Welcome to the Church of the City Podcast.
Church of the City New York is a church community passionate about making disciples who "practice the way of Jesus together for the renewal of the city." We believe in the authority and power of the scriptures to shape our communal life and practice, as we seek to teach God's word with clarity and conviction.
Most of the teaching in our community is done by Pastor Jon Tyson and our teaching team. We have both morning and evening services and meet in the heart of Manhattan.
For more information visit: -
BibelBreak er en samtale-podcast, hvor vi sammen læser og diskuterer tekster fra Bibelen. I fællesskab forsøger vi at blive klogere på, hvad Bibelteksterne gerne vil fortælle os, og hvordan vi kan bruge dem i vores liv. Lyt med hver onsdag!
Vært: Nicolai Kaltoft -
Prædikener fra Mariagerfjord Frikirke
Kimberly Jones, known as Real Talk Kim, travels the world fulfilling her passion and purpose of loving people back to life.
She is a mother, pastor, entrepreneur, best-selling author, entertainer and most importantly a worshiper after God’s own heart.
Pastor Kim is the Senior Pastor at Limitless Church in Fayetteville, Georgia and has two sons.
She is a human rights advocate with a passion for giving back and believes in the compassion of the Holy Spirit, delivering it to those who need it most. Pastor Kim is an advocate partner with Rock Paper Scissors Foundation, a Non-profit Organization, which exists to foster healing and give a voice to those who have been silenced.
Pastor Kim has been featured on The Doctor Oz Show, Oxygen’s Network Series’ Preachers of Atlanta, Your World with Creflo Dollar on BET, ABC’s Nightline, The Word Network, CNN, Praise in the Park’ Atlanta and numerous magazines and radio shows. She is truly a living and walking testimony of God’s redemption plan in action. -
Et samtaleprogram om tro, eksistens og livsforandrende erfaringer. Gæster og præster mødes i Maries Rum i samtale om livets største spørgsmål
Prædikener fra Kronjyllands Frimenighed i Randers
Recorded at Generations Church, we hope this music inspires and encourages you to pursue a genuine relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. For more information about Generations Church, go to
What did God say today? God is speaking powerfully through the miraculous daily collisions of heaven and earth. The Touched by Heaven podcast shares encounters with angels, divine interventions, visions, near-death experiences, and God-incidents to fortify the faithful and awaken the fallen away.
This podcast is primarily focused on news events that support Bible prophecy. Signs Of The Times originates as a weekly radio program provided through The Way Media and Calvary Knoxville, a non-denominational Christian Church.
As a result of Motivation Meditation with Leslie V, a devotional style study, you'll receive tools to live your best life ever, overcome weaknesses, grow in a deeper personal relationship with God, and fulfill your God-given destiny. Leslie Vaughn
Listen to messages from God's servant, Prophet Christopher Yaw Annor; Senior Pastor of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Holy Ghost Temple in Adenta - Frafraha, Ghana.
Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow -- Keep in touch with the latest content updates from Beyond Today. This will include: Beyond Today videos, Beyond Today magazine articles, blogs and much more.
Hver dag udgiver Stille Stunder korte, inspirerende og livgivende andagter med talere fra hele landet, som du kan lytte til, når du er på vej til skole eller på vej på arbejde.
Her kan du høre prædikener fra Aarhus Valgmenighed
Hør prædikenerne fra Vanløse Frikirke.
Do you want to be a better worship leader?
Worship Ministry Training is a monthly podcast for worship leaders. Giving you the practical training, tips, techniques, and mindset to help you excel musically, theologically and pastorally! Subscribe to get impactful interviews with experts in the field of worship leading, plus punchy, practical episodes that you can apply immediately to your ministry.
For more free training resources for worship leaders, worship pastors, music directors, and worship team members visit -
Fr. Andrew Ricci, a priest of the Diocese of Superior, offers inspirational podcasts of homilies and talks given from a variety of pastoral settings. Fr. Andrew is currently the rector of the Cathedral of Christ the King in Superior, WI.
His website - Three Great Things - is found at -
Grit ‘n’ Grace is refreshment for women worn out from following bad rules, working to keep everybody else happy, and overextending their time and emotions. Through interviews with insightful and inspiring guests, Cheri Gregory and Amy Carroll will help you to:
· Recalculate your journey from our culture’s bad rules to your own Jesus-made path.
· Overcome error terror as you commit to learning from failure.
· Replace the exhaustion of self-made goodness with the rest of God’s grace.
· Discern whose input to invite and whose feedback to forget.
· Leverage the strength of your emotions instead of either ignoring or being ruled by them. -
An exvangelical circle jerk.