This podcast accompanies and explores four, linked exhibitions on skelf.org.uk, all centred around the theme of ‘Touch’. The exhibitions are:
‘Touch-Type’ by Jenny Dunseath and Kate Squires
‘Two Hypersaline Waters’ by Davinia-Ann Robinson
‘Haptic Registers, Tender Images, Sonic Frequencies’ by Holly Graham
‘Archive of Touches’ by Flora Parrott and Kelly Large
and are all viewable on skelf.org.uk until October, when they will be placed into the archive: skelf.org.uk/S_Q/archive.html
The podcast was written and presented by Mark Beldan and the featured music is by Cleaners From Venus, At Home With Myself: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Cleaners_From_Venus/Blow_Away_Your_Troubles/21_At_Home_With_Myself
Music Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
If you have any questions about the podcast, you can contact us at [email protected]
Further links:
Skelf: www.skelf.org.uk
Mark Beldan: www.markbeldan.com
Claire Undy: www.claireundy.com
Jenny Dunseath: http://jennydunseath.com/HOME
Kate Squires: https://katewsquires.co.uk/
Davinia-Ann Robinson: https://www.daviniaannrobinson.com/
Holly Graham: https://www.hollygraham.co.uk/
Flora Parrott: http://www.floraparrott.com/
This podcast accompanies and explores four, linked exhibitions on skelf.org.uk, all centred around the theme of 'Gesture'. The exhibitions are:
Zoomin' by Richard Phoenix and Robin Smith
Grasp the land by Alice Hartley
Escape From Fireship Cove by Llew Watkins
flower_gift by Frank Kent
and are all viewable on skelf.org.uk until April 2022, when they will be placed into the archive: skelf.org.uk/S_Q/archive.html
The podcast was written and presented by Mark Beldan and the featured music is by Cleaners From Venus, At Home With Myself: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Cleaners_From_Venus/Blow_Away_Your_Troubles/21_At_Home_With_Myself
Music Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
If you have any questions about the podcast, you can contact us at [email protected]
Further links:
Skelf: www.skelf.org.uk
Mark Beldan: www.markbeldan.com
Claire Undy: www.claireundy.com
Alice Hartley: www.alicehartley.net
Llew Watkins: www.whitneycrocodile.com
Richard Phoenix: www.richardphoenix.com
Robin Smith: www.actionspace.org/artists/robin-smith/
Action Space: www.actionspace.org
Kit Grill: www.kitgrill.com
Heart n Soul: www.heartnsoul.co.uk
Missing episodes?
This podcast accompanies and explores four, linked exhibitions on skelf.org.uk, all centred around the theme of 'Movement'.
The exhibitions are:
'Bubbles Together' by Corali
'Summer '21 is Burning' by Laura Rouzet
'Rokoko' by Will Pham
'In Hell Online' by Matthew de Kersaint Giraudeau
and are all viewable on skelf.org.uk until November 2021, when they will be placed into the archive: skelf.org.uk/S_Q/archive.html
The podcast was written and presented by Mark Beldan and the featured music is by Cleaners From Venus, At Home With Myself: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Cleaners_From_Venus/Blow_Away_Your_Troubles/21_At_Home_With_Myself
Music Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
If you have any questions about the podcast, you can contact us at [email protected]
Further links:
Skelf: www.skelf.org.uk
Mark Beldan: www.markbeldan.com
Claire Undy: www.claireundy.com
Corali: https://www.corali.org.uk/
John Atterbury: http://cargocollective.com/johnatterbury/About
Laura Rouzet: https://www.laurarouzet.com/
Will Pham: https://willpham.co.uk/
Matthew de Kersaint Giraudeau: https://www.dekersaint.com/
This podcast accompanies the eighth in a quarterly series of exhibitions. 'no-longer-being-able-to-be-able' is an exhibition curated by Hang Li. It launched on October 21st 2020 and features the work of Babeworld (Ashleigh Williams and Georgina Tyson), Meech Boakye, Joshua Citarella, DANK Collective (Grant Bingham, Tori Carr, James D. Hopkins, Ian Williamson, and Zen Khalid), DIRD ( Zijing Zhao and Rui Shi), Emma Finn, Anna Frijstein, Max Grau, Mina Heydari-Waite, Sae Yeoun Hwang, Judit Kis, Simona Me., Donatella Della Ratta, Frankie Roberts, Geraldine Snell.
The exhibition will be on www.skelf.org.uk until January 2021, and archived on the site thereafter.
The podcast was written and presented by Mark Beldan and the featured music is by Cleaners From Venus, At Home With Myself: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Cleaners_From_Venus/Blow_Away_Your_Troubles/21_At_Home_With_Myself
Music Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
If you have any questions about the podcast, you can contact us at [email protected]
Protect & Survive 2.0 (2016) was made by Emma Finn, Mina Heydari-Waite and Francis Dosoo
Further links:
Skelf: www.skelf.org.uk
Mark Beldan: www.markbeldan.com
Claire Undy: www.claireundy.com
Sae Yeoun Hwang Sae Yeoun Hwang Geraldine Snell Geraldine Snell Judit Kis Judit Kis Anna Frijstein Anna Frijstein Meech Boakye Meech Boakye Frankie Roberts Frankie Roberts DANK DANK Joshua Citarella Joshua Citarella Emma Finn Emma Finn Mina Heydari Waite Mina Heydari Waite Babeworld Babeworld Max Grau Max Grau Simona Me. Simona Me. DIRD DIRD -
This podcast accompanies the seventh in a quarterly series of exhibitions. 'Ways & Means' is an exhibition of new work by 19 artists selected from an open call, and made during the Coronavirus pandemic. It launched on July 22nd 2020 and features the work of Katrina Brown, Zoe Chronis, Kevin Claiborne, Sophie Cunningham, Evangelia Dimitrakopoulou, Ariel Dong, Laura Jost, John Lawrence, Leap Then Look, Elin Lindecrantz, Sam Meredith, Alisa Oleva, Tom Patel, Scott Pearce, Ania Ready, Sarah Roberts, Laura Rouzet, Kate Squires & Jenny Dunseath and Aidan Strudwick.
The exhibition will be on www.skelf.org.uk until October 20th 2020, and archived on the site thereafter.
The podcast was written and presented by Mark Beldan and the featured music is by Cleaners From Venus, At Home With Myself: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Cleaners_From_Venus/Blow_Away_Your_Troubles/21_At_Home_With_Myself
Music Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
If you have any questions about the podcast, you can contact us at [email protected]
Further links:
Skelf: www.skelf.org.uk
Mark Beldan: www.markbeldan.com
Claire Undy: www.claireundy.com
Katrina Brown www.katrinabrown.net
Zoe Chronis www.zoechronis.com
Kevin Claiborne www.kevinclaiborne.com
Sophie Cunningham www.sophiecunninghamartist.com
Evangelia Dimitrakopoulou www.evangeliadimitrakopoulou.com
Ariel Dong www.arield.space
John Lawrence www.instagram.com/johnlawrenceisanartist
Leap Then Look www.leapthenlook.org.uk
Elin Lindecrant www.instagram.com/elin_lindecrantz
Sam Meredith www.sammeredith.com
Alisa Oleva www.olevaalisa.com
Tom Patel www.instagram.com/tom_patel_
Scott Pearce www.scottpearceart.wordpress.com
Ania Ready www.aniaready.com
Sarah Roberts www.sarahrobertsfa.com
Laura Rouzet www.laurarouzet.com
Kate Squires & Jenny Dunseath
Aidan Strudwick https://www.aidanstrudwick.com/
This podcast accompanies the sixth in a quarterly series of exhibitions. 'You're in a computer game, Max!' launched on April 22nd 2020 and was curated by James Irwin, featuring the work of Katriona Beales, Daria Blum, Robert Cervera, Gibson/Martelli, Keiken, Bill Leslie, Jonas Pequeno and Daniel Shanken.
The exhibition will be on www.skelf.org.uk until July 21st 2020, and archived on the site thereafter.
The podcast was written and presented by Mark Beldan and the featured music is by Cleaners From Venus, At Home With Myself: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Cleaners_From_Venus/Blow_Away_Your_Troubles/21_At_Home_With_Myself
Music Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
If you have any questions about the podcast, you can contact us at [email protected]
Further links:
Skelf: www.skelf.org.uk
Mark Beldan: www.markbeldan.com
Katriona Beales: http://www.katrionabeales.com/Daria Blum: https://www.dariablum.com/Robert Cervera: http://www.robertcervera.com/Gibson/Martelli: http://gibsonmartelli.com/Keiken: https://www.instagram.com/_keiken_/?hl=enBill Leslie: http://www.billleslie.co.uk/Jonas Pequeno: https://www.jonaspequeno.com/Daniel Shanken: http://www.dshanken.com/ -
This podcast accompanies the fifth in a quarterly series of exhibitions. 'ISLAND' launched on January 22nd 2020 and was curated by SWAP Editions, featuring the work of Ruth Chambers, Daniel Clark, Philip Crewe, Jake Francis, Ed French, Helen Grove-White, Jack Holme, Tim Offredi & Mez Kerr Jones, Shir Raz and Sara Trillo.
The exhibition will be on www.skelf.org.uk until April 21st 2020, and archived on the site thereafter.
The podcast was written and presented by Mark Beldan and the featured music is by Cleaners From Venus, At Home With Myself: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Cleaners_From_Venus/Blow_Away_Your_Troubles/21_At_Home_With_Myself
Music Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
If you have any questions about the podcast, you can contact us at [email protected]
Further links:
Skelf: www.skelf.org.uk
Mark Beldan: www.markbeldan.com
SWAP Editions: https://www.swaparteditions.com/
Robin Tarbet: http://robintarbet.com/
Ruth Chambers: https://www.ruthchambers.net/
Daniel Clark: http://danielclark.xyz/
Philip Crewe: https://www.instagram.com/espergaerde/
Jake Francis: http://www.jakefrancisart.com/
Ed French: https://www.instagram.com/edfrenchart/
Helen Grove-White: https://www.helengrovewhite.co.uk/
Jack Holme: https://halfmastgazette.com/
Tim Offredi & Mez Kerr Jones: https://mezkerrjones.com/ & https://timoffredi.com/
Shir Raz: https://shir-raz.com/
Sara Trillo: https://www.saratrillo.co.uk/
This podcast accompanies the fourth in a quarterly series of exhibitions. 'Online Presents' launched on October 23rd 2019 and was curated by Jessy Jetpacks, featuring the work of Shannon Byrom, Kara Chin, Yuemeng Ge, James Irwin, Lidija Kononenko, Ria Martin, Grace Payne, Rachel Povey, David Reynolds, Tabita Rezaire and Hanna Tuulikki.
The exhibition will be on www.skelf.org.uk until January 21st 2020, and archived on the site thereafter.
The podcast was written and presented by Mark Beldan and the featured music is by Cleaners From Venus, At Home With Myself: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Cleaners_From_Venus/Blow_Away_Your_Troubles/21_At_Home_With_Myself
Music Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
If you have any questions about the podcast, you can contact us at [email protected]
Further links:
Skelf: www.skelf.org.uk
Mark Beldan: www.markbeldan.com
Jessy Jetpacks: www.jessyjetpacks.com
Shannon Byrom: https://vimeo.com/theshannonbyrom
Kara Chin: https://www.karachin.co.uk/
Yuemeng Ge: https://vimeo.com/geyuemeng
James Irwin: http://www.jamesirwin.net/
Lidija Kononenko: https://lidijakononenko.com/
Ria Martin: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl2BpWdCXTm8ktQ8FEU4Y3g
Grace Payne: https://vimeo.com/gracepayne
Rachel Povey: https://www.rca.ac.uk/students/rachel-povey/
Tabita Rezaire: https://vimeo.com/tabitarezaire
Hanna Tuulikki: http://www.hannatuulikki.org/
Skelf is a virtual project space, located at www.skelf.org.uk.
This podcast accompanies the third in a quarterly series of exhibitions. 'Bounds' launched on July 17th 2019 and was curated by Cypher Billboard, featuring the work of Larry Achiampong, Bounds Green School, EILIS+JAKOB, Holly Graham, Erin Hughes, Jennifer Martin, Dan Mitchell, Milly Peck, Francesca Tamse, Skeuomorph and soft/WALL/studs.
The exhibition will be on www.skelf.org.uk until October 22nd 2019, and archived on the site thereafter.
The podcast was written and presented by Mark Beldan and the featured music is by Cleaners From Venus, At Home With Myself: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Cleaners_From_Venus/Blow_Away_Your_Troubles/21_At_Home_With_Myself
Music Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
If you have any questions about the podcast, you can contact us at [email protected]
Further links:
Skelf: www.skelf.org.uk
Mark Beldan: www.markbeldan.com
Cypher Billboard: www.cypherbillboard.comEilis + Jakob: http://eilissearson.com/
Jennifer Martin: http://www.jennifer-martin.co.uk/
soft/WALL/studs: https://softwallstuds.space/
Dan Mitchell: http://danmitchellart.tumblr.com
Larry Achaimpong: https://www.larryachiampong.co.uk/
Holly Graham: www.hollygraham.co.uk
Erin Hughes: www.erinlaurahughes.com
Milly Peck: www.millypeck.com
Amba Sayal-Bennet: www.ambasb.com
Francesca Tamse: https://www.francescatamse.com/Art Licks: www.artlicks.com
Skelf is a virtual project space, located at www.skelf.org.uk.
This podcast accompanies the second in a quarterly series of exhibitions. 'Al Dente' launched on April 17th 2019 and was curated by John Walter and featuring the work of Anna Brass, Diana Taylor, Dominic Dispirito, Edward Kay, Jiadong (Pete) Qiang, Michal Raz and Robert Holyhead.
The exhibition will be on www.skelf.org.uk until July 16th 2019, and archived on the site thereafter.
The podcast was written and presented by Mark Beldan and the featured music is by Cleaners From Venus, At Home With Myself: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Cleaners_From_Venus/Blow_Away_Your_Troubles/21_At_Home_With_Myself
Music Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
Please note, this podcast contains some swearing.
If you have any questions about the podcast, you can contact us at [email protected]
Further links:
Skelf www.skelf.org.ukMark Beldan www.markbeldan.comJohn Walter www.johnwalter.netAnna Brass http://annabrass.com/Diana Taylor https://www.dianataylor.co.uk/Dominic Dispirito http://www.annkakultys.com/artists/dominic-dispirito/Edward Kay http://www.robtufnell.com/Artists%27%20pages/Edward%20Kay/edwardkay1.htmlJiadong (Pete) Qiang http://jiadongqiang.co.uk/Michal Raz https://www.michal-raz.com/Robert Holyhead http://www.robertholyhead.com/
Skelf is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
Skelf is a virtual project space, located at www.skelf.org.uk.
This podcast accompanies the first of a quarterly series of exhibitions. 'Our Skins are Porous Too' launched on January 16th 2019 and was curated by Adam J B Walker and featuring the work of Alessandra Ferrini, Bogdan Moroz, Eliot Jones, Naomi Ellis, Name Surname, Olga Fedorova, Shir Raz and Timothy Cape.
The exhibition will be on www.skelf.org.uk until April 16th 2019, and archived on the site thereafter.
The podcast was written and presented by Mark Beldan and the featured music is by Cleaners From Venus, At Home With Myself: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Cleaners_From_Venus/Blow_Away_Your_Troubles/21_At_Home_With_Myself
Music Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
Further links:Mark Beldan: markbeldan.com
Adam J B Walker: www.adamjbwalker.co.uk
Alessandra Ferrini: www.alessandraferrini.info
Bogdan Moroz: morozbogdan.com
Eliot Jones: www.eliotjones.co.uk
Naomi Ellis: www.naomi-ellis.comShir Raz: www.shir-raz.com
Timothy Cape: timothycape.net
Pitcairn Islands Tourism: www.visitpitcairn.pn
Radio Ghetto: radioghettovocilibere.wordpress.com
Skelf is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
An introductory episode for the new Skelf Podcast by Mark Beldan.
Skelf is a virtual project space, located at www.skelf.org.uk. In 2019 it will launch a quarterly series of exhibitions- the first of which will be curated by Adam JB Walker, and launch on January 16th. Episode One of the podcast will launch simultaneously and further explore the ideas within this exhibition.
Skelf is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.