
  • Ladies, are modern day options crippling? Do you spend way too much time deciding between which primary color to wear and enjoy the thrill of voting against your basic needs? Well do we have a future for you!

    Kelly puts all her eggs in Margaret Atwood's basket. This Canadian author wrote a long form poem that chills, maybe not thrills, but certainly instills a fear for our future autonomy. We humans need love, touch, communication, and most importantly...to read. Apparently "my body my choice" translates into Latin as "Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum."

    Civil war! Canada! Men! Clitoridectomies! The tv series The Handmaid's Tale might not have the subtle haunting poetry of the novel, but the bodies be swinging under his eye. If you don't want to delve in the cold waters of prose to understand how your human rights are at stake, maybe Elizabeth Moss' face will get you freaked enough to swear off red. Commander Jimmy certainly thinks so.

    If you're Offred or just Off-men we've got you covered. Whether you choose book or TV show, it's a perfect May Day for a revolution.

  • It's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's just a supermodel swan diving off the balcony. Some might call it foul play so it's up to a British sleuth(s)and these American readers to get to the bottom of it. But first, let's hit the pub and pick up a special guest to help us solve the murder of the teleplay for the Cormoran Strike Series.

    Kelly has found a friend to help defend JKRowling's pseudonym and detective series. She'd use their pronouns but that might not jive with the author. Regardless, the book holds strong as a fun read with a shocking and impactful twist. Developed characters make for better red herrings... to not agree is plain cuckoo.

    Jimmy might not have a leg to stand on but he tries his best to pass off this Max's miniseries as watchable. If they had the HBO money daytime television could really be brought to new heights. Oh well, it's not worth drawing a hot bath over.

    Don't leave us chilling on the balcony, help us pour the piping hot tea on this special birthday episode.

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  • Is that love in the air? Gross, put my ball gag back in for some autoerotic asphyxiation. Welcome to Fifty Shades of Grey, a book and movie as vibrant as its slate color scheme. XXX content? More like Zzz's.

    EL James might not know what BDSM is or how a 21 year old woman talks, but that didn't stop her from riff'ing off Twilight. Kelly could defend her...but in the words of the author "Holy Cow, it's so hard." Thesaurus' were spanked within an inch of their limit and e-mails tied up the plot with handcuffs.

    Jimmy made it through watching the film and gave it a whole half a star for the effort. Can excessive lip biting save a romance film without any chemistry? The red room of pain was the movie theatre and we all felt like Dakota Johnson... sore and a little bewildered how we got here. Nothing a pair of stolen set panties can't fix.

    If you want whips and chains... maybe skip this book/movie. Cause it's vanilla (laters) baby.

  • Thirteen year old girls can really put the "me" in migraines. Been there, done that. But since it's January and the play is cancelled let's solve a mystery and accidentally doom a few lives while we're at it. It was the Gardener in the Library with the Vase! The Chocolate War Profiteer in the garden! No, it's not Clue, it's the saddest love story that never was.

    Ian McEwan rewrote a young girl's history at the cost of her geriatric neurological health. Spoiler alert: sad. Maybe some friendly plagiarism can smooth over all prepubescent faux pas? This book proves that all beautiful streams of consciousness flow downward. Kelly is willing to put her ego aside and to say sorry for all her past wrongs... in 70 years... when everyone is dead. Though maybe she just wrote the c word over and over again in a letter.

    Oscar nominations abound for the 2007 film adaption. The ever so charming James McAvoy works harder than Keira Knightly's jaw to bring McEwan's prose to the big screen on his sweet little Angel face. Don't worry guys, it's not sappy. We think you'll like it because... WWII. That's what you like right? Scooch over Nolan, this was the OG Dunkirk!

    Can Jimmy's movie beat out one of Times Magazine Best 100 Novels or did he, in the words of Paul Marshall, "bite it"? Sorry not sorry.

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  • Dear God,

    What did postage stamps cost back in the 80s? 11 Oscar nominations? Danny Glover's dignity? One thing's for sure, after the film adaption, Alice Walker's novel The Color Purple demanded to be "returned to sender."

    Kelly is sending love letters to Alice Walker's 1982 Pulitzer Prize winning book. It might be a little more gritty, but it's a heavenly trip to finding your self worth. Even Jimmy admits that you can pick up the beautiful sentiments- to not to is a sin.

    The film introduced the world to Whoopi Goldberg but left out the sincerity of the novel. Spielberg giveth and he taketh away. Jimmy and Oprah are ready to take a swing at defending this dated piece. Then again maybe it's time to skip the written word and phone home.

    Whatever color aura you're rocking, you have to admit that this book deserved its awards. The movie might have just been a shade off. Join us on this episode for a riveting session of social politics patty cake.

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  • It's that time of year to gather with your family and gobble gobble up a nonfiction book to educate yourself on those who were robbed of theirs. This isn't Hallmark's version of the first Thanksgiving, but we're certainly gonna be serving some facts along with that cholesterol. Can a Scorsese adaption bring heart to a broken hearth or does it take a true crime book to make you grateful for the FBI? It's time for Killers of the Flower Moon.

    Kelly is doomed to repeat history as yet another white girl gets angry over ignorance. Are people skimping the nonfiction for an out dated re-enactment? Is it as hopeless as arguing with your racist uncle at the table? It might not be light hearted dinner conversation, but the truth is out there if you're willing to drill for it. It's bound to give you seasonal depression if you do.

    Jim serves his three hour long feast of the eyes. Sure it might be a lot of time away from your Football game, but the meat of the story is there. Can Leonardo DiCaprio remind us what NOT to be thankful for or is that something they saved for Scorsese's teleprompter?

    It's no laughing matter but the book and its adaption might just change your mind on the recent past. Time to admit to our wrongs... and add solar panels onto our Xmas lists. Do better America.

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  • Yo ho ho and a bottle of REDRUM, let's kick off Halloween at the Overlook Hotel! Our favorite bartender Lloyd will be slinging imaginary martinis and the blood in the elevator will be flowing. *Dog costume not included, so if you're a ghost Furry... come prepared.

    In a Samhain swap up, Jimmy shines first. Since we've all seen this classic horror flick, he's must defend the iconic Kubrick film. Steeped in conspiracy theories and strategic imagery the film lives on in the public consciousness but does it leave you feeling cold? Colder than it left Stephen King... and Jack? Or does the film bring the subject material to a new artistic height. Some might say as far as the fake moon landing.

    Kelly, knight of the Stephen King-dom is ready to remind everyone what the book is really about... love! And alcoholism. Aaaand generational trauma. But let's go mostly with love. Can Kelly save Jack Torrence's reputation and motives or is that as impossible as trying to make roque relevant? The topiary animals are at her beck and call, though the furnace is still fussy.

    Whether you'd rather stay in room 217 or room 237, we're all stuck in this resort together. Forever and ever. Just remember it's ok to take a mallet to your family, lock your dad in the pantry, and put a hole in a hotel door with an ax... just leave the bees out of it.

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  • The kids are in school and the weather is turning cool, so how's about we jetset to Italy for a few cocktails and some stolen identity's? Don't worry, we'll be putting it on the Greenleaf tab. Some food for thought: Is Tom Ripley just you classic American who spent too much time studying abroad or is he a dyed in the wool sociopath? Honestly... what's the difference? Book or movie... he comes off as a real Dickie. Which depending on your preference, and his, might leave a bad taste in your mouth.

    Join Kelly and Jim as they riffle through Patricia Highsmith's personal baggage and 1955 thriller The Talented Mr Ripley. Can Kelly defend a misanthropic lesbian... that isn't herself? Sure, it may read at a snails pace but the creepy accuracy might buy it travel points. Or will the charm and talent of Jimmy pull through and justify casting Jude Law as an American? If not maybe tag in Matt Damon and see if he can save the day and all the listeners from a novel that reads more like an antiquated home decor catalogue. How about them apples, Patricia! đŸ€ŒđŸ»đŸ€ŒđŸ»đŸ€ŒđŸ»

    Whether you're reading or watching, hop on in the bath water is still warm!

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  • Even hopelessness is bigger in Texas!

    Welcome to the Wild West of adaptions. The sheriff just quit, the author met the wrong side of a cattle stunner and the Coen brothers can be found at Trader Joe’s. Or so Jimmy and Kelly wish.

    Kelly may be wearing a wishful tin hat surrounding the conspiracy theories surrounding Taylor Swifts sexuality
 but she is decidedly not a Nihilist. Can she defend good writing and profound content despite her aversion to Southern Gothic? Or did Cormac mean to write the book title as No Country for Pagan Femmes?

    The Cohn brothers won the Oscar for Best Picture and created a Western film studied by cinephiles and psychologists alike. Will Jimmy add another accolade to the films repertoire, something like “The Movie Was Better?” Or is that what Best Screen Adaption already implies?

    Well, partner, kindly wiggle out of those handcuffs and abandon your moral code because your mental health might be staked on a coin toss. Book or movie, we’re all gonna end up like Cormac McCarthy.

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  • Blow the dust off your Atari and out from between your ears because we’re about to simulate and stimulate! Who needs real friends when you have Jimmy and Kelly to break down Ready Player One for you? Kelly’s fighter, despite the gamer boy cringe, is Ernest Cline. Jimmy powers up Steven Spielberg. Sure, Ernest Cline may be the 80s Peter Pan, but the man knows how to joust
 and sell an unpublished manuscript. But is that enough to stop Spielberg from taking home the Highest Score with his nostalgia whirlwind of a film? Jim and Kell ate up the Easter eggs in both book & movie like Ms. Pac-Man and they’re hungry for a fight to the Game Over. Curious to see who wins? Well slap on those haptic gloves and goggles cause we’re gonna go backwards really really fast to find out.

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  • We’re ringing in Pride month with the bells from the Handmaiden! Fingers crossed you read this sapphic pastiche before listening, as it’s as twisty and unpredictable as the sex scenes in the film adaption. If this is your first time taking a dip into Sarah Waters, welcome to your first Victorian-era lesbian Dickensian experience! Stuffed with handsome women reading very niche book genres (Maude’s Goodreads must be lit) and a friendly reminder that human rights and dental hygiene are very modern concepts. Or maybe you’d like to trade in the cockney accent and corsets for a very eye opening cultural immersion into 1930s Korea, a la The Handmaiden. From unique camera POV shots, a brief look at the Japanese-Korean conflict, and some new kinds of things to pickle in mason jars
 you’ll be sure to save this for an after-midnight viewing. Director Park Chan-wook manages to take a subject matter and flip it in a way gymnasts would blush. Can you handle it or is the gochujang to spicy for your tastes? Are you the reader or the voyeur? Grab your gal pals because it’s time to hit the library
 or the mad house. It’s a sexy sleepover either way you look at it.

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  • May the month of May be ever in your favor! Odds are, if you’re a kid in a Seeing Read book/movie
 you won’t make it out alive. That’s just fine in Panem where Jim and Kelly have found some high ground to stand on, weapons of choice in hand. Can the Hunger Games book take on its blockbuster movie twin in hand to hand combat? Can both book and movie win the games if they’re from the same District? Not for all the money in the Capitol.

    Jim and Kelly discover that Suzanne Collins workshopped the trauma of her previous job at Nickelodeon into the pages of her beloved trilogy. Her take on child abuse in the media may have had a root somewhere in there, or maybe it’s just the tracker jacker venom speaking. On a lighter (read: blonder) note Jennifer Lawrence brought Katniss Everdeen to the big screen and was devoured by the masses. Did her face lead a revolution or were book readers left with a less violent and emotive version of this YA splash hit? Aim your opinions high and hope you’ll hit your target
 it’s only time before HBO max muttations this into another spin off. Nothing a berry cleanse can’t fix!

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  • Is that your Sixth Sense tingling in anticipation or did you see the Signs coming a mile away?

    Special guest Evan Crean (Spoiler Piece Theatre https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spoilerpiece-theatre/id900473184) joins Kelly and Jim in the breakdown and take away of M Night Shyamalan’s latest attempt at maintaining his legacy. Can he rise above his need to force feed his audience news clips or is that just what comes from buying his Air Fryer (as advertised!)

    It doesn’t take a mathematician to know the end of the world is neigh, but it takes a writer to describe it. Paul Tremblay’s novel Cabin at the End of the World may have had us gripping our homemade weapons till the end
 but was there an end? Or was it just a bunch of overly flowery descriptors that felt more like a hate crime than prose?
    Cozy up in our snug lil cabin and decide who you’ll sacrifice: book or movie?

    We’d be willing sacrifice a loved one to just have some goddamn answers.

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  • There’s no better time to fake being Irish than Saint Patrick’s Day! So, grab some green beer and your 23AndMe results and get ready for an Angela’s Ashes discussion.

    Whether you’re a Galway Girl, Up the Kingdom of Kerry, or get pissed when some eejit refers to the city of Limerick as Stab City, you still have to agree that the Pulitzer award-winning memoir by Frank McCourt earned its accolades. Did the 1999 film by Alan Parker get the tone right
or did the laughter die along with half the family?

    Kelly and Jimmy embrace their roots and do their best to not fake an accent that would set their ancestors rolling in their graves. If you’re an Irish diaspora or hail from the Emerald Island, you must decide if you’re willing to die for the book or the movie. Jimmy will pour you a pint and Kelly has a penny for you
if you promise not to sing about Kevin Barry.

    Warning: this book and movie depict the deaths of multiple children. If this triggers you, best skip this one.

  • If you’re a bird, I’m a bird! Unless you were a book first. Not that any of us will remember by the end of this.

    Jim and Kelly are ready to prove that there’s nothing sexier than a story about the tragedy of aging. Grab a marble notebook, a colored pen and some Viagra cause it’s time to tackle the Notebook.

    Nicholas Sparks found a way to our hearts and a healthy paycheck by way of the romance genre. His sexiness remains refuted by Kelly.

    In 2004 we saw the meteoric rise of the Gos-God and Rachel McAdams in the film adaptation. Somehow making swans and the 1940s seem less aggressive.

    Can a movie do what it’s never done before and ADD character development and plot? Does Jim and James Marsden have a shot at redemption? Can Kelly be moved to tears by the book equivalent to a LiveJournal entry? Or is Ryan Gosling just rowing us all towards a literal and figurative dead end.

    It’s never too late to jot down your steamiest moments with your partner on paper. Just hide it from the kids. They’ll wish to forget it as much as Jim and Kelly did.

  • Happy Anniversary! Every marriage is hard work
 can books and movies compromise or are they doomed to be like the Dunnes? Gillian Flynn served the world a twist to scare the boys for centuries to come while David Fincher delivered a thriller drenched in NPH’s blood. Yes, it’s Gone Girl. Jim and Kelly play a gendered treasure hunt for redeeming qualities in this best seller/blockbuster. It was a win for most people
 but who did it better?

    Kelly takes a page out of Amy’s diary and:

    A) pretends she liked it and says something witty to defend her case
    B) seethes with hatred and tirades about it
    C) ignores the subject matter all together and focuses on Rosamund Pike
    D) fakes her own death and frames Jimmy

    Time to bleed and clean. Bye Felicia!

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  • After the holidays the Armageddon sounds heavenly right about now but why not indulge in some sinfully delightful chit chat? In this end of the year episode Jim and Kelly tackle academically biblical issues like can angels be gay if they are sexless metaphysical beings, is Pollution sexy and is there such a thing as being too British?

    Kelly disassociates for 30 minutes (astral travels) while trying to condense Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s witty though unhinged tale of the Armageddon into a linear format. Jim couldn’t find the end of the novel and wished the four horsemen would just get it over with already. It’s the end of the world as we know it, but we’ve chosen our sides and are ready to battle for the bragging rights. Will team book claim your everlasting soul, or are we all going to hell via an Amazon Prime miniseries?

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  • Where the Crawdads Sing can be stuffed up where the sun don’t shine, for all Jim and Kelly care. Delia Owen’s Marsh Girl was a hit with the book world and Reese Witherspoon brought it to the big screen, too bad both bored your hosts to tears. Kelly defends the book despite wanting to drown it in a swamp and Jim takes the side of movie because it would have saved himself some time from having to have read this. It’s a CGI birds and bad poetry showdown! Ladies, prepare to have your hopes and dreams spoiled by these two battling snobs as they attack your favorite beach read. Don’t worry, you can always chuck one of us off a fire tower and get away with the murder.

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  • Jim and Kelly made some funeral arrangements at the Pet Sematary and there’s a plot or two that needs to be filled. Are you team book? Do you miss the sweet cannibalistic touch of the Wendigo that keeps getting left out of these movies? Proving that “sometimes Read is Bettah?” Or did the movie enGAGE you with it’s extra touch of pus? Just like Church, the movie came back, more evil than before
 but was the twist a success? Join us in the King’s country as we debate the pros and cons to resuscitating our beloved novel.

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  • Join Jim and Kelly on the reading rainbow of pain. F*ght club might not be said explicitly but it’s the subject matter at hand- or fist. Sure it’s an iconic film, but is it an equally twisted book? If you want to keep your balls, choose the right identity. Is it book? Movie? David Fincher or Chuck Palahniuk? Do one of them even exist? Did Kelly even pronounce his name correctly? So sit back, crack open an IKEA catalog and disassociate while your hosts debate if the book or movie was better. Soap up and apply that Neosporin cause it’s time to battle.

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