
  • Maybe one of your goals is to have an unlimited-income business model. Perhaps you’ve even been drawn into some of the overnight success stories trending online now.

    What if I told you there is a better way to create your dream lifestyle AND to do it in the easiest way possible?

    In this episode, I’m sharing my experience of how to build a successful online business step by step. I've personally built what would be considered a very successful online business with multiple revenue streams, so I know what works and what doesn’t.

    My sustainable approach is based on maintaining peace of mind, profitability, and just an overall chill vibe in your business while growing your revenue.

    Make sure to watch the full YouTube video here.

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  • Most of us live our lives often unaware that the tension we are experiencing in our lives means that it's time to reinvent ourselves. Maybe you’ve found yourself in moments of discontent: scrolling social media, mindlessly eating, procrastinating. It could be a signal that it’s your moment to reinvent. So what if you want to change, but feel stuck in your day to day? Maybe you're living a life based on decisions you made long ago. Those decisions may not reflect who you are currently or want to be.

    You must release the old narrative to make room for a new story. We often resist this change because much of it comes from our innate need for belonging and approval. Questions like 'Do I belong?', 'Am I right?', or 'Am I on the correct side of things?' often drive our actions, keeping us within the boundaries of our current selves. This is often buried in our subconscious.

    If you're not making the progress you hoped, pause. Ask yourself: What would your future self tell you in this situation? The key is active movement. Too often, we engage in passive movement such as reading and consuming. This is not the way that we will develop a relationship with our future selves. Through the journey of reinvention - the active movement to our new self - we learn to detach our sense of self from static labels. Your journey of transformation is a testament to your strength, courage, and pursuit of purpose.

    Make sure to watch the full YouTube video here.

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  • If you’ve considered creating an online course to build a life of freedom and fulfillment with digital income, you’re in good company. The online course market is estimated to generate a billion dollars of revenue daily.

    Despite the booming industry, many courses fail to make their mark, so they don’t sell. They get lost in a sea of content, unable to reach the people who would benefit from hearing it the most.

    In this episode, I’m sharing the lessons and strategies on how to create, launch, sell, and continue to sell your course.

    The good news is that the path to creating a course that sells isn't as complex as it might seem. And the even better news? It can not only bring in sales but also contribute something valuable to the world.

    You can create an online course that sells by:

    Identifying your course concept Choosing your course structure Naming your course Beta testing your course Establishing a marketing plan Adapting deliverability as your business and life change

    Make sure to watch the full YouTube video here.

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  • If you’ve ever been told you are “too sensitive” or felt overwhelmed by the energy in the world around you, then this episode is for you because I’m going to share how your sensitivity could be your greatest superpower!

    As highly sensitive people, we just tend to feel things more deeply. We also process information more thoroughly and react more to external stimuli.

    This sensitivity holds incredible power. The depth of feeling, the intensity of empathy, and our sharp awareness that comes with being highly sensitive are strengths to be utilized and celebrated.

    You can make sensitivity your superpower by:

    Building awareness around being a Highly Sensitive personality type - or an HSP Leveraging your sensitivity Building an aligned business

    Make sure to watch the full YouTube video here.

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  • Are you a local business owner, or even an online business owner, who's been running around developing collaborations and partnerships, and wondering, is it worth it? Is this worth my time? Am I doing it the right way? Is there something that I'm missing that could make it work better?

    If so, today's podcast is really going to help you.

    I have helped many business owners like you.

    When I had my own local brick-and-mortar chain, there was no social media. So if I wanted things to happen quickly, relationship marketing was the best way to accelerate lead flow.

    But doing it the right way and going about it strategically is critical in ensuring its success.

    So, if this is something that you want to do more of, in a way that's creating a stronger overall business for your organization, tune into this episode!

    Are you interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • As I'm recording this, a cultural phenomenon is happening in the pop culture world.

    Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are rumored to be dating- and it’s taken over the internet.

    I'm sure you've seen all of the memes and all of the stories. If you haven't, it probably means you're taking a break from social media right now, because it's everywhere.

    So why am I bringing this up on an AI-driven marketing podcast?

    Well, the reason is because it has financial, cultural, and business implications that might surprise you.

    So today, I'm going to be talking about the power of collaborations, the power of partnerships, and how you can leverage them to grow your business.

    Are you interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • A lot of people have been asking the question: Is AI really going to make that big of a difference?

    This is a pretty understandable question to ask, but the answer is a resounding yes.

    To quote the hockey legend, Wayne Gretzky, “Skate where the puck is going to be, not where it's been.”

    So today, we're going to talk about why we should be going all in on AI and why it's more than a trending topic.

    Are you interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • Pop quiz: Is it better to compete on price or quality?

    If you said quality- you are correct.

    And I love this market position.

    When you compete on quality and on being the best in your industry or category, you can raise your prices and become more profitable. And you tend to serve the best clients because the best clients want the best service.

    And I'm going to propose that when you're selling that way, it's all about having a collaborative sales process- an educated, collaborative, connected, empathetic sales process.

    So in today's podcast episode, I'm going to be talking about the secret to collaborative sales!

    Are you interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • For most of our existence as humans, fear has been a great thing. It's part of how our brains are wired to operate and has kept us safe for so many hundreds of years.

    But when entrepreneurs have to make really tough decisions, a lot of times fear comes into that decision-making process in a way that isn't beneficial.

    Fear can be packaged up in a lot of different ways- as ego, pride, inaction, or procrastination.

    There are so many ways in which it shows up, and sometimes it's hard to identify what is driving the decisions that we're making in our business.

    So how do we know when to use fear to our advantage as entrepreneurs and as business owners, and when do we know how and when to squash it to the ground? Today, I'm going to talk about that in this episode. And I'm really excited to share it with you!

    Are you interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • Growing a company as an entrepreneur is a lot like climbing a mountain.

    You know that the view from the mountaintop is going to be awesome, but when you're climbing that mountain, you encounter a rock in the road.

    And you get to decide, what am I going to do with this rock? Am I going to climb over it? Am I going to let it stop me?

    So in today's episode, I want to talk to you about how to be flexible when we're growing a business. When we get to the point where we're encountering this rock in the road, what do we do?

    Are you interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • If your sales aren't where you want them to be question is, why?

    And you might be assuming, well, my marketing agency is sending me bad leads. Or maybe it's just that we're not following up enough, or I've had a lot of front desk turnover.

    Those are all good reasons why sales might not be where you want them to be.

    But what if it's as simple as the offer?

    A lot of times, that's what we find is the actual offer is the reason why sales isn't where the business owner wants it to be.

    And if you've been kind of plateauing, you've explored some of those other options, like, maybe it's my lead flow, maybe it's my paid traffic campaign, maybe I'm not doing enough outreach, maybe I don't have enough partners, those are all really good marketing activities to have in place.

    But in my experience, the offer is usually that point of leverage for a lot of business owners that they're not thinking about, that can make a massive difference.

    So in this podcast episode, I'm going to be sharing with you some of the elements that I see with a really powerful offer, and how you can incorporate that into your business today.

    Interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • What if you could turn a seemingly inactive list of people who have opted not to reply to you into a goldmine for your business?

    Many people assume that if they didn't buy the first time you made an offer, they're not interested.

    And I have to tell you, that if I knew then what I know now, about sales follow-up, I wouldn't even be recording this video, I would be sitting on a beach somewhere sipping a cocktail and watching my kids play in the ocean.

    So today, I want to share the power of this inactive database, what it can mean for your business, and the way in which AI makes this entire system so much easier. Stay tuned.

    Interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • Have you ever watched a video and just felt an immediate connection to what you were viewing?

    Maybe you saw a video of a local gym or spa, and thought “Wow, I would totally go there!”

    Today, I want to share the magical blend of video and AI, especially for local health and wellness businesses.

    Video is such a powerhouse in the digital realm and when combined with AI, it can dramatically increase bookings, show rates, and even boost membership retention.

    So, tune in, because I think this is going to really help you and your business!

    Interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • For so many of us, we are bombarded all day, every day with all the things that we should be doing.

    How many carbs we should be eating, how many grams of protein we should be having based on the amount that we're working out, the sports that our kids should be in; the list goes on.

    And it can be very overwhelming.

    I've been canceling subscriptions that I don't need to worry about, as the world just gets busier and busier. And the demands on us just have been increasing at an exponential rate since the world opened back up post pandemic.

    But so you might be wondering, okay, I'm hearing all these things about AI, is this something I really need to worry about?

    Well, today, I'm going to share with you my perspective on it, who should be worried about it, who shouldn't be worried about it, and what it means for the future of your business.

    Because for some business owners, AI is going to dramatically impact the type of service and the way in which you get back to your customers, the level of convenience, the way in which you interact with them.

    And if you're not doing some of these fundamental things right now, I can guarantee you your competitors are.

    Tune in to explore what this means for you as a business owner.

    Interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • I have a question for you.

    How many times in the last month or even in the last week have you heard that AI is coming for our jobs, and that soon, machines and algorithms will make human workers obsolete?

    It's a fear that's echoed in countless headlines and reports.

    But is it really as grim as it sounds?

    In today's episode, I'm going to share with you my observations on the real impact on AI and workplaces.

    Because the truth is, it's not about machines stealing our jobs, but it's about machines, transforming our jobs. And it's in this transformation that we often find really exciting opportunities for growth and innovation.

    Stay tuned to learn more!

    Interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • Today, we're addressing a topic that often gets pushed to the sidelines.

    Have you ever stopped to question the accuracy of the data that you're getting back from AI tools? Or have you just trusted it because, well, it's AI?

    In this rapidly evolving AI world, it's so critical that we're not just implementing AI and using chat GPT, but we're doing it responsibly, because it's up to us to shape the future of AI when it comes to how we use it in sales and marketing.

    So, I want everybody listening to get ready to dive in as we discuss how much you can trust AI when it comes to using AI for sales and marketing.

    Interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • Welcome to another exciting episode of the AI-Driven Marketing Podcast.

    Today, I’ll guide you through the fascinating and sometimes mind boggling world of artificial intelligence.

    What if I told you that there was a form of intelligence that can learn at an unimaginable scale, outperforming the human brain at speed and efficiency, and has the ability to predict answers with an uncanny ability?

    Well, it's not fiction anymore. This form of intelligence is very much part of our world every single day. And it's called artificial intelligence or AI.

    And it's a term you've likely heard before, but you might not fully understand. So today I'm going to dive into the depths of AI, explore what it really is and demystify its capabilities.

    Interested in the AI revolution in marketing? Check out our free training at makemoresaleswithai.com, where you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI.

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  • What is the difference between a website and a sales funnel?

    Do you need both in your digital arsenal?

    Which one is even better for your business?

    These are questions that business owners ask themselves everyday.

    And if you are looking for the answer - it’s that the rules of today, when it comes to marketing, don't apply tomorrow.

    This can frustrate people who are used to things remaining the same. They like consistency and predictability, and at the same time, want to keep up with technological changes in the environment around us.

    So how do we navigate this ever changing digital landscape?

    Tune into this week's episode, where I'm going to be sharing some tips and tricks to do this!

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  • Today I'm going to challenge an assumption that is the cornerstone of so many marketing practices that I'm seeing online.

    And this assumption, if left unchecked, could be obstructing your impact, stifling the growth of your organization, and more tragically, muffling the call of your mission.

    So imagine, there's this myth circling, and it's causing organizations to undercut their potential and generate online content that just kind of dies when people read it.

    And as I'm looking at more and more websites and enrollment funnels, I'm finding that this myth has made its way into strategies, messaging, and very much an outlook towards marketing.

    So today, I'm going to be unveiling this myth and how we debunk it. Hold on to your seats, because we're about to revolutionize your understanding of mission-driven marketing.

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  • Communication is one of the most important skills in life.

    It is essential to effectively convey ideas, thoughts, and feelings both within an organization and beyond.

    Good communication can help build relationships, solve problems, gain trust from others, and lead to better outcomes.

    Today, I was joined by communications expert Carrie Fox, Founder and CEO of Mission Partners.

    Carrie and I spoke about:

    - Why communication is a hard skill

    - How the personal communications skills of a leader of an organization’s affect the overall impact of the company

    - What she says to those who say, “I’m not very good with words”

    Learn more about Carrie:

    Book: https://www.missionforward.us/morethanwords

    Podcast: https://www.missionforward.us

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