
  • In episode 3 of the SFTP podcast, Olena and Anna discussed the interview process. We covered the following:

    Overview of the interview stages: screening, technical, behavioral, panel interviews, trial day What each interview stage entails Olena’s and Anna’s best and worst interviews Tips for the interviewers to make the candidate experience better Tips for candidates

    Recommended resources:

    workforfang.com Cracking the coding interview by Gayle Mcdowell
  • In this episode, Olena and Anna talk about CVs.

    Here are the topics we covered:

    Are CVs still needed in the age of LinkedIn Which work experience to include: every job you’ve had or just the most recent jobs? Sharing the stories about weird resumes we’ve seen Our opinions on including education in a CV Tips for making a good resume

    Note: this episode was recorded in June, so life updates at the beginning might seem confusing :)


    STAR framework for describing your experience: https://www.careereducation.columbia.edu/resources/resumes-impact-creating-strong-bullet-points
    Tips for building a good tech CV: https://workforfang.com/cv

    Music used in the episode:
    Scott Holmes Music - Stomps and Claps
    Kevin MacLeod - Backed Vibes Clean
    through freemusicarchive.org

    Connect with us through social media:




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  • In this episode, you meet the podcast hosts Anna Kurylo and Lena Kirichok sharing their experience and world data about the pay gap.

    In this episode, we covered the following topics:

    Defining pay gap and pay equity Pay equity challenges we faced and how we handled them Statistics about the gender pay gap in communities we’re involved in Pay gap implications for women on maternity leave. The gender pay gap and mental health. What effect pay gap has on your work and finances Recommendations to decrease the pay gap at work How to define your worth as an employeeResources: Equal pay — an introductory guide: https://www.ilo.org/global/publications/WCMS_216695/lang--en/index.htm Guidance from California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls about pay equity: https://women.ca.gov/californiapayequity/employers-resources/what-can-i-do-to-promote-a-culture-of-pay-equity/ Gender equality report for Czech Republic (available for all of the EU too): https://eige.europa.eu/publications/gender-equality-index-2020-czechia Pay equity  - A key driver of gender equality https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/@dgreports/@gender/documents/briefingnote/wcms_410196.pdf Pay Equity Key Terms and Definitions Glossary https://curocomp.com/pay-equity-key-terms-glossary/ The gender pay gap is harming women’s health https://theconversation.com/the-gender-pay-gap-is-harming-womens-health-68919