
  • Known for his innovative approach to education, Dr. Michael Torrence of Motlow State Community College in Tennessee is a champion of emerging technologies, workforce development, and community engagement. He's passionate about creating scalable opportunities for students, fostering relationships with industries, and preparing the next generation for the future. From transforming homeless students into successful professionals, to pioneering digital credentialing systems, Dr. Torrence shares his dynamic FRED Talk from the ACT Workforce Summit stage.

    Show Notes, Transcript, and Slides ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions 2024 ACT Workforce Summit Tear the Paper Ceiling Campaign Inquire on WRC Storytelling and Poster Exhibition
  • In Episode 49 of Ready for Work, we continue our series of FRED Talks from the ACT Workforce Summit. Tracy Robinson from the University of Memphis shares her experience working with adult learners and the challenges they face in balancing education with other life responsibilities. The University of Memphis has made significant changes to accommodate adult learners, just in time for employer giant FedEx to seek the university’s help. It’s a successful model that the University replicated with the City of Memphis, a regional hospital chain, and Nike, among others.

    Tracy Robinson on LinkedIn Show Notes, Transcript, and Tracy's Summit Deck ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions 2024 ACT Workforce Summit Tear the Paper Ceiling Campaign Inquire on WRC Storytelling and Poster Exhibition
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  • Will Coppage is a creative community developer. From the main stage of the ACT Workforce Summit, Will helped us explore the concept of wonder in art and its power to draw us in repeatedly. Will shows us how this principle applies to community development, emphasizing the importance of fostering creativity, maintaining a positive community appearance, and promoting workforce skills. The episode concludes with exciting news of a storytelling event at the 2024 Workforce Summit in Atlanta.

    Will Coppage on LinkedIn Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript (PDF) ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions Tear the Paper Ceiling Storytelling Campaign Inquire on WRC Storytelling and Poster Exhibition
  • Episode 47 features Tonia Saunders, who leads both workforce and economic development in Lucas County, Ohio. This Work Ready Community (WRC) integrated the two disciplines, emphasizing the role of collaboration with neighboring counties to enhance the region's competitiveness. Tonia shares insights on tackling workforce challenges, leveraging community partnerships and innovative strategies to serve the manufacturing and healthcare industries effectively. The episode highlights the success of Lucas County's WRC initiative, showcasing how it drives economic growth and improves employment opportunities through targeted employerengagement and comprehensive support services. This conversation underlines the importance of synergy between workforce and economic development in achieving regional prosperity.

    Voices of Excellence in Episode 47:

    Tonia Saunders, Director

    Work Ready Lucas County and Lucas County, Ohio Planning and Development


    Show Notes and Resources:

    WRC Profile of Lucas County, Ohio Workforce Summit Overview from ACT ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions Transcript of Episode 47
  • Braided funding and alignment of partnerships are key when creating sustainable systems and programs for your community. Lyndsie Gibbs and Alex Lovrien from Metropolitan Community College in Omaha join us on Episode 46 of Ready for Work. The partnerships across this Work Ready Community grew a small, data-driven, proof of concept into a $10M venture that has eliminated financial barriers so individuals can access quality training, education, and gainful employment. Listen in for best practices on braided funding, opportunities and obstacles, tips to get started, and lessons learned.

    Voices of Excellence in Episode 46:

    Lyndsie Gibbs, Director of Career Skills and Workforce

    Metropolitan Community College of Omaha LinkedIn

    Alex Lovrein, Director of Workforce Training

    Metropolitan Community College of Omaha LinkedIn

    Links and Resources:

    Transcript of Episode 46 Workforce Innovation Division at Metropolitan Community College Presentation Handout from Braided Funding Workshop at ACT Workforce Summit Workforce Summit Overview from ACT ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions
  • Join us in Episode 45 to discover a groundbreaking partnership between ACT and Opportunity at Work. Georgia Gillette, VP of Strategic Alliances at Opportunity at Work, shares insights on STARs (Skilled Through Alternative Routes) and the Tear the Paper Ceiling campaign. Discover the challenges faced by STARs, the impact of hiring misperceptions, and the mission to bridge the gap between job opportunities and workforce skills. Explore the data-driven strategies, success stories, and a comprehensive playbook aimed at closing skill gaps with STARs.

    Guest: Georgia Gillette, VP of Strategic Alliances, Opportunity at Work Transcript of Episode 45 Tear the Paper Ceiling Campaign STARs Hiring Playbook STARs Tear the Paper Ceiling PSA Video STARs Success Story: LaShana Lewis STARs Success Story: IBM ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions
  • In episode 44 of Ready for Work, LeeSa Page, a senior advisor with the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council, discusses the importance of Manufacturing Day and Manufacturing Month in October. She highlights the role of manufacturing in the American economy and the need to inspire various groups to pursue careers in the industry. From the stage of the recent ACT Workforce Summit in Nashville, LeeSa emphasizes the need for partnerships and initiatives to tap into untapped talent pools for a diverse manufacturing workforce. The episode concludes by acknowledging successful programs that have positively impacted manufacturing employment.

    Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript for Episode 44 Video of LeeSa's Presentation from ACT Workforce Summit Manufacturing Day Webinar Series: Driving Economic Growth with CTE and Workforce Policy Innovation ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions
  • Change management enables working learners to acquire skills and adopt behaviors that maximize workforce and learning outcomes. On episode 43 of Ready for Work, guest Robert Feeney shares his personal journey that led him to develop Ringorang. Driven by overcoming severe mental health challenges in his family, Robert emphasizes the importance of behavior change in education and career development. The solution deploys drip advertising techniques to enhance training outcomes, change management, and participant engagement. Schools and workforce stakeholders send out information and actions to participants and collect actionable data on their responses. The conversation introduces the Future Ready program and explores intersections of work-based learning with participant engagement technology as well.

    Voices of Excellence in Episode 43

    Robert Feeney, Chief Vision Officer



    Links and Resources

    Transcript of Episode 43 Ringorang ACT Workforce Summit ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions
  • Two incredible champions in the field of competency-based education and the skills-first movement: Julian Alssid and Kaitlin Lemoine, join the conversation on Episode 42 of Ready for Work. Through their pioneering work at College for America, the duo emphasizes the importance of transparently naming and communicating skills to learners, bridging the gap between academic and workplace skills. Learn more about the challenges posed by legacy systems and the importance of breaking down silos. They also share insights from their new consultancy work, giving us a preview of What’s Next for the Skills-First Movement.

    Julian Alssid, President

    J. Alssid Associates


    Kaitlin Lemoine, Partner

    J. Alssid Associates


    Links and Resources

    Episode 42 Transcript and Show Notes J Alssid Associates ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions
  • The current education system relies heavily on traditional degrees, limiting adult learners and disproportionately affecting people of color. Employers value 21st-century skills, but confusion persists due to the proliferation of diverse credentials. Guest Melissa Goldberg joins Episode 41 of Ready for Work to showcase Credentials As You Go. This framework provides the redesign needed for economic realities, equity, and clarification, with implications for politics and workforce preparation.

    Voices of Excellence on Episode 41

    Melissa Goldberg, Director of Competencies and Credentials
    Credentials As You Go
    Corporation for a Skilled Workforce

    Links and Resources

    Episode 41 of Podcast Transcript (PDF) Credentials As You Go ACT Center for Equity in Learning and Overview Video Credentialing Research on ACT WorkKeys ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions
  • Credential Engine is revolutionizing workforce career learning ecosystems by providing accessible data on credentials. Learn how equity plays a crucial role in reshaping pathways and empowering individuals. Here in Episode 40 of Ready for Work, Credential Engine CEO Scott Cheney helps us uncover the key information needed for informed decision-making and how it promotes fairness. Explore the transformative power of open data and modern tech in education and career guidance to enhance your region’s career learning workforce ecosystem.

    Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript (PDF) Special Guest: Scott Cheney of Credential Engine Credential Engine Equity Advisory Report July Webinar Registration Credential Engine Overview Video ACT Center for Equity in Learning and Overview Video ACT Workforce Summit Agenda and Registration ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions
  • Discover how WorkBay®, a technology firm founded by CEO Mary Hayes and COO Alice Hayes, is making a difference in career navigation both regionally and nationally. WorkBay integrates the skills-first approach of the workforce ecosystem and their innovations in this area are revolutionizing career exploration and navigation. During a recent Work Ready Communities Live event, Mary and Alice shared insights about the latest pilots with ACT® and how WorkBay is integrating WorkKeys benchmarks into user-friendly platforms in regions and targeted initiatives across the U.S. WorkBay successfully tackled the technological challenges of serving returning citizens with pre-release activities. By combining high-tech solutions with a personal touch, WorkBay provides career navigation that truly matters.

    Voices of Excellence on Episode 39

    Mary Hayes, CEO, WorkBay Alice Hayes, COO, WorkBay


    Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript for Episode 39 WorkBay ACT Workforce Summit Agenda and Registration ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions
  • As vice president of Longview Economic Development Corporation in Texas, Heather Malone shared her valuable insights on the workforce challenges that her community faces in a friendly and informative manner. One key point she highlighted was the importance of reliable transportation for workers to meet the demands of their employers. Additionally, she discussed the ongoing skills gap in the Longview region and the proactive measures being taken to support both the workforce and employers.

    Heather emphasized the current top workforce challenges and how employers are adapting their job descriptions to align with the specific skills required for open positions, rather than solely focusing on a bachelor's degree requirement. In the Longview region, employers are also exploring reentry programs that cater to their labor needs and finding innovative ways to provide employee support, such as offering childcare services, to help fill jobs and support their valuable workforce.

    Voices of Excellence

    Heather Malone, Vice President

    Longview Economic Development Corporation

    LinkedIn Twitter

    Show Notes and Resources

    Transcript and Show Notes Video Interview with Heather Malone: Part One and Part Two ACT Workforce Summit Agenda and Registration Recap Video of 2022 ACT Workforce Summit ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions
  • Career Pathways are a special blend of training and job progression. When the training includes post-secondary learning, the WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate from ACT can translate to college credit that jumpstarts the learning journey. Awarding credit through Prior Learning Assessment, or PLA, for short, boosts confidence and increases the pace to program completion. Colleges increase enrollment while helping build the regional talent pipeline.

    The American Council of Education recently upgraded their recommendations on credit hours awarded for the NCRC. Join us on Episode 37 as we explore the benefits of PLA; make connections between WorkKeys levels and post-secondary performance; and examine how administrators and faculty can use WorkKeys Estimator to align their competencies to specific WorkKeys benchmarks.

    Voices of Excellence in Episode 37:

    Lynette Livingston, Executive Dean

    Chippewa Valley Technical College



    Dr. Cindy Hill, Principal Industrial-Organizational Psychologist

    ACT WorkKeys Profiling and Research


    Jenna Cohen, Senior Director

    ACT Workforce Product


    Links and Resources:

    Transcript and Printable Show Notes for Episode 37 WorkKeys for College Credit – ACT Workforce Summit Presentation The PLA Boost Report from CAEL and WICHE ACT WorkKeys Estimator ACT WorkKeys Profiling ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions
  • 2022 marks the 8th annual National Apprenticeship Week and celebrations November 14th through the 20th to showcase the success and value of apprenticeship to rebuild the economy, advance equity, and support under-served communities. On Episode 36 of Ready for Work, we take you to the recent ACT Workforce Summit in New Orleans for a keynote presentation featuring the Woodworks program at Roy O’Martin, a forestry-products leader in Louisiana and Texas. HR pro and Work Ready Communities ambassador, Donna Bailey presented a luncheon keynote on the three components that made Woodworks a success and some of the voices of excellence along the way. Episode 36 concludes with a quick introduction to the Apprenticeship Ambassador initiative from the U.S. Department of Labor.

    Guest: Donna Bailey, Vice-President of Human Resources at Roy O'Martin

    Cutting Turnover at a Wood Products Leader (Overview of Woodworks and WorkKeys) Video Clips from Donna's Presentation: Leaders, Teachers, Students Work-Ready-U from Central Louisiana Technical Community College National Apprenticeship Week 2022 Apprenticeship Ambassador Initiative (US Dept. of Labor) ACT's Apprenticeship Quality Toolkit ACT WorkKeys ACT Work Ready Communities
  • As workforce development typically focuses on skill and availability, other economic and community development practices can make or break those workforce efforts. Examples include housing, broadband internet, childcare, and today’s focus in Episode 35, transportation. Abigail Seldin from the Seldon-Haring-Smith Foundation (SHSF) brings us insight on the importance of transit for community college students. We’ll explore the impact of mapping efforts to boost transit options, the interface of public policy, and advice on how to connect these strategies to a Work Ready Community.

    Links and Resources

    Guest Abigail Seldin, CEO/Co-Founder, Seldon-Haring-Smith Foundation: LinkedIn Twitter Public Transit Map from SHSF Transcript of Episode 35 (PDF) ACT Workforce Summit ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions
  • The release of episode 34 of Ready for Work marks a milestone at ACT® in the launch of Digital Badges for the WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certificate® (NCRC®). Guests include Pat Leonard, the VP for Business Development at Credly®, and Neil Reddy, CEO of the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC). Listen in for benefits to working learners, employers, and the full workforce ecosystem. Episode 34 gives a quick overview on the value of badging, best practices for integrating badges for educators and employers, and tips to maximize the online presence of employers and career seekers.

    Voices of Excellence on Episode 34

    Pat Leonard, Vice President of Business Development at Credly®, LinkedIn Neil Reddy, CEO, Manufacturing Skill Standards Council, LinkedIn

    Links and Resources

    Announcements and Resources on WorkKeys® Digital Badging ACT WorkKeys NCRC® on Credly® MSSC on Credly® Credly Announcement of ACT Partnership Transcript of Episode 34 (PDF) ACT Workforce Summit ACT Work Ready Communities ACT Workforce Solutions
  • Personal journeys through education and career pathways are often filled with challenges and obstacles, making progress difficult and compromise frequent. Chelsea Williams of Reimagine Talent Co helps us discover the role of occupational identify for career pathway success with tips for job counselors, educators, and employers alike.


    Chelsea Williams on LinkedIn Reimagine Talent Co. Employability Targets from National Association of Colleges and Employers Viable Edu ACT's Holistic Framework ACT Workforce Summit
  • Unprecedented skill shortages in labor markets across the U.S. often intersect with a desire for Justice System reform that provides pathways for Returning Citizens to thrive. When optimized in a regional workforce ecosystem, Returning Citizens are a high-performing group of working learners to boost a regional talent pipeline. Episode 32 is the second in our two part series on Preparing Workforce Ecosystems for Returning Citizen Success. We’ll look at a five P’s framework of partnerships, planning, preparation, pathways, and performance with tips to launch or optimize regional re-entry initiatives.

    Guest Contributors

    Dr. Roderick Nunn, Executive Vice President of Concordance Academy in St. Louis Neil Volz, Deputy Director of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition Curtis Campogni, Founder of Speak4MC Michael Williams, Education Consultant, North Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice Will Coppage, Executive Director of the Washington County, Mississippi, Economic Alliance Presiding Judge Charles Elliot, Morgan County, Alabama


    Sign up for the ACT Workforce Toolkit on Preparing Workforce Ecosystems for Returning Citizen Success Episode 31 on Life Changing Asset and Skills-Based Solutions in Alternative Sentencing Episode 19 on Missouri Making the Most of Second Chances Episode 7 on Empowered Re-Entry ACT Workforce Solutions ACT Work Ready Communities ACT's Monthly Workforce Newsletter
  • Episode 31 of Ready for Work is the first of a two-part episode on Preparing Workforce Ecosystems for Returning Citizen Success. Charles Elliot is the Presiding Circuit Judge in Morgan County, Alabama. Partnerships with the community college and economic development leaders across their Work Ready Community help with the pillars of education and career. The drug court’s alternative sentencing model thrives on integrating mental health with a record-breaking positive impact.

    Judge Charles Elliot of Morgan County, Alabama Episode 32: Preparing Workforce Ecosystems for Returning Citizen Success Sign up for the ACT Workforce Toolkit on Preparing Workforce Ecosystems for Returning Citizen Success ACT Workforce Solutions ACT Work Ready Communities ACT's Monthly Workforce Newsletter