
  • Dying before you die a term that is used in connection with Self Realisation. What does it mean and point us to? What can we come to see and let go of when this is understood?

    Philip takes you on a step by step exploration of the subject and the timestamps are included below.

    This episode was originally Live Stream 29 on Philip's YouTube Channel and this is the edited version for the purposes of the Podcast.

    Two other Live Streams are referred to:

    Live Stream 11: Transmuting Fear into Love (Dissolving Intense Emotions)
    Live Stream 18: Infinite Silence Meditation Explored and Experienced

    00:00:22 Intoduction

    00:01:29 It's not the physical body that we're talking about

    00:02:58 It's the identification, attachment and belief that's dying

    00:04:23 What comes after the words I am isn't ultimately true or permanent

    00:07:50 The emotional roller-coaster

    00:08:17 The Realisation of the Self has no conditions

    00:10:03 Be willing to let go...

    00:10:29 The journey of trust

    00:11:22 Beyond belief...

    00:13:22 Wanting to know how...

    00:15:54 Belief (ego-mind) is the big judge

    00:16:20 The power of Awareness is key and dissolves belief

    00:18:27 What is the purpose of Spiritual Practice?

    00:23:44 Surrender...

    00:24:23 Don't place any conditions on this...

    00:25:39 The shift in Awareness occurs first

    00:28:28 The sliver of ice dissolves into the Ocean

    00:34:53 Trusting and daring not to!

    00:35:48 Summary of Dying before you die

    00:37:08 On the edge of Silence

    00:38:09 Life is Death

    00:40:37 Question: Obsessions?

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    Monthly Episodes, Next: 7 June 2024, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • The Unseen Seer: This episode along with the prior two: Who or what is this Self in Self Realisation and Who am I? The key spiritual inquiry completes a 'trilogy' about the nature of the Self and it's Realisation.

    Philip takes you step by step into exploring and opening to the non-pesonal nature of the Realisation and it's ultimately profound simplicity since your essence is already it. Questions from participants were answered as part of the Stream.

    Each of the three episodes were previously Live Streams on YouTube (and can be accessed on Philip's Channel). There is also a reference to Live Stream 11 Transmuting Fear into Love (also on YouTube).

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    Monthly Episodes, Next: 3 May 2024, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

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  • "Who am I?" Is the fundamental Spiritual Inquiry that all Inquiry Questions ultimately boil down to. The Question: "Who or what am I?" followed to its ultimate resolution reveals the true Self. Why is this single question so important? What does it reveal?

    The Episode provides in-depth insight into the question, how it works in conjunction with Meditation and can be used in daily-life. It also takes you on a journey of recognising and opening up to Awarness/Silence whist dispelling some key Self Realisation myths and misunderstandings. Numerous questions were taken live during the stream and these are all answered. An Infinite Silence Meditation is included (don't listen whilst driving!).

    This Stream was originally a YouTube Live Stream and has been edited to make it suitable for this Podcast. The other Live Stream Referenced in this Podcast: Beyond Phenomena may be located on Philip's YouTube Channel on the prior link. Episode 12 of this Podcast Series also provides a much brief overview/exercise with this question.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    Monthly Episodes, Next: 5 April 2024, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • Who or What is this SELF in Self Realisation?

    This Episode is an edited version of a YouTube Live Stream. It is dedicated to exploring the key question and amongst other devices uses the image of a Fibre Optic Lamp as a key metaphor. The stream clarifies and points to the true nature of this SELF and what that means in terms of the call to Self Realisation. It clears up some of the key myths associated with it. The episode also includes a Poem that emerged in Meditation from someone who has experienced a lot of Philip's sharing and Meditations.

    A Meditation is included in the Stream.

    Various other YouTube Streams are referenced and may be found as follows:

    Live Stream 18: The Infinite Silence Meditation Explored and Experienced

    Live Stream 19: Beyond Phenomena to Absolute Self Realisation

    Live Stream 6: A Letter from God (May be found as Episode 17 of this Podcast).

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    Monthly Episodes, Next: 1 March 2024, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • Dying before you die is sometimes used to describe Self Realisation. A Live Meditative Reading of a Poem that stems from the Realisation that flowered in Philip, many years of sharing and also the recent passing into Spirit of his mother. The Poem provides profound insight as why Life is Death and that it's not something to be feared but a portal to liberation. After the reading Philip provides further insight into Life and Self Realisation using a powerful and simple fibre optic lamp metaphor. He also expands on peoples experiences reported from the Meditation. This episode was originally a Live Stream.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's

    Monthly Episodes, Next: 2nd February 2024, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • Whose mind is it anyway?

    We talk so much about mind, my mind this that and the other however, what if mind did not really exist. What if this awareness would Open The Doorway to Self Realisation. The end of suffering? This weeks episode is an extract from YouTube Live Stream.

    Philip provides simple yet profound insights and a simple way to look at the mind.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    Monthly Episodes, Next: 5 January 2024, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

    Apologies for the late release of this episode.

  • All about Love - Self Realisation

    The audio (originally a video) shares insight as to what Love Really is and what it's not! Looking for Love in the wrong places only leads to suffering.

    It's explored in the context of Spiritual Self Realisation and uses a powerful yet simple visual metaphor (fibre optic lamp) to guide you to the nature of the True Self and the source of the experience of Love.

    A simple and important exercise is included to Open you into a Deeper Awareness of Who you really are along with insights to people's responses.

    The audio includes a Guided Infinite Silence Meditation.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    Monthly Episodes, Next: 1 December 2023, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • This episode was originally a Facebook Live. The first 30 minutes covers profound insights around belief and the final 20 minutes includes the Infinite Silence Meditation and final insights.

    Belief is something that we all become conditioned into unconsciously at an early age. It's effects can be both limiting and devastating when taken to an extreme. Philip shares insights which began with a childhood awareness experiment and he later saw a real life and living example confirming his insights. Self Realisation invites us to leave our limiting beliefs behind and move to the essence that is: Beyond Belief! The Harp Music played at various points is called Seeking by Philip's Friend Tara Cook.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    Monthly Episodes, Next Friday 3rd November 2023, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • Jumping to Conclusions, Not Knowing & Self Realisation.

    Jumping to conclusions is easy to do and happens frequently in every day life yet for Spiritual Self Realisation being open to NOT knowing is fundamental. Philip shares insight on why this is the case and pointing to Self Realisation is not about knowledge but Realising what is already present.

    At 30:24 there is a guided Meditative exercise to help you open to this experientially.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    Monthly Episodes, Next: 6 October 2023, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • This is the first Episode of a series that will be added to in future releases.

    The conversation explores many questions people have about Self Realisation from Philip's own journey, What was the Realisation?, Life is Death, Thought & Belief, There's only one Realisation, How do we lose awareness, Dissolving The Case of Mistaken Identity, The Ultimate Inevitability, The Green Screen of Consciousness, What is God, Shifts in Consciousness at events, Final Pointings and many more important questions.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    Monthly Episodes, Next: Friday 1st September 2023, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • Can AI become Self Aware or Conscious? A question that many are asking now with concern and its answer is actually directly relevant to Self Realisation.

    In this Episode Philip clarifies with a number of examples and key metaphors the essence of Self Realisation as key to answering the headline question. Thus the question turns out to be important to Self Realisation itSelf.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's

    Monthly Episodes, Next: 4 August 2023, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • In this Episode (Satsang) Philip answers Spiritual Inquiry Questions and offers insights into people's experiences.

    Topics including: Keep falling? What next? The operation of the mind the importance of Integration, not getting dragged back into suffering, Awareness is always present, the relevance of physical Black Hole to Self Realisation, Time is not an intrinsic property of the Universe and much much more.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    Weekly Episodes, Friday 7 July 2023, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

    Apologies for the late release of this episode.

  • This interview took place in 2020 with Mark Randall of the World Heart of Connection Podcast and Geelong Counselling Service, Melbourne, Australia. The topics are below and if you've already heard Philip's story you can skip straight to 06:04:

    00:22 Welcome
    02:20 How did you move from Civil Engineering to where you are now?
    06:04 The Calling
    06:34 How the website domain name came
    07:21 What was it like to connect to yourself?
    09:03 Dealing with emotions
    10:06 Were you sensitive to your heart in early life
    11:11 How do you share with people?
    15:50 Does Infinite Touch help them connect?
    17:20 Does the Touch help open the heart and blocked emotions
    17:35 How can you describe the Infinite Silence?
    19:25 As you're sharing are you connecting to the Infinite Silence?
    19:35 How do you anchor into that when you have gone to the head?
    21:04 As you notice the gap in thoughts are you dropping into the heart?
    22:30 Is the Infinite Silence the 'All that is?'
    24:39 When you are in that Infinite Silence what happens to your well-being?
    25:35 Peace of heart - Peace of mind?
    27:24 As men what do we need to do to facilitate more men connecting to the heart?
    29:27 Did you have to Meditate Privately at first?
    30:00 What advice would you give a younger Philip?
    31:00 How would the world be if we all connected within?
    32:36 I feel a resonance with the Infinite Silence as you talk about it
    33:09 Brief Meditation including an Awareness Exercise
    44:34 Meditation Ends & Reflections from Mark

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    Monthly Episodes, Next: Friday 2 June 2023, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • This interview with Stacy Musial and Sam Fernandes of Be the Love Podcast took place in February 2021 and is now released here.

    The interview explores the emotional (pain body), how to dissolve it and includes some very simple and effective Awareness Raising Meditations.

    Note for the purposes of this release the normal Be the Love introduction has been replaced by Philip's to avoid confusion. The outro remains the Be the Love one.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    Weekly Episodes, Next: 5 May, 2022, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • This Interview with Sif Yraola Home of Gaia in Iceland/Amsterdam was originally via Facebook Live-Stream and a pre-cursor to weekend Retreat in Amsterdam. Note: Some minor technical/audio issues on the stream have been smoothed out as much as practical.

    It covers various aspects of Realisation from 'Philip's' direct experiences, how Self Realisation is ultimately Life's Greatest and Simplest Gift, What the nature of the Self is, Exploration of the myth of Spiritual Bypassing, Dealing with emotional baggage and much more.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    Monthly Episodes, Next: 7 April 2023, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • In this third and final Interview Guy asks questions on the following, (note: the prior two episodes are the previous interviews):

    What is inner-work, what does it look like in practice?, What does going 'Beyond Belief 'mean?, The benefits of repetition, What should people Trust?, The highest form of Trust, The acid test, The inner-calling (intention), The journey of Realising Awareness, The nature of Questions and Spiritual Inquiry, The fundamental question and who am I exercise, What to do when the mind starts drifting?, Guided Infinite Silence Meditation

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    Weekly Episodes, Next: Friday 3rd March 2022, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • Philip was interviewed over Zoom by Guy Craft on three occasions in 2020.

    This Episode is the second interview, the next episode will be the final interview. The original interview began with questions about Philip's purpose built Meditation space (which doesn't translate into audio only) this led to discusssion about the pyramidal roof and this audio picks up at the end of that discussion where Guy asks about the impact of Celestial Events on Consciousness. Other questions covered in this one include:

    The Purpose of Spiritual Practice, Guided Meditation or not?, Awareness is not a physical space, Seeking Wisdom can be suffering and wisdom is not learnt, Listening from the Heart, Spiritual Traps and Meditation, Recognising Awareness is key to Meditation, Investment in beliefs, Who is to blame for beliefs, Belief in the case of mistaken identity or the absolute?, Life is much bigger, Un-phased by people fighting over toilet-roll, How to remain un-triggered?, Recognising avoidance patterns, Mind distractions, Meditation is much wider, What makes the difference in Self Realisation?, Summarising Insights, It takes no time!

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    Philip has a dedicated Mediations only site StarOfLight.org crossed linked to the main Website in the header navigation.

    The Podcast has now moved to Monthly Episodes, Next: 3 February 2023, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • Philip was interviewed over Zoom by Guy Craft on three occasions in 2020.

    This Episode is the first interview, the next two episodes will be the subsequent interviews. Questions covered in this one include: Philip's own journey, A Reactive or Proactive Approach to Spirituality, Trust, Dealing with Emotions, Consistency in Meditation/Spiritual Practice, A Self Realisation & The Fibre Optic Lamp Metaphor, True Joy, The difference between activity and inspired action, a summary of key Self Realisation pointer and more.

    The StarOfLight.org Website Referred to towards the end is now available alongside Philip's main Website.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's

    The Podcast has now moved to Monthly Episodes, Next: 6 January 2023, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.

  • About Love & Fear: Originally an outdoor Live Stream that also connects with Episode 37 Discernment, Philip expands on how vastly different agendas of fear are in comparison with Love.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    From now on this Podcast will move to Monthly Episodes on the first Friday of the month. So the next episode will be 2nd December 2022 at 16:00 UK time. Note it can take up to an hour for the Podcast to reach certain destinations.

  • Originally a YouTube Live, in this episode Philip shares important insights around the nature of the Universe and Self Realisation.

    To experience the Infinite Silence Self Realisation Meditation please see Episodes 19 - 25 inclusive. This is a series of seven with durations from 0.25 fully guided to 1.5 hours with increasing amounts of silence.

    For more free Self Realisation Resources visit Philip's Website.

    Weekly Episodes, Next: .11 Nov 2022, released at 4pm but usually takes until about 5pm to find its way to the various outlets.