"Exposed" is an interview series that focuses on prominent voices in the LGBT world from drag queens, actors, musicians, comedians, and more. It is not the traditional over the top style interview. Instead, it is more of a one-on-one style interview where guests are given the platform to talk about their career, how far they've come, struggles, successes, and more.
Cinema Italiano is the first podcast dedicated to Italian film. In each episode, we discuss a specific film or topic, and explore how it ties back to Italian geography, heritage, and culture.
In this series, we’ll bring in guests to discuss classic Italian cinema, lesser known gems, and share our favorites and recommendations. -
SQL Generated Podcasts [RSS]
こんにちは、マンガ家の古泉智浩です。三平映画館で5年間やってきましたが、東京での開催より新潟での開催が中心となっており、タイトルをファミレス映画館に変更しました。映画を見終わった後に映画好き仲間と飲食店で感想を話し、映画の満足度でメニューを決定します。映画を見終えた直後の興奮とおいしさをお届けします! こちらのURLよりitunesに登録できます。→ https://itunes.apple.com/jp/podcast/famiresu-ying-hua-guan/id436584429?mt=2
Discover Alaska through film and photography with Native Alaskan Scott Slone as he hikes, boats, climbs and travels throughout some of the most awe-inspiring locations in Alaska.
‘Highly Relevant' is a Latino pop culture podcast. Jack Rico - TV host, journalist, film critic, and podcaster - talks with actors, musicians, journalists, and media executives about how they are influencing mainstream entertainment.
Podcaster Bil Antoniou of BGM: Bad Gay Movies Bitchy Gay Men goes through his Criterions and talks about the movies and the memories they inspire, along the way chatting with a few friends.
This podcast is not affiliated with the Criterion Collection and no copyright infringement is intended. -
An audio diary about the production of the ambitious documentary video series, This is Not a Conspiracy Theory.
Home to the unofficial podcast about ABC’s The Bachelor. Hosted By Jim Alexander. Episode recaps, news, analysis and predications are all discussed on this weekly show. Learn more, contact us, and check out our other podcasts at www.southgatemediagroup.com.
勝手にシネマ!第34回『アメリカン・ギャングスター』監督:リドリー・スコット主演:デンゼル・ワシントン/ラッセル・クロウ 他公開日:2008年02月01日公式サイトhttp://americangangster.jp/DATAat:日劇1 平日昼間/観客4割の入り勝手にシネマ!第34回