
  • Welcome back to the Pause Purpose Lay podcast with me, Michaela Thomas. In this episode, we explore how to snack well with ADHD by understanding interoceptive cues, common sugar cravings, and the importance of self-compassion. We discuss the challenges ADHD individuals face with food, the impact of ignoring hunger signals, and practical tips to avoid energy crashes and binges. Additionally, I explain how to give yourself permission to snack and manage your energy levels. For those interested, I am offering access to my recent workshop recording on this topic. Join us as we navigate snacking strategies and move away from shame and self-criticism.


  • In this episode of the Pause Purpose Play Podcast, I discuss the impact of self-kindness on productivity and success, particularly for individuals with ADHD. I address common concerns about self-compassion leading to laziness and explain how being kinder to oneself can enhance effectiveness, reduce burnout, and foster a growth mindset. I also outline three key points: the benefits of kind self-correction vs. self-criticism, the importance of setting boundaries, and the role of rest and recovery in achieving high performance. Plus, I let you know about an upcoming masterclass focused on balancing business and ADHD.



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  • In this episode, we explore how generational trauma and self-criticism is ‘handed down’ from our parents as a blueprint for how we then parent ourselves. I talk to transformational coach and host of the Motherkind podcast, Zoe Blaskey, about her recovery journey from perfectionism and alcohol. We discuss how inherited patterns aren’t our fault, but it IS our responsibility to notice and become aware of them. With gentle, compassionate noticing of our self-critical thoughts and perfectionistic behaviours, we have a choice of which thought to believe in and which action to then take. We also let go of the pressure to parent perfectly, embracing the fact that we WILL ‘mess up’ our kids.

    How almost breaking from becoming a mum lead to creating MotherkindThe cycle of ‘Hurt, heal, help’Pain leading to a deeper level of understanding and purposeRecovery journey - a daily practicePerfectionism as a survival tactic that doesn’t help in the long termMotherhood made negative coping mechanisms resurfaceParents handing down a faulty road mapDeveloping an internal kind parental voiceClarity in values makes hard stuff worth itJournalling gives choice over which thoughts to listen toCan’t change until you’ve sat with the pain for long enoughGenerational cycles of traumaChoosing one thing to change - trusting yourselfConstant state of flux instead of ‘balance’Boundaries have costs

    Find out more about Zoe at www.motherkind.co

    Instagram: @zoeblaskey

    Burn Bright - transformational group coaching for the ambitious working woman who needs to be nicer to herself to calm the overwhelm


    Find me at www.thethomasconnection.co.uk

    Instagram: @the_thomas_connection

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/thethomasconnection

    Pause Purpose Play Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/pausepurposeplay

  • In this episode of the Pause Purpose Play podcast, I tackle the often-neglected concept of rest, especially for individuals with ADHD and perfectionists. I present rest as the best-kept secret of high performance, crucial for achieving more and preventing burnout. The episode explores the resistance many feel towards allowing themselves to rest, labelling rest as an act of rebellion against the pressures of a perfectionist, patriarchal society. Through listener questions and personal insights, I discuss the importance of rest for both mental and physical well-being and introduce the Pause Purpose Play Mini Mastermind designed to help ambitious women find balance, meaning, and fun. The episode emphasizes that resting and recovering are essential for achieving ambitious goals sustainably, without falling into the burnout trap.


  • This episode features a deep and personal conversation with Holly Matthews, a TV actress turned self-development coach, about the themes of bravery, authenticity, and dealing with grief. Holly shares her journey, starting with her early career in television, her approach to living with bravery and courage rather than confidence, and how writing a bold letter as a child kickstarted her acting career. She discusses the importance of having awkward, gray-area conversations, embracing life's nuances, and how she challenges herself to live boldly. Holly also opens up about the impact of her husband Ross's death from brain cancer on her and her children, how she navigated grief, and how the experience reinforced her determination to help others feel 'more happy and less crappy.' The conversation touches on dealing with ADHD, the value of asking for what you want, and the importance of dropping the ball sometimes to manage the juggle of life's challenges. Holly also provides insights into dealing with online negativity, emphasizing the power of seeing oneself through others' eyes and maintaining authenticity in the face of criticism.




    To be one of Michaela's inner circle women in her transformational group coaching, Burn Bright, apply now: www.thethomasconnection.co.uk/burn-bright

  • This podcast episode features a heartwarming conversation between myself and Rachel Maloy, a facilitator of Singing Mamas groups. We discuss the profound impact that singing can have on mental health and well-being, especially for mothers. Rachel shares her personal journey of battling severe anxiety and depression after her son's birth and how discovering Singing Mamas became a pivotal moment in her recovery. She emphasizes the importance of singing as a form of emotional release, community building, and self-care. The episode also includes snippets of Rachel singing, along with a discussion about the benefits of singing for both adults and children, highlighting how it can improve confidence, mental health, and provide a sense of belonging. Rachel encourages listeners, especially mothers, to give themselves permission to prioritize their well-being through singing, exemplifying that everyone can sing and it is never too late to start.


    Find me at www.thethomasconnection.co.uk

    Instagram: @the_thomas_connection

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/thethomasconnection

    Pause Purpose Play Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/pausepurposeplay

    Edited by MyPodcastAssistant

  • Today's episode was a live conversation between host Michaela and her guest, Kylie, discussing the impactful journey and benefits of investing in one’s well-being through the BurnBright program. Kylie shares her initial hesitations, the significance of building trust through engaging with Michaela’s content, and how making a substantial investment in the program led to personal and professional growth. They delve into the advantages of group coaching over individual sessions, highlighting the community support and the value of shared group experiences. Kylie's transformation from a corporate role to becoming a business owner underscores the program’s pivotal role in helping her find purpose, create space for personal growth, and achieve a sustainable balance between ambition and well-being. Michaela emphasizes the importance of commitment and how the program’s structure, including recorded calls and a supportive online community, facilitates profound personal transformation. The conversation concludes with a call to action for listeners to consider enrolling in BurnBright to explore their paths toward well-being.

    To be one of Michaela's inner circle women in her transformational group coaching, Burn Bright, apply now: www.thethomasconnection.co.uk/burn-bright

    Spaces are limited to six and doors close for this round on the 19th of April!

  • In this Pause Purpose Play podcast episode, I discuss the challenge of accepting compliments and feeling proud without feeling icky', especially for perfectionistic, high-achieving women. I touch upon the cultural and personal barriers to embracing one's achievements and discuss my personal journey with pride and vulnerability, including my reflections on receiving the award and feeling out of place yet proud at the ceremony. I also share my intention behind the podcast to help women see their own light and strengths. Finally, I announce the upcoming round of her Burn Bright program, emphasising my ethical approach to participant selection and my passion for genuinely helping others.

    To be one of Michaela's inner circle women in her transformational group coaching, Burn Bright, apply now: www.thethomasconnection.co.uk/burn-bright

    Spaces are limited to six and doors close for this round on the 19th of April!

  • In this episode, I address the common habit of rushing through life, particularly among individuals with ADHD and busy parents. I discuss the negative impacts of constantly being in a rush, such as increased stress, reduced productivity, and potential dangers. I emphasise the importance of slowing down to improve effectiveness, focus, and mental health. I also talk about Neurodiversity Awareness Week, the concept of neurodivergence, and how rushing is often glorified in modern society. The episode delves into strategies for reducing the need to rush, including pausing to assess what's helpful or harmful, and the benefits of rest and recovery. I also highlight my Burn Bright program, which gives women permission to pause and manage the urge to rush, ultimately leading to a more productive and less stressful lifestyle.

    Email Michaela to get the on-demand recording of the Spacious Year challenge videos:

    [email protected]

    To be one of Michaela's inner circle women in her transformational group coaching, Burn Bright, apply now: www.thethomasconnection.co.uk/burn-bright

    Spaces are limited to six and doors close for this round on the 19th of April!

  • In this podcast episode, Ross, a specialist in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in the workplace, discusses the principles of ACT and its application in both professional and personal settings. ACT, a practical and experiential form of therapy, is explored through its foundational skills of noticing, being active, and open, aimed at enhancing psychological flexibility. Ross shares insights into how these skills help individuals navigate the relentless modern workplace, reduce burnout, and lead more fulfilling lives by aligning actions with personal values. Through metaphors like 'passengers on the bus,' Ross illustrates how to manage internal dialogue and foster a healthier relationship with one's thoughts and feelings. The episode emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, kindness, and taking meaningful actions towards what truly matters, offering listeners practical strategies for improving well-being and effectiveness in their daily lives.

    To be one of Michaela's inner circle women in her transformational group coaching, Burn Bright, apply now: www.thethomasconnection.co.uk/burn-bright

    Guest email: [email protected]

  • In this episode, I introduce the concept of three flows of compassion – towards others, from others, and self-compassion – and how fears and societal norms can block these flows. I share personal anecdotes about her experiences with vulnerability, such as asking for votes for an Inspirational Modern Woman Award and the implications of unmasking my ADHD in a professional forum. Tying my story to the broader theme of International Women's Day and inspiring inclusion, I emphasize the importance of courage over confidence and becoming a beacon of change. Through sharing the positive feedback and support I received, I aim to inspire listeners to embrace their vulnerabilities, challenge societal norms, and prioritise self-worth and self-compassion in their pursuit of personal and professional success.

  • This podcast is the concluding part of my Spacious Adventure series. I discuss the concept of courage, reflecting on my experiences of solo travels, and the idea of courage as more important than confidence when stepping out of your comfort zone. I share my approach to planning, balancing structure with the freedom of spontaneity, and the importance of understanding one's limits and comfort levels in creating new experiences. I also underscore the significance of having a support system and planning one's journey in a nuanced manner and invite you the listeners to join a free four-day challenge titled 'Your Spacious Year' starting on 19th March 2024, and also the option of joining a retreat in Vietnam planned for March 2025.Join the free challenge here: https://thethomasconnection.co.uk/spaciousyear/

  • In this third part of the Spacious Adventure series on the Pause Purpose Play podcast,I discuss my return from Vietnam, and the need to retain insights and habits cultivated during travel. I highlight understanding one's emotions upon return, resisting guilt or negativity, and practising compassion for oneself. I share the importance of avoiding immediate immersion back into the grind but gradually easing back and giving time to process the adventure, thereby adding more richness to one's daily life. I also provide tips for soothing systems and practices to retain emotions and experiences from travel. I reveal my nomination for the Inspirational Modern Woman of the Year award, highlighting the representation of neurodiversity and mental health it brings, regardless of my winning the award. I also announce a four-day free online challenge to help listeners create their spacious year with more mindful moments, beginning on 19th March.

    Vote for Michaela in The Modern Woman of the year award:


    Join the FREE 4-day challenge to create your spacious year:


  • In this episode, I dive deeper into my 'spacious adventure' concept with a focus on energy management. I revisit my experience in Vietnam and describe the balance of achieving upregulation (fun, excitement, and exploration) with downregulation (comforting familiarity, relaxation) to avoid burnout. In this context, I touch upon the impact of Novelty on the ADHD brain and the need for conscious downregulation practices like meditation and yoga. I also emphasise the need for spaciousness, a balance between novelty and comfort, for true restoration. I end the episode with an exciting announcement for a future 'spacious adventure' in Vietnam and invite you the listeners to sign up.

  • In this episode, I discuss my liberating solo trip to Vietnam and the associated lessons learned about self-compassion, balance, worthiness, partnership, and the importance of letting oneself experience fulfilling adventures. I emphasise that my husband's support and understanding played a critical role in enabling this journey. I also suggest that listeners consider what their own 'spacious adventure' might look like and encourage them to give themselves permission to pursue these adventures. I also tease you about an upcoming retreat in Vietnam and invite you to join the next session of my group coaching program, Burn Bright.

  • In this episode of the Pause Purpose Play podcast, I examine the concept of resilience, drawing attention to its misuse and negative implications in toxic work environments. I explore how resilience may sometimes lead to burnout, arguing that the idea of 'bouncing back' isn't always helpful. Instead, I also suggest interpreting resilience as self-compassion, which allows individuals to learn from their difficulties. They should be aware of their environments and assertively seek conditions that enable their wellness, rather than accepting detrimental situations due to misinterpreted resilience.

  • In this episode of the 'Pause Purpose Play Podcast', I discuss the challenges faced by women with ADHD, specifically those women dubbed as 'lost girls' who have been misdiagnosed or unrecognised in their childhood. These challenges include dealing with the sense of overwhelming chaos of ADHD amidst other life responsibilities and the coping mechanisms often developed, such as perfectionism and people-pleasing. I also talk about my personal experience with ADHD, the importance of self-compassion, and how to manage ADHD-related overwhelm.

  • In this episode, Dr Nilesh Satguru, a GP and self-mastery expert, discusses the importance of compassion and self-mastery in the professional and personal journey. He shares his personal experience and struggles as a GP and how a patient's complaint led him to discover compassion and its transformative power. He emphasised how cultivating self-awareness and self-compassion, controlling time and environment, and nurturing inward reflection can drive fulfilment, resilience, and peace. The podcast also touched on forgiveness, emotional resilience, and how self-compassion can help people thrive despite adversities.

  • In this episode I discuss the themes of perfectionism and compassion, focusing on ADHD and neurodivergence. I illustrate how hyperfocus, a trait often associated with ADHD, can lead to potential burnout and mental health issues, alongside the societal pressures faced by modern women. I call for understanding and compassion for neurodivergent individuals due to the additional challenges they face. I then present a key tip concerning creating spaciousness around challenging tasks and situations to mitigate post-task depletion, assisting in sustainable success. I also give listeners a personal insight into my strategies for managing my hyperfocus and energy during a recent event. Lastly, I extend an invitation to you dear listeners to join my newly-formed ADHD Club, a compassionate community for women.

  • In this in-depth conversation with Selina Barker, author of 'Burnt Out'! We discuss the significant issues of burnout and perfectionism. Selina details her journey with burnout, the lessons she learned from her workaholic father, and her experiences as a life and career change coach. The conversation explores how societal and individual pressures often contribute to burnout, with a specific focus on women, particularly mothers. Selina emphasizes the importance of managing one's energy and taking regular breaks. The conversation also delves into dealing with the 'shitty committee', a term used by Selina to represent the inner critic and self-critical thoughts, and how understanding this can assist in preventing burnout.