
  • Ever wondered why so many people who start a podcast never really get any ROI on it?

    Today, I'm sharing a little known, but incredibly simple framework that will set you apart from your competition and better yet, just by following the framework you will probably own your niche in a very short amount of time.

    So what is this secret framework I'm referring to? I call it the Rule of 100.

    The Rule of 100 just says that when you undertake anything new in your business, you will not stop that activity until you've done it 100 times.

    Want to start emailing your list on a regular basis? Don't stop until you have created 100 emails. It doesn't matter what the stats say once you get started. You're only interested in looking at results after 100 emails. Nothing matters before then.

    Ready to start a podcast? In following The Rule of 100, you're now committed to 100 episodes. And nothing in the world will stop you until you publish 100 episodes.

    If you don't think this matters, just try implementing The Rule of 100 for your next endeavor. I guarantee that following this rule will have a positive impact on your business.

    So why is The Rule of 100 so powerful? Let's first take a look at the finer points of this rule. 

    The Rule of 100 states that if you spend 100 hours a year, which is 18 minutes a day - in any discipline, you'll be better than 95% of the world, in that discipline

    I want to share with you 3 reasons I believe the Rule of 100 is so powerful.By the time you've done something 100 times, or spent 100 hours doing it, you've probably outlasted all of your competition who quit when they didn't see results after the first week.As the rule states, by the time you've done 100 hours or 100 repetitions of a task, you've learned from all your mistakes and failures and you're very likely gong to be better than 95% of the population at that one thing.Something changes inside of you after 100 hours or 100 repetitions. You begin hitting your stride, and you gain a confidence because you've now done the work and feel much more confident. You won't recognize yourself on the back side of your 100. It's almost like you've transformed yourself into the expert you always knew you could be, and it's happened because you've put in your 100.

    Whether it's podcasting, marketing, or creating YouTube content, most people quit far too soon. And the truth is that in order to be great in your niche and in order to be a category king in your niche, most of the time you just have to outlast your competition. They will quit when it gets too hard. They will fold when it's too inconvenient. And those that carry on are left to scoop up all the business.

    My challenge to you today is to make the Rule of 100 your standard for how you will take on anything new. If you can't commit to 100 hours or 100 repetitions, then it's a hard no.

    If you like this content, please subscribe below and hit the notification bell. If you are listening to this content as a podcast, please subscribe and follow on whatever app you are listening on.

    I'll see you next time!

  • Many of my podcast clients, and maybe many of you started podcasting years ago - long before video (in long or short form) was popular.

    Quite often my clients ask me if they should be "doing video for their podcast."

    This is actually a topic that came up this past week in a podcast group I am in, and my views contradicted what the original poster believed about video.

    So, I wanted to have an honest discussion today about whether you should be doing video for your podcast.

    I can't start this discussion without addressing the fact that this is so much tougher for women. The reality is that a guy can pick up his phone beside his bed when he fist wakes up and turn on the video and document his "first thoughts of the day" with bed head, bad breath, unshaved and even sometimes with a shirt on, and his followers will rave about his genius and his inspiring content and leave comments like "Bro, this is fire" or "So good my man!".

    If a woman tried this same filming strategy, we would be accused of trying to be seductive, or we would be bombarded with comments like, "Girl, at least brush your hair." or "Honey, if you can't bother to get out of bed and get ready and take a little pride in your appearance, then you shouldn't even turn on the video."

    As women, we are far harder on ourselves and on other women than we need to be. As a female content creator, we're worried about our appearance - hair, makeup, blemishes, aging, all of it - we're worried about our house looking messy. And many times, you may not even have a second away from your kids to make any sort of content.

    All of the thoughts serve to stop us from even attempt video unless you're having a perfect hair day, your makeup is spot on, and your office is Instagram perfect.

    4 Reasons You Should Incorporate Video for your Podcast:

    Recording the video gives you more options when it comes to distribution of your content and repurposing your content.There is a way video podcast content can be edited to appeal to YouTube audiences, so by recording video, you now have the raw material to make a great YT video with the right editing.Why do you want to be on YouTube? YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine, only to Google. But you can't forget that YouTube is owned by Google. So by putting your content as video into the 2nd largest search platform on the planet, you stand to get more organic traffic.We simply can't ignore the fact that most content consumers will pay more attention to audio than video. 

    You ignore video at your own peril.

    Most people that will tell you that you don't have to do video for your podcast are trying to not make you feel pressured or guilty about just doing audio and ignoring video. 

    Do you need video to have a successful podcast? No.

    My perspective is more that you will remove many barriers to your success by also including video for YouTube and social media content. I rarely have my clients create a video podcast feed simply because most people are consuming content on youtube.

    If you want to give yourself the highest chance of success, record video. Once you get in the habit of doing it, you'll wonder why you waited so long.

    I want to remind you that if you are watching this content and like the content, please take a moment to subscribe to the channel.

    I'm on a mission to release daily video content for a year, across all platforms, basically starting from zero. So, if you'd like to follow me and my journey in content creation, hit the subscribe button and then also click the notification bell.

    I'll see you next week!

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    Click here to refresh the feed.

  • What do you automatically think of when I mention “monetizing a podcast”? If you’re like most people, your mind automatically goes to sponsors and advertisers. And while sponsors is a legitimate way to monetize a podcast, it is actually the hardest way to monetize a podcast. So today, I’m going to give you some much more attainable ways to monetize your podcast.

    Let me give you some better options for making money from your podcast. Some of these options will not earn enough to live off by itself to start, however, as part of a multi-pronged approach to building different revenue streams of income from your podcast, over time they can add up to significant income:

    Affiliate Income - takes a little bit of work to set up, but once you start putting out content with your affiliate links, you are building a web of your affiliate links on every piece of content and every post, so over time your affiliate income grows. If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing, you’ll want to check out this video I made specifically about affiliate marketing.Merchandise - for many podcasts, this is the first way they earn money. They create a t-shirt, mug or bumper sticker that relates to their show and tell their friends how they can buy it. Most podcasters use print on demand services, like Printify, or Custom Ink. While profit margins are a bit lower per item with these companies, you don’t have to stockpile inventory or ship products out yourself.Paid Communities or Memberships - This method has recurring income built into the model, and in my opinion, it is the best way to build full time income for the future. There are many different options for this income model from Patreon type subscriptions to ad free podcast feeds and everything in between, and even if you already have courses or programs, they can be turned into a recurring revenue model.Courses - Whether these are low ticket or high ticket, courses can be used to bring in significant monthly revenue. The problem with courses is that you have to constantly be in launch mode in order to get significant traffic to your course. There are websites like Udemy, or Teachable, where you can put your courses and get traffic directly from the platform, in addition to driving your own traffic there.Coaching - You can easily fill your coaching calendar with clients from your podcast, if that’s what you desire. When it comes to coaching, I’d recommend only starting group coaching programs where you are coaching 1 to many, vs 1:1. Based on my experience in coaching podcasters, many people are locked into 1:1 interactions in their private practice, and they are hoping their podcast will help them earn more income from the 1 to many option. You never want to create a revenue stream that you really don’t enjoy and want to support. So if you are already feeling burned out from your practice, or your day job, then 1:1 coaching is probably going to further drain you emotionally. So, I’d recommend building out lower touch group coaching programs, if you want to expand your coaching services. Sponsorship - Last on my list of ways to monetize your podcast is getting sponsors. Let me be clear, I manage ads and ad campaigns for some of the biggest podcasts on Apple, so I am not anti-sponsor. And sponsors can be a part of your overall revenue strategy, but most often I see podcasters getting taken advantage of by sponsor relationships, and often sponsors will play on our ignorance. Let me also give you a word of caution here…if you are going down the route of taking on sponsors, please make sure you are utilizing the dynamic ad insertion features that are built into many podcast hosting companies. Without doing this, you are giving away your value in perpetuity and that is terrible for you. I’ll do an entire episode later on...
  • Ideally, you're creating multiple streams of income with your podcast, and affiliate marketing is a legitimate way to earn money from your podcast.

    You can't just expect to post an Amazon link or an Audible discount code and expect to get sales right away. Like everything else, you have to be strategic about affiliate marketing.

    Today, I cover the 3 specific criteria I use for affiliate marketing, and how you can implement these strategies to start earning affiliate income with your podcast.

    Need help with your podcast?

    Visit https://teampodcast.com

  • Everyone says they are trying to monetize their podcasts, but when we really look under the hood, everything is not as it seems.

    In this episode, I'll tell you what's not working and why, but most importantly, I'll show you how to fix it.

  • There are many tried and true methods of podcast monetization, but today I'm sharing 7 universal truths that we see over and over again when it comes to getting monetized. Sometimes it's just a matter of building a structure for yourself and giving yourself goals in order to start getting some traction.

  • The continuous rise of technology and many innovative programs and websites have greatly contributed in providing faster and more efficient labor. In fact, what once was an hour’s job can now be accomplished in a shorter span of time through the help of the internet and other AI tools.

    In the world of podcasts, there have been a lot of improvements throughout the years and one of the major trends is the usage of AI tools that help podcasters to massively decrease the amount of time they spend on creating content.

    A famous tool that’s being used by many creators now is called ChatGPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer). And today, we’re going to talk all about that.

    ChatGPT and the problem with it.

    Before there was ChatGPT, there were other writing tools which I personally used like Jasper.AI and it has been working well for me. Recently, I tried ChatGPT which has altered my preferences.

    I switched my subscription to ChatGPT because of how incredible and high quality its service is. The cost doesn’t even matter because it’s worth it. However, ChatGPT is still in beta and so, they’re experiencing issues the same way as anyone else does in beta.

    Sometimes, there are time periods where the server tends to get overloaded and shuts down and that’s understandable considering that many users are now discovering the greatness of such an AI tool. 

    Introduction to ChatGPT.

    These AI tools use a combination of machine learning, human behavior and sort of human conversation flows. It creates human-like responses to create conversations and content based on artificial intelligence that greatly mimics it.

    It actually exceeds what we can produce sometimes as humans. If you're worried about humans getting replaced by robots or other technology. That age is upon us and we just have to make sure that we are using things properly and not contributing to our own demise with this kind of stuff. 

    As for ChatGPT, it is a system that open AI has built and they have continued to improve it which made the industry stand back in awe with its efficiency and creativity. It even gives prompts informing you that the server is down or that there are other users engaging with the AI chatbot.

    Using ChatGPT to write podcast outlines, scripts, and courses.

    ChatGPT is such a creative tool and it greatly helps when writing podcast outlines and scripts. In fact, there's a podcast that my company is launching right now with a highly influential person in their specific niche. 

    We are using AI tools to create all of the podcast art - making content outlines, determining what topics to talk about, writing podcast scripts, and more. That highly influential person will just have to sit down and record their own voice which is truly and unbelievably amazing.

    Using ChatGPT is easy. In fact, I used it the last time I created a brand new podcast and I just asked some questions I wanted in order to get the content out then I combined all the responses I got into one podcast script that I could use.

    You could also use AI to help determine what keywords people in your audience would be looking for. You can even ask it to write headlines for you which can also be potential podcast episodes.

    Once you use the technology, you begin to understand how it responds to you. Likewise, it begins to understand what information you want it to provide to you and so it just gets better and better with each use. 

    Besides creating podcast outlines and scripts, you can also use ChatGPT for creating courses. It is such a time saver as it pulls out information out of the internet faster than having to research it on your own. However, always keep in mind that these tools aren't perfect and it requires a bit of manual intervention. 

    Using AI to create artwork for your podcast.

    There’s this

  • Are you looking for tips, tricks and strategies that you can use to engineer your podcast for monetization? Or maybe just wondering how most podcasters, who have come a long way, monetize their podcasts without selling out to sponsors who don’t value the community? 

    If you’re one of the podcasters who have been putting in so much effort in their work for a long time now, take this as a sign for you to get something back out of it. And that's why I’m here to help you do that as the CEO of Team Podcast which is a full service podcast production company. 

    Podcasts that are ahead of the curve are evergreen

    It’s not much of a surprise when podcasters walk away from their shows for quite a while and come back wanting to rebrand and resurrect their podcast. However, there are many factors to consider prior to resurrecting one’s abandoned podcast back to life.

    First things first, it’s important that you recognize the content of your abandoned podcast because some may still be relevant and valuable to listeners which can ultimately save your podcast. 

    There are many podcasters who have stopped producing podcasts for years because of this matter alone but despite their inactivity, they continue to get tons of likes on their page. Some still get thousands of downloads for their shows because they have an evergreen topic that people are interested in.

    So as much as possible, what we want is that the topics you have for the podcast are going to be evergreen and timeless yet the great quality must always be there. Likewise, the information that you've shared is just as useful today as when the show was first recorded. 

    Bringing an abandoned podcast back to life

    Besides having a podcast that covers relevant topics or in demand content, it’s also important to consider your audience for the show which is equally important when resurrecting an abandoned podcast.

    We want to make sure that there’s still a strong audience for the show so that when we bring it back to life, there’s an assurance that we’ll be getting support from a dedicated group of listeners who are going to be excited to see new episodes. Regardless of the podcast’s inactivity, they’re going to jump right back in. 

    You should also take into consideration the fact that because of the popularity of podcasts and the explosion that we've had in recent years, it's still growing every year. Hence, if you have a podcast that has a track record of producing great content, it could be a perfect timing for the market to rebrand that podcast, bring it back into the growing market and make it more relevant and appealing to today's audiences than it was when you first brought it out.

    The value of bringing back an old podcast feed

    The dilemma that podcasters often face when coming back after having been away for some time is whether or not they should bring back an old abandoned podcast feed or should they just bring on a completely new show and start a new feed.

    As long as you have the same target audience for your show as what you previously had before going inactive, your podcast is going to have the perception of longevity which can be greatly beneficial since people will perceive your podcast as the “OG” of whatever your niche is.

    The podcast industry is a competitive field which is why even if you were early to market in your niche with a podcast and there weren’t other podcasts in the same niche, that’s no longer the case now. There may now be many shows covering the same topics as you once had with the same target audience. 

    The key is to outlast your competitors and keep your show going despite how challenging the journey might be. Keep producing your shows and enjoy making them.

    The advantage of being the last man standing

    Outlast your competitors and in the long run, you will have

  • Why does every podcast beg you for ratings and reviews on Apple?

    Have you heard this before?

    ❌ "it can help more people find us!"

    ❌ "it will bump up our rankings"

    ❌ "it will make our show more visible"

    None of this is true!

    Today, I'm explaining what Apple ratings and reviews really do for your show and why there is a much better call to action for you to use!

  • Every podcaster I have ever talked to always has the same complaint. They are not happy with the amount of downloads their show gets each month, and they want more. In this episode, I’ll tell you the only 2 ways to grow your show and how you can take advantage of them. 

    When it comes to podcast growth, it’s a conversation that every podcaster wants to have. It’s probably the most asked question in any podcasting Facebook group and I have found that it doesn’t matter whether your show gets 100 downloads a month or a million downloads a month, we always want more!

    So guess what? Today I am going to simplify podcast growth for you.

    In my viewpoint, when you boil everything down to its most foundational elements, there are only 2 ways to grow your podcast. 

    You have to tell someone about it.Someone else has to tell someone about it.

    Literally, that’s it!

    I’m not trying to oversimplify the growth problem, but these are the 2 frames I want to view podcast growth through because truth be told, there are probably improvements you can make on both sides of the growth problem.

    So, let’s start with all of the ways you can tell someone about your podcast:

    I’m going to break this down into Organic vs. Paid:

    Let’s start with the low hanging fruit of organic ways to telling others about your podcast:

    Put it out on all of your social media channels consistently - and yes, there is a method to doing this effectively. But let’s go for the simpler question to start - are you even putting it out everywhere each time you publish?Have you asked your current listeners to subscribe to the show? Tell without a crystal ball story.Send it out to your email list? It sounds so simple, but my guess is that you aren’t actually consistently letting your email list know about each episode. What’s stopping you? What’s stopping me? Well, we get so busy keeping up with producing content, that sending out to your email list gets neglected.Are you publishing it to your website? I know this seems like a trick question, but you’d be surprised how many podcasters we have taken over production of their podcasts for, only to start with a stack of episodes that have only published to their RSS feed, and not published to their websites.Are you publishing to every available platform? Again, not a trick question, but you would be surprised at how many people don’t understand how to get their podcast to every free distribution platform, because they only know about Spotify or Apple.Do you have your podcast listed in your bio of all your social media channels? So many people overlook optimizing your social profiles to show that you have a podcast. You’ll want to take care of this one before tackling the next one. Don’t make it hard for people to find your show.Are you a member of groups where your target listeners are gathering on social media? If not, go join some groups and become a valuable member. Don’t just spam the group, but get in there and answer enough questions so that people want to go to your profile and check out why you know so much. There they will see your podcast on your recently updated profile.

    Mention the delayed commenting strategy and the member value shout out strategies.

    8) Have you put your podcast on local bulletin boards and such at businesses in your local area? You’d be surprised at how many listeners you can get locally from this. Just create a business card for your podcast and invite people to listen.

    Ok, those are the main ways for you to tell others about your podcast organically, so let’s move on to the ways you can get others to tell people about your podcast.

    Again, these are all going to be...

  • I work full-time helping podcasters monetize their podcasts. As I have strategy calls week after week, I find that I am saying the same things over and over again.

    If you are stuck and don't know what will help you attract your ideal clients, today I'm giving you the cheat code to get you unstuck.

    If you need help figuring out how to monetize your podcast, a podcast audit may help you. Simply go to https://teampodcast.com/tuneup.

  • In this episode, I'm going to tell you about a major mistake that I see so many podcasters make, and I'm going to show you what to do to fix the mistake. It's the same mistake that causes many podcasters to rebrand their podcasts!

  • So you're a podcaster looking to monetize, and all of a sudden out of nowhere you get an email offering a sponsorship for your podcast. It seems too good to be true. Is it? We'll talk about it right after this.

    Hi there. Welcome to Podcast Monetization Secrets. My name is Christy Haussler and thank you so much for joining me today. I am so glad you're here because that tells me that you are actively looking for ways to monetize your podcast, and I couldn't be happier about that. I feel like podcasters have gotten the short end of the stick and more of

    you deserve to be paid for the value that you're providing to the world. And I'm on a mission to help as many of you do that in a way that brings value to your life as possible. You've been giving value, you've been providing content at a pretty high cost to yourself. It's time, it's energy, it's money.

    There's plenty of other things that you could be doing with your time, and because you are choosing to serve some community that you've chosen, Then I believe you deserve to get value back, and the more you serve, the more value you should get. So it should be a very natural exchange. And many times as podcasters, we haven't really figured out how to engineer getting that value back out of our podcast.

    And that's what I'm here to help you with today. Most of you know if you've been here very long at all. I have a podcast production company called Team Podcast, and that's where I initially started after I started my podcast in 2012. I launched my company end of December, 2013. Really didn't get my first clients till early 2014.

    And so I've, during that time worked up with over 360 podcasts and many of them wanted to monetize through various ways and I. Even though I don't tell everyone that's podcast sponsorship is a great way to monetize. Cause it's actually the hardest way to monetize. I do work with podcasters to do sponsorships and I manage ads and relationships and that sort of thing with their sponsors and their ads.

    And so I'm pretty well tied into what's going on in the sponsor space. So I wanted to do a. Update for you today, and I'm gonna be naming names because there are some people right now that I feel like are, I'm just gonna call it preying on the ignorance of some podcasters and if you go into this understanding all the facts and you still decide it's the best decision for you, then that is absolutely fine, But what I don't want you to do is get stuck in something that you don't want to do. And so today I'm gonna talk to you about. A situation that's been happening with a certain company where they are targeting podcasters who probably have not yet gotten heavy into the sponsorship space yet. And what's happening is you'll get an email, and I don't know if you're aware, but once you have an RSS feed or you have your podcast on Apple, Apple requires you to have an email, like even a public contact email within your RSS feed.

    And so people can use services and software and programs and that sort of thing to pull email addresses in from your RSS feed, and then they can solicit you with cold email. Now, don't get me wrong, you can always. Unsubscribe or block them or whatever. But that's what happens. So it doesn't take long before you, when you're a podcaster, before you start seeing Chartable and other podcast related services begin to send you these emails.

    And it's not because they found your podcast and found it interesting, but they've just scraped all of the emails. The api, the directory in Apple, and they're contacting you with the email that you have listed for your RSS feed. So that's what's happening. That's what's going on. And there's a particular company right now, I've had them approach several of my podcast clients and I've watched some of the negotiations go back and forth.

    And so I wanted to just clue you into what's

  • I recently heard someone make a really bold controversial statement.

    They said, "If you don't have a continuity program (subscription) in your business, then you don't really have a business."

    This is a quote from David Frey that was shared with me and it really caused me to stop in my tracks.

    In this episode, I'm sharing my opinion about this statement and how this can be something that any podcaster can create and earn money for.

    If you need help with your podcast, you can sign up for a Podcast Audit to get a fresh set of eyeballs on what you are doing and give you a blueprint for monetization. Sign up here.

  • Today, I'm talking about why your podcast growth may be stagnant and what you can do about it.

    If you're like most people, 90% of us are stuck in phase 1 and real growth doesn't happen until you get past phase 1.

    I'm explaining it all in today's episode and I'll tell you what you can do to fix it.

    If you need a podcast tune up, simply click here to get started.

  • We spend so much time and energy trying to acquire new leads and get good at paid traffic, that we practically ignore the gold mine that already exists in our business.

    In today's episode, I explain your pot of gold and how you can tap into it.

  • How to write good copy for your podcast

    If you're thinking of monetizing your podcast, here are some tips from a copywriter.

    • Know your audience.Your first step is to understand who your audience is and what they want. This will help you create content that is relevant and engaging.

    • Create compelling copy.Your content needs to be interesting and engaging enough to compel listeners to keep listening. To do this, make sure your copy is clear, concise, and on point.

    • Use social media to promote your podcast.Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are great ways to promote your podcast and connect with potential listeners. Make sure to post relevant information, share interesting stories, and engage with followers.

    • Offer exclusive content.Some podcasters offer exclusive content that only subscribers can access. This can be a great way to draw in new listeners and build loyalty among current ones.

    • Charge for premium episodes or services.If you have high-quality content that can be sold separately, consider charging for premium episodes or services. This can generate extra income while also providing value to your listeners.

    The importance of good copywriting

    If you're thinking of monetizing your podcast, you're not alone. In fact, many podcasters are still trying to figure out the best way to make money from their shows.Copywriting is an important part of any monetization strategy, and there are a few things you can do to improve your show's copywriting skills. Here are five tips:

    • Use clear, concise languageYour listeners want to understand what you're saying as quickly as possible. Make sure your language is easy to understand and use short, punchy sentences.

    • Use strong verbsYour verbs should be strong and action-oriented. This will help draw the listener in and keep them engaged.

    • Be personalYour listeners want to feel like they're part of your show. Include personal stories and anecdotes to connect with them on a more personal level.

    • Use persuasive languageWhen selling your product or service, use persuasive language to convince your listeners to take action. For example, use phrases like "save time" or "get ahead of the competition."

    • Keep it freshYour listeners will be more likely to stick around if you keep your show fresh and new. Try new formats, topics, and voices every once in a while to keep things interesting for your listeners.

    The benefits of learning to write your own copy

    If you're like most podcasters, you probably think of your show as your own personal creative space. But the truth is, your show is also a business. And like any other business, it needs to be monetized in order to survive.Here are some tips from copywriter and podcast monetization expert, Rachelle Gardner, on how to do just that:

    • Find an audience. The first step in monetizing your podcast is finding an audience. This means finding podcasts that interest you and targeting your advertising to those audiences. You can also look for podcasts with similar topics and guest lists to yours to see if there’s overlap in your target market.

    • Create a paid subscription service. A popular way to monetize a podcast is through a paid subscription service. This allows you to charge people for access to your content and make money each time someone subscribes. There are several different subscription services available, so it’s important to choose one that will work best for your show and audience.

    • Offer exclusive content. Another way to make money from your podcast is by offering exclusive content. This means creating episodes or segments that are only available through subscribing to your channel or through purchasing a product or service related to the episode. This can be a great way to build an audience and generate revenue from them down the...

  • If you're thinking of hosting a conference, here are some tips on making it revenue positive:

     • Set a price for admission. This is key - set a price for admission that is fair and reasonable, and make sure to communicate it clearly to attendees. You don't want people to feel like they're being taken advantage of, so make sure the price is fair and reasonable.

     • Offer additional benefits for those who purchase tickets. Some conference organizers offer additional benefits, such as access to exclusive content or discounts on merchandise. Make sure to list these benefits clearly on the conference website and in the ticketing process, so attendees know what they're getting into.

     • Charge for extra services or events. If you have extra events or services that attendees can purchase separately, charge for them. This can include things like workshops or presentations that are not included in the ticket price.

     • Offer discounts for students or members of certain organizations. If your conference is geared towards students or members of certain organizations, offer discounts to those groups in order to attract more participants.

     • Use social media to promote the conference. Use social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to promote the conference and get people excited about it. This will help generate interest in advance and encourage people to buy tickets early on in the process.

    Difficulties in finding good events to attend

    Finding good events to attend when podcasting can be difficult. Here are some tips on how to monetize a podcasting conference:

     • Choose an event that is relevant to your audience.

     • Research the event before you attend it.

     • Make a list of topics that you would like to discuss at the event.

     • Plan your talk based on what you learned from research.

     • Be prepared to answer questions from attendees after your talk.

    Offering a free speaking engagement as an incentive

    If you're thinking of hosting a conference, one way to monetize it is to offer a free speaking engagement as an incentive for attendees. This can be a great way to attract new listeners and boost attendance. Plus, it can give you some extra income to put towards the conference itself.To offer this incentive, you'll need to create a speaking engagement page on your conference website. This page will list all of the available speaking engagements and provide information about how to sign up. You'll also want to include a link to your podcast episode or blog post that discusses the speaking engagement. Once you've created the speaking engagement page, you'll need to promote it prominently on your conference website and social media channels. You can also send out email invitations to attendees announcing the free speaking engagement.Offering a free speaking engagement as an incentive is a great way to boost attendance and monetize your conference.

    Following up with Contacts

    If you attended a podcasting conference and had a great time, it's important to follow up with your new contacts to nurture those relationships. Here are some tips for doing just that:

     • Send out an email thanking everyone for coming and sharing their knowledge.

     • Share some of the highlights from the conference in a blog post or on your podcast website.

     • Ask your guests to share their thoughts on the event in future interviews or podcasts.

     • Send out a survey to attendees to get their feedback on the conference and what they would like to see next year.

     • Hold a contest or giveaway related to the conference content.

  • How paid traffic can help a podcaster grow their business

    If you're a podcaster looking to increase your downloads and revenue, paid traffic can be a valuable tool. Paid traffic can come from a variety of sources, such as advertising, sponsorships, or paid subscriptions. Here are some tips on how to get started:

    • Identify your target audience.Before you start advertising or charging for subscriptions, you first need to identify your target audience. This will help you determine which channels and methods are most effective for reaching them.

    • Research the best methods for reaching your target audience.There are a variety of methods available for reaching your target audience, so it's important to research which ones are best suited for your podcast. advertising, sponsored content, and paid subscriptions are all options worth considering.

    • Plan your advertising and subscription campaigns carefully.Advertising can be expensive, so it's important to plan your campaigns carefully. Make sure to account for costs like ad placement, targeting, and bidding strategies. And remember to test different ads and subscription offers before launching them into production.

    • Charge for subscriptions carefully too.Charging for subscriptions can be a profitable strategy, but you need to be careful not to overcharge your listeners. Charge enough to cover the costs of producing and delivering the content, but don't go overboard! Overcharging can alienate potential listeners and damage your reputation.

    The benefits of retargeting ads for podcasters

    If you're a podcaster, one of the best ways to increase your downloads and revenue is through paid traffic. Paid traffic can come from retargeting ads, which are ads that are specifically targeted towards people who have already visited your website or podcast. Retargeting ads can be incredibly effective in driving downloads and revenue for podcasters, as they are more likely to be interested in your content if they've already shown an interest in it.

    How to maximize profits from paid traffic

    If you're looking to increase your podcast downloads and revenue, paid traffic is a great way to do it. Paid traffic can come from a variety of sources, such as advertising, sponsorships, or direct donations. Here are four tips for maximizing profits from paid traffic:

    • Choose the right advertising platformThere are a number of different advertising platforms available, so it's important to choose the one that best suits your podcast. Some popular options include Google Adsense, Facebook Ads, and iTunes Ads.

    • Choose the right sponsorship or donation packageSponsorship and donation packages can be tailored to fit your podcast's specific needs. For example, you might want to consider a sponsorship package that includes ad space and branding opportunities. Or, you could choose a donation package that includes exclusive content or access to VIP events.

    • Create valuable contentYour podcast's content should be valuable enough that people will want to pay for it. This means providing high-quality content that is relevant to your audience. You can also offer bonus content or discounts for people who make donations or purchase sponsorships.

    • Promote your podcast on social media and other online platformsSocial media is an important tool for promoting your podcast. You can use social media platforms to reach out to potential listeners and promote upcoming episodes. You can also use social media to build relationships with sponsors and donors.

    Sign up for a Podcast Audit here.

  • Today, I'm going to share with you the advice that I give to my clients - and myself - when it comes to our free stuff. The first mistake we often make is taking a product-oriented view of our free content. So we're like "here's my free thing. Here's what it does. Here's how many times a week you can come in here. Here's what type of content you'll get. Here's what you get." But we're not doing any of the things that we know would increase conversion rates: using headlines to capture someone's attention and draw them into the funnel, using call outs, and really selling your freebie.

    The simplest framework to use is the PAS framework. It stands for Problem, Agitate, Solution. This is exactly what it sounds like. Call out the problem they are having and then spend some time agitating all of the issues that arise because the problem happened. Make them thirsty and then offer them a drink! Then give them the solution to their problems, which is your freebie!

    [00:00 - 05:03] How to Convert on a Free Offer When You Really Want People to Take Action

    • There is a myth that people will want something just because it's free. In fact, you actually have to do more to get people to convert on a free offer.

    • One of the mistakes we make is not following proven sales frameworks when trying to sell our free content. This can lead to low conversions.

    • We often forget about the importance of providing value in order to get people to convert on a free offer.

    [05:03 - 09:44] How to Flip Your Free Stuff Into Paid Products

    • The first mistake made when offering something for free is taking a product-oriented view, focusing on what the free offer does rather than how it can help the recipient.

    • To increase conversion rates, free offers should be treated as a sales pitch, with attention paid to headlines, callouts to the recipient's avatar, and other elements that capture attention and draw people into the funnel.

    • Following a framework like the Past P a S framework can help create a more effective sales pitch and increase conversion rates.

    [09:45 - 13:40] How to Sell Your Product Even if It's a Free Thing

    • The key to successful marketing is to focus on the psychology of the listener, not just the details or features of the product.

    • To increase conversions, you need to focus on solving the problem that your product solves for your avatar, and then tell a story or spend time talking about how this problem feels familiar to them.

    • If you're offering a free product, you need to focus on selling it in order to make money later on. Getting a podcast audit can help you do this.