
  • Road To Emmaus - 3

    n Scripture, journeys are described as turning points.  We think of the journey out of Egypt, Abraham’s journey from Ur.  In the New Testament we think of Paul’s iconic journey to Damascus.  In the Gospel of Luke, the Road to Emmaus was a turning point for the faith of the disciples in Jesus’ resurrection.  A journey marked by questions and doubts was transformed into a profound encounter with the Risen Lord in the Breaking of the Bread.  This account testifies to the Church’s faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and continues to shape the Church’s worship and devotion today.  Fr Gabriel Kyte, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, will be leading us in the footsteps of these disciples as he invites his fellow pilgrims to uncover again or perhaps for the first time the mystery of Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist: the Breaking of the Bread.  Our journey to Emmaus will include six episodes based on the Church’s rich teaching of the Eucharist.  If questions and doubts mark your journey, join us on the Road to Emmaus and may it be a turning point as we recognize Him in the Breaking of the Bread.


    The episodes include six programs based on the teaching of the Church on the Eucharist.  Four episodes will focus primarily on the Eucharist with the final two episodes exploring our participation in the Eucharist through the baptismal and ordained priesthood.  It’s a journey to Emmaus where we unpack what the Lord has revealed and given to the Church, ending with reflections on our response to this gift through our prayer, life, and worship.

    3.  The Real Presence:  The disciples on the road begged their mysterious Companion to “stay with them”.  This episode explores how the Lord answered their prayer and fulfilled his promise to remain with them to the end.

  • n Scripture, journeys are described as turning points.  We think of the journey out of Egypt, Abraham’s journey from Ur.  In the New Testament we think of Paul’s iconic journey to Damascus.  In the Gospel of Luke, the Road to Emmaus was a turning point for the faith of the disciples in Jesus’ resurrection.  A journey marked by questions and doubts was transformed into a profound encounter with the Risen Lord in the Breaking of the Bread.  This account testifies to the Church’s faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and continues to shape the Church’s worship and devotion today.  Fr Gabriel Kyte, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, will be leading us in the footsteps of these disciples as he invites his fellow pilgrims to uncover again or perhaps for the first time the mystery of Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist: the Breaking of the Bread.  Our journey to Emmaus will include six episodes based on the Church’s rich teaching of the Eucharist.  If questions and doubts mark your journey, join us on the Road to Emmaus and may it be a turning point as we recognize Him in the Breaking of the Bread.


    The episodes include six programs based on the teaching of the Church on the Eucharist.  Four episodes will focus primarily on the Eucharist with the final two episodes exploring our participation in the Eucharist through the baptismal and ordained priesthood.  It’s a journey to Emmaus where we unpack what the Lord has revealed and given to the Church, ending with reflections on our response to this gift through our prayer, life, and worship.

    2.  The Cross and the Upper Room: The next step in the journey takes us to the upper room on Holy Thursday and then on to Calvary on Good Friday exploring the gift of the Eucharist as sacrifice.

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  • Road to Emmaus

    In Scripture, journeys are described as turning points.  We think of the journey out of Egypt, Abraham’s journey from Ur.  In the New Testament we think of Paul’s iconic journey to Damascus.  In the Gospel of Luke, the Road to Emmaus was a turning point for the faith of the disciples in Jesus’ resurrection.  A journey marked by questions and doubts was transformed into a profound encounter with the Risen Lord in the Breaking of the Bread.  This account testifies to the Church’s faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and continues to shape the Church’s worship and devotion today.  Fr Gabriel Kyte, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, will be leading us in the footsteps of these disciples as he invites his fellow pilgrims to uncover again or perhaps for the first time the mystery of Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist: the Breaking of the Bread.  Our journey to Emmaus will include six episodes based on the Church’s rich teaching of the Eucharist.  If questions and doubts mark your journey, join us on the Road to Emmaus and may it be a turning point as we recognize Him in the Breaking of the Bread.


    The episodes include six programs based on the teaching of the Church on the Eucharist.  Four episodes will focus primarily on the Eucharist with the final two episodes exploring our participation in the Eucharist through the baptismal and ordained priesthood.  It’s a journey to Emmaus where we unpack what the Lord has revealed and given to the Church, ending with reflections on our response to this gift through our prayer, life, and worship.

    The Breaking of the Bread: The first step on our journey to Emmaus begins in Scripture where we explore the story from behind the scenes.