about one thing:

    How much can I love.

    How much can I love in the face of disagreement, ego, separation, judgement, conflict and adversity.

    The question is not am I right.

    The question is how much can I love.

    Thank you for reading my awakening - neoslife. Subscribe for free to receive new articles.

    This is not an airy fairy spiritual idea but a very real day-to-day challenge to be fully embodied.

    Talk is cheap.

    If I truly want to change the paradigm, I have to love no matter what others think, say or do.

    This is the challenge.

    To unconditionally love all the time and everyone.

    I don’t have to agree with you but I can always chose to respond with love.

    Love transcends all boundaries.

    It might be the hardest thing to ever ‘do’ and it’s also the most transformative.

    I pledge that I will embody this to the best of my abilities.

    I thank everyone that challenges me and shows me where I need to learn to love more.

    You’re all my teachers and I bow to everyone of you for showing me my wounds so I can heal them.

    I see you.

    I love you no matter how much it hurts sometimes.

    We can create a beautiful world, a world that the world has never seen before and cannot even imagine yet.

    That’s how powerful we are.

    All we have to do is to love a little more, a little more and a little more.

    So that’s what I’ll do.

    Every day a little more.

    Thank you for being part of this journey.

    Thank you for being patient with me.

    I see you, I thank every one of you.

    I’m deeply grateful.

    I truly love you.

    What does this mean?

    After a magical retreat earlier this month, I had a number of challenging experiences with team members and participants.

    Taking time to deeply reflect on these exchanges, I shared the above message in the neoslife WhatsApp group here.

    My previous perspective was that all (individual and global) problems are due to a lack of consciousness, of self awareness.

    However, these experiences have helped me see that there’s a simpler and clearer way to put this:

    All problems are the result of a lack of love.

    Whatever is seemingly done to me is a product of my perceptions, conditioning and ultimately my unhealed wounds and at the same time a product of the doer’s perceptions, conditioning and ultimately their unhealed wounds.

    Whatever we say or do to each other is therefore never personal but simply a reflection of where we are at — both on the doing and the receiving end.

    And where I am at is simply a function of how much I have come to be at peace.

    As Rumi said:

    “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

    Therefore, all interpersonal challenges are a result of a lack of love for oneself.

    And as I cannot give to others what I don’t have for myself, a lack of self love expresses itself in how I perceive, respond to and treat others.

    This is what all great seers taught us:

    Love thy neighbour, enemy and everyone as yourself.

    Though we might look at it like a reminiscent of ancient times and only applicable to enlightened people, this timeless wisdom is as valid and as important today.

    And it’s achievable by every single human being.

    I believe all of you readers of this newsletter wish for a more peaceful, more harmonious and more loving world.

    The good news: We have the power to create it any day just like I have the power to create a fit and healthy body.

    The ‘bad’ news: I cannot wait for others to do this work for me.

    I have to create it and it starts with how I receive, respond to and treat others.

    There’s no running away or hiding from it. I have to do this (inner) work.

    Life is providing an infinite amount of opportunities for me to do this work.

    How I receive, respond to and treat others cannot be dependent on how they treat me because then none of us would ever be able to start being more loving and hence the world around us and in extension the world globally would never start to change.

    Love is and has to be unconditional. And the power of such love transforms anyone it touches.

    My only job is to do everything in my power to be more loving and soon enough everything around me will be more loving.

    That is the power we all have:

    To transform the world.

    All I have to do is to start myself.

    And if not me, who?

    Thank you for reading my awakening - neoslife! Subscribe for free to receive new articles.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • In this newsletter:

    * Signing the promissory purchase contract

    * Another neoslife podcast

    * New website

    * First renders of the 34 bedroom neoslife hotel to open in 2025

    * Meet Neo, the 4th resident of neoslife

    * Last Call: Two spots left for the retreat next week. If you are an investor, supporter, influencer or future resident, we have two spots left for the most transformative journey of your life. Apply here: ir.neoslife.com

    Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife. Subscribe for free to receive new posts.

    On 2/4/24, five months after I first set foot on this beautiful land, we signed the contract to acquire the estate that is becoming neoslife.

    It was the only land I ever looked at and I knew right away this is it. How the land found me and everything that happened after was nothing short of miraculous and full of synchronicities. Miracles are real if we allow ourselves to see and act on them.

    Signing the purchase agreement turned out to be an emotional day for me. I’m full of gratitude for all who have supported me on this journey till now and to the many more to come. So many have messaged me, strangers and friends alike, from all corners of the world that want to live there, learn, contribute, participate or understand what it is.

    It’s been an intense, beautiful, exhausting, fun, scary and humbling five months all at the same time. I learnt that nothing is impossible when we want something from the bottom of our hearts — and it activates huge resources and support. I cannot wait to see what we will all be creating there together starting this July. I know it will be magical.

    The human story is yearning for a new paradigm, a new way of being in harmony with each other, nature and ourselves. Adversity, war, conflicts and diseases were all necessary for us to remember who we are not. We have played this game of fear and animosity long enough.

    We’re ready to wake up to a new story and to bring paradise to earth. neoslife is intended to support us with that and that one day there will be many ‘neoslives’ and with all of us living in love, peace and harmony with each other, nature and ourselves. It might sound like a utopia but it really is the future we are creating.

    We’ve been gifted such a beautiful world, let’s also make our human experience an extraordinary and beautiful one — because we can.

    That today may be the day where we start writing a new chapter of the human journey. I know we will make it happen.

    With all my love, thank youVincent🙏🏻💫❤️🚀

    Another neoslife podcast

    Where I talk about how the land found me at a random encounter at the airport, what neoslife is and why the world wants and needs it.

    We also cover my journey from investment banking to Bitcoin and spirituality, loosing a fortune speculating, personal growth, society, technology, the upcoming retreat, the neoslife vision, the spiritual journey, psychedelics, awakening and purpose.

    I hope you enjoy it!

    You can also listen on Spotify.

    We have a new website

    Mobile friendly and more structured. Still a lot of moving pieces but its progressing.

    Check it out at neos.life.

    Fourth resident of neoslife

    Please welcome Neo. On Easter Sunday, this eight week old face looked at me at a seemingly random encounter. I wasn’t planning on getting a dog just like I did not expect the land to find me at an airport encounter. She was gifted to me, literally and figuratively.

    Life is magical when I get out of the way and let it take its course. Now female Neo is part of the family and will move with me onto the land in July.

    neoslife hotel and retreat center

    Another view of one of the future hotel guest rooms.

    Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife. Subscribe for free to receive new posts.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • neoslife on podcast

    Recently I had the opportunity to share my journey from investment banking to Bitcoin, psychedelics, spirituality and neoslife on the Once Bitten Bitcoin podcast. If you enjoy this newsletter, you will enjoy this podcast. Here are the Spotify and Youtube links.

    neoslife in development

    This is an early-stage of what I am working on with a Shan, our 3D designer. It’s not a refection of the actual village but us playing with how to best display it:

    neoslife on WhatsApp

    The growing neoslife community has now a home: Join our 160 people strong WhatsApp chat to follow along.

    Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife. Subscribe for free to receive new posts.

    Earlier this week, I attended the ChangeNOW conference in Paris.

    The conference website states:

    WE ACCELERATE THE TRANSITION TO A SUSTAINABLE WORLD. We lead and amplify concrete actions that inspire and change norms, companies and individuals. Step into a sustainable world - THE LARGEST EVENT OF SOLUTIONS FOR THE PLANET.

    It was a three-day conference but 24 hours after touching down I was back in Lisbon.

    The conference was a full-on display why the world is not improving. None of the many incredible solutions will solve the problem of hunger, poverty, climate change, eco destruction or anything else.

    Because none of them addresses the root cause of the problems we find ourselves in: Our way of being.

    Here’s a 60 seconds video of me at the conference explaining.

    The conference was heartless and many speakers inauthentic. The opening statements could not have been less inspiring. From the feel it could as well have been a banking conference.

    What’s the problem?

    The world we live in is a direct reflection of who we are being as a civilisation of eight billion people.

    If I want to change the world so that I look better, become richer or more important I will not make a positive impact.

    Neither if my solutions are focused on external, outside of me, solutions, no matter how brilliant or well intended.

    When I create from ego or fear, what I create will be ego-driven and fear-driven and thereby amplify the problem not solve it.

    What needs to precede any desire to change something is the desire to change oneself first.

    Whatever I am doing is a function of who I am being.

    The reason the world is not improving despite the millions of people trying to solve its problems and the trillions of dollars that are poured into the supposed solutions is simply because none are addressing the root cause:

    Our separate sense of self.

    As long as I believe my life is about me and I need to have more money, power or control to be safe or feel good, whatever I create will create more of the same.

    Social media is a beautiful example. It was meant to make the world more connected but it really has created more silos, polarisation and separation. Not because there’s anything wrong with the technology but because technology simply amplifies who we are being.

    AI will be the biggest amplifier of this and it will crush us if we don’t wake up from the illusion of being separate.

    What’s the ‘solution’?

    My primary job as a human is to evolve. This is the very purpose of life. If I am not evolving I am wasting my life because this is what I came here to do.

    After I exit the body I am in stasis again and hence the opportunity to evolve is lost.

    As a collective, we are meant to evolve from feeling separate from each other and therefore fighting and competing our way through life to remembering that we are individual expressions of one universal consciousness that simply uses the human life to experience itself and evolve.

    We are this consciousness and we are playing with ourselves the human game of life.

    How? By having forgotten who we truly are.

    And the ‘job’ we came here to ‘do’ is to wake up from the dream of separation and to remember who we really are thereby returning to a state of pure love for life, the world, each other and most importantly ourselves. Because

    We are one.

    This return to love and oneness is what we are all secretly yearning yet what is for our separate minds so very difficult to understand.

    The moment we remember and therefore act from a place of individually expressed oneness again, poverty, hunger, wars and the destruction of nature will all end at once because we understood that really we are one single organism of consciousness hurting itself.

    No one in their right mind would hurt himself yet that is what we are doing.

    That is, until we wake up from the illusion.

    How can we ‘do’ it?

    neoslife is the vehicle I am building to create a place for this new way of being, helping us to remember and experiencing again who we always were.

    We have just forgotten.

    A life in harmony, peace and love we are all yearning for can be created right now.

    All it takes is that I let go of my idea of being a separate self by waking up from this illusion.

    I ‘do’ this by living from the heart rather than the fear-driven mind.

    Yes, Vincent has a separate body, mind and personality but the consciousness that is experiencing itself through this avatar called Vincent is the same as yours.

    And it is eternal. I was never born and I will never die. Only Vincent was born and Vincent will die but not the consciousness that looks through his eyes.

    It’s the same consciousness that looks through yours and hence when I hurt you or only think of myself it is simply the unevolved me who has forgotten that we are of the very same consciousness.

    I am building neoslife to help us in the process of remembering our true nature allowing us to create heaven on earth again completing the human journey we came for:

    To remember who we truly are: Consciousness or God as some call it.

    How can you help?

    By waking up yourself.

    April 10-14, we are inviting eight potential investors for a life-changing experience where they will remember who they truly are beyond their bodies, minds and personalities.

    We are providing this sacred experience unconditionally of any monetary exchange.

    It is the most incredible and exhilarating adventure there is. It is tasting eternity.

    It is an initiation into the best kept secret of the universe: Your truth.

    If this could be you, please fill out this form: ir.neolsife.com.

    We are looking forward to welcoming you home.

    We thank you for following this invitation.

    Beauty awaits you.

    With loveVincent

    Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • This April, I am inviting eight participants to a transformational retreat on the future neoslife estate in Alentejo, Portugal.

    You will be guided by the best facilitators that have supported and catapulted me forward on my journey of growth.

    Building on the retreats we started last year, in a first, all of us are joining forces to bring you the most transformative experience yet.

    We will embark on two different journeys with the Toad and the Heart Protocol.

    I have written about my profound experiences with both these medicines in previous newsletters.

    Furthermore, we will dive into meditation guided by a master, connect with our bodies through yoga and energetic massages and be nourished with incredible food all while being surrounded by the magic of this very special land.

    Fouad, Jeff, John and Sam are all flying in from different corners of the US especially to guide you through this life-changing experience.

    A team of nine of us will look after you and I will personally support you in your process of integration in the weeks and months after.

    This will be my gift to the selected participants.

    You will never look at life the same way.

    Who is this for?

    We are inviting eight individuals to go through the most transformative experience of their lives allowing them to discover and unleash their own greatness.

    And at the same time, to experience the magic of the estate, meet the neoslife team and learn about the vision to explore their financial support for the creation of a place for the world to transform.

    For neoslife’s vision to flourish, we need investors to make it happen.

    If this is you or you know someone who should be one of the eight, please respond to this message and I will share more about the retreat.

    Following closing, I will move onto the land to oversee the development and operations with all my resources, mind and heart.

    I already have invested more than €300,000 as well five months of full-time work.

    Developing neoslife is and will continue to be my sole and exclusive focus.

    I am all-in. To learn more about the project, visit neoslife.

    I can’t wait for us to spend these days together and unleash true greatness.

    Welcome to a new life.

    With much loveVincent

    If you have not seen the land yet, here it is:

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • Our fiat money is, just like the systems we are part of (countries, governments, companies etc.) a collectively agreed upon imagination. Conversely to what we are told, since the $ has been decoupled from gold in 1971, fiat money is no longer backed by anything but our joint belief.

    With the incessant money printing going on and the ever increasing government debt ($34,000,000,000,000 for the US alone, i.e. $100,000 for every US citizen), more and more people are questioning how much longer this house of cards can stand.

    "I don’t believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hands of government, that is, we can’t take it violently out of the hands of government, all we can do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something that they can’t stop." — Friedrich August von Hayek (1984)

    Welcome to Bitcoin

    The abuse of our money has been the very reason for the creation of Bitcoin. It was launched at the end of the financial crises with the following headline written into its genesis block: “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.”

    Bitcoin is this “sly roundabout way that they can’t stop.”

    Why has Bitcoin gone from being worth cents to $60,000 and a market cap of $1.2 trillion in less than 15 years?

    More and more people understand the value of Bitcoin in a world where central banks and governments are out of control.

    What is money?

    Money serves three purposes: 1) store of value, 2) medium of exchange and 3) unit of account.

    A critical aspect of the quality of money is that it preserves its value. The issue with all fiat currencies is that central banks can create more of it at will. And especially in recent years they have done so increasingly and recklessly. Plainly spoken it’s legalised theft and an example that legal and ethical are two very different things.

    Inflation in consumption items and asset values like stocks and real estate is a direct function of the creation of money. Yes, there are other factors but this is the main factor few economists and central bankers talk about because if they were we would realise that the rigged game they are playing with us.

    Central banking is legal theft

    Whenever a central bank creates more money it directly devalues all the existing money. Your $/€/£ are immediately worth less. And they call it inflation.

    Imagine there were only $1 million in the world. Suddenly the central bank decides that its government needs more money and they create - with the push of a button - another $1 million. The amount of monetary units has doubled but nothing else has changed. Everything will increase in price because double the amount of units are now chasing the same amount of assets and goods.

    This is how the system has been stealing from all of us since the money has been delinked from gold - a scarce asset. Why scarce? Because it costs a lot of energy to mine gold and the new supply is therefore limited.

    Bitcoin — the best money

    Bitcoin is the new, much improved gold because not only is it scarce and hard to create but it has absolute scarcity.

    No government nor anyone else can ever create more Bitcoin. There will only ever be 21 million. It’s therefore the hardest/best money there is.

    As more and more people understand this very core principle about the quality of money they buy Bitcoin and this pushes up the price - because of its limited supply.

    This process has been accelerated with the recent launch of Bitcoin spot ETFs (exchange-traded funds) that make buying Bitcoin much easier for the traditional financial rails and institutions and everyone else. It has been the most successful ETF launch ever.

    Bitcoin is not a Ponzi scheme

    Bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme because existing investors are not paid by new investors. The price keeps going up because of its limited supply and the fact that the majority of Bitcoins are not available for sale.

    70% of Bitcoins have not moved/been sold in the last year and 80% not in the last six months because holders increasingly understand Bitcoin continuously increasing in value. It’s the perfect store of money so why would you sell it if you don’t have to.

    Bitcoin has been the best performing asset

    What scares many people is the extreme volatility. The reason is that even today it is still very early days and most people don’t own any Bitcoin. Its total market cap is still less than 10% of that of gold. The market is still in its learning phase and therefore speculation is ripe which is reflected in the price. Don’t confuse price with its underlying value.

    Despite its volatility, Bitcoin has demonstrated to be the best performing asset over the past decade even and especially when adjusted for its volatility/risk. While it goes down a lot, it goes up a lot more and will continue to do so. As Bitcoiners say: It’s just math.

    With governments and central banks getting ever more out of control, there is no better time to hedge yourself and own some Bitcoin. There will ever be only 21 million so not even every current millionaire (56 million) nor every US millionaire (22 million) will ever be able to own a full Bitcoin. Far from it because the majority of Bitcoins are not for sale which creates even more upside pressure on the price.

    And if you think Bitcoin is expensive at $60,000 wait until it’s $100,000 then 200,000. The question is not if but when.

    Owning Bitcoin is owning a piece of the future financial system free from governments manipulation, control and especially devaluation.

    Bitcoin is peace

    By holding Bitcoin you are voting with your money. Governments would not be able to go to wars if they could not print money at will as they would need to raise taxes to pay for the wars - a very unpopular decision. It means we would enter wars only for defence or where the majority explicitly wants it and is willing to pay for it.

    Just like the state and church are meant to be separated, so is money meant to be independent of governments’ control. And with Bitcoin we now have to technology to complete this separation. The world will be much better off for it.

    Disclaimer: This is not financial advice but merely reflects my opinion. Bitcoin is highly volatile. Invest only what you are willing to loose.

    And this is how welcoming the Bitcoin ecosystem is: Here’s nobody me discussing Bitcoin with Michael Saylor, CEO of MicroStrategy, a public company that owns $12 billion worth of Bitcoin. We talked for 12 mins. I don't know of any other industry where that happens.

    Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • Note: At the end of the article you find a new video of the estate neoslife is buying.

    Imagine putting on an Apple VisionPro headset and entering a virtual world. Now imagine never taking this headset off and believing that the virtual reality you are experiencing is Reality.

    This is what life is. We put on the “headset” of being a person at birth and we take it off again at death. Yet we believe that we are the headset, our body and mind, when they are merely our interface to experience life.

    What we really are is the awareness behind this headset. The awareness that is experiencing life through the mind-body headset.

    This awareness is ever present and eternal and doesn’t know birth nor death. Birth is simply the moment we put on the headset for the human journey.

    What’s the purpose?

    You chose to put on the headset to evolve. The purpose is specific to you. It’s your tailor-made experience.

    And there’s a higher purpose: To understand who you truly are.

    We are awareness = consciousness = love = source = God = creator = everything = oneness.

    (Pick whichever label you resonate with. They all mean the same. God has nothing to do with religion. It’s simply the spiritual word for consciousness.)

    But how can I understand what I am if I am everything?

    Rich is meaningless without poor. So is beauty without ugliness or light without darkness and love without fear. We need polarity to understand.

    Therefore, to understand who I am I have to experience what I am not.

    This is what the earthly experience is about: I experience myself as a separate self so that I can experience what I am not and therefore understand what I am (which in it’s ultimate step means everything / awareness / …).

    How does it work?

    Once I understand what I am not (separate, ego, personality, self), I can take the headset off and experience what I truly am. This is called “waking up”.

    The ultimate purpose of life is to wake up from the illusion we have created. This is the purpose of this illusion: To wake up from it.

    The practical consequence of this is that once I wake up (not to be confused with “being woke”) embracing the much larger reality I am, I start using my life for a higher purpose, in service to others, rather than what my security and pleasure-seeking ego self wants or craves.

    Why? Because realising that I am not an individual self I start treating everyone “else” as if it was me. Now imagine if we were all to do that what a beautiful world we’d live in. This is the promise of waking up. It is the ultimate utopia. And it’s a real thing.

    It’s a head twister and might sound crazy but who said life is straight forward.

    Why should you care?

    If I don’t realise who/what I truly am then it’s impossible to make the most of this life experience.

    While that’s per se not a problem, why would I want to choose a less joyful experience and missing out on its purpose? That’s like buying a movie ticket and then covering my eyes and ears. It’s self defeating.

    The consensus belief that our life is the ultimate reality is the single source of all the suffering and dissatisfaction we are trying to escape from throughout our entire lives. It keeps us trapped in the perception that we are separate from everything else.

    And it keeps us grasping for more. Ironically, our very seeking of pleasure and trying to avoid pain is the very thing that keeps us locked-up in the prison of never finding the satisfaction we are yearning for.

    The never-ending rat race for a better tomorrow that we can’t win — and then we die.

    How do I wake up?

    First, I need to fully grasp that I am (in) an illusion.

    There are various ways to experience your true (soul) self: Death, a near-death experience, certain psychedelics and deep extended meditation or self inquiry, to name a few. It’s not a quick process. It’s developmental just as growing up is.

    Second, I need to live it.

    Understanding the illusion not just intellectually/by knowing but reflecting it in my way of being. I need to step out of the illusion and act accordingly. I need to follow my intuition, an inner calling rather than following my survival and ego-driven mind. This is much harder than the first step (which is already difficult).

    Third, I need to remember why I came here.

    To experience life was a conscious choice. We play in this game of identity, time and space with the purpose to evolve. I might have come here to learn forgiveness and hence keep experiencing seemingly unforgivable experiences. Whatever resistance I seem to be up against, that’s where my purpose lies and where transformation takes place.

    Those three are not necessarily sequential steps. Waking up is more like an iterative, spiralling up process.

    Waking up is hard

    As I am writing these lines, I’m reflecting on my own process of waking up from the illusion. I have gained certainty through experiencing it that life and the person Vincent is is an illusion: It is a temporary construct through which I am experiencing myself (step 1).

    However, embodying this in my every day life has been rather challenging. As Einstein said:

    “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

    This is why I have been working on it for now a decade. My goal is to fully and permanently wake up and navigate life from that place of full surrender. It’s not an easy feast nor a fast one but I know it can be done and I am convinced I can do it (and everyone of us can). We are much more powerful beings than we think we are.

    Humanity as a whole is going the opposite direction. We are getting trapped ever more deeply in the material illusion and our pain is increasing in the process. It’s not a coincidence that mental health is getting ever more worse — a reflection of our level of unconsciousness.

    Let's make it easier

    neoslife is the vehicle I am building to make it easier for us to wake up and live thriving lives. No one can do it for you just like no one can go to the gym for you but it definitely helps to have great coaches, environment and community.

    For this purpose we are acquiring a beautiful piece of land to create a home and village for a new way of being. I just came back from my sixth visit shooting the below video. It’s an unedited/unfinished version but why not share it.

    In April, we are holding a world-first transformation experience for up to eight potential investors. During this life-changing weekend you will not only experience neoslife and the estate but understand for yourself what all the fuss of waking up is about and why it will change the world. If that could be you, hit reply.

    With loveVincent

    NB. Yes, the ostriches, cows and sheep are all part of it. Because of previous heavy rains the water is brown rather than blue.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • After a decade of seeking truth, I have to conclude that the seemingly inconceivable is true:

    Censorship is everywhere.

    We play part in a global conspiracy.

    It is all a big show. Nothing is what it seems to be.

    Governments are no longer our protectors but our enslavers.

    Wars are fought not to bring peace but to extend power and wash money.

    Politicians are groomed, elections influenced and leaders are instructed what to do.

    The media is its propaganda machine serving the agenda of our global enslavement.

    Hollywood movies like the Truman Show and Matrix are closer to reality than fiction.

    The difference between China and the West is that we are made to believe we are free when we are trapped in an intricate system of lies that provide sufficient freedoms to keep us highly productive entities.

    The longer we ignore the above, the tighter the system becomes with us ultimately all living in a social credit system under a one world government with a programmable central bank digital currency.

    We will own nothing, our freedoms will be constrained and we will be dependent on the government as AI and robots do all of our work. Yuval Harari already refers to us as the useless class.

    Both Orwell’s 1984 and Our Brave New World are coming true.

    We are talking years not decades. The WEF, WHO, Bill Gates, George Soros, the military-industrial complex, CIA and other agencies are hard at work to make this dystopian future a reality.

    Sociopaths are running the world but only our lack of awareness and compliance keeps the system in place. We vastly outnumber them.

    This will upset a lot of people, get me canceled and ignored. I get it. It’s very upsetting to me too. I used to think all of the above is crazy talk. I wish it was.

    However, things are accelerating so fast that I feel we no longer have the luxury of time to not take a public stand.

    Luckily, people are waking up and fighting the system. Most recently the farmers in Europe.

    We have a small window of opportunity to turn this ship around.

    What can we do about it?

    My focus is the creation of a new, humane system of living. A new earth.

    I used to think neoslife - the New Earth Operating System for life is about the creation of a well-being center and village.

    But the most urgent matter is to create a home that celebrates freedom, well-being and removes us from the dependence on the government. Where we live on our own land, with our own food, energy, water, holistic healthcare, school and community.

    This is my mission. I have committed my personal resources to it. This is not a vanity or commercial project. It’s about creating a beautiful Noah’s Arc where we will all want to live — freely and happily.

    We are in the process of acquiring this 410 ha (1,010 acres) estate 75 mins outside of Lisbon, Portugal. Legal due diligence has just been completed and we are ready to move forward.

    It’s imho the perfect place to create a new civilisation while being close enough to the existing one. We only need €5MM to kickstart it.

    If this is you or you know someone, please get in touch and let’s create a place worth living.

    With loveVincent

    Here’s a 3D model of the land. Use mouse/trackpad and shift key to navigate it.

    Want to dive deeper?

    Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife. Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • It has become clear to me that there’s a need to swiftly create and scale a “human transformation engine”. More on that below.

    “We f**k each other over all the time, without even realising it. We f**k every living thing on this planet over and think it’ll be fine because we user paper straws and order the free range chicken. And the sick thing is, I think deep down we know we’re not fooling anyone. I think we know we’re living a lie. An agreed upon mass delusion to help us ignore and keep ignoring how awful we really are.”

    — Julia Roberts in Leave the World Behind

    Why do we do that? Why are we not learning and evolving into a higher consciousness, a higher way of being? It seems we are blind to what’s going on. Are we too “busy” with our own lives or maybe we just don’t care or hope it will all go away? Because somewhere there are people taking advantage of our ignorance:

    “Make no mistake the final goal is to eradicate humanity as we know it. Once you understand the final destination it becomes much easier to look back and identify the psychological conditioning, the biological tampering, the cultural grooming and the educational prepping that we have been subjected to for decades in preparation to making us accept a posthuman future. It takes a lot of physical and psychological abuse to get an intelligent species like ours to agree to its own extinction.”

    — Paulo Aboli at the Better Way Conference 2023

    Crazy talk? I invite you to reflect, especially those that have journeyed spiritually and psychedelically, that what you mentally believe to be true is simply that: A belief. Our minds are tight prisons within the greater reality.

    That’s why it is crucial for us to reconnect with our intuition and deeper knowing — a place that is free from conditioning and that cannot be manipulated. Ask yourself: What do you KNOW to be true?

    time is a luxury we might not have

    I also invite you to watch this enlightening interview with intellectually brilliant biologist Bret Weinstein as he dissects what happened during Covid, and, more importantly, what is happening right now. With the WHO pandemic treaty on its way to being signed by our governments this coming May, we are seeing a big step towards a one-world government being implemented in front of our own eyes — with nobody talking about what should be front-page news.

    “The COVID pandemic caused us to become aware of a lot of structures that had been built around us, something that former NSA officer William Binney once described as the turnkey totalitarian state, the totalitarian state is erected around you. But it’s not activated. And then once it’s built, the key gets turned.”

    — Bret Weinstein

    Click on the picture to watch the video or read the transcript here. It is an eye-opening interview even for the most sceptical towards Covid disclosure. If you are short for time, watch the last ten minutes.

    davos 2024 vs. waking up

    As some of you are making your way to Davos next week, take this opportunity to reflect upon the state of the world and how you may be part of its devolution through inaction. Be honest because once a totalitarian agenda is implemented, it will be very difficult to undo. The time for action is now. Observe yourself, the conversations and the people: Where do I see things going wrong? And what am I doing about it? Because if not me, who?

    Stop holding back. Indeed a global consciousness is what is required. Yet how will that come about? Somebody has to start. The opportunity is here for you. You can be the source of this new consciousness. You can be the inspiration. Indeed you must be. Who else is there?

    — Conversations with God, Book 2

    Luckily, there are more and more people recognising what is going on and willing to speak about it openly even at the risk of being canceled or ridiculed. I’d love to be wrong but I am convinced that while we have a window of opportunity to turn things around, we are moving fast towards a point of no return. I believe that to be 2027.

    It gives us three years if we are lucky. It could be much less. The world is moving very fast these days while our attention is captured by our personal lives, Netflix, making more money and news distraction, diversion and the polarisation with Israel vs. Gaza (and previously Ukraine vs. Russia) — an online shouting match of who is more evil.

    People are suffering and the media’s game is to focus our attention and to tell us what to believe — divide and conquer while distracting us from what is really going on. And as you are engaging in this exchange, my question again: What am I really doing? Am I making a difference? When will it be bad enough so that I take action? If not me, who?

    we are due for an upgrade

    Elon Musk said in a recent interview that “the amount of compute dedicated to AI is increasing by a factor of ten roughly every six months”. If this is true, it means AI is increasing by a factor of 100 per year, a factor of 10,000 (10x10x10x10) every two years and a factor of 1,000,000 over three years. It’s hard to grasp exponentials and nearly impossible to grasp the implications of this. 2026 will be nothing like 2023. Nothing.

    While technology has been evolving exponentially, our human “operating system”, our consciousness has stagnated at best. It still operates the way it did 1,000 years ago. We still resolve disagreements through physical force, war and conflicts. We still follow the Darwinian survival of the fittest — and hence keep f*****g things up.

    Having God-like technologies in the hands of cavemen is a dangerous combination. Especially in the hands of those that seem to have a very specific plan for humanity as Bret masterfully explains in the interview above. It’s time to wake up.

    calibrating your compass to true north

    So what am I doing about it? neoslife’s immediate focus will be to become a transformation engine: A significant evolution and deepening of what we started with the Awaken to Beauty retreats.

    A residential one-week program where you go through a deeply transformative experience that wakes you up to your true being and we subsequently work through all your issues. It’s an all-in, no backdoors program. You will do open-heart surgery on your being to unleash your soul and to get into full alignment with your reason of being.

    Once your heart is liberated and your understanding of self evolved, we will move on to a crash-course in understanding the world around you. You bring all your beliefs (whatever they are) and we will challenge them until you finally get to YOUR truth rather than the one you have been made to believe over your lifetime. We will help you remove the tumour and step out of the collective delusion.

    You will be calibrating your compass to true north. It won’t be our truth or answers but we will be here to help you find yours by empowering you to look deep inside yourself. It is deep inner work, a labour of love.

    It is also the most difficult and the most beautiful work. It’s called The Great Work. It really is the only work we are here to do. As a result, your doing will become an expression of your being. The gift of knowing is the freedom from thinking.

    a priceless gift

    The reason you will choose to take this challenging journey is that you may get something priceless: The clarity of who you are and why you are alive, the freedom to be unconditionally you, the courage to live a full life, an absence of fear, doubt and anxiety, a community for life to support you on your journey and, I have no doubt, so much more that we will discover together.

    I see you and your suffering, however big or small. Writing these lines has cost me every ounce of my energy. Many times, I asked myself whether I am going crazy and what am I doing with my life? Many times, I had to wade into deep and dark waters full of alligators only to find out that they were fictions of my mind.

    This is an offering from my soul to yours: To cleanse your heart to reconnect with your soul and remember who you truly are. You will know whether you are called to come. And when you are, we will be here for you to be reborn and supporting you at every step along the way.

    Births are difficult but giving life to yourself is the most beautiful gift there is. It really is the only thing that matters.

    I leave you with this poem.

    That all the love may find youVincent

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • I am committing my entire net worth to bring neoslife to life — to ignite…

    a new age of enlightenment

    The world is crumbling: War, conflicts, polarisation, destruction of nature, moral decay, anxiety, depression and loneliness epidemics just to name a few. We have lost our way on a staggering scale.

    Simultaneously, AI and robotics are taking over the world at unfathomable speed. Within a few years there will be close to no human task that technology cannot take care of. This means most of us will become - commercially speaking - useless.

    Paired with financial wealth, land and power being consolidated by a small number of people and institutions, we have the ingredients for the perfect storm: A totalitarian one-world government controlled by money and technocrats where your money is programatically controlled (CBDCs) and you get your universal basic income (UBI) once you complied with their requirements. China is showing us the future.

    But not all is lost. It’s darkest before dawn. Every challenge is equally an opportunity, an opportunity to change, grow and transform. Eighty years ago one man brought the world to its knees and in the process killed millions of people. But was it really just one man or was it the entire Western world, hundreds of million people standing by in quiet complicity until the very last moment when the horrors became so great that they could no longer ignore it?

    We are finding ourselves at the outset of just such a grave moment again. And again it might be hard to see it without the benefit of hindsight — as it was when Hitler rose to power. Of course, it’s a very different situation but history doesn’t repeat itself but rhymes. Staying on the current path, we are moving towards an extinction level event for humanity at worst and the Hunger Games at best.

    So what’s the opportunity? To wake up from our sleeping state and change the direction 180 degrees and create a new age of enlightenment. How? By massively raising our consciousness and changing our way of being. How? Be creating a new model on how to live that makes the current outdated and dysfunctional model obsolete. How? I encourage you to look into the mirror and ask yourself this question: What do I know to be right but ignore? What do I need to change? How do I need to show up differently?

    what i am doing

    “Don't fight the existing system; build a new system that makes the old system obsolete." — Buckminster Fuller

    Here’s a 5 mins video sharing the vision (thank you Darius for capturing me):

    We are building a fully self-sufficient village in Portugal. It will incorporate all what we know about how to live well, healthy and free amongst each other while enjoying all the riches life has to offer including the support to heal, evolve and thrive. I wrote about it in more detail here.

    This is a big undertaking but imho more important than anything we have ever done. It is about building a modern day Noah’s Ark. This time it’s not a ship but land where we freely reimagine the way we live and remember what it means to be human.

    To put my money where my mouth is, I am pledging my entire net worth of 600,000 Euro irrevocably to this project. I am “burning the boat” ensuring that this project will succeed and that I will leave no stone unturned to make it happen. Failure is not an option.

    There is no better and more important investment than into our future. We are yearning to find a new way of being human. Let’s showcase the world that there’s a better way. We don’t have much time.

    An incredible team has already come together to bring this vision to life. Here’s a look at just some of the people involved (in no particular order), new supporters are joining us every week.

    To lay the foundation for a new perennial model for humanity, I foresee a structure with a Swiss foundation at the top and for-profit entities underneath that allows you to invest in what I expect to be a financially rewarding undertaking: High impact comes with high rewards. We are creating the New Earth Operating System for Life — NEOSLIFE. And the land, the “hardware” we found is spectacular.

    Simultaneously, the foundation will be able to attract tax-deductible donations and NGO grants and ensure the vision will survive us all. This structure is inspired by OpenAI (see here) adapting it for what didn’t work including wisely choosing a vision-aligned, capable board of “elders”. Here’s a draft.

    an invitation to reimagine being human

    If you feel the calling to be part of reimagining how we live and to contribute to preventing suffering on an unforeseen scale, I invite you to get in touch. We are in the process of acquiring the land for which we need additional seed investors to bring this vision to life.

    Here’s a glimpse of it from the air. It is literally made for neoslife, a new way of life. In my previous newsletter I shared more about this very special land.

    Beyond investment, we are inviting individuals who are passionate about creating and operating this vision: Visionaries, architects, farmers, hospitality experts, marketing, operations, financing, structuring, administration, development, HR, legal, community… There will be things to do for everyone who identifies with the vision, is passionate and skilled and dreams of living in nature while enjoying all the benefits of a city surrounded by fellow dreamers and doers.

    In its full development, we envisage around 1,000 people being simultaneously on the land (guests, day visitors, patients, staff and residents). Everything we need will be provided by our village plentiful so when the world locks down again, we continue as usual. The land even has an airstrip for small planes.

    There’s so much more to say but I will stop here. Get in touch if this resonates. I am excited for you to be a part of building the future of humanity. Together, we have an opportunity to create something truly extraordinary.

    If you would like to stay up to date, join our Telegram channel.

    I am forever grateful to all the teachers on my journey that showed me the light and continuously give me the courage to see this vision through. You know who you are. I stand on the shoulders of giants. This would not be possible without you.

    To a new beginning. With much loveVincent1/1/24

    PS. Here’s neoslife’s genesis story and how my life’s journey lead me here.

    And let’s have fun doing it. Yesterday was my fourth visit to the land together with business, regeneration and village building experts:

    Questions, ideas, suggestions or just want to connect, reply to this email.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • if you are looking to invest into the future of humanity, here's an opportunity to be part of it. we found magical land to build the neoslife center — a paradigm shifting place that will be the first of its kind in the world.

    since this article was published, neoslife got a new home at neoslife.com.

    when we are in full alignment, things move at lightning speed.

    not in my wildest dreams would i have expected to write these lines already in 2023 but after years of quiet preparation the neoslife village, center and resort for healing, well-being and human thriving is ready to become a reality, ready to be born. here’s a high level outline i wrote a year ago after my transformative ayahuasca experience: neoslife center

    the village will include:

    * a cutting edge healing center bridging science, wisdom and spirituality focused on prevention and curing rather than conventional symptom treatment (led by my teacher dr. nader butto),

    * a co-working and creation center,

    * a meditation and inner wisdom center,

    * a school that helps the next generation to become self-sovereign critical thinkers,

    * an academy teaching and furthering our understanding of how mind, body and soul are integrated and thereby how to live healthy and happy lives,

    * a resort and residences for guests, staff and permanent residents hosting around 1,000 people at the same time,

    * a farm based on regenerative and permaculture agriculture that will fully sustain the whole village with its own water and energy production and free roaming animals across the land,

    * all of the above integrated into the local community and in harmony with all stakeholders no matter who they are or where they are from and

    * a few other things that will make this place truly unique on this planet.

    we are on earth to commune together and the neoslife village will model that this is not only possible but value accretive for everyone while providing comfort, modern amenities and even luxury living in harmony with nature and the local community. yes, we can have all of that without compromising and this project will showcase it to the world creating the first modern blue zone. it will also be a fully self-sustained and self-sufficient village — who knows when the next lock-down comes.

    this is no longer just a vision: we have found a beautiful 420 ha piece of land in alentejo, portugal within 75 mins from lisbon airport and the city that overdelivers on what we were looking for to become the most cutting edge health, healing and well-being center and community.

    the land is operational and already comes with

    * it’s own drinking water sources and several water bodies including a dam,

    * 170 cows and various other animals,

    * most of the areas is covered with cork trees — a source of beauty and income,

    * existing buildings with 16 bedrooms, restaurant and social spaces that are currently used for hunting tourism,

    * agricultural equipment including tractors and

    * even its own airplane landing strip.

    imagery of the land: first picture is the northern part, second picture the southern — both parts are divided by the dam in the middle.

    here’s a glimpse of the land around the dam:

    the following is a concept design from two years ago for a much smaller and hence denser resort. with the above land, things will be spaced out and it will mostly be single housing with few large buildings and a maximum of two floors embedded into the hills so that what will dominate are splendid views of nature from any place inside and outside.

    this image gives you an idea of the topography and extensiveness of the land. it’s width in the middle is 2km (1.2 miles) and it’s height is 3.1km (1.9 miles) for a total of 4.2km2 or 420 ha. from the highest peak to the river valley has an altitude differential of 100m (330 feet). the land has several hill chains which provide stunning views and privacy across. there might also be an opportunity to buy the adjacent land which compromises another 280 ha.

    there are many more details about the land, the project and the amazing people involved that i am happy to share if you would like to learn more.

    what’s next?

    we have secured the land and are now looking for the initial seed money to complete the purchase, start the planning process, hire an architect and do a refurbishment of the existing buildings and facilities so the land becomes operational for retreats this coming summer. we are meeting the municipality next week to discuss our vision with the mayor and urban planning team.

    i cannot think of a more rewarding investment opportunity (impact, well-being-wise and financially) especially in the polarised and adverse times we find ourselves. here you have an opportunity to be part of a peaceful revolution in showing we can do so much better. i am fully committed to see this project through to the end.

    neoslife - life reimagined

    neoslife is my life’s work together with many of the amazing souls that i have met and keep meeting along the path, some of them which are listed here: neoslife team. this list is continuously evolving and expanding as people get drawn towards the project. i’m looking forward to soon include you or one of your acquainted investors. reply to this email or send a message to [email protected] to become part of this ride and have your own residence in this heaven on earth.

    last but not least, we are looking for aligned early and later-stage investors that understand the vision and are primarily investing because of their connection with it rather than for a purely financial return. this project will provide prosperity for everyone involved financially and otherwise but it s not meant to be a mere transaction but a calling to create beauty.

    if you are interested, i would also like to invite you to consider journeying with us this december 8 or 9 at Awaken to Beauty which will allow you to get to know the team, the project and even the land while having the most expansive experience and connecting deeply with the vision. i can’t wait to start working with you on this and create heaven on earth.

    with love and excitement for what’s to comevincent

    ps. here’s the timeline i outlined in 2022 and to my amazement, we are ahead.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • what if i could promise you everything you ever wanted? you might think: “how could he possibly know what i want?” or “how could he possibly give me what i want?” if you are like every other human being after removing all the mentally made-up wants i would bet that what you really desire is to enjoy freedom through peace of mind, joy and love.

    what’s standing in the way? your mind. why? because it’s driven by fear. fear of not having enough, fear of not being enough, not being safe, not being loved, not being understood, not being… what do all those fears (many of them unconscious) do to you? they make you suffer — the absence of peace of mind, joy and love.

    because of the worries you have about what you are (seemingly) not yet or what could happen to you in the future, life can be miserable. and to make up for that we try to acquire money, power, status and even try to buy love. what’s the result? the suffering only becomes more. why? because the hole we feel inside cannot be plugged by external achievements.

    it’s like taking anxiety medication. it doesn’t remove anxiety, it just suppresses it. just like all pharmaceuticals. they “treat” symptoms rather than curing the cause. and so it is with our cravings to compensate the gap we feel inside.

    what’s the solution? stop trying to fight the symptoms, address the cause. how? by healing to underlying trauma. how? by seeing the truth and awaken to your true nature. how? many ways lead to rome. we have created one that we call awaken to beauty. here’s one of our recent participants after experiencing her truth (1 min):

    “i know who i am. i am not scared. i have seen humanity. i have seen the light. i have seen death. i have seen everything. i am not scared anymore. i am happy. thank you.” — alex, investor, participant of awaken

    is this an adverting for our retreats? no. there’s a reason i have co-created this experience after nine years of looking for “the answer” to life’s big questions and how to get out of the never ending cycle of suffering. this creation is my gift to you and i wish every human being to experience what alex has. because when you do, you are ready and able to end your own and then all suffering including wars.

    to clarify, this is not a magic pill. this is medicine. i like to call it a truth serum. it won’t solve your problems but it will empower you to realise that what you think are problems are just distortions of your mind. once you have seen your mind for what it is, you will be ready to make the changes you secretly wanted to make all along.

    and because an experience alone is not enough to create permanent change, this does require your desire and willpower to change, we have embedded this most profound experience in a whole life transformation and empowerment journey. we and the community of fellow travellers are here to support and empower you to make the changes you want so you can find the peace, joy and love that you came for to earth and that are your birthrights.

    we are here for you when you are ready to put an end to whatever you need to put an end to. this is a sacred mission and i could not be more honoured to connect you to your truth when you got tired of playing the old game and are ready to awakentobeauty.co.

    one by one we will see the light that is in all of us, that we all are.

    with all my love for you and for all of humanity, i am in deep service to you, vincent

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • the god molecule

    two weeks ago, we held our first “awaken” experience together with john and fouad who have served the “god molecule” to 12,000 people. john is an american psychiatrist who realised on his journey that he could help people much more than prescribing symptom numbing pharmaceuticals by giving them a profound spiritual experience. six years ago, he quit his nyc based practice and started serving 5-meo-dmt exclusively.

    as a reader of this newsletter you know i’ve explored all kinds of psychoactive substances. however, there is nothing quite like this one which is extracted from the venom of the sonoran desert toad. in john’s words:

    this is really hard to, it’s ineffable, it’s hard to put into words or describe. but many would describe this sense of: a deep inner soul journey where you feel like you are connected to oneness. you are connected to everything in the universe into infinity. we refer to it as non-duality. the sense of connecting to something deeply spiritual.

    there are psychedelics and then there’s 5-meo-dmt. the moment you inhale this potion you experience yourself as something much greater than your mind and body realising — without the shadow of a doubt — that you are much more than that. this puts everything the mind thinks into a completely new context. it’s a rebirth of oneself.

    i don’t know what else to tell you because no words can do this experience justice. whatever you think you are or you are not, whatever you think you can do or cannot do, whatever you feel you are stuck with or challenges that you have in your life, this puts it all into a completely new frame. and this is why we chose this particular substance for the container we have created.

    here’s a glimpse of it:

    awaken to beauty

    when i started this newsletter i called it “my awakening”. i didn’t know back then that there is actually a substance that takes us into an awakened state of consciousness, a state where the mind is offline — at least for a few minutes — so we can experience truth directly rather than the distortions and creations of it.

    if this calls you, we are having our second edition at the end of the month in portugal. we call it: awakentobeauty.co. earlybird pricing ends today but for the first ten people who register from this newsletter, i will extend it to tomorrow.

    it’s my deepest desire personally and for all of humanity to awaken to our true nature. we are energetic beings having a bodily and mental experience rather than being bodies with brains that create consciousness. this misunderstanding is single-handedly responsible for all the suffering in the world, including my own one.

    the end of all wars

    i am looking forward to an awakened future in the not too distant future where we have all experienced this oneness and we treat each other accordingly. this will also be the end of all conflicts and wars — whether within our own families or on geopolitical level. i cannot think of a more timely moment to start creating this new peace from within by experiencing it for ourselves. one by one we awaken.

    we are here in deep service to you to guide you through this sacred initiation whenever you are ready.

    that all wars may end.

    with love,vincent

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • there will be two types of humans: those that are acting from the mind and those that are acting from a higher principle call it love or the heart. based on the current paradigm the world is operating from it might be hard to see where this new human will come from and how it could possibly survive in such an adverse world.

    but this is looking at it from the mind and through the current paradigm we are stuck in. one could argue that the current human is on a self destructive path where, while some of us enjoy luxuries and pleasures every day, we are dying slowly and quietly inside.

    it all comes back to three question:

    * who am i?

    * why am i here?

    * what do i really want?

    human 1.0

    if i cannot answer these questions, it is like driving my car without knowing why i am driving, where i am driving to and why i am driving to where i am driving to. yet this is how most of humanity navigates life. and then i die. and so what was the point of it all? there was no point. such a life is meaningless. and that’s the very nagging i might be experiencing everyday.

    yes, i make money, i buy stuff, i build stuff, i enjoy myself, i travel, i have sex, i drink, i eat, i have fun. and tomorrow, i choose from this menu again trying to maximise my pleasure and minimise my pain. rinse and repeat until i die. i try and might get better at playing this game but somehow life keeps throwing me curve balls: from the weather and traffic jams to breakups, losses, disease and death.

    i want to control it all yet i never succeed at it and so more often than not i am frustrated, depressed, sad, angry, worked up, tired. life is so exhausting. yes, it is because i am playing the game of human 1.0. it’s an outdated game i continue to play.

    human 1.5

    or maybe i am playing the human 1.5 game which is i work on myself, i become conscious of my shadows, patterns and traumas. i might even be on the spiritual path drinking plant medicine, going to retreats, doing breath work, working with shamans and traveling to exotic locations trying the newest and latest. it is because i realised that life gets easier when i let go of the baggage i unconsciously have been carrying around. however, i am still suffering just as the human 1.0. maybe just a little less.

    human 2.0

    and then there’s the human 2.0. it s an entirely different animal. it looks the same outside but when you get in touch with it i immediately realise there’s something different and i wonder what this human has that i don’t. and i want it! i can see how this human not only has his s**t together but navigates life with such ease and grace that makes me wonder what is his secret.

    the human 2.0 has not just understood but experienced that he is not his mind, identity and body. in other words, i am not vincent. vincent is an aspect of me and yes, i experience this life through vincent and my mind identifies with him. but capital I am so much more. (i refers to my perception of self and capital I refers to everything there is which is what I really am.) I am everything and I am nothing because I am beyond the realm of the material world. I created the material world so I can experience myself through it.

    capital I

    I am you and we are all I. we are all One. I am god, god is I and I is you and everyone else. and as we one by one realise this we as a collective start waking up to a new world, a world of love and understanding, a world of unity, a world where we all understood we are all One, literally. and that there is no death and there is no birth. yes, our individual physical vessels are born and die but these are simply transition moments of the consciousness we are.

    and for what that I am, there is no money, there is no ownership, there are no things. I am all that or rather all that is a creation of mine. I is us and everything around and beyond us. I is everything. we are I and I is pure love. I created this world, the whole universe so that I can understand and experience myself. because I is everything, I needed to create separation, i.e. what I am not so I can experience and understand what I am.

    what I am not

    only by experiencing what I am not I can understand what I am. because before I created the material world and our sense of being separate, there was only I. everything was and everything is still I but I is experiencing itself through me, you and all other eight billion human beings separately but we are One I.

    the mind is a formidable creation of I amongst all the other creations that we can see and experience and everything beyond that our limited i’s can’t perceive. my mind keeps me in the illusion that i am just vincent. and because i think i am just that, i act like i am just that and so i not only feel separate but i behave like it as well: i want my stuff for myself and i want more of it. and i want more money and i want more pleasure or whatever. i, i, i.

    but none of that is relevant because when i die, I remember the consciousness I am and to where I go back to, which is also where I am all the time in parallel and there is no money, there is no time, there is no material world. there is just I. when i die, I remember this was all a game I was playing with myself though i took myself very seriously.

    what I am

    so this is what I am. and this is why i am here: to remember who I am. and so what do i and I want: to remember. and what does vincent want, wish and work towards: for all of us to remember.

    this vincent can’t help but let you know one more time: if you want to meet I for yourself, come to portugal next weekend and have the most profound experience that i know of: understand who you are, why you are here and what you want.

    from the bottom of my heart i wish every human being that they remember who they are. it’s the most beautiful moment. more beautiful than anything you’ve experienced before. it’s what we are all secretly yearning for: to be reunited with self, to understand who we are.

    i and I - it is a real mindfuck. that is until you experience yourself as I. and all your questions will be answered all at once.


    with love,vincent

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • this article is based on a spontaneous instagram live and has been adapted and expanded on for legibility. if you like to watch the original, here it is:

    the purpose of life

    as we are gearing up for our event awaken to self, i have been reflecting: what is the purpose of life? what are we doing? we're all chasing something, right? we're building companies, building families, building businesses, building our lives. and one day we die — and that could be very soon or in 40, 50, 60 years and then so what? all of what we have built disappears.

    so the question is: what was the purpose of that life? and of course it depends on what you believe. whether you think you're just this body and when this body dies then your existence ends. but from everything i've seen this is not the case. i'm an eternal being. i'm pure consciousness. i'm just experiencing life through this body and it can be either a life of suffering or a life of beauty, awe and surrender. this is what i come ever closer to realise: our existence is nothing what we think it is. we live in an age of ignorance.

    the age of ignorance

    we have been living in an age of ignorance for a long time and that is what created all this dystopian world that we are moving more and more into. it is because we are stuck in the ego fighting each other, competing with each other, whether it's between countries, businesses, industries, people and even within our very family. our family structures are collapsing. there's no love in this world. and therefore it's a constant fight. but it doesn't have to be that way.

    i was just commenting on a post on linkedin about my experience at singularity university and that technology will solve all our problems - and it's b******t. i used to believe that but technology won't solve anything. the only thing that will help us get out of this mess and evolve is raising our consciousness, realising what we truly are and what this experience of life really is about.

    based on everything i've learned over the past eight years and especially more recently, life is about learning and growth. all the challenges i encounter are in service of my evolution. everything is a gift, even the most difficult and painful experiences. to the mind this doesn't make any sense because the mind lives from a place of scarcity, ego identity and separation. it just wants to have and be more.

    the business, the partner, the money

    it wants to feel safer. it wants certainty. and those are the lives we build for. but then i wonder: why am i not feeling it? why am i not happy? i got the business, i got the partner, i got the money, i got everything. so why? maybe i need a bigger business, a bigger house, a more beautiful partner, a more successful partner. but i will still not be feeling it. because this is not how it works, or rather it is how exactly how it works: by looking for it in the external world, the world outside of us, we will never find it.

    yet this is what the mind keeps us doing and chasing — when we live from this very limited place of the mind — because life is so much more. again, i'm an eternal being. i'm pure consciousness. some people call it god, some people call it source. it doesn't matter what you call it. it's all the same. and there are experiences like the experience we're offering at the end of this month that show you very viscerally and experientially who you are. you don't have to believe anything. you will know what you are with more certainty than knowing your name. and it won’t be your mind and body.

    i am pure consciousness

    this has tremendous implications for how to live life. and that's the second part: we will be helping you to ground this realisation into your life. because even once i know i am consciousness and the body is just a vessel through which i experience life temporarily, i am still here in this life, right? i still need to make money, i still need to pay bills, i still need to take care of my family and deal with all the friction of life.

    these non-ordinary states of mind, these consciousness-expanding states that help us grasp that we are more than who we think we are, they don't necessarily make it easier to live life if we don't bridge the experience into our everyday life, into this dimension. when i realise that i am more, the purpose of life also changes and it is no longer about resource acquisition and creating dominance in the world but it becomes a much more profound understanding that in the end, this idea of pure consciousness means we are love and love is what we all yearn for.

    reconnecting with self

    i'm not talking about romantic love, i'm talking about the love for life. this deep and continuous sense of presence, connection, gratitude and awe. i want to feel that every day. everything in life is in service of this realisation that i am more. and the more i can live in this place, the more i experience presence and gratitude. these are not just new age words. this is profound (perennial) wisdom that humanity has established over thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands of years, since we exist.

    we just forgot it. when we go to school, school teaches us how the world works — which has nothing to do with how the world really works. yes, you get some practical skills like math but this connection to inner wisdom is severed shortly after birth when our “education” through our parents starts. the “awaken to self” experience is reconnecting you to your true self which most of us never experienced and never will experience outside of these modalities.

    truth vs. needing to be right

    and from that place, i can then live life differently. for example, one of my big obstacles is the trauma around money. it has shown up in many ways: i was a banker. it was about having more and more. then i was trading bitcoin and other stuff and made a lot of money and lost a lot of money. then i was coaching charging a lot of money. money was a reflection of self-worth and for me to feel safe.

    while money is still part of this game called life — there's nothing inherently bad about money, the obsession with money and with the ego that wants me to be better, faster, more right, etc. is single-handedly responsible for all the friction in my life and between me and others and the world at large.

    when we have an argument around vaccines or covid or any other (controversial) topic we're not engaging in it like “i want to get to the truth and let's debate it to get to the truth”. instead, we're going into every conversation with the need to be right. and that’s the friction that we then experience in life. it is self created. it is self destructive.

    killing ourselves

    and then i wonder why life is so difficult. yeah, because i am not here to be right. what do i know anyway? i am here to expand, i am here to learn, i am here to grow, i am here to connect and ultimately i am here to love. to love every experience and living from a place of awe and wonder for life. this place exists for every one of us, for every human being. it's a birthright. we've just been out-educated, out-socialized of it. we live in this disconnected world now. when i switch on the tv, which i never do, or when i look at the news, it's all about fear, it's all about competition, it's all about indoctrination, it's all about control. and it’s full of lies and half truths.

    when someone speaks up against it, they are called a conspiracy theorist, and then they're canceled. people are being canceled and our genders are being confused. all of that is confusing our sense of belonging, community and harmony. that's what we are doing to ourselves: we are killing ourselves, and we are even supporting the process of killing ourselves by not speaking up against it but canceling those that do.

    recognising who i am

    i hope that the experience we are holding this month helps participants find their purpose — just like it helped me and so many others. it's a beautiful, a fulfilling thing to understand what you are truly made of and who you are. while i can be a banker or a startup founder it’s not who i am:

    my calling in this life is to support those that want to be shown who they truly are. it’s what i have been seeking for myself and it’s therefore what i am here to gift to others. the messenger and the message are the same.

    and like that each one of us has a calling, an essence. it is not something you choose. it is something you recognise, you find, you discover: you are who you are. and when you allow your being to be what it is, you will feel all the purpose, meaning and beauty you have been looking for all along. it’s all already inside of you. you are coming home.

    coming home

    if this resonates then i invite you to have a look at the experience we put together. i don't want to market it, i just want to tell you about it and invite you to it because i am deeply passionate about all of us remembering what we are and therefore bring back the world we are all yearning for: one of beauty, love and unity. this is not a utopia but a dream we can all create and live together.

    this either calls you or it doesn't. it was my most profound experience. we enhanced it by building it into a beautiful container to allow you to safely and softly land back in this world. if you have any questions, send me a message. i am looking forward to journeying with some of you.

    before you go: i can promise you one thing, or you get your money back, that this will be the most profound experience of your life. bar none. and the container in which we embedded the experience is the most supportive and loving one.

    as mark twain said:

    the two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.

    this will be such a day.

    with lovevincent

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • want to experience your higher self and having the most profound experience of your life? learn about our “awaken to self” journey at the end of this article.

    humanity at crossroads

    we are at crossroads. there are two prevalent competing themes in the world:

    one of increasing government control/fascism, conformism, so called woke-ness and division on all levels from gender to sexual preferences to affluence to political orientation to narratives. it’s the theme of self/ego, separation, conflict, control, power and dominance. the oldest human story there is — a very un-evolved one.

    the other theme is one of awakening, starting to grasp the big picture of the human journey and as a result seeking harmony and collaboration between people and with nature. it’s based on the understanding that we are not separate but really one organism experiencing itself through many different players. in this game, we are here to learn and grow with each other. it is a game that doesn’t end with one’s death and therefore i play it very differently.

    i have previously attempted to lay out the case (see 61/ the biggest lie) why the evidence is overwhelming that we are more than our mind and bodies and therefore the reason we are here is not only beyond just competing and seemingly winning at the game of life but the opposite: it is about serving the greater self and from this place of service and unconditional self-expression, we find what we are all seeking: love, joy and fulfilment.

    what has gone wrong?

    the world is the schoolroom of god. our being in school does not make us learn, but within that school is the opportunity for all learning. — manly p. hall

    so how come we are not taking this next step in human evolution and instead are keeping the status quo with wars, poverty, destruction of nature, division and fighting that led us to experiencing both the most affluent world ever (though ever more unequally distributed) but also the most miserable one with people that have everything materially suffering from loneliness, depression, mental and other diseases.

    how come so many of us have more of everything than ever yet feel less satisfied? it’s the lack of meaning because the only thing that feeds on having more (wealth, power, control, status, sex, …) is the ego and the ego is what separates us from each other. i can feed my fear driven ego that never has enough or i can wake up from this never ending game (there’s never enough) that doesn’t give me what i truly want which is, i’d argue, to feel at peace, in harmony, in awe, joy, love and unity.

    the challenge is not only in the world of business, politics and geopolitics. these are merely the symptoms of the underlying cause which starts with those supposedly closest to us: our family. the lack of love, support and harmony within the family structure is what ultimately shows up as fighting (in some form or shape) with everyone else for survival, dominance, winning, etc.

    the crumbling of the family structure and the lack of individuation from our parents has meant that we are externalising the unconscious battle we are fighting within ourselves. individuation is the process of becoming your independent self without needing the approval of your parents and family members. to be yourself unconditionally, confidently and irrespectively of what others think. to have an adult to adult rather than a parent to child relationship with your parents and your children, once grown up, with you.

    liberation through initiation

    this used to be achieved through a right of passage, an initiation, once you attained a certain age. indigenous tribes, for example, abandon their young adults in remote nature. if you make it back home you become a man and are treated like one no matter that you will always be the son of someone. you move from a parent to child relationship to an adult to adult relationship. you become one amongst equals. while we still celebrate the passing of one turning 18 or 21, there’s no initiation nor do familial relationship really change. “you will always be my little boy/girl…”

    not only do we stay emotionally dependent, we are also staying a victim. during early childhood, we all get traumatised by our parents no matter how well they mean. these mostly unconscious traumas keep us in a victimhood where we try to make up for our perceived lack in all kinds of ways including that the most successful people are those that have been traumatised enough to have a strong drive to compensate through success but not that much trauma that makes them a criminal (pretty much all the prison population comes from deeply broken families).

    our deepest trauma: birth

    but it gets wilder: as decades of research by stanislav grof show, our deepest trauma that then informs our behaviour throughout life is formed during the traumatic birth process. it says imho a lot about the level of our consciousness and therefore the problem pointed at at the beginning of this article, that despite all that we know about this topic it is not part of our mainstream understanding of self. watch this outstanding documentary on his life, psychedelics and the origin of our deepest wounds: the way of the psychonaut. it’s enlightening.

    two paths to navigate life

    the conscious person uses the world as a mirror to better understand and master themself. the unconscious person attacks the mirror because they do not realise it’s a mirror. — from the samadhi movie

    just like humanity, we individually choose between two possibly life paths: reacting, fighting and trying to dominate and influence/manipulate our environment and the people around us or see everything and everyone around us as a mirror, a reflection that teaches me something about myself.

    the first one is the easy, common, mentally and logically instructed path. the one most of us choose because that’s what we are taught and how 99% of the world operates. it’s the survival of the fittest path. really, it’s an animalistic path. we might look much more evolved than animals and we are good at covering up our motivations but underneath that cover the reptilian mind dominates and acts. as andrew grove, former ceo of intel, titled his autobiography: “only the paranoid survive.”

    the other path, the path of awakening is the path of taking full responsibility for everything in my life and therefore becoming the empowered creator of it. yes, i can blame my parents for what they have done or lacked doing to me, i can blame my former partner, the government or friends that seemingly let me down — that’s what i am doing if i am on the first, easy path. but on this second, conscious path i am the creator of my life and i see how everything in my life is here to show me something about myself so i can evolve and expand in my way of being.

    from victim to creator

    this moves me from a reactive victim to an empowered creator. if have a heated argument, i ask myself what did i do to create this tension? what has been my role in this? this is not about being right or wrong. the opposite: it’s about moving beyond right vs. wrong to an understanding of how i need to change and evolve to bring harmony, love, connection, joy or whatever you like to call it into this relationship and life at large. this is the challenging and awakened way of being.

    and it’s freaking hard. i don’t claim to be able to live up to that, yet. but i am committed to work everyday on becoming better at it, to be wiser. and as i do, i remove dissonance in my life and bring more of the good stuff into it: flow, gratitude, harmony, serendipity, synchronicity and abundance.

    tuning myself to higher states

    life is not what happens to me, it is what i create from moment to moment starting with my thoughts and attitudes. this is very hard for our logic driven thinking to comprehend. i like to think of it as a tuning fork. i can vibrate on a low frequency carrying all my traumas and wounds as an unconscious victim and living them out with others — or i can look inside (by taking note of how i respond to others and they respond to me), bring awareness to my issues, work through them and thereby raise my frequency, my way of being. the higher i vibrate, the more i attract other high vibrating "tuning forks” aka humans.

    it’s about resonance. and it starts with every thought i have. think of everything around you as a giant mirror. it’s all there for each of us to become conscious of our ways of being and to elevate myself. and when i do, life gets more beautiful without anything around me needing to change. i feel better and no one has the power to change or take that away from me because i choose how i respond rather than i react unconsciously.

    and as each of us starts moving from a victim carrying its wounds to an empowered creator taking full responsibility for everything i experience the world also transforms from one of animosity, competition and war to one of harmony, collaboration and peace. just like that. all i need to do is to transform myself and as i do the world around me transforms.

    experience: awaken to self

    september 28-30, we will be hosting one-day bufo toad ceremonies in portugal. not only will you get to connect with your higher self, pure consciousness, in this life-changing experience but we will be providing the support to help you translate this experience into tangible insights for your day-to-day life — during the experience as well as after.

    i am joined by a wonderful group of souls including a board-certified psychiatrist, body workers and intuitive healers to help you find your own answers to: who am i? why am i here? how can i experience more love, beauty and peace? how can i make the most of my life? last but not least, it will take place at a breathtaking location.

    we have put together all the information on this website: awakentoself.one

    if this calls you, message me, fill out the application or join our q&a call on

    monday, september 18at 10am pdt, 1pm edt, 6pm uk/pt, 7pm cethere’s the zoom registration link.

    we will be happy to answer any of your questions.

    though the experience is unique to everyone, i have written about mine with the toad here:

    with love and gratitude for your presencevincent

    ps. before you go, enjoy this powerful be her now 60 seconds reel: heaven surrounds us in every moment. the awaken to self experience may connect you deeper with that truth. ♥︎

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com
  • i am doing something i have not done before: sharing a coaching session where i am the coachee. it’s a vulnerable display of my journey and its human struggles. i feel there’s a lot of insights to gain from and that’s why i am sharing it. you get to experience vincent behind the scenes. the video and timestamps are at the bottom of this article.

    challenges on the journey

    after last week’s newsletter went out, i woke up that morning with anxiety. despite having clarity on the spiritual level the human journey doesn’t get necessarily easier — that is until it does. so what’s the point of spiritually evolving then? it’s about recognising that life’s journey is about something else than what it seems to be about.

    and with that recognition, i then can make changes in my life that allow me to navigate it with more joy, presence, love, serenity, peace and grace. it is moving from the rat race to no more race.

    what are we running after anyway? what is the point of having more of something (money, houses, cars, followers, fame, …)? let’s assume you have more than you had a year, two or ten years ago. do you feel any better? is your life more fulfilling, more aligned? my explorations continue to teach me that no matter what i achieve or where i get to, the fulfilment i am looking for is not to be found there.

    now if i were you, i’d think, wonderful, but given that you also seem to experience anxiousness, stress, overwhelm, frustration, grief or whatever emotion is currently present for you, what’s the point of all these spiritual explorations if they don’t make you feel any better?

    my response: i am still in a transition stage. i have learnt a lot. i have gained clarity of who i am and why i am here. i understand the purpose of my life. however, i have not done the most important step yet: to fully embody that knowing, to let go of the i i think i am and surrender to the higher realms meaning to not attach, judge and resist what i know to be true.

    awareness is one thing, surrender is another

    and that is a whole other animal. you could say i have completed phase one of a two-stage process. phase one (awareness) is a prerequisite for step two but step two is a lot harder. i know that it won’t be hard once i have taken the step but until i do, it seems incredibly hard.

    how do i know that? i’ve had several experiences that viscerally taught me that. the one that always comes to mind first is me literally stripping naked during an ayahuasca ceremony. i have mentioned this story before so i will keep it short:

    i knew i needed to strip naked to move forward. i had extreme resistance to do that. when i finally overcame that resistance and stood there naked, nothing happened. and that was the message and teaching: all the resistance was imaginary, in my head, in my mind. it was an illusion. nothing bad happened but the opposite: i was told that as i stripped naked, the energy in the whole room changed. people felt that something had transformed. (if you like to hear my complete account listen here.)

    the life lesson was: there are things i know i need to do. i really don’t want to do them or rather: i feel resistance, fear and i am scared of what could happen if i do. but once i do it, nothing bad happens. it was easy and i feel free, elated and something larger has transformed.

    letting go of the self that resists

    it is the very same thing with my spiritual journey: what i am here to let go not just in ceremony but in life is the excessive thinking, doing, worrying about what could happen, what others could think, needing to be someone, needing to have a lot, to be successful in the traditional sense, bla bla bla. this is not why i am here and this is why i continue to be on this journey.

    there is no escape from who i am and this is imho true for all of us. i didn’t come here to build wealth, to be important, to be safe, to live in convenience, to have a lot, etc. i am here to grow, to expand, to become free to be who i truly am. to be myself. and when i let go of all the beliefs and thinking, i finally can and then i feel the fulfilment, the peace, the presence i have been yearning for all along.

    that thing that i am after, whatever it is, is not to be found in the world outside of me. it is not to be found in money, power, sex, fame, achievement, control, certainty, … it is to be found in me being free to be who i really am and live fully and freely expressed being myself rather than to constantly worry about tomorrow, next year, the next deal, the markets, … all of that is childhood, societal and cultural conditioning. it is not me.

    everything is a gift

    every moment i spend thinking is a moment i have not lived, a moment i have not enjoyed. thinking is part of life, part of being human. but i am not meant to think my way through life. i am meant to go through life being myself, being in awe, being in gratitude for all the many things i experience from moment to moment, being in joy, being in love with life for all its richness and diversity no matter whether it rains or the sun shines. everything is a gift.

    instead, i worry, i strategise, i play roles, i control, i manipulate, i escape, i disagree, i fight, i need to be right or look good, i argue over money. and then one die i die. so what was all this battling about? nothing. worse: it made my experience of life worse, it stole the joy that life is meant to be from me. but by then the time is over and so it turns into regret.

    i could have been so happy, so free, doing what i love, bringing joy to myself and other people, exploring, be grateful yet i chose to worry, fight, argue, hold grudges, … for what? for nothing and suffering as in not enjoying the ride along the way.

    i am the master of my life. i decide whether my life is joyful or not. it has nothing to do with what others say, think or do to me (absent of physical harm). i alone decide how i respond to others and life. you scream at me, ok, you must have had a bad day. you insult me, i guess i trigger something within you. whatever someone does to me, i decide how i respond and that decides how i feel. not how much i have or have achieved.

    healing rather than escaping

    i am full of unconscious insecurities and they are the reason i am trying to achieve so much — to make up for what i feel i am lacking. spending a whole life trying to prove i am worthy, i am lovable instead of healing those wounds and then being able to be myself and do what i love rather than what i think i need to do to impress others or achieve ever more wealth.

    this is the human plight: i will never find that peace i am looking for by trying to fill an imaginary hole: to plug a lack that is simply a product of my mind. realising this is called doing the work of healing. this is not some new age stuff, it is something that has been forgotten and we are finally starting to remember.

    when i realise that i am much more than my body and mind, i realise that everything i think i am i just think i am. i am so much more and this little “i” i perceive to be is just a construct of my mind, it’s an imagination that feels very really but is not. it is simply here for me to explore, learn from, grow with and ultimately transcend it.

    as long as i try to understand this with my mind, i will fail because the mind is the very thing that is asking to be transcended. i cannot understand something by using that very thing. and i most definitely cannot transcend this something using that very thing. this something, my mind, is what needs to let go of wanting to understand and control. the place i am meant to be in is beyond the mind’s grasp.

    paradise is already here — just not in my mind

    and that’s the very thing i am working on. clearly, i am still using my mind to think about life. not so much when i am writing these lines, they just flow out of me, but when i wake up anxiously in the morning worrying about what i am doing and what i am not doing but “meant to do”.

    as i am writing these lines i remember what i am here for: to first and foremost help and liberate myself from the stranglehold of my very limited mind changing the paradigm from a world of “me first” thinking, fighting, worrying and competing to a world of me being embodied harmony and presence with those around me, bringing joy to myself and the world and experiencing the awe and richness of all that life is. what a beautiful world that will be.

    below you find a conversation i had the day i published the last newsletter with one of my guides around my anxiety, my frustrations, my stuckness and all the very challenges i experience on this journey. it’s a humbling display of how i am still very much part of the human drama. one that i am fully committed to and working on every day to leave in the not-too-distant future. just not yet.

    how can i serve you?

    my life’s purpose is to explore and to serve others. it is also what brings me most joy. how can i support you? let’s jump on a call and explore (email me or pick a convenient time here). i know you can propel yourself forward beyond your wildest imagination. your innate potential is limitless.

    prefer exploring as a group? join me and others on today’s

    wednesday’s weekly awakening circle at 10am pdt, 1pm edt, 6pm uk/pt, 7pm cethere’s the zoom link.

    looking forward to connecting with you.

    reality check: vincent being coached

    want to have an inside look of my struggles on the journey? it feels very vulnerable to share this and i feel it is in service of my mission, my purpose and possibly you. there are plenty of teachings in those 54 mins. so here you go. the juice is especially in the second half. we cover:

    * 1’ being incongruent — spiritual vs earthly life

    * 4’ revisiting the same issue over and over again

    * 7’ being tired of the human experience

    * 12’ controlling vs. releasing

    * 16’ feeling “impotent”

    * 18’ family, love and acceptance

    * 22’ my inner child “mumi”

    * 24’ don’t fight the ego

    * 25’ the biggest lie — reflections

    * 28’ making tough choices on the path

    * 31’ neoslife: our vision for the future

    * 34’ reflecting where i am at

    * 36’ falling in love

    * 40’ wanting to be in control

    * 41’ ceremonies: “telling the mind to go f**k itself”

    * 44’ soul vs mind battle: don’t fight the ego

    * 47’ just get started — don’t wait for perfection

    * 50’ letting go — my 5meo experience

    * 51’ love — the end of thinking

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myawakening.substack.com