
  • Topik Pada Hari Ini:
    > Roland Engan, Pengerusi PKR Sarawak – isu pembatalan ketua kampung yang dilantik oleh kerajaan GPS telah dibawa ke mahkamah
    > Patricia Helen, dari Ba Abang, seorang wanita Penan yang berani – dialog bertamat dengan cepat kerana pejabat hutan mendakwa bahawa Peta yang dibawa oleh komuniti adalah tidak sah
    > S.Arulchelvan, timbalan pengerusi PSM – Anwar perlu membina semula asas gerakan reformasi sebenar atas masyarakat dari pelbagai kaum
    > Mohd Rafiq bin Shamie, Naib Presiden UIAM – Tidak kira siapa pun dalam kerajaan, mahasiswa sentiasa memperjuangkan pemansuhan AUKU
    > Mahmud Epah, PKR Asajaya – Pembangkang mesti BERHENTI memainkan sentimen agama dalam politik mereka sekarang!

    On Today Show:
    > Roland Engan, Sarawak PKR Chairman – the cancellation of headman who appoint by GPS gov, has been taken to court
    > Patricia Helen, from Ba Abang, a brave Penan woman – dialogue end quickly as forest office claim that the Map bring by community is invalid
    > S.Arulchelvan, PSM deputy chairperson – Anwar need to rebuild the real reformation movement base on multi racial grass root
    > Mohd Rafiq bin Shamie, Vice President IIUMS – No matter who is in the government, Uni students are always fight for the abolish AUKU
    > Mahmud Epah, PKR Asajaya – Opposition must STOP to play religious sentiments in their politics now!

    The dialogue that took place at the Telang Usan District Office did not go smoothly for trivial reasons. The absence of YB Dennis Ngau is very sad. The reason that the map brought by Penan Ba Abang is invalid cannot be accepted. The forest office can only show a valid map and the Penan Ba Abang can state their Protected Area or forest reserve on the map. Therefore, logging cannot be carried out in protected areas. For the case of the cancellation of Arun Nyaling's appointment which has been taken to court - on 11 April 2023 further arguments will take place in the Miri high court. The problem of the 2 tribal leaders in Ba Abang, Ba Pakan and the case in Long Bedian are among the cases that Mr. Roland Engan is currently paying attention to. Roland strongly objected to the act of using the appointment of a new tribal leader as a license to get permission to log. The right to log does not actually rest in the hands of a village head. Instead it should be decided jointly by all the villagers involved.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Laporan Khas Kongres PKR dan Parlimen oleh Stanley Rentap
    > Abun Sui, Senator yang baru dilantik – GPS perlu memberi kerjasama manakala kerajaan perpaduan mahu menyediakan infrastruktur di Sarawak
    > Nasir Nash, aktivis Orang Asli dari Kelantan – UMNO berkuasa 60 tahun lalu, masalah belum selesai
    > Dendi of Kampung Sempor Kelantan – Kerajaan Kelantan merancang untuk membina EMPANGAN HEP yang melibatkan komuniti orang asli
    > Robert, aktivis dari Bintulu – Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang harmoni, melawat gereja adalah memahami antara satu sama lain

    On Today Show
    > Special Report of PKR Congress and Today - Parliament by Stanley Rentap
    > Abun Sui, newly appointed Senator – GPS have to provide cooperation while unity government want to provide infrastructure in Sarawak
    > Nasir Nash, activist of Orang Asli from Kelantan – UMNO in power 60yr ago, problems not solve yet
    > Dendi of Kampung Sempor Kelantan – Kelantan Gov plan to build a HEP DAM that involved orang asli communities
    > Robert, activist from Bintulu – Malaysia is a harmonious country, visit church should be understand each other

    On Saturday, a "Malay Proclamation" event that was set to feature former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad was cancelled for the second time. Dr Mahathir was previously reported warning that the Malays could lose all powers completely after the next two general elections, adding that the political dominance of the people was being seriously eroded.
    PKR president Anwar Ibrahim has directed the authorities to arrest any quarters that use religion and race to incite against the government, even as he urged party members at the party’s special congress on Saturday (March 18) to counter the nativist narrative peddled by the Opposition with “facts and argument”.
    The directive marks the first time the prime minister has indicated a willingness to use the law against his political rivals, something he had avoided likely for fear of being accused of wanting to stifle dissent.

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  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Thomas Fann, Pengerusi Bersih 2.0 – Kerajaan Perpaduan Gov mesti berhenti dengan melantik ADUN/Ahli Parlimen sebagai Pengerusi/Pengarah dalam GLC
    > Shaq Koyok, aktivis seni Orang Asli – Kebijaksanaan dan kemampuan orang asli mampu memimpin kerajaan menjaga alam sekitar
    > Charles Santiago, Peguam Aktivis dan Bekas Ahli Parlimen DAP Klang – PAS fokus pada LGBT, abaikan jenayah seksual di Kelantan
    > Jimmy Julong dari Miri – Tanah NCR sebagai tapak simpanan karbon adalah peluang untuk GPS mengambil tanah tersebut

    On Today Show
    > Thomas Fann, Chairperson of Bersih 2.0 – Unity Gov must stop to appoint ADUNs/MPs as Chairman/Director in GLC
    > Shaq Koyok, artist activist of Orang Asli – The wisdom and ability of the indigenous people can lead the government to protect the environment
    > Charles Santiago, Lawyer Activist and DAP Ex MP of Klang – PAS focus on LGBT, ignore sexual crimes in Kelantan
    > Jimmy Julong from Miri – NCR land as carbon storage sites is chance for GPS to take the land

    Ketua Umno Kelantan Ahmad Jazlan Yaakob sekali lagi diumumkan sebagai pengerusi Felcra Berhad, Bersih tidak bersetuju dengan pelantikan ADUN/Ahli Parlimen sebagai Pengerusi/Pengarah dalam GLC.
    GLC ialah syarikat komersial yang berkaitan dengan atau milik kerajaan. Ini bermakna syarikat-syarikat ini ditugaskan untuk melindungi sumber dan dana negara kita, dan kita memerlukan orang yang benar-benar berkelayakan untuk memainkan peranan penting dalam syarikat-syarikat ini. Bukan sahaja ahli politik. Apa yang kita mahukan ialah proses yang telus di mana sesiapa yang dilantik sebagai pengerusi/Pengarah di GLC melalui proses yang telus tidak kira mereka ahli politik atau bukan untuk melantik yang berkelayakan, pakar dan berkemahiran untuk menjaga sumber kita.
    Kami tertanya-tanya mengapa kerajaan meneruskan tindakan ini untuk menerajui GLC, iaitu sistem di bawah naungan ahli politik.

    Kelantan Umno chief Ahmad Jazlan Yaakob has again been announced as the returning chairperson of Felcra Berhad, Bersih disagree with the appointement of ADUNs/MPs as Chairman/Director in GLC.
    GLC is a commercial companies related to or belong to government. This mean these companies are tasked to protect sources and funds of our country, and we need really qualified person to play important role in these companies. Not only the politicians. What we want is a transparent process where who ever that person that is appointed as chairman /Director in GLC to go through transparent process regardless they are politicians or not in order to appoint qualified, expert and skilled to look after our resources.
    We Wonder why the government continue this action to lead GLC, that is system under politicians patronize.
    A politicians who support them, given reward with this appointement. This mean we may not get real qualified person to lead this company with skilled and expertise. If this senario is getting worse, may abuse of position for corruption, as mort GLC companies give big contacts, where have that kind of histories, where politicians to enrich themself. This must stop

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Izdham Zainal, Ketua Biro Dasar MUDA Sarawak – projek kredit karbon perlu belanja berbilion-bilion, tetapi kerajaan GPS tidak menyebutnya
    > Randau Khas – menggesa EU menguatkuasakan peraturan bebas penebangan hutan tetapi mengecualikan pekebun kecil yang mengusahakan kebun mereka secara kecil-kecilan
    > Matik dari SADIA Mukah – NCR land gazzate sebagai taman negara tetapi melibatkan aktiviti pembalakan
    > (panggilan masuk) Puan Amy 65 tahun dari Niah – kerajaan perpaduan perlu diutamakan untuk menyelesaikan rakyat yang menghadapi masalah ekonomi

    On Today Show:
    > Izdham Zainal, Head of Policy Bureaus of MUDA Sarawak – carbon credits stuff cost billions, but GPS government dint mention it
    > Special Randau – calling on the EU to enforce deforestation-free regulations but exclude smallholders who work their orchards on a small scale
    > Matik from SADIA Mukah – NCR land gazzate as national park but involved logging activities
    > (call-in) Puan Amy 65 years old from Niah – unity government need priority to solve people who facing economy problem

    Carbon credits will provide a new source of revenue for Sarawak ranging from RM315 million to RM1.039 billion annually and A Sarawak Climate Change Centre will be established as a centralised hub for coordinating, managing, supporting, and guiding all climate change and carbon trading initiatives in Sarawak, said Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg.
    Izdham Zainal comment that, If Sarawak wants to build focus on carbon credits and it need to build carbon collection storage (CCS) , it will cost a lot. He said, a CCS needs 1.5-2.5billion, it is only based on the cost, and the operating cost is another calculation method, which is an expensive figure, which is not listed by the Sarawak government.
    We urge the Sarawak government who want to establish a climate change center that needs to consider the cost, as well as whether there are facilities and professionals, so that it can be carried out more transparently. Rather than promoting, but see no results. They must list all the details.
    So far we have not seen any details, no direction, what is the benefit to the people?
    Carbon credit is still very new, and everyone does not know how to proceed. The form of buying and selling is also very complicated. A bit like bitcon too, uncontrollable.
    According to Global Forest Watch (GFW) from 2001 to 2020, Malaysia lost 8.39Mha of tree cover, during this period Sarawak had accounted for the most tree cover loss at 3.04Mha. this is worrying.
    Deforestation is what we need to solve, don't just look at the latest technology, but it doesn't solve the problem of illegal logging.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini:
    > Randau Khas – hubungi talian hotline RFS Jika komuniti anda melibatkan ahli Parlimen campur tangan dalam melantik ketua kampung untuk meluluskan aktiviti pembalakan
    > Eprim, anak Ba Abang-Panai Erang – Hentikan Pembalakan! Penan mahu hutan itu Kembali
    > Encik Nicholas Bawin, aktivis hak tanah - Kerajaan menghentikan pembalakan boleh menyelamatkan hutan untuk menyimpan karbon dioksida, jangan ambil peluang untuk mendapatkan tanah NCR
    > Encik Bobby William, Presiden PBDS – hutan Sarawak adalah sumber kehidupan bagi penduduk pedalaman

    On Today Show:
    > Special Randau – call RFS hotline If your community involves MPs interfering in appointing village chiefs to approve logging activities
    > Eprim, Ba Abang-Panai Erang's daughter – Stop Logging! Penan want the forest back
    > Mr Nicholas Bawin, land rights activist – Gov stop logging can save forest to store carbon dioxide, don’t take chance to get NCR land
    > Mr Bobby William, PBDS President – forests of Sarawak are the source of life for the interior people

    Ambil contoh situasi Ba Abang dan Ba Pakan di Ulu Baram. Ketua Kampung asal hilang jawatankuasa kerana menentang pencerobohan syarikat pembalakan. Adun Telang Usan-YB Dennis Ngau melantik seorang lagi menggantikan jawatan ketua kampung, untuk akses ke Tanah NCR komuniti untuk membalak.
    Jika komuniti anda menghadapi masalah yang sama, sila hubungi talian hotline RFS 60 13-551 5219
    Take the situation of Ba Abang and Ba Pakan as an example. The original headman lost his position because he opposed the invasion of logging companies. Adun Telang Usan-YB Dennis Ngau appointed another person to replace the post of village head. Access to community’s NCR Land to cut the trees. If your community is facing the same problem, please contact RFS hotline 60 13-551 5219

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Iswardy Morni, Penganalisis Politik – dedahkan jika UMNO melibatkan sumbangan politik, PMX tidak akan berkompromi malah ia boleh mengancam kestabilan kerajaan perpaduan
    > Nick Kelesau, Pengerusi Pertubuhan Penan Keruan dan Julian dari Ba Pakan – kemas kini: Ba Abang dan Ba Pakan kes pembalakan haram
    > Barnie Lasimbang, aktivis hak tanah – kerajaan perlu memerlukan penyelidikan lebih terperinci mengenai menarik balik larangan mengeksport tenaga boleh diperbaharui
    > Abang Kassim, PKR Saribas Betong – GPS cuba dapatkan tanah rakyat pada harga rendah dengan alasan projek tebatan banjir
    > Elias Lippie, Timbalan Ketua Cabang PKR Baram – PKR BARAM membantu orang ramai ke dalam projek IPR yang inisiatif oleh Rafizi Ramli

    On Today Show
    > Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst – just disclose if UMNO involved political contributions, PMX won’t compromise even it may threaten stability of the unity government
    > Nick Kelesau, Chairman of the Penan Keruan Organization and Julian from Ba Pakan – update: Ba Abang and Ba Pakan illegal logging cases
    > Barnie Lasimbang, land rights activist – government should need more detail research on lifting up ban on exporting renewble energy
    > Abang Kassim, PKR Saribas Betong – GPS tries to get people’s land at low prices under pretext of flood mitigation project
    > Elias Lippie, Baram PKR Deputy Branch Chief – BARAM PKR help people into the IPR project that initiative by Rafizi Ramli

    Muhyiddin Yassin on Monday was accused again in court. This means Muhyiddin has been charged with 7 charges so far. Among other things, the accusation was misuse of power to get political contributions. Muhyiddin questioned that UMNO and PKR also previously received political donations/contributions.
    Iswardy explained that there is a clear difference between political donations or bribery/bribery. A gift/contribution or gift can be considered as corruption when the donor/gift directly benefits from his actions. For example, the Bukhary Equity company got a contract from the Jana Wibawa Program where the former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin has authority/control over the awarding of the contract or project. Because it has benefited from the contract, the company involved has made a political donation (200 million) to Muhyiddin Yassin's party. However, if any party or company gives a donation/donation to a party - but the party involved does not get any benefit/profit from the donation. That is considered a political donation. But Iswardy admits that there is indeed a group related to this matter. That is why the current government will present a political funding bill in the near future. The question - isn't UMNO also doing the same thing as Parti BERSATU. Iswardy insisted that, as Hamzah Zainuddin said - if there is evidence UMNO is also involved. Please disclose. PMX has reiterated that he will not protect anyone. Although by doing so the stability of his government is threatened.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Charles Santiago, Peguam dan bekas Ahli Parlimen Klang – Kesalahan OSA jika Hamzah simpan fail KDN
    > Dennis Along, Ketua Penerangan PKR Baram – Baram PKR mula melakukan sesuatu untuk rakyat
    > Patricia Helen, Wanita Penan dari Ba Abang – menghadiri dialog dengan syarikat pembalakan dan jabatan hutan, cari kemungkinan untuk menghentikan pembalakan haram
    > Encik Bujang Senang dari Kuching, pakar adat Dayak – Demi kesejahteraan masyarakat, ketua kampung perlu dipilih oleh penduduk kampung.
    > Entri anak Budi Kampong Sg Ijok Ulu Sebangan – Terdapat banyak kesukaran untuk memohon MyKad

    On Today Show
    > Charles Santiago, Lawyer and ex-MP of Klang – It is Breach of OSA if Hamzah kept Home Ministry files
    > Dennis Along, Head of Information PKR Baram – Baram PKR start doing things for the people
    > Patricia Helen, Penan Woman from Ba Abang – attend dialogue with logging company and forest department, seek possibility to stop the illegal logging
    > Mr Bujang Senang from Kuching, an expertise of Dayak customs – For the well-being of the community, the village head should be elected by the villagers
    > Entri anak Budi of Kampong Sg Ijok Ulu Sebangan – There are many difficulties in applying for MyKad

    Semalam 12/3/2023- mesyuarat bulanan PKR Baram, sebagai ketua penerangan - Dennis berasa terpanggil untuk menjelaskan beberapa inisiatif yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan persekutuan. Perlu setiap cabang PKR di seluruh Sarawak- memberi penerangan bagaimana memohon dan membantu penduduk pedalaman mendapat manfaat daripada inisiatif-inisiatif ini.
    PKR Baram membuat ketetapan untuk membantu 1. menghapus kemiskinan tegar (seperti sasaran kerajaan pusat), 2. Membantu rakyat Baram mendapat dokumen pengenalan diri/kerakyatan dan mencadangkan 3. penubuhan koiperasi untuk usahawan tani. Ketiga-tiga usaha ini akan diuruskan oleh sebuah secretariat. Buat masa ini semua penduduk Baram boleh datang ke pejabat PEWARIS BARAM atau ke Ibu Pejabat PKR Baram di Miri- untuk petugas-petugas disana membantu. Sama ada mengisi borang secara online atau serahan dokumen secara menual. Bagaimanapun dalam jangka pangjang- Dennis berharap supaya kerajaan memberi peruntukan agar program sebegini dapat diadakan di Kawasan yang lebih terpencil (Khususnya Kawasan penan). Dimana terdapatnya ramai keluarga miskin yang amat memerlukan bantuan. Dennis juga berharap supaya Perdana Menteri melantik orang asal/aktivis yang berwibawa untuk membantu mempercepatkan usaha ini.

    Yesterday 12/3/2023 - Baram PKR monthly meeting, as the head of information - Dennis felt called to explain several initiatives implemented by the federal government. It is necessary for every branch of PKR throughout Sarawak to explain how to apply and help the rural residents to benefit from these initiatives.
    Baram PKR made a decision to help 1. eliminate extreme poverty (as the central government's target), 2. Help the people of Baram get identity/citizenship documents and propose 3. the establishment of cooperatives for agricultural entrepreneurs. These three efforts will be managed by a secretariat. For now, all Baram residents can come to the BARAM HEIRS office or the Baram PKR Headquarters in Miri - for the officers there to help. Either fill out the form online or submit documents manually. However, in the long term - Dennis hopes that the government will allocate funds so that such programs can be held in more remote areas (Especially penan areas). Where there are many poor families who are in dire need of help. Dennis also hopes that the Prime Minister appoints an authentic person/activist to help accelerate this effort.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Randau Khas – Muhyiddin dikenakan enam pertuduhan membabitkan RM427.5 juta
    > Iswardy Morni, Penganalisis Politik – kerajaan pimpinan PMX sedang melakukan reformasi besar-besaran
    > Meor Razak, penyelidik lapangan SAM – aktiviti manusia juga merupakan salah satu punca banjir
    > Meneng Biris, PKR Opar Sarawak – penghuni terjejas banjir berada dalam keadaan kritikal, dan kerajaan GPS perlu membantu segera
    > Mohd Azim, mangsa banjir di Lundu – sistem perparitan yang tidak disenggarakan oleh pihak berwajib.

    On Today Show
    > Special Randau – Muhyiddin slapped with six charges involving RM427.5 million
    > Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst – the PMX-led government is carrying out massive reforms
    > Meor Razak, field researcher of SAM – human activities is one of the cause of flood too
    > Meneng Biris, PKR Opar Sarawak – Flood-affected households are in critical condition, and the GPS gov should help immediately
    > Mohd Azim, flood victim in Lundu – drainage system not well maintained by authorities cause flood

    Hari ini-Mantan Perdana Menteri Muhyiddin Yassin (semalam ditahan dalam lokap SPRM) didakwa dimahkamah sesyen Kuala Lumpur- dihadapan hakim Azura Alwi. Muhyiddin didakwa atas 6 pertuduhan. 4 pertuduhan salah guna kuasa dan 2 pertuduhan pengubahan wang haram membabitkan RM232.5 juta ringgit. Muhyiddin dituduh menggunakan kedudukannya selaku perdana Menteri dan presiden Parti BERSATU untuk mendapatkan RM232.5 juta daripada 3 syarikat dan seorang individu diantara 1 mac 2020 hingga ogos 2021.
    Penyokong Muhyiddin menuduh PMX Anwar Ibrahim mendalangi pertuduhan tersebut dan mendakwa ia bermotif politik, satu usaha melumpuhkan parti BERSATU. Iswardy meminta supaya rakyat Malaysia memberi ruang kepada mahkamah dan agensi penguatkuasaan membuktikan sama ada Muhyiddin bersalah atau tidak. Berpegang kepada prinsisp seseorang tak bersalah sehingga dibuktikan bersalah di mahkamah.Dakwaan penyokong Muhyiddin bahawa tiada bukti kemasukan wang ke dalam akaun Muhyiddin sebaliknya hanya wang derma didapati masuk ke akaun parti BERSATU- tidak dapat dikaitkan dengan salah guna kuasa dan rasuah.
    Iswardy menjelaskan bahawa pada 6 mac 2023- Menteri di jabatan perdana Menteri (Undang-undang dan reformasi institusi) mengeluarkan kenyataan media bahawa- akta pembiayaan pilihanraya dan akta berkaitan had perjawatan perdana Menteri hanya 10 tahun akan dibentangkan di parlimen tidak lama lagi. Ini bermaksud pertadbiran PMX bukan sahaja berusaha membenteras rasuah dan salah guna kuasa malah melakukan reformasi institusi, khususnya berkaitan pendanaan pilihanraya. Kerana sekiranya sesebuah parti dengan mudah mendapat wang daripada pihak-pihak berkepentingan, membeli undi dan memanipulasi system pilihanraya kerana ada kuasa wang. Maka ini merosakkan demokrasi.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Iswardy Morni, Penganalisis Politik – semua pertuduhan dan pendakwaan akan diperiksa di mahkamah
    > Irene Chang, bekas ADUN Bukit Assek DAP – Bayi lahir dapat kerakyatan automatik
    > Nick Kelesau, Pengerusi Pertubuhan Penan Keruan – Tidak kira apa-apa jenis lesen yang dipegang oleh syarikat pembalakan, mereka tidak boleh beroperasi sebelum mendapat kebenaran daripada masyarakat
    > Zulhaidah Suboh, Ketua Wanita PKR Sibuti – mengembalikan hak kerakyatan kepada orang asal
    > Muna kpg Tringgus Bau Sarawak – harap IPS dapat membantu petani kecil di pedalaman Sarawak

    On Today Show
    > Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst – who is guilty is convicted by the court
    > Irene Chang, DAP former Bukit Assek assemblywoman – let babies automatically become citizens
    > Nick Kelesau, Chairman of the Penan Keruan Organization – Whatever type of license that logging companies hold, they can’t operate before get permission from the communities
    > Zulhaidah Suboh, PKR Sibuti Women Chief – return citizenship rights to the indigenous people
    > Muna of kpg Tringgus Bau Sarawak – hope IPS can help small farmers in interior Sarawak

    SPRM mengesahkan bahawa Presiden parti BERSATU (Muhyiddin Yassin) akan didakwa esok atas beberapa pertuduhan. Pemimpin parti pembangkang mula mengecam kepimpinan PMX , Anwar dituduh – dalang disebalik pendakwaan tersebut yang disifatkan pendakwaan politik.
    Iswardy menjelaskan -semua pertuduhan dan pendakwaan akan diperiksa di mahkamah. Tiada istilah balas dendam atau pendakwaan politik. Anwar menjalankan tugasnya sebagai perdana Menteri yang telus dan Amanah. Sesiapa yang melakukan rasuah akan didakwa di mahkamah. Bersalah atau tidak bergantung kepada bukti yang dikemukakan. Iswardy membuat perbandingan- selama 33 bulan PN memerintah- tiada pendakwaan rasuah terhadap pemimpin-pemimpin utama PH (kecuali Syaid Sadik) , kerana sememangnya tiada kesalahan rasuah.
    Azmin Ali hari ini mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa pendakwaan terhadap pemimpin-pemimpin Parti BERSATU (Wan Saiful,Adam Radlan) adalah usaha untuk melumpuhkan parti itu. Sekali lagi Iswardy bertegas bahawa jika tiada money trial. Mustahil mereka yang didakwa ini didapati bersalah. Kita tunggu dan lihat- episode perbicaraan masih Panjang. Esok baharu sahaja Langkah pertama-pendakwaan.

    MACC confirmed that the President of the Bersatu party (Muhyiddin Yassin) will be charged tomorrow on several charges. Leaders of the opposition party began to criticize the leadership of PMX, Anwar was accused of being the mastermind behind the prosecution which was described as a political prosecution.
    Iswardy explained - all charges and prosecutions will be examined in court. There is no term revenge or political prosecution. Anwar carried out his duties as a transparent and trustworthy prime minister. Anyone who commits corruption will be prosecuted in court. Guilty or not depends on the evidence presented. Iswardy made a comparison - during the 33 months PN ruled - there were no corruption charges against the main PH leaders (except Syaid Sadik), because there was no corruption offence.
    Azmin Ali today issued a statement that the prosecution of the leaders of the United Party (Wan Saiful, Adam Radlan) is an effort to paralyze the party. Once again Iswardy insists that if there is no money trial. It is impossible for those who were charged to be found guilty. We wait and see- the trial episode is still Long. Tomorrow is First step-prosecution.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Randau Khas – ADUN Telang Usan Dennis Ngau SALAH! Hentikan penyebaran ancaman 'No Logging, No Load' kepada masyarakat orang asal
    > Patricia Helen, aktivis Penan dari Ba Abang – dua sekatan dibuka oleh syarikat pembalakan dan polis, Ba Abang akan buat sekatan semula
    > Celine Lim, Pengarah Urusan Save Rivers – membina jalan raya dan menyediakan peluang pekerjaan adalah tanggungjawab kerajaan
    > Abun Sui, naib presiden PKR Sarawak – PKR Sarawak akan bertemu Menteri Dalam Negeri tidak lama lagi untuk membangkitkan isu Mykad
    > En Bonny dari Miri – JPN menolak permohonan mykad dua anak dan isteri
    > Jannie Lasimbamg, ADUN DAP Kapayan dan pengerusi Perbadanan Kemajuan Luar Bandar (Sabah) – Hari Wanita Antarabangsa: Ekuiti adalah penting kerana banyak lagi yang perlu diubah

    On Today Show
    > Special Randau – Telang Usan assemplyman Dennis Ngau is WRONG! Stop spread the ‘No Logging, No load’ threaten to the indigenous communities
    > Patricia Helen, Penan activist from Ba Abang – two blockades dismantle by logging company and police, Ba Abang will set up blockade again
    > Celine Lim, Managing Director of Save Rivers – building roads and providing job opportunities is the government's responsibility
    > Abun Sui, vice president of PKR Sarawak – PKR Sarawak to meet Home Affars Minister soon to raise the Mykad issue
    > Mr Bonny from Miri – JPN rejected two kids and wife’s mykad application
    > Jannie Lasimbamg, DAP assemblywoman for Kapayan and chairman of the Rural Development Corporation (Sabah) – International Women’s Day: Equity is important as alot more need to change

    Randau Istimewa:
    Mengenai FMT hari ini, ADUN Telang Usan Dennis Ngau berkata masyarakat orang asli mengalu-alukan pembalakan kerana mereka telah mendapat manfaat daripadanya. Roland Engan, PKR Sarawak menyangkal kenyataan Dennis Ngau, dan berkata kenyataan umum bahawa masyarakat orang asal bersetuju atau gembira dengan pembalakan adalah tidak tepat kerana masyarakat orang asal hanya bersetuju untuk pembinaan jalan masuk ke kampung mereka, bukannya bersetuju. kepada pembalakan. Mereka terpaksa bersetuju dengan pembalakan kerana pihak tertentu mengatakan bahawa "tidak ada pembalakan, tiada jalan" kepada mereka. Konsep "No logging, No Road" ini mesti ditamatkan sekarang dan Kerajaan harus membina jalan masuk ke setiap perkampungan orang asli walaupun tidak melibatkan aktiviti pembalakan.
    Tiada orang asal yang kaya kerana pembalakan atau Empangan, yang kaya ialah SEB, Shin Yang, Samling, RImpunan Hijau dan Ahli Politik

    Special Randau:
    On today FMT, Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau said the indigenous communities welcomed the logging as they had benefited from it. Roland Engan's, the PKR Sarawak refute Dennis Ngau’s statement, and said that the general statement that the indigenous community agrees or is happy with logging is not accurate because the indigenous community only agreed to the construction of an access road to their village, instead of agreeing to logging. They had to agree to logging because certain parties said that "no logging, no road" to them. This concept of "No logging, No Road" must be ended now and the Government should build access roads to every village of the indigenous people even if it does not involve logging activities.
    No indigenous are rich because of logging or Dams, the rich are SEB, Shin Yang, Samling, RImpunan Hijau and Politicians

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Randau Khas – Kerajaan tidak seharusnya bergantung kepada syarikat pembalakan untuk membina jalan di pedalaman
    > Iswardy Morni, penganalisis politik – Tidak kira apa kenyataan daripada Hadi, dia tidak boleh menggoyahkan kerajaan perpaduan
    > Mazerol Jaringan perkampungan orang Asli Johor – Banjir teruk di seluruh negeri, termasuk masyarakat Orang Asli, apabila pembalakan diteruskan
    > Meneng Biris, PKR Opar – Wanita PKR mengambil berat tentang kesihatan wanita dan pergi ke luar bandar untuk mengadakan kempen kesedaran
    > Anyi Lah, Long Tebangan – kerajaan melancarkan IPR untuk membantu rakyat miskin, tetapi hanya 2.4% daripada jumlah permohonan adalah dari Sarawak

    On Today Show
    > Special Randau – Gov should not rely logging company to build road in interior
    > Iswardy Morni, political analyst – No matter what statement from Hadi, he can't shake the unity government
    > Mazerol of Jaringan perkampungan orang Asli Johor – Severe flooding across states, including Indigenous communities, as logging resumes
    > Meneng Biris, PKR Opar – PKR Women cares to women's health and goes to the rural to provide awareness campaigns
    > Anyi Lah, Long Tebangan – gov launch IPR to help poor people, but only 2.4% of total application are from Sarawak

    PAS President Hadi Awang openly predicted in parliament that the government led by Anwar Ibrahim will fall soon. Iswardy was a little surprised how Hadi made mathematical calculations, the formula of how Anwar's government would fall. Hadi said PN/PAS offered GPS for the position of Prime Minister. But according to Iswardy, UMNO/BN (30) and PH (82) are enough to form a government with a simple majority, without the participation of GPS. With ROS confirmation that the position of President and UMNO party deputy does not need to be contested. This will strengthen the position of Zahid Hamidi and will also strengthen the position of Anwar Ibrahim. According to Iswardy again. With the enforcement of the anti-party hopping act, it is quite impossible that what Hadi imagined and hallucinated will happen. It is clear that Hadi is still suffering from acute political depression.
    Apart from that, Hadi also issued a statement that it is allowed to deliver political talks in Mosques and Suraus. Again according to Iswardy- Hadi's view is contrary to the wishes of the majority of Muslims. The prohibition of political speeches in mosques is the wish of the head of the Islamic religion in each state (sultan and TYT). If Hadi issued a statement to the contrary. This means he disobeyed the sultan. According to Iswardy- the real meaning of banning political talks in mosques is to maintain the harmony of every individual who comes to worship. Hadi's attitude of being political all the time gives a bad example to the younger generation.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Randau Khas – Setiap Perdana Menteri mempunyai pemikiran berbeza: Anwar mengambil berat tentang kesejahteraan rakyat; Muhyiddin tidak mempedulikan masa depan rakyat
    > Ngang Kuja, ketua Penan Long Tanyit, Sungai Linau-Belaga – Orang tua Penan berdiri teguh menentang pembalakan
    > Barnie Lasimbang, aktivis hak tanah dari Sabah – membawa pelaburan yang baik kepada Malaysia, bukan menyebabkan kerosakan kepada alam sekitar
    > Encik Bobby Williams, Presiden PBDS – Ya, orang akan memilih bukan Melayu sebagai PM berbanding pemimpin Melayu yang rasuah
    > Encik Robert dari Bintulu, aktivis sosial - Hadi Awang masih main isu agama, dia tidak boleh membawa rakyat ke hadapan

    On Today Show
    > Special Randau – Prime Ministers have different thinking: Anwar cares about people's well-being; Muhyiddin doesn't care about people's future
    > Ngang Kuja, headman of Penan Long Tanyit, Linau-Belaga River – Older Penan people stand firm against logging
    > Barnie Lasimbang, land rights activist from Sabah – bring investment that good to Malaysia, not cause damage to environment
    > Mr Bobby Williams, President of PBDS – Yes, people will choose a non-Malay as PM over a Malay leader who is corrupt
    > Mr Robert from Bintulu, Social activist – Hadi Awang still playing religion issue, he can’t lead the people forward

    We ask the question - to what extent the Penan people depend on the logging industry to get work. According to Ngang, the elderly are strongly against logging because it damages the environment. Just last week, five Penan settlements in the Linau River were hit by floods (Long Abit, Long Kajang, Long Tanyit, Long Lidem and Lusong Laku) and their rice cultivation was completely destroyed. Logging also brings along Indonesian workers who marry Penan women. Indonesians do not respect Penan cultural customs. Now the young Penan are good at drinking alcoholic beverages - which are brought in by the logging camp workers.
    But there are also Penan people who depend on working with logging companies. Specifically the Shin Yang company. Although the salary paid is relatively small. But the Penan people have no choice. Since 5 years ago, when FMU was implemented, the salary paid has increased slightly. According to Ngang- the Penan people in the Linau river need a logging company for job opportunities and logging roads. If there is no log road, they will not be able to reach Belaga town. Ngang hopes that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim can personally come to the Penan settlement and see for himself the hardships they are experiencing. Ngang thanked the RFS for giving him the opportunity to express the problems faced by the Linau River Penan people.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Randau Khas – Najib, Arul Kanda dibebaskan daripada pertuduhan gangguan audit 1MDB
    > Dennis Along, Aktivis Hak Tanah - Pemimpin masyarakat adalah ejen pembalakan haram
    > Gabriel Atong, aktivis hak tanah dari Belaga – masyarakat menentang dasar tidak adil dan diskriminasi
    > Jeffrery Ngui, presiden MUDA Sarawak –Bajet perlu disediakan mengikut keperluan rakyat
    > Albert Bansa, pembuat filem pendek – membantu orang asal menyuarakan perjuangan mereka melalui dokumentari
    > ketua Tunku dari Hulu Rajang – syarikat pembalakan mesti mendengar kata kampung tanah

    On Today Show
    > Special Randau – Najib, Arul Kanda freed of 1MDB audit tampering charges
    > Dennis Along, Land Rights Activist – Communities’ leaders are agents of illegal logging
    > Gabriel Atong, land rights activist from Belaga – the communities fight against the unfair policy and discrimination
    > Jeffrery Ngui, president of MUDA Sarawak –The budget should be provided in accordance with the needs of the people
    > Albert Bansa, a short film maker – help indigenous people voice their struggle thru documentary
    > headman Tunku from Hulu Rajang – logging company must listen to the landowner

    Dennis berharap Menteri sumber Asli , alam sekitar dan perubahan Iklim – harus ada keazaman yang kuat untuk membenteras pembalakan haram di Sarawak. Ia bukan mudah tetapi tidak mustahil dilakukan.
    Menurut Dennis, orang awam di Sarawak sudah sampai ke tahap putus asa/muak untuk membuat laporan kepada SPRM berkaitan pembalakan haram. Aduan demi aduan yang dilaporkan tidak diambil Tindakan. Lebih-lebih lagi terhadap syarikat pembalakan gergasi.
    Bukan rahsia lagi bahawa ada kakitangan kerajaan yang terlibat menyembunyikan maklumat pembalakan haram. Juga ketua-ketua kaum dan ketua kampung terlibat dalam kegiatan pembalakan haram. Ini ada berlaku, telah belaku dan sedang berlaku sekarang. Kerana bukan mudah memunggah kayu balak beribu tan, bukan mudah juga membawa masuk pekerja, lori dan jentolak untuk menebang kayu secara haram. Semua ini dilakukan secara terang-terangan dan dilindungi oleh sekumpulan kakitangan awam, ahli politik dan ketua kaum yang bersubahat.

    Dennis hopes that the Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change - should have a strong determination to crack down on illegal logging in Sarawak. It is not easy but not impossible to do.
    According to Dennis, the public in Sarawak has reached the point of despair/fed up to make a report to the MACC regarding illegal logging. Complaint after complaint reported is not taken action. Especially against giant logging companies.
    It's no secret that there are government employees involved in hiding illegal logging information. Also communities’ leaders and village heads are involved in illegal logging activities. This has happened, has happened and is happening now. Because it's not easy to unload thousands of tons of logs, it's also not easy to bring in workers, trucks and bulldozers to cut wood illegally. All this was done openly and protected by a group of complicit civil servants, politicians and communities leaders.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Roland Engan, presiden PKR Sarawak – Terangkan pelbagai jenis pembalakan haram dan tekankan bahawa masyarakat mesti tahu cara berunding dengan syarikat pembalakan
    > Zulhaidah Suboh, Ketua Wanita PKR Sarawak – pembalakan haram menjadikan syarikat dan ahli politik kaya, tetapi orang pedalaman kehilangan tanah dan miskin
    > Clive Allen, Presiden Majlis Belia Orang Asli – pembangunan Orang Asli nampak terbantut, kerajaan perlu tukar langsung kepada pembangunan yang lebih baik
    > En. Andi orang tanpa kerakyatan berumur 33 tahun – Tiada IC dan caj perubatan kos RM3000

    On Today Show
    > Roland Engan, president of PKR Sarawak – Explain the various types of illegal logging and emphasize that communities must know how to negotiate with logging companies
    > Zulhaidah Suboh, PKR Sarawak Women Chief – illegal logging make companies and politician rich, but interior people lost land and poor
    > Clive Allen, President of Orang Asli Youth Council – development of Orang Asli seem stagnant, gov need to change the direct to better development
    > Mr. Andi stateless person age of 33 years old – No IC and charge by medical costs RM 2000

    Beliau berkata, penduduk pedalaman sering menderita kerana tidak tahu berunding, jadi beliau menyenaraikan perkara yang perlu diberi perhatian dalam proses rundingan: apabila masyarakat pedalaman menghadapi pencerobohan atau rundingan oleh syarikat pembalakan, mereka mesti mengambil bahagian bersama-sama penduduk kampung bukannya berunding sendirian. Kedua, syarikat pembalakan mesti dikehendaki menunjukkan lesen pembalakan - PEC dan rancangan penuaian, peta dan tarikh akhir projek, dan hanya dengan bahan ini mereka boleh berunding dengan pihak lain. Sekiranya masyarakat tidak bersetuju dengan kandungan dan hasil rundingan, syarikat pembalakan mesti mencari lokasi lain.
    Roland menegaskan bahawa bagi kampung yang dahulunya mempunyai hutan konsesi, kerajaan mesti menaik taraf infrastruktur mereka bagi mengimbangi kerugian mereka.
    Beliau berkata, apabila berurusan dengan syarikat pembalakan, masyarakat mesti meminta laporan alam sekitar oleh lembaga alam sekitar sumber asli.

    He said that interior people often suffer because they don’t know how to negotiate, so he listed the matters that need to be paid attention to in the negotiation process: when interior communities face invasion or negotiation by logging companies, they must participate together with the villagers instead of negotiating alone. Second, the logging company must be required to show the logging license - PEC and harvesting plan, map and project deadline, and only with these materials can they negotiate with the other party. If the community disagrees with the content and outcome of the negotiations, the logging company must find other locations.
    Roland emphasized that for villages that used to have concession forests, the government must upgrade their infrastructure to compensate for their loss.
    He empahsize, when deal with the logging companies, the community must request the environment report by natural resources environment board.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Randau Khas – hubungi RFS untuk melaporkan pembalakan haram di Sarawak
    > Chris Lau, aktivis wartawan dari Sarawak – Jangan sasarkan T20, yang penting adalah memerangi rasuah
    > Nurul Rifayah, aktivis belia Undi18 – Kerajaan mesti tunaikan janji mansuh AUKU
    > Richarh Engan dari Baram – jika GPS masih dalam kerajaan, i akan terus menghalang pembangunan Sarawak
    On Today Show
    > Special Randau – call RFS to report the illegal logging in Sarawak
    > Chris Lau, journalist activist from Sarawak – Do not target T20, it is important to combat corruption and save money for the national revenue
    > Nurul Rifayah, youth activist from Undi18 – Gov must fulfill the promise to abolish AUKU
    > Richarh Engan from Baram – if GPS is still in the government, it will still hinder the development of Sarawak

    Ada pemberi maklumat kepada RFS – memaklumkan bahawa pembalakan haram yang berleluasa di Sarawak dilakukan oleh syarikat pembalakan gergasi yang menceroboh Kawasan hutan tanpa diketahui oleh penduduk tempatan dan pihak berkuasa. Sebagai contoh. Syarikat ini hanya dibenarkan membalak di Kawasan A dengan keluasan 10,000 hektar. Tetapi secara senyap-senyap syarikat tersebut membalak lebih daripada Kawasan yang diluluskan. Ada juga pencuri balak secara kecil-kecilan, yang menebang kayu balak beberapa ratus batang dan menjualnya kepada syarikat balak berlesen. Inilah antara taktik yang dilakukan oleh pembalak haram di Sarawak. Anda yang ada maklumat. Sila hubungi RFS di 013-5515219.
    There is a whistleblower to the RFS - informed that rampant illegal logging in Sarawak is carried out by giant logging companies that encroach on forest areas without the knowledge of local residents and authorities. For example. This company is only allowed to log in Area A with an area of 10,000 hectares. But quietly the company is logging more than the approved Area. There are also small-scale log thieves, who cut several hundred logs and sell them to licensed logging companies. This is one of the tactics used by illegal loggers in Sarawak. You are the one with the information. Please contact RFS at 013-5515219.

  • On Today Show
    > Harrison Ngau- Lawyer, human rights and environmental activist. He is also a former MP of Baram – logging should be stopped immediately because the timber in Sarawak has run out
    > Uncle May from Sg Tangap Sibuti – Unbalanced development between Malays and Dayaks in Sibuti
    > Shahrizal Denci, Muda co-founder and vice-president – Sabah must implement anti-hopping law in coming state assemble
    > Mr Jimmy from Miri – is good that merchants respond to the gov's plan to reduce living expenses and voluntarily launch menu rahmah

    Pada Rancangan Hari Ini
    > Harrison Ngau- Peguam, aktivis hak asasi manusia dan alam sekitar. Beliau juga bekas ahli parlimen Baram – pembalakan harus dihentikan segera kerana kayu balak di Sarawak sudah habis
    > Pakcik May dari Sg Tangap Sibuti – Pembangunan tidak seimbang antara Melayu dan Dayak di Sibuti
    > Shahrizal Denci, pengasas bersama dan naib presiden Muda – Sabah mesti melaksanakan undang-undang anti-lompat dalam persidangan DUN yang akan datang
    > Encik Jimmy dari Miri – ada baiknya peniaga bertindak balas terhadap rancangan kerajaan untuk mengurangkan perbelanjaan sara hidup dan secara sukarela melancarkan menu rahmah

    The Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (YB Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad) responded in a parliamentary conference that 90 cases of illegal logging occurred in Malaysia last year 2022 and 60 of them occurred in Sarawak. For Harrison- this is no surprise. In fact, the number may be even greater.
    For Harrison illegal logging is grouped into several categories. First- a logging company that is given a logging license in the traditional land area of the original people. This is also illegal logging. The reason is that the timber company has a permit and license from the Sarawak government. But did not get permission from the original people who own the land and wood. Second, under the 1994 NREB ordinance, any logging company that carries out re-logging activities in areas that have been logged (most logging licensees in Sarawak in this category) must prepare an EIA report. But as far as we know - not a single logging company makes/dismisses an EIA report before re-logging activities are carried out. Harrison emphasized that all logging licenses granted are conditional and subject to specific laws, not just in bulk. Logging companies are taking advantage of fooling illegal miners.
    Harisson stressed that logging should be stopped immediately because the timber in Sarawak has run out. On the other hand, the government under the leadership of PMX should concentrate and give large allocations to native people to be involved in reforestation with native wood species on a large scale. In fact, not only replanting wood, but growing cane and producing honey organically.
    In combating illegal logging, the PMX-led government must have political determination, be free of corruption, have a clear policy and the role of whistleblowers is very important. Enforcers should be firm and not compromise with corruption and abuse of power. Related to the claims of logging companies who say that they practice logging that complies with the Forest Management Unit (FMU). For Harisson FMU It looks beautiful on paper only. But the implementation is far astray. At least the recognition of FMU should be from the owner of the forest/wood where the logs are felled and the results should also be returned directly to the original person as the owner of the logs. Whatever the reason, according to Harrison, logging in Sarawak should be stopped for the sake of environmental sustainability.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Randau Khas Bajet 2023
    > YB chiew choo mun, MP PKR Miri - Bajet 2023 menunjukkan kesungguhan PMX memerangi rasuah
    > Gereng Jadum dari Long Menapa Murum dan Surang Laing Dari Long Lua Murum – Apa yang Penan Murum mahu dari Bajet 2023
    > Encik Robert dari Bintulu, Aktivis sosial – lebih banyak wang untuk kerajaan GPS, lebih banyak penyelewengan oleh mereka

    On Today Show
    > Special Randau of Budget 2023
    > YB chiew choo mun, PKR MP of Miri - Budget 2023 shown PMX determination to fight corruption
    > Gereng Jadum from Long Menapa Murum and Surang Laing From Long Lua Murum – What Penan Murum want from Budget 2023
    > Mr Robert from Bintulu, Social activist – more money for GPS gov, more misue by them

    Menjelang pembentangan Bajet 2023 yang disemak semula, ahli parlimen merentasi jurang politik menekankan kepentingan mengutamakan langkah-langkah untuk memastikan pemulihan ekonomi sambil menangani hutang negara. Ahli Parlimen Subang Wong Chen mengharapkan peta jalan indikatif tentang bagaimana kerajaan akan menguruskan hutang negara , yang berjumlah RM1.5 trilion setakat Januari.
    Sebanyak 90 kes pembalakan haram direkodkan di seluruh negara pada 2022, dengan Sarawak mencatatkan jumlah tertinggi iaitu 60 kes, Menteri Sumber Asli, Alam Sekitar dan Perubahan Iklim Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad berkata 11 kes direkodkan di Perak, diikuti Kelantan (10 kes). ), Sabah (empat), Selangor (dua) dan masing-masing satu kes di Johor, Negeri Sembilan dan Pahang.

    Ahead of the tabling of the revised Budget 2023, MPs across the political divide stressed the importance of prioritising measures to ensure economic recovery while addressing the country’s debt.Subang MP Wong Chen is hoping for an indicative roadmap on how the government will manage the national debt, which stands at RM1.5 trillion as at January.
    A total of 90 cases of illegal logging were recorded nationwide in 2022, with Sarawak having the highest number at 60 cases, Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Minister Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said 11 cases were recorded in Perak, followed by Kelantan (10 cases), Sabah (four), Selangor (two) and one case each in Johor, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Nik Kelesau Pengerusi Pertubuhan Penan Keruan dan Julian dari Ba Pakan – Samling menebang hutan Ba Pakan tanpa permit
    > Thomas Fann, pengerusi Bersih 2.0 – menggesa SPR membenarkan pengundi tidak hadir mengundi awal pada enam pilihan raya negeri akan datang
    > Nicholas Bawin, aktivis Dayak – mari tunjukkan PMX bahawa NGO Dayak bersatu dengan misi yang sama ke arah menaikkan martabat Dayak Sarawak
    > Dominic Mathew, aktivis dari Baram dan pengguna jalan balak – Peringkat pembaikan keliru dengan bahagian jalan, orang pedalaman mahu kerajaan baiki semua
    On Today Show
    > Nik Kelesau Chairman of the Penan Keruan Organization and Julian from Ba Pakan – Samling cutting down Ba Pakan’s forest without permit
    > Thomas Fann, chairperson of Bersih 2.0 – urge EC allow absentees voters to go for early voting on coming six state elections
    > Nicholas Bawin, Dayak activist – lets show PMX that Dayak NGOs are United with the same mission towards raising the dignity of the Dayaks of Sarawak
    > Dominic Mathew, activist from Baram and logging road users – The repair stage is confused with the road section, the interior people want the government to repair all

    Nick Kelesau- Chairman of the Penan Keruan Organization. Nick has been at Long Lamam for the past few days. Nick gave an update on the 3-day meeting that was taking place at Long Lamam Baram. The meeting started yesterday. Will continue today and will end tomorrow. At the end of the meeting, meeting participants are expected to issue a declaration to defend the Baram forest from unethical logging.
    A total of 118 participants participated in the meeting, representatives from each village in the UBFA- Ulu Baram Forest Area. Such as Long Lamam, Long Ajeng, Long Murong, Ba Mubui, Ba Sebato, Data Bila, Long Sait, Long Sepigen, Long Bangak, Long Belok, Long Tungan, Long Semiang,, Long Moh, Long Benali, Ba Keramok, Ba Pakan, Ba Abang and Batu Bungan Mulu. The meeting decided to defend the UBFA from logging and make it a source of food and life for the Penan. The case in Ba Abang was raised in the meeting and a decision will be taken.
    A participant in the meeting (Julian) took the opportunity to report to the RFS that the Samling Logging Company had entered the forest in Ba Pakan on 31 January 2023 and cut down 253 logs (of which a photo was taken). Due to opposition from Ba Pakan's pen. The manager of the company came to Ba Pakan on 15 Feb 2023 to have a dialogue with the residents. But when asked if his company has a certificate? Unabashedly this logger answered, no. Penan Ba Pakan strongly objected to Samling's action of entering their forest without permission.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini:
    > John Brian Anthony, Pengerusi Tetap Parti Bangsa Dayak Sarawak – NGO Dayak mahu dana khas daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk Orang Dayak
    > Willie Henry Majang, Presiden Persatuan Pemikir Dayak – Lapan Dayak NGO mengeluarkan kenyataan bersama kepada PMX Anwar
    > Dennis Hang, aktivis di Murum – Jangan pentingkan diri untuk mengorbankan hak belajar anak-anak, SK Metalun perlu siapkan segera
    > George Lam, DAPSY Sarawak – terdapat banyak "menara hantu" di pedalaman-DAPSY Sarawak memberitahu Timbalan Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital
    > Jefferey Ngui, Presiden Muda Sarawak – Muda mencadangkan: semua Ahli Parlimen yang dipilih dalam PRU 15 mesti diberi layanan sama rata atas peruntukan

    On Today Show:
    > John Brian Anthony, Permanent Chairman of the Sarawak Dayak Nation Party – NGO Dayaks wants special funds from Federal Government for Dayak People
    > Willie Henry Majang, President of the Dayak Thinkers Association – 8Dayaks NGOs issued join statement to PMX Anwar
    > Dennis Hang, activist in Murum – Don't be selfishness to sacrifice children's study rights, the SK Metalun needs to complete immediately
    > George Lam, DAPSY Sarawak – there are many “ghosts tower” in interior-DAPSY Sarawak told Deputy Minister of Communications and Digital
    > Jefferey Ngui, President of Muda Sarawak – Muda suggest: all elected MPs in PRU 15 must be given equal treatment on allocation

    John explained that in his almost 10 years in the DAP party, proposals for special provisions for the Dayaks were always voiced. But at that time DAP was the opposition. Now the situation is much different.
    if given the opportunity to speak to the Prime Minister. He will request a special allocation for the Dayaks amounting to RM1 billion per year. Since the Dayaks of Sarawak are far behind in many areas. Through a special fund of 1 billion - 300 million to help outstanding Dayak children continue their education to a higher level in the country and abroad. Another 300 million will be used for start-up/venture capital for Dayaks to start businesses or expand businesses and another 400 million will be used in the field of agro-agriculture. The Dayaks are known to have vast land. But there is no capital and expertise and technology to develop it. With this special fund, it will greatly help the Dayak people.
    But according to John- the weakness of the Dayak people so far, they are only good at speaking through the media or expressing their feelings on FB. Proposals to the ministry of finance or the ministry of economy should be made in detail through forums, workshops, conferences, working papers and obtaining complete data in the field. John expects all parties to work together to produce a concrete plan to advance the Dayaks of Sarawak.

  • Topik Pada Hari Ini
    > Randau Istimewa oleh Stanley Rentap – Syarikat Pembalakan ialah Raja di Hutan Sarawak
    > Alexander Lihan dari Belaga – kontraktor sekolah perlu bayar “tol” kepada syarikat pembalakan
    > En Munan Laja dari Song Kapit – Mendesak kerajaan mengatur pegawai JPN memasuki kawasan pedalaman bagi memudahkan proses permohonan mycard
    > John Bara dari Uma Akeh Baram – menaik taraf semua jalan, bukan hanya sebahagian saja

    On Today Show
    > Special Randau by Stanley Rentap – The Logging Company is the King in the Sarawak Forest
    > Alexander Lihan from Belaga – contractor of school need paid “toll” to logging company, make people angry
    > Mr Munan Laja from Song Kapit – Urge the government to arrange JPN officials to enter the interior to make the process of mycard application more easier
    > John Bara from Uma Akeh Baram – upgrades all roads, not just parts of it

    In 2015 Murum Dam was completed. The Penan Murum were moved to 2 resettlement places namely Tegulang and Metalun. These two places have no schools and no health clinics. Penan children are asked to attend schools in dilapidated buildings abandoned by dam construction contractors.
    Waiting with hope for 6 years. In 2021 Dermaga Makmur Sdn.Bhd was awarded a RM36.9 million contract to build SK Metalun Primary School (In the penan settlement area). But until yesterday it was reported that only 30.11 percent of the physical progress of the construction of this school. The contractor gave reasons - one of the reasons for the failure to complete this school project was. Shin Yang Logging Company charges a toll of RM100 to RM700 every time they pass through the logging company's road. (Only the Shin Yang log road) that connects the metalun Area with the outside world.
    Our question at RFS is why this company is too powerful. Why did the government that made a lot of profit build a dam - not build a road to the penan settlement area. Why is the school not built together with the Murum penan relocation package. Why can't the people's representatives or the Minister solve the problem with this logging company. If there really is a problem - allow GPS/Premier of Sarawak to cancel the logging license for this company. This all shows the inefficiency of the government and the agencies involved. One time - Hulu Rajang Member of Parliament YB Billy Abit Joo was once detained by workers of the Shin Yang logging company and was not allowed to pass through the road of the logging company involved - while he was on his way to visit the Penan Murum settlement. His conclusion looks at the case in Ba Abang and the case in Metalun. Showing that the logging companies are the Kings of the Sarawak Forest.