
  • “By the power of that Sabbath wine, a few grains of white powder thrown into a glass of water, the house of life was riven asunder and the human trinity dissolved”

    I’ve moved the annual summer bonus episode up in the schedule to give me more time to work on the season finale. Alas, I’ve only just about managed to put this episode out on time, nevermind start on the next one. Oh well, finger’s crossed things will still stay on schedule.

    The story I’ve chosen is a weird fiction classic by Arthur Machen. In some ways this is a more traditional supernatural genre narrative than some of his strange and debauched classics like The White People and The Great God Pan. But the gruesome transformation in this tale has always particularly stuck in my mind.

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  • Turns out there really is a conspiracy. They really are out to get you. They know where you live. And they’re coming for you.

    Traditionally, you have to be dead to be a ghost. But today we have new types of ghoul. They’re not supernatural, they’re not paranormal, they’re people who share the same spaces with us, but live in a completely different reality. Where the rules are different, and everything is connected. They’re still alive, but they’re hard to reach. Because the world they’ve made, casts them as heroes, and the rest of us, we’re the lost and the damned.

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  • It’s a family heirloom. Her sister doesn’t deserve it. So she’s keeping it for herself. And it doesn’t matter what the voices say…

    Ghosts come most often when we’re vulnerable, and there are few times when we’re more vulnerable to the supernatural than when we’re in mourning. When we’re contemplating not just who we’ve lost, but our own mortality. Why wouldn’t we want to reach out to something beyond, and hope that there is an afterlife. And that we don’t just all fade to nothing.

    Patrons help to keep this UK horror podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

  • When you’re getting ready to go to the airport, the last thing you need is an unexpected knock at the door. And a stranger who refuses to leave.

    There’s probably never really a good time to come face-to-face with the supernatural, but there are definitely worse times than others. This is a rare ghost story that manages to be both a reminder and a premonition – it reveals a frightening event from the past, and provides a terrifying warning of what might happen if one family can’t find a way to change.

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    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

  • Never upset a man with a great memory. You’ll never forget what happens next.

    This unforgettable episode of the podcast is another tale from the weird section of the archive. And it’s one that raises all sorts of questions about time. Is it all laid out before us? Can we change our fate? Or is what’s happening all some clever trick? If the man at the centre of all this has some supernatural gift, how come he’s in this situation, performing to a hostile audience? Or must he follow his path just like the rest of us, forced to face whatever horrible fate he knows awaits him?

    Patrons help to keep this English gothic podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

  • “We had now some discussion as to the propriety and feasibility of awakening him; but we had little difficulty in agreeing that no good purpose would be served by so doing. It was evident that, so far, death (or what is usually termed death) had been arrested by the mesmeric process…”

    This classic gothic tale of mad science ended up being a bit of a challenge to complete for the podcast. Not just because of my 'American accent' (hope it work for you), but also because I got a sore throat soon after I did the recording, and my mic software started playing up. This made it difficult to finish and it did need extra mixing to help make all the bits of the audio match up.

    Fingers crossed this won't be very noticeable, and you'll be carried along by, what I think, is one of Poe's best and most underrated chillers.

    Patrons help to keep this English gothic podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

  • It’s the season of good will. Everyone’s supposed to get along. And not get into arguments. Or settle old scores…

    Revenge is a dish best served sweet in this year’s ghost story for Christmas. There is something wonderful about the festive season, the way it helps us to renew connections with the people we care about. But connections can come with baggage. And when it’s family, love can often be tinged with hate. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and hope yours doesn’t become as strange and frightening as this one.

    Patrons help to keep this English gothic podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

    Tags: Festive horror, Christmas horror, Spooky, Creepy, True Horror, Christmas Evil

  • A crime has been committed. A guilty man has been identified. But will the punishment fit the crime?

    Many a ghost story revolves around acts of injustice. An act of evil is committed, and then a terrifying, chilling act of supernatural vengeance is enacted to right it. But justice is a slippery thing. We may revel in seeing an act of revenge be carried out, but are we forgetting to ask whether that revenge is appropriate? Did the victim really deserve what happened to them?

    Hear the extra bonus ghost story at - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

    Patrons help to keep this English gothic podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Tags: Chilling, Uncanny, Haunted, Horror, Nightmare, Chiller, Fireside, Unexplained, Frightening, Occult.

  • It’s a section of road that’s lethal to the local wildlife. Not the sort of place where you’d want to find yourself stranded, and alone.

    Welcome to season 4 of this ghost story podcast, and prepare yourself for a chilling walk into the woods… Our first new supernatural case may be modern in terms of its setting, but its themes go back generations. History has a habit of repeating itself. And it can be frightening to consider what the future might have in store for you.

    You can find the Occultaria of Albian at https://linktr.ee/occultariaofalbion

    Patrons help to keep this English gothic podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

    Tags: Gothic, Horror, Paranormal, Nightmare, Terror, Terrifying, Chiller, Forest, Weird, Folk Horror.

  • Nightmares can come true. Discover 8 new supernatural tales in season 4 of the New Ghost Stories Podcast. Where ordinary lives are overturned by extraordinary events. And things will never be normal again.

  • "Yes, you did well to awake," he said. "That warning came from your subconscious self, which never wholly slumbers, and cried out to you of deadly danger. For two reasons, then, you must help me: one to save others, the second to save yourself."

    While M.R. James may lay claim to being the most influential of the classic ghost story writers, E.F. Benson is by far the most prolific. He penned more than 50 of what he called 'spook stories', and like James, his gothic tales also tend to centre on bachelors, who have the time to indulge their interests, usually to their detriment. Unlike James, however, his creepy tales can take place in society rather than in isolated churches or libraries. And he tends to place his tongue firmly in cheek.

    Hear the extra bonus story at - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

    Patrons help to keep this gothic podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Tags: Classic ghost stories, ghost stories, traditional ghost stories, English gothic, UK gothic, UK horror, classic horror, old-fashioned horror, paranormal, spooky stories, spook stories.

  • "They do say, as on All Saints' Eve them two bodies sits up on their slabs, and gets off of them, and then walks down the aisle, in their marble"

    Many old ghost stories have the reputation of being cosy. Stories to tell around the fireside to provide listeners with a pleasant terror. One of the surprises about Edith Nesbit’s stories – an author, let’s not forget, famous for her children’s classics – is that they don’t hold back. Her stories aren’t guided by a Victorian sense of justice and morality, of righting wrongs and punishing hubris. Innocent people get hurt; happy couples are torn apart. Her stories are written not just to offer chills but to deliver a shocking blow at their climax.

    Patrons help to keep this UK horror podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

    Tags – Edith Nesbit Ghost Story, Classic Ghost Story, Traditional Ghost Stories, English Gothic Story, Gothic Podcast, Tales of Mystery & Supernatural, Classic Supernatural Story, English Gothic, Vintage Ghost Story, Victorian Ghost Story

  • It’s not her battle, but it doesn’t matter. A score needs to be settled. And the only way to get her life back is to fight.

    - One of the many things that fascinates me about these real-life horror stories is how people come to live with what has happened to them. Regardless of how chilling or traumatising an experience may have been, you’ve still got to go home afterwards, do the shopping, answer your emails. The extraordinary and the ordinary end up living side by side. Terrifying, life-changing events are tempered by the comfortable, frustrating sense that everything must inevitably, somehow go back to normal.

    Patrons help to keep this English gothic podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

    Tags: Audio, Best British Horrr, Creepy Podcast, Fortean, Frightening, Ghost Story, Halloween, Haunting, Haunted House, Modern Nightmare, Paranormal, Real UK Paranormal, Scary, Scariest, Spooky Podcast, Strange, Supernatural, Tales of Terror, Weird, Gothic Literature, True Ghost Story.

  • Life is fragile. No matter how strong your career, your connections, the roof over your head. It only takes one vandal to tear it all down.

    We’re bringing season three of this supernatural podcast home with an epic two-part horror story. A tale in which speaking truth and standing up for yourself are just as frightening as any paranormal entity. Well… almost. This an uncanny case where one woman goes on a journey and has to face her own anxieties and grievances head-on, but is also forced to take on the burden of someone else’s demons. And they have even bigger scores to settle.

    Patrons help to keep this English gothic podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

    Tags: Urban Horror, City Horror, Ghost Story, Modern Gothic, Urban Gothic, Malignant Spirit, British Horror, Real UK Ghost Stories, British Horror Podcast, Paranormal Podcast, Uncanny Podcast.

  • A ghost who cleans up after you isn’t so bad. But one that goes through your wife’s underwear, that’s a step too far...

    If your home is haunted, are you ever truly alone? If you share your living space with a spirit, what happens to your privacy? What can ghosts see? Supernatural stories often focus on the noises, the shocks, the scares. But what is it really like to live with something paranormal? What does it do to your senses, knowing that you’re living with something unexplained, that you can’t understand or predict. Can you ever really feel at home there? Can you ever truly feel safe?

    Patrons help to keep this British uncanny podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

    Tags: Ghost Story, Weird, Modern Horror, Modern Ghost Story, Social Media Horror, Friendly ghost, London Horror, London Ghost Story.

  • It was a beautiful garden, except for the weeds. Strange black stems, with red flowers. And a deadly aroma.

    Rather than a haunting, this is another frightening case from the weird section of my paranormal archive. There’s a long tradition of scary plants in horror. They’re something we can’t control, that creep and grow sometimes where we don’t want them too. Slowly, gradually, they can be destructive. We have to keep them in check, or they can take over the spaces where we feel safest.

    Patrons help to keep this ghost story podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

    Tags: Chills, Chilling, Chiller, Natural Horror, Botanical Horror, Environmental Horror, Gothic Podcast,
    Horror Podcast, UK Horror Podcast, Ghost Pod

  • He needs to prove he can be a responsible parent. Provide a good home for his family. If he could only do something about the damp…

    Case no 288 is amongst the most upsetting of the stories that have featured on this real life horror podcast to date. We’ve had real supernatural cases before where the pressures of parenthood have led to horrible outcomes. But what makes this chilling case more frightening is that if events occurred as the subject claims they did, then it’s simply terrifying. If it didn’t happen that way, and the subject is not telling the truth, what might really have occurred, is even more disturbing.

    If you'd like to support this ghost story podcast, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

    Tags: Tales of Macabre, Family Horror, Suburban Horror, Pedophobia, British Horror, Horror Podcast, Frightening, Chiller, Chilling, Haunted House, Haunting, Unexplained Podcast.

  • Run off the road. Forced to find help. He sees an old farmhouse in the distance. And that’s where the nightmare really begins.

    Case no. 202 is a real haunted house story. A disturbing account of one man’s ill-fated trip into the British countryside, and the unexpected horror he uncovers there. It’s a sinister discovery that reveals something about his own dark past. And it all builds to a thrilling, and disturbing climax.

    Patrons help to keep this ghost story podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

    Tags: Eerie, Weird, Chilling, Countryside horror, Old Dark House, Haunted House, Fortean, Macabre, Frightened, Frightening, Unexplained, Uncanny, Real Ghost Stories, Strange Stories

  • It was a routine operation. She didn’t think she’d have to stay overnight. With strange sounds on the ward. And something hiding behind the curtain.

    This was meant to be one of the Shorts series, but this hospital-based horror story has ended up being a much longer supernatural tale than I originally planned. So I’ve added it as regular-length episode. Unlike most of my cases, this story just takes place over one night. It’s a nightmare that grows more and more strange and chilling, until it reaches a terrifying crescendo.

    Patrons help to keep this ghost story podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/

    Tags: Hospital Horror, Real Horror, Uk Horror, Macabre, Dreams, Gothic Horror, True Horror, Frightening, Chilling, Unexplained, Uncanny Horror.

  • “… When subjects were scarce the pair would drive far into the country in Macfarlane's gig, visit and desecrate some lonely graveyard, and return before dawn with their booty to the door of the dissecting-room.”

    This time for our New Year’s bonus classic ghost story, I’m reading Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Body Snatcher. This creepy gothic tale was inspired the famous Burke and Hare case, and the non-conformist libertine streak exhibited by one of the leads seems to lay the way for the famous horror story Stevenson would write just two years later.

    Patrons help to keep this British horror podcast going. If you'd like to become one, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

    Find more ghost story content on my Substack - https://newghoststories.substack.com/